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The penultimate step in the pathway of riboflavin biosynthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme lumazine synthase (LS). One of the most distinctive characteristics of this enzyme is the structural quaternary divergence found in different species. The protein exists as pentameric and icosahedral forms, built from practically the same structural monomeric unit. The pentameric structure is formed by five 18-kDa monomers, each extensively contacting neighboring monomers. The icosahedrical structure consists of 60 LS monomers arranged as 12 pentamers giving rise to a capsid exhibiting icosahedral 532 symmetry. In all lumazine synthases studied, the topologically equivalent active sites are located at the interfaces between adjacent subunits in the pentameric modules. The Brucella sp. lumazine synthase (BLS) sequence clearly diverges from pentameric and icosahedric enzymes. This unusual divergence prompted us to further investigate its quaternary arrangement. In the present work, we demonstrate by means of solution light scattering and x-ray structural analyses that BLS assembles as a very stable dimer of pentamers, representing a third category of quaternary assembly for lumazine synthases. We also describe by spectroscopic studies the thermodynamic stability of this oligomeric protein and postulate a mechanism for dissociation/unfolding of this macromolecular assembly. The higher molecular order of BLS increases its stability 20 degrees C compared with pentameric lumazine synthases. The decameric arrangement described in this work highlights the importance of quaternary interactions in the stabilization of proteins.  相似文献   

Aiming to combine the flexibility of Brucella lumazine synthase (BLS) to adapt different protein domains in a decameric structure and the capacity of BLS and flagellin to enhance the immunogenicity of peptides that are linked to their structure, we generated a chimeric protein (BLS‐FliC131) by fusing flagellin from Salmonella in the N‐termini of BLS. The obtained protein was recognized by anti‐flagellin and anti‐BLS antibodies, keeping the oligomerization capacity of BLS, without affecting the folding of the monomeric protein components determined by circular dichroism. Furthermore, the thermal stability of each fusion partner is conserved, indicating that the interactions that participate in its folding are not affected by the genetic fusion. Besides, either in vitro or in vivo using TLR5‐deficient animals we could determine that BLS‐FliC131 retains the capacity of triggering TLR5. The humoral response against BLS elicited by BLS‐FliC131 was stronger than the one elicited by equimolar amounts of BLS + FliC. Since BLS scaffold allows the generation of hetero‐decameric structures, we expect that flagellin oligomerization on this protein scaffold will generate a new vaccine platform with enhanced capacity to activate immune responses.  相似文献   

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a deadly infectious disease caused by SARS Coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Inactivated SARS-CoV has been explored as a vaccine against SARS-CoV. However, safe and potent adjuvants, especially with more efficient and economical needle-free vaccination are always needed more urgently in a pandemic. The development of a safe and effective mucosal adjuvant and vaccine for prevention of emergent infectious diseases such as SARS will be an important advancement. PIKA, a stabilized derivative of Poly (I:C), was previously reported to be safe and potent as adjuvant in mouse models. In the present study, we demonstrated that the intraperitoneal and intranasal co-administration of inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine together with this improved Poly (I:C) derivative induced strong anti-SARS-CoV mucosal and systemic humoral immune responses with neutralizing activity against pseudotyped virus. Although intraperitoneal immunization of inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine alone could induce a certain level of neutralizing activity in serum as well as in mucosal sites, co-administration of inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine with PIKA as adjuvant could induce a much higher neutralizing activity. When intranasal immunization was used, PIKA was obligatorily for inducing neutralizing activity in serum as well as in mucosal sites and was correlated with both mucosal IgA and mucosal IgG response. Overall, PIKA could be a good mucosal adjuvant candidate for inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine for use in possible future pandemic.  相似文献   

