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Eyster  Craig  Chuong  Hoa H.  Lee  Chih-Ying  Pezza  Roberto J.  Dawson  Dean 《Chromosoma》2019,128(3):355-367
Chromosoma - In meiosis, crossovers between homologous chromosomes link them together. This enables them to attach to microtubules of the meiotic spindle as a unit, such that the homologs will be...  相似文献   

The centromere plays an essential role in accurate chromosome segregation, and defects in its function lead to aneuploidy and thus cancer. The centromere-specific histone H3 variant CENP-A is proposed to be the epigenetic mark of the centromere, as active centromeres require CENP-A–containing nucleosomes to direct the recruitment of multiple kinetochore proteins. CENP-A K124 ubiquitylation, mediated by CUL4A-RBX1-COPS8 E3 ligase activity, is required for CENP-A deposition at the centromere. However, the mechanism that controls the E3 ligase activity of the CUL4A-RBX1-COPS8 complex remains obscure. We have discovered that the SGT1-HSP90 complex is required for recognition of CENP-A by COPS8. Thus, the SGT1-HSP90 complex contributes to the E3 ligase activity of the CUL4A complex that is necessary for CENP-A ubiquitylation and CENP-A deposition at the centromere.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,96(6):1717-1726
Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) have been isolated as integral components of the nuclear matrix from purified mouse pachytene spermatocytes. These nuclear synaptonemal complex-matrices are prepared by extracting Triton X-100-treated nuclei with low (0.2 M) and high (1.0 or 2.0 M) NaCl, DNase I, and RNase A to remove 85% of the nuclear proteins, 97% of the RNA, and 99% of the DNA. Studies with the light and electron microscopes indicate that these matrices, while lacking a distinct lamina, contain nuclear pores interconnected by a fiber network, residual nucleoli, and interchromatin fibers. In addition, the pachytene spermatocyte matrices contain residual XY heterochromatin and the principal components of the SCs, including two lateral elements, a central element, a presumptive centromere, and attachment plaques. These SCs are preserved within the matrix and retain their structural association with the pore-fiber complex, even when subjected to strong dissociating conditions. Nuclear matrices from pachytene spermatocytes and spermatids (steps 1-8), when analyzed by SDS PAGE, contain an array of polypeptides distinct from those of mouse liver nuclear matrices. Proteins of spermatogenic matrices range in Mr from 8,000 to approximately 150,000. The prominent lamina proteins (Mr approximately 60,000-70,000) of somatic nuclear matrices are either absent or represent only a minor part of the spermatogenic matrix. The polypeptide composition of the pachytene spermatocyte and spermatid matrices are similar, although minor quantitative and qualitative differences are evident. These observations suggest that the SC constituents may consist of a heterogeneous group of proteins present in low proportion relative to total matrix proteins, or they may be retained, but in a different form, within the spermatid matrix.  相似文献   

Xie Y  Li F  Zhang C  Yu K  Xiang J 《Tissue & cell》2008,40(5):343-350
A modified surface spreading technique for synaptonemal complex (SC) analysis was tested to assess the process of chromosome synapsis in spermatocytes of diploid and induced triploid Fenneropenaeus chinensis. Spermatocytes of diploid shrimp showed typical morphological characteristics of eukaryote SC, with complete synapsis of bivalents. No recognizable bivalent associated with sex chromosomes was observed in spermatocytes of diploid shrimp. However, differences in morphology of SC, including unsynapsed univalents, bivalents, totally paired trivalents with non-homologous synapsis, partner switches and triple synapsis were identified at early pachytene stage of triploid spermatocytes. Triple synapsis was especially common at late pachytene stage in spermatocytes of triploid shrimp. The observed abnormal synapsis behavior of chromosomes in spermatocytes indicated that triploid male shrimp may find it difficult to develop normal haploid sperm.  相似文献   

Reports of centromere pairing in early meiotic cells have appeared sporadically over the past thirty years. Recent experiments demonstrate that early centromere pairing occurs between non-homologous centromeres. As meiosis proceeds, centromeres change partners, becoming arranged in homologous pairs. Investigations of these later centromere pairs indicate that paired homologous centromeres are actively associated rather than positioned passively, side-by-side. Meiotic centromere pairing has been observed in organisms as diverse as mice, wheat and yeast, indicating that non-homologous centromere pairing in early meiosis and active homologous centromere pairing in later meiosis might be themes in meiotic chromosome behavior. Moreover, such pairing could have previously unrecognized roles in mediating chromosome organization or architecture that impact meiotic segregation fidelity.  相似文献   

