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In dioecious plant species, males and females are thought to have dissimilar allocation patterns. Females are believed to invest more in reproduction and less in growth and maintenance than males. This differential investment between sexes could result in distinct growth patterns and contrasting survival rates, thereby affecting the sex ratio of a population and the age and size distribution of males and females, possibly leading to habitat segregation according to sex. These effects might become more apparent under particularly limiting conditions, such as in nutrient-deficient soils or in climatically stressed environments. To verify these predictions, growth patterns, microsite characteristics, and age and size distribution of male and female individuals were compared, and population sex ratio was determined in three populations of the dioecious shrub Juniperus communis var. depressa (Cupressaceae, Pinophyta) along a short latitudinal gradient on the eastern coast of Hudson Bay (Northern Québec, Canada). We found that the northernmost population had a male-biased sex ratio, but that the southernmost one had a higher proportion of females. Our results failed to reveal any significant differences in radial growth patterns, mean sensitivity, annual elongation of the main axis, and size and age frequency distribution between males and females in any population. Furthermore, there was no evidence of microhabitat segregation according to sex as indicated by the lack of differences in the physicochemical characteristics of the substrate under males and females. Clearly, the expected ecological consequences of a presumed greater investment of females in reproduction were not apparent even under the very stressful conditions prevailing on subarctic dunes. Many factors could reduce differences in the cost of reproduction between males and females, such as the number and quality of reproductive structures produced annually by individuals of each sex, the possible photosynthetic activity of the immature female cones, and the complexity of the source/sink relationship within individuals. Alternatively, there may be no differences between sexes in their reproductive investment.  相似文献   

张玲  方精云 《生物多样性》2004,12(1):123-130
本文通过野外植被调查和室内试验,采用物理方法从1220份土样中挑选种子,进行分类统计,研究了秦岭太白山南坡土壤种子库物种组成与优势成分的垂直格局。主要研究结果有:(1)从种子数量上看,在不同的海拔段,优势科不同;从物种数来看,海拔1600m和海拔2600m处的优势科数相对较多,有4个科;蔷薇科是种数最多的优势科。(2)桦木科的糙皮桦(Betula utilis)在16个海拔样地(海拔样地共有21个)中都是优势成分之一。糙皮桦和巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)的种子储量在中等海拔呈现峰值;较高海拔处,糙皮桦作为优势成分之一所占的比例较大;而在低海拔则相对较小。(3)从种子库中种类组成上来看,草本种类占优势;从各样地土壤种子库的生活型组成并结合优势种类来看,乔木不仅在个体组成上占优势,大部分单优种类也是来自于乔木种类。灌木种类在土壤种子库中无论是种类组成,还是在个体组成上都没有表现出优势。本文为研究太白山南坡植物群落演替动态及其沿海拔梯度的变化提供了基础。  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization of Senecio hercynicus and S. ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae) was studied in a hybrid zone on the southern slopes of Mt Brocken (Harz Mountains, Germany). A total of 415 plants representing 10 stands along an altitudinal gradient were investigated using multivariate statistical analyses of morphological characters and molecular markers (random amplified polymorphic DNA[RAPD]). Both types of traits detected pure S. hercynicus stands on the summit plateau, pure S. ovatus stands at the lowest elevations, and hybrid swarms at intermediate elevations. While morphological and molecular patterns coincided, some individuals in hybrid stands combined morphological patterns typical of S. ovatus with RAPD patterns typical of S. hercynicus, and vice versa. In general, introgression was symmetrical within stands, though one stand combined S. ovatus characters with the glandular hair typical for S. hercynicus, and two stands combined a S. hercynicus typical RAPD genotype with morphological characters shifted towards S. ovatus. Because pure stands of S. hercynicus occurred only on the summit plateau of Mt Brocken, and markers typical for S. ovatus were detectable in stands up to 1040 m a.s.l., future fusion or assimilation of the rare form, S. hercynicus, by the more widespread S. ovatus appears possible at Mt Brocken.  相似文献   

 The flowering of Clutia pulchella was studied in a coastal scarp forest community in southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Sex dependent differences in the frequency and magnitude of floral output were recorded, with male individuals producing 4.32 times more flowers per leaf axis than females. Increased node production, as a manifestation of significantly increased branching, allowed for prolific flower production in males. Energy investment per flower was marginally greater in females (0.045 J/mg), despite copious pollen production and glandular secretion in males (0.035 J/mg). Differential flower production, reproductive organ dry mass and an unbalanced branching ratio revealed that “per plant” expenditure towards flowering was more pronounced in males (♀ flowering × 5.04). The elevated cost of fruit production (♀ flowering × 5.5), inclusive of imperfect fruit set, resulted in overall reproductive expense being slightly higher for females. Such sex-dependent reproductive investment was shown to have minimal influence on the population sex ratio, with sex frequencies and nearest neighbor distances yielding a non-significant male bias of 1.16. No evidence of spatial asymmetry was found. Received December 1, 1999 Accepted September 27, 2000  相似文献   

