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BacD is an ATP‐dependent dipeptide ligase responsible for the biosynthesis of L ‐alanyl‐L ‐anticapsin, a precursor of an antibiotic produced by Bacillus spp. In contrast to the well‐studied and phylogenetically related D ‐alanine: D ‐alanine ligase (Ddl), BacD synthesizes dipeptides using L ‐amino acids as substrates and has a low substrate specificity in vitro. The enzyme is of great interest because of its potential application in industrial protein engineering for the environmentally friendly biological production of useful peptide compounds, such as physiologically active peptides, artificial sweeteners and antibiotics, but the determinants of its substrate specificity and its catalytic mechanism have not yet been established due to a lack of structural information. In this study, we report the crystal structure of BacD in complex with ADP and an intermediate analog, phosphorylated phosphinate L ‐alanyl‐L ‐phenylalanine, refined to 2.5‐Å resolution. The complex structure reveals that ADP and two magnesium ions bind in a manner similar to that of Ddl. However, the dipeptide orientation is reversed, and, concomitantly, the entrance to the amino acid binding cavity differs in position. Enzymatic characterization of two mutants, Y265F and S185A, demonstrates that these conserved residues are not catalytic residues at least in the reaction where L ‐phenylalanine is used as a substrate. On the basis of the biochemical and the structural data, we propose a reaction scheme and a catalytic mechanism for BacD.  相似文献   

The presence of two kinds of l-amino acid dehydrogenase in resting spores of Bacillus subtilis was indicated. One of them was l-alanine dehydrogenase, which used only l-alanine as a substrate, and the other was nonspecific dehydrogenase, which used l-valine, l-isoleucine, l-leucine, and l-alanine (slightly) as substrates. Several properties of these dehydrogenases were compared.  相似文献   

In the companion paper we reported that Bacillus subtilis requires three proteins for lipoic acid metabolism, all of which are members of the lipoate protein ligase family. Two of the proteins, LipM and LplJ, have been shown to be an octanoyltransferase and a lipoate : protein ligase respectively. The third protein, LipL, is essential for lipoic acid synthesis, but had no detectable octanoyltransferase or ligase activity either in vitro or in vivo. We report that LipM specifically modifies the glycine cleavage system protein, GcvH, and therefore another mechanism must exist for modification of other lipoic acid requiring enzymes (e.g. pyruvate dehydrogenase). We show that this function is provided by LipL, which catalyses the amidotransfer (transamidation) of the octanoyl moiety from octanoyl‐GcvH to the E2 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase. LipL activity was demonstrated in vitro with purified components and proceeds via a thioester‐linked acyl‐enzyme intermediate. As predicted, ΔgcvH strains are lipoate auxotrophs. LipL represents a new enzyme activity. It is a GcvH:[lipoyl domain] amidotransferase that probably uses a Cys‐Lys catalytic dyad. Although the active site cysteine residues of LipL and LipB are located in different positions within the polypeptide chains, alignment of their structures show these residues occupy similar positions. Thus, these two homologous enzymes have convergent architectures.  相似文献   

Despite its utility, dipeptides have not been widely used due to the absence of an efficient manufacturing method. Recently, a novel method for effective production of dipeptides using l-amino acid α-ligase (Lal) is presented. Lal, which is only identified in Bacillus subtilis, catalyzes dipeptide synthesis from unprotected amino acids in an ATP-dependent manner. However, not all the dipeptide can be synthesized by Lal from B. subtilis (BsLal) due to its substrate specificity. Here, we attempted to find a novel Lal exhibiting different substrate specificity from BsLal. By in silico screening based on the amino acid sequence of BsLal, RSp1486a an unknown protein from Ralstonia solanacearum was found to show the Lal activity. RSp1486a exhibited different substrate specificity from BsLal, and preferably synthesized hetero-dipeptides where more bulky amino acid was placed at N terminus and less bulky amino acid was placed at C terminus in opposition to those synthesized by BsLal.  相似文献   

Here, we present a novel method for the directed genetic manipulation of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome free of any selection marker. Our new approach employed the Escherichia coli toxin gene mazF as a counter-selectable marker. The mazF gene was placed under the control of an isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-inducible expression system and associated with a spectomycin-resistance gene to form the MazF cassette, which was flanked by two directly-repeated (DR) sequences. A double-crossover event between the linearized delivery vector and the chromosome integrated the MazF cassette into a target locus and yielded an IPTG-sensitive strain with spectomycin-resistance, in which the wild-type chromosome copy had been replaced by the modified copy at the targeted locus. Another single-crossover event between the two DR sequences led to the excision of the MazF cassette and generated a strain with IPTG resistance, thereby realizing the desired alteration to the chromosome without introducing any unwanted selection markers. We used this method repeatedly and successfully to inactivate a specific gene, to introduce a gene of interest and to realize the in-frame deletion of a target gene in the same strain. As there is no prerequisite strain for this method, it will be a powerful and universal tool.  相似文献   

