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The article investigates the factors that make businesses postpone integrating the performance dimension of sustainability in global agrifood supply chains. Based on literature‐based conceptual reasoning, the article conceptualizes a double company lens distinguishing between substantial supply chain management and mere public relations endeavors as a major obstacle for businesses pursuing comprehensive supply chain performance in global agrifood chains. We point out that many supply chain performance attributes represent, in fact, credence attributes that cannot be verified by the consumer, hence entailing an information asymmetry between the company and its consumers. Rational business responses to this situation tend to focus on symbolic actions and communication efforts by means of sustainability reports and other brand‐enhancing marketing tools that may be decoupled from substantial operations and supply chain improvements. The research propositions developed have partly been corroborated by a content analysis of annual and sustainability reports of four major agrifood companies (Nestlé, PepsiCo, Unilever, and Mondelez International). The conceptual arguments and empirical analysis presented in the article may serve as the basis for managers and academics to develop innovative inter‐ and intraorganizational business processes that reconcile trade‐offs between various agrifood supply chain performance dimensions, thus pushing the performance frontier outward, and that provide the necessary transparency for overcoming the currently adverse setting of incentives inherent in the food production, processing, retailing, and consumption system.  相似文献   

The traditional approach to the development of knowledge-based systems (KBS) has been rule-based, where heuristic knowledge is encoded in a set of production rules. A rule-based reasoning (RBR) system needs a well constructed domain theory as its reasoning basis, and it does not make substantial use of the knowledge embedded in previous cases. An RBR system performs relatively well in a knowledge-rich application environment. Although its capability may be limited when previous experiences are not a good representation of the whole population, a case-based reasoning (CBR) system is capable of using past experiences as problem solving tools, therefore, it is appropriate for an experience-rich domain. In recent years, both RBR and CBR have emerged as important and complementary reasoning methodologies in artificial intelligence. For problem solving in AIDS intervention and prevention, it is useful to integrate RBR and CBR. In this paper, a hybrid KBS which integrates a deductive RBR system and an inductive CRB system is proposed to assess AIDS-risky behaviors.  相似文献   

Changes in economic imperatives in the pharmaceutical industry have led to a wave of consolidation, which has had the unintended side effect of shrinking the resource devoted to antiparasitic drug discovery in animal health companies. Scientific changes have altered the way in which drugs could be discovered in the future. New science and business models will need to be implemented to address the demand for innovative antiparasitic drugs in veterinary medicine. Novel drugs are needed to combat drug resistance and for currently non-addressed problems. At the center of the future for this field, however, lies the need for more support into the basic research on the biology of parasites.  相似文献   



This article is the third of a series of articles presenting the results of research on the implementation of life cycle management tools in small- and medium-sized companies in Poland. The purpose of the three-part series of articles is to present the results of research on the implementation of life cycle tools in Polish small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This work is part of a project financed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED) which began in February 2011. It was carried out by the Wielkopolska Quality Institute—a business environment institution associated with the Polish Centre for LCA (PCLCA). The main practical objective of the project was to support SMEs in their business development, e.g. by expanding their horizons beyond the sphere of their operation and identifying new areas for the improvement and promotion of the products and services on offer. The specific objective of the analysis involving the assessment of life-cycle costs of products and services was an attempt to answer the question to determine whether the assessment carried out in accordance with the life-cycle cost (LCC) methodology is a good tool for cost management in this type of business. Part 3 describes the results of studies on the assessment of the implementation of LCC in SMEs conducted in 50 companies involved in the project.


In order to assess the effectiveness of the project and the effectiveness of the implementation of LCA and LCC, a survey was conducted of small- and medium-sized businesses where the implementation works had been fully completed. In total, 50 organisations agreed to participate in the LCC survey (while 46 in the LCA—part 2 paper), which was 71 % of all the companies where the LCA and LCC studies had been carried out within the project. The survey was conducted using individual in-depth interviews. Questions to the representatives of the companies referred both to aspects of their operating in the market (characteristics of a company, its market share, management systems, environmental policy, suppliers, clients) and the implementation of their environmental service (assessment of its effectiveness, motivation, difficulties in its implementation), as well as opinions on the potential applications of LCA in their current operations.

