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Water utilization of tropical hardwood hammocks of the Lower Florida Keys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Predawn water potential of representative plant species, together with stable isotope composition of stem water and potential water sources were investigated in four low-elevation tropical hardwood hammocks in the Lower Florida Keys, during a one year period. Hammock species had the lowest water potentials when soil water content was low and/or soil salinity was high, but differences in groundwater salinity had no effect on the water potential. Comparison of D/H ratio of plant stem water with soil and ground water corroborates the conclusion that they are primarily utilizing soil water and not groundwater. Thus, tropical hardwood hammocks are buffered from saline groundwater, and are able to thrive in areas where groundwater salinity is as high as 25. The effect of sea level rise on these forests may depend more on changes in the frequency of tidal inundation of the soil surface than on changes in groundwater salinity.  相似文献   

The enemy-release hypothesis for biological invasions supposes that invasive species may be more successful in their introduced ranges than in their native ranges owing to the absence of coevolved natural enemies. Recent studies supporting this hypothesis have found that introduced plants and animals are less parasitized in their introduced ranges than in their native ranges. Expanding on this theory, I hypothesize that the role of enemy release may differ among the introduction, establishment and spread phases of an invasion. I present a simple model indicating that parasite release is unlikely to greatly affect the chance of establishment in populations with and without an immune subpopulation. The specific numerical relationship between the number of individuals introduced and the chance of establishment depends on a relationship between virulence, here conceptualized as the chance for the extinction of a lineage, and the fraction of the population infected at introduction. These results support the idea of a 'filter effect' in which different biological processes regulate the different phases of an invasion.  相似文献   

The tropical snowflake octocoral Carijoa riisei, which is thought to be native to the Indo-Pacific biogeographical region, has been increasingly reported from the Colombian Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) over the past two decades. Massive mortalities of native octocorals, particularly in Pacifigorgia spp. and Muricea spp., were observed due to C. riisei overgrowth. However, the area of origin of TEP C. riisei remains unknown and its potential invasive status has not been addressed yet. We evaluated geographical scenarios for the colonization of the Colombian TEP by conducting phylogeographical analyses based on nuclear and mitochondrial sequences of 306 individual specimens from across the species’ (native/non-native) range and applying hypothesis-specific operational criteria. Additionally, we assessed whether C. riisei has to be considered an invasive species based on the previously proposed ‘unified framework for biological invasions’. Our results showed relatively high genetic differentiation between Colombian TEP populations, on the one side, and Indo-Pacific and Hawaiian populations, on the other side. In contrast, we could not identify genetic differentiation and significant isolation by distance (IBD) between Colombian TEP and Tropical Atlantic populations. C. riisei might have been introduced from the Atlantic into the Colombian TEP, possibly via the Panama Canal. Based on the criteria of the ‘unified framework for biological invasions’, we also conclude that this octocoral constitutes an invasive species. Our study may serve as a basis for establishing strategies to protect native species from one of the very few invasive coral species worldwide.  相似文献   

Patterns of invasion within a grassland community   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  

Invasive plant species affect a range of ecosystem processes but their impact on belowground carbon (C) pools is relatively unexplored. This is particularly true for grass invasions of forested ecosystems. Such invasions may alter both the quantity and quality of forest floor inputs. Dependent on both, two theories, ‘priming’ and ‘preferential substrate utilization’, suggest these changes may decrease, increase, or leave unchanged native plant‐derived soil C. Decreases are expected under ‘priming’ theory due to increased soil microbial activity. Under ‘preferential substrate utilization’, either an increase or no change is expected because the invasive plant's inputs are used by the microbial community instead of soil C. Here, we examine how Microstegium vimineum affects belowground C‐cycling in a southeastern US forest. Following predictions of priming theory, M. vimineum's presence is associated with decreases in native‐derived, C pools. For example, in September 2006 M. vimineum is associated with 24%, 34%, 36%, and 72% declines in total organic, particulate organic matter, mineralizable (a measure of microbially‐available C), and microbial biomass C, respectively. Soil C derived from M. vimineum does not compensate for these decreases, meaning that the sum of native‐ plus invasive‐derived C pools is smaller than native‐derived pools in uninvaded plots. Supporting our inferences that C‐cycling accelerates under invasion, the microbial community is more active per unit biomass: added 13C‐glucose is respired more rapidly in invaded plots. Our work suggests that this invader may accelerate C‐cycling in forest soils and deplete C stocks. The paucity of studies investigating impacts of grass invasion on C‐cycling in forests highlights the need to study further M. vimineum and other invasive grasses to assess their impacts on C sink strength and forest fertility.  相似文献   

