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Dispersal is an important factor in plant community assembly, but assembly studies seldom include information on actual dispersal into communities, i.e. the local propagule pool. The aim of this study was to determine which factors influence plant community assembly by focusing on two phases of the assembly process: the dispersal phase and the establishment phase. At 12 study sites in grazed ex-arable fields in Sweden the local plant community was determined and in a 100-m radius around the centre of each site, the regional species pool was measured. The local seed bank and the seed rain was explored to estimate the local propagule pool. Trait-based models were then applied to investigate if species traits (height, seed mass, clonal abilities, specific leaf area and dispersal method) and regional abundance influenced which species from the regional species pool, dispersed to the local community (dispersal phase) and which established (establishment phase). Filtering of species during the dispersal phase indicates the effect of seed limitation while filtering during the establishment phase indicates microsite limitation. On average 36% of the regional species pool dispersed to the local sites and of those 78% did establish. Species with enhanced dispersal abilities, e.g. higher regional abundance, smaller seeds and dispersed by cattle, were more likely to disperse to the sites than other species. At half the sites, dispersal was influenced by species height. Species establishment was however mainly unlinked to the traits included in this study. This study underlines the importance of seed limitation in local plant community assembly. It also suggests that without information on species dispersal into a site, it is difficult to distinguish between the influence of dispersal and establishment abilities, and thus seed and microsite limitation, as both can be linked to the same trait.  相似文献   

Question: What is the relationship between plant diversity and species turnover in coastal dune vegetation plots? How is the long‐term change in species composition of vegetation plots related to shifts in functional traits, and what does it tell us about the dominant processes? Location: Coastal dunes, the Netherlands. Methods: Our data set comprised 52 years of vegetation data from 35 permanent plots in grassland/scrub/woodland vegetation. Vegetation dynamics were described in terms of changes in species composition and abundance, and shifts in 13 functional traits related to resources capture and forage quality, regeneration and dispersal. Results: Species turnover in the plots was high, because of local extinction and colonization. Species‐rich plots were more stable in terms of species abundance and composition compared with species‐poor plots. Over time, the plots converged with respect to their abiotic conditions, as reflected by Ellenberg indicator values – indicating that the prevailing process was succession. The high species turnover reflected high invasibility: accordingly, the relative importance of annuals increased. Most newcomer annuals, however, were competitive generalists of little conservation value. The functional trait analysis allowed us to unravel the complexity of effects of disturbances and succession, and yielded information on the processes driving the observed vegetation dynamics. Conclusions: In this study, small‐scale species turnover was negatively related to species diversity, indicating more stability in species‐rich communities. Regarding shifts in trait diversity, unifying filters appeared to be more dominant than diversifying filters. Counteracting this homogenization process poses a challenge for nature management.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed the relationship between seed traits (weight, shape and dispersal structures) and the abundance and habitat segregation of Mediterranean grassland species. To take into account possible correlations with other plant traits, the study also includes 5 vegetative traits (growth form, plant longevity, clonality, onset of flowering and plant size) of commonly accepted functional importance. Data were recorded for 85 species from dehesa grasslands in central Spain. Species abundance was measured in upper (dry and less productive, high stress) and lower (moist and more productive, low stress) slope zones in the same area. Habitat segregation was estimated using an index based on the relative frequencies of species in upper and lower slope zones. Multiple regression models were fitted using species, as well as phylogenetically independent contrasts, as data points. Annual small‐seeded species without specialised dispersal structures are over‐represented in dehesa grasslands. Abundance was negatively related to seed weight in upper slope zones. None of the recorded plant traits were related to abundance in the lower slope zones. Habitat segregation was mainly related to seed weight, but also to some vegetative traits. Annual, early flowering and small‐seeded species were relatively more abundant in the upper than the lower slope zones. This pattern is independent of phylogeny. Our results suggest that in dry Mediterranean grasslands, abundance of many species is determined by dispersal (production of numerous small seeds) rather than by competitive ability.  相似文献   

