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A murine pulmonary infection with Cryptococcus neoformans (Cne) has been used to determine mechanisms regulating effective T cell-mediated immunity in the lungs. In BALB/c and C.B-17 mice, following intratracheal deposition of Cne, the fungus initially grows rapidly and is then progressively cleared from the lungs. Cne clearance in C.B-17 mice requires CD4 and CD8 T cells, IFN-gamma, and NO. Clearance in congenic BALB/c mice proceeds more slowly than in C.B-17 mice, even though the only genetic difference between these strains is at the Ig H chain-containing region of chromosome 12. Examination of the pulmonary immune response in the two strains revealed that both cleared lung Cne by T cell-dependent mechanisms and generated equivalent levels of NO. Furthermore, both strains recruited equal numbers of macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils to the lungs, although BALB/c mice recruited higher numbers of eosinophils. Notably, leukocytes isolated from BALB/c lungs during infection secreted lower levels of IFN-gamma and higher levels of the Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-5 as compared with lung leukocytes from C.B-17 mice. Furthermore, serum levels of IgM, IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG3 anti-Cne Abs generated during infection were significantly greater in BALB/c mice than C.B-17 mice. These data suggest that although both BALB/c and C.B-17 mice clear pulmonary cryptococcosis through T cell-mediated mechanisms, Ig H chain-linked genes in BALB/c mice are associated with a decreased effectiveness of the host response, which we suggest might influence the balance in Th1/Th2 T cell subset development or increase anti-Cne Abs, or both.  相似文献   

J Ct  B Chabot 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》1997,3(11):1248-1261
In the murine gene encoding the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), the integrity of the 5' splice site of exon 18 (E18) is essential for regulation of alternative splicing. To further study the contribution of 5' splice site sequences, we used a simple NCAM pre-mRNA containing a portion of E18 fused to E19 and separated by a shortened intron. This RNA is spliced in vitro to produce five sets of lariat intermediates and products, the most abundant set displaying aberrant migration in acrylamide/urea gels. Base pairing interactions between positions +5 and +8 of the intron and positions -3 and -6 from the branch point were responsible for the faster migration of this set of lariat molecules. To test whether the duplex structure forms earlier and contributes to 5' splice site selection, we used NCAM substrates carrying the 5' splice sites of E17 and E18 in competition for the 3' splice site of E19. Mutations upstream of the major branch site improve E18/E19 splicing in NIH3T3 extracts, whereas compensatory mutations at positions +7 and +8 neutralize the effect of branch site mutations and curtail E18/E19 splicing. Our data suggest that duplex formation occurs early and interferes with the assembly of complexes initiated on the 5' splice site of NCAM E18. This novel type of intron interaction may exist in the introns of other mammalian pre-mRNAs.  相似文献   

To evaluate the importance of the surrounding nucleotide sequence in the selection of a splice site for mRNA, we have carried out computer studies of eukaryotic protein genes whose entire nucleotide sequences were available. A splice site-like sequence that has a significant homology to the consensus splice junction sequences is frequently found within an intron and exon. It is found that the higher the homology of a candidate donor site sequence to the nine-nucleotide consensus sequence, the higher is its probability of being a donor site. For most of the donors, the stability of presumed base-pairing with U1-RNA is higher than that of donor-like sequences, if any, in the adjacent exon and intron. However, homology of a candidate acceptor sequence to the 15-nucleotide consensus is a poor criterion of an acceptor site. The presence of a sequence that could serve as a branch-point 18 to 37 nucleotides before an acceptor does not seem to be critical in distinguishing it from an acceptor-like sequence. For genes of human, rat, mouse and chicken, respectively, nucleotide frequencies around splice junctions of many genes have been calculated. They seem to be different at some positions around a donor site from species to species. The acceptors for these vertebrates have longer pyrimidine-rich regions than the previous consensus sequence. The newly derived nucleotide frequencies were used as the standard to calculate the weighted homology score of a candidate splice site sequence in a gene of the four species. This weighted homology score of the 40 to 60-nucleotide intron-exon sequence is a much better criterion of an acceptor. These results suggest that the most important signal in the selection of a splice resides in the surrounding nucleotide sequence. It is also suggested that the surrounding nucleotide sequence alone is not generally sufficient for the selection.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin class switch involves a unique recombination event that takes place at the region 5′ to each heavy chain constant region gene during B lymphocyte differentiation. Such regions that are responsible for the class-switch recombination are defined as S regions (Kataoka et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77, 919, 1980). We have cloned a rearranged γ2b gene from a mouse myeloma (MPC11) and compared its structure with the germ line counterparts. The rearranged γ2b gene contained the 5′ flanking region of the γ3 gene (Sγ3 region) which are linked to the 5′ flanking region of the γ2b gene (Sγ2b region). We have determined nucleotide sequences surrounding the recombination site of the rearranged and germ line γ2b genes, which include the Sγ2b and Sγ3 regions. Both γ2b and Sγ3 regions comprise tandem repetition of conserved units of 49 bp. Similar 49 bp repeating units are also found in the previously determined sequence of the Sγ1 region in which class-switch recombination took place in MC101 myeloma. The nucleotide sequences of the Sγ1, Sγ2b and Sγ3 repeating units share significant homology with each other. The Sμ region, partial nucleotide sequence of which was previously determined, contains abundant short sequences such as AGCT, TGGG and AGCTGGGG which are shared in common by repeating sequences in Sγ regions. These results suggest that the recombination responsible for class switch from μ to γ or from a γ to another γ, may be facilitated directly or indirectly by homology of repeating sequences in S regions.  相似文献   

