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Inter-locus sexual conflict occurs by definition when there is sexually antagonistic selection on a trait so that the optimal trait value differs between the sexes. As a result, there is selection on each sex to manipulate the trait towards its own optimum and resist such manipulation by the other sex. Sexual conflict often leads additionally to the evolution of harmful behaviour and to self-reinforcing and even perpetual sexually antagonistic coevolution. In an attempt to understand the determinants of these different outcomes, I compare two groups of traits-those related to parental investment (PI) and to mating-over which there is sexual conflict, but which have to date been explored by largely separate research traditions. A brief review suggests that sexual conflict over PI, particularly over PI per offspring, leads less frequently to the evolution of manipulative behaviour, and rarely to the evolution of harmful behaviour or to the rapid evolutionary changes which may be symptomatic of sexually antagonistic coevolution. The chief determinants of the evolutionary outcome of sexual conflict are the benefits of manipulation and resistance, the costs of manipulation and resistance, and the feasibility of manipulation. All three of these appear to contribute to the differences in the evolutionary outcome of conflicts over PI and mating. A detailed dissection of the evolutionary changes following from sexual conflict exposes greater complexity than a simple adaptation-counter-adaptation cycle and clarifies the role of harm. Not all of the evolutionary changes that follow from sexual conflict are sexually antagonistic, and harm is not necessary for sexually antagonistic coevolution to occur. In particular, whereas selection on the trait over which there is conflict is by definition sexually antagonistic, collateral harm is usually in the interest of neither sex. This creates the opportunity for palliative adaptations which reduce collateral harm. Failure to recognize that such adaptations are in the interest of both sexes can hinder our understanding of the evolutionary outcome of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

The evolution of brood parasitism should affect adult phenotypic traits due to sexual selection as well as the parasite–host interactions, although it is rarely focused on. Sexual selection theory predicts extravagant secondary sexual characteristics in brood parasites whereas immature‐like modest sexual characteristics in parental species. This is because juvenile‐like immature traits can attract mates by exploiting parental care for young (i.e. attraction to young), and because the good parent process, which favours traits that signal parental care ability, would constrain the evolution of costly secondary sexual characteristics due to evolutionary trade‐offs between parental investment and sexually selected traits. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we studied plumage and bare‐part characteristics of adults in relation to brood parasitism in cuckoos (family Cuculidae), in which brood parasitism together with loss of parental care has evolved three times. As predicted, we found that nonparasitic cuckoos had plumage more similar to the juveniles than did brood parasitic cuckoos. Furthermore, nonparasitic cuckoos had a higher probability of having additional bare skin, that is a seemingly less costly, hatchling‐like trait, than did brood parasitic cuckoos. This finding further supports the link between parental care and sexual selection, although the influence of a parasite–host interaction cannot be excluded. The analysis of evolutionary pathways suggested interdependent evolution of additional bare skin and brood parasitism. Brood parasitism together with the loss of parental care may prevent the maintenance of a modest phenotype similar to the young, and vice versa in some cases.  相似文献   

Genetic models of maternal effects and models of mate choice have focused on the evolutionary effects of variation in parental quality. There have been, however, few attempts to combine these into a single model for the evolution of sexually selected traits. We present a quantitative genetic model that considers how male and female parental quality (together or separately) affect the expression of a sexually selected offspring trait. We allow female choice of males based on this parentally affected trait and examine the evolution of mate choice, parental quality and the indicator trait. Our model reveals a number of consequences of maternal and paternal effects. (1) The force of sexual selection owing to adaptive mate choice can displace parental quality from its natural selection optimum. (2) The force of sexual selection can displace female parental quality from its natural selection optimum even when nonadaptive mate choice occurs (e.g. runaway sexual selection), because females of higher parental quality produce more attractive sons and these sons counterbalance the loss in fitness owing to over-investment in each offspring. (3) Maternal and paternal effects can provide a source of genetic variation for offspring traits, allowing evolution by sexual selection even when those traits do not show direct genetic variation (i.e. are not heritable). (4) The correlation between paternal investment and the offspring trait influenced by the parental effects can result in adaptive mate choice and lead to the elaboration of both female preference and the male sexually selected trait. When parental effects exist, sexual selection can drive the evolution of parental quality when investment increases the attractiveness of offspring, leading to the elaboration of indicator traits and higher than expected levels of parental investment.  相似文献   

