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C3a anaphylatoxin is derived from the third component (C3) of the blood complement system. Selective proteolysis of C3 by activated proenzymes indigenous to blood generates the C3a fragment. Human C3a was isolated from inulin-activated serum containing 6-aminohexanoic acid, according to recently published procedures (Hugli, T. E., Vallota, E., and Müller-Eberhard, H. J. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 1472-1498). The human C3a fragment is a highly cationic molecule exhibiting an approximate molecular weight of 9000 and composed of 77 amino acid residues. It consists of a single polypeptide chain containing 8% cysteine and lacks both tryptophan and carbohydrate. A tentative primary structure for the human C3a molecule, deduced from overlapping peptides obtained after cyanogen bromide cleavage, tryptic and chymotryptic digestion, is: See article. Two cystelhylcysteine sequences were established at positions 22, 23 and 56, 57 in human C3a. The 6 half-cystine residues in C3a are all interconnected through three disulfide linkages intersecting in a disulfide knot. The functionally amino acid residues distributed among 14 residues at the COOH-terminal end of C3a. This unusually cationic COOH-terminal region of C3a is presumed to play an important role in the interaction of this protein molecule with cellular receptors. A comparison between the linear sequence of human C3a and the NH2-terminal sequences of light and heavy chains of human immunoglobulin indicates that limited identity exists.  相似文献   

We have discovered and characterized a kallikrein-like latent serine protease in intact human erythrocytes and ghosts. The enzyme is activatable by trypsin. The solubilized enzyme has esterolytic activity with a pH optimum of 9; but the membrane-associated activity increases almost linearly up to pH 10. The activated enzyme releases kinin from bovine low molecular weight kininogen. Enzyme activity is inhibited by TosLysCH2Cl , phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, aprotinin and amiloride, and weakly by soybean or lima bean trypsin inhibitor. It is inhibited by Co2+, Zn2+ and Mn2+ but is stimulated by Fe2+, deoxycholate and phospholipase A2. An erythrocyte membrane protein (Mr = 88,000) with an active site serine residue was identified with [14C]-diisopropylphosphorofluoridate labeling. Consistent with the finding of tryptic activation of the latent erythrocyte serine protease, trypsin treatment reduced the density of labeling of this protein and revealed a lower molecular weight form (Mr = 64,000). Possible relationships between the activity of this newly identified serine protease and events such as erythrocyte membrane ion fluxes might be of interest.  相似文献   

Structures of sugar chains of the third component of human complement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human C3, the third component of human complement, contained mannose and N-acetylglucosamine as sugar components. The sugar chains were liberated from the polypeptide chains by hydrazinolysis, and the free amino groups were N-acetylated. The reducing end residues of the sugar chains thus obtained were tagged with 2-aminopyridine, and the pyridylamino (PA-) derivatives of sugar chains were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The structures of purified PA-sugar chains were analyzed by a combination of stepwise exoglycosidase digestions, size determination by paper electrophoresis, methylation analysis, Smith degradation, and partial acetolysis. These results showed that C3 contained two high-mannose type sugar chains ranging from Man5GlcNAc2 to Man9GlcNAc2. Analyses of the sugar chains of alpha- and beta-chains of C3 indicated that the alpha-chain contained mainly Man8GlcNAc2 and Man9GlcNAc2, while the beta-chain contained mainly Man5GlcNAc2 and Man6GlcNAc2.  相似文献   

We report here that complement receptor type one (CR1) binds to a region of C3b that is contained within the NH2 terminus of the alpha' chain. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, CR1 bound to C3b, iC3b, and C3c but not to C3d, and this binding was inhibited by soluble C3b and C3c. Further attempts to generate a small C3 fragment capable of binding CR1 were unsuccessful. However, elastase degradation of C3 generated four species of C3c (C3c I-IV), two of which bound CR1. NH2-terminal sequence analysis and sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis of the C3cs indicated that the beta chains and the 40,000-dalton COOH-terminal alpha' chain fragments were identical; the NH2-terminal alpha' chain fragments of C3c I-IV varied from 21,000 to 27,000 daltons and accounted for the differential binding to CR1. C3c-I and II, which do not bind CR1, were missing 8 and 9 residues from the NH2 terminus of the alpha' chain when compared with the intact alpha' chain of C3b. C3c-III and IV, which bind CR1, had NH2 termini identical to the intact NH2-terminal alpha' chain of C3b. Using iodinated concanavalin A and endoglycosidase H, we showed that the NH2-terminal alpha' chains of C3c-I and III were glycosylated, while C3c-II and IV were not. Therefore, these data indicated that the amino terminus of the NH2-terminal alpha' chain fragment of C3c was responsible for binding CR1 while the COOH terminus of this fragment was not involved since the presence or absence of this region in C3c did not affect CR1 binding to C3c. Subsequently, two peptides were synthesized from the NH2-terminal alpha' chain fragment of C3c: X42, 42 residues in length from the NH2 terminus and C30, 30 residues in length from the COOH terminus. X42 inhibited binding of CR1 to C3b, and this effect was also observed with antipeptide antibodies against the X42 peptide. The C30 and other C3-derived peptides and antipeptide antibodies had no effect on the binding of CR1 to C3b.  相似文献   

