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犬科的线粒体细胞色素b DNA序列及其分子系统学研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对犬科的赤狐、蓝狐、貉和狼4种的线粒体细胞色素b约372bpDNA片段序列分析,结合GenBank中狗、西门豺和非洲野犬3种的该区段DNA序列的比较,共发现113个核苷酸位点存在变异(约30%)。NJ法构建的分子系统树显示,非洲野犬最先从犬科动物中分化出来;犬属的我狼、狗和西门豺等3种为系统树上独立的一支,且其分歧的时间较赤狐、蓝狐和貉早;赤狐和蓝狐具有较近的亲缘关系。上述结果与形态的观点基本  相似文献   

随着PCR技术的发展以及大量DNA序列的累积,昆虫分子系统学近年来快速发展。线粒体DNA(mtDNA)序列相对于核内DNA序列进化速率较快,常被用于昆虫的系统发育研究。本文综述了国内外学者利用各种线粒体DNA序列来研究半翅目异翅亚目昆虫系统发育的研究概况。总结发现,COⅠ、COⅡ、12S rDNA、16S rDNA、Cytb、ND1、ND2和ND5等线粒体区段被用于半翅目异翅亚目系统发育的研究,其中以COI、COⅡ、16S rDNA和Cytb应用最广泛,但目前尚缺乏不同分子标记间的联合分析。进一步的研究最好在选定半翅目异翅亚目昆虫的分类阶元(如科间、亚科间、科内属间、种间或种内)后,集中测定线粒体某几个区段的DNA序列,然后进行单一分析和联合分析,并与传统形态学研究结果进行比较,可望全面分析半翅目异翅亚目昆虫的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

蚕类昆虫线粒体DNA研究及其在起源与进化研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房守敏  张烈  鲁成 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):439-445
线粒体DNA(mtDNA)属母系遗传,进化速率较核基因快且基因组结构相对简单,已作为理想的分子标记广泛应用于昆虫群体遗传学及分子系统学等研究。本文对蚕类昆虫线粒体DNA在分子水平上的最新研究进展进行了较详细的阐述,重点介绍了蚕类昆虫线粒体基因组的组成及特征、mtDNA克隆与多态性及在蚕类昆虫分子系统学研究中的应用等。  相似文献   

线粒体Cyt b基因与昆虫分子系统学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
戴金霞 《四川动物》2005,24(2):222-225
细胞色素b(cytochrorrle b,Cyt b)是线粒体13个蛋白质编码基因中结构和功能被研究得最为清楚的基因之一,该基因的进化速度适中,适合研究种内到种间甚至科间的系统发育关系,研究内容涉及种及种下阶元的分类鉴定、种上阶元的系统发育分析、种群的遗传变异和进化研究、分子进化研究等方面,本文对Cyt b基因的分子特点及其在昆虫系统学研究中的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

COⅡ基因在昆虫分子系统学研究中的作用和地位   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
卜云  郑哲民 《昆虫知识》2005,42(1):18-22
细胞色素氧化酶Ⅱ(cytochromeoxidaseⅡ,COⅡ)基因位于线粒体DNA(mtDNA)上,编码细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅱ,该亚基为细胞色素c提供重要的结合位点。COⅡ基因进化速率较快,是昆虫分子系统学研究中理想的分子标记。目前,已经利用该基因从各个分类水平对昆虫系统发育关系、物种形成与分化、种群遗传与变异及生物地理等方面做了广泛的研究。研究表明,利用该基因可以很好地解决昆虫属、种及种下分类单元的系统发育问题,但是在解决科、亚科等高级阶元的系统发育关系时仍存在一些局限,COⅡ基因与其他mtDNA及核基因的联合分析能够更好地解决昆虫的系统发育问题。  相似文献   

由于mtDNA及其Cyt b基因独特的进化速率及遗传特性,已成为追溯母系起源和群体遗传分化可信的遗传标记,被广泛应用于研究动物起源和分化,揭示群体的遗传背景,阐释种间和种内的系统演化关系,研究种内多态性和地理分布的关系.对mtDNA及其Cyt b基因的分子特点及其在昆虫系统学研究中的应用进行综述.  相似文献   

核糖体DNA序列分析在昆虫系统学研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着分子生物学技术的迅速发展,DNA序列分析在昆虫系统学研究中的应用不断增多。本文系统阐述了核糖体DNA的结构、分类学意义、以及在昆虫不同类群不同阶元之间系统发育关系研究中的应用,概要介绍了序列分析方法,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

昆虫核酸分子系统学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄原  袁锋 《昆虫分类学报》1995,17(3):180-184
本文从研究对象、方法、类群、内容等方面综述了近十年来昆虫核酸分子系统学研究进展概况。文中首先介绍了RFLPA、探针杂交及DNA指纹、PCR与RAPD-PCR、顺序分析方法及应用情况,列举了在双翅目、膜翅目、同翅目、直翅目等目昆虫中的研究进展,并从居群遗传结构、分类学研究、系统发育和分子进化4个方面总结了昆虫核酸分子系统学的研究内容和主要成果,最后指出RAPD-PCR与RFLP联合用于测序是近期昆虫分子系统学上最有应用价值的方法。  相似文献   