Recent studies highlight the importance of selecting the appropriate scale and indices of invasion level for evaluating the abundance and impact of alien plants. Our survey considers the use of vegetation plot databases compared with floristic checklists to address invasion patterns regarding alien–native relationships across vegetation types by means of a multi-scale approach. We analysed the alien–native richness relationship in 1077 vegetation plots from the Basque Country (N. Spain) at ecosystem level and phytosociological class and alliance levels. According to our results, the alien species richness (Alo)–native species richness (Nat) relationship is variable and depends not only on the scale but also on the vegetation type. In contrast with other multi-scale approaches, no negative correlation has been detected at any studied level. The strong correlation existing between plot number and cumulative Alo and cumulative Nat highlights the constraints of using checklists to generalize invasion patterns. Our results demonstrate that the combined use of both relative alien species richness and relative alien species cover facilitates the understanding of invasion patterns across plant communities at different scales. In addition to climate, disturbance and propagule pressure, habitat type proved to be an important filter for alien species, capable of explaining such patterns.  相似文献   

Plinio Sist  Ervan Rutishauser  Marielos Peña-Claros  Alexander Shenkin  Bruno Hérault  Lilian Blanc  Christopher Baraloto  Fidèle Baya  Fabrice Benedet  Katia Emidio da Silva  Laurent Descroix  Joice Nunes Ferreira  Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury  Marcelino Carneiro Guedes  Ismail Bin Harun  Riina Jalonen  Milton Kanashiro  Haruni Krisnawati  Mrigesh Kshatriya  Philippa Lincoln  Lucas Mazzei  Vincent Medjibé  Robert Nasi  Marcus Vinicius N. d'Oliveira  Luis C. de Oliveira  Nicolas Picard  Stephan Pietsch  Michelle Pinard  Hari Priyadi  Francis. E. Putz  Ken Rodney  Vivien Rossi  Anand Roopsind  Ademir Roberto Ruschel  Nur Hajar Zamah Shari  Cintia Rodrigues de Souza  Farida Herry Susanty  Eleneide Doff Sotta  Marisol Toledo  Edson Vidal  Thales A.P. West  Verginia Wortel  Toshihiro Yamada 《应用植被学》2015,18(1):171-174
While attention on logging in the tropics has been increasing, studies on the long-term effects of silviculture on forest dynamics and ecology remain scare and spatially limited. Indeed, most of our knowledge on tropical forests arises from studies carried out in undisturbed tropical forests. This bias is problematic given that logged and disturbed tropical forests are now covering a larger area than the so-called primary forests. A new network of permanent sample plots in logged forests, the Tropical managed Forests Observatory (TmFO), aims to fill this gap by providing unprecedented opportunities to examine long-term data on the resilience of logged tropical forests at regional and global scales. TmFO currently includes 24 experimental sites distributed across three tropical regions, with a total of 490 permanent plots and 921 ha of forest inventories.  相似文献   

Genomic instability: environmental invasion and the enemies within   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Philip C. Hanawalt   《Mutation research》1998,400(1-2):117-125

Territorial animals maintain a certain distance to neighbouring conspecifics, presumably leading to a regular spatial pattern through social spacing. Nevertheless, most animal populations are assumed to show aggregation at certain distance ranges, reflecting the scale dependency of spatial patterns. Leucorchestris arenicola (Araneae: Sparassidae) is a burrow-living spider species that shows territorial behaviour against conspecifics. A multi-scale approach in spatial analysis revealed that territory owners had fewer neighbours than expected under spatial randomness at distances up to 6 m. Behavioural field experiments showed that territory owners were able to perceive and react to burrow constructing neighbours up to at least 4 m distance from their own burrow. At larger distances individuals were often more aggregated than expected under spatial randomness. Analysing adult and immature relationships showed attraction between different development stages at small distances and avoidance at larger distances. The analysis reveals diverse spatial patterns in a territorial and cannibalistic species, showing that both behaviour and environment affect pattern development at different distances. The study outlines the importance of multi-scale approaches for spatial analysis and the need for accompanying experiments to facilitate the interpretation of results.  相似文献   

