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Aims: Copper is a critical metal of modern industry, and is the most widespread heavy metal contaminant in wastewater. Therefore, isolation of copper‐tolerant microbes having the potential as biosorbent is fascinating not only from an environmental microbiology, but also from a biotechnology view point. In this study, we attempted to isolate highly copper‐tolerant microbes from soil samples of the Nabanobori copper mine, the oldest mine in Japan. Methods and Results: As a result of an enrichment culture, two fungal strains were isolated from soil of the smelter remains. The isolates could grow in a maximum of 200 mmol l?l Cu2+, and grew under a wide pH range. The Cu2+‐binding capacity of nontreated biomass of the isolates was around 35 mg Cu2+ g?1‐biomass. Analysis of 18S rDNA suggested that the isolates belong to the Aspergillus/Penicillium clade, but they represented a distinct lineage against known neighbours. Conclusion: The isolates were highly copper‐tolerant, and their Cu2+‐binding capacity was comparable to well‐studied fungal sorbents. The isolates were implied as novel species. Soil of the historic old mine under weather‐beaten conditions might be a suitable source for metal‐tolerant microbes. Significance and Impact of the Study: The present results advance our understanding of metal‐tolerant microbes, and offer a new tool for both environmental control and metal recovery operations.  相似文献   

On 15 November 2016, a black swan that had died in a zoo in Akita prefecture, northern Japan, was strongly suspected to have highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI); an HPAI virus (HPAIV) belonging to the H5N6 subtype was isolated from specimens taken from the bird. After the initial report, 230 cases of HPAI caused by H5N6 viruses from wild birds, captive birds, and domestic poultry farms were reported throughout the country during the winter season. In the present study, 66 H5N6 HPAIVs isolated from northern Japan were further characterized. Phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin gene showed that the H5N6 viruses isolated in northern Japan clustered into Group C of Clade together with other isolates collected in Japan, Korea and Taiwan during the winter season of 2016–2017. The antigenicity of the Japanese H5N6 isolate differed slightly from that of HPAIVs isolated previously in Japan and China. The virus exhibited high pathogenicity and a high replication capacity in chickens, whereas virus growth was slightly lower in ducks compared with that of an H5N8 HPAIV isolate collected in Japan in 2014. Comprehensive analyses of Japanese isolates, including those from central, western, and southern Japan, as well as rapid publication of this information are essential for facilitating greater control of HPAIVs.

Aim We focus on the biogeographical role of the Balkan Peninsula as a glacial refugium and source of northward post‐glacial dispersal for many European taxa. Specifically, we analysed the genetic structure and variation of wild boar (Sus scrofa) samples primarily from Greece, a region that has repeatedly served as a glacial refugium within the Balkan Peninsula. Location Continental Greece, the Aegean island of Samos and Bulgaria. Methods We analysed wild boar samples from 18 localities. Samples from common domestic breeds were also examined to take into account interactions between wild and domesticated animals. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out on a 637‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region in 200 wild boar and 27 domestic pigs. The sequences were also compared with 791 Eurasian wild boar and domestic pig D‐loop sequences obtained from GenBank. Results Ninety‐four haplotypes were identified in the European wild boar data set, of which 68 were found in the Balkan samples and assigned to two previously described clades: the E1 European and Near Eastern clades. All of the continental samples clustered in the E1 clade and the samples from Samos fell into the Near Eastern clade, consistent with the island’s proximity to Asia Minor. Intriguingly, 62 novel haplotypes were identified and are found exclusively in the Balkans. Only six haplotypes were shared between wild boar and domestic pigs. Main conclusions Our data reveal numerous novel and geographically restricted haplotypes in wild boar populations, suggesting the presence of separate refugia in the Balkans. Our analyses support the hypothesis of a post‐glacial wild boar expansion consistent with the leading edge model, north and west from modern day Greece, and suggest little maternal introgression of Near Eastern and domestic haplotypes into wild Balkan populations.  相似文献   