昆虫小分子化合物的分子系统学研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫体内的小分子经合物可分为初级代谢物和次级代谢物,本文综述了这两类小分子化合物在昆虫分类上的应用情况。化学指纹法简便快速,所获的数据是较高阶元的分类性状,而且有良好的生长地区指示作用。游离氨基酸只在四,五十年代应用较多。碳氢化合物是近十年在昆虫分类上应用较多的一类次生性化合物,易一提取,分析方法简便快速,但这类数据多属定量的,只能用多元分析法分析。昆虫外分泌物,尤其是防卫性外分泌物,在分类学研究  相似文献   

DNA 序列在蕨类分子系统学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红梅  张宪春  曾辉 《植物学报》2009,44(2):143-158
在分子系统学研究中, 目的基因或者基因片段的选择是最关键的一步, 由于进化速率的差异, 不同的DNA序列适用于不同分类阶元的系统发育研究。本文综述了目前蕨类分子系统发育研究中常用的DNA序列分析, 它们分别来自叶绿体基因组、核基因组和线粒体基因组, 着重阐明叶绿体基因在蕨类分子系统学研究中的应用。本文还简要介绍了分子系统学研究中常见的问题及解决方法(如内类群和外类群的选择, 适宜DNA片段的选择策略), 总结了目前蕨类植物分子系统学研究所取得的进展和研究现状, 展望了当今国际蕨类分子系统学的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Regions of the mitochondrial genome were sequenced and analysed in representative species of poison frogs, in order to investigate phylogenetic relationships within the family Dendrobatidae. Mitochondrial DNA (mfDNA) fragments from three gene regions; cytochrome b, 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and 12S rRNA, provided 1198 base pairs of DNA sequence and 589 informative sites. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony was used to infer the evolutionary relationships among the species in the survey. Our analysis supported previous partitions of species into the genera Epipedobates, Phyllobates and Dendrobates , with two exceptions; Epipedobates (Allobates) femoralis was placed outside the clade containing the other toxic dendrobatids, and Minyobates minutus was placed within the genus Dendrobates. Genetic distances estimated between all pairs of taxa using the Kimura 2-parameter model indicated substantial genetic divergence between species, particularly those found in Amazonia. Time of divergence estimates were highly variable depending on gene region, but even the lowest estimates were inconsistent with the Pleistocene Refugia hypothesis.  相似文献   

To choose one or more appropriate molecular markers or gene regions for resolving a particular systematic question among the organisms at a certain categorical level is still a very difficult process. The primary goal of this review, therefore, is to provide a theoretical information in choosing one or more molecular markers or gene regions by illustrating general properties and phylogenetic utilities of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that have been most commonly used for phylogenetic researches. The highly conserved molecular markers and/or gene regions are useful for investigating phylogenetic relationships at higher categorical levels (deep branches of evolutionary history). On the other hand, the hypervariable molecular markers and/or gene regions are useful for elucidating phylogenetic relationships at lower categorical levels (recently diverged branches). In summary, different selective forces have led to the evolution of various molecular markers or gene regions with varying degrees of sequence conservation. Thus, appropriate molecular markers or gene regions should be chosen with even greater caution to deduce true phylogenetic relationships over a broad taxonomic spectrum.  相似文献   

不同保藏处理的昆虫标本DNA提取及其随机扩增多态DNA反应   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
张迎春  刘波等 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):693-695
实验利用CTAB法对柳二十斑叶甲Chrysomela vigintipunctata (Scopoli)、异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis Pollas、七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus、小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon (Rottemberg)、红蜻Crocothemis servilia Drury、无齿稻蝗Oxya abentata Willemse和中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis (Thunberg)等7种昆虫进行了基因组DNA提取。从自然干燥标本、烘干标本及酒精浸泡标本获得的DNA均可用于RAPD-PCR反应,且烘干标本、酒精浸泡标本提取效果优于自然干燥标本。这种提取方法简便易行,容易掌握,且耗资小于其它分子生物学方法。  相似文献   

概述基因序列在双翅目蚤蝇科分子系统学研究中的应用。对蚤蝇科已测序的分类单元和基因序列进行了总结,12S rDNA和16S rDNA应用最广泛,涉及蚤蝇科17个属;获得基因序列最多的是Melaloncha属。蚤蝇科分子系统学研究内容为高级阶元系统发育分析、物种鉴定和隐存种发现。今后蚤蝇科分子系统学研究应增加蚤蝇标本的种类与数量,选择标准化基因。  相似文献   