According to classical parental care theory males are expected to provide less parental care when offspring in a brood are less likely to be their own, but empirical evidence in support of this relationship is equivocal. Recent work predicts that social interactions between the sexes can modify co‐evolution between traits involved in mating and parental care as a result of costs associated with these social interactions (i.e. sexual conflict). In burying beetles (Nicrophorus vespilloides), we use artificial selection on a paternity assurance trait, and crosses within and between selection lines, to show that selection acting on females, not males, can drive the co‐evolution of paternity assurance traits and parental care. Males do not care more in response to selection on mating rate. Instead, patterns of parental care change as an indirect response to costs of mating for females.  相似文献   

Sex differences in parental care are thought to arise from differential selection on the sexes. Sexual dimorphism, including sexual size dimorphism (SSD), is often used as a proxy for sexual selection on males. Some studies have found an association between male‐biased SSD (i.e., males larger than females) and the loss of paternal care. While the relationship between sexual selection on males and parental care evolution has been studied extensively, the relationship between female‐biased SSD (i.e., females larger than males) and the evolution of parental care has received very little attention. Thus, we have little knowledge of whether female‐biased SSD coevolves with parental care. In species displaying female‐biased SSD, we might expect dimorphism to be associated with the evolution of paternal care or perhaps the loss of maternal care. Here, drawing on data for 99 extant frog species, we use comparative methods to evaluate how parental care and female‐biased SSD have evolved over time. Generally, we find no significant correlation between the evolution of parental care and female‐biased SSD in frogs. This suggests that differential selection on body size between the sexes is unlikely to have driven the evolution of parental care in these clades and questions whether we should expect sexual dimorphism to exhibit a general relationship with the evolution of sex differences in parental care.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists and ecologists often focus on equilibrium states that are subject to forms of negative feedback, such as optima for phenotypic traits or regulation of population sizes. However, recent theoretical and empirical studies show how positive feedback can be instrumental in driving many of the most important and spectacular processes in evolutionary ecology, including the evolution of sex and genetic systems, mating systems, life histories, complex cooperation in insects and humans, ecological specialization, species diversity, species ranges, speciation and extinction. Taken together, this work suggests that positive feedback is more common than is generally appreciated, and that its self-reinforcing dynamics generate the conditions for changes that might otherwise be difficult or impossible for selection or other mechanisms to achieve. Testing for positive feedback requires analysing each causal link in feedback loops, tracking genetic, character and population-dynamic changes across generations, and elucidating the conditions that can result in self-reinforcing change.  相似文献   

Sexual selection, mating opportunities, and parental behavior are interrelated, although the specific nature of these relationships is controversial. Two major hypotheses have been suggested. The parental investment hypothesis states that the relative parental investment of the sexes drives the operation of sexual selection. Thus, the sex that invests less in offspring care competes more intensely and monopolizes access to mates. The sexual conflict hypothesis proposes that sexual selection (the competition among both males and females for mates), mating opportunities, and parental behavior are interrelated and predicts a feedback loop between mating systems and parental care. Here we test both hypotheses using a comprehensive dataset of shorebirds, a maximum-likelihood statistical technique, and a recent supertree of extant shorebirds and allies. Shorebirds are an excellent group for these analyses because they display unique variation in parental care and social mating system. First, we show that chick development constrains the evolution of both parental care and mate competition, because transitions toward more precocial offspring preceded transitions toward reduced parental care and social polygamy. Second, changes in care and mating systems respond to one another, most likely because both influenced and are influenced by mating opportunities. Taken together, our results are more consistent with the sexual conflict hypothesis than the parental investment hypothesis.  相似文献   

