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Vitrification of shoots of Prunus avium L. L. was induced and expressed in a four week in vitro multiplication cycle simply by replacing agar by gelrite. The first vitrification symptoms were visible from the 7th day on. Enzymatic antioxidants were compared weekly in crude extract of normal (on agar) and vitrifying (on gelrite) shoots. The activity of superoxide dismutase was higher in vitrifying shoots. The other enzymes (gaîacol-peroxidase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, mono- and dehydro-ascorbate reductases, glutathione reductase) had lower activities. Increased superoxide dismutase activity might mean hydrogen peroxide accumulation and decreased activities of the other enzymes, deficiency in its detoxification. The question therefore is raised whether the hyperhydric morphological abnormalities result from the accumulation of toxic oxygen forms. Vitrification is often considered as a morphological response to several stresses. Contrary to most plants which adapt themselves to stresses by increasing all the above defence enzymes, in vitro shoots under vitrifying conditions appear unable to react in a similar manner.Abbreviations Apx ascorbate peroxidase - Gpx gaîacol peroxidase - CAT catalase - H2O2 hydrogen peroxide - SOD superoxide dismutase - MDHAR monodehydroascorbate reductase - DHAR dehydroascorbate reductase - GR glutathione reductase - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - IBA indolebutyric acid - BAP benzyladenine - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Current models for the generation of new gametophytic self-incompatibility specificities require that neutral variability segregates within specificity classes. Furthermore, one of the models predicts greater ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions in pollen than in pistil specificity genes. All models assume that new specificities arise by mutation only. To test these models, 21 SFB (the pollen S-locus) alleles from a wild Prunus spinosa (Rosaceae) population were obtained. For seven of these, the corresponding S-haplotype was also characterized. The SFB data set was also used to identify positively selected sites. Those sites are likely to be the ones responsible for defining pollen specificities. Of the 23 sites identified as being positively selected, 21 are located in the variable (including a new region described here) and hypervariable regions. Little variability is found within specificity classes. There is no evidence for selective sweeps being more frequent in pollen than in pistil specificity genes. The S-RNase and the SFB genes have only partially correlated evolutionary histories. None of the models is compatible with the variability patterns found in the SFB and the S-haplotype data.  相似文献   

Summary Mesophyll protoplasts of wild pear (Pyrus communis var. pyraster L., Pomoideae) were chemically fused with cell suspension protoplasts of cherry rootstock Colt (Prunus avium x pseudocerasus, Prunoideae), following an electroporation treatment of the separate parental protoplast systems. Fusion-treated protoplasts were cultured, on modified K8P medium, where it had been previously established that neither parental protoplasts were capable of division. Somatic hybrid calli were recovered and, following caulogenesis on MS medium with zeatin and after rooting of regenerated shoots, complete trees were obtained and grown in vivo. Hybridity of these trees was confirmed based on morphological characters, chromosome complement and isozyme analysis. Two separate cloned lines of this intersubfamilial rootstock somatic hybrid (wild pear (+) Colt cherry) were produced. This is the first report of the production of somatic hybrid plants of two woody species, of agronomic value, within the order Rosales.  相似文献   

The insect-pollinated forest tree Tilia cordata Mill. grows today in small fragmented populations in Denmark and other western European countries but was, in prehistoric times, a dominating species and is considered an indicator species for ancient forest. The species is known to propagate both sexually and vegetatively, forming clonal groups. Few studies have been made on the species' population genetics and on how clonality affects the population structure. The aim of this study is to evaluate the Danish gene pool by estimating genetic diversity and differentiation, as well as through exhaustive sampling describe clonal structures in some of the populations. Genetic analysis was carried out using nine nuclear microsatellite markers in nine populations, of which four were exhaustively or partly exhaustively sampled. The markers showed a high degree of genetic diversity but low differentiation between populations, with no geographic-related structure. Clonal structures were found in eight out of the nine populations. In the exhaustively sampled populations, recruitment strategies included both sexual and clonal reproduction with indications that clonality may be enhanced by management and other disturbances.  相似文献   

On a population level, individual plasticity in reproductive phenology can provoke either anticipations or delays in the average reproductive timing in response to environmental changes. However, a rigid reliance on photoperiodism can constraint such plastic responses in populations inhabiting temperate latitudes. The regulation of breeding season length may represent a further tool for populations facing changing environments. Nonetheless, this skill was reported only for equatorial, nonphotoperiodic populations. Our goal was to evaluate whether species living in temperate regions and relying on photoperiodism to trigger their reproduction may also be able to regulate breeding season length. During 10 years, we collected 2,500 female reproductive traits of a mammal model species (wild boar Sus scrofa) and applied a novel analytical approach to reproductive patterns in order to observe population-level variations of reproductive timing and synchrony under different weather and resources availability conditions. Under favorable conditions, breeding seasons were anticipated and population synchrony increased (i.e., shorter breeding seasons). Conversely, poor conditions induced delayed and less synchronous (i.e., longer) breeding seasons. The potential to regulate breeding season length depending on environmental conditions may entail a high resilience of the population reproductive patterns against environmental changes, as highlighted by the fact that almost all mature females were reproductive every year.  相似文献   