Results and discussion

The experience and observations of LCC experts resulting from their cooperation with the analysed organisations are largely supported by the results of the survey. The overall impression gained from the project is that the small- and medium-sized enterprises considered have a problem with accepting and understanding the life-cycle perspective, and show limited interest in taking liability for environmental and cost aspects beyond the mandatory legal standards and boundaries of their business operations. Nevertheless, the LCC analyses aroused much bigger interest among the companies than the environmental due to the fact that the cost aspects in companies undergoing normal development are seen as an important source of information about the structure of the costs generated with respect to the products or services provided. It is important to note that a very important factor encouraging businesses to join the studies was the fact that they were cost-free. Moreover, the planned introduction of a new product onto the market was the argument that often influenced the decision to implement the LCC. The survey has shown that companies rarely perform cost analyses including all stages of the life cycle of a product or service. Although the awareness of the importance of conducting economic researches for the entire life cycle of a product or service is great, it turned out to be problematic to unambiguously define the practical use of such an analysis, at least at the present stage of development of the companies surveyed.


The results obtained in the survey indicate that in the case of simple products, with a short life cycle, complex cost analyses may seem less useful. For more complex products or services, with long periods of use, high reliability required, and high operating costs, the analyses presented are useful tools that increase the economic efficiency of the projects implemented. It appears that from the point of view of polish SMEs, the usefulness of an LCA is seen mainly from the angle of opportunities for cost reduction (preferably in business) and increased sales (marketing). A good solution would be to conduct relatively simple, but integrated LCA/LCC analyses in SMEs so that the companies would clearly see the economic effects of the proposed environmental improvements.  相似文献   

The drug discovery process pursued by major pharmaceutical companies for many years starts with target identification followed by high-throughput screening (HTS) with the goal of identifying lead compounds. To accomplish this goal, significant resources are invested into automation of the screening process or HTS. Robotic systems capable of handling thousands of data points per day are implemented across the pharmaceutical sector. Many of these systems are amenable to handling cell-based screening protocols as well. On the other hand, as companies strive to develop innovative products based on novel mechanisms of action(s), one of the current bottlenecks of the industry is the target validation process. Traditionally, bioinformatics and HTS groups operate separately at different stages of the drug discovery process. The authors describe the convergence and integration of HTS and bioinformatics to perform high-throughput target functional identification and validation. As an example of this approach, they initiated a project with a functional cell-based screen for a biological process of interest using libraries of small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules. In this protocol, siRNAs function as potent gene-specific inhibitors. siRNA-mediated knockdown of the target genes is confirmed by TaqMan analysis, and genes with impacts on biological functions of interest are selected for further analysis. Once the genes are confirmed and further validated, they may be used for HTS to yield lead compounds.  相似文献   



Bioinformatics and medical informatics are two research fields that serve the needs of different but related communities. Both domains share the common goal of providing new algorithms, methods and technological solutions to biomedical research, and contributing to the treatment and cure of diseases. Although different microarray techniques have been successfully used to investigate useful information for cancer diagnosis at the gene expression level, the true integration of existing methods into day-to-day clinical practice is still a long way off. Within this context, case-based reasoning emerges as a suitable paradigm specially intended for the development of biomedical informatics applications and decision support systems, given the support and collaboration involved in such a translational development. With the goals of removing barriers against multi-disciplinary collaboration and facilitating the dissemination and transfer of knowledge to real practice, case-based reasoning systems have the potential to be applied to translational research mainly because their computational reasoning paradigm is similar to the way clinicians gather, analyze and process information in their own practice of clinical medicine.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The sheer volume of textually described biomedical knowledge exerts the need for natural language processing (NLP) applications in order to allow flexible and efficient access to relevant information. Specialized semantic networks (such as biomedical ontologies, terminologies or semantic lexicons) can significantly enhance these applications by supplying the necessary terminological information in a machine-readable form. With the explosive growth of bio-literature, new terms (representing newly identified concepts or variations of the existing terms) may not be explicitly described within the network and hence cannot be fully exploited by NLP applications. Linguistic and statistical clues can be used to extract many new terms from free text. The extracted terms still need to be correctly positioned relative to other terms in the network. Classification as a means of semantic typing represents the first step in updating a semantic network with new terms. RESULTS: The MaSTerClass system implements the case-based reasoning methodology for the classification of biomedical terms.  相似文献   

