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InNeurospora crassa, there is a single pyruvate kinase (PK) consisting of four identical subunits of 60k daltons. Northern and dot blot hybridization studies, using most of the yeast pyruvate kinase gene as a probe, suggest the presence of two distinct mRNA species for pyruvate kinase, separable on the basis of the length of their polyadenylated tails, by oligo(dT)cellulose chromatography. These messages are present in polysomes, immuno-precipitated by anti-PK antibodies, indicating probable translation in vivo. Fractions containing both messages were translatedin vitro in the heterologous systems as well as in a homologousN. crassa lysate, the newly-synthesized PK being detected by immunoadsorption. Protection studies using S1-nuclease suggest no major structural differences in the 5-untranslated and most of the coding regions of the two messages.  相似文献   

Summary The appearance of perinucleolar electron-dense spots in the nuclei of macroconidia ofNeurospora crassa incubated at 46C and their disaggregation after shift-down to 25 C have been investigated by high-resolution autoradiography after (5-3H) uridine pulses with or without chase periods. The RNA of these ribonucleoprotein-rich dense spots has been found to originate mainly from the heatsensitive nucleolus; after return to 25 C, the nucleolar activity was recovered and the RNA material stored either in an unprocessed or a mature rRNA form in the dense spots was found to be progressively extruded into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen fixation associated with sugar cane   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A recent15N dilution/N balance study confirmed that certain sugar cane varieties are capable of obtaining large contributions of nitrogen from plant-associated N2 fixation. It was estimated that up to 60 to 80% of plant N could be derived from this source, and under good conditions of water and mineral nutrient supply, it may be possible to dispense with N fertilization of these varieties altogether. The recently discovered bacterium,Acetobacter diazotrophicus, apparently responsible for this N2 fixation associated with the plants, has unique physiological properties for a diazotroph, such as tolerance to low pH, and high sugar and salt concentrations, lack of nitrate reductase, and nitrogenase activity which tolerates short-term exposure to ammonium. Furthermore, it also behaves as an endophyte, in that it is unable to infect sugar cane plants unless through damaged tissue or by means of VA mycorrhizae and is propagated via the planting material (stem pieces).  相似文献   

Uptake of Co2+ by cobalt-resistant strain is dependent on Co2+ concentration in the medium and is linear with time. The uptake is unaffected by metabolic inhibitors and decreased at low pH values. The uptake is independent of temperature in the range 0–40‡ C. The transport system is a passive diffusion process, unlike in the parent wild type strain where it is energy-dependent. It is possible that Mg2+ transport system is not involved in Co2+ transport in this strain, since the Co2+ uptake is not suppressed by Mg2+ as in the parent strain.  相似文献   

Microbial lipids produced byRhodotorula glutinis grown in continuous culture with molasses under nitrogen-limiting conditions were evaluated and the effects of growth rate on fatty acid composition were studied. As the growth rate decreased, cell biomass, lipid content and lipid yield gradually increased. The maximum lipid content recorded was 39% (w/w) of dry cell biomass at a dilution rate of 0.04 h–1. The growth rate also affected fatty acid composition: oleic acid decreased with decreasing growth rate while stearic acid increased.  相似文献   

Infestation of sugar cane nodes by the mealybug Saccharicoccus sacchari (Cockerell) was studied in two commercial fields over a 7-month period in 1987. Natural enemies associated with S. sacchari were fungi Aspergillus parasiticus Speare, Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, and Penicillium spp.; the dipteran Cacoxenus perspicax Knab; and the hymenopteran parasitoid Anagyrus saccharicola Timberlake. A. parasiticus was the predominent natural enemy of S. sacchari whereas all other natural enemies showed a low level of activity. The highest prevalence of A. parasiticus was in March when it occurred on 84% of S. sacchari-infested nodes. The prevalence of A. parasiticus declined rapidly during April and May and was absent in the winter months during which nodal infestation of S. sacchari increased. In laboratory bioassays all fungal isolates originating from S. sacchari were more virulent at 28°C than at 24°C. Laboratory studies supported the hypothesis based on field observations that temperature highly influenced the efficacy of A. parasiticus against S. sacchari.  相似文献   