Parental care and sexual selection are highly interrelated. Understanding the evolution of sex‐specific patterns of parental care and sexual selection is a major focus of current evolutionary ecology research and requires empirical studies that simultaneously quantify components of both parental care and sexual selection in a single species. In this study, we quantify the dynamics of paternal care and sexual selection in the giant water bug Belostoma lutarium. Specifically, we examined (1) which sex potentially experiences sexual selection, (2) which traits, if any, are associated with attaining a mate by males and/or females (i.e. which traits are potentially under selection), and (3) which male and female traits, if any, relate to paternal care and offspring survival. Our findings suggest that (1) males are likely the choosier sex and that heavier females are more likely to mate than smaller females, (2) that female body weight is under selection if female weight is a trait that is stable within a given individual and (3) body size is sexually dimorphic, with females being the larger sex in this species. There was no evidence of male or female traits being linked to offspring survival in this species, although this is potentially due to the lack of egg predators in our study. We discuss our findings in relation to the evolution of sex roles and future avenues of research in this species.  相似文献   

Front Cover     
In most animals, competition for mating opportunities is higher among males, whereas females are more likely to provide parental care. In few species, though, these "conventional" sex roles are reversed such that females compete more strongly for matings and males provide most or all parental care. This "reversal" in sex roles is often combined with classical polyandry—a mating system in which a female forms a harem with several males. Here, we review the major hypotheses relating such role reversals to evolutionary and behavioural traits (anisogamy, phylogenetic history, sexy males, parental care, genetic paternity, trade‐off between mating and parenting, adult sex ratio) and to ecological factors (food supply, offspring predation). We evaluate each hypothesis in relation to coucals (Centropodinae), a group of nesting cuckoos of great interest for mating system and parental care theory. The black coucal (Centropus grillii) is the only known bird combining classical polyandry with altricial development of young, a costly trait with regard to parental care. Our long‐term study offers a unique possibility to compare the strongly polyandrous black coucal with a monogamous close relative breeding in the same area and habitat, the white‐browed coucal (C. superciliosus). We show that the evolution of sex roles in coucals and other animals has many different facets. Whereas phylogenetic constraints are important, confidence in genetic paternity is not. In combination with facilitating ecological conditions, adult sex ratios are key to understanding sex roles in coucals, shorebirds, and most likely also other animals. We plead for more studies including experimental tests to understand how biased adult sex ratios emerge and whether they drive sexual selection or vice versa. How do sex ratios and sexual selection interact and feedback on each other? Answers to these questions will be fundamental for understanding the evolution of sex roles in mating and parenting in coucals and other species.  相似文献   

Classical theories, such as Bateman's principle and Trivers' parental investment theory, attempted to explain the coevolution of sexual selection and parental care through simple verbal arguments. Since then, quantitative models have demonstrated that it is rarely that simple because many non-intuitive structures and non-linear relationships are actually at play. In this study, we propose a new standard for models of mating dynamics and parental care, emphasizing the clarity and use of mathematical and probabilistic arguments, the meaning of consistency conditions, and the key role of spatial densities and the law of mass action. We used adaptive dynamics to calculate the evolutionary trajectory of the total care duration. Our results clearly show how the outcomes of parental care evolution can be diverse, depending on the quantitative balance between a set of dynamical forces arising from relevant differences and conditions in the male and female populations. The intensity of sexual selection, synergy of care, care quality, and relative mortality rates during mating interactions and caring activities act as forces driving evolutionary transitions between uniparental and biparental care. Sexual selection reduces the care duration of the selected sex, uniparental care evolves in the sex that offers the higher care quality, higher mortality during mating interactions of one sex leads to more care by that sex, and higher mortality during caring activities of one sex favours the evolution of uniparental care in the other sex. Both synergy and higher overall mortality during mating interactions can stabilize biparental care when sexual selection reduces the care duration of the selected sex. We discuss how the interaction between these forces influences the evolution of care patterns, and how sex ratios can vary and be interpreted in these contexts. We also propose new directions for future developments of our integrative model, creating new comparable analyses that share the same underlying assumptions and dynamical frameworks.  相似文献   