Mining companies are expected to return land to a stable, productive, and self‐sustaining condition by rehabilitating degraded areas to also deliver social benefits, an essential dimension of sustainable land management. This research aimed to develop a framework for mine rehabilitation planning based on an integrated analysis of the social‐ecological system provided by the ecosystem services concept to facilitate community engagement and the delivery of social benefits. An Ecosystem Services Assessment for Rehabilitation framework was tested at two bauxite mines undergoing ecological restoration. The mines are operated by the same company in two countries. Key results showed that the framework can help companies, regulators, and community members alike identify whether biophysical restoration efforts translate into key human benefits. Overall the framework provides a means for enhancing community engagement to explicitly address social benefits that, with a business as usual focus on ecological goals, may not be delivered. The ecosystem services concept provides a practical approach to link ecological and social outcomes of mine restoration.  相似文献   



This article is the first of a series of articles presenting the results of research on the implementation of life cycle management tools in small- and medium-sized companies in Poland. This work is part of a project financed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED) which began in February 2011. It was carried out by the Wielkopolska Quality Institute—a business environment institution associated with the Polish Centre for Life Cycle Assessment (PCLCA). The main practical objective of the project was to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in their business development, e.g. by expanding their horizons beyond the sphere of their operation and identifying new areas for improvement and promotion of the products and services on offer. These publications are a voice in the discussion on the opportunities and pertinence of implementing life cycle thinking (LCT) in small- and medium-sized enterprises and an attempt to identify potential barriers arising from specific characteristics of SMEs which could hinder or even prevent the effective implementation of life cycle techniques. Part 1 presents the situation of SMEs in Poland, general objectives of the project and organisation of the survey process.


It was decided to carry out research on the effectiveness of the implementation of LCA and life cycle costing (LCC) in organisations that had received financial support for the implementation of life cycle techniques. Financial constraints, which might potentially be a reason for limited interest in LC techniques among SMEs in Poland, were taken into account. Thus, financial support provided an opportunity for the project to obtain information from a wide range of companies, not only from those companies that were particularly aware of the benefits of LC techniques or had a very good financial situation. Research based on the method of individual in-depth interviews was preceded by an analysis of literature showing the status of SMEs in Poland. Given the results, the project objectives were formulated and the ways of conducting the research were defined.

Results and discussion

The comparison of Polish SMEs with the same category of companies in the EU shows some similarities, such as the percentage of companies engaged in various businesses. The differences are expressed primarily in the financial potential, which in the case of Polish SMEs, is significantly smaller than the average in the EU. In the SME sector, there are less than half as many small businesses in Poland than in the EU. There are, however, many more microbusinesses in Poland. An evaluation of the prevalence of LCA and LCC techniques indicates that they are used by just 3 % of Polish SMEs, which is a very small proportion compared to the more than 50 % of SMEs taking any environmental measures. Information collected on specific details of Polish SMEs was used to identify the target group and develop a survey questionnaire which aimed to audit, among other things, the approach to environmental and economic analyses in the past and the approach to the LCA and/or LCC analyses that were implemented from the point of view of difficulties in their implementation and potential use of the results.