Centromeres contain specialized chromatin that includes the centromere-specific histone H3 variant, spCENP-A/Cnp1. Here we report identification of five fission yeast centromere proteins, Mis14-18. Mis14 is recruited to kinetochores independently of CENP-A, and, conversely, CENP-A does not require Mis14 to associate with centromeres. In contrast, Mis15, Mis16 (strong similarity with human RbAp48 and RbAp46), Mis17, and Mis18 are all part of the CENP-A recruitment pathway. Mis15 and Mis17 form an evolutionarily conserved complex that also includes Mis6. Mis16 and Mis18 form a complex and maintain the deacetylated state of histones specifically in the central core of centromeres. Mis16 and Mis18 are the most upstream factors in kinetochore assembly as they can associate with kinetochores in all kinetochore mutants except for mis18 and mis16, respectively. RNAi knockdown in human cells shows that Mis16 function is conserved as RbAp48 and RbAp46 are both required for localization of human CENP-A.  相似文献   



Pairing of homologous chromosomes at meiosis is an important requirement for recombination and balanced chromosome segregation among the products of meiotic division. Recombination is initiated by double strand breaks (DSBs) made by Spo11 followed by interaction of DSB sites with a homologous chromosome. This interaction requires the strand exchange proteins Rad51 and Dmc1 that bind to single stranded regions created by resection of ends at the site of DSBs and promote interactions with uncut DNA on the homologous partner. Recombination is also considered to be dependent on factors that stabilize interactions between homologous chromosomes. In budding yeast Hop2 and Mnd1 act as a complex to promote homologous pairing and recombination in conjunction with Rad51 and Dmc1.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes (SCs), X and Y axes, and various nucleolar structures stain preferentially with silver in surface microspread preparations and are analyzable by both light and electron microscopy. Central elements, kinetochore region material and nuclear annuli which stain with ethanolic phosphotungstic acid are seldom visible after silver staining. SCs can be characterized by length measurements equally well in light and electron micrographs, from which stages of pachytene can also be determined by differentiation of the axes of the XY pair. By electron microscopy, the lateral elements appear as single strands at zygotene and early pachytene, then become double in a plane perpendicular to that of the SC and appear denser and thicker until late pachytene when they become progressively more attenuated and again appear single. These transitions are difficult to explain in terms of separation of associated chromatids. Identification of various silver stained bodies as nucleoli is supported by their orange-red fluorescence with acridine orange. SCs, X and Y axes and associated sex body material are, with a few exceptions, virtually indistinguishable from the background yellow-green fluorescence of the chromatin. Comet-shaped nucleolar bodies are regularly associated with five (in one animal) or six (in two animals) SCs; their positions along particular SCs identifiable by relative lengths indicate these bodies to be expressions of nucleolus organizer regions. They first appear at leptotene in association with unpaired axes and undergo progressive changes through late pachytene, at which time they redistribute their contents coincident with disappearance of the SCs. A characteristic nucleolar double dense body appears at zygotene; unlike the comet-shaped nucleoli, it is unassociated with other nuclear structures, and is assumed to arise from coalescence of previously existing smaller dense bodies. — The silver staining method described is remarkable for the speed and simplicity with which large numbers of spermatocyte nuclei are obtainable for light and electron microscopy. The fidelity of the light microscopic counterpart of the electron microscopic image has been directly assessed at different stages of pachytene. For cytogenetic analysis, critical information often lies beyond the limits of light optical resolution; the correlated electron microscopy required for verification is easily obtained with this method.This paper is warmly dedicated to Professor Hans Bauer on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday and as our expression of gratitude and admiration for his lasting contributions to chromosome biology  相似文献   

