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Using the antigens testosterone-17 beta-hemisuccinate and testosterone-3-(o-carboxymethyl) oxime, each coupled to bovine serum albumin, we have produced 44 monoclonal antibodies to testosterone. Of the 17 monoclonal antibodies raised against the 17 beta-linked antigen 8 showed extremely low affinity for testosterone (Ka less than or equal to 8 X 10(7) M-1) and none had an affinity greater than 5 X 10(9) M-1. Of the 27 monoclonal antibodies raised against the 3-linked antigen 2 had affinities less than 8 X 10(7) M, 7 had affinities greater than 5 X 10(9) M-1 and one had an affinity (Ka = 9 X 10(10) M-1) greater than that of a high affinity rabbit antiserum (Ka = 6 X 10(10) M-1). The affinity constant (Ka = 5 X 10(9) M-1) measured in the serum of the mouse whose spleen gave rise to the greatest number of high affinity antibodies, was significantly higher than those measured in the sera of the remaining mice (Ka = 0.7 - 3 X 10(8) M-1). The cross-reactions of the monoclonal antibodies varied widely but none showed an overall improvement in specificity when compared with the corresponding rabbit antisera. Results suggest that as well as the structure of the steroid antigen careful selection of the spleen donor facilitates the development of monoclonal antibodies with good binding characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary Peripheral blood and bone marrow mononuclear cells from 12 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 2 patients with acute lymphatic leukemia, and 1 patient with chronic myeloid leukemia in blastic crisis were taken at diagnosis or in relapse. Cells were immunophenotyped with a panel of monoclonal antibodies (Moab) (OKIa, Leu M1, Leu M2, Leu M3, Leu M4, B1, Okt 11, J5) and the same antibodies were used in an in vitro cytotoxicity test. Of the 14 patients, 10 had antibody-binding cells, and the percentage of lysed cells was almost equal to that of blasts. The other 4 patients had few binding cells and little lysis. Acute leukemia with and without preceding myelodysplastic features did not differ in immunophenotype. Mean spontaneous release of 51Cr was 12.7% and complement alone caused an additional average release of 11.8%. Four single antibodies together with complement showed a mean 51Cr release of 0.7–32.4% above that found with complement alone. Combinations of Moabs resulted in 51Cr release at least 10% above the single most efficient Moab in 8 out of 12 patients. Not all blast cells showed antibody binding, nor were all antibody-binding cells susceptible to cytotoxicity.Normal bone marrow growth in vitro seemed to be stimulated by factors in complement and in the Moab. When this stimulation was compensated for by adding fetal calf serum, cytotoxicity tests prior to CFUc assays resulted in a mean decrease of 46% of colonies and 25% of clusters in normal bone marrow. CFUc are thus sensitive to the cytotoxicity, although CFU may also be resistant.Supported by Sw. Cancer Res. Found. Grant no. 699-B83-19XC Preliminary report given to Int. Soc. Hematol., Eur. Afr. Div. 5, 1983 Visiting scientist from Hacettepe University Ankara, TurkeyVisiting scientist from Hacettepe University Ankara, Turkey  相似文献   

Summary The serum antibody response to human melanoma has prognostic and potential physiological consequences. The specificity of the host B cell antibody response may be an important determinant of disease outcome. We have utilized Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation to analyze the repertory of the host B cell response to melanoma. Production of antibody that binds selectively to autologous (eight cases) or allogeneic (four cases) short-term-cultured melanoma cells was assessed from EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cells. Forty-two cultures of EBV-transformed B cells that secreted IgM and 23 that secreted IgG antibodies gave patterns of differential reactivity with autologous or allogeneic melanoma. Antibodyforming B cells persisted in producing melanoma-reactive IgG and IgM for 8–21 weeks. Preselection of B cells by adsorption to tumor cell antigens before transformation enhanced the frequency of antibody secretion. The specificity of the antibody produced by the longest-producing culture appears to be restricted to a subset of melanomas. The patient from whom this tumor-restricted IgG-producing B cell was retrieved was unusual, having had a transient serum IgG of similar specificity, and having manifest a syndrome of vitiligo at the time of her development of serum antimelanoma antibody, followed by disease-free survival of resected recurrent metastatic melanoma to the present (more than 6 years). This study has given support to findings of conventional serology, revealing the production of melanoma-reactive antibody from B cells of patients who have demonstrable serological response to tumor.Supported by the American Cancer Society grant IM 433  相似文献   

