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The renal function was studied by clearance (cl.) method during hypotonic polyuria (oral water load followed by 5% dextrose solution infusion) and successive relative antidiuresis induced by lysine-8-vasopressin (LVP) administration (5 microU in bolo followed by continuous infusion at a rate of 0.04 microU/min). Four 15 min and two 60 min clearance (cl.) periods were performed during hypotonic polyuria and antidiuresis, respectively. Glomerular filtration rate was estimated by creatinine cl.; the osmotic cl. (Cosm, CH2O), the absolute and fractional excretions of water, sodium, potassium and chloride were determined by usual methods. The urinary PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TxB2 concentrations were determined by RIA method. Fourteen healthy women submitted to a normal sodium and potassium daily intake were studied; in 6 of them paired studies in absence and in presence of indomethacin (100 mg, i.m.), respectively, were performed. LVP induced a significant reduction of creatinine cl., urinary flow rate and of prostanoid excretion. In hypotonic polyuria, indomethacin significantly reduced the creatinine cl. and the diuretic response to the water load; moreover the urinary PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha excretions were significantly lower (85.6 +/- 1.9% and 37.7 +/- 3.2%) while the reduction of urinary TxB2 excretion was not significant (34.4 +/- 13%). Indomethacin did not affect significantly the LVP renal effects in normal potassium balance.  相似文献   

The renal function was evaluated by clearance (cl.) method during hypotonic polyuria and successive relative antidiuresis induced by lysine-8-vasopressin administration. Four 15 min and two 60 min cl. periods were performed in hypotonic polyuria and antidiuresis, respectively. Glomerular filtration rate was estimated by creatinine cl., the osmotic cl. (Cosm' CH2O), the absolute and fractional excretions of water, sodium, potassium and chloride were determined by usual methods. The urinary PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TxB2 excretions were determined by RIA method. The study protocol was applied on 14 healthy women in acute potassium depletion, treated with indomethacin (100 mg i.m. at the end of the oral water load). In Group D3 (n = 6) in the presence of a greater potassium cumulative deficit (198.4 +/- 22.2 meq), in hypotonic polyuria, indomethacin induces significant effects as an increase of fractional hydro-electrolytic reabsorptions and as a decrease of urinary prostanoid excretion. The indomethacin tubular action in potassium depletion differs significantly from that observed in normal potassium balance.  相似文献   

The renal function has been evaluated by clearance (cl.) method during hypotonic polyuria and successive moderate antidiuresis induced by a low dose of lysine-8-vasopressin; four 15 min and two 60 min cl. periods were performed, respectively. Glomerular filtration rate was estimated by creatinine cl.; the osmotic cl. (Cosm, CH2O), the absolute and fractional excretions of water, sodium, potassium and chloride were determined by usual methods. The urinary concentrations of PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha (6KPGF) and TxB2 were measured by RIA. The study protocol was applied in normal potassium balance and experimental potassium balance (KD), both in absence and presence of indomethacin. In KD groups with a potassium cumulative deficit of 198.4 +/- 22.2 meq (D3; n = 6) during polyuria significant correlations are consistent with the hypothesis that the lower the plasma potassium concentration is the higher the urinary chloride excretion and the inhibition of distal fractional chloride reabsorption. Moreover, by utilizing the polyuria and antidiuresis data pool, the effects of urine flow rate changes on PGE2 and 6KPGF urinary excretions are blunted as compared to normal potassium balance (n = 14). After indomethacin treatment (D3.I) the following functional relationships are disclosed: a) the lower the kaliemia is the lower the urinary chloride and potassium excretions and the higher the fractional isosmotic reabsorption; b) the lower the urinary potassium excretion is the lower the urinary chloride excretion. In both D3 and D3.I experimental groups the positive correlation between urinary chloride excretion and urinary potassium excretion is significant.  相似文献   

The role of prostaglandins (PG) in the effects of potassium (K+)depletion was studied in six normal women. A mean K+-deficit of 220 mEq was induced with and without concomitant treatment with indomethacin (150 mg/day). Mean serum K+ concentration decreased from 4.2 ± (S.E.) 0.1 to 3.2 ± 0.1 mEq/L without indomethacin and from 4.1 ± 0.1 to 3.2 ± 0.1 mEq/L with indomethacin. “Supine” and “upright” plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma norepinephrine concentration (NE) were unaltered by K+ -depletion alone but decreased with indomethacin. Plasma aldosterone (PA) was suppressed during K+-depletion (control: 7.2 ± 2.6 ng/dl supine, 19.3 ± 8.1 ng/dl upright; K+-depletion: 2.6 ± 0.3 ng/dl supine, 5.5 ± 1.3 ng/dl upright) and was paralleled by a decrease in urinary aldosterone. K+-depletion decreased urinary PGE2 from 667 ± 133 to 343 ± 60 ng/day (P < 0.025) without a change in PGF2. The dose of exogenous angiotensin II (A II) which increased diastolic blood pressure by 20 mm Hg (pressor dose) was 7.1 ± 1.4 ng/kg/min during control and increased to 11.0 ± 0.7 ng/kg/min during K+-depletion (P < 0.05). Indomethacin increased the sensitivity to A II both during control (pressor dose: 4.9 ± 0.6 ng/kg/min) and K+- depletion (pressor dose: 6.0 ± 1.0 ng/kg/min). These results indicate that in healthy subjects, moderate short-term K+-depletion does not affect PRA or NE but decreases production of aldosterone and PGE2 by the kidney. The changes in vascular sensitivity to exogenous A II during K+-depletion and indomethacin and the decreases in plasma NE and PRA during indomethacin may be explained by changes in vascular vasodilator PG.  相似文献   

