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Plants that are adapted to environments where light is abundant are especially sensitive to competition for light from neighboring vegetation. As a result, these plants initiate a series of changes known as the shade avoidance syndrome, during which plants elongate their stems and petioles at the expense of leaf development. Although the developmental outcomes of exposure to prolonged shade are known, the signaling dynamics during the initial exposure of seedlings to shade is less well studied. Here, we report the development of a new software-based tool, called HyDE (Hypocotyl Determining Engine) to measure hypocotyl lengths of time-resolved image stacks of Arabidopsis wild-type and mutant seedlings. We show that Arabidopsis grows rapidly in response to the shade stimulus, with measurable growth after just 45 min shade exposure. Similar to other mustard species, this growth response occurs in multiple distinct phases, including two phases of rapid growth and one phase of slower growth. Using mutants affected in shade avoidance phenotypes, we demonstrate that most of this early growth requires new auxin biosynthesis via the indole-3-pyruvate pathway. When activity of this pathway is reduced, the first phase of elongation growth is absent, and this is correlated with reduced activity of auxin-regulated genes. Finally, we show that varying shade intensity and duration can affect the shape and magnitude of the growth response, indicating a broad range of the elongation response to shade.  相似文献   

Regulated cell division is critical for the development of multi-cellular organisms. In the Arabidopsis root, SCARECROW (SCR) is required for the first cell division, but represses the subsequent, longitudinal asymmetric cell divisions that generate the two cell types of the ground tissue – cortex and endodermis. To elucidate the molecular basis of the role of SCR in ground tissue patterning, we screened for SCR-interacting proteins using the yeast two-hybrid method. A number of putative SCR-interacting proteins were identified, among them LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1 (LHP1). In lhp1 mutants, a second longitudinal asymmetric cell division occurs in the ground tissue earlier than in wild-type plants. Similar to the scr mutant, this premature middle cortex phenotype is suppressed by the phytohormone gibberellin (GA). We provide evidence that the N-terminal domain of SCR is required for the interaction between SCR and LHP1 as well as with other interacting partners, and that this domain is essential for repression of asymmetric cell divisions. Consistent with a role for GA in cortex proliferation, mutants of key GA signaling components produce a middle cortex precociously. Intriguingly, we found that the spindly (spy) mutant has a similar middle cortex phenotype. As SPY homologs in animals physically interact with histone deacetylase, we examined the role of histone deacetylation in middle cortex formation. We show that inhibition of histone deacetylase activity causes premature middle cortex formation in wild-type roots. Together, these results suggest that epigenetic regulation is probably the common basis for SCR and GA activity in cortex cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The light environment provides signals that play a critical role in the control of stem growth in plants. The reduced irradiance and altered spectral composition of shade light promote stem growth compared with unfiltered sunlight. However, whereas most studies have used seedlings exposed to contrasting but constant light treatments, the natural light environment may exhibit strong fluctuations. As a result of gaps in the canopy, plants shaded by neighbours may experience sunflecks, i.e., brief periods of exposure to unfiltered sunlight. Here, we show that sunflecks are perceived by phytochromes A and B, and inhibit hypocotyl growth in Arabidopsis thaliana mainly if they occur during the final portion of the photoperiod. By using forward and reverse genetic approaches we found that ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5, LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL, PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE 4 and auxin signalling are key players in this response.  相似文献   

The family of phytochrome photoreceptors plays an essential role in regulating plant growth and development in response to the light environment. An antisense PHYB transgene has been introduced into wild-type Arabidopsis and shown to inhibit expression of the PHYB sense mRNA and the phyB phytochrome protein 4- to 5-fold. This inhibition is specific to phyB in that the levels of the four other phytochromes, notably the closely related phyD and phyE phytochromes, are unaffected in the antisense lines. Antisense-induced reduction in phyB causes alterations of red light effects on seedling hypocotyl elongation, rosette leaf morphology, and chlorophyll content, similar to the phenotypic changes caused by phyB null mutations. However, unlike the phyB mutants, the antisense lines do not flower early compared to the wild type. Furthermore, unlike the phyB mutants, the antisense lines do not show a reduction in phyC level compared to the wild type, making it possible to unequivocally associate several of the photomorphogenic effects seen in phyB mutants with phytochrome B alone. These results indicate that an antisense transgene approach can be used to specifically inhibit the expression and activity of a single member of the phytochrome family and to alter aspects of shade avoidance responses in a targeted manner.  相似文献   