A panel of 12 hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies against alpha-polymerase were prepared by fusion of mouse myeloma cells and spleen cells of a rat immunized with homogeneous calf thymus alpha-polymerase. Hybridomas were selected and cloned on the basis of immunobinding to pure alpha-polymerase in solid phase radioimmunoassay. Antibodies secreted by these cells eventually were purified in milligram quantities from ascites fluids. These antibodies, all of the rat immunoglobulin M class, cross-reacted with alpha-polymerases from calf and monkey cells as revealed by immunobinding in radioimmunoassay and by immunoprecipitation of DNA polymerase activity. The antibodies were not capable of neutralizing the enzyme activity. With the methods described these antibodies may be used to immunoprecipitate alpha-polymerase from crude extracts of mammalian cells and to measure levels of the enzyme protein.  相似文献   

The trans-chromosome (TC) mouse that we used harbors human chromosomes 2, 14 and/or 22, and has undergone knock-out of its endogeneous genes coding for mu-and kappa-chains of immunoglobulin. One of these TC mice was immunized with HIV-1-infected U937 cells, and spleen cells from the immunized animal were fused with the mouse myeloma cell line to generate hybridoma cells. We selected hybridomas that produce human IgM antibodies (Abs) reactive with HIV-1-infected MOLT4 cells but not with uninfected MOLT4 cells. Two hybridoma cell lines were established termed 9F11 and 2G9. Although 0.4 mug/ml of 9F11 was able to induce complement-mediated cytolysis of the infected cells in the presence of fresh human serum, 2G9 could not. There was no difference between the two monoclonal Abs in the base sequences of cDNAs coding for the constant regions of mu-and kappa-chains. Therefore, we speculate that the ability to activate complement on homologous cell membranes might reflect the structural presentation of antigenic molecules, which could facilitate the binding of an IgM Ab to multiple binding sites resulting in escape from restriction by species-specific inhibitors of complement such as DAF (CD55) and CD59. On the other hand, 2G9 induced apoptosis of HIV-1-infected cells, including latently infected OM10.1 cells, although the Ag for 2G9 remains to be identified. Since both of the Abs had reduced reactivity toward HIV-1-infected MOLT4 cells following cultivation in the presence of tunicamycin, the responsible antigens would involve a sugar moiety.  相似文献   

Monoclonal and rabbit antibodies raised against estrone-3-glucuronide and pregnanediol-3 alpha-glucuronide have been studied with respect to their ability to bind free estrone and its conjugates or free pregnanediol and its conjugates, respectively. High titre and high specificity were observed with monoclonal antibodies produced against pregnanediol-3 alpha-glucuronide, whereas the monoclonal antibodies produced against estrone-3-glucuronide were not so specific when compared with the corresponding rabbit antibodies. Both monoclonal and rabbit antibodies had affinity constants in the range of 10(9)--10(10) liter/mole.  相似文献   