Renal function has been studied by the clearance (cl.) method during hypotonic polyuria--four 15-min cl. periods--and successive antidiuresis--two 60-min cl. periods (A1, A2)--induced by lysine-8-vasopressin (LVP), 5 mU in bolus followed by infusion at a rate of 0.04 mU/min. The endogenous creatinine cl. (Cc) and the osmotic cls. (Cosm, CH2O) were determined by the usual methods as well as the absolute and fractional urinary excretions of water, sodium, chloride and potassium. The urinary concentrations of PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TxB2 were determined by the RIA method. This study protocol has been applied to 20 healthy women submitted to paired functional explorations in both the absence and presence of indomethacin (100 mg i.m.); the drug effects have been evaluated in both normal potassium balance (N2, n = 6) and in two groups of potassium depletion (KD) with potassium cumulative deficit of 160 +/- 43 (D2, n = 8) and 198 +/- 22 meq (D3, n = 6), respectively. As regards the early % effects of LVP, i.e. (A1-P)% of P (mean polyuria), the inhibition of prostanoid synthesis with indomethacin produced significant changes: 1) an enhanced reduction in renal chloride excretion in all experimental groups; 2) a reduction in renal sodium and chloride fractional excretions in both KD groups; 3) an enhanced antidiuretic effect in D3 only, i.e. in the experimental condition with inhibition of prostanoid renal synthesis present during the control study.  相似文献   

The urinary concentrations of prostaglandins(PG) E2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha (6KPGF) and thromboxane (Tx) B2 were measured by RIA method during both hypotonic polyuria (oral water load) and subsequent antidiuresis (low-dose infusion of lysine-8-vasopressin). The study was performed on healthy women either in normal potassium balance (N, n = 14) or sustained potassium depletion (D3, n = 6). Potassium depletion (KD) was induced by low potassium dietary intake (less than or equal to 10 mmol/d) and natriuretic treatment over a period of 8 days; the net losses of NaCl and H2O were replaced; the cumulative potassium deficit was 198 +/- 22 mmol. Further studies were performed after indomethacin treatment in both experimental conditions. 1) As compared to normal potassium balance in KD group the urinary prostanoid excretions were reduced even in absence of significant differences in urinary flow rate. The urinary excretion of 6KPGF was more impaired than that of TxB2 in both polyuria and antidiuresis. 2) Indomethacin inhibited the urinary prostanoid excretions in normal potassium balance and KD groups. The urinary excretion of PGE2 was more impaired than that of both 6KPGF and TxB2.  相似文献   

Peripheral serotonin (5-hydrodytryptamine; 5-HT) is involved in the regulation of gastrointestinal motility and sensation, whereas centrally it plays a role in mood regulation. A dysfunctional serotonergic system may provide a plausible link between functional dyspepsia symptoms and its high psychosocial comorbidity such as anxiety and depression. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of decreased 5-HT synthesis by acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) on gastric sensorimotor function and nutrient tolerance, anxiety scores, and gastrointestinal mucosal 5-HT concentrations in healthy volunteers. All subjects were studied under a control condition and during ATD. Gastric sensorimotor function and nutrient tolerance were assessed using a barostat (n = 16, mean age 28.8 ± 1.4 yr) and a satiety drinking test (n = 13, mean age 27.3 ± 1.4 yr). Anxiety during the barostat was evaluated using State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire. 5-HT concentrations were measured in fundic and duodenal mucosal biopsies by means of ELISA and immunohistochemistry. ATD significantly decreased plasma tryptophan levels compared with control in every experiment. ATD did not affect gastric sensitivity and compliance but decreased the sensation of nausea during balloon distension (AUC: 17.4 ± 4.3 vs. 11.4 ± 3.4 mm·mmHg, P = 0.030). ATD enhanced the postprandial volume increase (ANOVA, P < 0.05), but this was not accompanied by augmented nutrient tolerance (848 ± 110 vs. 837 ± 99 ml, nonsignificant). ATD had no effect on STAI state anxiety scores. No evidence was found for an effect on the number of enterochromaffin cells, but ATD reduced 5-HT levels in the duodenal mucosa. ATD alters gastric postprandial motor function and distension-induced nausea. These findings confirm involvement of 5-HT in the control of gastric accommodation and sensitivity.  相似文献   