Part 1 of the series of articles demonstrates a marginal-scale dissemination of life cycle management techniques among Polish SMEs. Companies definitely prefer to introduce relatively simple solutions that do not require specialised knowledge or unnecessary costs, e.g. they introduce energy-saving bulbs and waste segregation. Only a small percentage of companies implement more complex activities, and most commonly, these are medium-sized companies with greater financial and human capital. So what should be done to make SMEs use life cycle techniques more frequently? Is it appropriate to make changes in the methodology and life cycle techniques as such, or should, rather, the incentive for SMEs to use LCT come from outside as a requirement of public institutions or suppliers in a supply chain? Answers to these questions are provided in the research conclusions presented in parts 2 and 3 of the series of articles.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background To enhance the use of life cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool in business decision-making, a methodology for Social life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) is being developed. Social LCA aims at facilitating companies to conduct business in a socially responsible manner by providing information about the potential social impacts on people caused by the activities in the life cycle of their product. The development of the methodology has been guided by a business perspective accepting that companies, on the one hand, have responsibility for the people affected by their business activities, but, on the other hand, must also be able to compete and make profit in order to survive in the marketplace. Methods A combined, bottom-up and top-down approach has been taken in the development of the Social LCIA. Universal consensus documents regarding social issues as well as consideration for the specific business context of companies has guided the determination of damage categories, impact categories and category indicators. Results Discussion, and Conclusion. The main results are the following: (1) Impacts on people are naturally related to the conduct of the companies engaged in the life cycle rather than to the individual industrial processes, as is the case in Environmental LCA. Inventory analysis is therefore focused on the conduct of the companies engaged in the life cycle. A consequence of this view is that a key must be determined for relating the social profiles of the companies along the life cycle to the product. This need is not present in Environmental LCA, where we base the connection on the physical link which exists between process and product. (2) Boundaries of the product system are determined with respect to the influence that the product manufacturer exerts over the activities in the product chain. (3) A two-layer Social LCA method with an optional and an obligatory set of impact categories is suggested to ensure both societal and company relevance of the method. The obligatory set of impact categories encompasses the minimum expectations to a company conducting responsible business. (4) A new area of protection, Human dignity and Well-being, is defined and used to guide the modelling of impact chains. (5) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights serves as normative basis for Social LCA, together with local or country norms based on socio-economic development goals of individual countries. The International Labour Organisation's Conventions and Recommendations, and the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, support development of the impact pathway top-down, starting from the normative basis. (6) The obligatory part of Social LCA addresses the main stakeholder groups, employees, local community and society. Recommendations and Outlook Social LCA is still in its infancy and a number of further research tasks within this new area are identified.  相似文献   

松柏类植物体细胞胚胎发生的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
松柏类植物的体细胞胚胎发生既是繁育的一种手段,又是研究胚胎发育过程中结构、生理和分子事件的一种重要的模式系统.整个体细胞胚胎发生过程主要包括3个步骤:胚性组织的诱导和增殖、体细胞胚的成熟以及体细胞胚的萌发和转换.过去为了提高胚胎发育过程所做的努力主要都集中在胚的成熟阶段,这是因为一直认为能否成功再生的关键在于胚发育成熟阶段的处理.然而,在过去几年里,结合生理生化以及分子生物学的研究发现,胚胎发生的早期阶段对于完成整个发育过程也是至关重要的,早期阶段培养条件的优化可以显著提高培养过程中体细胞胚的数量和质量.此外,萌发过程培养条件的调节对于提高成熟体细胞胚的萌发率和转换率也很重要.因此,这些新的研究成果对于改善松柏类植物体细胞胚胎发生中的胚的诱导率和转换率低的现象具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a data-driven methodology for detecting therapeutically correct and incorrect measurements in continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMSs) in an intensive care unit (ICU). The data collected from 22 patients in an ICU with insulin therapy were obtained following the protocol established in the ICU. Measurements were classified using principal component analysis (PCA) in combination with case-based reasoning (CBR), where a PCA model was built to extract features that were used as inputs of the CBR system. CBR was trained to recognize patterns and classify these data. Experimental results showed that this methodology is a potential tool to distinguish between therapeutically correct and incorrect measurements from a CGMS, using the information provided by the monitor itself, and incorporating variables about the patient's clinical condition.  相似文献   



