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S100-annexin complexes: some insights from structural studies   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Several annexins have been shown to bind proteins that belong to the S100 calcium-binding protein family. The two best-characterized complexes are annexin II with p11 and annexin I with S100C, the former of which has been implicated in membrane fusion processes. We have solved the crystal structures of the complexes of p11 with annexin II N-terminus and of S100C with annexin I N-terminus. Using these structural results, as well as electron microscopy observations of liposome junctions formed in the presence of such complexes (Lambert et al., 1997 J Mol Biol 272, 42-55), we propose a computer generated model for the entire annexin II/p11 complex.  相似文献   

Recent breakthroughs in the structural biology of cytoskeletal motor proteins show that two distinct families of motors--kinesins and myosins - use a similar mechanism of conformational switching for converting small structural changes in their nucleotide-binding sites into larger movements to provide force generation and motion. This mechanism is found to be similar to that employed by G proteins, the well-known molecular switches that regulate protein-protein interactions in many biological systems.  相似文献   

Fold assignments for proteins from the Escherichia coli genome are carried out using BASIC, a profile-profile alignment algorithm, recently tested on fold recognition benchmarks and on the Mycoplasma genitalium genome and PSI BLAST, the newest generation of the de facto standard in homology search algorithms. The fold assignments are followed by automated modeling and the resulting three-dimensional models are analyzed for possible function prediction. Close to 30% of the proteins encoded in the E. coli genome can be recognized as homologous to a protein family with known structure. Most of these homologies (23% of the entire genome) can be recognized both by PSI BLAST and BASIC algorithms, but the latter recognizes an additional 260 homologies. Previous estimates suggested that only 10-15% of E. coli proteins can be characterized this way. This dramatic increase in the number of recognized homologies between E. coli proteins and structurally characterized protein families is partly due to the rapid increase of the database of known protein structures, but mostly it is due to the significant improvement in prediction algorithms. Knowing protein structure adds a new dimension to our understanding of its function and the predictions presented here can be used to predict function for uncharacterized proteins. Several examples, analyzed in more detail in this paper, include the DPS protein protecting DNA from oxidative damage (predicted to be homologous to ferritin with iron ion acting as a reducing agent) and the ahpC/tsa family of proteins, which provides resistance to various oxidating agents (predicted to be homologous to glutathione peroxidase).  相似文献   

Serratia marcescens produces three chitinases, ChiA, ChiB and ChiC which together enable the bacterium to efficiently degrade the insoluble chitin polymer. We present an overview of the structural properties of these enzymes, as well as an analysis of their activities towards artificial chromogenic chito-oligosaccharide-based substrates, chito-oligosaccharides, chitin and chitosan. We also present comparative inhibition data for the pseudotrisaccharide allosamidin (an analogue of the reaction intermediate) and the cyclic pentapeptide argadin. The results show that the enzymes differ in terms of their subsite architecture and their efficiency towards chitinous substrates. The idea that the three chitinases play different roles during chitin degradation was confirmed by the synergistic effects that were observed for certain combinations of the enzymes. Studies of the degradation of the soluble heteropolymer chitosan provided insight into processivity. Taken together, the available data for Serratia chitinases show that the chitinolytic machinery of this bacterium consists of two processive exo-enzymes that degrade the chitin chains in opposite directions (ChiA and ChiB) and a non-processive endo-enzyme, ChiC.  相似文献   

Serratia marcescens produces three chitinases, ChiA, ChiB and ChiC which together enable the bacterium to efficiently degrade the insoluble chitin polymer. We present an overview of the structural properties of these enzymes, as well as an analysis of their activities towards artificial chromogenic chito-oligosaccharide-based substrates, chito-oligosaccharides, chitin and chitosan. We also present comparative inhibition data for the pseudotrisaccharide allosamidin (an analogue of the reaction intermediate) and the cyclic pentapeptide argadin. The results show that the enzymes differ in terms of their subsite architecture and their efficiency towards chitinous substrates. The idea that the three chitinases play different roles during chitin degradation was confirmed by the synergistic effects that were observed for certain combinations of the enzymes. Studies of the degradation of the soluble heteropolymer chitosan provided insight into processivity. Taken together, the available data for Serratia chitinases show that the chitinolytic machinery of this bacterium consists of two processive exo-enzymes that degrade the chitin chains in opposite directions (ChiA and ChiB) and a non-processive endo-enzyme, ChiC.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Scolari M  Im W  Woo HJ 《Proteins》2006,64(1):156-166
Detailed residue-wise interactions involved in the binding of myosin to actin in the rigor conformation without nucleotides have been examined using molecular dynamics simulations of the chicken skeletal myosin head complexed with two actin monomers, based on the cryo-microscopic model of Holmes et al. (Nature 2003;425:423-427). The overall interaction is largely electrostatic in nature, because of the charged residues in the four loops surrounding the central primary binding site. The 50k/20k loop, disordered in crystal structures and in simulations of free myosin in solution, was found to be in a conformation stabilized with 1 - 2 internal salt bridges. The cardiomyopathy loop forms 2 - 3 interprotein salt bridges with actin monomers upon binding, whereas its Arg405 residue, the mutation site associated with the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, forms a strong salt bridge with Glu605 in the neighboring helix away from actin in the actin-bound myosin. The myopathy loop of the R405Q mutant maintains a high degree of two-strand beta-sheet character when bound to actin with the corresponding salt bridges broken.  相似文献   