We investigated Fraxinus excelsior breeding system using field data collected in a natural population and in a seed orchard. First, we attested functional trioecy (co-occurrence of males, hermaphrodites and females), with males producing pollen, hermaphrodites producing both pollen and seeds simultaneously, and females producing seeds. Second, we found that the reproductive system of F. excelsior was not labile, as sex expression seemed to be stable through time. Third, gender is genetically determined since different trees belonging to the same clone in the orchard exhibit similar sexual phenotypes.  相似文献   

Vegetation structure and species composition of tropical ecosystems were studied through nine transects at Veerapuli and Kalamalai reserve forests in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Species diversity, dominance, species richness and evenness indices of plant communities and also population structure of woody plants were enumerated. A total of 244 species (183 genera and 76 families) were recorded. Species richness (number of species) were 82,142 and 96 species per 0.3 ha respectively for the study areas of low-elevation forest (LEF), mid-elevation forest (MEF) and high elevation forest (HEF). Species diversity indices were greater in MEF compared to the other two forests except juveniles. In contrast, greater dominance value indices were recorded in LEF than other forests. Density and basal area of the MEF were twice greater than the LEF, while HEF showed greater tree density and low basal area when compared to LEF. The stem density and species richness (number of species) decreased with increased size classes of trees observed in the present study indicated good regeneration status. Population structure of juveniles and seedlings also reflects good regeneration status. Terminalia paniculata (IVI of 99.9) and Hopea parviflora (IVI of 103.8) were dominant tree species respectively in LEF and MEF whereas in HEF Agrostistachys meeboldii (63.65), Cullenia excelsa (63.67) and Drypetes oblongifolia (39.67) share the dominance. Past damage (anthropogenic perturbation) may be one of the reasons for single species dominance in LEF and MEF. Occurrence of alien species such as Eupatorium odoratum and Ageratum conyzoides also indicated the past disturbance in LEF. The variations in plant diversity and population structure are largely due to anthropogenic perturbation and other abiotic factors.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林的树种组成和群落结构动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡跃华  曹敏  林露湘 《生态学报》2010,30(4):949-957
研究了西双版纳热带季节雨林1 hm2(hectare)动态监测样地1993年与2007年之间树种组成和群落结构的变化。对样地中胸径≥5 cm的乔木进行了每木调查。目前其树种组成的热带分布科、属所占比例分别为91%和94%,具有较高比例的热带植物区系性质。在1993年与2007年两次调查之间,树种数量由145种增至179种,仅有1到2个个体的稀有树种所占比例从54%降为51.1%。从森林的垂直结构来看,A、B、C三层的个体死亡率分别为12.8%、12.9%和19.0%,各层树木的增长率分别为-8.5%、-1.4%和44.8%。与此相对应,C层小径级的树木所占比例有较大提高。虽然小径级的树木在种类和数量上比例增大,但个体数量和种类组成相对稳定的A、B层优势树种变化不大,维持了群落结构的稳定性。14 a间,群落中新增加的具有先锋性质的树种不超过5个。1993年时,A、B两层尚有先锋树种存在,2007年已经从A、B两层中退出。因此,从14 a间树种组成和群落结构的变化来看,虽然具有树木的死亡和增补,但其物种成分和群落结构的总体格局没有明显的变化,处于动态平衡过程中。  相似文献   

森林植被与土壤微生物作为森林生态系统的重要组成部分,它们之间的相互作用对维持森林生态系统功能和稳定性起着重要作用。以往多在天然草地和森林生态系统开展植物多样性与土壤微生物多样性关系的研究,但人工构建的多树种混交林生态系统中树种多样性对土壤微生物群落组成的影响及其机制尚不完全清楚。因此,以南亚热带人工块状造林后自然恢复形成的多树种混交森林生态系统为研究对象,利用高通量测序技术研究了随树种丰富度(1—10种)变化土壤细菌和真菌多样性的变化规律及主要影响因子。结果表明,随树种丰富度增加,土壤真菌α多样性显著提高,但土壤细菌α多样性差异不显著;不同树种丰富度梯度间土壤细菌和真菌的群落结构组成均差异显著;Pearson相关分析表明土壤细菌α多样性主要受土壤pH和土壤铵态氮影响,而土壤pH和有效磷是土壤真菌α多样性的主要影响因子。距离冗余分析(db-RDA)表明,对土壤细菌群落组成产生显著影响的环境因子分别为土壤pH、硝态氮和芳香碳组分,而土壤有机碳、硝态氮、细根生物量和氧烷基碳组分是影响土壤真菌群落组成的主要因子。本研究的结果说明了南亚热带人工林不同树种混交后形成多树种混交林生态系统的过程中,树...  相似文献   