This article is the second part of a series of articles presenting the results of research on the implementation of lifecycle management tools in small- and medium-sized companies in Poland. This work is part of a project financed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED), which began in February 2011. It was carried out by the Wielkopolska Quality Institute, a business environment institution associated with the Polish Centre for life cycle assessment (PCLCA). The main practical objective of the project was to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in their business development, e.g. by expanding their horizons beyond the sphere of their operation and identifying new areas for the improvement and promotion of the products and services they offer. The specific objective of the analysis on the environmental impact was an attempt to answer the question of whether environmental LCA is a good management tool for this type of business. Part 2 describes results of the evaluation of the implementation of LCA in SMEs conducted in 46 companies involved in the project.


In order to assess the effectiveness of the project and the effectiveness of the implementation of LCA and life cycle costing (LCC), a survey was conducted of small and medium businesses where the implementation work had been fully completed. In total, 46 organisations agreed to participate in the LCA survey, which was almost 66 % of all the companies where the LCA and LCC studies had been carried out within the project. The survey was conducted using individual in-depth interviews. Questions to the representatives of the companies referred both to aspects of their functioning in the market (characteristics of a company, its market share, management systems, environmental policy, suppliers and clients) and the operation of their environmental service (assessment of its effectiveness, motivation and difficulties in its implementation), as well as opinions on the potential applications of LCA in their current operations.

Results and discussion

The experience and observations of LCA experts resulting from their cooperation with the organisations analysed are largely supported by the results of the survey. The overall impression gained from the project is that the small- and medium-sized enterprises analysed have a problem with accepting and understanding the life cycle perspective and show limited interest in taking liability for environmental aspects beyond the mandatory legal standards and boundaries of their business operations. The survey shows that the companies rarely analyse environmental aspects appearing on many different stages of the life cycle of their products. Most of them focus on their current operations while trying to meet the mandatory legal requirements relating to environmental protection. It should be noted, however, that SMEs taking part in the studies appreciate the opportunities offered by LCA, their usefulness in business practice, recognise the potential for using life cycle techniques in the future and their impact on the management process, procedure or thinking about the products they manufacture. The result of the study is the identification of four key areas relevant to SMEs which may affect their willingness to adopt the life cycle perspective and undertake environmental measures.


It seems that implementing LCT in small- and medium-sized enterprises requires a special approach. These are often companies with limited human resources (often just a few people) and financial resources (often operating on the verge of survival), with a weak position in a supply chain and, therefore, having various priorities in their daily operation. The researchers also encountered awareness barriers as a result of which the idea of going beyond an organisation and making an entire LCA of a product was often simply misunderstood. The studies conducted among SMEs have shown that managers' own intuition and research on customer preferences were largely conducive to improve existing or introducing new products or services, while changes were mostly introduced due to the requirements of the market, or the desire to reduce costs. It can be assumed that their non-obligatory nature also contributed to the relatively low interest in LCA initiatives and not recognising their usefulness. It seems that it would be useful to carry out relatively simple, but integrated, LCA/LCC analyses in SMEs so that the companies would clearly see the economic effect of the proposed environmental improvements. The analyses conducted lead to the conclusion that the incentive for SMEs to take measures should come from outside, e.g. as requirements for green public procurements, or as part of assessment made by suppliers in a supply chain.  相似文献   

We consider a two-patch epidemiological system where individuals can move from one patch to another, and local interactions between the individuals within a patch are governed by the classical SIRS model. When the time-scale associated with migration is much smaller than the time-scale associated with infection, aggregation methods can be used to simplify the initial complete model formulated as a system of ordinary differential equations. Analysis of the aggregated model then shows that the two-patch basic reproduction rate is smaller than the 1 patch one. We extend this result to a linear chain of P patches (P > 2). These results are illustrated by some examples for which numerical integration of the system of ordinary differential equations is performed. Simulations of an individual based model implemented with a multi-agent system are also carried out.  相似文献   

