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Following experimental lesions, spinal cords of cats and rabbits were fixed with acid, neutral, and alkaline solutions. Staining was limited to a chromate-osmic (Marchi's) solution and a chlorate-osmic solution. The following conclusions were drawn:

The presence of an acid in the fixative caused normal myelin sheaths to stain. This effect was reduced by washing tissues before staining, by adding acetic acid to the stain, or by employing a non-formalin fixative. It was, however, at no time entirely obviated.

A study was made of the granular deposits which occur in nearly all Marchi preparations and which are especially confusing if very light backgrounds are obtained.

The staining reactions of the granular deposits were very similar to those of degenerating myelin but some suppression of the granules was obtained by adding KCIO3 to the formalin fixative.  相似文献   

When thin sections of spermatogenic chromatin are fixed with either glutaraldehyde alone or postfixed with osmium tetroxide (OsO4) and stained with uranyl acetate (UAc) for increasing times, even after as little as 1 min, stain uptake is proportional to section thickness. Greater UAc uptake is observed in chromatin fixed with gutaraldehyde only, but stain uptake is reduced following a long wash with distilled water to a level similar to that seen with postfixed chromatin. Lead citrate poststaining of chromatin fixed with either glutaraldehyde or postfixed with OsO4 increases UAc uptake by a factor of about 3.

The staining of thin sections of spermatogenic chromatin with ethanolic phosphotungstic acid (PTA) shows a region where stain uptake is proportional to section thickness followed by a plateau. This staining pattern is seen in chromatin fixed with glutaraldehyde alone or postfixed with OsO4; similar levels for final PTA uptake are also observed.

An increase in the resin content of embedded chromatin postfixed with OsO4 is proposed to explain the decrease and increase in the rate of migration of UAc and ethanolic PTA staining solutions, respectively.  相似文献   

Since Pearse in 1957 introduced chromoxane cyanine R as a dual nuclear and cytoplasmic stain there have appeared numerous procedures for use of this dye. These have differed widely, sharing in common mainly the implication that each is best. A defendable procedure has been developed on an experimental basis and is reported here. Four stock solutions are needs. (1) a 0.2% solution of chromoxane cyanine R in 0.5% aqueous H2SO4 (v/v); boil this solution for 5 min, (2) 10% FeCl3 in 3% HCI, (3) 1% aqueous NH4OH, and (4) 1% HCI in 70% ethanol. The staining solution: 40 ml of dye solution, 2 ml of FeCl3 solution, 8 ml H2O. Dewax and hydrate sections and stain for 10 min. If a myelin sheath stain is desired differentiate for 1 min in solution (3). For a nuclear stain differentiate for 1 min in solution (4). The nuclear stain when counterstained with eosin closely resembles the routine hematoxylin and win. Histochemical tee show that the functional pup for myelin staining contains nitrogen, and probably hydrogen bonding is involved. The nuclear stain involves a different functional group and possibly neither electrostatic nor hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

Five distinct nuclear stains and staining procedures which utilize basic fuchsin as the dye have been studied, compared and tested on a Feulgen-weak fungus, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and other fungi.

Aqueous basic fuchsin has been shown to be an excellent, though impermanent, stain with which to study the nuclei of this and other fungi. The conditions under which formaldehyde acts as a mordant for basic fuchsin and produces a permanent nuclear stain have been established.

Comparison of crystal violet and basic fuchsin suggests that the mordanting action of the aldehyde operates through the para-amino groups of the dye. Certain other basic dyes were not mordanted by formaldehyde.

Gentle acid hydrolysis of the tissues has been found to be essential both to the specificity of the dye as a nuclear stain and to the mordanting effect of the aldehyde.

The possible relationship of these observations to the Feulgen reaction is discussed. A protocol for the method developed is presented.  相似文献   

Spinal cord of cat and rabbit was stained, after experimental lesions, by variations of Marchi's method. The following conclusions were drawn:

1. The presence of an oxidizing agent (K2Cr2O7, NaIO3, or KCIO3) in the osmic acid solution is of primary importance and a preliminary oxidation in Mueller's fluid is unnecessary or even detrimental.