We reexamine the influential parental investment hypothesis proposed by Trivers for the causal relationship between anisogamy and widespread female-biased parental care. We build self-consistent versions of Maynard Smith's simple evolutionary game between males and females over parental care, and incorporate consequences of anisogamy for gamete production and its trade-off with parental care, and for patterns of mate limitation. As male mating opportunities are limited by females, frequency-dependent selection acts on male strategies. Assuming synchrony of matings in the population, our analytical models find either symmetric sex roles or male-biased care as an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), in contrast to Trivers' hypothesis. We simulate evolution in asynchronously mating populations and find that diverse parental roles, including female care, can be ESS depending on the parameters. When caring males can also remate, or when females can increase the clutch size by deserting, there is stronger selection for male-biased care. Hence, we argue that the mating-caring trade-off for males is neither a necessary consequence of anisogamy nor sufficient to select for female-biased care. Instead, the factors excluded from our models—costly competitive traits, sexual selection, and partial parentage—may be necessary for the parental investment hypothesis to work.  相似文献   

Among major vertebrate groups, ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) collectively display a nearly unrivaled diversity of parental care activities. This fact, coupled with a growing body of phylogenetic data for Actinopterygii, makes these fishes a logical model system for analyzing the evolutionary histories of alternative parental care modes and associated reproductive behaviors. From an extensive literature review, we constructed a supertree for ray-finned fishes and used its phylogenetic topology to investigate the evolution of several key reproductive states including type of parental care (maternal, paternal, or biparental), internal versus external fertilization, internal versus external gestation, nest construction behavior, and presence versus absence of sexual dichromatism (as an indicator of sexual selection). Using a comparative phylogenetic approach, we critically evaluate several hypotheses regarding evolutionary pathways toward parental care. Results from maximum parsimony reconstructions indicate that all forms of parental care, including paternal, biparental, and maternal (both external and internal to the female reproductive tract) have arisen repeatedly and independently during ray-finned fish evolution. The most common evolutionary transitions were from external fertilization directly to paternal care and from external fertilization to maternal care via the intermediate step of internal fertilization. We also used maximum likelihood phylogenetic methods to test for statistical correlations and contingencies in the evolution of pairs of reproductive traits. Sexual dichromatism and nest construction proved to be positively correlated with the evolution of male parental care in species with external fertilization. Sexual dichromatism was also positively correlated with female-internal fertilization and gestation. No clear indication emerged that female-only care or biparental care were evolutionary outgrowths of male-only care, or that biparental care has been a common evolutionary stepping stone between paternal and maternal care. Results are discussed in the context of prior thought about the evolution of alternative parental care modes in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Parasite-mediated sexual selection may arise as a consequence of 1) females avoiding mates with directly transmitted parasites, 2) females choosing less-parasitized males that provide parental care of superior quality, or 3) females choosing males with few parasites in order to obtain genes for parasite resistance in their offspring. Studies of specific host-parasite systems and comparative analyses have revealed both supportive and conflicting evidence for these hypotheses. A meta-analysis of the available evidence revealed a negative relationship between parasite load and the expression of male secondary sexual characters. Experimental studies yielded more strongly negative relationships than observations did, and the relationships were more strongly negative for ectoparasites than for endoparasites. There was no significant difference in the magnitude of the negative effect for species with and without male parental care, or between behavioral and morphological secondary sexual characters. There was a significant difference between studies based on host immune function and those based on parasite loads, with stronger effects for measures of immune function, suggesting that the many negative results from previous analyses of parasite-mediated sexual selection may be explained because relatively benign parasites were studied. The multivariate analyses demonstrating strong effect sizes of immune function in relation to the expression of secondary sexual characters, and for species with male parental care as compared to those without, suggest that parasite resistance may be a general determinant of parasite-mediated sexual selection.  相似文献   