The third component of human complement, C3 is composed of two disulfide-bridged polypeptide chains of Mr 120,000 (alpha chain) and Mr 70,000 (beta chain). C3 has a thioester bond that serves as a binding site for targets when C3 is activated. Heat treatment of C3 induces autolytic peptide bond cleavage at the thioester site in the alpha chain as well as rupture of the thioester bond. The alpha chain fragments are linked to each other and beta chain via disulfide bonds. This study, however, documented that prolonged heating gave rise to liberation of several fragments including beta and the larger fragment of alpha chain. Using a fluorescent thiol reagent and [14C]iodoacetamide, we analyzed thiol residues present on each fragment, and elucidated that the thiol residue exposed by rupture of the thioester bond shifts in turn to another fragment resulting in the liberation of the fragments. The results were compatible with those on C4, and suggested that the generated thiol residue induces thiol-disulfide interchange reaction. On heating of plasma, fragments of C3 were not released, while the cleavage of the alpha chain occurred more effectively. The heated C3 (56 degrees C, 15 min) became insusceptible to C3b inactivator (I) and factor H, suggesting that additional conformational change is accompanied with cleavage of the thioester bond.  相似文献   

A myofibril-bound serine proteinase (MBSP) from the skeletal muscle of lizard fish (Saurida wanieso) was purified to homogeneity by a heating treatment followed by a series of column chromatographies on DEAE-Sephacel, Sephacryl S-200, Q-Sepharose, Hydroxyapatite and Benzamidine-Sepharose 6B, and characterized enzymatically. On SDS-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), the purified enzyme showed a band with molecular mass of approximately 29 kDa under reducing conditions, while 60 kDa under non-reducing conditions. The optimum temperature of the enzyme was 50 degrees C using t-butyloxycarbonyl-Phe-Ser-Arg-4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide (Boc-Phe-Ser-Arg-MCA) as a substrate. Substrate specificity analysis both using MCA-substrates and peptides showed that MBSP specifically cleaved at the carboxyl side of the arginine residue. Inhibitor susceptibility analysis revealed that MBSP was inhibited effectively by Pefabloc SC, soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) and aprotinin, indicating the characteristic of a serine proteinase. When myofibril was incubated with the enzyme, it optically degraded myosin heavy chain at 55-60 degrees C, while alpha-actinin and actin were not at all hydrolyzed as detected by immunoblotting. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of MBSP was partially determined as IVGGAEXVPY- and was very homologous to other serine proteases.  相似文献   

A gene designated thnD, which is required for biodegradation of the organic solvent tetralin by Sphingomonas macrogoltabidus strain TFA, has been identified. Sequence comparison analysis indicated that thnD codes for a carbon-carbon bond serine hydrolase showing highest similarity to hydrolases involved in biodegradation of biphenyl. An insertion mutant defective in ThnD accumulates the ring fission product which results from the extradiol cleavage of the aromatic ring of dihydroxytetralin. The gene product has been purified and characterized. ThnD is an octameric thermostable enzyme with an optimum reaction temperature at 65 degrees C. ThnD efficiently hydrolyzes the ring fission intermediate of the tetralin pathway and also 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoic acid, the ring fission product of the biphenyl meta-cleavage pathway. However, it is not active towards the equivalent intermediates of meta-cleavage pathways of monoaromatic compounds which have small substituents in C-6. When ThnD hydrolyzes the intermediate in the tetralin pathway, it cleaves a C-C bond comprised within the alicyclic ring of tetralin instead of cleaving a linear C-C bond, as all other known hydrolases of meta-cleavage pathways do. The significance of this activity of ThnD for the requirement of other activities to mineralize tetralin is discussed.  相似文献   

A family is described with 3 members in 3 generations being heterozygous for the silent gene C3-: one girl, her mother and grandfather had half normal C3 levels and were apparently incompatible homozygous. No significant deviation in the total hemolytic complement activity, serum concentration of Bf and C4 component was found in the affected individuals.  相似文献   

