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Rho GTPases are signaling components that participate to the control of cell morphology, adhesion and motility through the regulation of F-actin cytoskeleton dynamics. In this paper, we report the identification of RhoB in Xenopus laevis (XRhoB) and its expression pattern during early development. Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis indicated that XrhoB is expressed at high levels in the dorsal marginal zone early in gastrula and in the dorsal midline at later stages. At mid-neurula stages, XrhoB expression extends to the central nervous system, presomitic mesoderm and somites. Later during development, rhoB mRNA is detected in the eyes, the migrating neural crest cells as well as the dorso-lateral part of the somites.  相似文献   

The principal neural cell types forming the mature central nervous system (CNS) are now understood to be diverse. This cellular subtype diversity originates to a large extent from the specification of the earlier proliferating progenitor populations during development. Here, we review the processes governing the differentiation of a common neuroepithelial cell progenitor pool into mature neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells and adult stem cells. We focus on studies performed in mice and involving two distinct CNS structures: the spinal cord and the cerebral cortex. Understanding the origin, specification and developmental regulators of neural cells will ultimately impact comprehension and treatments of neurological disorders and diseases.  相似文献   

The development of the central nervous system is a complex process involving multiple interactions between various cell types undergoing mitosis, migration, differentiation, axonal outgrowth, synaptogenesis and programmed cell death. For example, neocortical development is characterized by a series of transient events that ultimately leads to the formation of a discrete pattern of laminar and columnar organization. While neuron-glial cell-cell interactions have been shown to be involved in neuronal migration, recent observations that neurons are extensively coupled by gap junctions in the developing neocortex have implicated this phenomenon in the process of neocortical differentiation. The present review will examine the putative role of gap junctional intercellular communication in development of the central nervous system, with specific reference to recent studies in the development of the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Xenopus embryos treated with 100 mM-lithium from the 2- to 4-cell stage to the early blastula stage (4h) failed to neurulate and developed without a discernible anteroposterior axis. The internal structure of defective embryos was grossly disorganized, but immunohistochemical staining with cell-type-specific antibodies revealed differentiated nerve and muscle cells. Quantitative assay in tissue cultures from control and acutely abnormal lithium-treated embryos showed that neural differentiation was enhanced and muscle differentiation unaffected. The embryos took up about 0.5 mM-lithium at threshold, maximal effects resulted at 2-3 mM. Most of the lithium was extruded from the cells into the blastocoel fluid, where lithium reached 17 mM. The threshold intracellular concentration was about 150 microM. Lithium uptake rose steeply as the osmotic/ionic strength of the bathing medium increased. Sodium, potassium and lithium were equally able to increase the permeability of the embryo. However, sodium ions enhanced, while potassium ions interfered with, the uptake of lithium. Treatment with lithium at progressively later stages reduced the developmental defects and neural differentiation returned to normal levels. The uptake of lithium did not decline concomitantly. We conclude that lithium does not inhibit neural induction, but interferes with dorsal patterning. The sensitivity of the embryo to lithium is determined by developmental stage. The very low, effective intracellular concentrations may be important in understanding the mechanism of lithium-generated defects.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of binding sites for atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and angiotensin II (A II) was investigated in the central nervous system (CNS) of the clawed toad Xenopus laevis by means of in vitro autoradiography using [125I]-rat ANF(99–126) or [125I] [Val5] A II and [125I]human A II as labeled ligands. The highest densities of specific ANF-binding were detected in the nucleus habenularis, thalamic regions, hypophyseal pars nervosa and nucleus interpeduncularis. Moderate ANF-binding was found in the bulbus olfactorius, pallium, septum, striatum, lateral forebrain bundle, nucleus infundibularis, hypophyseal pars distalis and tectum. The highest levels of specific A II binding sites were observed in the nucleus praeopticus, nucleus habenularis, hypophyseal pars nervosa and pars distalis, whereas the amygdala contained moderate A II binding. The existence of specific binding sites for ANF and A II in the CNS of Xenopus laevis suggests that both peptides act as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators in the amphibian CNS. The co-localization of dense binding sites for both peptides in the nucleus habenularis, hypophyseal pars nervosa and pars distalis supports the view that ANF and A II have opposite regulatory functions in these regions.  相似文献   