Stefan Andersson 《Oecologia》1989,80(4):540-545
Summary Populations of the monocarpic plant Crepis tectorum were grown in a series of uniform environments to test the hypothesis that weedy populations are more r-selected than populations from a more natural habitat. Weedy populations exhibited a combination of r- and K-selected traits. The relatively rapid growth, the potential for a summer annual habit, and the relatively high fecundity that characterized at least one of the two weed populations studied were considered as r-selected traits favored in habitats of unpredictable duration. However, high levels of competition from other weedy species or from the crop in arable fields may explain at least some presumably K-selected traits observed in the weedy populations, e.g. relatively large seeds and late flowering in the summer. Results indicated that stress due to abiotic factors (strong winds, desiccation and nutrient deficiency) has been a more important selective factor than r- or K-selection, in non-weedy populations from calcareous grasslands (alvars) on the Baltic islands.  相似文献   

15N isotope and N balance studies performed over the last few years have shown that several Brazilian varieties of sugarcane are capable of obtaining over 60% of their nitrogen (<150 kg N ha-1 year-1) from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). This may be due to the fact that this crop in Brazil has been systematically bred for high yields with low fertilizer N inputs. In the case of wetland rice, N balance experiments performed both in the field and in pots suggest that 30 to 60 N ha-1 crop-1 may be obtained from plant-associated BNF and that different varieties have different capacities to obtain N from this source. 15N2 incorporation studies have proved that wetland rice can obtain at least some N from BNF and acetylene reduction (AR) assays also indicate differences in N2-fixing ability between different rice varieties. However in situ AR field estimates suggest plant-associated BNF inputs to be less than 8 kg N ha-1 crop-1. The problems associated with the use of the 15N dilution technique for BNF quantification are discussed and illustrated with data from a recent study performed at EMBRAPA-CNPAB. Although many species of diazotrophs have been isolated from the rhizosphere of both sugarcane and wetland rice, the recent discovery of endophytic N2-fixing bacteria within roots, shoots and leaves of both crops suggests, at least in the case of sugarcane, that these bacteria may be the most important contributors to the observed BNF contributions. In sugarcane both Acetobacter diazotrophicus and Herbaspirillum spp. have been found within roots and aerial tissues and these microorganisms, unlike Azospirillum spp. and other rhizospheric diazotrophs, have been shown to survive poorly in soil. Herbaspirillum spp. are found in many graminaceous crops, including rice (in roots and aerial tissue), and are able to survive and pass from crop to crop in the seeds. The physiology, ecology and infection of plants by these endophytes are fully discussed in this paper. The sugarcane/endophytic diazotroph association is the first efficient N2-fixing system to be discovered associated with any member of the gramineae. As yet the individual roles of the different diazotrophs in this system have not been elucidated and far more work on the physiology and anatomy of this system is required. However, the understanding gained in these studies should serve as a foundation for the improvement/development of similar N2-fixing systems in wetland rice and other cereal crops.  相似文献   

Dinemasporium longicapillatum sp. nov., isolated from a decaying leaf of sugar cane collected in Irabujima island, Japan, is described and illustrated. It is similar to D. strigosum and D. strigosulum in conidial length/width ratio, but differs mainly in its smaller conidia and longer conidial appendages.  相似文献   

Life-history variation in a hybrid species complex ofDaphnia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
L. J. Weider  H. G. Wolf 《Oecologia》1991,87(4):506-513
Summary Life-history variation was examined among members of theDaphnia longispina group, which consists ofD. galeata, D. hyalina, D. cucullata, and hybrids. Factorial experiments were conducted at two temperatures (14° and 20° C) and two food concentrations (0.2 and 1.0 mg Cl−1). Differences in life-history features (size at maturity, age at first reproduction, size of first clutch, offspring size in first clutch) under the different environmental conditions were assessed among eightDaphnia clones, which represented members of this species complex. Significant differences between parentals and hybrids for most life-history features were observed under various treatments; generally, hybrid clones showed intermediate life-history traits when compared with parentals. When comparisons were made among clones within a given species (i.e.D. galeata, D. galeata xcucullata, D. cucullata), clonal differences were also noted for certain life-history traits. The data are discussed with reference to the formation and maintenance of hybrid species complexes in nature. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Hans Georg Wolf, who died suddenly in May 1990 at the age of 39 years.  相似文献   

