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As one of the largest extreme acidic environments in the world the Río Tinto (Spain) constitutes a useful case to study the vegetation resistant to waters, sediments and soils with pH < 3 and high concentrations of S, Fe, Cu and other metals. In this territory two types of water courses coexist: the extreme acidic waters, with a low pH and high amounts of S and Fe, usually of a red color, and those that are not extremely acid, which include colorless acid, neutral and basic waters with much less S and Fe. An exhaustive study of the riparian vegetation present along the two first sections of the Río Tinto and in less extreme, neighboring water courses was carried out (61 inventories). Some water quality variables (pH, redox, Fe, Cu and O2) were measured in sampled points. Correspondence between plant community composition and water quality was analyzed through hierarchical classification, detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis.Results indicate clear differences in vegetation between extremely acidic and less extreme water courses. A total of 50 emergent plant species have been found in extremely acidic waters. Among them the most frequent were Erica andevalensis Cabezudo and J. Rivera, Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Soják and Nerium oleander L. Additionally, pH, redox, Fe and O2 concentrations were significantly related to the floristic data.  相似文献   

Microbial ecology of an extreme acidic environment,the Tinto River   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The Tinto River (Huelva, southwestern Spain) is an extreme environment with a rather constant acidic pH along the entire river and a high concentration of heavy metals. The extreme conditions of the Tinto ecosystem are generated by the metabolic activity of chemolithotrophic microorganisms thriving in the rich complex sulfides of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Molecular ecology techniques were used to analyze the diversity of this microbial community. The community's composition was studied by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) using 16S rRNA and by 16S rRNA gene amplification. A good correlation between the two approaches was found. Comparative sequence analysis of DGGE bands showed the presence of organisms related to Leptospirillum spp., Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidiphilium spp., "Ferrimicrobium acidiphilum," Ferroplasma acidiphilum, and Thermoplasma acidophilum. The different phylogenetic groups were quantified by fluorescent in situ hybridization with a set of rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. More than 80% of the cells were affiliated with the domain Bacteria, with only a minor fraction corresponding to ARCHAEA: Members of Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, and Acidiphilium spp., all related to the iron cycle, accounted for most of the prokaryotic microorganisms detected. Different isolates of these microorganisms were obtained from the Tinto ecosystem, and their physiological properties were determined. Given the physicochemical characteristics of the habitat and the physiological properties and relative concentrations of the different prokaryotes found in the river, a model for the Tinto ecosystem based on the iron cycle is suggested.  相似文献   

The correlation between water physicochemical parameters and eukaryotic benthic composition was examined in Río Tinto. Principal component analysis showed a high inverse relationship between pH and most of the heavy metals analyzed as well as Dunaliella sp., while Chlamydomonas sp. abundance was positively related. Zn, Cu, and Ni clustered together and showed a strong inverse correlation with the diversity coefficient and most of the species analyzed. These eukaryotic communities seem to be more influenced by the presence of heavy metals than by the pH.  相似文献   

The Tinto River is an extreme environment located at the core of the Iberian Pyritic Belt (IPB). It is an unusual ecosystem due to its size (100 km long), constant acidic pH (mean pH, 2.3), and high concentration of heavy metals, iron, and sulfate in its waters, characteristics that make the Tinto River Basin comparable to acidic mine drainage (AMD) systems. In this paper we present an extensive survey of the Tinto River sediment microbiota using two culture-independent approaches: denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and cloning of 16S rRNA genes. The taxonomic affiliation of the Bacteria showed a high degree of biodiversity, falling into 5 different phyla: Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria; meanwhile, all the Archaea were affiliated with the order Thermoplasmatales. Microorganisms involved in the iron (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Sulfobacillus spp., Ferroplasma spp., etc.), sulfur (Desulfurella spp., Desulfosporosinus spp., Thermodesulfobium spp., etc.), and carbon (Acidiphilium spp., Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Acidobacterium spp., etc.) cycles were identified, and their distribution was correlated with physicochemical parameters of the sediments. Ferric iron was the main electron acceptor for the oxidation of organic matter in the most acid and oxidizing layers, so acidophilic facultative Fe(III)-reducing bacteria appeared widely in the clone libraries. With increasing pH, the solubility of iron decreases and sulfate-reducing bacteria become dominant, with the ecological role of methanogens being insignificant. Considering the identified microorganisms-which, according to the rarefaction curves and Good's coverage values, cover almost all of the diversity-and their corresponding metabolism, we suggest a model of the iron, sulfur, and organic matter cycles in AMD-related sediments.  相似文献   