Oral tolerance is being promoted as a therapy for autoimmune diseases and therefore will need to be functional in a primed immune system. In previous studies, we found that although primed mice could be tolerized by feeding ovalbumin (OVA), the degree of the tolerance and its effects on individual components of the systemic immune response were more limited than that found in naive animals. Here we increased the dose and frequency of antigen feeding in an attempt to extend the effects of oral tolerance in primed mice and to understand why its effects are limited under these conditions. Increasing the amounts of OVA fed, up to a single dose of 400 mg, or using multiple feeds of 5 x 5 or 5 x 25 mg OVA, did not radically alter the extent of tolerance, with DTH responses, antigen-specific proliferation, and IL5 and IFN-gamma production still being tolerized, but antibody responses remaining generally resistant. The deficient tolerance in primed mice could not be overcome by waiting for maximum clonal expansion to wane and was not influenced by persistent release of antigen from a depot adjuvant. We conclude that the resistance of primed mice to oral tolerance may be due to the fact that antigen-experienced T cells may be inherently resistant to induction of tolerance, or that the microenvironment of the primed immune system inhibits the delivery of tolerogenic signals to antigen-specific T cells.  相似文献   

Lumazine synthases have been observed in the form of pentamers, dimers of pentamers, icosahedral capsids consisting of 60 subunits and larger capsids with unknown molecular structure. Here we describe the analysis of the assembly of native and mutant forms of lumazine synthases from Bacillus subtilis and Aquifex aeolicus at various pH values and in the presence of different buffers using small angle X-ray scattering and electron microscopy. Both wild-type lumazine synthases are able to form capsids with a diameter of roughly 160 A and larger capsids with diameters of around 300 A. The relative abundance of smaller and larger capsids is strongly dependent on buffer and pH. Both forms can co-exist and are in some cases accompanied by other incomplete or deformed capsids. Several mutants of the B. subtilis lumazine synthase, in which residues in or close to the active site were replaced, as well as an insertion mutant of A. aeolicus lumazine synthase form partially or exclusively larger capsids with a diameter of about 300 A. The mutations also reduce or inhibit enzymatic activity, suggesting that the catalytic function of the enzyme is tightly correlated with its quaternary structure. The data show that multiple assembly forms are a general feature of lumazine synthases.  相似文献   

The primary habitats of oral veillonellae are the tongue, dental plaque, and the buccal mucosa. Isolates were obtained from each habitat and tested for coaggregation with a battery of other oral bacterial strains. All 59 tongue isolates tested for coaggregation were Veillonella atypica or Veillonella dispar. All but one of them coaggregated with strains of Streptococcus salivarius, a predominant inhabitant of the tongue surface but not subgingival dental plaque. These tongue isolates were unable to coaggregate with most normal members of the subgingival flora such as Actinomyces viscosus, Actinomyces naeslundii, Actinomyces israelii, and Streptococcus sanguis. In contrast, 24 of 29 Veillonella isolates, of which 20 were Veillonella parvula from subgingival dental plaque samples, coaggregated strongly with the three species of Actinomyces, S. sanguis, and other bacteria usually present in subgingival plaque, but they did not coaggregate with S. salivarius. The majority of isolates from the buccal mucosa (42 of 55) has coaggregation properties like those from the tongue. These results indicate that the three human oral Veillonella species are distributed on oral surfaces that are also occupied by their coaggregation partners and thus provide strong evidence that coaggregation plays a critical role in the bacterial ecology of the oral cavity.  相似文献   

A serologic survey of blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus Burchell) and African buffalo (Syncerus caffer Sparrman) in the Masai Mara area was conducted. Antibodies to Brucella spp. were found in 18% of the blue wildebeest and 30% of the African buffalo examined. There were titers in all age groups and in both sexes. Hygromata were seen in both species. The increase in numbers of blue wildebeest and African buffalo which share grazing and watering areas with cattle of the Masai people, makes the presence of infections by Brucella spp. in wildlife an important consideration in any program for control of brucellosis.  相似文献   

Microcycle conidiation in Trichoderma hamatum and T. harzianum has been achieved in complete darkness for the first time. The time required for mass conidiation without intervening vegetative growth was decreased to 24 h instead of 6 to 7 days. The conidia produced by microcycle conidiation were viable and had pigmentation and antagonistic behaviour similar to those of the parental stock cultures.N. Khurana, R.K. Saxena, R. Gupta and R.C. Kuhad are with the Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi-110021, India.  相似文献   