Sex ratio and sexual dimorphism of Borderea pyrenaica, a long-lived dioecious geophyte endemic to the Pyrenees (north-east Iberian Peninsula), were examined in three alpine populations. In this species, age can be estimated and the sex of nonreproductive adult plants identified. Male plants attain sexual maturity earlier, flower more frequently and grow faster than female plants, whereas females allocate a higher biomass to reproduction than males. These results support the hypothesis that female plants incur a higher cost of sexual reproduction and that this higher cost is measurable as reduced vegetative growth and lower flowering frequency. Variation of sex ratio among young, intermediate and old adults within populations suggests, however, that this higher female reproductive investment does not result in sexual differences in mortality. The overall male-biased sex ratio in B. pyrenaica is mainly a consequence of the tendency of males to reproduce at an earlier age and more frequently than females.  相似文献   

The variance component for genotypic effects and covariable plant vigor were estimated for pollen production, number of ovules, the weight of the flower without anther sacs and pistil, and the gender of the whole plant, in the rape seed variety Topas. There was a significant effect of the genotype for all measured characters. We did not find any trade-off between the male and female functions. Small plants were relatively more male-biased than large plants. The weight of the flower without anther sacs or pistil was positively correlated with pollen production. The selfing rates of the lines were positively correlated with the pollen-ovule ratio, suggesting that the selfing rate of individual plants is positively correlated with pollen-ovule ratio, thus supporting the “mass-action” model. It is proposed that the observed increase in the population selfing rate during the flowering season for some species, including rape seed, can be caused by an overall decrease in male investment.  相似文献   

The Actinidia chinensis complex, a group of commercially important fruits (kiwifruit), is a complex of functionally dioecious lianas of variable ploidy. To understand the cytogeography better and to facilitate breeding in this complex, we examined the ploidy and morphological variations in 16 natural populations of A. chinensis var. chinensis and A. chinensis var. deliciosa across an ecogeographical gradient. Four ploidy levels were found, var. chinensis consisting of diploids and tetraploids and var. deliciosa consisting of tetraploids, pentaploids and hexaploids. Hexaploids were centred in the western Yun‐Gui plateau, tetraploids coexisted with hexaploids or diploids in the middle Yun‐Gui plateau and the Wuling‐Xuefeng mountains, and diploids occurred in the eastern Wuling‐Xuefeng mountains and the Hunan foothills. These findings indicate a gradual, clinal transition from hexaploid to diploid across the elevational and longitudinal gradient. The clear geographical segregation of diploids and hexaploids may have arisen from their differential ecological adaptation in response to altitude and climate, whereas the coexistence of cytotypes (2x–4x, 4x–6x and 4x–5x–6x) might be a result of reproductive barriers, with a particular contribution from the postzygotic reproductive isolation between ploidy races. The geographical pattern and morphological variation of cytotypes suggest a hybrid zone between the varieties in the Wuling‐Xuefeng mountains. The differences in cytotypes which have arisen as a result of ecological adaptation, distribution and morphological characteristics will provide important baseline data for the selection of germplasm and the breeding of kiwifruit. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 72–83.  相似文献   

  • Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum (Asteraceae) is an endemic taxon of Sardinia and Corsica, where it grows at different altitudes. The objective of this study was to investigate the seed traits and germination behaviour of four Sardinian populations of this taxon located at different altitudes.
  • Seed traits were evaluated, and germination tests were carried out by incubating seeds at a range of constant (5–30 °C) and alternating (25/10 °C) temperatures. The dry after‐ripening (DAR) pre‐treatment was also applied by storing seed in dry conditions for 3 months at 25 °C. Seed traits and germination behaviour data were statistically analysed to identify if there was a correlation with altitude.
  • Differences in seed size, area and mass among populations were recorded, however, no relationship was found with altitude. High germination percentages were obtained in all populations, both in untreated and DAR seeds, and were positively affected by alternating temperatures. The final germination percentage and time required to reach 50% final germination (T50) showed no relationship with altitude.
  • The differences in seed traits and germination detected among the studied populations of H. microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum were not correlated with altitude. This study provides new and important knowledge for this taxon. H. microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum is characterised by high germination percentages and low T50 values and does not seem to require any dormancy‐breaking treatment. This species represents a high‐potential native plant species that should be considered within environmental management plans.