Inclusion of fibronectin alternative exon B in mRNA is developmentally regulated. Here we demonstrate that exon B contains two unique purine-rich sequence tracts, PRE1 and PRE2, that are important for proper 5' splice site selection both in vivo and in vitro. Targeted mutations of both PREs decreased the inclusion of exon B in the mRNA by 50% in vivo. Deletion or mutation of the PREs reduced removal of the downstream intron, but not the upstream intron, and induced the activation of cryptic 5' splice sites in vitro. PRE-mediated 5' splice selection activity appears sensitive to position and sequence context. A well characterized exon sequence enhancer that normally acts on the upstream 3' splice site can partially rescue proper exon B 5' splice site selection. In addition, we found that PRE 5' splice selection activity was preserved when exon B was inserted into a heterologous pre-mRNA substrate. Possible roles of these unique activities in modulating exon B splicing are considered.  相似文献   

The B cell lymphoma I.29 consists of a mixture of cells expressing membrane-bound immunoglobulin M (IgM) (lambda) and IgA (lambda) of identical idiotypes. Whereas most of the cells express either IgM or IgA alone, 1 to 5% of the cells in this tumor express IgM and IgA simultaneously within the cytoplasm and on the cell membrane (R. Sitia et al., J. Immunol. 127:1388-1394, 1981; R. Sitia, unpublished data). When IgM+ cells are purified from the lymphoma and passaged in mice or cultured, a portion of the cells convert to IgA+. These properties suggest that some cells of the I.29 lymphoma may undergo immunoglobulin heavy chain switching, although it is also possible that the mixed population was derived by a prior switching event in a clone of cells. We performed Southern blotting experiments on genomic DNAs isolated from populations of I.29 cells containing variable proportions of IgM+ and IgA+ cells and on a number of cell lines derived from the lymphoma. The results were consistent with the deletion model for heavy chain switching, as the IgM+ cells contained rearranged mu genes and alpha genes in the germ line configuration on both the expressed and nonexpressed heavy chain chromosomes, whereas the IgA+ cells had deleted both mu genes and contained one rearranged and one germ line alpha gene. In addition, segments of DNA located within the intervening sequence 5' to the mu gene, near the site of switch recombination, were deleted from both the expressed and the nonexpressed chromosomes. Although mu genes were deleted from both chromosomes in the IgA+ cells, the sites of DNA recombination differed on the two chromosomes. On the expressed chromosome, Smu sequences were recombined with S alpha sequences, whereas on the nonexpressed chromosome, Smu sequences were recombined with S gamma 3 sequences.  相似文献   

The construction and identification of a recombinant plasmid containing a cDNA insert which hybridizes specifically to myosin heavy chain mRNA is described. The plasmid was used as a probe to screen a rat genomic library for recombinant phages containing myosin heavy chain sequences. Six clones with approximately 15 k bp inserts each were isolated. Digestion with several restriction enzymes and hybridization of the fractionated DNA with the plasmid probe showed that the clones contained 3 different DNA inserts. Electron microscopy of a heteroduplex made by hybridization of DNA from two clones confirmed that the inserts originated in different genes. Hybridization of size-fractionated ECOR1 digested rat spleen DNA with the cloned probe suggested the existence of at least 5 myosin heavy chain genes.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is used by metazoans to increase protein diversity and to alter gene expression during development. However, few factors that control splice site choice in vivo have been identified. Here we describe a factor, Half pint (Hfp), that regulates RNA splicing in Drosophila. Females harboring hypomorphic mutations in hfp lay short eggs and show defects in germline mitosis, nuclear morphology, and RNA localization during oogenesis. We find that hfp encodes the Drosophila ortholog of human PUF60 and functions in both constitutive and alternative splicing in vivo. In particular, hfp mutants display striking defects in the developmentally regulated splicing of ovarian tumor (otu). Furthermore, transgenic expression of the missing otu splice form can rescue the ovarian phenotypes of hfp.  相似文献   

Alternative 5'' splice site selection induced by heat shock.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The mouse HSP47 gene consists of six exons separated by five introns. Three HSP47 cDNAs differing only in their 5' noncoding regions have been reported. One of these alternatively spliced mRNAs was detected only after heat shock, which caused an alternative 5' splice donor site selection. Other stress inducers, including an amino acid analog and sodium arsenite, had no effect on the alternative splicing. The alternatively spliced mRNA, which was 169 nucleotides longer in the 5' noncoding region compared to mRNA transcribed in non-heat shock conditions, was efficiently translated under heat shock conditions. This novel finding that alternative splicing is caused by artificial treatment like heat shock will provide a useful in vivo model for understanding the exon-intron recognition mechanism as well as heat shock-induced alterations in gene expression.  相似文献   