Functional delivery of mRNA has high clinical potential. Previous studies established that mRNAs can be delivered to cells in vitro and in vivo via RNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). Here we describe an alternative approach using exosomes, the only biologically normal nanovesicle. In contrast to LNPs, which elicited pronounced cellular toxicity, exosomes had no adverse effects in vitro or in vivo at any dose tested. Moreover, mRNA-loaded exosomes were characterized by efficient mRNA encapsulation (∼90%), high mRNA content, consistent size, and a polydispersity index under 0.2. Using an mRNA encoding the red light-emitting luciferase Antares2, we observed that mRNA-loaded exosomes were superior to mRNA-loaded LNPs at delivering functional mRNA into human cells in vitro. Injection of Antares2 mRNA-loaded exosomes also led to strong light emission following injection into the vitreous fluid of the eye or into the tissue of skeletal muscle in mice. Furthermore, we show that repeated injection of Antares2 mRNA-loaded exosomes drove sustained luciferase expression across six injections spanning at least 10 weeks, without evidence of signal attenuation or adverse injection site responses. Consistent with these findings, we observed that exosomes loaded with mRNAs encoding immunogenic forms of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Nucleocapsid proteins induced long-lasting cellular and humoral responses to both. Taken together, these results demonstrate that exosomes can be used to deliver functional mRNA to and into cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Brucella spp. are facultative intracellular pathogens that have the ability to survive and multiply in professional and non-professional phagocytes, and cause abortion in domestic animals and undulant fever in humans. Several species are recognized within the genus Brucella and this classification is mainly based on the difference in pathogenicity and in host preference. Brucella strains may occur as either smooth or rough, expressing smooth LPS (S-LPS) or rough LPS (R-LPS) as major surface antigen. This bacterium possesses an unconventional non-endotoxic lipopolysaccharide that confers resistance to anti-microbial attacks and modulates the host immune response. The strains that are pathogenic for humans (B. abortus, B. suis, B. melitensis) carry a smooth LPS involved in the virulence of these bacteria. The LPS O-chain protects the bacteria from cellular cationic peptides, oxygen metabolites and complement-mediated lysis and it is a key molecule for Brucella survival and replication in the host. Here, we review i) Brucella LPS structure; ii) Brucella genome, iii) genes involved in LPS biosynthesis; iv) the interaction between LPS and innate immunity.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Rev-1 strain of Brucella melitensis were used in a Western blotting assay for the serological diagnosis of brucellosis in ovine sera. Fifty-four sheep sera were tested and divided into the following groups: Group A) n. 9 samples from one sheep that had been experimentally infected with Y. enterocolitica O:9; Group B) n. 10 samples collected from sheep infected with Brucella melitensis and 1 sample from a sheep vaccinated with the Rev 1 strain; Group C) n. 10 samples collected in "officially brucellosis-free" herds; Group D) n. 12 samples classified as "suspicious"; Group E) n. 12 samples classified as "positive". Antibodies were detected by routine tests performed for the diagnosis of brucellosis in serum samples of the sheep infected with Y. enterocolitica O:9 after the 2nd week post infection. In the WB assay, sera of group B recognised a 17 kDa protein, whereas sera of groups A, and D and 9 out of 12 of group E exhibited no reactivity to this protein. The results obtained encourage the use of the WB assay as a confirmatory test for the diagnosis of brucellosis.  相似文献   