陈劲松  董鸣  于丹 《生态学报》2003,23(3):428-435
对青藏高原东缘 5个不同海拔高度 ( 2 4 2 6m、2 75 0 m、32 0 0 m、3484m和 3944m)上旷地和林下遮荫条件下匍匐茎草本野草莓的分株种群特征进行了研究。结果显示 :无论在旷地或林下遮荫条件下 ,野草莓分株种群的密度随海拔升高显著减小 ,旷地条件下野草莓分株种群密度显著高于遮荫条件下的分株种群密度。不同海拔高度上 ,野草莓分株种群密度在不同光照条件下的变化存在显著差异。旷地条件下 ,随海拔升高其根冠比呈二次曲线变化。林下遮荫条件下 ,海拔 2 4 2 6m处的根冠比最低。光照条件的变化对野草莓分株种群的根冠比没有显著影响。运用空间自相关分析法 ( Moran` I)研究和 3944m处野草莓分株种群的空间分布格局 ,结果显示野草莓分株种群在多个尺度上呈现非随机分布格局 ,其中研究了海拔 348m处 d=1( 0 .2 m)尺度的集聚分布格局频率最高 ;与海拔 3484m相比 ,3944m处野草莓分株种群的集聚尺度更大。最后 ,结合克隆植物对环境的生态适应意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The distribution of millipedes along an altitudinal gradient in the south of Lake Teletskoye, Altai, Russia based on new samples from the Kyga Profile sites, as well as on partly published and freshly revised material (Mikhaljova et al. 2007, 2008, 2014, Nefedieva and Nefediev 2008, Nefediev and Nefedieva 2013, Nefedieva et al. 2014), is established. The millipede diversity is estimated to be at least 15 species and subspecies from 10 genera, 6 families and three orders. The bulk of species diversity is confined both to low- and mid-mountain chern taiga forests and high-mountain shrub tundras, whereas the highest numbers, reaching up to 130 ind./m², is shown in subalpine Pinus sibirica sparse growths. Based on clustering studied localities on species diversity similarity two groups of sites are defined: low-mountain sites and subalpine sparse growths of Pinus sibirica ones.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Females of the multivoltine carpenter bee Xylocopa sulcutipes (Maa) (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) usually excavate a straight tunnel in dead twigs and mass provision a linear array of up to ten brood cells with pollen and nectar. An egg is deposited upon each food mass within one cell.
2. Female offspring generally receive a higher provisioning mass (0.180 ± 0.048 g) than males, a significant difference ( P > 0.001). There are, however, male larvae that receive as much food or more as their sisters or female larvae reared in another nest.
3. There is a close positive association between the size of a mother and the weight of provisions for individual daughters, but not for sons.
4. Female offspring are positioned in the innermost brood cells (Gositions 1, 2 and 3). The sex ratio of the outer cells is either significantly male biased (positions 4–6) or skewed towards males (positions 8 and 9). Positions 7 and 10 are in equilibrium.
5. Solitary females produce a significantly female biased sex ratio ( P < 0.01). Sex ratio in social nests is skewed toward females, but not significantly so ( P < 0.2). There is no significant difference between the sex ratio of solitary and social nests ( P = 0.361). The population sex ratio (pooled sex ratio of all broods produced) is significantly female biased ( P = 0.003).
6. Females kept in the laboratory produced female biased sex ratios whilst unmated females produced all-male broods indicating that insemination and ovarian development are not causally related.
7. The expected sex ratio (ESR) under equal investment, calculated as 1/CR (CR = mean male provision weight/mean female provision weight), is 137.5:117.5 (males:females), and differs significantly from that observed, 104:151 (males:females) ( P < 0.001). The 'Local Resource Enhlancement' hypothesis best explains the female biased sex ratio found in X.sulcatipes and its maintenance in the population.  相似文献   

The sex, reproductive cycle and variations in the fecundity of the family Schilbeidae (Osteichthyes : Siluriformes) in Lake Kainji, were investigated. Sexual differences in size and morphology were found to exist in all species. Sex ratio varied with species and season. There were more females than males in the population. Size at maturity varied from species to species with the males attaining maturity at a slightly lower length than the females. Breeding condition was attained mainly during the rains in Eutropius niloticus, Schilbe mystus and Siluranodon auritus and in the dry and rainy seasons in Physailia pellucida. Spawning occurred once during the breeding season in E. niloticus and S. mystus; and more than once during the prolonged breeding season in P. pellucida. Condition factors did not show any correlation with maturation of gonads. Fecundity was found to vary from species to species.  相似文献   