Temperate calcareous grasslands are characterized by high levels of species richness at small spatial scales. Nevertheless, many species from a habitat‐specific regional species pool may be absent from local communities and represent the ‘dark diversity’ of these sites. Here we investigate dry calcareous grasslands in northern Europe to determine what proportion of the habitat‐specific species pool is realized at small scales (i.e. how the community completeness varies) and which mechanisms may be contributing to the relative sizes of the observed and dark diversity. We test whether the absence of particular species in potentially suitable grassland sites is a consequence of dispersal limitation and/or a low ability to tolerate stress (e.g. drought and grazing). We analysed a total of 1223 vegetation plots (1 × 1 m) from dry calcareous grasslands in Sweden, Estonia and western Russia. The species co‐occurrence approach was used to estimate the dark diversity for each plot. We calculated the maximum dispersal distance for each of the 291 species in our dataset by using simple plant traits (dispersal syndrome, growth form and seed characteristics). Large seed size was used as proxy for small seed number; tall plant height and low S‐strategy type scores were used to characterise low stress‐tolerance. Levels of small‐scale community completeness were relatively low (more species were absent than present) and varied between the grasslands in different geographic areas. Species in the dark diversity were generally characterized by shorter dispersal distances and greater seed weight (fewer seeds) than species in the observed diversity. Species within the dark diversity were generally taller and had a lower tolerance of stressful conditions. We conclude that, even if temperate grasslands have high levels of small‐scale plant diversity, the majority of potentially suitable species in the regional species pool may be absent as a result of dispersal limitation and low stress‐tolerance.  相似文献   

Evidence of phylogenetic conservatism in plant ecological traits has accumulated over the past few years, suggesting an interplay between the distribution of phylogenetic clades and major environmental gradients. Nonetheless, determining what environmental factors underlie the distribution of phylogenetic lineages remains a challenge because environmental factors are correlated with spatial gradients where the latter might indicate some degree of dispersal limitation in phylogenetic pools. We analyzed the phylogenetic structure of plant assemblages across the Brazilian Araucaria forests and assessed how phylogenetic structure responds to environmental and spatial gradients. We compiled data on plant occurrence in 45 plots across the Araucaria forest biome. The phylogenetic structure of the plots was characterized using phylogenetic fuzzy‐weighting followed by principal coordinates of phylogenetic structure (PCPS). We used distance‐based redundancy analysis (db‐RDA) to analyze the relationships between phylogenetic clades and environmental and spatial factors. Variation partitioning showed that the phylogenetic structure of Brazilian Araucaria forests was better explained by environment factors (altitude and annual mean temperature) than by space. Yet, spatially‐structured environmental variation explained about one‐third of total variation in the phylogenetic structure. Thus, the influence of spatial filters on the phylogenetic structure was more related to environmental gradients across the Brazilian Araucaria forest biome than to dispersal limitation of phylogenetic lineages. Furthermore, the influence of explanatory factors on the phylogenetic structure was concentrated in few nodes, the one splitting tree ferns from seed plants, and a second splitting malvids from other eurosids. Assessing the functional links between species distribution patterns and environmental gradients is not an easy task when we have to deal with large species pools. Identifying major phylogenetic gradients across an environmental and/or geographical range of interest can represent a first step towards a better understanding of general assembly processes in ecological communities.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Are there differences among species in their preference for coniferous vs. deciduous forest? 2. Are tree and shrub species better colonizers of recent forest stands than herbaceous species? 3. Do colonization patterns of plant species groups depend on tree species composition? Location: Three deciduous and one coniferous recent forest areas in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Methods: In 34 and 21 transects in coniferous and deciduous stands, respectively, we studied the occurrence and percentage cover of vascular plants in a total of 150 plots in ancient stands, 315 in recent stands and 55 at the ecotone. Habitat preference, diaspore weight, generative dispersal potential and clonal extension were used to explain mechanisms of local migration. Regression analysis was conducted to test whether migration distance was related to species’ life‐history traits. Results: 25 species were significantly associated with ancient stands and ten species were significantly more frequent in recent stands. Tree and shrub species were good colonizers of recent coniferous and deciduous stands. In the coniferous stands, all herbaceous species showed a strong dispersal limitation during colonization, whereas in the deciduous stands generalist species may have survived in the grasslands which were present prior to afforestation. Conclusions: The fast colonization of recent stands by trees and shrubs can be explained by their effective dispersal via wind and animals. This, and the comparably efficient migration of herbaceous forest specialists into recent coniferous stands, implies that the conversion of coniferous into deciduous stands adjacent to ancient deciduous forests is promising even without planting of trees.  相似文献   