2. Acetic acid added to Marchi's fluid, accentuates the action of the oxidizing agent in restraining the staining of normal myelin.

3. Too high concentration of oxidizing agent or of acid may inhibit staining of degenerating myelin.

4. Marchi's and Busch's methods have been modified as follows: Fix one day in 10% formalin and transfer without washing to the staining mixture, either A or B. Staining mixture A: Marchi's fluid plus 1 to 3% glacial acetic acid. B: An aqueous solution containing KCIO3 0.25%, osmic acid 0.33%, and acetic acid 1%. Stain about one week. These methods worked on spinal cord and medulla, but cannot be recommended for brain.

5. The detrimental effects of long post mortem autolysis or of prolonged fixation in formalin may be counteracted to some degree by increasing the concentration of the acid in Marchi's fluid up to 5% or of the KCIO3 up to 0.4% in the modified Busch's fluid.  相似文献   

A staining method to increase the contrast of sectioned material for phase contrast microscopy is described. Two stock solutions of the stain are required. The first is made by dissolving 2 gm of luxol fast blue MBS in 100 ml of 95% ethanol. The second solution is made up of 4 ml of a 29% aqueous solution of FeCl3, 95 ml of 95% ethanol, and 1 ml of concentrated HCl. The staining solution is made by mixing equal parts of the two solutions. Sections are deparaffinized and taken to 70% alcohol, stained for 1.5 hr, dehydrated, cleared and covered as usual.  相似文献   

Book Review     
LEGGETT, W. F. Ancient and Medieval Dyes. 5 × 8 in. 96 pp. Cloth. Chemical Publishing Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1944. $2.25.

Microtechnic In General. McCARTNEY, J. E. A new immersion oil “polyric”. J. Path. & Bact., 56, 265-6. 1944.

NICKERSON, MARK. A dry ice freezing unit for rotary microtomes. Science, 100, 177-8. 1944.

Dyes And Thedx Biological Uses. BERGEIM, FRANK H., and BRAKER, WILLIAM. Homosulfanilamides. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 66, 1459. 1944.

CALDWELL, W. T., TYSON, F. T., and LAUER, LOTHAR. Substituted 2-sulfonamido-5-aminopyridines. II. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 66, 1479. 1944.

JOHNS, C. K. Dye concentration in resazurin tablets. Amer. J. Pub. Health, 34, 955-8. 1944.

SMITH, WINSLOW WHITNEY. Relative sensitivity of different phases of growth curve of Bact. salmonicida to alkaline acriflavine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med., 56, 240-2. 1844.

VAN ARENDONK, A. M., and SHOULE, H. A. Dialkylaminoalkyl derivatives of substituted quinolines and quinaldines. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 66, 1284. 1944.

WHEELER, KEITH, and DEGERING, E. F. Preparation and properties of certain derivatives of sulfamide. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 66, 1242. 1944.

Animal Microtechnic. BOARDMAN, EDWARD T. Methods for collecting ticks for study and delineation. J. Parasitology, 30, 57-9. 1944.

DICKIE, MARGARET M. A new differential stain for mouse pituitary. Science, 100, 297-8. 1944.

GOVAN, A. D. TELFORD. Fat staining by Sudan dyes suspended in watery media. J. Path. & Bact., 56, 262-4. 1944.

LILLIE, R. D., and ASHBURN, L. L. Supersaturated solutions of fat stains in dilute isopropanol for demonstration of acute fatty degenerations not shown by Herxheimer technic. Arch. Path., 36, 432. 1943.

MULLEN, J. P. A convenient and rapid method for staining glycogen in paraffin sections with Best's carmine stain. Amer. J. Clin. Path., Tech. Sect., 8, 9-10. 1944.

NYKA, W. A method for staining the rickettsiae of typhns in histological sections. J. Path. & Bact., 56, 264. 1944.