The organization of the ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) genes (rDNA) of Bacillus subtilis was examined by cleaving the genome with several restriction endonucleases. The rDNA sequences were assayed by hybridization with purified radioactive rRNA's. Our interpretation of the resulting electrophoretic patterns is strengthened by an analysis of a fragment of B. subtilis rDNA cloned in Escherichia coli. The results indicated that there are eight rRNA operons in B. subtilis. Each operon contains one copy of the sequences coding for 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNA. The sequences coding for 5S rRNA were shown to be more closely linked to the 23S rRNA genes than to the 16S rRNA genes.  相似文献   

The chemotaxis machinery of Bacillus subtilis is similar to that of the well characterized system of Escherichia coli. However, B. subtilis contains several chemotaxis genes not found in the E. coli genome, such as cheC and cheD, indicating that the B. subtilis chemotactic system is more complex. In B. subtilis, CheD is required for chemotaxis; the cheD mutant displays a tumbly phenotype, has abnormally methylated chemoreceptors, and responds poorly to most chemical stimuli. Homologs of B. subtilis CheD have been found in chemotaxis-like operons of a large number of bacteria and archaea, suggesting that CheD plays an important role in chemotactic sensory transduction for many organisms. However, the molecular function of CheD has remained unknown. In this study, we show that CheD catalyzes amide hydrolysis of specific glutaminyl side chains of the B. subtilis chemoreceptor McpA. In addition, we present evidence that CheD deamidates other B. subtilis chemoreceptors including McpB and McpC. Previously, deamidation of B. subtilis receptors was thought to be catalyzed by the CheB methylesterase, as is the case for E. coli receptors. Because cheD mutant cells do not respond to most chemoattractants, we conclude that deamidation by CheD is required for B. subtilis chemoreceptors to effectively transduce signals to the CheA kinase.  相似文献   

Cephalosporin-C deacetylase [EC] was purified electrophoretically to homogeneity from the newly isolated Bacillus subtilis SHS 0133 (FERM BP-2755). The enzyme was purified about 27-fold with a yield of 9 % and a specific activity of 187.4 U/mg protein. The native enzyme (molecular weight, 280,000) was composed of eight identical subunits with apparent molecular weights of 35,000. The cephalosporin-C deacetylase was stable up to 60°C for 30 min at pH 7.0. The enzyme exhibited Michaelis-Menten kinetics with the substrates cephalosporin C, 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA) and p-nitrophenyl acetate; the Km values were 24.0, 7.9 and 1.0 mM, respectively. One of the reaction products from 7-ACA, deacetyl-7-ACA, was a weak non-competitive inhibitor and other product, acetate, was a weak competitive inhibitor; the Ki values were 171 and 290 mM, respectively. However, these weak product inhibitors did not prevent the completion of the deacylation of 7-ACA. The pI value of the enzyme was determined to be 5.3 using isoelectric focusing. The observed data indicate that the enzyme is different from known cephalosporin-C deacetylases. In addition, amino acid sequencing of the N-terminus and Achromobacter proteinase I-digested peptides yielded no sequences with similarities to other known proteins by a computer search.  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过转录组分析预测的方法,由地衣芽孢杆菌中筛选获得一种新型双向启动子,鉴定其启动强度。以已知强组成型启动子pShuttle-09为对照,检测其对克劳氏芽孢杆菌碱性蛋白酶基因的表达活性。成功构建了3种重组碱性蛋白酶表达载体及对应的工程菌株。在新型启动子pLA和其反向启动子pLB调控转录下,克劳氏芽孢杆菌碱性蛋白酶表达活性达到164 U/mL和111 U/mL。结果表明,pLA的启动强度明显高于pShuttle-09和pLB,pLA启动子与pLB启动子均可表达碱性蛋白酶。从而为枯草芽孢杆菌表达系统中异源基因的表达提供一个新的方向,也为原核生物中共同表达两种基因提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

SPR, a temperate Bacillus subtilis phage, codes for a DNA methyltransferase that can methylate the sequences GGCC (or GGCC) and CCGG at the cytosines indicated. We show here that it can also methylate the sequence CC(A/T)GG and protect it from cleavage with EcoRII and ApyI. This methylation can be seen in vivo as well as in vitro with purified SPR methyltransferase. SPR19 and SPR83 are two mutant phages, defective in GGCC or CCGG methylation, respectively. These mutants have not lost their ability to methylate CC(A/T)GG sites. Mutation SPR26 has lost the ability to methylate all three sites. Thus the SPR methyltransferase codes for three genetically distinguishable methylation abilities.  相似文献   