On‐column reaction gas chromatography combines the power of separation and rapid analysis of reactants and reaction products with screening of reactions in a single step. Not only conversions but the reaction rates at various temperatures can be obtained from single measurements, making this approach superior to the time‐consuming measurements typically performed in reaction progress analysis. However, this approach has only been used in the investigation of interconversion processes, rearrangement reactions, and only a few examples of higher‐order reactions are known. Here we present the screening of immobilized gadolinium(III)‐tris[(1R,4S)‐3‐heptafluorobutanoyl‐camphor] in the Danishefsky‐hetero‐Diels‐Alder‐reaction by enantioselective on‐column reaction gas chromatography utilizing cryogenic focusing to achieve catalytic conversions in this higher‐order reaction and subsequent separation of the enantiomeric product mixture to determine the enantiomeric ratio. The results obtained by this approach could be transferred to the conventional batch reaction at a larger scale, demonstrating that on‐column reaction chromatography provides reliable results in the screening of enantioselective reactions. Chirality 26:243–248, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Diabetes is now regarded as a major public health problem. The number of patients is estimated to increase to over 439 million cases by 2030. One of the major health clinical problems in patients with diabetes patients is impaired wound healing. Diabetic foot ulcer is a major complication of diabetes mellitus in 12 to 25% of patients, which increases the risk of damage in the limbs or amputation. The earthworm Eisenia foetida glycolipoprotein (as known G‐90) is a blend of macromolecules with some biological properties including mitogenicity, anticoagulation, fibrinolysis, bacteriostatic and antioxidatiaon. Given the biological properties of G‐90, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of extract obtained from the homogenate of Eisenia foetida (G‐90) on the wound healing process in alloxan‐induced diabetic rats. The results of the present study revealed that treatment by using G‐90 can speed up the wound healing process, which is exactly similar to the effect of D‐panthenol treatment in rats. These findings also demonstrated that G‐90 treatment decreases the risk of infection in the wound site compared with D‐panthenol treatment. In addition, histological analysis indicated that a better extracellular matrix formation with increased fibroblast proliferation, neovascularization, collagen synthesis and early epithelial layer formation was observed in G‐90 treated group. Therefore, the G‐90 could be considered as a new wound healing agent introducing promising therapeutic approaches in both human and veterinary medicine. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The construct of multispecies anthropology has helped explain some of the ways through which humans develop sensory and embodied connectedness with the more‐than‐human. Yet there is a need to fully comprehend how such connectedness leads to the discovery of the inner self. Through an ethnographic study carried out with rural South Punjabi pigeon flyers in Pakistan between 2008 and 2018, this paper argues that companionship with pigeons allows people to generate a meaningful relationship with their animals, explore their inner emotions and achieve a deeper understanding of the self. This paper takes inspiration from Donna Haraway's critique of Jacques Derrida's cat encounter, and philosophical thoughts of a 12th‐century Muslim mystic poet, Farid ud‐Din Attar, to examine how becoming‐with pigeons enables the flyers to structure their lifeworlds, develop entrenched companionship and shape their social choices to achieve wellbeing despite everyday social troubles and emotional anxieties.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Egernia has been suggested as an excellent model system for examining the evolution of sociality as it exhibits considerable diversity in social organization both between and within species. To date the majority of work examining the factors responsible for the evolution of sociality within Egernia has advocated a broad scale approach; identifying the social structure of specific species or populations and comparing the degree of sociality between them. However, we argue that significant advancements could also be gained by examining variation in social strategies within populations. Here we integrate a detailed, 3‐year, field‐based examination of social spacing and juvenile dispersal with molecular analyses of paternity to determine the social and mating system of a Tasmanian population of White's skink (Egernia whitii). We show that E. whitii live in small stable family groups consisting of an adult male, his female partner(s), as well as juvenile or sub‐adults individuals. In addition, while the mating system is characterized by considerable genetic monogamy, extra‐pair fertilizations are relatively common, with 34% of litters containing offspring sired by males from outside the social group. We also show that traits related to social organization (social group composition, group size, stability and the level of extra‐pair paternity) vary both between and within individuals. We suggest that ecological factors, such as habitat saturation, quality and availability, play a key role in maintaining between individual variation in social strategies, and that examining these individual level processes will allow us to more clearly understand variation in sociality among species.  相似文献   

The physiological functions of erythrocytes depend critically on their morphology, deformability, and aggregation capability in response to external physical and chemical stimuli. The dynamic deformability can be described in terms of their viscoelasticity. We applied jumping optical tweezers to trap and stretch individual red blood cells (RBCs) to characterize its viscoelasticity in terms of the Young's modulus and viscosity by analyzing the experimental data of dynamic deformation using a 2‐parameter Kelvin solid model. The effects of three chemical agents (N ‐ethylmaleimide, Chymotrypsin, and Hydrogen peroxide) on RBC's mechanical properties were studied by comparing the Young's modulus and viscosity of RBCs with and without these chemical treatments. Although the effects of each of these chemicals on the molecular structures of RBC may not be exclusive, based on the dominant effect of each chemical, we attempted to dissect the main contributions of different constituents of the RBC membrane to its viscosity and elasticity. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The world currently faces severe biodiversity losses caused by anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, pollution, the introduction of exotic species, habitat fragmentation, and climate changes. Disease ecology in altered environments is still poorly understood. The golden‐headed lion tamarin (GHLT, Leontopithecus chrysomelas) is an endangered species that became invasive in an urban park in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The initially few invasive GHLT individuals became hundreds, adapted to living in proximity to humans and domestic animals. These GHLTs were captured as part of a conservation project; some animals were translocated to Bahia and some were kept in captivity. This study tested 593 GHLT for Leptospira serology; 100 and 95 GHLT for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) toLeptospira and hepatitis E virus genotype 3 (HEV‐3), respectively, and 101 familiar groups for PCR to viruses (rotavirus A, norovirus GI and GII, and HEV‐3). One animal had antibodies for Leptospira serovar Shermani and another for serovar Hebdomadis. One saprophyticLeptospira was found by the 16S PCR and sequencing. Viruses were not detected in samples tested. Findings suggest that the epidemiological importance of such pathogens in this GHLT population is either low or nonexistent. These data are important to understand the local disease ecology, as well as monitoring a translocation project, and to contribute data for species conservation.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, continues to be a major threat to populations worldwide. Whereas the disease is treatable, the drug regimen is arduous at best with the use of four antimicrobials over a six‐month period. There is clearly a pressing need for the development of new therapeutics. One potential target for structure‐based drug design is the enzyme RmlA, a glucose‐1‐phosphate thymidylyltransferase. This enzyme catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis of l ‐rhamnose, which is a deoxysugar critical for the integrity of the bacterium's cell wall. Here, we report the X‐ray structures of M. tuberculosis RmlA in complex with either dTTP or dTDP‐glucose to 1.6 Å and 1.85 Å resolution, respectively. In the RmlA/dTTP complex, two magnesium ions were observed binding to the nucleotide, both ligated in octahedral coordination spheres. In the RmlA/dTDP‐glucose complex, only a single magnesium ion was observed. Importantly, for RmlA‐type enzymes with known three‐dimensional structures, not one model shows the position of the magnesium ion bound to the nucleotide‐linked sugar. As such, this investigation represents the first direct observation of the manner in which a magnesium ion is coordinated to the RmlA product and thus has important ramifications for structure‐based drug design. In the past, molecular modeling procedures have been employed to derive a three‐dimensional model of the M. tuberculosis RmlA for drug design. The X‐ray structures presented herein provide a superior molecular scaffold for such endeavors in the treatment of one of the world's deadliest diseases.  相似文献   