方晨晨  郭晓华  刘广纯  张卓 《昆虫知识》2012,49(4):1048-1055
基因序列分析是揭示金龟总科系统发育关系的重要工具。统计了应用于金龟总科中13个科的线粒体和核基因序列,综述了COⅠ、16S rRNA、28S rRNA、18S rRNA等基因序列在金龟总科分子系统学研究的新进展,探讨了不同基因序列在分类鉴定、隐存种发现、系统发育关系重建等方面的作用,对未来研究趋势进行了展望,为进一步阐明金龟总科系统发育机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

不同保藏处理的昆虫标本DNA提取及其随机扩增多态DNA反应   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
实验利用CTAB法对柳二十斑叶甲Chrysomelavigintipunctata (Scopoli)、异色瓢虫HarmoniaaxyridisPollas、七星瓢虫Coc cinellaseptempunctataLinnaeus、小地老虎Agrotisypsilon (Rottemberg)、红蜻CrocothemisserviliaDrury、无齿稻蝗OxyaabentataWil lemse和中华稻蝗Oxyachinensis (Thunberg)等 7种昆虫进行了基因组DNA提取。从自然干燥标本、烘干标本及酒精浸泡标本获得的DNA均可用于RAPD PCR反应 ,且烘干标本、酒精浸泡标本提取效果优于自然干燥标本。这种提取方法简便易行 ,容易掌握 ,且耗资小于其它分子生物学方法。  相似文献   

We have analyzed highly repeated DNA sequences of Malagasy lemurs with restriction enzymes, Southern blotting and nucleotide sequencing to assess relatedness among repeated DNA fragments from different species. We have focused our studies on two prosimian families:Lemuridae andCheirogaleidae. Our results have allowed us to draw the following conclusions: confirmation of the separation based on molecular biology data ofEulemur species from theLemur catta/Hapalemur group; classification ofVarecia in a genus clearly separated from the otherLemuridae genera; confirmation of the specific status ofHapalemur aureus; confirmation of cytogenetic data in favour of the subdivision of the familyCheirogaleidae into two subfamilies:Cheirogaleinae andPhanerinae. Finally a cladogram has been constructed by numbering all the highly repeated DNA fragments (obtained by Southern blotting) and analyzing the inferred systematic relationships between the Lemuridae and Cheirogaleidae species.  相似文献   

We used a 694 bp length of the mitochondrial ND4 gene from 40 genera to infer phylogenetic relationships among colubroid snakes. The goals of this study were to identify conserved subsets of ND4 sequence data that could be used to address (1) which nominal higher-level colubroid taxa are monophyletic, and (2) the relationships among the monophyletic lineages identified. Use of transversions only proved the most reliable and efficient means of retrieving colubroid relationships. Transversion parsimony and neighbour-joining analyses identify similar monophyletic higher-level taxa, but relationships among these lineages differ considerably between the two analyses. These differences were affected by the inclusion/exclusion of (1) transitions, (2) autapomorphies, and (3) the boid outgroups. Saturation effects among the transitions, uninformativeness of autapomorphies for clustering taxa, and long-branch and base-compositional problems among the boids lead us to regard the tree resulting from transversion parsimony analysis rooted with Acrochordus as the best current estimate of colubroid phylogenetic relationships. However, several aspects of this proposed phylogeny need further testing (e.g. the apparent diphyly of Natricinae is especially controversial). Relationships retrieved using all colubroid taxa are not obtained when sparsely or unevenly sampled experimental subsets of taxa are used instead, suggesting that long-branch problems can severely compromise elucidation of colubroid relationships if limited taxonomic sampling strategies are followed. We discuss the importance of this finding for previous molecular attempts to assess colubroid relationships. Our analyses confirm the historical validity of several nominal colubroid families and subfamilies, establish polyphyly of a few, but generally fail to resolve relationships among the monophyletic taxa we identify. More conservative character information will be required to confidently resolve the last issue.  相似文献   

New Zealand's isolation, its well-studied rapidly changing landscape, and its many examples of rampant speciation make it an excellent location for studying the process of genetic differentiation. Using 1520 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA from the cytochrome oxidase subunit I, ATPase subunits 6 and 8 and tRNA(Asp) genes, we detected two well-differentiated, parapatrically distributed clades within the widespread New Zealand cicada species Maoricicada campbelli that may prove to represent two species. The situation that we uncovered is unusual in that an ancient lineage with low genetic diversity is surrounded on three sides by two recently diverged lineages. Using a relaxed molecular clock model coupled with Bayesian statistics, we dated the earliest divergence within M. campbelli at 2.3 +/- 0.55 million years. Our data suggest that geological and climatological events of the late Pliocene divided a once-widespread species into northern and southern components and that near the middle of the Pleistocene the northern lineage began moving south eventually reaching the southern clade. The southern clade seems to have moved northward to only a limited extent. We discovered five potential zones of secondary contact through mountain passes that will be examined in future work. We predict that, as in North American periodical cicadas, contact between these highly differentiated lineages will exist but will not involve gene flow.  相似文献   

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