Single, double, triple and quadruple mutants of phyA, phyB, cry1 and cry2 were exposed to different sunlight irradiances and photoperiods to investigate the roll played by phytochrome A, phytochrome B, cryptochrome 1 and cryptochrome 2 during de-etiolation of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings under natural radiation. Even the quadruple mutant retained some hypocotyl-growth inhibition by sunlight. Hypocotyl length was strongly affected by interactions among photoreceptors. Double phyA phyB, phyA cry1, and cry1 cry2 mutants were taller than expected from the additive action of single mutations. Some of these redundant interactions required the presence of phytochromes A and/or B. Interactions among photoreceptors resulted in a 44% reduction of the response to irradiance and a 70% reduction of the response to photoperiod. The complex network of interactions among photoreceptors is proposed to buffer de-etiolation against changes in irradiance and photoperiod, i.e light fluctuations not related to the positions of the shoot above or below soil level  相似文献   

Natural genetic variation present among accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (commonly referred to as ‘ecotypes’) is a valuable, yet under‐exploited genetic resource for the study of plant developmental, physiological. and evolutionary responses to the environment. Seedling photomorphogenic responses were surveyed in a set of 11 Arabidopsis accessions collected from a variety of edaphic habitats and geographic locations. We observed substantial variation in light‐dependent hypocotyl growth responses in a variety of light conditions (white, red, blue, far‐red enriched light). The genetic basis for differences in hypocotyl growth responses to light between the Columbia (Col‐0) and Bensheim (Be‐0) accessions was examined in an F2 population. Quantitative genetic and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses were consistent with a model in which differences in light responses were conditioned by a single major gene with semi‐dominant effect, located on chromosome 4. Further experiments suggested that the genetic difference governing hypocotyl variation in this cross may be allelic to ted1, an extragenic suppressor of the de‐etiolated mutant det1, that was identified as an ethylmethane sulphonate‐induced mutation. This finding supports a role for ted1 in photomorphogenic signalling.  相似文献   

The expression of the Arabidopsis ATHB-2 gene is light-regulated both in seedlings and in adult plants. The gene is expressed at high levels in rapidly elongating etiolated seedlings and is down-regulated by a pulse of red light (R) through the action of a phytochrome other than phytochrome A or B, or by a pulse of far-red light (FR) through the action of phytochrome A. In green plants, the expression of the ATHB-2 gene is rapidly and strongly enhanced by lowering the R:FR ratio perceived by a phytochrome other than A or B. Returning the plant to a high R:FR ratio results in an equally rapid decrease of the ATHB-2 mRNA. Consistently, plants overproducing ATHB-2 show developmental phenotypes characteristic of plants grown in low R:FR: elongated petioles, reduced leaf area, early flowering, and reduced number of rosette leaves. Taken together, the data strongly suggest a direct involvement of ATHB-2 in light-regulated growth phenomena throughout Arabidopsis development.  相似文献   

Plants compete for photosynthesis light and induce a shade avoidance syndrome (SAS) that confers an important advantage in asymmetric competition for light at high canopy densities. Shade plasticity was studied in a greenhouse experiment cultivating Arabidopsis thaliana plants from 15 populations spread across an altitudinal gradient in the northeast area of Spain that contain a high genetic variation into a reduced geographical range. Plants were exposed to sunlight or simulated shade to identify the range of shade plasticity. Fourteen vegetative, flowering and reproductive traits were measured throughout the life cycle. Shade plasticity in flowering time and dry mass was significantly associated with the altitude of population origin. Plants from coastal populations showed higher shade plasticity indexes than those from mountains. The altitudinal variation in flowering leaf plasticity adjusted negatively with average and minimum temperatures, whereas dry mass plasticity was better explained by negative regressions with the average, maximum and minimum temperatures, and by a positive regression with average precipitation of the population origin. The lack of an altitudinal gradient for the widest number of traits suggests that shade light could be a driver explaining the distribution pattern of individuals in smaller geographical scales than those explored here.  相似文献   

