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In spite of decades-long studies, the mechanism of morphogenesis of plus-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the genus Enterovirus of Picornaviridae, including poliovirus (PV), is not understood. Numerous attempts to identify an RNA encapsidation signal have failed. Genetic studies, however, have implicated a role of the non-structural protein 2CATPase in the formation of poliovirus particles. Here we report a novel mechanism in which protein-protein interaction is sufficient to explain the specificity in PV encapsidation. Making use of a novel “reporter virus”, we show that a quasi-infectious chimera consisting of the capsid precursor of C-cluster coxsackie virus 20 (C-CAV20) and the nonstructural proteins of the closely related PV translated and replicated its genome with wild type kinetics, whereas encapsidation was blocked. On blind passages, encapsidation of the chimera was rescued by a single mutation either in capsid protein VP3 of CAV20 or in 2CATPase of PV. Whereas each of the single-mutation variants expressed severe proliferation phenotypes, engineering both mutations into the chimera yielded a virus encapsidating with wild type kinetics. Biochemical analyses provided strong evidence for a direct interaction between 2CATPase and VP3 of PV and CAV20. Chimeras of other C-CAVs (CAV20/CAV21 or CAV18/CAV20) were blocked in encapsidation (no virus after blind passages) but could be rescued if the capsid and 2CATPase coding regions originated from the same virus. Our novel mechanism explains the specificity of encapsidation without apparent involvement of an RNA signal by considering that (i) genome replication is known to be stringently linked to translation, (ii) morphogenesis is known to be stringently linked to genome replication, (iii) newly synthesized 2CATPase is an essential component of the replication complex, and (iv) 2CATPase has specific affinity to capsid protein(s). These conditions lead to morphogenesis at the site where newly synthesized genomes emerge from the replication complex.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus capsids are composed of three proteins, VP1, VP2, and VP3. Although VP1 is necessary for viral infection, it is not essential for capsid formation. The other capsid proteins, VP2 and VP3, are sufficient for capsid formation, but the functional roles of each protein are still not well understood. By analyzing a series of deletion mutants of VP2, we identified a region necessary for nuclear transfer of VP2 and found that the efficiency of nuclear localization of the capsid proteins and the efficiency of virus-like particle (VLP) formation correlated well. To confirm the importance of the nuclear localization of the capsid proteins, we fused the nuclear localization signal of simian virus 40 large T antigen to VP3 protein. We show that this fusion protein could form VLP, indicating that the VP2-specific region located on the N-terminal side of the protein is not structurally required. This finding suggests that VP3 has sufficient information for VLP formation and that VP2 is necessary only for nuclear transfer of the capsid proteins.  相似文献   

The expression of poliovirus 2BC protein in yeast and mammalian cells leads to a number of metabolic and morphological alterations, such as growth inhibition, intracellular membrane proliferation, blockade of the exocytic pathway, and enhanced membrane permeability. Yeast cells that express poliovirus 2BC in an inducible manner were used to identify the regions of 2BC implicated in the modifications of these cellular functions. Several 2BC deletion mutants were generated to define the minimal portion of 2BC required to alter these activities. Additional deletion mutants that were obtained by random mutagenesis followed by selection in yeast cells provided new insights into the structure and mechanism of action of 2BC. The activity responsible for membrane proliferation is located in 2C, while the activities responsible for membrane permeabilization and inhibition of the exocytic pathway are located in 2B. Several regions of 2B and 2C required for the different functions of 2BC were identified. Thus, the integrity of the N termini of both 2B and 2C is necessary for 2BC-induced cytotoxicity. It is also possible to separate the different cellular alterations provoked by 2BC by the use of several 2BC variants. Deletion of amino acids 52 to 65 in 2B generates a 2BC deletion variant, 2bCΔAvrII, that still blocks yeast growth but is unable to enhance membrane permeability or to inhibit the exocytic pathway. On the other hand, 2Bc128*.32b and 2Bc128*.3c, which contain only 73 and 77 amino acids of 2B, interfere with yeast division and enhance membrane permeability but affect the exocytic pathway only weakly and do not induce membrane proliferation. Our findings indicate that Saccharomyces cerevisiae represents a useful model system to analyze the functions of poliovirus 2BC and show the feasibility of separating the activities assigned to this protein.  相似文献   