Sex ratio and sexual dimorphism in physiology and growth were studied in the dioecious tree Ilex aquifolium at two localities in northern Spain. Genet sex ratio was significantly male biased in one locality but not in the other. However, ramet and flowering ramet sex ratios were male biased at both study sites. Males had significantly thicker main trunks than females in one locality and produced more ramets in the other. Growth rate, estimated from mean width of annual rings, did not differ between localities, but males produced wider rings than females at both sites. Mean annual growth rates over the last 10, 20, and 30 yr were significantly higher for males. Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that the efficiency of photosynthesis of leaves on nonfruiting branches of females was higher than for leaves on branches of male plants under low-light conditions, though not under saturating-light conditions. Efficiency of photosynthesis was significantly lower on fruiting branches of female plants than on nonfruiting branches. We discuss whether the observed between-sex differences are attributable to the higher cost of reproduction in females and/or to pollen competition.  相似文献   

Roadside plant communities were studied along two roads following an altitudinal gradient in Gran Canaria and Tenerife (Canary Islands). Our aim was to investigate variation in plant species richness, particularly of the alien flora, along a gradient from coastal shrubland to summit vegetation (1950 m a.s.l. in Gran Canaria, 2300 m in Tenerife) in relation to variation in habitat factors (altitude, habitat structure, roadside disturbance, distance to urban nuclei). We compared different species groups that were classified in terms of their biogeographical status, origin and life form. Altitude was the most important factor determining species richness and composition along both roadside transects. Alien plants showed a unimodal distribution pattern along the altitudinal gradient, with less species and lower abundance at low and high altitudes, and highest abundance at intermediate altitude. Alien plant species were also relatively more frequent near urban centres. The number of native and alien species was significantly positively correlated along the altitudinal gradient. Both alien and native, non-endemic species showed differences in their distribution along the altitudinal gradient according to their biogeographical affinities and climatic tolerances. Despite considerable differences in species pools these patterns were consistent among the two islands. Environmental (abiotic) stress is proposed as a primary, altitude-related factor acting as a filter against most alien plants at coastal and high-mountain altitudes. A higher frequency or intensity of disturbance at intermediate altitudes may be a further causal factor promoting alien plants in this zone. Future management efforts to control alien plants along roads should, therefore, concentrate on intermediate altitudinal zones of the higher Canary Islands.  相似文献   

冠果草的性表达状态及其进化含义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄双全  宋旎 《Acta Botanica Sinica》2000,42(11):1108-1114
通常认为雄花两性花同株是植物性表达两性花进化到雌雄异株的过渡类型之一。慈姑属仅冠果草(Sagittaria guyanensis H.B.K.subsp.lappula(D.Don)Bojin)的性表达为典型的雄花两性花同株,其他种为雌雄同株。对冠果草野外和实验居群的性配置进行了定量观察。东乡和武夷山居群雄花的比例分别为2.48%0.96%。实验表明,栽培条件影响冠果草的性表达:在营养较好的条件下  相似文献   

Sex expression in Sagittaria guyanensis H.B.K. subsp. lappula (D. Don) Bojin is typically andromonoecious while the other species in the same genus are basically monoecious. The evolutionary advantages of male flowers and hermaphrodite flowers in S. guyanensis subsp. lappula were assessed by measuring sex allocation and pollen movements in two wild populations of the species. Two cultivated populations served as controls. The percentage of male flowers was very low in the two wild populations in Dongxiang, Jiangxi Province and Wuyishan, Fujian Province, viz., 2.48% and 0.96% respectively. In the two cultivated populations, male flower percentage significantly increased when the soil was of higher nutrient content. This indicates that the allocation to male versus female reproduction might change in response to environmental factors. Pollen production per male flower was 4.1 times higher than that of a hermaphrodite flower. The floral shape and size of male and hermaphrodite flowers were similar. No difference was observed between these dimorphological flowers in pollen germination rate in vitro and in the speed of pollen tube growth in vivo. Anthesis was only 4-5 h. Male flowers usually opened 0.5 h earlier than hermaphrodite flowers. An unexpected finding was that no pollen from the male flowers was found on the stigmas of the hermaphrodite flowers, in spite of the occasional visits by insects to both types of flowers in both wild and control populations. A consistent pattern of fruit development was found to exist in open pollinated flowers as well as in flowers that had been bagged. The sex ratios did not have significant influence on fruit set. Approximately 25% of the pistils in a gynoecium failed to develop into fruits because no pollen was deposited on them, indicating that the fruit set of this andromonoecious plant is mainly affected by pollen limitation rather than resource limitation. Reproduction in S. guyanensis subsp. lappula in the habitats was dependent on self-pollination in hermaphrodite flowers. The male flowers in this species might be a potential source of additional pollination and may facilitate cross-pollination. The fact that the flowers of monoecious species in Sagittaria pollinated by a wide diversity of insect visitors may contribute enormously to the diversification of sex expression in this genus.  相似文献   