Jrg Ewald 《植被学杂志》2002,13(2):191-198
Abstract. Species pools are increasingly recognized as important controls of local plant community structure and diversity. While existing approaches to estimate their content and size either rely on phytosociological expert knowledge or on simple response models across environmental gradients, the proposed application of phytosociological smoothing according to Beals exploits the full information of plant co‐occurrence patterns statistically. Where numerous representative compositional data are available, the new method yields robust estimates of the potential of sites to harbour plant species. To test the new method, a large phytosociological databank covering the forested regions of Oregon (US) was subsampled randomly and evenly across strata defined by geographic regions and elevation belts. The resulting matrix of species presence/absence in 874 plots was smoothed by calculating Beals' index of sociological favourability, which estimates the probability of encountering each species at each site from the actual plot composition and the pattern of species co‐occurrence in the matrix. In a second step, the resulting lists of sociologically probable species were intersected with complete species lists for each of 14 geographical subregions. Species pools were compared to observed species composition and richness. Species pool size exhibited much clearer spatial trends than plot richness and could be modelled much better as a function of climatic factors. In this framework the goal of modelling species pools is not to test a hypothesis, but to bridge the gap between manageable scales of empirical observation and the spatio‐temporal hierarchy of diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Despite recent modelling approaches integrating the effects of niche-based processes and dispersal-based processes on local plant species composition, their relative importance is still not clear. We test whether the predictability of local species composition from environmental conditions is influenced by dispersal traits. We analyzed a large database with co-occurrence data, using ordination techniques (DCA and CCA) to identify the major environmental determinants of species composition. The percentage of explained variance in occurrence was quantified for individual species with CCA. Effects of life-history traits on the predictability of occurrence patterns were tested by means of regression analysis, using a generalized linear models approach. The results reveal close correlations between species composition and environmental conditions, implying that the predictability of the set of species that might occur in a given environmental setting ("habitat species pool") is high. The habitat species pool, however, reflects the potential species composition, and not the actual local situation. At the level of individual species, a large proportion (>90%) of the variation in occurrence remained unexplained. Predictability of species occurrence patterns was increased by a greater capacity for long-distance dispersal, greater adult longevity and the capacity to build a persistent seed bank. The results indicate that the predictability of species composition from environmental conditions is reduced by a few orders of magnitude by dispersal limitation and that poor dispersers are underrepresented.  相似文献   

中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio)目前已经沿纬度梯度从寒温带到热带布设23个大型森林动态样地, 监测1,893种木本植物, 代表我国木本植物种类的近1/6。CForBio的主要目标之一是研究森林群落的构建机制。本文综述了近20年来CForBio在群落构建机制探索方面取得的进展, 包括生物多样性时空格局、生境过滤、生物相互作用、局域扩散和区域因素以及利用新技术取得的新认知等。CForBio研究发现: (1)生境过滤和扩散限制共同决定种-面积关系及β多样性等多样性格局, 但二者的相对作用在不同样地及不同尺度存在差异; (2)生境过滤对局域群落构建的作用广泛存在, 但很难量化其对群落构建的重要性; (3)同种负密度制约在不同气候带样地普遍存在, 负密度制约的强度主要由植物菌根类型介导, 并随植物生活史类型、功能性状及环境变化而变化; (4)扩散限制在局域群落构建中发挥关键作用, 而区域因素如区域地质历史、区域物种库大小等塑造不同生物地理区群落之间的生物多样性差异; (5)宏观和微观两个方面的新技术促进群落构建机制的研究。在宏观方面, 遥感技术以低成本使大范围、多尺度的连续群落生物多样性监测和时空比较研究成为可能; 另一方面, 叶绿体基因技术和代谢组学等微观技术能促进推导群落构建的分子机制。同时, 本文还总结了以往研究的不足, 并展望了基于森林动态样地开展群落构建机制研究的未来发展, 特别强调了: (1)关注群落构建研究中的尺度问题; (2)深入开展多维度(物种、功能和系统发育)、多营养级生物互作相关的研究; (3)拓展全球变化对群落构建影响的研究; (4)融合观测-实验-模型多种手段开展群落构建机制的研究; (5)连结“群落构建理论研究”和“森林管理实践”。总之, 中国森林生物多样性监测网络的长期监测和联网研究是森林群落构建机制研究的重要基础, 也是推动群落构建理论、解决森林管理难题的重要平台。  相似文献   