Polymerization of the intact capsid protein (CA) of HIV-1 into mature capsidlike particles at physiological ionic strength in vitro requires macromolecularly crowded conditions that approach those inside the virion, where the mature capsid is assembled in vivo. The capsid is organized as a hexameric lattice. CA subunits in each hexamer are connected through interfaces that involve the CA N-terminal domain (NTD); pairs of CA subunits belonging to different hexamers are connected through a different interface that involves the C-terminal domain (CTD). At physiological ionic strength in noncrowded conditions, CA subunits homodimerize through this CTD-CTD interface, but do not hexamerize through the other interfaces (those involving the NTD). Here we have investigated whether macromolecular crowding conditions are able to promote hexamerization of the isolated NTD and/or full-length CA (with an inactive CTD-CTD interface to prevent polymerization). The oligomerization state of the proteins was determined using analytical ultracentrifugation in the absence or presence of high concentrations of an inert macromolecular crowding agent. Under the same conditions that promoted efficient assembly of intact CA dimers, neither NTD nor CA with an inactive CTD-CTD interface showed any tendency to form hexamers or any other oligomer. This inability to hexamerize was observed even in macromolecularly crowded conditions. The results indicate that a functional CTD-CTD interface is strictly required for hexamerization of HIV-1 CA through the other interfaces. Together with previous results, these observations suggest that establishment of NTD-CTD interactions involved in CA hexamerization during mature HIV-1 capsid assembly requires a homodimerization-dependent conformational switching of CTD.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Gag drives virus particle assembly. The capsid (CA) domain is critical for Gag multimerization mediated by protein–protein interactions. The Gag protein interaction network defines critical aspects of the retroviral lifecycle at steps such as particle assembly and maturation. Previous studies have demonstrated that the immature particle morphology of HIV-2 is intriguingly distinct relative to that of HIV-1. Based upon this observation, we sought to determine the amino acid residues important for virus assembly that might help explain the differences between HIV-1 and HIV-2. To do this, we conducted site-directed mutagenesis of targeted locations in the HIV-2 CA domain of Gag and analyzed various aspects of virus particle assembly. A panel of 31 site-directed mutants of residues that reside at the HIV-2 CA inter-hexamer interface, intra-hexamer interface and CA inter-domain linker were created and analyzed for their effects on the efficiency of particle production, particle morphology, particle infectivity, Gag subcellular distribution and in vitro protein assembly. Seven conserved residues between HIV-1 and HIV-2 (L19, A41, I152, K153, K157, N194, D196) and two non-conserved residues (G38, N127) were found to significantly impact Gag multimerization and particle assembly. Taken together, these observations complement structural analyses of immature HIV-2 particle morphology and Gag lattice organization as well as provide important comparative insights into the key amino acid residues that can help explain the observed differences between HIV immature particle morphology and its association with virus replication and particle infectivity.  相似文献   

Based on the selective inhibition of glutamate release in cerebellar granule cells in primary cultures by the aspartate aminotransferase inhibitor, aminooxyacetic acid, and by the ketodicarboxylate carrier inhibitor, phenylsuccinate, a novel model for synthesis of transmitter glutamate is suggested: Glutamate is formed from glutamine in the mitochondrial intramembrane space by phosphate-activated glutaminase, transported across the inner membrane in exchange with aspartate, transaminated in the matrix to alpha-ketoglutarate, which via the ketodicarboxylate carrier is transferred to the cytoplasm, and transaminated to form transmitter glutamate. Such a mechanism would explain the functional role of aspartate aminotransferase in glutamatergic neurons.  相似文献   