Basic winged bean agglutinin binds A-blood group substance with higher affinity and B-blood group substance with lesser affinity. It does not bind the O substance. The crystal structures of the lectin, complexed with A-reactive and B-reactive di and tri saccharides, have been determined. In addition, the complexes of the lectin with fucosylated A-trisaccharides and B-trisaccharides and with a variant of the A-trisaccharide have been modeled. These structures and models provide valuable insights into the structural basis of blood group specificities. All the four carbohydrate binding loops of the lectin contribute to the primary combining site while the loop of variable length contributes to the secondary binding site. In a significant advance to the current understanding, the interactions at the secondary binding site also contribute substantially, albeit in a subtle manner, to determine the blood group specificity. Compared with the interactions of the B-trisaccharide with the lectin, the third sugar residue of the A-reactive trisacharide forms an additional hydrogen bond with a lysine residue in the variable loop. In the former, the formation of such a hydrogen bond is prevented by a shift in the orientation of third sugar resulting from an internal hydrogen bond in it. The formation of this bond is also facilitated by an interaction dependent change in the rotamer conformation of the lysyl residue of the variable loop. Thus, the difference in the interactions at the secondary site is generated by coordinated movements in the ligand as well as the protein. A comparison of the crystal structure and the model of the complex involving the variant of the A-trisaccharide results in the delineation of the relative contributions of the interactions at the primary and the secondary sites in determining blood group specificity.  相似文献   

ATP synthases are motor complexes comprised of F0 and F1 parts that couple the proton gradient across the membrane to the synthesis of ATP by rotary catalysis. Although a great deal of information has been accumulated regarding the structure and function of ATP synthases, their motor functions are not fully understood. For this reason, we performed the alignments and analyses of the protein sequences comprising the core of the ATP synthase motor complex, and examined carefully the locations of the conserved residues in the subunit structures of ATP synthases. A summary of the findings from this bioinformatic study is as follows. First, we found that four conserved regions in the sequence of subunit are clustered into three patches in its structure. The interactions of these conserved patches with the and subunits are likely to be critical for energy coupling and catalytic activity of the ATP synthase. Second, we located a four-residue cluster at the N-terminal domain of mitochondrial OSCP or bacterial (or chloroplast) subunit which may be critical for the binding of these subunits to F1. Third, from the localizations of conserved residues in the subunits comprising the rotors of ATP synthases, we suggest that the conserved interaction site at the interface of subunit c and (mitochondria) or (bacteria and chloroplasts) may be important for connecting the rotor of F1 to the rotor of F0. Finally, we found the sequence of mitochondrial subunit b to be highly conserved, significantly longer than bacterial subunit b, and to contain a shorter dimerization domain than that of the bacterial protein. It is suggested that the different properties of mitochondrial subunit b may be necessary for interaction with other proteins, e.g., the supernumerary subunits.  相似文献   

Ever since investigations in the field of behavioral endocrinology were hatched with experiments on roosters, birds have provided original insights into issues of fundamental importance for all vertebrate groups. Here we focus on more recent advances that continue this tradition, including (1) environmental regulation of neuroendocrine and behavioral systems, (2) steroidogenic enzyme functions that are related to intracrine processes and de novo production of neurosteroids, and (3) hormonal regulation of neuroplasticity. We also review recent findings on the anatomical and functional organization of steroid-sensitive circuits in the basal forebrain and midbrain. A burgeoning body of data now demonstrates that these circuits comprise an evolutionarily conserved network, thus numerous novel insights obtained from birds can be used (in a relatively straightforward manner) to generate predictions for other taxa as well. We close by using birdsong as an example that links these areas together, thereby highlighting the exceptional opportunities that birds offer for integrative studies of behavioral neuroendocrinology and behavioral biology in general.  相似文献   