Cadmium stress in sugar cane callus cultures: Effect on antioxidant enzymes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) are antioxidant enzymes which are important in the metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and can be induced by environmental stresses including cadmium (Cd), a heavy metal toxic to living organisms. Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarumL.) in vitro callus cultures were exposed to CdCl2 and the activities of CAT and SOD were analysed. Lower concentrations of CdCl2, such as 0.01 and 0.1 mM caused a significant increase in callus growth, whereas 0.5 and 1 mM CdCl2 strongly inhibited growth of the callus cultures, but only after 9 days of CdCl2 treatment. Red-brown patches were also observed in calluses exposed to 0.5 and 1 mM CdCl2. Calluses grown in 0.01 and 0.1 mM CdCl2 did not exhibit any changes in CAT activity even after 15 days of growth in the presence of CdCl2. However, for calluses grown in higher concentrations of CdCl2 (0.5 and 1 mM), a rapid increase in CAT activity was detected, which was 14-fold after 15 days. Furthermore, up to five CAT isoforms were observed in callus tissue. Total SOD activity did not exhibit any major variation. One Mn-SOD and two Cu/Zn-SOD isoenzymes were observed in callus cultures and none exhibited any variation in response to the CdCl2 treatments. The results suggested that in sugar cane callus cultures, CAT may be the main antioxidant enzyme metabolizing H2O2.  相似文献   

Present paper reports the effects of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) juice and bagasse, respectively on protective immune responses in industrial broiler chickens against coccidiosis. Immunotherapeutic efficacies of the extracts were measured by evaluating their effect on body weight gain, oocyst shedding, lesion score, anti-coccidial indices, per cent protection and elicited serum antibody responses against coccidiosis. Results revealed a significantly lower (P < 0.05) oocyst shedding and mortality in chickens administered with sugar cane extracts as compared to control. Further, significantly higher (P < 0.05) body weight gains and antibody responses were detected in chickens administered with sugar cane extracts as compared to chickens of control group. Moreover, ethanolic extract showed higher anti-coccidia index (227.61) as compared to aqueous extract (192.32). The organ body weight ratio of the lymphoid organs of experimental and control groups were statistically non-significant (P > 0.01). These results demonstrated that both ethanolic and aqueous extracts of sugar cane possess immune enhancing properties and their administration in chickens augments the protective immunity against coccidiosis.  相似文献   

Summary Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride strains were used together as a fungal activator in the presence or absence of farmyard manure (FM) for composting of bagasse enriched with rock phosphate. Quality of the composts produced was compared with that obtained from non-inoculated bagasse. The composts were evaluated as organic phosphatic fertilizers, for broad bean plants. The results showed that composting of bagasse without microbial inoculation or FM addition was not complete after 105 days of fermentation. An excellent decomposition in a relatively short time however was obtained with the use of A. niger and T. viride as inoculant agents with or without FM. The inoculation with A. niger + T. viridewith or without FM, also represented the most suitable conditions for phosphate solubilization. Acidic conditions (pH 4–5) at the end of the experiment were obtained in all piles receiving Aspergillus niger and there was a correlation between the amounts of soluble phosphorus and the reduction in pH values in the compost piles. There were no phosphate-dissolving fungi present in any composted piles except those treated with Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride. The number of phosphate-dissolving bacteria increased only in the treatments that were treated with FM. The non-fertilized sandy soil and the non-inoculated bagasse compost did not provide broad bean plants with phosphorus while the composts produced by inoculation with A. niger + T. viride provided the plants with the highest amounts of phosphorus.  相似文献   

Four mushroom strains ofPleurotus spp. were cultivated on sugar cane crop residues for 30 days at 26°C. Biochemical changes affected the substrate as a result of fungal growth, in terms of nitrogen, lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose contents. All strains showed a strong ligninolytic activity together with variable cellulolytic and xylanolytic action.Pleurotus sajor-caju attacked lignin and cellulose at the same rate, showing a degradation of 47% and 55%, respectively. A better balance was shown by theP. ostreatus-P. pulmonarius hybrid, which exhibited the poorest cellulolytic action (39%) and the highest ligninolytic activity (67%). The average composition of mushroom fruit bodies, in terms of nitrogen, carbohydrates, fats and amino acid profiles, was determined. Crude protein and total carbohydrate varied from 23% to 33% and 36% to 68% of dry matter, respectively. Fat ranged from 3.3% to 4.7% and amino acid content from 12.2% to 22.2%. Slight evidence for a nitrogen fixing capability was encountered in the substrate to fruit body balance.  相似文献   