The primary habitats of oral veillonellae are the tongue, dental plaque, and the buccal mucosa. Isolates were obtained from each habitat and tested for coaggregation with a battery of other oral bacterial strains. All 59 tongue isolates tested for coaggregation were Veillonella atypica or Veillonella dispar. All but one of them coaggregated with strains of Streptococcus salivarius, a predominant inhabitant of the tongue surface but not subgingival dental plaque. These tongue isolates were unable to coaggregate with most normal members of the subgingival flora such as Actinomyces viscosus, Actinomyces naeslundii, Actinomyces israelii, and Streptococcus sanguis. In contrast, 24 of 29 Veillonella isolates, of which 20 were Veillonella parvula from subgingival dental plaque samples, coaggregated strongly with the three species of Actinomyces, S. sanguis, and other bacteria usually present in subgingival plaque, but they did not coaggregate with S. salivarius. The majority of isolates from the buccal mucosa (42 of 55) has coaggregation properties like those from the tongue. These results indicate that the three human oral Veillonella species are distributed on oral surfaces that are also occupied by their coaggregation partners and thus provide strong evidence that coaggregation plays a critical role in the bacterial ecology of the oral cavity.  相似文献   

Young vertebrates have limited capacity to synthesize antibodies and are dependent on the protection of maternally transmitted antibodies for humoral disease resistance early in life. However, mothers may enhance fitness by priming their offspring's immune systems to elevate disease resistance. Transgenerational induced defences have been documented in plants and invertebrates, but maternal priming of offspring immunity in vertebrates has been essentially neglected. To test the ability of mothers to stimulate the immune systems of offspring, we manipulated maternal and offspring antigen exposure in a wild population of birds, pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). We show that immunization of the mother before egg laying apparently stimulates a transgenerational defence against pathogens by elevating endogenous offspring antibody production. If the disease environments encountered by mothers and offspring are similar, this transgenerational immune priming may allow young to better cope with the local pathogen fauna.  相似文献   

Azithromycin extended release (Zmax, Pfizer Inc) is a novel single-dose administration formulation of azithromycin which won FDA approval in June 2005 and is currently approved for the treatment of community acquired pneumonia and acute bacterial sinusitis. Azitromycin is incorporated into sustained-release microspheres which release the drug slowly through 200 microm pores. Because of this sustained release mechanism, most of the drug is released into the lower gastrointestinal tract, reducing gastrointestinal side-effects, and allowing for a higher dose to be administered. The unique pharmacological properties and extremely long half-life of azithromycin make this drug well suited to single-dose administration but gastrointestinal side effects have previously hampered single-dose therapy.  相似文献   

Brucella, the causative agent of brucellosis, a major zoonotic disease affecting a broad range of mammals, is a gram-negative bacterium whose virulence is dependent on the capacity to attach and invade different cells of the host. The bacterium is able to infect through a diverse repertoire of epitheliums: skin, airways or gastric. Although much has been studied on the mechanisms Brucella uses to establish an intracellular replication niche, almost none is known on how the bacterium adheres and invades host cells. We report here the identification of a pathogenicity island that harbors a gene homologous to proteins with bacterial immunoglobulin-like domains present in other pathogens that play a role in attachment and invasion. Deletion of the entire island results in a mutant with a reduced attachment capacity measured by intracellular replication and adhesion assays. Intraperitoneal and oral experimental infection of mice strongly suggests that this island plays a role during the oral infection probably mediating attachment and trespassing of the gastric epithelium to establish a systemic infection.  相似文献   

Brucella is an expanding genus of major zoonotic pathogens, including at least 10 genetically very close species occupying a wide range of niches from soil to wildlife, livestock, and humans. Recently, we have shown that in the new species Brucella microti, the glutamate decarboxylase (Gad)-dependent system (GAD system) contributes to survival at a pH of 2.5 and also to infection in mice by the oral route. In order to study the functionality of the GAD system in the genus Brucella, 47 isolates, representative of all known species and strains of this genus, and 16 strains of the closest neighbor genus, Ochrobactrum, were studied using microbiological, biochemical, and genetic approaches. In agreement with the genome sequences, the GAD system of classical species was not functional, unlike that of most strains of Brucella ceti, Brucella pinnipedialis, and newly described species (B. microti, Brucella inopinata BO1, B. inopinata-like BO2, and Brucella sp. isolated from bullfrogs). In the presence of glutamate, these species were more acid resistant in vitro than classical terrestrial brucellae. Expression in trans of the gad locus from representative Brucella species in the Escherichia coli MG1655 mutant strain lacking the GAD system restored the acid-resistant phenotype. The highly conserved GAD system of the newly described or atypical Brucella species may play an important role in their adaptation to acidic external and host environments. Furthermore, the GAD phenotype was shown to be a useful diagnostic tool to distinguish these latter Brucella strains from Ochrobactrum and from classical terrestrial pathogenic Brucella species, which are GAD negative.  相似文献   