Using the Counce-Meyer spreading technique, in over 70 spermatocytes it was possible consistently to obtain whole, flattened nuclei containing complete sets of pachytene SCs. The SCs are visible in both the phase and electron microscopes. Each SC is morphologically intact, preferentially stained, and attached to the nuclear envelope by a dense, terminal plaque. It is thus possible to trace each SC for its entire length. Also, a structure representing the kinetochore is clearly visible in each autosomal SC. Karyotypes comparable to the somatic karyotype can be constructed by arranging SCs according to length and kinetochore position. The observed regularity of SC morphology implies structural stability sufficient to withstand the stresses imposed by the procedure.— A coarse network of closely packed nuclear annuli connecting SC attachment plaques often provides end-to-end associations and may tend to immobilize SCs during processing.— Three kinds of perturbation of SC structure are encountered. Twists in the SC frequently occur, but no regular pattern or correspondence with chiasma distribution is observed. SCs occasionally hook around each other without disruption, but in two instances the unpaired axis of the X apparently was interlocked within an autosomal SC. Stretching of the SC is infrequent; it is conspicuous when it occurs and is usually associated with other obvious distortions of the nucleus.— Distinctive morphologies of the X and Y chromosomes facilitate their identification in all preparations. — During zygotene, autosomal synapsis, i.e., the formation of SCs from the pairing of single axial elements, initiates at distal ends and terminates at the kinetochore region; neither initiation nor termination is synchronous among all autosomes.  相似文献   

The centromere—defined by the presence of nucleosomes containing the histone H3 variant, CENP-A—is the chromosomal locus required for the accurate segregation of chromosomes during cell division. Although the sequence determinants of human CENP-A required to maintain a centromere were reported, those that are required for early steps in establishing a new centromere are unknown. In this paper, we used gain-of-function histone H3 chimeras containing various regions unique to CENP-A to investigate early events in centromere establishment. We targeted histone H3 chimeras to chromosomally integrated Lac operator sequences by fusing each of the chimeras to the Lac repressor. Using this approach, we found surprising contributions from a small portion of the N-terminal tail and the CENP-A targeting domain in the initial recruitment of two essential constitutive centromere proteins, CENP-C and CENP-T. Our results indicate that the regions of CENP-A required for early events in centromere establishment differ from those that are required for maintaining centromere identity.  相似文献   

Relative length is a constant and distinctive characteristic for each autosomal SC, despite variations in absolute length from cell to cell. Arm ratio is distinctive for each SC except for two of the three sub-acrocentrics, and serves, together with relative length, for identification. The constancy of relative length and arm ratios indicates biological stability and lack of physical distortion in these spread preparations. There is a 11 relationship between relative lengths of autosomal SCs and mitotic autosomes; their arm ratios are also similar. These close parallels provide strikingly similar SC and somatic karyotypes. Variability was observed in sub-acrocentric arm ratios and in lengths of unpaired X and Y axes, correlated with the presence of constitutive heterochromatin. — Utilizing progressive differentiations of the X and Y chromosomes for staging, it is demonstrated that autosomal SCs decrease in length from late zygotene to mid-pachytene, and then increase at late pachytene. Within a nucleus, synchrony of length changes is maintained. It is concluded that the factors governing autosomal SC length are regular for any given bivalent from cell to cell, and may be related to those that control somatic autosome length relationships. — The X and Y axes differ quantitatively as well as qualitatively from autosomal SCs. The SC portion of the X and Y is constant in length through most of pachytene; the unpaired axes shorten and lengthen, but not in proportion to autosomal SCs. X and Y relative lengths and arm ratios vary throughout pachytene and do not maintain proportionality with somatic values. The evidence suggests, but does not prove, that the long arm of the X is paired with the short arm of the Y. — Twists occur in autosomal SCs at increasing frequencies throughout pachytene but cannot account for length changes. The number of twists per SC is directly proportional to SC length. Intertwining of SCs is random and proportional to SC length. End-to-end associations of autosomal SCs appear to be random; however, the ends of the X and Y are less often involved in such connections. — The length of axial material in all chromosomes at pachytene, expressed as an equivalent length of DNA double helix, represents 0.013% of the diploid DNA complement.  相似文献   

