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谭理  宋后燕 《生命的化学》2006,26(4):344-346
组蛋白甲基化修饰调节染色质结构与基因转录,影响细胞分化与个体发育。2004年Shi等鉴定了第一个组蛋白脱甲基酶:赖氨酸特异性脱甲基酶1(lysinespecificdemethylase1,LSD1)。这个发现是“组蛋白密码”学说的重要进展,标志着组蛋白脱甲基化研究的开始。  相似文献   

DNA Demethylation and Carcinogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA methylation plays an important role in the establishment and maintenance of the program of gene expression. Tumor cells are characterized by a paradoxical alteration of DNA methylation pattern: global DNA demethylation and local hypermethylation of certain genes. Hypermethylation and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes are well documented in tumors. The role of global genome demethylation in carcinogenesis is less studied. New data provide evidence for independence of DNA hypo- and hypermethylation processes in tumor cells. These processes alter expression of genes that have different functions in malignant transformation. Recent studies have demonstrated that global decrease in the level of DNA methylation is related to hypomethylation of repeated sequences, increase in genetic instability, hypomethylation and activation of certain genes that favor tumor growth, and increase in their metastatic and invasive potential. The recent data on the role of DNA demethylation in carcinogenesis are discussed in this review. The understanding of relationships between hypo- and hypermethylation in tumor cells is extremely important due to reversibility of DNA methylation and attempts to utilize for anti-tumor therapy the drugs that modify DNA methylation pattern.__________Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 7, 2005, pp. 900–911.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kisseljova, Kisseljov.This article was not published in the journal special issue devoted to the 70th anniversary of B. F. Vanyushin (Biochemistry (Moscow) (2005) 70, No. 5) because of the limiting volume of the journal.  相似文献   

Demethylation of genes in animal cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tissue-specific animal cell genes are usually fully methylated in the germ line and become demethylated in those cell types in which they are expressed. To investigate this process, we inserted a methylated IgG kappa gene into fibroblasts and lymphocytes at various stages of development. The results show that this gene undergoes demethylation only in the mature lymphocytes and therefore suggest that the ability to demethylate a gene is developmentally regulated. These studies were supported by similar experiments using the rat Insulin I gene, and in this case it appears that the cis-acting elements that control demethylation may be different from those responsible for gene activation. The ability to demethylate the housekeeping gene APRT is also under developmental control, because this occurs only in embryonic cells, both in tissue culture and in transgenic mice.  相似文献   


7-Benzyl-N2-isobutyryl-3-methylguanine undergoes N-3 demethylation when heated in toluene in the presence of 2, 3, 5-tri-O-acetyl-D-ribofuranosyl bromide.  相似文献   

去甲基化药物治疗肿瘤新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类肿瘤的发生是多基因、多步骤共同作用的结果,抑癌基因在这一进程中扮演着重要的角色。最新研究表明,在肿瘤形成过程中,启动子区异常高甲基化的抑癌基因(包括几个关键基因)始终保持沉默、功能丧失,而启动子区去甲基化后抑癌基因则可以重新激活,其产物恢复表达。据此,人们开发出了去甲基化药物,并已应用于临床治疗及研究,结果证实去甲基化药物是一类安全、有效的抗肿瘤新药。随着研究的不断深入,必将有更多的去甲基化药物问世。  相似文献   

Summary The ability of various strains of fungi to transform isoflavones was studied. It was found that demethylation of 7-methoxyisoflavon is effected by Penicillium cyclopium.  相似文献   