POPPER, HANS, GYORGY, PAUL, and GOLDBLATT, H. Fluorescent material (ceroid) in experimental nutritional cirrhosis. Arch. Path., 37, 161. 1944.

SMALL, C. S., and SCHULTZ, M. A. Sustaining faded tissue sections. Amer. J. Clin. Path., Tech. Sect., 7, 66-7. 1943.

YOFFEY, J. M., and PARNELL, J. The lymphocyte content of rabbit bone marrow. J. Anat., 78, 109-12. 1944.

ZIEGLER, E. E. Hematoxylin-eosin tissue stain. An improved, rapid, and uniform technic. Arch. Path., 37, 68. 1044.

Plant Microtechnic. HAASIS, FERDINAND W. Staining rubber in ground or milled plant tissues. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 16, 480. 1944.

PARRIS, G. K. A simple nuclear stain and staining technique for Helminthosporia. Phytopathology, 34, 700. 1944.

Microorganisms. DARZINS, E. Rickettsienstudien. Zentbl. Bakl., Abt. I, Orig., 151, 18-20. 1943.

GOHAR, M. A. A staining method for Corynebacterium diphtheriae. J. Bact., 47, 575. 1944.

GRAY, P. H. H. Two-stain method for direct bacteria count. J. Milk Techn., 6, 76. 1943.  相似文献   

A progressive silver staining method is described, which permits microscopic examination of the sections during the staining process. After formaldehyde fixation, dehydration and embedding in paraffin or celloidin, fine fibers and synaptic endings may be demonstrated. After formaldehyde fixation and mordanting in 3% K2Cr2O7, myelinated fibers and mitochondria are specifically stained.

The unique feature of this method is, that the silver solution (0.5% protargol) is mixed with the reducing solution: 1.6% Rochelle salts, containing traces of Ag NO3, MgSO4, and K2S (U.S.P.). The sections are placed directly into this mixture, which is then warmed to 45-55° C. Sections are removed when progressive staining is completed, washed in water, dehydrated and mounted.

In the fiber stain, nerve fibers and synaptic endings are dark brown or black, and nuclear chromatin is deep brown, against a pale yellow background. When the myelin sheath procedure is followed, the fiber bundles are deep brown, and the intensity of the staining remains the same for specific tracts, aiding in their identification.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing cake crumb for sectioning and staining. Previous to embedding, the fat was stained and fixed by exposing small blocks of cake to the fumes from a 5%, freshly-prepared, aqueous solution of osmic acid (OsO4). This was followed by dehydration in ethyl alcohol and tertiary butyl alcohol, removal of air under vacuum and infiltration with paraffin.

Sections were cut 20 and 9Op thick and mounted with water.

Wax was removed by immersion in xylene. The sections were rehydrated in a series of ethyl alcohol dilutions, from concentrated to dilute, then transferred to distilled water.

Protein was then stained pink by immersion of the slides in an acidified 0.04% water solution of eosin Y, or starch was stained blue with a dilute aqueous solution of iodine. Ten grams iodine and 10 g. KI were dissolved in 25 ml. distilled water. This stock solution was diluted for use one to two hundred times.

The relationship between protein and starch was demonstrated by staining the sections with eosin, differentiating in 50% alcohol and staining with iodine.

When slides of cake crumb were prepared in this way, the fat was stained black, the protein bright pink and the starch granules a dark blue.  相似文献   

A modification of Donaldson's iodine-eosin stain for staining intestinal protozoa is presented. This modification consists of using high dilutions of colloidal iodine (Chandler)2 instead of Lugol's solution as well as high dilutions of eosin. A better resolution of the external and internal structures is brought about by the new method.

