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In this paper, we investigate the potential for competition between age 0 white perch Morone americana and yellow perch Perca flavescens in field-enclosure experiments. In 1986 and 1987, different densities of white perch and yellow perch were stocked into cages in the western basin of Lake Erie and their growth responses determined. Fish were weighed and measured pre- and post-stocking. In 1986 when fish were food-limited, individual growth of both species were negatively affected by increased total fish density; yellow perch to a greater extent. In 1987, experiments were carried out later in the year at lower temperatures. Yellow perch were shown to feed and continue to grow at lower water temperatures than white perch. We conclude that competition in summer may be mitigated in the fall because of differences in thermal optima between these two species.  相似文献   

Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) populations are often sympatric in the Great Plains region of the U.S.A. and portions of Canada; however, very little attention has been given to potential interactions between these species for available resources, especially during the early life stages. Relationships between age-0 bluegill and yellow perch growth and relative abundance were explored across multiple lakes and years within the Nebraska Sandhill region, USA. In addition, four habitat patch types (open water, Phragmites spp., Typha spp., Scirpus spp.) were sampled for age-0 bluegill and yellow perch, and food habits were examined for each species during August, September, and October of 2009 in one of these lakes. Age-0 yellow perch growth was negatively related to age-0 bluegill relative abundance across a spatiotemporal scale. Age-0 bluegill and yellow perch exhibited similar habitat use (moderate–high overlap), but generally consumed different important and dominant prey taxa (bluegill consumed both macroinvertebrates—56?% and zooplankton—44?%, while yellow perch consumed more zooplankton—66?%), which resulted in low overall diet overlap between species. Previous research indicates that age-0 yellow perch diet ontogeny often results in feeding predominately on macroinvertebrates and positively selecting them (and avoiding zooplankton prey) at sizes observed in our study. Therefore, yellow perch growth rates may be compromised by the presence of bluegill because of the need to consume less energetically profitable prey items such as zooplankton.  相似文献   

Failure to induce over-compensation of growth in maturing yellow perch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Unlike juvenile F1 male bluegill Lepomis macrochrus × female green sunfish L. cyanellus , maximized episodes of compensatory growth (CG) in 2 year yellow perch Perca flavescens did not surpass control masses because internal regulation caused abrupt appetite reduction upon catch-up. Together, the hybrid sunfish study and present work indicate that CG-maximizing feeding schedules and absence of an internal growth limiting mechanism are both required to produce substantial growth overcompensation (GOC). The less vigorous and less resilient CG responses of the yellow perch relative to those of the similarly fed hybrid sunfish appear indicative of the lack of GOC capacity in the former. This contrast, and results of previous studies are interpreted to suggest that GOC capacity may be limited to early life stages of fishes which have a substantial reproductive potential but are at high risk of mortality due to their small size. The possibility that GOC capacity is time-of-year-dependent and species-specific is considered also. Food deprivation periods that produced the strongest CG responses differed for male (2 days) and female (12 days) yellow perch. Among controls fed without restriction, growth rate and growth efficiency of female yellow perch exceeded those of males two-fold, however, males showed a greater capacity to catch-up to same-sex controls when undergoing CG. A feeding schedule using maintenance feeding v. food deprivation to elicit CG yielded the most rapid catch-up to control masses in the yellow perch. Such feeding schedules may produce even greater GOC than was achieved previously in hybrid sunfish, where feeding schedules involving food deprivation were employed.  相似文献   

H Chao  P L Davies 《FEBS letters》1992,299(2):166-168
By the criteria of gel electrophoresis, ion-exchange chromatography, and reverse-phase HPLC, yellow perch protamine behaves as a single component. This observation was confirmed by automated Edman degradation which gave a single unambiguous amino acid sequence PRRRRHAARPVRRRRRTRRSSRVHRRRRAVRRRR. Yellow perch protamine has 34 amino acids, including 21 arginines. It has two histidines, neither of which interrupts an arginine tract. It is unusual among fish protamines in not having a serine or threonine N-terminal to the second arginine tract, and is unique in not being a mixture of components.  相似文献   