There is general agreement that many cancers are associated with aberrant phosphotyrosine signaling, which can be caused by the inappropriate activities of tyrosine kinases or tyrosine phosphatases. Furthermore, incorrect activation of signaling pathways has been often linked to changes in adhesion events mediated by cell surface receptors. Among these receptors, receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) both antagonize tyrosine kinases as well as engage extracellular ligands. A recent wealth of data on this intriguing family indicates that its members can fulfill either tumor suppressing or oncogenic roles. The interpretation of these results at a molecular level has been greatly facilitated by the recent availability of structural information on the extra- and intracellular regions of RPTPs. These structures provide a molecular framework to understand how alterations in extracellular interactions can inactivate RPTPs in cancers or why the overexpression of certain RPTPs may also participate in tumor progression.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in a vast variety of cellular signal transduction processes from visual, taste and odor perceptions to sensing the levels of many hormones and neurotransmitters. As a result of agonist-induced conformation changes, GPCRs become activated and catalyze nucleotide exchange within the G proteins, thus detecting and amplifying the signal. GPCRs share a common heptahelical transmembrane structure as well as many conserved key residues and regions. Rhodopsins are prototypical GPCRs that detect photons in retinal photoreceptor cells and trigger a phototransduction cascade that culminates in neuronal signaling. Biophysical and biochemical studies of rhodopsin activation, and the recent crystal structure determination of bovine rhodopsin, have provided new information that enables a more complete mechanism of vertebrate rhodopsin activation to be proposed. In many aspects, rhodopsin might provide a structural and functional template for other members of the GPCR family.  相似文献   

The motor domain regions of three novel members of the kinesin superfamily TLKIF1, TLKIFC, and TLBIMC were identified in a thermophilic fungus Thermomyces lanuginosus. Based on sequence similarity, they were classified as members of the known kinesin families Unc104/KIF1, KAR3, and BIMC. TLKIF1 was subsequently expressed in Escherichia coli. The expression level was high, and the protein was mostly soluble, easy to purify, and enzymatically active. TLKIF1 is a monomeric kinesin motor, which in a gliding motility assay displays a robust plus-directed microtubule movement up to 2 microm/s. The discovery of TLKIF1 also demonstrates that a family of kinesin motors not previously found in fungi may in fact be used in this group of organisms.  相似文献   

Glucosinolate–myrosinase is a substrate-enzyme defense mechanism present in Brassica crops. This binary system provides the plant with an efficient system against herbivores and pathogens. For humans, it is well known for its anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-bacterial, cardio-protective, and central nervous system protective activities. Glucosinolate and myrosinase are spatially present in different cells that upon tissue disruption come together and result in the formation of a variety of hydrolysis products with diverse physicochemical and biological properties. The myrosinase-catalyzed reaction starts with cleavage of the thioglucosidic linkage resulting in release of a D-glucose and an unstable thiohydroximate-O-sulfate. The outcome of this thiohydroximate-O-sulfate has been shown to depend on the structure of the glucosinolate side chain, the presence of supplementary proteins known as specifier proteins and/or on the physiochemical condition. Myrosinase was first reported in mustard seed during 1939 as a protein responsible for release of essential oil. Until this date, myrosinases have been characterized from more than 20 species of Brassica, cabbage aphid, and many bacteria residing in the human intestine. All the plant myrosinases are reported to be activated by ascorbic acid while aphid and bacterial myrosinases are found to be either neutral or inhibited. Myrosinase catalyzes hydrolysis of the S-glycosyl bond, O-β glycosyl bond, and O-glycosyl bond. This review summarizes information on myrosinase, an essential component of this binary system, including its structural and molecular properties, mechanism of action, and its regulation and will be beneficial for the research going on the understanding and betterment of the glucosinolate–myrosinase system from an ecological and nutraceutical perspective.  相似文献   