Changes in the polysome content of developing Xenopus laevis embryos   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A method for preparing polysomes from all embryonic stages of Xenopus laevis is described. In the oocyte only about 1–2% of the total ribosomes are present in polysomes, the remainder being a developmental reserve. Upon conversion to an egg the polysome content rises by up to 3-fold, and by about a further 2-fold after fertilization. There is only a small further increase during cleavage, but by the tailbud stage, when organogenesis begins, there is a more rapid rise. Most of the ribosomes are incorporated into polysomes by stage 42, shortly before feeding begins.At very early stages, the changes in polysome content seem to mirror the changes in protein synthesis. At later stages the polysome contents reported here provide the only available guide to changes in the rate of protein synthesis. Judged by polysome content, the stage 42 tadpole seems to make protein about 20 times faster than the unfertilized egg, though it contains very few more ribosomes. The relationship between polysome content and the synthesis of various types of RNA is discussed.  相似文献   

Myelin purified from the central nervous system of Xenopus laevis contained the same major lipid and protein components as human myelin. However, some minor differences in the myelin proteins were noted. The Xenopus basic protein had a higher apparent mol wt. on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels than the corresponding mammalian protein. The absolute specific activity of 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase in the Xenopus myelin was considerably higher than in mammals. There were differences in the high mol wt. proteins, and the glycoproteins in Xenopus myelin were more heterogeneous than those in mammals. Peripheral myelin from Xenopus sciatic nerve was compared with that from the rat. The lipids in the two types of myelin were similar. There was a major glycoprotein in the Xenopus myelin corresponding to the P0 protein and a basic protein of slightly larger mol wt. than the P1 protein of rat myelin.  相似文献   

During embryonic development, a number of tissues are patterned by their subdivision into domains with distinct regional identity. An important question is how sharp interfaces are established and maintained between adjacent domains despite the potential for scrambling due to cell intermingling during tissue growth. Two mechanisms have been found to underlie the maintenance of sharp interfaces: the specific restriction of cell mixing across boundaries, or the switching of identity of cells that cross between domains. We review the evidence for these mechanisms at distinct boundaries in the developing vertebrate central nervous system, and discuss what is known about their molecular mediators.  相似文献   

Amino acid pools in developing oocytes of Xenopus laevis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Lipid composition of developing Xenopus laevis embryos.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The total lipid content, amount of phospholipid, proportions of major polar and neutral lipid classes, and the overall fatty acid composition were examined in Xenopus laevis embryos. No obvious differences were observed in any of the parameters between fertilization and hatching or between eggs produced by different females. The average lipid content per egg was 113 mug, 31.6 mug of which was phospholipid. The major phospholipids were phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. The major fatty acids were palmitic and oleic acids, but polyunsaturated fatty acids were also present in substantial amounts. The results suggest that significant de novo synthesis of lipids does not occur until after hatching.  相似文献   

As part of a study of glycolysis during early development we have examined the pattern of expression of enolase isoenzymes in Xenopus laevis. In addition, the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone coding for the complete amino acid sequence of one enolase gene (ENO1) in X. laevis was determined. X. laevis ENO1 shows highest homology to mammalian non-neuronal enolase. Analysis of enolase isoenzymes in X. laevis by non-denaturing electrophoresis on cellulose acetate strips revealed five isoenzymes. One form was present in all tissues tested, two additional forms were expressed in oocytes, embryos, adult liver and adult brain, and two further forms were restricted to larval and adult muscle. Since enolase is a dimer, three different monomers (gene products) could account for the observed number of isoenzymes. This pattern of enolase isoenzyme expression in X. laevis differs from that of birds and mammals. In birds and mammals the most acidic form is neuron-specific and there is only one major isoenzyme expressed in the liver. RNAase protection experiments showed the presence of ENO1 mRNA in oocytes, liver and muscle, suggesting that it codes for a non-tissue-restricted isoenzyme. ENO1 mRNA concentrations are high in early oocytes, decrease during oogenesis and decrease further after fertilization. Enolase protein, however, is maintained at high concentrations throughout this period.  相似文献   