The incorporation of stilbene-derived optical brighteners into baculovirus formulations can substantially enhance virus infectivity and persistence of inoculum in the field. We evaluated the effect of the optical brightener Tinopal UNPA-GX (Sigma Chemical Co.) on the weight, development time, adult emergence and sex ratio of the principal pest of maize in the Americas, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Tinopal UNPA-GX was incorporated into semi-synthetic diet at a final concentration of 0.1 or 0.05% (w/v) and larvae of S. frugiperda were individually reared on the Tinopal-treated or an untreated control diet. In both Tinopal treatments, the weights of larvae and pupae were significantly reduced by up to 36 and 13%, respectively. The duration of larval development was increased by up to 30% compared to the controls. Adult emergence was high in all treatments (≈90%) and was not affected by the presence of Tinopal in the diet. Significant differences in the proportion of adult females were observed in the 0.05% Tinopal treatment but not in the control or 0.1% Tinopal treatments. By affecting the integrity of the peritrophic membrane and the rate of sloughing of intestinal epithelial cells, natural pest populations exposed to optical brightener residues from bioinsecticide applications are likely to suffer a reduction in growth rate and other correlates of insect fitness.  相似文献   

Sex ratio, size, age, and spatial pattern were investigated for males and females of the dioecious shrub Ceratiola ericoides ericoides (Empetraceae) Michx. within seven mapped populations in Georgia and South Carolina, USA. Among the sites studied, two are regularly burned and one site long-unburned. Age was estimated from node counts of individual shrubs. Only one (fire-suppressed) population showed a female-biased sex ratio, while all others did not differ significantly from 1:1. Mean age estimates did not differ between sexes at any site nor did mean shrub canopy diameter. Bivariate Ripley’s K analysis with a null hypothesis of random labeling was used to investigate whether any of the mapped populations exhibited spatial segregation of the sexes (SSS). No population showed strong evidence of SSS. Rather all sites but one showed males and females to be associated (though not significantly) at a scale of 1–10 m. At a scale of 10–35 m male and female shrubs were located randomly with respect to one another at all sites.  相似文献   

In dioecious plants, the frequencies of flowering stems in each sex produced through clonal growth provide important information on the potential for reproductive success in the populations. However, apart from the light environment in their habitat, the factors affecting the flowering of each sex have not been well documented in shrub species that can maintain their populations in shady environments. In this research, we investigated seven soil variables and the flowering of stems of Aucuba japonica var. borealis in patches of this dioecious clonal shrub with different apparent stem sex ratios in an evergreen coniferous secondary forest with a shady forest floor. Of the 53 patches examined, 52 contained stems with flowers. Flowering stem ratios exhibited a positive relationship with available soil phosphate but a marginal negative relationship with exchangeable magnesium, whereas soil water content was associated with a female-biased flowering sex ratio. Stem density tended to be negatively related to flowering stem ratios in patches containing stems with female flowers but not males. While the results demonstrate that abundant amounts of certain nutrients and moisture in soils promote the production of flowers and/or a bias toward femaleness in patches, it is suggested that antagonistic effects of cations in the soil can inhibit the flowering of both sexes. In addition, the trade-off between sexual reproduction and clonal propagation in the females may amplify the variations in flowering in the population.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Against the background of conflicting reports of variable sex ratio distribution in different populations of the African rice gall midge (AfRGM), Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagne, the number and sex ratios of F1 adult progeny produced per female from wild and screen house populations were investigated in the screen house at 27 ± 3°C, 60–70% relative humidity and 12 : 12 h (light : dark) photoperiod. Results indicated the occurrence of a single sex-biased ratio in all the F1 adult progeny produced per female of this pest. Regardless of the source, whether from wild or screen house population, each mated female AfRGM produced a full complement of either sex only but never both. The difference between the number of eggs laid and F1 adult progeny that emerged per female from wild and screen house populations was not significant (P > 0.05), indicating consistency in the occurrence of this phenomenon among AfRGM populations. The reason for this could not be ascertained in this study but AfRGM eggs must be fertilized for development and eclosion to occur. No F2 adults emerged when a cohort of emergents from the same female were allowed to re-infest susceptible seedlings, indicating absence of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

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