The Tinto River (Huelva, Spain) is a natural acidic rock drainage environment produced by the bio-oxidation of metallic sulfides from the Iberian Pyritic Belt. A geomicrobiological model of the different microbial cycles operating in the sediments was recently developed through molecular biological methods, suggesting the presence of iron reducers, methanogens, nitrate reducers and hydrogen producers. In this study, we used a combination of molecular biological methods and targeted enrichment incubations to validate this model and prove the existence of those potential anaerobic activities in the acidic sediments of Tinto River. Methanogenic, sulfate-reducing, denitrifying and hydrogen-producing enrichments were all positive at pH between 5 and 7. Methanogenic enrichments revealed the presence of methanogenic archaea belonging to the genera Methanosarcina and Methanobrevibacter. Enrichments for sulfate-reducing microorganisms were dominated by Desulfotomaculum spp. Denitrifying enrichments showed a broad diversity of bacteria belonging to the genera Paenibacillus, Bacillus, Sedimentibacter, Lysinibacillus, Delftia, Alcaligenes, Clostridium and Desulfitobacterium. Hydrogen-producing enrichments were dominated by Clostridium spp. These enrichments confirm the presence of anaerobic activities in the acidic sediments of the Tinto River that are normally assumed to take place exclusively at neutral pH.  相似文献   

A novel type of macroscopic microbial community consisting of large dendritic filaments (up to 1.5 m) in a pH 2.0 dam of the River Tinto (South-western Spain) is described. The combined use of 16S rRNA-gene surveys and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) suggested that gamma-proteobacteria and a relative large diversity of alpha-proteobacteria dominated these structures. beta-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes were also detected. Whereas acidophilic bacteria of the genera Acidithiobacillus, Leptospirillum and Acidiphilium, and archaea belonging to the Thermoplasmatales dominate mine acid drainage waters and streamers (riverbed filamentous biofilms), none of the lineages identified in this study affiliate to typical acid mine drainage acidophilic bacteria. Bacteria of the Tinto macrofilaments might be heterotrophic, and could be feeding on the organic matter entrapped in the filamentous structure.  相似文献   

From genes to genomes: beyond biodiversity in Spain's Rio Tinto   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Spain's Rio Tinto, or Red River, an example of an extremely acidic (pH 1.7-2.5) environment with a high metal content, teems with prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial life. Our recent studies based on small-subunit rRNA genes reveal an unexpectedly high eukaryotic phylogenetic diversity in the river when compared to the relatively low prokaryotic diversity. Protists can therefore thrive in and dominate extremely acidic, heavy-metal-laden environments. Further, because we have discovered protistan acidophiles closely related to neutrophiles, we can hypothesize that the transition from neutral to acidic environments occurs rapidly over geological time scales. How have these organisms adapted to such environments? We are currently exploring the alterations in physiological mechanisms that might allow for growth of eukaryotic microbes at acid extremes. To this end, we are isolating phylogenetically diverse protists in order to characterize and compare ion-transporting ATPases from cultured acidophiles with those from neutrophilic counterparts. We predict that special properties of these ion transporters allow protists to survive in the Rio Tinto.  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic residues are amongst the most abundant waste products on Earth. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in the utilization of these residues for bioethanol production and for biorefineries to produce compounds of industrial interest. Enzymes that breakdown cellulose and hemicellulose into oligomers and monosaccharides are required in these processes and cellulolytic enzymes with optimum activity at a low pH area are desirable for industrial processes. Here, we explore the fungal biodiversity of Rıo Tinto, the largest acidic ecosystem on Earth, as far as the secretion of cellulolytic enzymes is concerned. Using colorimetric and industrial substrates, we show that a high proportion of the fungi present in this extremophilic environment secrete a wide range of enzymes that are able to hydrolyze cellulose and hemicellulose at acidic pH (4.5–5). Shotgun proteomic analysis of the secretomes of some of these fungi has identified different cellulases and hemicellulolytic enzymes as well as a number of auxiliary enzymes. Supplementation of pre-industrial cocktails from Myceliophtora with Rio Tinto secretomes increased the amount of monosaccharides released from corn stover or sugar cane straw. We conclude that the Rio Tinto fungi display a good variety of hydrolytic enzymes with high industrial potential.  相似文献   