The procedure is as follows: A portion of the fecal material to be examined is suspended in a 0.6% salt solution; the suspension should be of a consistency so that one drop will make a satisfactory microscope mount under a cover glass. To ten parts of this suspension, in a test tube, is added one part of the stain which is prepared as follows:—

10 parts of distilled water

6 parts of a suspension of colloidal iodine (Chandler) containing 4% iodine—20% iodine suspensoid, Merck

1 part of a 10% water solution of anilin red, Merck (eosin yellowish)

Technicians will find, because iodine in the form of colloidal iodine is readily released to the organisms, that the use of this material is far superior to Lugol's solution hi carrying out the technic for staining intestinal protozoa in the study of fresh mount preparations. Not only are organisms more deeply stained with iodine but by eosin as well, even when employed in high dilutions.  相似文献   

To define the molecular mechanism(s) of carvedilol inhibition of lipid peroxidation we have utilized model systems that allow us to study the different reactions involved in this complex process.

Carvedilol inhibits the peroxidation of sonicated phosphatidylcholine liposomes triggered by FeCl2 addition whereas atenolol, pindolol and labetalol are ineffective. The inhibition proved not to be ascribable (a) to an effect on Fe2+ autoxidation and thus on the generation of oxygen derived radical initiators; (b) to the scavenging of the inorganic initiators O·-2 and ·OH; (c) to an effect on the reductive cleavage of organic hydroperoxides by FeCl2; (d) to the scavenging of organic initiators. The observations that (a) carvedilol effectiveness is inversely proportional to the concentration of FeCl2 and lipid hydroperoxides in the assay; (b) the drug prevents the onset of lipid peroxidation stimulated by FeCl3 addition and; (c) it can form a complex with Fe3+, suggest a molecular mechanism for carvedilol action. It may inhibit lipid peroxidation by binding the Fe3+ generated during the oxidation of Fe2+ by lipid hydroperoxides in the substrate. The lag time that carvedilol introduces in the peroxidative process would correspond to the time taken for carvedilol to be titrated by Fe3+; when the drug is consumed the Fe3+ accumulates to reach the critical parameter that stimulates peroxidation. According to this molecular mechanism the antioxidant potency of carvedilol can be ascribed to its ability to bind a species, Fe3+, that is a catalyst of the process and to its lipophilic nature that concentrates it in the membranes where Fe3+ is generated by a site specific mechanism.  相似文献   

Methods are proposed for staining plant chromosomes with the dye brilliant cresyl blue, and for making these stained preparations permanent by using polyvinyl alcohol mounting medium.

The stain, which is composed of 2% brilliant cresyl blue in 45% aqueous acetic or propionic acid, is used with fixed material in making smear preparations. The technics for staining are similar to those employed in the aceto-carmine method.

The mounting medium is made by mixing 56% polyvinyl alcohol, which is diluted in water to the consistency of thick molasses, with 22% lactic acid and 22% phenol by volume. The permanent slides are made by floating off the cover slip of the temporary slide in 70% alcohol, then applying the mounting medium and replacing the cover slip.

The chief advantages of the methods described are:

1)The preparation of the stain is rapid and simple. The batch of stain will be good with the first try.

2)The staining procedure in some instances is shorter than when using aceto-carmine.

3)The stain shows a high degree of specificity for nuclear structures and gives better results than aceto-carmine when used on certain plant tissues.

4)A minimum number of cells is lost in making the slides permanent when using polyvinyl alcohol mounting medium as the slide and cover slip are run through only one solution prior to mounting.

5)The mounting medium dries rapidly and this shortens the time required before critical examination of the permanent mounts can be made.  相似文献   

In the search for hematoxylin substitutes 26 dyes were more or less extensively tested for performance as nuclear stains, usually in combination with aluminum, chromic, ferrous and ferric salts. Reports from the literature on hematoxylin substitutes were also considered, and efforts were made to obtain samples of favorably reported dyes and test them. The reports on anthocyanins include isolated reports on several berry juices and a considerable number of studies on Sambucus niger and Vaccinium mytillus. None of these have so far been tested by us. Otherwise favorable reports have appeared on eleven synthetic dyes and on carmine, brazilin, and hematein. Except for one of the synthetics, naphthazarin, which is no longer manufactured, we had samples of all of these. In addition, more or less unsuccessful trials were made on twelve dyestuffs, some of which were new syntheses designed to combine chelating capacity with nucleophilia. Following Fyg's report of blue nuclear staining with chrome alum carmine, trial was made to change the red nuclear stain of kernechtrot by altering the metal mordant.