Bruguiera gymnorrhiza is an ecologically and somewhat economically important mangrove tree species. We isolated 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci from B. gymnorrhiza using a dual‐suppression polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. These loci provided microsatellite markers with polymorphism of two to five alleles per locus within 216 individuals from nine natural populations of B. gymnorrhiza on Iriomote Island, the Sakishima Islands, Japan. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.220 to 0.720 and from 0.104 to 0.447, respectively.  相似文献   

以木札岭世界地质公园3 hm2的温带落叶阔叶林为研究对象, 分析了群落的物种组成、胸径结构、群落分类和主要物种的空间分布格局。结果显示: 样地内共有木本植物31科52属85种, 以蔷薇科、桦木科、卫矛科、忍冬科、杨柳科和槭树科为主, 锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)和华山松(Pinus armandii)为群落内优势种, 稀有种和偶见种分别占总物种数的20.0%和28.24%。物种径级分布遵从典型的倒“J”型, 植物群落更新状况良好。多元回归树经过交叉验证认为可将该样地划分为4个群落类型: 1)锐齿槲栎+华山松+秦岭木姜子(Litsea tsinlingensis) +微毛樱桃(Cerasus clarofolia) +三桠乌药(Lindera obtusiloba)群落; 2)锐齿槲栎+腺柳(Salix chaenomeloides) +湖北花楸(Sorbus hupehensis)群落; 3)锐齿槲栎+臭椿(Ailanthus altissima) +微毛樱桃+秦岭木姜子群落; 4)锐齿槲栎+白蜡(Fraxinus chinensis) +秦岭木姜子+山梅花(Philadelphus incanus)群落。在完全随机分布模型下, 样地中主要物种在整个研究尺度中全部呈聚集分布, 并且这些物种主要聚集分布在不同的生境中, 具有明显的地形生境偏好;在异质性泊松分布模型下, 这些物种在不同尺度上主要呈随机分布或规则分布。该研究结果表明地形生境异质性是影响木札岭样地物种空间分布的重要因素。通过该研究可增加对木札岭世界地质公园植物组成、群落结构和群落分布的认识, 同时可为该区域生物多样性保护和森林管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Differences in demographic history, life-history traits, and breeding systems affect nucleotide variation patterns. It is expected that shade-intolerant pioneer tree species have different patterns of genetic polymorphism and population structure than climax species. We studied patterns of nucleotide polymorphism at four putative starch pathway loci (agpSA, agpSB, agpL, and GBSSI) in Zanthoxylum ailanthoides , a shade-intolerant pioneer tree species that occupies forest gaps in warm-temperate forests of East Asia. Genetic diversity was lower within each population than among populations, and differentiation among populations was high across the loci ( F ST = 0.32–0.64), as expected from the insect-pollinated breeding system and the metapopulation structure of this pioneer species. Numbers of haplotypes were smaller than those expected from the observed numbers of segregating sites. Single haplotypes accounted for more than 47% of all the sampled genes at the respective loci. These variation patterns were incompatible with neutral predictions for populations of a finite island model. Complex population dynamics, such as bottleneck and/or admixture, in the history of this pioneer tree species might have resulted in the observed patterns of genetic variation and population structure, which are different from those of climax wind-pollinated tree species, such as conifers. In contrast to the other loci investigated in this study, agpL showed nearly no variation in Z. ailanthoides (one singleton only), but there was some extent of variation in a closely related species, Zanthoxylum schinifolium . This suggests possibly a recent selective sweep at or near the locus in Z. ailanthoides .  相似文献   

千岛湖次生林优势种种群结构与分布格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了揭示亚热带地区常绿阔叶林次生演替机理,以砍伐后自然恢复40余年的浙江千岛湖姥山岛次生林为研究对象,分析了该群落优势种的种群结构、存活曲线和空间分布格局。结果表明:1)群落中重要值最大的是马尾松(Pinus massoniana)种群,达到50.47%,其后依次是石栎(Lithocarpusglabra)、苦槠(Castanopsis sclerophylla)和青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)。2)马尾松的种群结构呈纺锤型,但1、2径级个体数极少,幼龄个体储备严重不足,已呈衰退趋势;石栎、苦槠、青冈的种群结构呈金字塔型。3)从静态生命表看,马尾松种群小径级的死亡率为负值,也说明马尾松种群幼苗严重缺乏,种群呈衰退趋势。4)马尾松种群的存活曲线为凸型,石栎、苦槠和青冈种群则近似直线型。5)4种优势种种群总体和各级个体的空间分布格局均呈聚集分布。总体来看,马尾松种群为稳定型趋向衰退型,而石栎、苦槠和青冈种群为稳定增长型,群落会继续向针阔混交林方向演替,进而演替成为常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   

