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Isolation of a functional lac regulatory region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

PKN is a fatty acid- and Rho GTPase-activated protein kinase whose catalytic domain in the carboxyl terminus is homologous to those of protein kinase C (PKC) family members. The amino terminal region of PKN is suggested to function as a regulatory domain, since tryptic cleavage or the binding of Rho GTPase to this region results in protein kinase activation of PKN. The structural basis for the regulation of PKN was investigated by analyzing the activity of a series of deletion/site-directed mutants expressed in insect cells. The amino-terminally truncated form of PKN (residue 455-942) showed low basal activity similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, and was arachidonic acid-dependent. However, further deletion (residue 511-942) resulted in a marked increase in the basal activity and a decrease in the arachidonic acid dependency. A (His)(6)-tagged protein comprising residues 455-511 of PKN (designated His-Ialpha) inhibited the kinase activity of the catalytic fragment of PKN in a concentration-dependent manner in competition with substrate (K(i) = 0.6+/-0.2 microM). His-Ialpha also inhibited the activity of the catalytic fragment of PRK2, an isoform of PKN, but had no inhibitory effect on protein kinase A or protein kinase Cdelta. The IC(50) value obtained in the presence of 40 microM arachidonic acid was two orders of magnitude greater than that in the absence of the modifier. These results indicate that this protein fragment functions as a specific inhibitor of PKN and PRK2, and that arachidonic acid relieves the catalytic activity of wild-type PKN from autoinhibition by residues 455-511 of PKN. Autophosphorylation of wild-type PKN increased the protein kinase activity, however, substitution of Thr64, Ser374, or Thr531 in the regulatory region of PKN with alanine, abolished this effect. Substitution of Thr774 in the activation loop of the catalytic domain of PKN with alanine completely abolished the protein kinase activity. These results suggest that these phosphorylation sites are also important in the regulation of the PKN kinase activity. Potential differences in the mechanism of activation between the catalytic regions of PKN and PRK2 are also discussed.  相似文献   

The lactose (lac) repressor is an allosteric protein that can respond to environmental changes. Mutations introduced into the DNA binding domain and the effector binding pocket affect the repressor's ability to respond to its environment. We have demonstrated how the observed phenotype is a consequence of altering the thermodynamic equilibrium constants. We discuss mutant repressors, which (1) show tighter repression; (2) induce with a previously noninducing species, orthonitrophenyl-β-d-galactoside; and (3) transform an inducible switch to one that is corepressed. The ability of point mutations to change multiple thermodynamic constants, and hence drastically alter the repressor's phenotype, shows how allosteric proteins can perform a wide array of similar yet distinct functions such as that exhibited in the Lac/Gal family of bacterial repressors.  相似文献   

Deletions extending into the trp operon at one terminus and the lacI control region at the other terminus have been examined. One of these, B116, ends within the trp leader sequence and eliminates the trp attenuator site, placing the synthesis of lac repressor under trp control. We have isolated and characterized the B116 repressor. The protein sequence of the aminoterminus of B116 shows that an additional 16 residues are added to the amino-terminal end of wild-type repressor. Moreover, a valine residue appears in place of methionine at position 17 (the original amino-terminal residue of the wild-type repressor). A comparison of the messenger RNA sequence of the trp leader region and of the I leader region demonstrates that the translation of the B116 repressor is initiated at an AUG codon within the trp leader sequence. The GUG initiation codon at the start point for translation of wild-type repressor is now read as valine, since it appears at an internal position (residue 17 of the altered repressor). The B116 repressor accumulates at levels as high as 1% of the soluble cell protein in trpR? strains. The efficiency of the trp leader initiation codon in translation suggests that in wild-type strains this AUG is also active in directing protein synthesis, which would result in a polypeptide consisting of 14 amino acids. We have examined the physical properties of the B116 repressor, which shows a marked tendency to form higher aggregates. Other characteristics of B116 are also described.  相似文献   