B. FONNESBECH, H. FRØKIAER, L. GRAM AND C. MOSBY JESPERSEN. 1993. Polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits and mice against Shewanella putrefaciens. Murine monoclonal antibodies were produced against the type strain (ATCC 8071) as well as wild type strains isolated from fish products. The specificities of four polyclonal and 12 monoclonal antibodies were tested by dot-blotting, an indirect and a competitive ELISA against 16 Gram-negative strains; including six strains of S. putrefaciens and one strain of Pseudomonas rubescens (NC 10695). All polyclonal antibodies reacted strongly with S. putrefaciens and with Ps. rubescens and cross-reacted with the nine other bacteria ( Pseudomonas spp., Aeromonas spp. and Vibrio anguillarum ). The monoclonal antibodies could be divided into three groups with different patterns of specificity. The largest group (8 monoclonal antibodies) reacted strongly with S. putrefaciens and with Ps. rubescens and showed only weak reactions with the other strains. The results confirm that Ps. rubescens should be classified as S. putrefaciens.  相似文献   

Two-bicistronic vectors for the production of recombinant IgM monoclonal antibodies in the DG44 DHFR-negative cell line have been designed. We used tandem vectors, in which one bicistronic unit encoded the immunoglobulin light chain and DHFR and the other encoded the heavy chain and EGFP. The construct structure presumes that green cells surviving selection would be capable of producing both immunoglobulin chains. We found that the agglutinating IgM antibodies could be secreted in the absence of J-peptide. It was shown that the germinal leader peptide plays a key role in the expression of the genes for the light and heavy chains. A comparison of the chromatin regulatory elements demonstrated that construct-flanking 2xHS4 insulators stabilized the biosynthesis of the recombinant antibodies, whereas the 5′-MARLyz matrix attachment region proved to be less efficient. The strategy for obtaining a DG44-based producer cell line should include the following consecutive steps: selection on the medium without nucleoside → amplification of the inserted gene → cloning of transfectants → selection of high-productive clones. An attempt to clone before amplification and to amplify individual clones failed to result in effective producers. Cloning on a medium without selection pressure allows a more adequate assessment of the stability of the antibody production.  相似文献   

Hybridoma cell lines were prepared from spleen cells of mouse immunized with mitotic HeLa cells. A monoclonal antibody (mH1), which intensively reacted with cleavage furrows of dividing HeLa cells in immunofluorescence, was obtained. In interphase, this antibody diffusely stained whole HeLa cells. Immunoelectron microscopy showed that mH1 antigens were localized at microvillus projections at the surface of dividing HeLa cells, but definite localization of that antigen was not observed in interphasic cells. Immunoblot analysis showed that mH1 is reactive to 42-kDa and 130-kDa components. Further, the 42-kDa component was identified as a gamma-actin homolog by N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Nocardia brasiliensis is a facultative intracellular microorganism that produces a human chronic infection known as actinomycetoma. Human and mouse anti- N. brasiliensis antibody response identify P24, P26 and P61 immunodominant antigens. In this work, we generated immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to immunodominant P61 antigen. The monoclonal IgM (NbM1) and IgG2a (NbG1) antibodies were assessed for their in vitro bactericidal activity, in vivo protective effect and ability to block catalase activity. These mAbs specifically recognized P61, but they did not inhibit its enzyme activity. The in vitro bactericidal effect of NbG1 was higher than the killing ability of the IgM mAb. In vivo experiments with a murine model of experimental infection with N. brasiliensis injected into rear footpads was used to test the effect of NbM1 and NbG1. The negative untreated group developed a chronic actinomycetoma within 4 weeks. IgM mAbs conferred protection to BALB/c mice infected with N. brasiliensis . IgG mAb lacked this protective effect. IgM mAb showed a dose–response correlation between antibody concentration and lesion size. These results demonstrate that humoral immune response mediated by antigen-specific IgM antibody protects against an intracellular bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Seven monoclonal antibodies were prepared against cytoskeletal components of rat intestinal brush borders. In the following paper (Chandler, J. S., Calnek, D., and Quaroni, A., J. Biol. Chem. 266, 11932-11938), three of them were shown to be specific for, respectively, keratin 8 (RK4), keratin 19 (RK7), and a newly identified type I keratin (keratin 21) (RK5). With these antibodies we have investigated the changes in keratin gene expression accompanying intestinal cell differentiation. Keratin 21 was detected exclusively in differentiated villus cells and in goblet, enteroendocrine, and Paneth cells in the crypts; in the proliferative crypt cells keratin 19 was predominant. Analysis of keratins expressed by cultured rat crypt cells (IEC cells) confirmed the absence of keratin 21 in undifferentiated intestinal cells. Changes in keratin's expression similar to those observed with cell differentiation in the adult intestinal mucosa were also demonstrated during early fetal intestinal development: the stratified epithelium present at 15-16 days of gestation contained predominantly keratin 19 with only a small amount of keratin 8; keratin 21 was first detected at 18-19 days of gestation, concomitant with the appearance of a well formed brush border and an apical cytoplasmic terminal web. These results suggest that keratin tonofilaments may play a role in the morphological and structural alterations accompanying intestinal cell differentiation in vivo.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the Dictyostelium centrosome is markedly different from that of the well known yeast spindle pole body and vertebrate centriole-containing centrosome. It consists of a box-shaped, layered core structure surrounded by a corona with dense nodules embedded in an amorphous matrix. For further structural and biochemical analyses of this type of centrosome we used highly enriched isolated Dictyostelium centrosomes as an antigen to raise 14 new centrosomal monoclonal antibodies. Immunofluorescence microscopy and Western blot analysis revealed that at least 10 of them were directed against different antigens. Immunofluorescence microscopy also showed that the monoclonal antibodies fell into three different groups: A) antibodies localizing to the centrosome during the entire cell cycle; B) antibodies staining the centrosome mainly during mitosis; and C) antibodies labeling centrosome associated structures. All antibodies, except one, exhibited a cell cycle-dependent staining pattern underscoring the highly dynamic properties of the Dictyostelium centrosome.  相似文献   