Abstract Sexual selection in the form of sperm competition is a major explanation for small size of male gametes. Can sexual selection in polyandrous species with reversed sex roles also lead to reduced female gamete size? Comparative studies show that egg size in birds tends to decrease as a lineage evolves social polyandry. Here, a quantitative genetic model predicts that female scrambles over mates lead to evolution of reduced female gamete size. Increased female mating success drives the evolution of smaller eggs, which take less time to produce, until balanced by lowered offspring survival. Mean egg size is usually reduced and polyandry increased by increasing sex ratio (male bias) and maximum possible number of mates. Polyandry also increases with the asynchrony (variance) in female breeding start. Opportunity for sexual selection increases with the maximum number of mates but decreases with increasing sex ratio. It is well known that parental investment can affect sexual selection. The model suggests that the influence is mutual: owing to a coevolutionary feedback loop, sexual selection in females also shapes initial parental investment by reducing egg size. Feedback between sexual selection and parental investment may be common.  相似文献   

Although a negative covariance between parasite load and sexually selected trait expression is a requirement of few sexual selection models, such a covariance may be a general result of life‐history allocation trade‐offs. If both allocation to sexually selected traits and to somatic maintenance (immunocompetence) are condition dependent, then in populations where individuals vary in condition, a positive covariance between trait expression and immunocompetence, and thus a negative covariance between trait and parasite load, is expected. We test the prediction that parasite load is generally related to the expression of sexual dimorphism across two breeding seasons in a wild salamander population and show that males have higher trematode parasite loads for their body size than females and that a key sexually selected trait covaries negatively with parasite load in males. We found evidence of a weaker negative relationship between the analogous female trait and parasite infection. These results underscore that parasite infection may covary with expression of sexually selected traits, both within and among species, regardless of the model of sexual selection, and also suggest that the evolution of condition dependence in males may affect the evolution of female trait expression.  相似文献   

Evans JP  Simmons LW 《Genetica》2008,134(1):5-19
The good-sperm and sexy-sperm (GS-SS) hypotheses predict that female multiple mating (polyandry) can fuel sexual selection for heritable male traits that promote success in sperm competition. A major prediction generated by these models, therefore, is that polyandry will benefit females indirectly via their sons' enhanced fertilization success. Furthermore, like classic 'good genes' and 'sexy son' models for the evolution of female preferences, GS-SS processes predict a genetic correlation between genes for female mating frequency (analogous to the female preference) and those for traits influencing fertilization success (the sexually selected traits). We examine the premise for these predictions by exploring the genetic basis of traits thought to influence fertilization success and female mating frequency. We also highlight recent debates that stress the possible genetic constraints to evolution of traits influencing fertilization success via GS-SS processes, including sex-linked inheritance, nonadditive effects, interacting parental genotypes, and trade-offs between integrated ejaculate components. Despite these possible constraints, the available data suggest that male traits involved in sperm competition typically exhibit substantial additive genetic variance and rapid evolutionary responses to selection. Nevertheless, the limited data on the genetic variation in female mating frequency implicate strong genetic maternal effects, including X-linkage, which is inconsistent with GS-SS processes. Although the relative paucity of studies on the genetic basis of polyandry does not allow us to draw firm conclusions about the evolutionary origins of this trait, the emerging pattern of sex linkage in genes for polyandry is more consistent with an evolutionary history of antagonistic selection over mating frequency. We advocate further development of GS-SS theory to take account of the complex evolutionary dynamics imposed by sexual conflict over mating frequency.  相似文献   