Partial sequences of 110 type 2 poliovirus strains isolated from sewage in Slovakia in 2003–2005, and most probably originating from a single dose of oral poliovirus vaccine, were subjected to a detailed genetic analysis. Evolutionary patterns of these vaccine derived poliovirus strains (SVK-aVDPV2) were compared to those of type 1 and type 3 wild poliovirus (WPV) lineages considered to have a single seed strain origin, respectively. The 102 unique SVK-aVDPV VP1 sequences were monophyletic differing from that of the most likely parental poliovirus type 2/Sabin (PV2 Sabin) by 12.5–15.6%. Judging from this difference and from the rate of accumulation of synonymous transversions during the 22 month observation period, the relevant oral poliovirus vaccine dose had been administered to an unknown recipient more than 12 years earlier. The patterns of nucleotide substitution during the observation period differed from those found in the studied lineages of WPV1 or 3, including a lower transition/transversion (Ts/Tv) bias and strikingly lower Ts/Tv rate ratios at the 2nd codon position for both purines and pyrimidines. A relatively low preference of transitions at the 2nd codon position was also found in the large set of VP1 sequences of Nigerian circulating (c)VDPV2, as well as in the smaller sets from the Hispaniola cVDPV1 and Egypt cVDPV2 outbreaks, and among aVDPV1and aVDPV2 strains recently isolated from sewage in Finland. Codon-wise analysis of synonymous versus non-synonymous substitution rates in the VP1 sequences suggested that in five codons, those coding for amino acids at sites 24, 144, 147, 221 and 222, there may have been positive selection during the observation period. We conclude that pattern of poliovirus VP1 evolution in prolonged infection may differ from that found in WPV epidemics. Further studies on sufficiently large independent datasets are needed to confirm this suggestion and to reveal its potential significance.  相似文献   

The G-loop is a 10-residue glycine-rich loop that protrudes from the surface of the mature bacteriophage HK97 capsid at the C-terminal end of the long backbone helix of major capsid protein subunits. The G-loop is essential for assembly, is conserved in related capsid and encapsulin proteins, and plays its role during HK97 capsid assembly by making crucial contacts between the hill-like hexamers and pentamers in precursor proheads. These contacts are not preserved in the flattened capsomers of the mature capsid. Aspartate 231 in each of the ~ 400 G-loops interacts with lysine 178 of the E-loop (extended loop) of a subunit on an adjacent capsomer. Mutations disrupting this interaction prevented correct assembly and, in some cases, induced abnormal assembly into tubes, or small, incomplete capsids. Assembly remained defective when D231 and K178 were replaced with larger charged residues or when their positions were exchanged. Second-site suppressors of lethal mutants containing substitution D231L replaced the ionic interaction with new interactions between neutral and hydrophobic residues of about the same size: D231L/K178V, D231L/K178I, and D231L/K178N. We conclude that it is not the charge but the size and shape of the side chains of residues 178 and 231 that are important. These two residues control the geometry of contacts between the E-loop and the G-loop, which apparently must be precisely spaced and oriented for correct assembly to occur. We present a model for how the G-loop could control HK97 assembly and identify G-loop-like protrusions in other capsid proteins that may play analogous roles.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activates innate immune responses through TLR4·MD-2. LPS binds to the MD-2 hydrophobic pocket and bridges the dimerization of two TLR4·MD-2 complexes to activate intracellular signaling. However, exactly how lipid A, the endotoxic moiety of LPS, activates myeloid lineage cells remains unknown. Lipid IVA, a tetra-acylated lipid A precursor, has been used widely as a model for lipid A activation. For unknown reasons, lipid IVA activates proinflammatory responses in rodent cells but inhibits the activity of LPS in human cells. Using stable TLR4-expressing cell lines and purified monomeric MD-2, as well as MD-2-deficient bone marrow-derived macrophages, we found that both mouse TLR4 and mouse MD-2 are required for lipid IVA activation. Computational studies suggested that unique ionic interactions exist between lipid IVA and TLR4 at the dimerization interface in the mouse complex only. The negatively charged 4′-phosphate on lipid IVA interacts with two positively charged residues on the opposing mouse, but not human, TLR4 (Lys367 and Arg434) at the dimerization interface. When replaced with their negatively charged human counterparts Glu369 and Gln436, mouse TLR4 was no longer responsive to lipid IVA. In contrast, human TLR4 gained lipid IVA responsiveness when ionic interactions were enabled by charge reversal at the dimerization interface, defining the basis of lipid IVA species specificity. Thus, using lipid IVA as a selective lipid A agonist, we successfully decoupled and coupled two sequential events required for intracellular signaling: receptor engagement and dimerization, underscoring the functional role of ionic interactions in receptor activation.  相似文献   