Vernalization, the promotion of flowering in response to low temperatures, is one of the best characterized examples of epigenetic regulation in plants. The promotion of flowering is proportional to the duration of the cold period, but the mechanism by which plants measure time at low temperatures has been a long‐standing mystery. We show that the quantitative induction of the first gene in the Arabidopsis vernalization pathway, VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 (VIN3), is regulated by the components of Polycomb Response Complex 2, which trimethylates histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3). In differentiated animal cells, H3K27me3 is mostly associated with long‐term gene repression, whereas, in pluripotent embyonic stem cells, many cell lineage‐specific genes are inactive but exist in bivalent chromatin that carries both active (H3K4me3) and repressive (H3K27me3) marks on the same molecule. During differentiation, bivalent domains are generally resolved to an active or silent state. We found that H3K27me3 maintains VIN3 in a repressed state prior to cold exposure; this mark is not removed during VIN3 induction. Instead, active VIN3 is associated with bivalently marked chromatin. The continued presence of H3K27me3 ensures that induction of VIN3 is proportional to the duration of the cold, and that plants require prolonged cold to promote the transition to flowering. The observation that Polycomb proteins control VIN3 activity defines a new role for Polycomb proteins in regulating the rate of gene induction.  相似文献   

During seedling establishment, blue and red light suppress hypocotyl growth through the cryptochrome 1 (cry1) and phytochrome B (phyB) photosensory pathways, respectively. How these photosensory pathways integrate with growth control mechanisms to achieve the appropriate degree of stem elongation was investigated by combining cry1 and phyB photoreceptor mutations with genetic manipulations of a multidrug resistance‐like membrane protein known as ABCB19 that influenced auxin distribution within the plant, as evidenced by a combination of reporter gene assays and direct auxin measurements. Auxin signaling and ABCB19 protein levels, hypocotyl growth rates, and apical hook opening were measured in mutant and wild‐type seedlings exposed to a range of red and blue light conditions. Ectopic/overexpression of ABCB19 (B19OE) greatly increased auxin in the hypocotyl, which reduced the sensitivity of hypocotyl growth specifically to blue light in long‐term assays and red light in high‐resolution, short‐term assays. Loss of ABCB19 partially suppressed the cry1 hypocotyl growth phenotype in blue light. Hypocotyl growth of B19OE seedlings in red light was very similar to phyB mutants. Altered auxin distribution in B19OE seedlings also affected the opening of the apical hook. The cry1 and phyB photoreceptor mutations both increased ABCB19 protein levels at the plasma membrane, as measured by confocal microscopy. The B19OE plant proved to be a useful tool for determining aspects of the mechanism by which light, acting through cry1 or phyB, influences the auxin transport process to control hypocotyl growth during de‐etiolation.  相似文献   

Lateral root branching is a genetically defined and environmentally regulated process. Auxin is required for lateral root formation, and mutants that are altered in auxin synthesis, transport or signaling often have lateral root defects. Crosstalk between auxin and ethylene in root elongation has been demonstrated, but interactions between these hormones in the regulation of Arabidopsis lateral root formation are not well characterized. This study utilized Arabidopsis mutants altered in ethylene signaling and synthesis to explore the role of ethylene in lateral root formation. We find that enhanced ethylene synthesis or signaling, through the eto1-1 and ctr1-1 mutations, or through the application of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), negatively impacts lateral root formation, and is reversible by treatment with the ethylene antagonist, silver nitrate. In contrast, mutations that block ethylene responses, etr1-3 and ein2-5 , enhance root formation and render it insensitive to the effect of ACC, even though these mutants have reduced root elongation at high ACC doses. ACC treatments or the eto1-1 mutation significantly enhance radiolabeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport in both the acropetal and the basipetal directions. ein2-5 and etr1-3 have less acropetal IAA transport, and transport is no longer regulated by ACC. DR5-GUS reporter expression is also altered by ACC treatment, which is consistent with transport differences. The aux1-7 mutant, which has a defect in an IAA influx protein, is insensitive to the ethylene inhibition of root formation. aux1-7 also has ACC-insensitive acropetal and basipetal IAA transport, as well as altered DR5-GUS expression, which is consistent with ethylene altering AUX1-mediated IAA uptake, and thereby blocking lateral root formation.  相似文献   

Genetic evidence links the Arabidopsis MONOPTEROS (MP) and PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1) genes to the patterning of leaf veins. To elucidate their potential functions and interactions in this process, we have assessed the dynamics of MP and PIN1 expression during vascular patterning in Arabidopsis leaf primordia. Both genes undergo a dynamic process of gradual refinement of expression into files one to two cells wide before overt vascular differentiation. The subcellular distribution of PIN1 is also gradually refined from a non-polar distribution in isodiametric cells to strongly polarized in elongated procambial cells and provides an indication of overall directions of auxin flow. We found evidence that MP expression can be activated by auxin exposure and that PIN1 as well as DR5::GUS expression is defective in mp mutant leaves. Taken together the results suggest a feedback regulatory loop that involves auxin, MP and PIN1 and provide novel experimental support for the canalization-of-auxin-flow hypothesis.  相似文献   

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