齐麟  赵福强 《生态学报》2015,35(1):46-55
分析采伐后森林群落中物种的空间格局有助于认识该格局形成的生态学过程、种群的生物学特性及其与环境因子之间的相互关系,并对制定可持续的森林经营方案具有重要意义。以长白山地区经历不同采伐方式形成的阔叶红松林次生林为研究对象,利用空间点格局分析的研究方法,探讨了采伐对阔叶红松林主要树种空间分布格局、种间关联性以及更新的影响。研究结果显示:较低强度的择伐对阔叶红松林主要树种的空间分布格局、种间关联性的改变较小,群落可以在较短时间内恢复。中等强度的择伐减少了成年树种对幼树的抑制作用,可以促进森林的天然更新。皆伐后,森林的群落结构,物种的空间分布格局、种间关联性都发生显著变化,尽管更新状况良好,但要恢复到伐前水平仍需要较长时间。择伐不仅通过改变主要树种的密度对阔叶红松林群落结构产生影响,还通过改变物种空间关联性改变群落的结构动态。因此,在制定森林生态系统经营管理方案时,不仅要选择适合的采伐强度,还要综合考虑采伐时物种的选择以及种间关系。  相似文献   

In tropical forest communities, seedling recruitment can be limited by the number of fruit produced by adults. Fruit production tends to be highly unequal among trees of the same species, which may be due to environmental factors. We observed fruit production for ~2,000 trees of 17 species across 3 years in a wet tropical forest in Costa Rica. Fruit production was modeled as a function of tree size, nutrient availability, and neighborhood crowding. Following model selection, tree size and neighborhood crowding predicted both the probability of reproduction and the number of fruit produced. Nutrient availability only predicted only the probability of reproduction. In all species, larger trees were more likely to be reproductive and produce more fruit. In addition, number of fruit was strongly negatively related to presence of larger neighboring trees in 13 species; presence of all neighboring trees had a weak‐to‐moderate negative influence on reproductive status in 16 species. Among various metrics of soil nutrient availability, only sum of base cations was positively associated with reproductive status, and for only four species. Synthesis Overall, these results suggest that direct influences on fruit production tend to be mediated through tree size and crowding from neighboring trees, rather than soil nutrients. However, we found variation in the effects of neighbors and nutrients among species; mechanistic studies of allocation to fruit production are needed to explain these differences.  相似文献   

Eleven dinucleotide microsatellites were developed in Geoffroea spinosa (Leguminosae), a widespread tree of the seasonally dry Neotropical forests, and characterized on six populations from Peru, Argentina and Paraguay. Four of them amplified on the Peruvian populations only, probably because of mutations in the microsatellite flanking regions in the other populations. Ten microsatellites were found polymorphic, with within population gene diversities ranging from 0.17 to 0.95, and a number of alleles varying from seven to 19. A significant overall genetic differentiation was also found (θ = 0.212; P < 0.01).  相似文献   

The distribution of tree species in tropical forests is generally related to the occurrence of disturbances and shifts in the local environmental conditions such as light, temperature, and biotic factors. Thus, the distribution of pioneer tree species is expected to vary according to the gap characteristics and with human disturbances. We asked whether there was variation in the distribution of a pioneer species under different environmental conditions generated by natural disturbances, and between two forests with contrasting levels of human disturbance. To answer this question, we studied the distribution patterns and population persistence of the pioneer tree species Croton floribundus in the size and age gap range of a primary Brazilian forest. Additionally, we compared the plant density of two size‐classes between a primary and an early successional human‐disturbed forest. Croton floribundus was found to be widespread and equally distributed along the gap‐size gradient in the primary forest. Overall density did not vary with gap size or age (F‐ratio = 0.062, = 0.941), and while juveniles were found to have a higher density in the early successional forest (= 0.021), tree density was found to be similar between forests (= 0.058). Our results indicate that the population structure of a pioneer tree species with long life span and a broad gap‐size niche preference varied between natural and human‐disturbed forests, but not with the level of natural disturbance. We believe this can be explained by the extreme environmental changes that occur after human disturbance. The ecological processes that affect the distribution of pioneer species in natural and human‐modified forests may be similar, but our results suggest they act differently under the contrasting environmental conditions generated by natural and human disturbances.  相似文献   

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