Prosthetic lipoyl groups are required for the function of several essential multienzyme complexes, such as pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDH), and the glycine cleavage system (glycine decarboxylase [GDC]). How these proteins are lipoylated has been extensively studied in prokaryotes and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), but little is known for plants. We earlier reported that mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis by ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase is not vital for protein lipoylation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and does not play a significant role in roots. Here, we identify Arabidopsis lipoate-protein ligase (AtLPLA) as an essential mitochondrial enzyme that uses octanoyl-nucleoside monophosphate and possibly other donor substrates for the octanoylation of mitochondrial PDH-E2 and GDC H-protein; it shows no reactivity with bacterial and possibly plant KGDH-E2. The octanoate-activating enzyme is unknown, but we assume that it uses octanoyl moieties provided by mitochondrial β-oxidation. AtLPLA is essential for the octanoylation of PDH-E2, whereas GDC H-protein can optionally also be octanoylated by octanoyltransferase (LIP2) using octanoyl chains provided by mitochondrial ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase to meet the high lipoate requirement of leaf mesophyll mitochondria. Similar to protein lipoylation in yeast, LIP2 likely also transfers octanoyl groups attached to the H-protein to KGDH-E2 but not to PDH-E2, which is exclusively octanoylated by LPLA. We suggest that LPLA and LIP2 together provide a basal protein lipoylation network to plants that is similar to that in other eukaryotes.Lipoic acid (LA; 6,8-dithiooctanoic acid) prosthetic groups are essential for the catalytic activity of four important multienzyme complexes in plants and other organisms: pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDH), branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCDH), and the Gly cleavage system (glycine decarboxylase [GDC]; Perham, 2000; Douce et al., 2001; Mooney et al., 2002). In all these multienzyme complexes, LA is covalently attached to the ε-amino group of a particular lysyl residue of the respective protein subunit. Lipoylated E2 subunits of PDH, KGDH, and BCDH are dihydrolipoyl acyltransferases that interact with E1 and E3 subunits to pass acyl intermediates to CoA (Mooney et al., 2002). By contrast, the lipoylated H-protein of GDC acts as a cosubstrate of three other GDC proteins and has no enzymatic activity itself (Douce et al., 2001). In the course of their respective reaction cycles, LA becomes reduced to dihydrolipoic acid. Most of these enzymes are confined to the mitochondrion. As the only exception, PDH is also present in plastids, where it provides acetyl-CoA for fatty acid biosynthesis (Ohlrogge et al., 1979; Lernmark and Gardeström, 1994; Lin et al., 2003).Mitochondria and plastids each have their own route of de novo LA synthesis, both of which start with the synthesis of protein-bound octanoyl chains (Shimakata and Stumpf, 1982; Ohlrogge and Browse, 1995; Wada et al., 1997; Gueguen et al., 2000; Yasuno et al., 2004). These octanoyl moieties are passed on by organelle-specific octanoyltransferases (Wada et al., 2001a, 2001b) to the respective target apoproteins where lipoyl synthase (LIP1) inserts two sulfur atoms to finally produce functional lipoyl groups (Yasuno and Wada, 1998, 2002; Zhao et al., 2003). A similar pathway has been identified in mammalian mitochondria (Morikawa et al., 2001; Witkowski et al., 2007). In quantitative terms, leaf mesophyll mitochondria have an extraordinarily high requirement for lipoate, because they contain very large amounts of GDC to catalyze the photorespiratory Gly-to-Ser conversion (Bauwe et al., 2010). For this reason, leaf mesophyll mitochondria are the major site of LA synthesis in plants (Wada et al., 1997).It was thought that the octanoyl chains provided by mitochondrial β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase (mtKAS) represent the solitary source for protein lipoylation in plant mitochondria (Yasuno et al., 2004). As we reported earlier, however, leaves of mtKAS-deficient knockout mutants show considerable lipoylation of mitochondrial PDH-E2 and KGDH-E2 subunits and some residual lipoylation of GDC H-protein; roots are not at all impaired. Accordingly, the phenotype of such mutants can be fully cured in the low-photorespiratory condition of elevated CO2 (Ewald et al., 2007). These observations indicated that plant mitochondria, in addition to the mtKAS-LIP2-LIP1 route of protein lipoylation, can resort to an alternative pathway. This would not be uncommon. In Escherichia coli, for example, a salvage pathway utilizes free octanoate or LA in an ATP-dependent two-step reaction catalyzed by the bifunctional enzyme lipoate-protein ligase A (LPLA; Morris et al., 1995). Archaea (Christensen and Cronan, 2009; Posner et al., 2009) and vertebrates (Tsunoda and Yasunobu, 1967) require two separate enzymes to first activate