Operating an anaerobic digester at low pH could offer several advantages over operation at neutral pH. Most wastewater streams targeted for anaerobic digestion are inherently acidic, requiring alkalinity supplementation (at added expense) to buffer the pH at neutral. Additionally, previously published work completed by the authors using batch systems suggested that lowering the system pH could increase methane production by as much as 30%. The goal of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of sustaining methanogenesis at low pH in a semi-continuous laboratory-scale fermentor. Significant methane production was achieved in a system ranging in pH from approximately 4.0-5.3. Results show that, if the consortium is allowed to sufficiently acclimate to acidic conditions, methanogenesis can be maintained under acidic pH conditions, resulting in overall chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction and methane production comparable to that achieved in a neutral pH system.  相似文献   

The characterization of the microbial ecology of the Tinto River, an extreme habitat with an extremely low pH and a high concentration of heavy metals, revealed an unexpected level of microbial richness. A variety of microbial eukaryotes was isolated, among them several fungal strains that were identified and their physiological characteristics studied. Ninety strains of yeast were isolated from the Tinto River. Fifty-two percent of them were capable of growth in vitro using medium amended with river water. They belong to 6 genera of basidiomycetes (Rhodotorula, Cryptococcus, Tremella, Holtermannia, Leucosporidium, and Mrakia) and 2 of ascomycetes (Candida and Williopsis). In addition, 349 strains of hyphomycetes belonging to 17 genera (most of them ascomycetes) were isolated and studied. Forty-four percent of the isolated filamentous fungi (154 strains) were capable of growing in vitro using medium amended with Tinto River water. Of this percentage, 19% (29 strains) belonged to the genus Penicillium (16 species) and 66% (102 strains) were included in the genera Scytalidium, Bahusakala, Phoma, and Heteroconium or showed dark sterile mycelia, which probably are of dematiaceous hyphomycetes. In addition, we characterized strains of the ascomycete genera Lecythophora and Acremonium and of the zygomycete genus Mortierella, all of them capable of growing in medium amended with river water. Statistical correlation of biological and physicochemical variables suggested a positive relationship between the dematiaceous hyphomycetes and the most extreme physicochemical conditions found in the Tinto River. Principal components analysis confirmed this relationship and also showed that the Acremonium and Lecythophora groups had environmental preferences similar to those of dematiaceous fungi. The spatial positions of the sampling sites were grouped in 2 main clusters: (i) sampling sites in the mine zone in which most of the dematiaceous, Acremonium, and Lecythophora strains were isolated and (ii) sites that were not in the mine zone and sampling station 5 from which were isolated mainly strains of fungi that were not capable of growing in the medium amended with river water and species of the Penicillium genus.  相似文献   