Habitat loss is a major cause of species decline and extinction. Immediately after habitat loss, species occurrences are not in equilibrium with the new landscape and more closely reflect the previous landscape structure. Species with slow colonisation–extinction dynamics may display long time-lags before reaching a new equilibrium. We investigated the importance of connectivity to current and historical dispersal sources with the aim of explaining the occurrence pattern of epiphytic lichens with different traits among 104 old oaks. We used oak survey data collected from 1830 and 2009 for a Swedish landscape where oak densities declined drastically shortly after 1830. We fitted a commonly used connectivity measure and estimated the confidence interval for the spatial scale parameter. Small differences in the spatial scale parameter resulted in large differences in model fit. Connectivity to trees in 1830 better explained the occurrence of three of the four species compared to the connectivity in 2009. The explanatory power of the historical landscape structure was highest for the species with traits that may result in a low colonisation rate—both a narrow niche (here few suitable trees) and large dispersal propagules. The results suggest that oak-dependent epiphytic lichens have not reached equilibrium with the spatial landscape structure 180 years after the drastic decline in habitat. For the long-term persistence of epiphytes associated with old trees, conservation efforts should focus on (1) protecting and restoring stands where specialised species with large dispersal propagules (i.e. with low colonisation rates) occur today and (2) promoting tree regeneration in their near vicinity.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated microbial communities (bacteria and protist) in two coastal areas near the estuaries of the Liaohe (LH) River and Yalujiang (YLJ) River in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Due to the existence of Liaodong Peninsula and different levels of urbanization, geographical segregation and significant environmental heterogeneity were observed between these two areas. There were significantly different regional species pools and biogeographic patterns for both bacterial and protistan communities between LH and YLJ coastal areas. Species turnover was the main mechanism driving β-diversity patterns of both bacterial and protistan communities in each area. In addition, the contributed ratio of nestedness to the β-diversity patterns was significantly higher for protists compared to bacteria. Variation in regional species pools was found to be the dominant driver of differences of bacterial and protistan communities between the LH and YLJ coastal areas. For a single-studied area, local community assembly mechanisms, including heterogeneous selection and dispersal limitation, were found to shape the bacterial and protistan communities through calculation of the β-deviation index. Among them, the relative importance of heterogeneous selection and dispersal limitation on the community assembly varied according to microorganism type and habitat.  相似文献   

Effects of habitat fragmentation on the insect community of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) were studied, using 32 natural nettle patches of different area and degree of isolation in an agricultural landscape. Habitat fragmentation reduced the species richness of Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha, and Coleoptera, and the abundance of populations. Habitat isolation and area reduction did not affect all insect species equally. Monophagous herbivores had a higher probability of absence from small patches than all (monophagous and polyphagous) herbivore species, and the percentage of monophagous herbivores increased with habitat area. Abundance and population variability of species were negatively correlated and could both be used as a predictor of the percentage of occupied habitats. Species richness of herbivores correlated (positively) with habitat area, while species richness of predators correlated (negatively) with habitat isolation. In logistic regressions, the probability of absence of monophagous herbivores from habitat patches could only be explained by habitat area (in 4 out of 10 species) and predator absence probability only by habitat isolation (in 3 out of 14 species). Presumably because of the instability of higher-trophic-level populations and dispersal limitation, predators were more affected by habitat isolation than herbivores, while they did not differ from herbivore populations with respect to abundance or variability. Thus increasing habitat connectivity in the agricultural landscape should primarily promote predator populations. Received: 4 February 1998 / Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