octanoate or LA to lipoyl-nucleoside monophosphate (NMP) and then, in a second step, to convey the activated lipoyl group to the respective target proteins. The lipoate-activating enzyme (LAE) of mammals was identified as a refunctioned medium-chain acyl-CoA synthetase that utilizes GTP to produce lipoyl-GMP (Fujiwara et al., 2001). LIP3 from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) can use octanoyl-CoA to octanoylate apoE2 proteins (Hermes and Cronan, 2013), whereas octanoyl groups from fatty acid biosynthesis are first attached to H-protein and then passed on to apoE2 proteins (Schonauer et al., 2009).The physiological significance of lipoyl-protein ligases in plants is not exactly known. Such enzymes do not operate in plastids (Ewald et al., 2014) but could be present in mitochondria. A single-gene-encoded LPLA with predicted mitochondrial localization has been identified in rice (Oryza sativa; Kang et al., 2007). Complementation studies with the lipoylation-deficient E. coli mutant TM137 (Morris et al., 1995) suggested that OsLPLA belongs to the bifunctional type of LPLAs. We report the identification of the homologous enzyme in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), provide evidence for its mitochondrial location, and show that Arabidopsis LPLA requires a separate enzyme for octanoate/lipoate activation. We also examine the interplay between LPLA, LIP2, and the mtKAS route of protein lipoylation and suggest a model for protein lipoylation in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

Sir2 is a central regulator of yeast aging and its deficiency increases daughter cell inheritance of stress- and aging-induced misfolded proteins deposited in aggregates and inclusion bodies. Here, by quantifying traits predicted to affect aggregate inheritance in a passive manner, we found that a passive diffusion model cannot explain Sir2-dependent failures in mother-biased segregation of either the small aggregates formed by the misfolded Huntingtin, Htt103Q, disease protein or heat-induced Hsp104-associated aggregates. Instead, we found that the genetic interaction network of SIR2 comprises specific essential genes required for mother-biased segregation including those encoding components of the actin cytoskeleton, the actin-associated myosin V motor protein Myo2, and the actin organization protein calmodulin, Cmd1. Co-staining with Hsp104-GFP demonstrated that misfolded Htt103Q is sequestered into small aggregates, akin to stress foci formed upon heat stress, that fail to coalesce into inclusion bodies. Importantly, these Htt103Q foci, as well as the ATPase-defective Hsp104Y662A-associated structures previously shown to be stable stress foci, co-localized with Cmd1 and Myo2-enriched structures and super-resolution 3-D microscopy demonstrated that they are associated with actin cables. Moreover, we found that Hsp42 is required for formation of heat-induced Hsp104Y662A foci but not Htt103Q foci suggesting that the routes employed for foci formation are not identical. In addition to genes involved in actin-dependent processes, SIR2-interactors required for asymmetrical inheritance of Htt103Q and heat-induced aggregates encode essential sec genes involved in ER-to-Golgi trafficking/ER homeostasis.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the energy producing organelles of the cell, and mutations within their genome can cause numerous and often severe human diseases. At the heart of every mitochondrion is a set of five large multi-protein machines collectively known as the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC). This cellular machinery is central to several processes important for maintaining homeostasis within cells, including the production of ATP. The MRC is unique due to the bigenomic origin of its interacting proteins, which are encoded in the nucleus and mitochondria. It is this, in combination with the sheer number of protein-protein interactions that occur both within and between the MRC complexes, which makes the prediction of function and pathological outcome from primary sequence mutation data extremely challenging. Here we demonstrate how 3D structural analysis can be employed to predict the functional importance of mutations in mtDNA protein-coding genes. We mined the MITOMAP database and, utilizing the latest structural data, classified mutation sites based on their location within the MRC complexes III and IV. Using this approach, four structural classes of mutation were identified, including one underexplored class that interferes with nuclear-mitochondrial protein interactions. We demonstrate that this class currently eludes existing predictive approaches that do not take into account the quaternary structural organization inherent within and between the MRC complexes. The systematic and detailed structural analysis of disease-associated mutations in the mitochondrial Complex III and IV genes significantly enhances the predictive power of existing approaches and our understanding of how such mutations contribute to various pathologies. Given the general lack of any successful therapeutic approaches for disorders of the MRC, these findings may inform the development of new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, as well as new drugs and targets for gene therapy.  相似文献   