Growth (length, weight) of yellow perch Perca flavescens in western and west-central Lake Erie began between June and July, possibly reaching asymptotic size by early winter. Energy density (kJ g−1) of somatic tissue increased markedly from June to September, then declined to low levels by the following spring. Consequently, energy mass (kJ) of somatic tissue increased to September and then declined slowly until March. Ovarian growth began in October, and the size of the ovaries was maximal in April, just before spawning in May. The energy density of ovaries, however, increased to a peak in December, and then declined. The increase in ovary size in the winter, therefore, resulted largely from an allocation of tissue of low energy density. Fecundity and gonad size were correlated with somatic and gonadal energy density. A bioenergetics model was used to describe the monthly allocations of energy to respiration, growth, excretion, and reproduction. Most direct reproductive costs (80%) were incurred from September to December, corresponding to the cycle in the activity of the liver. Energy acquired in the early summer may be critical for determining maturation, fecundity, and egg quality. From 1978 to 1990, <80% of the females from the western and west-central basins of Lake Erie were classed as spent in July.  相似文献   

The ability of age‐0 year yellow perch Perca flavescans to detect prey using visual and mechano‐sensory input was examined during laboratory feeding trials at varying light intensities. Perch were highly effective predators and captured Daphnia pulicaria with 94% overall foraging success at light levels ranging from 0 to 3400 lx. Maximum average reaction distances (5·0 ± 0·8 cm, mean ±  s . e .) occurred in front of the fish at 3000 lx and significantly decreased as light intensities fell to <2 lx, with minimum reaction distances (2·8 ± 0·1 cm) observed in the dark. Following chemical ablation of the lateral line, yellow perch showed a significant reduction in reaction distance when compared to the untreated fish at 3000 lx, suggesting that the lateral line may augment visual prey detection at high light levels. A model was created to predict reaction distances for fish feeding with multiple sensory systems that can be applied to a variety of photic environments. This study provides a better understanding of the contribution of vision and the lateral line to prey detection, and relates the reaction distance of age‐0 year yellow perch to light intensities similar to those experienced in nature.  相似文献   

This study on yellow perch (Perca flavescens) examines a series of enzymatic markers and the relative weights of pyloric caeca and visceral lipids, their response to changes in feeding regime and their potential use to infer recent changes in growth rate and fish condition. Fish were exposed to four different feeding regimes for 12 weeks resulting in specific growth rates ranging from 0.3% to 3.5% (%/day). Growth and condition responded rapidly to changes in ration and the weight of pyloric caeca and visceral lipids reflected increased feed intake. Growth rate was correlated with muscle citrate synthase and caecal nucleoside-diphosphate kinase activities, whereas condition was correlated with muscle citrate synthase and lactate dehydrogenase activities and with caecal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. Results showed that enzyme activities and biometric parameters responded rapidly to increased feed intake, but the response was slower when food intake decreased. Plateaus were attained for both condition and visceral lipid index, but the relative weight of pyloric caeca continued to increase throughout the experimental period. Results from this study could, in principle, be used to infer recent growth and energy status in wild yellow perch and thus provide an indicator of food availability in their environment.  相似文献   

Water‐soluble factors associated with walleye Sander vitreus predation on either yellow perch Perca flavescens or fathead minnows Pimephales promelas markedly increased the growth rate of P. flavescens. The findings suggest that P. flavescens possess an inducible growth‐promoting mechanism regulated by water‐born chemicals. It may be possible to increase the growth rate of farm‐raised P. flavescens by manipulating this system.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine how larval and juvenile yellow perch Perca flavescens respond to changes in prey density when exposed to different levels and types of turbidity (phytoplanktonic or sedimentary). Across prey densities, consumption by P. flavescens tended to be less in phytoplanktonic turbidity compared with sedimentary turbidity. For larvae, this effect was dependent on turbidity level (consumption differed between turbidity types only at high turbidity), while for juveniles the difference with turbidity type was equal across turbidity levels. These results suggest that phytoplankton blooms are detrimental to the ability of late season age 0 year P. flavescens to forage and support the need to control factors leading to excessive phytoplankton growth in lakes.  相似文献   