创新药研发对企业研发能力要求高,目前我国大部分药企仍然处于仿创阶段,但随着政策环境的改善,国家不断释放鼓励创新信号, 创新型药企不断涌现,传统药企积极布局,创新药物迎来发展机遇。借鉴国外创新药研发经验,探讨我国创新药的 3 种研发模式及估值方法, 解析创新药研发的机遇与风险。  相似文献   

松柏类植物的体细胞胚胎发生既是繁育的一种手段,又是研究胚胎发育过程中结构、生理和分子事件的一种重要的模式系统。整个体细胞胚胎发生过程主要包括3个步骤:胚性组织的诱导和增殖、体细胞胚的成熟以及体细胞胚的萌发和转换。过去为了提高胚胎发育过程所做的努力主要都集中在胚的成熟阶段,这是因为一直认为能否成功再生的关键在于胚发育成熟阶段的处理。然而,在过去几年里,结合生理生化以及分子生物学的研究发现,胚胎发生的早期阶段对于完成整个发育过程也是至关重要的,早期阶段培养条件的优化可以显著提高培养过程中体细胞胚的数量和质量。此外,萌发过程培养条件的调节对于提高成熟体细胞胚的萌发率和转换率也很重要。因此,这些新的研究成果对于改善松柏类植物体细胞胚胎发生中的胚的诱导率和转换率低的现象具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

In modern logistics operations, large-scale logistics companies, besides active participation in profit-seeking commercial business, also play an essential role during an emergency relief process by dispatching urgently-required materials to disaster-affected areas. Therefore, an issue has been widely addressed by logistics practitioners and caught researchers'' more attention as to how the logistics companies achieve maximum commercial profit on condition that emergency tasks are effectively and performed satisfactorily. In this paper, two vehicle scheduling models are proposed to solve the problem. One is a prediction-related scheme, which predicts the amounts of disaster-relief materials and commercial business and then accepts the business that will generate maximum profits; the other is a priority-directed scheme, which, firstly groups commercial and emergency business according to priority grades and then schedules both types of business jointly and simultaneously by arriving at the maximum priority in total. Moreover, computer-based simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of these two models by comparing them with two traditional disaster-relief tactics in China. The results testify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed models.  相似文献   

Optimization of performance in collective systems often requires altruism. The emergence and stabilization of altruistic behaviors are difficult to achieve because the agents incur a cost when behaving altruistically. In this paper, we propose a biologically inspired strategy to learn stable altruistic behaviors in artificial multi-agent systems, namely reciprocal altruism. This strategy in conjunction with learning capabilities make altruistic agents cooperate only between themselves, thus preventing their exploitation by selfish agents, if future benefits are greater than the current cost of altruistic acts. Our multi-agent system is made up of agents with a behavior-based architecture. Agents learn the most suitable cooperative strategy for different environments by means of a reinforcement learning algorithm. Each agent receives a reinforcement signal that only measures its individual performance. Simulation results show how the multi-agent system learns stable altruistic behaviors, so achieving optimal (or near-to-optimal) performances in unknown and changing environments. Received: 1 August 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 28 November 1997  相似文献   

This article discusses how eco‐design management standards have been adopted and the environmental and economic results that have been obtained by the Spanish furniture manufacturers. This is precisely the industry sector in Spain where the dissemination of eco‐design standards has been most important. Using multiple case‐study methodology, the research has shown that, in three companies, more than 90% of the environmental impact of the companies’ products occurs within the manufacturing phase. Companies have implemented tools for life cycle assessment with eco‐indicators values that allow them to assess complex products and evaluate their significant environmental impacts at each stage. The environmental strategies of these companies are based on the continuous improvement of the internal processes and the review and monitoring of their activities. In this approach, the proper choice of materials and the environmental management of the supply chain are the main problems for companies. The outcomes achieved by the companies included some improvements, such as a greater control of product management and a reduction in operating costs, that have allowed them to obtain competitive advantages. Moreover, the adoption of standard management has enabled the companies to drive innovation of products, improve the image of companies and their products, significantly reduce the environmental impact of their products, and adapt to new, more demanding environmental laws and regulations.  相似文献   

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