The most successful dyes were phenocyanin TC, gallein, fluorone black, alizarin cyanin BB and alizarin blue S. Celestin blue B with an iron mordant is quite successful if properly handled to prevent gelling of solutions.  相似文献   

Root tips of Liriodendron Tulipifera forming with a fungus of the Mycelium Radicis group an endotrophic mycorrhiza, were subjected to several different fixations in which the action of cationic chromium and anionic chromium were compared. Anionic chromium in the form of chromic acid was combined with several substituted benzene compounds while cationic chromium in the form of chromic sulfate (Cr2(SO4)3·15 H2O) in 4% formaldehyde (HCHO) was used with the same ring compounds. In addition, several fixatives not containing chromium were tested.

Five percent chromic sulfate (Cr2(SO4)2·15 H2O) in 4% formaldehyde (HCHO) or in 1% osmic acid with saturated aqueous salicylic and/or picric acid preserved the histological and cytological details of the mycorrhiza, as was clearly demonstrated when followed by staining in 3% acetic acid saturated with orseillin BB and counterstained with 1% crystal violet in clove oil.

Two percent ferric chloride (Fe Cl3) in 4% formaldehyde showed the relationship of the tannin contents of the cells to the invading hyphae when followed by suitable staining.

Cationic chromium appeared to be superior to anionic chromium in preserving cell walls as well as the general histologic features of the material investigated.  相似文献   

The following method for staining bone and cartilage allows study of the gross cleared specimen and does not injure the tissues for subsequent microscopic study: Fix in 10% neutral formalin; bleach thoroughly in 3% H2O2 in sunlight. Wash in distilled water. Stain bone 24 hours in 0.01 g. of Biebrich scarlet in 100 ml. of distilled water. Destain in 95% alcohol until soft tissues and cartilage are colorless. Stain cartilage 24 hours in a pH2 buffer solution of 2.1g. of citric acid per 100 ml. of water with 0.001 g. of methylene blue. Destain in pH2 buffer solution until soft tissues are pale. Dehydrate in two changes of 95% alcohol in preparation for clearing. (This completes the destaining and may remove too much stain from the cartilage if destaining in the pH2 solution has been carried too far.) Place in Groat's clearing fluid and cover loosely so that the alcohol may evaporate, or remove the alcohol in vacuo. Groat's Mixture No. 19 is usually satisfactory.

For a combined stain, first stain bone, as above, and then apply the cartilage stain.

Seal jars with an ordinary liquid wood glue such as LePage's.  相似文献   

DYES AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL USES Burckhalter, J. H., Jones, E. M., Holcomb, W. F., and Sweet, L. A. N-substituted 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-aminoacridines. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 2012. 1943.

Galat, Alexander. New processes for sulfanilamide. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Ind. Ed., 36, 192. 1944.

Kumler, W. D., and Daniels, T. C. The relation between chemical structure and bacteriostatic activity of sulfanilamide type compounds. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 2190. 1943.

Kwartler, C. E., and Lucas, Philip. The preparation of sutfanil-amidoindazoles. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 1804. 1943.

Mueller, A. C., and Hamilton, C. S. The synthesis of 1-substituted aminobenzo(f)quinolines. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 1017. 1943.

Popkin, A. H. Derivatives of biphenylsulfonamides. I. Preparation of p-(o-aminopnenyl)-benzenesulfonamide. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 2043. 1943.

Popkin, A. H., and Perretta, Gertrude M. Derivatives of biphenyl-sulfonamide. II. Derivatives of p-(o-aminophenyl)-benzenesulfonamide. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 2046. 1943.