The attachment of microorganisms to electrodes is of great interest for electricity generation in microbial fuel cells (MFC) or other applications in bioelectrochemical systems (BES). In this work, a microcosm of the acidic ecosystem of Río Tinto was built and graphite electrodes were introduced at different points. This allowed the study of electricity generation in the sediment/water interface and the involvement of acidophilic microorganisms as biocatalysts of the anodic and cathodic reactions in a fuel-cell configuration. Current densities and power outputs of up to 3.5 A/m2 and 0.3 W/m2, respectively, were measured at pH 3. Microbial analyses of the electrode surfaces showed that Acidiphilium spp., which uses organic compounds as electron donors, were the predominant biocatalysts of the anodic reactions, whereas the aerobic iron oxidizers Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum spp. were detected mainly on the cathode surface.  相似文献   

In anoxic salt marsh sediments of Sapelo Island, GA, USA, the vertical distribution of CH4 production was measured in the upper 20 cm of surface sediments in ten locations. In one section of high marsh sediments, the concentration and oxidation of acetate in sediment porewaters and the rate and amount of14C acetate and14CO2 incorporation into cellular lipids of the microbial population were investigated. CH4 production rates ranged from <1 to 493 nM CH4 gram sediment−1 day−1 from intact subcores incubated under nitrogen. Replacement with H2 stimulated the rate of methane release up to nine fold relative to N2 incubations. Rates of lipid synthesis from CO2 averaged 39.2 ×10−2nanomoles lipid carbon cm3 sediment−1 hr−1, suggesting that CO2 may be an important carbon precursor for microbial membrane synthesis in marsh sediments under anoxic conditions. Qualitative measurements of lipid synthesis rates from acetate were found to average 8.7 × 10−2 nanomoles. Phospholipids were the dominant lipids synthesized by both substrates in sediment cores, accounting for an average of 76.6% of all lipid radioactivity. Small amounts of ether lipids indicative of methanogenic bacteria were observed in cores incubated for 7 days, with similar rates of synthesis for both CO2 and acetate. The low rate of ether lipid synthesis suggests that either methanogen lipid biosynthesis is very slow or that methanogens represent a small component of total microbial lipid synthesis in anoxic sediments. present address: The University of Maryland,, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688, USA  相似文献   

Methanogenesis and microbial lipid synthesis in anoxic salt marsh sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In anoxic salt marsh sediments of Sapelo Island, GA, USA, the vertical distribution of CH4 production was measured in the upper 20 cm of surface sediments in ten locations. In one section of high marsh sediments, the concentration and oxidation of acetate in sediment porewaters and the rate and amount of14C acetate and14CO2 incorporation into cellular lipids of the microbial population were investigated. CH4 production rates ranged from <1 to 493 nM CH4 gram sediment−1 day−1 from intact subcores incubated under nitrogen. Replacement with H2 stimulated the rate of methane release up to nine fold relative to N2 incubations. Rates of lipid synthesis from CO2 averaged 39.2 ×10−2nanomoles lipid carbon cm3 sediment−1 hr−1, suggesting that CO2 may be an important carbon precursor for microbial membrane synthesis in marsh sediments under anoxic conditions. Qualitative measurements of lipid synthesis rates from acetate were found to average 8.7 × 10−2 nanomoles. Phospholipids were the dominant lipids synthesized by both substrates in sediment cores, accounting for an average of 76.6% of all lipid radioactivity. Small amounts of ether lipids indicative of methanogenic bacteria were observed in cores incubated for 7 days, with similar rates of synthesis for both CO2 and acetate. The low rate of ether lipid synthesis suggests that either methanogen lipid biosynthesis is very slow or that methanogens represent a small component of total microbial lipid synthesis in anoxic sediments. present address: The University of Maryland,, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688, USA  相似文献   