Lactose is not itself an inducer of the lac operon, nor is it converted to an inducer by ebg+ beta-galactosidase of Escherichia coli. We report here the isolation of a mutant Ebg beta-galactosidase which is capable of converting lactose into an inducer of the lac operon.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae general regulatory factor CP1, a helix-loop-helix protein that binds the centromere DNA element I (CDEI) of yeast centromeres, is required in yeast for optimal centromere function and for methionine prototrophy. Mutant alleles of CEP1, the gene encoding CP1, were generated by linker insertion, 5'- and 3'-deletion, and random mutagenesis and assayed for DNA binding activity and their ability to confer CP1 function when expressed in yeast. A heterologous CDEI-binding protein, TFEB, was also tested for CP1 function. The results suggested that DNA binding is required for both biological functions of CP1 but is not sufficient. A direct and quantitative correlation was observed between the chromosome loss and nutritional (i.e., Met) phenotypes of strains carrying loss of function alleles, but qualitatively the chromosome loss phenotype was more sensitive to decreased CP1 expression. The data are consistent with a model in which CP1 performs the same general chromatin-related function at centromeres and MET gene promoters and is normally present in functional excess.  相似文献   

The first 4 residues of parathyroid hormone (PTH) are highly conserved in evolution and are important for biological activity. We randomly mutated codons 1-4 of human PTH (hPTH) with degenerate oligonucleotides and, after expression in COS cells, screened the mutants for receptor binding and cAMP-stimulating activity using ROS 17/2.8 cells. This survey identified Glu4 and Val2 as important determinants of receptor binding and activation, respectively. Positions 1 and 3 were more tolerant of substitutions indicating that these sites are less vital to hormone function. Activities of synthetic hPTH(1-34) analogs further demonstrated the importance of positions 2 and 4. The binding affinity of [Ala4,Tyr34] hPTH(1-34)NH2 was 100-fold reduced relative to [Tyr34]hPTH(1-34)NH2 (Kd values = 653 +/- 270 and 4 +/- 1 nM, respectively), and [Arg2, Tyr34]hPTH(1-34)NH2 was a weak partial agonist which bound well to the ROS cell receptor (Kd = 31 +/- 10 nM). The Arg2 analog was nearly as potent as PTH(3-34) as an in vitro PTH antagonist in osteoblast derived cells. However, unlike PTH(3-34), [Arg2]PTH was a full agonist in opossum kidney (OK) cells. These observations suggest that the activation domains of the OK and ROS cell PTH receptors are different. Thus, amino-terminal PTH analogs may be useful as probes for distinguishing properties of PTH receptors.  相似文献   

The N-terminal pro-peptide of 77 amino acid residues is essential for the folding of subtilisin, an alkaline serine protease from Bacillus subtilis. The synthetic pro-peptide has been shown to be capable of guiding the proper folding of denatured subtilisin to enzymatically active enzyme. Thus the pro-peptide serves as an intramolecular chaperone, which is removed by an autoprocessing reaction after the completion of the folding. With use of localized polymerase chain reaction random mutagenesis a total of 25 amino acid substitution mutations that affected subtilisin activities were isolated. These mutations occurred in a high frequency at the hydrophobic regions of the pro-peptide. For one of the mutations, M(-60)T, a second-site suppressor mutation, S(188)L, was isolated within the mature region. These results suggest that the pro-peptide consists of a few functional regions which interact with specific regions of the mature region of subtilisin during the folding process.  相似文献   

sigma E is a sporulation-specific sigma factor of Bacillus subtilis that is formed from an inactive precursor protein (pro-sigma E) by the removal of 27 to 29 amino acids from the pro-sigma E amino terminus. By using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, sequential deletions were constructed in the precursor-specific region of sigE and analyzed for their effect on the gene product's activity, ability to accumulate, and susceptibility to conversion into mature sigma E. The results demonstrated that the first 17 residues of the pro sequence contribute to silencing the sigma-like activity of pro-sigma E and that the amino acids between positions 12 and 17 are also important for its conversion into sigma E. Deletions that remove 21 or more codons from sigE reduce sigma E activity in cells which carry it, presumably by affecting pro-sigma E stability. A 26-codon deletion results in a gene whose product is not detectable in B. subtilis by either reporter gene activity or Western blot (immunoblot) assay. The primary structure as well as the size of the pro region of sigma E contributes to the protein's stability. The placement of additional amino acids into the pro region reduces the cell's ability to accumulate pro-sigma E. Additional sigE mutations revealed that the amino acids normally found at the putative processing site(s) of pro-sigma E are not essential to the processing reaction; however, a Glu residue upstream of these sites (position 25) was found to be important for processing. These last results suggest that the pro-sigma E processing apparatus does not recognize the actual site within pro-sigma E at which cleavage occurs but rater sequence elements that are upstream of this site.  相似文献   

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