For wild red snapper Lutjanus campechanus , mean otolith increment deposition rate after marking with oxytetracycline dihydrate (OTC) was daily (0.97 increments day−1) when growth rates were fast (0.63 mm fork length, L F day−1), but were not daily (0.82 increments day−1) when somatic growth was slow (0.2 mm L F day−1). For reared larvae ( n =8), increment deposition rates were daily (0.99–1.03 increments day−1), and growth rates ranged from 0.6 to 0.9 mm L F day−1. Growth rate affected increment deposition rate as a threshold function, i.e. when growth rate was <0.3 mm L F day−1, deposition was less than daily, but above this level increment deposition did not exceed a daily rate. As growth rates increased increment widths increased. Examination of a sub-sample ( n =8) of the otoliths from the slowest growing wild fish by scanning electron microscopy did not increase increment counts. Because L. campechanus are late spring-early summer spawners, young fish can expect maximum growth due to warm summer temperatures. Thus, daily ageing methods should be well suited to this species.  相似文献   

On the early growth of 0+ perch, Perca fluviatilis, in Windermere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. The growth in length and weight (wet and dry) of 0+ perch Perca fluviatilis during their first summer of life in Windermere, has been investigated. Two major stanzas, occurring during and after metamorphosis, characterize the growth of 0+ perch in Windermere. The change from one stanza to another takes place between six and eight weeks after hatching. The exponential rate of growth in length was 0.26 and 0.27 mm mm−1 week−1 for the first stanzas of 1975 and 1976, respectively, and decreased to about 0.08 and 0.07 mm mm−1 week−1 for the second stanzas of the same years. Similarly, the growth in both wet and dry weights decreased from the first to the second stanza. Growth of 0+ perch was found to be logistic, and could not be described by the von Bertalanffy growth curve. The relationship between weight and length was allometric and the power values for length were, for wet weight: 4.154 (in 1975) and 4.033 (in 1976) for the first stanza and 2.400 (in 1975) and 2.734 (in 1976) for the second stanza; for dry weight: 3.988 (1975) and 3.971 (1976) for the first stanza and 3.066 (1975) and 2.651 (1976) for the second stanza. Half of the total growth was completed in 47% (1975) and 40% (1976) of the total growth period to the end of the summer.  相似文献   

The present study determined the behavioural salinity preference of a freshwater stock of juvenile yellow perch Perca flavescens acclimated to salinities of 0 and 10. The preferred salinities ranged between 7·3 and 13·0 (mean ± s.d . = 10·4 ± 1·7; n = 13) with no significant effect of acclimation salinity. The results showed that juvenile P. flavescens prefers near isoosmotic salinities, which could be due to a lowered energetic cost of osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Granulomatous skin lesions were identified in a population of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from Sandy Lake (Alberta, Canada) in 1985. Severe granulomatous peritonitis and hepatitis was identified subsequently in a separate population of yellow perch from Wolf Lake (Alberta, Canada). Mycobacterium chelonae was isolated from affected fish in both epizootics. The source and route of infection were not determined in either case. The nature of the inflammatory reaction in both cases suggested a depressed immunity.  相似文献   