A rainbow trout serum protein that is cross-reactive with the third complement component of rainbow trout (C3-1) was purified to homogeneity and its structural and functional properties compared with those of C3-1. This protein (termed C3-related protein: C3-2) bears a close structural resemblance to C3-1, although C3-2 apparently shows no hemolytic activity. Like C3-1, C3-2 consists of two disulfide-linked polypeptide chains (128,000 alpha and 72,000 beta) and retains the unique thiol ester site in the alpha-chain. C3-2 shares some antigenicity with C3-1, but it also displays distinctive antigenic determinants of its own. Comparison of tryptic peptide maps revealed that about 20% of the peptides was specific to either C3-1 or C3-2, and about 80% of the peptides were common to both proteins. Amino acid compositions of the alpha- and beta-chains of C3-2 were similar to those of C3-1. Furthermore, amino acid sequence analysis of the NH2 termini of the alpha- and beta-chains of C3-2 revealed a high degree of homology with those of C3-1, 24 of 26 residues in the alpha-chain and all 20 in the beta-chain of C3-2 were identical with those found in C3-1. Both C3-1 and C3-2 were detected in all the adult rainbow trout tested and in first generation offspring randomly bred from them.  相似文献   

We have investigated the limited proteolysis of the third component of complement, C3, by a human leukocyte protease, cathepsin G, by using a chemically modified C3, which was prepared by treatment of C3 with methylamine and a fluorescent thiol reagent, N-(dimethylamino-4-methylcoumarinyl)-maleimide (DACM) and was thus named DACM-C3me. Although native C3 was hardly cleaved by cathepsin G, DACM-C3me was cleaved by cathepsin G into three major fragments, which were termed C3c-G (150,000 daltons, 150 kd), C3d-G (25 kd), and C3a-G (10 kd). C3c-G was composed of four disulfide-linked polypeptide chains of 75 kd, 35 kd, and two 25 kd. C3d-G and C3a-G were single-chain fragments derived from the alpha chain. The N-terminal sequence of C3d-G was determined as Thr-Glu-Asp-Ala-Val-, suggesting that cathepsin G released C3d-G by cleaving a Met-Thr peptide bond which is located at 19 residues toward the N-terminal from the cysteinyl residue forming an internal thiolester linkage in native C3. C3d-G, like C3d-K (a C3d fragment produced by the action of plasma kallikrein), was found to have bioactivities such as leukocytosis-inducing and immunosuppressive activities.  相似文献   

Complement component C3 prepared by the method of Tack & Prahl [(1976) Biochemistry 15, 4513-4521] was found to contain the following trace contaminants: C3b, haemolytically inactive C3 with intact alpha- and beta-chains (C3u) and degraded C3 (apparent mol.wt. 140000) with an intact beta-chain but with a fragmented alpha-chain. The proportion of C3u in the C3 is increased on standing and by freezing and thawing. These contaminants could be separated from each other and from native C3 by chromatography on sulphated Sepharose. They have been characterized by their susceptibility to C3b inactivator in the presence of beta 1H, their ability to be cleaved by C3 convertase and their ability to form alternative-pathway C3 convertase in solution. Incubation of C3b or C3u with beta 1H and C3b inactivator resulted in cleavage of the C3 species; the alpha'-chain of C3b was cleaved to fragments of apparent mol.wts. 67000 and 43000, the alpha-chain of C3u was cleaved to fragments of apparent mol.wt. 75000 and 43000. Native C3 and degraded C3 were unaffected by incubation with beta 1H and C3b inactivator. C3u, unlike C3, was not cleaved to C3b by the classical- or alternative-pathway C3 convertase in solution. When C3b or C3 was incubated with factors B and D, forming C3 convertase, the initial rate of factor-B cleavage was several order of magnitude lower in the presence of C3 than in the presence of C3b. The slow rate observed for C3 could be decreased by preincubation with beta 1H and C3b inactivator or by rechromatography of the C3. The degraded C3 did not support factor-B cleavage by factor D.  相似文献   

Genomic organization of human complement component C3   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
K Y Fong  M Botto  M J Walport  A K So 《Genomics》1990,7(4):579-586

Neoplasms have developed numerous strategies to protect themselves against the host immune system. Membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is strongly associated with many cancer types and is up-regulated in the aggressive, metastatic neoplasms. During the past few years, there has been an increasing appreciation of the important, albeit incompletely understood, role of MT1-MMP in cancer. We have discovered, using cell-free and cell-based assays in vitro, that MT1-MMP proteolysis specifically targets C3b, an essential component of the complement propagation pathway. MT1-MMP proteolysis liberates the deposited C3 activation fragments from the cell surface. The shedding of these cell-deposited opsonins by MT1-MMP inhibits the complement cascade and protects breast carcinoma MCF7 cells from direct complement-mediated injury in the in vitro tests. The functional link associating MT1-MMP with the host immune system, heretofore unrecognized, may empower tumors with an escape mechanism that contributes to the protection against the host anti-tumor immunity as well as to the survival of invading and metastatic malignant cells in the bloodstream.  相似文献   

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