Traits related to seed dispersal, clonality and bud bank affect the success or failure of plant species. Using data from 13 successional seres in various human-made habitats the spectra of traits associated with dispersal and persistence were compared to determine the traits that can be used to predict the occurrence of particular plant species at each stage in a succession and how the importance of these traits changes over time. Differences in the traits of species associated with primary and secondary successions were also studied. Species with seeds that are dispersed by water (hydrochory) decreased in abundance during the course of succession. Species with a splitting main root, monocyclic and dicyclic shoots also decreased in abundance. Species capable of forming a potential below-ground bud bank, hypogeogenous rhizome and retaining a long-term connection with clonal offspring increased in abundance. The results indicate that seed dispersal is more important in determining the species composition in the early stages of succession whereas bud banks and clonal traits are more important in the later stages and for colonizing a locality. Primary and secondary seres did not remarkably differ in the trait spectra of the species present indicating that these trends occur in both types of succession.  相似文献   

To assess potential effects of seed limitation, characteristics of invader species and characteristics of established plant communities on recruitment success, we conducted a split-plot experiment factorially combining three weeding treatments corresponding to increasing successional age (regular weeding相似文献   

Since 1981, 365 papers have cited a rarity matrix organized along three axes: geographic range (GR) (large vs. small), habitat specificity (HS) (specialist vs. generalist), and local abundance (LA) (dense vs. sparse). In the wider ecology literature, research on the association between plant species distributions and life history traits has mainly focused on a single axis such as GR. However, the internal structure of species ranges is widely recognized as important. In order to determine if identifying different types of rarity leads to alternative conclusions regarding the causes and consequences of rarity, we created a dataset linking the seven types of rarity matrix and to reproductive ecology traits. We found associations between the axes and these traits in a dataset of 101 rare plant species culled from 27 papers. Significant traits included mating system and seed dispersal mechanism. Species with small GR are more likely to have ballistic or wind dispersal than biotically-mediated dispersal (abiotic:biotic ratio 3:1). Habitat specialist species with small GRs are more likely to have outcrossing mating systems compared to habitat specialists of large GR (16:1). These results show that, within rare species, the structure of rarity is important (e.g. habitat specialization is different from small GR) and should be identified when determining basic mechanisms of plant distribution and abundance.  相似文献   

Aims For plants to establish in a local community from a pool of possible colonizers from the region, it must pass through a series of filters. Which of the filters is most important in this process has been much debated. In this study, we explored how species are filtered from the regional species pool into local communities. The aim was to determine if differences in species abundance and functional traits could explain which species from the regional species pool establish at the local scale and if the filtering differed between grassland communities.Methods This study took place in a cultivated landscape in southeastern Sweden. We estimated plant species abundance in 12 ex-arable field sites and 8 adjacent seminatural grassland sites and in a 100-m radius around the center of each site. We used Monte Carlo simulations to examine if species abundance and functional traits (height, seed mass, clonal abilities, specific leaf area and dispersal method) controlled the filtering of species from the regional pool into local communities.Important findings On average, only 28% of species found in the regional pool established in the ex-arable field sites and 45% in the seminatural grassland sites, indicating that the size of the regional species pool was not limiting local richness. For both grassland types, species abundance in the regional pool was positively correlated with species occurrence at the local scale. We found evidence for both species interaction filtering and dispersal limitation influencing the local assembly. Both local and regional processes were thus influencing the filtering of species from the regional species pool into local communities. In addition, the age of the communities influenced species filtering, indicating that community assembly and the importance of different filters in that process change over succession.  相似文献   