Classical niche theory explains the coexistence of species through their exploitation of different resources. Assemblages of herbivores coexisting on a particular plant species are thus expected to be dominated by species from host-specific guilds with narrow, coexistence-facilitating niches rather than by species from generalist guilds. Exactly the opposite pattern is observed for folivores feeding on trees in New Guinea. The least specialized mobile chewers were the most species rich, followed by the moderately specialized semiconcealed and exposed chewers. The highly specialized miners and mesophyll suckers were the least species-rich guilds. The Poisson distribution of herbivore species richness among plant species in specialized guilds and the absence of a negative correlation between species richness in different guilds on the same plant species suggest that these guilds are not saturated with species. We show that herbivore assemblages are enriched with generalists because these are more completely sampled from regional species pools. Herbivore diversity increases as a power function of plant diversity, and the rate of increase is inversely related to host specificity. The relative species diversity among guilds is thus scale dependent, as the importance of specialized guilds increases with plant diversity. Specialized insect guilds may therefore comprise a larger component of overall diversity in the tropics (where they are also poorly known taxonomically) than in the temperate zone, which has lower plant diversity.  相似文献   

Our data are for a large composite sample of bugs (Insecta Hemiptera and Homoptera) from a tropical rain forest area in Sulawesi, Indonesia, collected by various sampling techniques at several representative localities over one year. We demonstrate how an overall relationship between log abundance and log body length in a large sample, which at first sight might appear to be of the polygonal form identified by Blackburn and Gaston, can be broken down into a consistent series of stronger linear relationships based around the composition of taxonomic clades with differing gradients. Furthermore, we show that the number of species within superfamily/family clades is negatively related to the mean body size of the clade, suggesting that taxa with a small body size tend to be represented by more species, thus further distorting the form of any overall relationship. The significance of these findings is discussed in the context of the current debate about species abundance, species size and distribution area relationships.  相似文献   

Abstract. Invasive alien grasses can increase fuel loads, leading to changes in fire regimes of invaded ecosystems by increasing the frequency, intensity and spatial extent of fires. Andropogon gayanus Kunth. (Gamba grass), a tall perennial grass from Africa, is invading ecosystems in the Top End of northern Australia. To determine whether A. gayanus alters savanna fire regimes, we compared fuel loads and fire intensities at invaded sites with those from native grass savannas. Savanna invaded by A. gayanus had fuel loads up to seven times higher than those dominated by native grasses. This higher fuel load supported a fire that was on average eight times more intense than those recorded in native grass savannas at the same time of year (means 15700 ± 6200 and 2100 ± 290 kW m−1, respectively), and was the highest early dry season fire intensities ever recorded in the Northern Territory. These results suggest that A. gayanus is a serious threat to northern Australia's savannas, with the potential to alter vegetation structure and initiate a grass-fire cycle.  相似文献   

Approximately three million years ago the Isthmus of Panama formed an impenetrable land barrier between the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean and the tropical western Atlantic Ocean. Since this time, isolated geminate species have evolved from once contiguous populations, either side of the barrier. One such organism whose distribution is divided by the Isthmus is the tropical brittlestar Ophiactis savignyi, once suggested to be the most common brittlestar in the world. Rather than showing a genetic pattern consistent with a history of isolation, we show that this species has recently dispersed between the Pacific Ocean and the western Atlantic Ocean. This conclusion is based upon a phylogenetic analysis using sequences of the COI mitochondrial DNA gene from these populations. Identical haplotypes between oceans, and a genetic signature of population expansion, provide compelling evidence that the western Atlantic contains at least one cluster of haplotypes recently derived from the Indo-Pacific. Inadvertent human-aided translocation of individuals, presumably in ballast water or fouling communities, is strongly implicated as a mechanism for dispersal between oceans. We believe that cryptic marine invasions are likely to be common and our awareness of them will rapidly increase as systematic and phylogeographic knowledge of marine taxa grow.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: One of the problems analysing cause-effect relationships of growth and environmental factors is that a single factor could be correlated with other ones directly influencing growth. One attempt to understand tropical trees' growth cause-effect relationships is integrating research about anatomical, physiological and environmental factors that influence growth in order to develop mathematical models. The relevance is to understand the nature of the process of growth and to model this as a function of the environment. METHODS: The relationships of Aphananthe monoica, Pleuranthodendron lindenii and Psychotria costivenia radial growth and phenology with environmental factors (local climate, vertical strata microclimate and physical and chemical soil variables) were evaluated from April 2000 to September 2001. The association among these groups of variables was determined by generalized canonical correlation analysis (GCCA), which considers the probable associations of three or more data groups and the selection of the most important variables for each data group. KEY RESULTS: The GCCA allowed determination of a general model of relationships among tree phenology and radial growth with climate, microclimate and soil factors. A strong influence of climate in phenology and radial growth existed. Leaf initiation and cambial activity periods were associated with maximum temperature and day length, and vascular tissue differentiation with soil moisture and rainfall. The analyses of individual species detected different relationships for the three species. CONCLUSIONS: The analyses of the individual species suggest that each one takes advantage in a different way of the environment in which they are growing, allowing them to coexist.  相似文献   

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