We used a double germination phenology or “move-along” experiment (sensu Baskin and Baskin, 2003) to characterize seed dormancy in two medicinal woodland herbs, Collinsonia canadensis L. (Lamiaceae) and Dioscorea villosa L. (Dioscoreaceae). Imbibed seeds of both species were moved through the following two sequences of simulated thermoperiods: (a) 30/15 °C→20/10 °C→15/6 °C→5 °C→15/6 °C→20/10 °C→30/15 °C, and (b) 5 °C→15/6 °C→20/10 °C→30/15 °C→20/10 °C→15/6 °C→5 °C. In each sequence, seeds of both species germinated to high rates (>85%) at cool temperatures (15/6 and 20/10 °C) only if seeds were previously exposed to cold temperatures (5 °C). Seeds kept at four control thermoperiods (5, 15/6, 20/10, 30/15 °C) for 30 d showed little or no germination. Seeds of both species, therefore, have physiological dormancy that is broken by 12 weeks of cold (5 °C) stratification. Morphological studies indicated that embryos of C. canadensis have “investing” embryos at maturity (morphological dormancy absent), whereas embryos of D. villosa are undeveloped at maturity (morphological dormancy present). Because warm temperatures are required for embryo growth and cold stratification breaks physiological dormancy, D. villosa seeds have non-deep simple morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). Neither species afterripened in a 6-month dry storage treatment. Cold stratification treatments of 4 and 8 weeks alleviated dormancy in both species but C. canadensis seeds germinated at slower speeds and lower rates compared to seeds given 12 weeks of cold stratification. In their natural habitat, both species disperse seeds in mid- to late autumn and germinate in the spring after cold winter temperatures alleviate endogenous dormancy.  相似文献   

Penicillium griseoroseum cultured in the presence of sucrose and yeast extract produces pectin lyase (EC (PL) in the absence of its natural inducer pectin. This fungus was cultured in a fermenter at an aeration rate of 0.5 l/min for the first 25 h and 1.0 l/min for the remainder of the culture period, and at a stirring rate of 200 rev/min for the entire culture period. Fungal spores were inoculated directly into the fermenter at a final concentration of 5 × 104 spores/ml. The fungus was cultured in minimal medium supplemented with powdered dehydrated sugar cane juice, producing PL without added yeast extract. Maximum PL activity (0.067 IU/ml) was obtained after 65 h in batch culture. Pellet morphology of the mycelia made it possible to carry out three cycles of repeated batch culture. The same medium was used for renewal as for the single batch culture. The initial cycle was 53 h, after which approximately 0.103 IU/ml of PL was obtained. After this period, the medium was renewed and fermentation continued for two more cycles, which lasted approximately 20 h. Activity of PL obtained in the second cycle was approximately 0.118 IU/ml and in the third, approximately 0.109 IU/ml.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli KO11, carrying the ethanol pathway genes pdc (pyruvate decarboxylase) and adh (alcohol dehydrogenase) from Zymomonas mobilis integrated into its chromosome, has the ability to metabolize pentoses and hexoses to ethanol, both in synthetic medium and in hemicellulosic hydrolysates. In the fermentation of sugar mixtures simulating hemicellulose hydrolysate sugar composition (10.0 g of glucose/l and 40.0 g of xylose/l) and supplemented with tryptone and yeast extract, recombinant bacteria produced 24.58 g of ethanol/l, equivalent to 96.4% of the maximum theoretical yield. Corn steep powder (CSP), a byproduct of the corn starch-processing industry, was used to replace tryptone and yeast extract. At a concentration of 12.5 g/l, it was able to support the fermentation of glucose (80.0 g/l) to ethanol, with both ethanol yield and volumetric productivity comparable to those obtained with fermentation media containing tryptone and yeast extract. Hemicellulose hydrolysate of sugar cane bagasse supplemented with tryptone and yeast extract was also readily fermented to ethanol within 48 h, and ethanol yield achieved 91.5% of the theoretical maximum conversion efficiency. However, fermentation of bagasse hydrolysate supplemented with 12.5 g of CSP/l took twice as long to complete. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以采自广西金秀县的绞股蓝种子为研究材料,对其休眠原因、休眠类型及其破眠方法进行了研究,为绞股蓝种子繁殖提供理论依据和技术支持。结果表明:(1)绞股蓝新采收成熟种子的生活力达91%,在10℃~35℃恒温和15℃/25℃变温中的发芽率均低于10%,新种子的生活力极显著大于发芽率,具有显著的休眠现象。(2)绞股蓝种皮不限制吸水,胚分化发育完全,离体胚发芽率为(78.0±4.8)%,且能够长成正常幼苗,说明绞股蓝种子的胚在离体条件下无休眠现象。(3)绞股蓝完整种子及其粉碎种子的水提液对白菜种子的萌发率、苗高及根长均有抑制作用,随水提液浓度增加抑制作用均显著增强,且粉碎种子的抑制作用较强;当粉碎种子的水提液浓度为5%时白菜种子萌发率、苗高、根长分别为18.0%、0.1cm、0.1cm,分别显著低于对照77.1%、97.3%、95.8%,说明绞股蓝种子的种皮和胚乳中存在水溶性萌发抑制物质,是绞股蓝种子休眠的主要原因。(4)GA3和6-BA不能促进绞股蓝种子萌发,低温层积对绞股蓝种子休眠的解除具有促进作用;绞股蓝种子的休眠属于生理休眠类型,休眠水平属于中间型。(5)低温干藏能够打破绞股蓝种子休眠,是绞股蓝种子破除休眠及种子保存较为理想的方式。  相似文献   