Human spermatocytes processed with a modified microspreading technique which involves the use of sodium dodecyl-sulphate (SDS) have been used to construct synaptonemal complex (SC) karyotypes. Twenty two pachytene spermatocytes were selected for length quantitation. The mean values of relative lengths and centromeric indexes of each SC agree closely with values obtained by three-dimensional reconstructions (Holm and Rasmussen, 1977), except for SCs #4–5, 6–7 and 19–20. Absolute lengths are consistently longer in spreads (10.7% longer than in sections, on average). The mean total length of the SC complement is 258.7 m. Six morphological types of XY paris have been described. On the basis of the relationships between the XY pair, nucleolar development and autosome behavior, these six XY types are assumed to develop in succession. Type O XY pairs occur during late zygotene, types I and II XY pairs occur during early to midpachytene, and types III, IV and V occur during later pachytene substages. Alignment of the X and Y axes is observed at late zygotene, and formation of the SC occurs in relation with type I XY pairs. Progressive desynapsis occurs in types II and III. Splitting and fusion of the X and Y axes attain a maximum in types IV and V. The breakdown of the dense bodies associated with the X and Y axes occurs during stage V. — Bar-like structures, having a mean length of 2,100 Å are associated with SCs in all the pachytene substages defined by the XY types. The average number of bars per nucleus is 46.2 (SD=8.4, N=20), and the average SC length per bar is 5.57 m. The distribution along the SCs of 923 bars shows that near-termini locations are preferred (SC length per bar, 2.98 m) and centromere regions are avoided (SC length per bar, 16.9 m). — On the basis of these data, bars are similar to recombination nodules described in other organisms. The availability of a standard SC karyotype for microspreads and a temporal sequence given by the XY pair provide a basis for rapid screening of chromosome aberrations in human testicular biopsies.  相似文献   

The THO complex is a conserved multisubunit protein complex that functions in the formation of export-competent messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP). Although the complex has been studied extensively at the single-cell level, its exact role at the multicellular organism level has been poorly understood. Here, we isolated a novel Drosophila male sterile mutant, garmcho (garm). Positional cloning indicated that garm encodes a subunit of the Drosophila THO complex, THOC5. Flies lacking THOC5 showed a meiotic arrest phenotype with severe nucleolar disruption in primary spermatocytes. A functional GFP-tagged fusion protein, THOC5-GFP, revealed a unique pattern of THOC5 localization near the nucleolus. The nucleolar distribution of a testis-specific TATA binding protein (TBP)-associated factor (tTAF), SA, which is required for the expression of genes responsible for sperm differentiation, was severely disrupted in mutant testes lacking THOC5. But THOC5 appeared to be largely dispensable for the expression and nuclear export of either tTAF target mRNAs or tTAF-independent mRNAs. Taken together, our study suggests that the Drosophila THO complex is necessary for proper spermatogenesis by contribution to the establishment or maintenance of nucleolar integrity rather than by nuclear mRNA export in spermatocytes.  相似文献   

The role of calcium (Ca(2+)) in cytokinesis is controversial, and the precise pathways that lead to its release during cleavage are not well understood. Ca(2+) is released from intracellular stores by binding of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) to the IP3 receptor (IP3R), yet no clear role in cytokinesis has been established for the precursor of IP3, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Here, using transgenic flies expressing PLCdelta-PH-GFP, which specifically binds PIP2, we identify PIP2 in the plasma membrane and cleavage furrows of dividing Drosophila melanogaster spermatocytes, and we establish that this phospholipid is required for continued ingression but not for initiation of cytokinesis. In addition, by inhibiting phospholipase C, we show that PIP2 must be hydrolyzed to maintain cleavage furrow stability. Using an IP3R antagonist and a Ca(2+) chelator to examine the roles of IP3R and Ca(2+) in cytokinesis, we demonstrate that both of these factors are required for cleavage furrow stability, although Ca(2+) is dispensable for cleavage plane specification and initiation of furrowing. Strikingly, providing cells with Ca(2+) obviates the need to hydrolyze PIP2. Thus, PIP2, PIP2 hydrolysis, and Ca(2+) are required for the normal progression of cytokinesis in these cells.  相似文献   