Hyaluronic acid production in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hasA gene from Streptococcus equisimilis, which encodes the enzyme hyaluronan synthase, has been expressed in Bacillus subtilis, resulting in the production of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the 1-MDa range. Artificial operons were assembled and tested, all of which contain the hasA gene along with one or more genes encoding enzymes involved in the synthesis of the UDP-precursor sugars that are required for HA synthesis. It was determined that the production of UDP-glucuronic acid is limiting in B. subtilis and that overexpressing the hasA gene along with the endogenous tuaD gene is sufficient for high-level production of HA. In addition, the B. subtilis-derived material was shown to be secreted and of high quality, comparable to commercially available sources of HA.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant proteins at low temperatures is one strategy to prevent formation of protein aggregates and the use of an expensive inducer such as IPTG. We report on the construction of two expression vectors both containing the cold-inducible des promoter of Bacillus subtilis, where one allows intra- and the other extracellular synthesis of recombinant proteins. Production of recombinant proteins started within the first 30min after temperature downshock to 25 degrees C and continued for about 5h.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis deoxyribonucleic acid gyrase   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Bacillus subtilis 168 was shown to contain a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) gyrase activity which closely resembled those of the enzymes isolated from Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus in its enzymatic requirements, substrate specificity, and sensitivity to several antibiotics. The enzyme was purified from the wild type and nalidixic acid-resistant and novobiocin-resistant mutants of B. subtilis and was functionally characterized in vitro. The genetic loci nalA and novA but not novB were shown to code for portions of the functional gyrase. Enzyme from the antibiotic-resistant mutants was resistant to the drug in vitro. The most striking observation was the remarkable similarity between the B. subtilis enzyme and other DNA gyrases, especially with respect to the oxolinic acid-induced DNA cleavage in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. All of the enzymes appeared to possess the same specificity of cutting sites regardless of the source or type of DNA used. This result implies that gyrase binding to DNA is highly specific.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis W23 was infected with a clear-plaque variant of SP-10 phage, namely, SP-10c. Exogenous thymidine was not incorporated into phage DNA (even in the presence of deoxyadenosine), nor was there any transfer of thymidine nucleotides from bacterial to viral DNA. The lytic program was unaffected by concentrations of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine sufficient to reduce bacterial DNA synthesis by greater than 95%. Although these data are consistent with the interpretation that thymidine nucleotides are excluded from phage DNA, formic acid digests of SP-10c DNA contained what appeared to be the four conventional bases; however, adenine and thymine were not recovered in equimolar yields. DNA-RNA hybridization and hybridization competition experiments were done. Synthesis of host RNA started to wane moments postinfection and stopped completely by 36 min. SP-10c coded for discrete classes of early and late RNA. The possibility of discrete subclasses of early RNA exists. Replication of the bacterial genome appeared to terminate 12 min postinfection. Degradation of the host DNA to acid-soluble material started at 36 min and, by the end of the latent period, greater than 90% of the host chromosome was hydrolyzed. Four apparent phage-coded enzymes have been identified. A di- and triphosphatase degraded dUTP, dUDP, dTTP, and dTDP (and, to a lesser extent, dCDP and d CTP) to the corresponding monophosphates; the enzyme had no apparent activity on dATP and dGTP. SP10c also coded for a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase, lysozyme, and a nuclease that degrades native bacterial DNA. Judging from the dependence of enzyme synthesis on the time of addition of rifampin (an inhibitor of the initiation of RNA synthesis), messengers for the di- and triphosphatase, as well as the nuclease, are transcribed from promoters that start to function 6 min postinfection. Promoters for polymerase and lysozyme did not become functional until 8 and 16 min postinfection, respectively.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis genome encodes three apparent lipoyl ligase homologues: yhfJ, yqhM and ywfL, which we have renamed lplJ, lipM and lipL respectively. We show that LplJ encodes the sole lipoyl ligase of this bacterium. Physiological and biochemical characterization of a ΔlipM strain showed that LipM is absolutely required for the endogenous lipoylation of all lipoate-dependent proteins, confirming its role as the B. subtilis octanoyltransferase. However, we also report that in contrast to Escherichia coli, B. subtilis requires a third protein for lipoic acid assembly, LipL. B. subtilis ΔlipL strains are unable to synthesize lipoic acid despite the presence of LipM and the sulphur insertion enzyme, LipA, which should suffice for lipoic acid biosynthesis based on the E. coli model. LipM is only required for the endogenous lipoylation pathway, whereas LipL also plays a role in lipoic acid scavenging. Expression of E. coli lipB allows growth of B. subtilisΔlipL or ΔlipM strains in the absence of supplements. In contrast, growth of an E. coliΔlipB strain can be complemented with lipM, but not lipL. These data together with those of the companion article provide evidence that LipM and LipL catalyse sequential reactions in a novel pathway for lipoic acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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