Analysis of 10 cDNA encoding lambda L chains of horse Ig indicated that this species may employ a relatively small number of variable region (V lambda) genes in the splenic B cell population. The V lambda sequences of all of the cDNA analyzed were closely related (> 88% identity at the nucleotide level) and were characterized by a deletion of the amino acid residue at position 3 compared with V lambda sequences so far described in other species. The 10 V lambda sequences could be grouped into three groups, V lambda 1 to V lambda 3, on the basis of a number of linked substitutions. Sequences within the groups showed the greatest divergence in the third cdr regions and at the V-J junctions. The junctional variation included amino acid substitutions on both sides of the V-J junction as well as the insertion or deletion of two to four amino acid residues. Four C lambda genes were identified in genomic blots of horse DNA, and three of these were found expressed in splenic cDNA. The fourth C lambda gene may represent a pseudogene, inasmuch as the associated J region possessed a defective heptamer joining sequence. Six of the nine possible V lambda-C lambda combinations were found in the cDNA analyzed, suggesting that genes belonging to groups V lambda 1 through V lambda 3 may rearrange to any one of three J lambda-C lambda genes. One V lambda germline gene was characterized and found to represent a distinct V lambda group (V lambda 4), not represented in the cDNA sequences analyzed. The number of germline V lambda genes was estimated to be 20 to 30, based on analysis of restriction fragments hybridizing with V lambda probes. On the basis of these data, we propose that the V lambda repertoire in horse may consist of relatively limited number of genes, of which only a few may be used at high frequency in the splenic B cell population. The results indicate that predominance of lambda-chains in horse Ig may not simply be due to the presence of a large germline V lambda gene repertoire.  相似文献   

Studying spontaneous chromosomal rearrangements throws light on the rules underlying the genome reshaping events occurring in eukaryotic cells, which are part of the evolutionary process. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, translocation and deletion processes have been frequently described in haploids, but little is known so far about these processes at the diploid level. Here we investigated the nature and the frequency of the chromosomal rearrangements occurring at this ploidy level. Using a positive selection screen based on a particular mutated allele of the URA2 gene, spontaneous diploid revertants were selected and analysed. Surprisingly, the diploid state was found to be correlated with a decrease in chromosome rearrangement frequency, along with an increase in the complexity of the rearrangements occurring in the target gene. The presence of short DNA tandem repeat sequences seems to be a key requirement for deletion and reciprocal translocation processes to occur in diploids. After discussing the differences between the haploid and diploid levels, some mechanisms possibly involved in chromosome shortening and arm exchange are suggested.  相似文献   

Interactions at the 3' end of the intron initiate spliceosome assembly and splice site selection in vertebrate pre-mRNAs. Multiple factors, including U1 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), are involved in initial recognition at the 3' end of the intron. Experiments were designed to test the possibility that U1 snRNP interaction at the 3' end of the intron during early assembly functions to recognize and define the downstream exon and its resident 5' splice site. Splicing precursor RNAs constructed to have elongated second exons lacking 5' splice sites were deficient in spliceosome assembly and splicing activity in vitro. Similar substrates including a 5' splice site at the end of exon 2 assembled and spliced normally as long as the second exon was less than 300 nucleotides long. U2 snRNPs were required for protection of the 5' splice site terminating exon 2, suggesting direct communication during early assembly between factors binding the 3' and 5' splice sites bordering an exon. We suggest that exons are recognized and defined as units during early assembly by binding of factors to the 3' end of the intron, followed by a search for a downstream 5' splice site. In this view, only the presence of both a 3' and a 5' splice site in the correct orientation and within 300 nucleotides of one another will stable exon complexes be formed. Concerted recognition of exons may help explain the 300-nucleotide-length maximum of vertebrate internal exons, the mechanism whereby the splicing machinery ignores cryptic sites within introns, the mechanism whereby exon skipping is normally avoided, and the phenotypes of 5' splice site mutations that inhibit splicing of neighboring introns.  相似文献   

Survival of mature B cells is thought to depend on the BCR signaling (BCR) because ablation of either H chain (HC) expression or BCR signaling causes B cells to rapidly disappear. Whether a complete BCR is required for survival of mature B cells is not known. To address this question, we generated a mouse in which we can repress the expression of a transgenic Ig L chain (IgL) by doxycycline (IgL-repressible mouse). Repression of IgL abrogated expression. Surprisingly, however, IgL-negative B cells survived longer than 14 wk, expressed signal-competent HC on the cell's surface, and active unfolded protein response factors. Like postgerminal center B cells, IgL-negative B cells were small lymphocytes, not dividing and expressed Bcl-6. Our results indicate that expression of unpaired HC, as it may occur as a consequence of Ag ligation, somatic hypermutation, or receptor editing, facilitates the survival of cells either by inducing receptor signaling or by inducing unfolded protein response and/or the expression of survival genes such as Bcl-6.  相似文献   

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