Parental care involves elaborate behavioural interactions between parents and their offspring, with offspring stimulating their parents via begging to provision resources. Thus, begging has direct fitness benefits as it enhances offspring growth and survival. It is nevertheless subject to a complex evolutionary trajectory, because begging may serve as a means for the offspring to manipulate parents in the context of evolutionary conflicts of interest. Furthermore, it has been hypothesized that begging is coadapted and potentially genetically correlated with parental care traits as a result of social selection. Further experiments on the causal processes that shape the evolution of begging are therefore essential. We applied bidirectional artificial selection on begging behaviour, using canaries (Serinus canaria) as a model species. We measured the response to selection, the consequences for offspring development, changes in parental care traits, here the rate of parental provisioning, as well as the effects on reproductive success. After three generations of selection, offspring differed in begging behaviour according to our artificial selection regime: nestlings of the high begging line begged significantly more than nestlings of the low begging line. Intriguingly, begging less benefitted the nestlings, as reflected by on average significantly higher growth rates, and increased reproductive success in terms of a higher number of fledglings in the low selected line. Begging could thus represent an exaggerated trait, possibly because parent–offspring conflict enhanced the selection on begging. We did not find evidence that we co‐selected on parental provisioning, which may be due to the lack of power, but may also suggest that the evolution of begging is probably not constrained by a genetic correlation between parental provisioning and offspring begging.  相似文献   

Empirical studies show that lineages typically exhibit long periods of evolutionary stasis and that relative levels of within‐species trait covariance often correlate with the extent of between‐species trait divergence. These observations have been interpreted by some as evidence of genetic constraints persisting for long periods of time. However, an alternative explanation is that both intra‐ and interspecific variation are shaped by the features of the adaptive landscape (e.g., stabilizing selection). Employing a genus of insects that are diverse with respect to a suite of secondary sex traits, we related data describing nonlinear phenotypic (sexual) selection to intraspecific trait covariances and macroevolutionary divergence. We found support for two key predictions (1) that intraspecific trait covariation would be aligned with stabilizing selection and (2) that there would be restricted macroevolutionary divergence in the direction of stabilizing selection. The observed alignment of all three matrices offers a point of caution in interpreting standing variability as metrics of evolutionary constraint. Our results also illustrate the power of sexual selection for determining variation observed at both short and long timescales and account for the apparently slow evolution of some secondary sex characters in this lineage.  相似文献   

Explaining the evolution of male care has proved difficult. Recent theory predicts that female promiscuity and sexual selection on males inherently disfavour male care. In sharp contrast to these expectations, male-only care is often found in species with high extra-pair paternity and striking variation in mating success, where current theory predicts female-only care. Using a model that examines the coevolution of male care, female care and female choice; I show that inter-sexual selection can drive the evolution of male care when females are able to bias mating or paternity towards parental males. Surprisingly, female choice for parental males allows male care to evolve despite low relatedness between the male and the offspring in his care. These results imply that predicting how sexual selection affects parental care evolution will require further understanding of why females, in many species, either do not prefer or cannot favour males that provide care.  相似文献   

Do egg size and parental care coevolve in fishes?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A phenomenon that has attracted a substantial theoretical and empirical interest is the positive relationship between egg size and the extent of parental care in fishes. Interestingly, despite the effort put into solving the causality behind this relationship over the past two decades it remains largely unsolved. Moreover, how general the positive relationship between egg size and parental care is among fishes is also poorly understood. In order to stimulate research exploring egg size and parental care variation in fishes, the potential selective forces from both natural and sexual selection on egg size and parental care are discussed. Recent empirical findings on how oxygen requirements and developmental times may differ between differently sized eggs are incorporated into a critical view of the current theory of this field. Furthermore, it is suggested that the up to now neglected effects of sexual selection, through both mate choice and sexual conflict, can have strong effects on the relationship between egg size and parental care in fishes. In light of the recent developments of comparative and experimental methods, future approaches that may improve the understanding of the relationship between egg size and care in fishes are suggested.  相似文献   

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