We present a survey of sample size formulas derived in other papers for pairwise comparisons of k treatments and for comparisons of k treatments with a control. We consider the calculation of sample sizes with preassigned per‐pair, any‐pair and all‐pairs power for tests that control either the comparisonwise or the experimentwise type I error rate. A comparison exhibits interesting similarities between the parametric, nonparametric and binomial case.  相似文献   

l ‐DOPA‐induced dyskinesia is characterised by debilitating involuntary movement, which limits quality of life in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Here, we investigate effects of the α2 adrenoceptor antagonist idazoxan on l ‐DOPA‐induced dyskinesia as well as on alterations of extracellular l ‐DOPA and dopamine (DA) levels in the striatum in dyskinetic rats. Male Wistar rats were unilaterally lesioned with 6‐hydroxydopamine and subsequently treated with l ‐DOPA/benserazide to induce stable dyskinetic movements. Administration of idazoxan [(9 mg/kg, intraperitoneal (i.p.)] significantly alleviated l ‐DOPA‐induced dyskinesia, whereas idazoxan (3 mg/kg, i.p.) did not affect dyskinetic behaviour. Bilateral in vivo microdialysis revealed that idazoxan 9 mg/kg reduces extracellular peak l ‐DOPA levels in the lesioned and intact striatum as well as DA levels in the lesioned striatum. In parallel, the exposure to idazoxan in the striatum was monitored. Furthermore, no idazoxan and l ‐DOPA drug–drug interaction was found in plasma, brain tissue and CSF. In conclusion, the decrease of l ‐DOPA‐derived extracellular DA levels in the lesioned striatum significantly contributes to the anti‐dyskinetic effect of idazoxan.  相似文献   

A little‐studied common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population inhabits the offshore waters surrounding Saint Paul's Rocks, a Brazilian marine protected area in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Five field expeditions (May 2011–May 2013) were conducted to characterize the habitat use, population size, and site fidelity of this population. Three different survey methods were employed: line‐transect surveys, land‐based surveys, and photo‐identification surveys. A population size of 23 individuals (19–28, CI 95%), which were present on most sampling days (>90% of surveys), was estimated. The maximum resighting interval of photo‐identified animals was 9 yr and 3 mo for five distinct individuals, based on data from nonsystematic efforts that have been ongoing since 2004. The dolphins exhibited strong site fidelity, as the minimum convex polygon (MCP, 95%) method revealed that they restricted their movements to a 0.5 km2 area across seasons and a 0.99 km2 area across years (95% kernel). The dolphins preferred shallow waters close to the archipelago (<1.2 km from the islands), especially on the eastern and southeastern sides, where oceanographic models have revealed persistent upwelling that may result from underwater currents and where food may be more predictably available.  相似文献   

In this study, in vitro and in vivo experiments were carried out with the high‐affinity multifunctional D2/D3 agonist D‐512 to explore its potential neuroprotective effects in models of Parkinson's disease and the potential mechanism(s) underlying such properties. Pre‐treatment with D‐512 in vitro was found to rescue rat adrenal Pheochromocytoma PC12 cells from toxicity induced by 6‐hydroxydopamine administration in a dose‐dependent manner. Neuroprotection was found to coincide with reductions in intracellular reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage. In vivo, pre‐treatment with 0.5 mg/kg D‐512 was protective against neurodegenerative phenotypes associated with systemic administration of MPTP, including losses in striatal dopamine, reductions in numbers of DAergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN), and locomotor dysfunction. These observations strongly suggest that the multifunctional drug D‐512 may constitute a novel viable therapy for Parkinson's disease.


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