Shreve, R. N., and Bennett, R. B. Studies in azo dyes. I. Preparation and bacteriostatic properties of azo derivatives of 2,6-diaminopvridine. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 2241. 1943.

Shreve, R. N., and Bennett, R. B. Studies in azo dyes. II. Preparation and bacteriostatic properties of azo derivatives of 8-quinolino. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 2243. 1943.

Siebenmann, C., and Schnitzer, R. J. Chemotherapeutic study of p-nitrobenzoyl- and related compounds. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 65, 2127 1943.

ANIMAL MICROTECHNIC Barrett, A. M. A method for staining sections of bone marrow. J. Path & Bact., 56, 133-5. 1944.

Barrett, A. M. On the removal of formaldehyde-produced precipitate from sections. J. Path. & Bact., 56, 135-6. 1944.

Chang, Min-Chueh. Disintegration of epidymal spermatozoa by application of ice to the scrotal testis. J. Exp. Biol., 20, 16-22. 1943.

Ercoli, N., and Lewis, M. N. The age factor in response of bone tissue to alizarin dyes and the mechanism of dye fixation. Anat. Rec., 87, 67-76. 1943.

Hess, Manfred, and Hollander, Franklin. Permanent metachromatic staining of gastric mucus smears. J. Lab. and Clin. Med., 29, 321-3. 1944.

Miller, John A. A new method of staining nervous tissue. Ohio J. of Sci., 44, 31-5. 1944.  相似文献   

Consistency in staining with an alum hematoxylin is possible by the routine use of fresh staining solutions. A modification of Cole's hematoxylin is so easily prepared that fresh staining solutions present no problem. The staining solution consists of 100 ml 1.2% aqueous KA1(SO4)2 .12 H2O, 1 ml 10% alcoholic hematoxylin and 2 ml 1% iodine. Mix, place in paraffin oven overnight and stain sections 5 minutes. The three solutions can be kept as stock solutions for years.  相似文献   

Binding of Fe3+ occurred in nuclei and several other sites when tissue sections, after a prior staining by the high-iron diamine (HID) method for sulfomucins, were immersed for 1 hr in 0.06 N HCl containing 1% potassium ferrocyanide (Prussian blue reaction). Apparently Fe3+, which is derived from FeCl3 present in the HID dye bath, unites directly with these tissue components, although one cannot exclude the possibility that iron is first bound to colorless diamine complexes and then to tissues. The visualization of Fe3+ by ferrocyanide provides a simple way of obtaining a suitable nuclear stain combined with general counters taming for the HID method.  相似文献   

A study was made of factors affecting the initial staining power and the stability of iron-hematoxylin lake solutions. The findings were applied to the preparation of a superior hematoxylin staining solution. This is made up as follows: in 50 ml. water dissolve, in order, 1.0 g. ferric ammonium sulfate [FeNE4 (SO4)2⋅ 12H2O], 0.8 ml. sulfuric acid, 50 ml. 95% ethyl alcohol, 0.5 g. hematoxylin. Filter the solution to remove the insoluble, white crust of the ferric ammonium sulfate. The solution stains well ten minutes after it has been made. Peak performance is attained within 5 hours, and is maintained for 4 to 8 weeks. Staining time is 3 to 30 minutes. Excess stain can be rinsed off the slide and section by immersion in water, after which destaining, if necessary, can be accomplished with a solution of 50 ml. water, 50 ml. 95% ethyl alcohol, 0.18 ml. sulfuric acid. The slides may or may not be placed next in a neutralizing solution of 50 ml. water, 50 ml. 95% ethyl alcohol, 0.5 g. sodium bicarbonate. They may then be passed through 50 ml. water, 50 ml. 95% ethyl alcohol on the way to alcoholic counterstaining solutions, or through water leading to aqueous counterstains.

The nuclear stain produced is black, intense and very sharp and has proved to be consistently excellent on a variety of animal and human tissues following a number of different fixatives.  相似文献   

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