Some adaptations of the synaptonemal complex (SC) whole-mounting technique first used in plants permitted its application to meiotic studies in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Direct observation of the chromosome pairing process and bivalent structure during the meiotic prophase of this fish species by light and electron microscopy permitted the analysis of SCs in autosomes and the possible identification of sex chromosomes. The analysis of SCs in spermatocytes of O. niloticus revealed that all 22 bivalent chromosomes completely paired, except for the occurrence of a size heteromorphism in the terminal region of the largest bivalent associated with the presence of an incompletely paired segment during the synapsis process, which may be the cytological visualization of an XX/XY sex chromosome system in this species.  相似文献   

A surface-spreading synaptonemal complex (SC) technique was used to analyze spermatocytes and oocytes of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) to visualize the process of chromosome synapsis. The total SC length was 205 +/- 12 microm in males and 172 +/- 29 microm in the only female analyzed. A representative SC karyotype of turbot was obtained. Each SC showed lateral elements of equal length. No bivalent exhibiting atypical synaptic behaviour that could be associated with heteromorphic sex chromosomes was observed, either in males or in the female. The DNA content of turbot was evaluated in eight individuals of both sexes by flow cytometry analysis. The 2C mean DNA content of turbot (1.308 +/- 0.009 pg/cell) was among the lowest observed within fishes. No statistical differences in DNA content were revealed between the sexes [Wilcoxon/Mann-Whitney test; P(W(x) = 0.243)]. The SC/DNA content ratio observed in turbot was the highest reported to date in bony fishes (Osteichthyes).  相似文献   

Networks of DNA and RecA protein are intermediates in homologous pairing   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
S S Tsang  S A Chow  C M Radding 《Biochemistry》1985,24(13):3226-3232
Partial coating of single-stranded DNA by recA protein causes its aggregation, but conditions that promote complete coating inhibit independent aggregation of single strands and, instead, cause the mutually dependent conjunction of single- and double-stranded DNA in complexes that sediment at more than 10 000 S. This coaggregation is independent of homology but otherwise shares key properties of homologous pairing of single strands with duplex DNA: both processes require ATP, MgCl2, and stoichiometric amounts of recA protein; both are very sensitive to inhibition by salt and ADP. Coaggregates are closed domains that are intermediates in homologous pairing: they form faster than joint molecules, they include virtually all of the DNA in the reaction mixture, and they yield joint molecules nearly an order of magnitude faster than they exchange DNA molecules with the surrounding solution. The independent aggregation of single-stranded DNA differs in all respects except the requirement for Mg2+, and its properties correlate instead with those associated with the renaturation of complementary single strands by recA protein.  相似文献   

A novel gene, prom-1, was isolated in a screen for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants with increased apoptosis in the germline. prom-1 encodes an F-box protein with limited homology to the putative human tumor suppressor FBXO47. Mutations in the prom-1 locus cause a strong reduction in bivalent formation, which results in increased embryonic lethality and a Him phenotype. Furthermore, retarded and asynchronous nuclear reorganization as well as reduced homologous synapsis occur during meiotic prophase. Accumulation of recombination protein RAD-51 in meiotic nuclei suggests disturbed repair of double-stranded DNA breaks. Nuclei in prom-1 mutant gonads timely complete mitotic proliferation and premeiotic replication, but they undergo prolonged delay upon meiotic entry. We, therefore, propose that prom-1 regulates the timely progression through meiotic prophase I and that in its absence the recognition of homologous chromosomes is strongly impaired.  相似文献   

We tested the role of histone deacetylases (HDACs) in the homologous recombination process. A tissue-culture based homology-directed repair assay was used in which repair of a double-stranded break by homologous recombination results in gene conversion of an inactive GFP allele to an active GFP gene. Our rationale was that hyperacetylation caused by HDAC inhibitor treatment would increase chromatin accessibility to repair factors, thereby increasing homologous recombination. Contrary to expectation, treatment of cells with the inhibitors significantly reduced homologous recombination activity. Using RNA interference to deplete each HDAC, we found that depletion of either HDAC9 or HDAC10 specifically inhibited homologous recombination. By assaying for sensitivity of cells to the interstrand cross-linker mitomycin C, we found that treatment of cells with HDAC inhibitors or depletion of HDAC9 or HDAC10 resulted in increased sensitivity to mitomycin C. Our data reveal an unanticipated function of HDAC9 and HDAC10 in the homologous recombination process.  相似文献   

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