The topographic projection pattern formed by the retinal ganglion cell axons in the tectum of the lower vertebrate appears to require positional cues that guide the optic nerve fibers to their appropriate targets. One approach to understanding these positional cues or "positional information" has been to investigate changes in the pattern of the retinotectal projection after surgical manipulation of the embryonic eyebud. Analysis of these apparent changes in the patterns of positional information in the eye, termed "pattern regulation," may provide clues to both the nature of positional information and the mechanisms by which it is assigned to cells in the eyebud. Here we examine pattern regulation in the Xenopus visual system following the replacement of the temporal half of a right eyebud with the temporal half of a left eyebud. This manipulation requires that the left half-eyebud be inverted along its dorsoventral axis. Electrophysiological maps of these compound eyes in postmetamorphic frogs reveal regulated maps; the cells in the temporal half of the NrTl eye project to the tectum with a dorsoventral polarity appropriate for their position in the host eye and not appropriate for the original positions of the grafted cells in the donor eyebud. Paradoxically, the regulated patterns are not apparent in the projections of the original grafted eyebud cells during early larval development. Using fiber-tracing and electrophysiological mapping techniques, we now show that the regulated patterns appear gradually in the projections made by peripheral retinal cells added during mid-larval development. Because the regulation occurs relatively late in development and probably only in the peripheral retinal cells, simple models of epimorphic or morphallactic regulation do not appear to fit this system. Thus, new or more complex models must be invoked to explain the phenomenon of pattern regulation in the developing visual system of Xenopus.  相似文献   

Myelin purified from the central nervous system of Xenopus laevis contained the same major lipid and protein components as human myelin. However, some minor differences in the myelin proteins were noted. The Xenopus basic protein had a higher apparent mol wt. on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels than the corresponding mammalian protein. The absolute specific activity of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase in the Xenopus myelin was considerably higher than in mammals. There were differences in the high mol wt. proteins, and the glycoproteins in Xenopus myelin were more heterogeneous than those in mammals. Peripheral myelin from Xenopus sciatic nerve was compared with that from the rat. The lipids in the two types of myelin were similar. There was a major glycoprotein in the Xenopus myelin corresponding to the P0 protein and a basic protein of slightly larger mol wt. than the P1 protein of rat myelin.  相似文献   

We measured ultraweak emissions of the Xenopus laevis eggs and embryos during normal development and under the influence of stress factors in a spectral range of 250 to 800 nm using a photomultiplier. The registered emissions were analyzed by several basic characteristics: mean intensity, histograms, kurtosis, linear trends, and Fourier spectra. We followed relationships between these parameters and developmental stage, as well as the number of individuals in optic contact with each other. The ultraweak emissions did not differ from the background at all developmental stages according to the mean intensity. But Fourier analysis revealed the reliable presence of a number of spectral lines of ultraweak emission, predominantly in the ranges of 10-20 and 30-40 Hz, in the embryos at developmental stages 2 to 11. The intensity of ultraweak emissions reliably decreased within the first 10 min after egg activation and fertilization, as well as in the case of optic interaction between groups of embryos. Sharp cooling, increase in osmotic medium pressure, and transfer in a Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-free medium induced a short term (approximately 1-5 min) increase in the mean intensity of ultraweak emission. We studied specific features of ultraweak emissions from different parts of the embryo. The intensity of emission from the animal part of early blastula exceeded those from the vegetal area and entire embryo. Separated fragments of the lateral ectoderm at the neurula stage had higher mean intensities of ultraweak emission than intact embryos at the same developmental stages.  相似文献   

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