Determining the causes of mortality in populations of fish is inherently difficult. To simplify the determination of whether parasite-induced mortality occurs, parasitologists have relied on 3 types of subjective analyses of graphs. Peaked host age-parasite intensity curves concomitant with a decrease in the degree of dispersion (measured by variance-to-mean ratio) of parasites in older age-classes of fishes, a slope of less than 2.0 for a log-log graph of variance versus mean intensity of infection, and differences between truncated and nontruncated forms of a theoretical frequency distribution for the parasite are considered indicators of parasite-induced mortality in fishes. The nematode Raphidascaris acus causes significant parasite-induced mortality in natural populations of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Dauphin Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Using this fish-parasite system we present a comparison of some of the graphical techniques used by parasitologists to detect parasite-induced mortality and show how confidence ellipses based on the parameters beta 0 and beta 1 of a linear model for growth of yellow perch (weight = beta 0 + beta 1 x age) can be used to compare many growth curves simultaneously. When plotted in a bivariate fashion (beta 0 vs. beta 1), vertical displacement of confidence ellipses along the ordinate (beta 1) are due to sublethal effects on growth of fishes in response to parasites, whereas lateral shifts along the abscissa (beta 0) are suggestive of parasite-induced mortality.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Factors affecting the early life history of yellow perch,Perca flavescens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis From 1979 to 1981 we followed the movement, diet, and growth of yellow perch,Perca flavescens, for their first 70 days after hatching in Lake Itasca, Minnesota. Perch spawned inshore during early spring; hatching occurred 10–20 days after spawning. Newly hatched perch were 5.6–6.2 mm total length (TL). Soon after hatching the larvae moved into the limnetic zone where they began feeding. This movement is probably a mechanism to escape intense predation in the littoral zone. Normally the first food of perch was immature copepods, but within a week they incorporated all common zooplankters into their diet. When the perch reached 25 mm TL (about day 40) they returned to the littoral zone, where they ate larger and more abundant prey than was present in the limnetic habitat. There is no correlation between growth rates and zooplankton abundances, which suggests that food quantity is not a limiting factor in the early life history of perch in Lake Itasca.  相似文献   

Pennate diatoms, especially Aslerionella spp. and Tabellaria fenestrata , were the most important food items for smelts in Lake Mjøsa during the first month of external feeding; rotifers and early stages of copepods were eaten occasionally. Later, during summer and autumn, crustacean zooplankton (cladocerans and copepods) were the most important food items; selected species were Polyphemus pediculus, Eudiaptomus gracilis, Limnocalanus macrurus, Heterocope appendiculata. Leplodora kindti , and Bythotrephes longimanus ; some smelts larger than 7.4 cm fed on Mysis relicta . In 1979 and 1980, mean lengths of smelts in October-November were 4.7 cm and 7.2 cm, respectively. A difference in length increment between the two years may have resulted from summer water temperatures being higher in 1980 than in 1979.  相似文献   

Comparisons of a species' genetic diversity and divergence patterns across large connected populations vs. isolated relict areas provide important data for understanding potential response to global warming, habitat alterations and other perturbations. Aquatic taxa offer ideal case studies for interpreting these patterns, because their dispersal and gene flow often are constrained through narrow connectivity channels that have changed over geological time and/or from contemporary anthropogenic perturbations. Our research objective is to better understand the interplay between historic influences and modern‐day factors (fishery exploitation, stocking supplementation and habitat loss) in shaping population genetic patterns of the yellow perch Perca flavescens (Percidae: Teleostei) across its native North American range. We employ a modified landscape genetics approach, analysing sequences from the entire mitochondrial DNA control region and 15 nuclear DNA microsatellite loci of 664 spawning adults from 24 populations. Results support that perch from primary glacial refugium areas (Missourian, Mississippian and Atlantic) founded contemporary northern populations. Genetic diversity today is highest in southern (never glaciated) populations and also is appreciable in northern areas that were founded from multiple refugia. Divergence is greater among isolated populations, both north and south; the southern Gulf Coast relict populations are the most divergent, reflecting their long history of isolation. Understanding the influence of past and current waterway connections on the genetic structure of yellow perch populations may help us to assess the roles of ongoing climate change and habitat disruptions towards conserving aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

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