The multifunctional 2b protein of CMV has a role in the long distance and local movement of the virus, in symptom formation, in evasion of defense mediated by salicylic acid as well as in suppression of RNA silencing. The role of conserved amino acid sequence domains were analyzed previously in the protein function, but comprehensive analysis of this protein was not carried out until recently. We have analyzed all over the 2b protein by alanine scanning mutagenesis changing three consecutive amino acids (aa) to alanine. We have identified eight aa triplets as key determinants of the 2b protein function in virus infection. Four of them (KKQ/22-24/AAA, QNR/31-33/AAA, RER/34-36/AAA, SPS/40-42/AAA) overlap with previously determined regions indispensable in gene silencing suppressor function. We have identified two additional triplets necessary for the suppressor function of the 2b protein (LPF/55-57/AAA, NVE/10-12/AAA), and two other positions were required for cell-to-cell movement of the virus (MEL/1-3/AAA, RHV/70-72/AAA), which are not essential for suppressor activity.  相似文献   

Tegument is a unique structure of herpesvirus, which surrounds the capsid and interacts with the envelope. Morphogenesis of gammaherpesvirus is poorly understood due to lack of efficient lytic replication for Epstein-Barr virus and Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8, which are etiologically associated with several types of human malignancies. Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) is genetically related to the human gammaherpesviruses and presents an excellent model for studying de novo lytic replication of gammaherpesviruses. MHV-68 open reading frame 33 (ORF33) is conserved among Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaherpesvirinae subfamilies. However, the specific role of ORF33 in gammaherpesvirus replication has not yet been characterized. We describe here that ORF33 is a true late gene and encodes a tegument protein. By constructing an ORF33-null MHV-68 mutant, we demonstrated that ORF33 is not required for viral DNA replication, early and late gene expression, viral DNA packaging or capsid assembly but is required for virion morphogenesis and egress. Although the ORF33-null virus was deficient in release of infectious virions, partially tegumented capsids produced by the ORF33-null mutant accumulated in the cytoplasm, containing conserved capsid proteins, ORF52 tegument protein, but virtually no ORF45 tegument protein and the 65-kDa glycoprotein B. Finally, we found that the defect of ORF33-null MHV-68 could be rescued by providing ORF33 in trans or in an ORF33-null revertant virus. Taken together, our results indicate that ORF33 is a tegument protein required for viral lytic replication and functions in virion morphogenesis and egress.Gammaherpesviruses are associated with tumorigenesis. Like other herpesviruses, they are characterized as having two distinct stages in their life cycle: lytic replication and latency (15, 16, 18, 21, 54). Latency provides the viruses with advantages to escape host immune surveillance and to establish lifelong persistent infection and contributes to transformation and development of malignancies. However, it is through lytic replication that viruses propagate and transmit among hosts to maintain viral reservoirs. Both viral latency and lytic replication play important roles in tumorigenesis. The gammaherpesvirus subfamily includes Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV)/human herpesvirus 8 and murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68), among others. EBV is associated with Burkitt''s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Hodgkin''s disease, and lymphoproliferative diseases in immunodeficient patients (28). KSHV is etiologically linked with Kaposi''s sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric Castleman''s disease (11-13, 22, 52). Neither in vivo nor in vitro studies of EBV and KSHV are convenient due to their propensity to establish latency in cell culture and their limited host ranges.MHV-68 is genetically related to these two human gammaherpesviruses, especially to KSHV, based on the alignment of their genomic sequences and other biological properties (55). As a natural pathogen of wild rodents, MHV-68 also infects laboratory mice (6, 40, 46) and replicates to a high titer in a variety of fibroblast and epithelial cell lines. These advantages make MHV-68 an excellent model for studying the lytic replication of gammaherpesviruses in vitro and certain aspects of virus-host interactions in