Three hybridoma antibodies (L101, L104, and L117) specific for lactose-protein amino carbonyl products (Maillard adducts) were obtained by immunizing mice with the lactose-ovalbumin Maillard adduct and by screening with the lactose-bovine serum albumin (BSA) adduct. They reacted with the Maillard adducts of lactose with several different proteins, but not with the adducts of several other reducing sugars. L101 reacted well with the lactose-BSA adducts formed by 2- to 16-day incubation, whereas L104 and L117 reacted with the advanced stage reaction products but not with the adducts of 2-day incubation. The competitive inhibition of the antibody binding by several mono- and disaccharides showed that lactulose (4-O-beta-D-galactopylanosyl-D-fructose) was the best inhibitor for all three antibodies, and that L104 and L117 were inhibited by methyl-beta-D-galactoside more effectively than L101. These results suggested that different components produced during the progress of the Maillard reaction could be antigenic determinants, and that the carbohydrate moiety including the terminal galactosyl residue played an important role in the antibody binding to the lactose-protein Maillard adducts.  相似文献   

In order to obtain bispecific monoclonal antibodies, two hybridoma cell lines were fused: E13 producing an IgG1 anti-Cytomegalovirus, and 70B12 producing an IgG3 anti-Chlamydia. This experimental model was chosen to test the possibility of association between gamma 1 gamma 3 heavy chains. This association was shown by using an ELISA.  相似文献   