Synopsis Fish utilizing South African estuaries may be divided into two major groups according to the location of their spawning sites. The marine group comprises large species which spawn at sea, enter estuaries mainly as juveniles, and return to the sea prior to attaining sexual maturity. The estuarine group is dominated by small species which have the ability to complete their life cycle within the estuarine environment. They tend to produce relatively few, demersal eggs, or exhibit parental care, which facilitates the retention of eggs and young within the estuary, whereas the marine group release large numbers of small pelagic eggs during spawning and exhibit no parental care. This is contrary to the theory that estuaries (unpredictable environments) should favour altricial life-history styles and the marine inshore zone (a more predictable environment) should favour precocial styles. However, if the total ichthyofauna of South African estuaries is considered, then altricial species predominate. The fact that both altricial and precocial traits are well represented within the overall estuarine fish community suggests that the various taxa have adapted their life-history styles, in different ways, to ensure the utilization of abundant food resources available within these fluctuating systems. A detailed comparison of the life-history styles of the estuarine teleostGilchristella aestuaria and the marine fishMugil cephalus is used to illustrate the contrasting manner in which these two species have succeeded in exploiting South African estuaries.  相似文献   

Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in sorghum is related to the lack of a normal dormancy level during seed development and maturation. Based on previous evidence that seed dormancy in maize is controlled by the vp1 gene, we used a PCR-based approach to isolate two Sorghum bicolor genomic and cDNA clones from two genotypes exhibiting different PHS behaviour and sensitivity to abscisic acid (ABA). The two 699 amino acid predicted protein sequences differ in two residues at positions 341 (Gly or Cys within the repression domain) and 448 (Pro or Ser) and show over 80, 70 and 60% homology to maize, rice and oat VP1 proteins respectively.Expression analysis of the sorghum vp1 gene in the two lines shows a slightly higher level of vp1 mRNA in the embryos susceptible to PHS than in those resistant to PHS during embryogenesis. However, timing of expression was different between these genotypes during this developmental process. Whereas for the former the main peak of expression was observed at 20 days after pollination (DAP), the peak in the latter was found at later developmental stages when seed maturation was almost complete.Under favourable germination conditions and in the presence of fluridone (an inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis), sorghum vp1 mRNA showed to be consistently correlated with sensitivity to ABA but not with ABA content and dormancy.  相似文献   

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