Microbial Ecology of an Extreme Acidic Environment, the Tinto River   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
The Tinto River (Huelva, southwestern Spain) is an extreme environment with a rather constant acidic pH along the entire river and a high concentration of heavy metals. The extreme conditions of the Tinto ecosystem are generated by the metabolic activity of chemolithotrophic microorganisms thriving in the rich complex sulfides of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Molecular ecology techniques were used to analyze the diversity of this microbial community. The community's composition was studied by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) using 16S rRNA and by 16S rRNA gene amplification. A good correlation between the two approaches was found. Comparative sequence analysis of DGGE bands showed the presence of organisms related to Leptospirillum spp., Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidiphilium spp., “Ferrimicrobium acidiphilum,” Ferroplasma acidiphilum, and Thermoplasma acidophilum. The different phylogenetic groups were quantified by fluorescent in situ hybridization with a set of rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. More than 80% of the cells were affiliated with the domain Bacteria, with only a minor fraction corresponding to Archaea. Members of Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, and Acidiphilium spp., all related to the iron cycle, accounted for most of the prokaryotic microorganisms detected. Different isolates of these microorganisms were obtained from the Tinto ecosystem, and their physiological properties were determined. Given the physicochemical characteristics of the habitat and the physiological properties and relative concentrations of the different prokaryotes found in the river, a model for the Tinto ecosystem based on the iron cycle is suggested.  相似文献   

One of the keys to understanding and identifying life on other planets is to study the preservation of organic compounds and their precursor micro-organisms on Earth. Rio Tinto in southwestern Spain is a well documented site of microbial preservation within iron sulphates and iron oxides over a period of 2.1 Ma. This study has investigated the preservation of filamentous iron oxidising bacteria and organics through optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy, from laboratory cultures of natural samples to contemporary natural materials to million-year old river terraces. Up to 40% elemental carbon and >7% nitrogen has been identified within microbial filaments and cell clusters in all samples through SEM EDS analyses. FTIR spectroscopy identified C-H(x) absorption bands between 2960 and 2800 cm(-1), Amide I and II absorption bands at 1656 and 1535 cm(-1), respectively and functional group vibrations from within nucleic acids at 917, 1016 and 1124 cm(-1). Absorption bands tracing the diagenetic transformation of jarosite to goethite to hematite through the samples are also identified. This combination of mineralogy, microbial morphology and biomolecular evidence allows us to further understand how organic fossils are created and preserved in iron-rich environments, and ultimately will aid in the search for the earliest life on Earth and potential organics on Mars.  相似文献   

The Na+ uptake mechanism of cardinal tetras Paracheirodon axelrodi displayed specialization for operation in dilute waters of the amazonian Rio Negro. Kinetic analysis revealed low Km and high Jmax values which ensure high rates of uptake even in very dilute waters. In contrast, Na+ uptake of angelfish Pterophyllum scalare did not appear to be specialized for dilute waters at all, with much higher Km and lower Jmax values. Na+ uptake in cardinal tetras was high and completely unaffected down to pH 3·5, while uptake in angelfish was much lower and progressively inhibited by dropping pH; it was completely shut down at pH 3·5. During chronic exposure to pH 4·0 and 3·5, angelfish showed no ability to restore Na+ uptake and at pH 3·5 all individuals died between day 3 and 6 presumably due to small, but steady loss of Na+. At low pH, both species displayed a strong ability to prevent stimulation of diffusive Na+ losses. In angelfish, the ability to control diffusive ion losses at low pH was related to a high branchial affinity for Ca2+. For cardinal tetras, the rate of Na+ loss appeared to be independent of water Ca2+ concentration. The specializations of cardinal tetras are similar to other characid fishes tested, but the results for angelfish reveal a new pattern of ion regulation in acidophilic species from the Rio Negro. The differences between the species may be the result of their different distributions, cardinal tetras are found in the central Rio Negro region while angelfish are more peripheral, or they may reflect phylogenetic differences.  相似文献   

Yeasts were found concentrated at the sediment surface and with the highest counts at the most polluted site. Candida krusei, Pichia membranaefaciens and similar species typically forming rugose colonies with radiating ridges were the prevalent yeasts in these sediments, and species like Rhodotorula rubra related to basidiomycetous fungi were found in relatively low numbers.  相似文献   

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