Although acute renal failure, caused either by renal ischemia or nephrotoxic agents, is usually characterized by oliguria, a severe fall in glomerular filtration rate, and a fall in renal blood flow, some patients and experimental models display a non-oliguric pattern of renal injury. The present study was designed to evaluate the mechanism of preservation of high urinary flow rate under this condition. Following the administration of the aminoglycoside gentamicin to rats for five days, a decrease in concentrating ability was demonstrated, caused by impaired vasopressin-mediated water transport. Further treatment resulted in a fall in Cin to 15 percent of control, although RBF was reduced to only 67 percent of control, and urine flow rate rose above control levels. Induction of acute and renal failure with dichromate was associated with variable high or low urinary flow rates according to pre-injury intake of sodium. Urine volume correlated directly with cortical blood flow. These data suggest that the non-oliguric pattern of acute renal injury is caused by preservation of cortical perfusion in the setting of severe tubular injury.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effective role of angiotensin II on the renal function and urinary excretion of some prostanoids in healthy women submitted to different conditions of potassium balance. To this aim we have evaluated the effects of an acute inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme by enalapril (E). The renal function was explored by clearance (cl.) method during induced hypotonic polyuria (oral water load followed by 5% dextrose solution infusion). During 60 min cl. period the urinary PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TxB2 were determined by RIA method. Each subject received paired studies, in absence and presence of E (10 mg administered per os 1 hour before the water load). Basal values of plasma renin activity (PRA) and urinary aldosterone (excreted during the 24 hours before the water load) were also determined by RIA method. This study protocol was applied in normal potassium balance (n = 6) and induced moderate potassium depletion (n = 6). This paper concerns the group in normal potassium balance in both absence (N3) and presence of E (N3.E). All subjects were submitted to normal dietary intake of sodium (150 mmol/d) and potassium (50 mmol/d). The basal values of PRA, urinary aldosterone and plasma electrolytes were in the normal range. The only significant effect produced by E was a reduction in mean arterial pressure, without significant changes in creatinine cl., urinary hydro-electrolyte excretions as well as urinary excretions of prostanoids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Renal function has been studied by the clearance (cl.) method during hypotonic polyuria--four 15-min cl. periods--and successive antidiuresis--two 60-min cl. periods (A1, A2)--induced by lysine-8-vasopressin (LVP), 5 mU in bolus followed by infusion at a rate of 0.04 mU/min. The endogenous creatinine cl. (Cc) and the osmotic cls. (Cosm, CH2O) were determined by the usual methods as well as the absolute and fractional urinary excretions of water, sodium, chloride and potassium. The urinary concentrations of PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TxB2 were determined by the RIA method. This study protocol has been applied to 28 healthy women either in normal potassium balance (N, n = 14) or after potassium depletion (KD) induced by low potassium dietary intake (less than or equal to 10 meq/d) plus natriuretic treatment according to two different time patterns: two KD groups were obtained with potassium cumulative deficit of 160 +/- 43 (D2, n = 8) and 198 +/- 22 meq (D3, n = 6). The early % effects of LVP, i.e. (A1-P)% of P (mean polyuria), were significantly different only in D3 as compared to N. Precisely, the LVP-effect to reduce Cc was blunted; moreover a LVP-effect to reduce renal sodium and chloride fractional excretions and a tendentiously enhanced LVP-effect to reduce water fractional excretion were observed. These tubular effects are likely related to the inhibited renal synthesis of prostanoids in the D3 group.  相似文献   

For the majority of vertebrates, the kidneys are not the sole organs that function to maintain homeostasis of body fluid and electrolytes. Mammals are unusual in this respect, as the kidneys are the organs that fill this role. For non-mammalian vertebrates, other organs such as gills, skin, salt glands, urinary bladders and the gastrointestinal (GI) system function in concert with the kidneys in the control of fluid and ion balance. Birds are of particular interest and unique as they do not possess a urinary bladder and the renal output enters the lower GI tract. The physiology of the interaction of avian kidneys and lower GI tract is an excellent example of integrative physiology and several aspects of it have been examined, for example, the role of the avian antidiuretic hormone (arginine vasotocin, AVT) in controlling renal output. AVT produces both a tubular and glomerular antidiuresis. The glomerular antidiuresis is important, as the fluid from the kidneys that enters the GI should not be highly concentrated. Another hormone, aldosterone, has been shown to play an important role in regulating the transport of sodium by the GI epithelium. In addition, the lower GI tract plays a significant role in recycling a portion of the nitrogen that leaves the kidneys as uric acid. Furthermore, the output of avian kidneys contains large amount of protein that is conserved by the lower GI tract.  相似文献   

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