Localization and characterization of the antigenic components of sparganum which induced IgG and IgM antibodies in the host were studied by immunohistochemical techniques and SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. The antigen recognized by IgG antibody of rats or mice which were immunized by infection or injection of crude extracts of metacestodes of Spirometra erinacei, was located in the parenchyma of sparganum, especially at the cortex and around the calcareous corpuscles. The immunoreaction was demonstrated not only in the encysted fibrous wall of host but around the arterioles or venules in the connective tissue of host. The antigen recognized by IgM antibody of rats or mice was also observed in the parenchyma of sparganum and in the connective tissue of host. By 5-20% gradient SDS-PAGE and EIBT, we detected antigenic components by IgG and IgM antibodies of the rat or mouse immunized by infection or injection of crude extract of spargana. Twenty-three antigenic bands from crude extracts of spargana were recognized by IgG antibody and 15 components by IgM antibody of immunized rats. Out of the bands recognized by IgG and IgM antibodies, 15 were cross-reacted each other. Twenty components of excretory-secretory proteins from spargana were recognized by IgG, and 5 components by IgM antibody of immunized rats. By IgG and IgM antibodies of immunized mice, 16 components of crude extracts were recognized by IgG antibody and 9 components by IgM antibody. Twenty components of excretory-secretory preparation were recognized by IgG antibody and 5 components by IgM antibody. Thirteen components of crude extracts were cross-reacted by IgG antibody of rats and mice.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against black rockfish Sebastes schlegeli serum immunoglobulin M (IgM) were developed, which showed a specific reaction with the heavy chain of S. schlegeli IgM in Western blotting and with surface IgM positive (sIgM+) lymphocytes in indirect immunofluorescence. mAb 2A6 was employed to investigate the antibody and sIgM+ lymphocyte responses of S. schlegeli injected with inactivated Edwardsiella tarda, by ELISA and flow cytometry. Compared with controls, the level of specific antibodies and the percentage of sIgM+ lymphocytes both increased in the immunized fish and simultaneously reached their peaks at day 35 after immunization.  相似文献   

用牛血清IgG免疫BALB/c小鼠,取其脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤细胞SP2/0进行融合,用含山羊血清的培养基培养细胞,上清用间接ELISA法筛选。获得4株能稳定分泌抗牛血清IgG的单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株,分别命名为1G5、2A8、3F5、4C5。其中2A8为IgG2a,其余3株为IgG1;腹水单抗的ELISA滴度均超过10-5;除3F5株单抗与山羊血清有交叉反应外,1G5、2A8、4C5株与人、马、猪、羊、兔、豚鼠等血清均不发生交叉反应;4株单抗与制备病毒性疫苗的基质液呈阴性反应;4株单抗识别分子量为160kD的牛血清IgG的两个不同抗原表位;4株单抗相对亲和力大小依次为4C5>2A8>1G5>3F5,相对敏感度依次为2A8>4C5>3F5>1G5;4株杂交瘤细胞株的染色体计数均大于90条,连续培养三个月以及冷冻保存半年后复苏,细胞生长良好。使用这些单抗建立的双抗体夹心法检测生物制品中的残留牛血清IgG。  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodiesWuchereria bancrofti E 33 andWuchereria bancrofli E 34 raised againstWuchereria bancrofti microfilarial excretory-secretory antigens were studied for their diagnostic utility.Wuchereria bancrofti E 34 monoclonal antibody was found to be relatively specific and sensitive in detection of circulating filarial antigen. WhenWuchereria bancrofti E 34 monoclonal antibody was used alongwith immunoglobulin G fraction of human filarial serum immunoglobulins in double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. 68% of microfilaraemic sera (26 out of 38). 12% of clinical filarial sera (3 out of 25), 13% endemic normal sera (2 out of 15) and none of the 20 non-endemic normal sera showed the presence of filarial antigen. The filarial antigen detected byWuchereria bancrofti E 34 monoclonal antibody in double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay is possibly associated with the active stage (microfilaraemia) of infection.  相似文献   

Seven murine monoclonal antibodies to antigens expressed on T lymphoma targets were tested for directing antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Peptone-induced peritoneal exudate macrophages, the LPS-stimulated RAW264.10 cell line, and human blood nonadherent mononuclear leukocytes were used as effector cells. All six IgG monoclonals tested, representing the four murine IgG isotypes and directed against four antigens (Thy-1.2, H-2k, Ly-2.1, Ly-9.2), were all active in ADCC. In contrast, an IgM anti-Thy-1.2 showed no activity despite very high C-cytotoxic titers. Thus, there does not seem to be any restriction among IgG classes for directing ADCC to tumor targets mediated by murine macrophages or human K cells.  相似文献   

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