iota-Carrageenans are sulfated 1,3-alpha-1,4-beta-galactans from the cell walls of red algae, which auto-associate into crystalline fibers made of aggregates of double-stranded helices. iota-Carrageenases, which constitute family 82 of glycoside hydrolases, fold into a right-handed beta-helix. Here, the structure of Alteromonas fortis iota-carrageenase bound to iota-carrageenan fragments was solved at 2.0A resolution (PDB 1KTW). The enzyme holds a iota-carrageenan tetrasaccharide (subsites +1 to +4) and a disaccharide (subsites -3, -4), thus providing the first direct determination of a 3D structure of iota-carrageenan. Electrostatic interactions between basic protein residues and the sulfate substituents of the polysaccharide chain dominate iota-carrageenan recognition. Glu245 and Asp247 are the proton donor and the base catalyst, respectively. C-terminal domain A, which was highly flexible in the native enzyme structure, adopts a alpha/beta-fold, also found in DNA/RNA-binding domains. In the substrate-enzyme complex, this polyanion-binding module shifts toward the beta-helix groove, forming a tunnel. Thus, from an open conformation which allows for the initial endo-attack of iota-carrageenan chains, the enzyme switches to a closed-tunnel form, consistent with its highly processive character, as seen from the electron-microscopy analysis of the degradation of iota-carrageenan fibers.  相似文献   

Work on the structural biology of ribosomes has progressed rapidly over the past few years. It has come to a stage at which the structures of the individual components are no longer of interest, except for those that still present ambiguous information about their structure because of conformational dynamics, as well as for those that show very little homology with their counterparts from other species or other kingdoms. The recently solved structure of protein L7/L12 and its proposed modes of dimerization have helped to understand the structural flexibility of this protein, which occurs as two dimers in the ribosome. The structure provides a missing link for many previous biochemical and functional studies.  相似文献   

The human CD30 molecule is expressed transiently at very low levels on intrafollicular and perifollicular T and B cell blasts in lymphoid tissues, but is specifically upregulated on certain tumor cells, e.g. Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (H-RS) cells. With its specific expression pattern and easy accessibility on the surface of H-RS cells CD30 is a valuable diagnostic marker and holds considerable promise as a target for in vivo immunotherapy. Knowledge of epitopes on the CD30 molecule is expected to facilitate the design of novel non-immunogenic anti-CD30 reagents. Therefore, we have mapped the epitopes of several monoclonal antibodies (mAb) applying a peptide array of overlapping CD30-derived peptides. For the mAb Ber-H2, two linear epitopes with identical sequence were found, while the mAb Ki-2 and the single chain Fv fragment R4-4 each recognized a single linear antigenic determinant, respectively. On the other hand, the mAb Ki-1 bound to a discontinuous epitope composed of two regions, one located near the N-terminus and the other near the membrane-spanning region of CD30. Using molecular modeling, it was possible to visualize the location of the epitopes on exposed loop regions of the molecule within the N-terminal domain. Finally, the results obtained with the mAb Ki-1 imply that the ends of the N- and C-terminal parts of the extracellular portion of CD30 are in close vicinity of each other, suggesting a flower-like structure for the membrane-bound homotrimeric CD30 molecule.  相似文献   

Kinesins are a diverse group of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)‐dependent motor proteins that transport cargos along microtubules (MTs) and change the organization of MT networks. Shared among all kinesins is a ~40 kDa motor domain that has evolved an impressive assortment of motility and MT remodeling mechanisms as a result of subtle tweaks and edits within its sequence. Several elegant studies of different kinesin isoforms have exposed the purpose of structural changes in the motor domain as it engages and leaves the MT. However, few studies have compared the sequences and MT contacts of these kinesins systematically. Along with clever strategies to trap kinesin–tubulin complexes for X‐ray crystallography, new advancements in cryo‐electron microscopy have produced a burst of high‐resolution structures that show kinesin–MT interfaces more precisely than ever. This review considers the MT interactions of kinesin subfamilies that exhibit significant differences in speed, processivity, and MT remodeling activity. We show how their sequence variations relate to their tubulin footprint and, in turn, how this explains the molecular activities of previously characterized mutants. As more high‐resolution structures become available, this type of assessment will quicken the pace toward establishing each kinesin's design–function relationship.  相似文献   

Fitzkee NC  Fleming PJ  Rose GD 《Proteins》2005,58(4):852-854
Approximately half the structure of folded proteins is either alpha-helix or beta-strand. We have developed a convenient repository of all remaining structure after these two regular secondary structure elements are removed. The Protein Coil Library (http://roselab.jhu.edu/coil/) allows rapid and comprehensive access to non-alpha-helix and non-beta-strand fragments contained in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The library contains both sequence and structure information together with calculated torsion angles for both the backbone and side chains. Several search options are implemented, including a query function that uses output from popular PDB-culling servers directly. Additionally, several popular searches are stored and updated for immediate access. The library is a useful tool for exploring conformational propensities, turn motifs, and a recent model of the unfolded state.  相似文献   

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