1. Bees are ecologically important pollinators that are threatened by disease, habitat degradation, and habitat loss. Bee species that share ecological traits (e.g. body size, diet breadth, and sociality) may often respond similarly to environmental disturbance; however, few studies have examined the extent to which closely related, ecologically similar species exhibit divergent responses to the same forms of disturbance. 2. In the present study, the responses of bumble bees (Apidae: genus Bombus) to urbanization are examined by combining field surveys with the quantification of local‐ and landscape‐level variables using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). During the spring and summer of 2012 and 2013, 57, bumble bees were surveyed in 1‐ha plots in San Diego County, California that spanned a gradient of urbanisation. Species‐level, occurrence (presence/absence) data and logistic regressions were then used to identify determinants of Bombus occurrence across this landscape. 3. Approximately 1000 Bombus individuals belonging to three species were observed: B. californicus Smith, B. melanopygus Cresson, and B. vosnesenskii Radoszkowski. The occurrence of all Bombus species was negatively related to impermeable surface cover within study plots, but species responded uniquely to other plot‐scale variables and exhibited distinctive patterns of scale‐dependency with respect to impermeable surface cover surrounding plots. 4. Urbanisation negatively affected all three focal bumble bee species in this study. Species‐specific responses to plot‐scale and landscape‐scale variables presumably reflect interspecific trait differences (e.g. body size, tongue length, and foraging behaviour). Unique responses to urbanisation caution against pooling species into functional groups based merely on taxonomic relationships or perceived ecological similarities.  相似文献   

Habitat dynamics interacting with species dispersal abilities could generate gradients in species diversity and prevalence of species traits when the latter are associated with species dispersal potential. Using a process‐based model of diversification constrained by a dispersal parameter, we simulated the interplay between reef habitat dynamics during the past 140 million years and dispersal, shaping lineage diversification history and assemblage composition globally. The emerging patterns from the simulations were compared to current prevalence of species traits related to dispersal for 6315 tropical reef fish species. We found a significant spatial congruence between the prevalence of simulated low dispersal values and areas with a large proportion of species characterized by small adult body size, narrow home range mobility behaviour, pelagic larval duration shorter than 21 days and diurnal activity. Species characterized by such traits were found predominantly in the Indo‐Australian Archipelago and the Caribbean Sea. Furthermore, the frequency distribution of the dispersal parameter was found to match empirical distributions for body size, PLD and home range mobility behaviour. Also, the dispersal parameter in the simulations was associated to diversification rates and resulted in trait frequency matching empirical distributions. Overall, our findings suggest that past habitat dynamics, in conjunction with dispersal processes, influenced diversification in tropical reef fishes, which may explain the present‐day geography of species traits.  相似文献   

The experimental study of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function has mainly addressed the effect of species and number of functional groups. In theory, this approach has mainly focused on how extinction affects function, whereas dispersal limitation of ecosystem function has been rarely discussed. A handful of seed introduction experiments, as well as numerous observations of the effects of long‐distance dispersal of alien species, indicate that ecosystem function may be strongly determined by dispersal limitation at the local, regional and/or global scales. We suggest that it is time to replace biodiversity manipulation experiments, based on random draw of species, with those addressing realistic scenarios of either extinction or dispersal. Experiments disentangling the dispersal limitation of ecosystem function should have to take into account the probability of arrival. The latter is defined as the probability that a propagule of a particular species will arrive at a particular community. Arrival probability depends on the dispersal ability and the number of propagules of a species, the distance a species needs to travel, and the permeability of the matrix landscape. Current databases, in particular those in northwestern and central Europe now enable robust estimation of arrival probability in plant communities. We suggest a general hypothesis claiming that dispersal limitation according to arrival probability will have ecosystem‐level effects different from those arising due to random arrival. This hypothesis may be rendered more region‐, landscape‐ or ecosystem‐specific by estimating arrival probabilities for different background conditions.  相似文献   

Species functional traits can influence pathogen transmission processes, and consequently affect species' host status, pathogen diversity, and community-level infection risk. We here investigated, for 143 European waterbird species, effects of functional traits on host status and pathogen diversity (subtype richness) for avian influenza virus at species level. We then explored the association between functional diversity and HPAI H5Nx occurrence at the community level for 2016/17 and 2021/22 epidemics in Europe. We found that both host status and subtype richness were shaped by several traits, such as diet guild and dispersal ability, and that the community-weighted means of these traits were also correlated with community-level risk of H5Nx occurrence. Moreover, functional divergence was negatively associated with H5Nx occurrence, indicating that functional diversity can reduce infection risk. Our findings highlight the value of integrating trait-based ecology into the framework of diversity–disease relationship, and provide new insights for HPAI prediction and prevention.  相似文献   

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