vivo. In addition, the MHV-68 genome has been cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) that can propagate in Escherichia coli (1, 2, 36, 51), making it convenient to study the function of each open reading frame (ORF) by genetic methods. Exploring the functions of MHV-68 ORFs will likely shed light on the functions of their homologues in human gammaherpesviruses.Gammaherpesviral particles have a characteristic multilayered architecture. An infectious virion contains a double-stranded DNA genome, an icosahedral capsid shell, a thick, proteinaceous tegument compartment, and a lipid bilayer envelope spiked with glycoproteins (14, 30, 47, 49). As a unique structure of herpesviruses, the tegument plays important roles in multiple aspects of the viral life cycle, including virion assembly and egress (38, 48, 53), translocation of nucleocapsids into the nucleus, transactivation of viral immediate-early genes, and modulation of host cell gene expression, innate immunity, and signal transduction (9, 10, 23, 60). Some components of MHV-68 tegument have been identified by a mass spectrometric study (8), and the functions of some tegument proteins have been revealed, such as ORF45, ORF52, and ORF75c (7, 24, 29).MHV-68 ORF33 is conserved among Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaherpesvirinae subfamilies. Its homologues include human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL16, human herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) UL16, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL94, EBV BGLF2, KSHV ORF33, and rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (RRV) ORF33. HSV-1 UL16 has been identified as a tegument protein and may function in viral DNA packaging, virion assembly, budding, and egress (5, 32, 35, 41, 44). HCMV UL94 is a virion associated protein and might function in virion assembly and budding (31, 57). EBV BGLF2, KSHV ORF33, and RRV ORF33 are also virion-associated proteins, but their functions are not clear (26, 43, 59). The mass spectrometric study of MHV-68 did not identify ORF33 as a virion component (8), although ORF33 is found to be essential for viral lytic replication by transposon mutagenesis of the MHV-68 genome cloned as a BAC (51). However, insertion of the 1.2-kbp Mu transposon in that study may influence the expression of ORFs approximate to ORF33. Consequently, the role ORF33 plays in viral replication needs to be confirmed, preferably through site-directed mutagenesis. Whether ORF33 is a tegument protein and the exact viral replication stage in which it functions also need to be investigated.We determined that MHV-68 ORF33 encodes a tegument protein and is expressed with true late kinetics. To explore the function of ORF33 in viral lytic phase, we used site-directed mutagenesis and generated an ORF33-null mutant, taking advantage of the MHV-68 BAC system. We showed that the ORF33-null mutant is capable of viral DNA replication, early and late gene expression, capsid assembly, and DNA packaging, but incapable of virion release. The defect of ORF33-null mutant can be rescued in trans by an ORF33 expression plasmid.  相似文献   

To initiate infection, herpesviruses must navigate to and transport their genomes across the nuclear pore. VP1-2 is a large structural protein of the virion that is conserved in all herpesviruses and plays multiple essential roles in virus replication, including roles in early entry. VP1-2 contains an N-terminal basic motif which functions as an efficient nuclear localization signal (NLS). In this study, we constructed a mutant HSV strain, K.VP1-2ΔNLS, which contains a 7-residue deletion of the core NLS at position 475. This mutant fails to spread in normal cells but can be propagated in complementing cell lines. Electron microscopy (EM) analysis of infection in noncomplementing cells demonstrated capsid assembly, cytoplasmic envelopment, and the formation of extracellular enveloped virions. Furthermore, extracellular virions isolated from noncomplementing cells had similar profiles and abundances of structural proteins. Virions containing VP1-2ΔNLS were able to enter and be transported within cells. However, further progress of infection was prevented, with at least a 500- to 1,000-fold reduction in the efficiency of initiating gene expression compared to that in the revertant. Ultrastructural and immunofluorescence analyses revealed that the K.VP1-2ΔNLS mutant was blocked at the microtubule organizing center or immediately upstream of nuclear pore docking and prior to gene expression. These results indicate that the VP1-2 NLS is not required for the known assembly functions of the protein but is a key requirement for the early routing to the nuclear pore that is necessary for successful infection. Given its conservation, we propose that this motif may also be critical for entry of other classes of herpesviruses.  相似文献   

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