In our previous studies, it was demonstrated that the activity of a ribozyme in vivo was governed by several parameters, which include a high level-expression of ribozyme, the intracellular stability of the ribozyme and colocalization of the ribozyme with its target RNA in the same cellular compartment. To generate ribozymes with significant activity in vivo, we have developed a ribozyme-expression system based on a human tRNA(Val) promoter. Our tRNA-embedded ribozymes produced by our ribozyme-expression system remain relatively stable in cultured cells with half-lives longer than 30 min. Moreover, tRNA-ribozymes with a cloverleaf structure were efficiently exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where they would effectively cleave target RNAs. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between the secondary structure of the tRNA-ribozymes and the transport efficacy of them in mammalian cells by using a screening system in vivo. Furthermore, we also investigated the mechanism of the export of tRNA-embedded ribozymes both in mammalian cells and in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoproteins of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2, with the exception of glycoprotein G, elicit cross-reactive B- and T-cell responses. Human vaccine trials, using the cross-reactive glycoproteins B and D, have shown no protection against genital HSV-2 infection or disease. In this study, the mature form of glycoprotein G (mgG-2) of HSV-2 was used for immunization of mice, either alone or in combination with adjuvant CpG, followed by an intravaginal challenge with a lethal dose of a fully virulent HSV-2 strain. Mice immunized with mgG-2 plus CpG showed low disease scores and a significantly higher survival rate (73%) than mice immunized with mgG-2 alone (20%) or controls (0%). Accordingly, limited numbers of infectious HSV-2 particles were detected in the spinal cord of mice immunized with mgG-2 plus CpG. The observed protection was associated with a gamma interferon (IFN-γ) response by splenic CD4(+) T cells upon antigen restimulation in vitro and in vaginal washes 1 day postinfection. The majority of sera collected from mice immunized with mgG-2 plus CpG showed macrophage-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent complement-mediated cytolysis, while no neutralization activity was observed. In conclusion, we have shown that immunization with the type-specific mgG-2 protein in combination with CpG could elicit protective immunity against an otherwise lethal vaginal HSV-2 challenge. The mgG-2 protein may therefore constitute a promising HSV-2 vaccine antigen to be considered for future human trials.  相似文献   

Mucosally active vaccine adjuvants that will prime a full range of local and systemic immune responses against defined antigenic epitopes are much needed. Cholera toxin and lipophilic immune stimulating complexes (ISCOMS) containing Quil A can both act as adjuvants for orally administered Ags, possibly by targeting different APCs. Recently, we have been successful in separating the adjuvant and toxic effects of cholera toxin by constructing a gene fusion protein, CTA1-DD, that combines the enzymatically active CTA1-subunit with a B cell-targeting moiety, D, derived from Staphylococcus aureus protein A. Here we have extended this work by combining CTA1-DD with ISCOMS, which normally target dendritic cells and/or macrophages. ISCOMS containing a fusion protein comprising the OVA(323-339) peptide epitope linked to CTA1-DD were highly immunogenic when given in nanogram doses by the s.c., oral, or nasal routes, inducing a wide range of T cell-dependent immune responses. In contrast, ISCOMS containing the enzymatically inactive CTA1-R7K-DD mutant protein were much less effective, indicating that at least part of the activity of the combined vector requires the ADP-ribosylating property of CTA1. No toxicity was observed by any route. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the successful combination of two mechanistically different principles of adjuvant action. We conclude that rationally designed vectors consisting of CTA1-DD and ISCOMS may provide a novel strategy for the generation of potent and safe mucosal vaccines.  相似文献   

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