W T Choe  C L Hatem  G A Clawson 《Life sciences》1991,48(16):1585-1589
Previous work has shown that hypomethylation of rRNA is an important control for protein synthesis in rat hepatocytes, and that the net hypomethylation appears to arise from cytoplasmic events. Here we show that demethylation of rRNA is catalyzed by microsomal preparations. The rRNA demethylation is dependent upon NADPH and is almost completely inhibited by carbon monoxide. Demethylation appears to increase following galactosamine intoxication, a hepatotoxin which induces hypomethylation of rRNA and inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Arsenic is one of the most widespread environmental carcinogens and has created devastating human health problems worldwide, yet little is known about mechanisms of biotransformation in contaminated regions. Methylarsonic acid [MAs(V)], extensively utilized as an herbicide, is largely demethylated to more toxic inorganic arsenite, which causes environmental problems. To understand the process of demethylation of methylarsenicals, soil samples commonly used on Florida golf courses were studied. Several soil extracts were found to demethylate MAs(V) to inorganic arsenite [As(III)]. From these extracts, a bacterial isolate was capable of reducing MAs(V) to MAs(III) but not of demethylating to As(III). A second bacterial isolate was capable of demethylating MAs(III) to As(III) but not of reducing MAs(V). A mixed culture could carry out the complete process of reduction and demethylation, demonstrating that demethylation of MAs(V) to As(III) is a two-step process. Analysis of the 16S ribosomal DNA sequences of the two organisms identified the MAs(V)-reducing and the MAs(III)-demethylating isolates as belong to Burkholderia and Streptomyces species respectively. This is the first report of a novel pathway of degradation of a methylarsenical herbicide by sequential reduction and demethylation in a microbial soil community, which we propose plays a significant role in the arsenic biogeocycle.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化作为动植物体内一种重要的表观遗传修饰形式,在调控基因表达、维持基因组的稳定性等方面发挥重要的生物学作用。固有DNA甲基化水平和模式的变化会导致生物的表型异常甚至死亡。而5-甲基胞嘧啶的水平和模式是由DNA甲基化和去甲基化共同决定的。DNA去甲基化可以分为主动去甲基化与被动去甲基化,而基因组甲基化模式的形成主要依赖于主动去甲基化。本文综述了生物体内DNA主动去甲基化五种潜在机制:DNA转葡糖基酶参与的碱基切除修复途径、脱氨酶参与的碱基切除修复途径、核苷酸切除修复途径、氧化作用去甲基化与水解作用去甲基化。  相似文献   

A peroxidase which catalyzes, in essentially quantitative yield, the dimerization of jatrotthizine to 4,4′-bisjatrorrhizine was isolated and partly characterized from Berberis stolonifera cell cultures. This peroxidase also mediates the demethylation of a variety of 10- or 3-O-CH3 substituted tetrahydroprotoberberines and their quarternary analogues. A survey of more than 30 cell culture species, using seven different alkaloids, demonstrated the presence of this catalytic activity mainly in the plant families Berberidaceae and Ranunculaceae, while it was absent in the Papaveraceae. Caution is justified when employing alkaloids labelled at their [-O-CH3] groups for enzymatic assays except when peroxidases (even without addition of H2O2) are not present.  相似文献   

Evidence that Protein Binding Specifies Sites of DNA Demethylation   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
It has been hypothesized that protein factors may protect CpG islands from methyltransferase during development and that demethylation may involve protein-DNA interactions at demethylated sites. However, direct evidence has been lacking. In this study, demethylation at the EBNA-1 binding sites of the Epstein-Barr virus latent replication origin, oriP, was investigated by using human cells. Several novel findings are discussed. First, there are specific preferential demethylation sites within the oriP region. Second, the DNA sequence of oriP alone is not the target of an active demethylation process. Third, EBNA-1 binding is required for the site-specific demethylation in oriP. Interestingly, CpG sites adjacent to and between the EBNA-1 sites do not become demethylated. Fourth, demethylation of the first DNA strand in oriP at the EBNA-1 binding sites involves a passive (replication-dependent) mechanism. The second-strand demethylation appears to occur through an active mechanism. That is, EBNA-1 protein binding prevents the EBNA-1 binding sites from being remethylated after one round of DNA replication, and it appears that an active demethylase then demethylates these hemimethylated sites. This study provides clear evidence that protein binding specifies sites of DNA demethylation and provides insights into the sequence of steps and the mechanism of demethylation.  相似文献   

Abstract Demethylation and cleavage of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) was measured in three different types of intertidal marine sediments: a cyanobacterial mat, a diatom-covered tidal flat and a carbonate sediment. Consumption rates of added DMSP were highest in cyanobacterial mat slurries (59 μmol DMSP 1−1) and lower in slurries from a diatom mat and a carbonate tidal sediment (24 and 9 μmol DMSP 1−1 h−1, respectively). Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and 3-mercaptopropionate (MPA) were produced simultaneously during DMSP consumption, indicating that cleavage and demethylation occurred at the same time. Viable counts of DMSP-utilizing bacteria revealed a population of 2 × 107 cells cm−3 sediment (90% of these cleaved DMSP to DMS, 10% demethylated DMSP to MPA) in the cyanobacterial mat, 7 × 105 cells cm−3 in the diatom mat (23% cleavers, 77% demethylators), and 9 × 104 cells cm−3 (20% cleavers and 80% demethylators) in the carbonate sediment. In slurries of the diatom mat, the rate of MPA production from added 3-methiolpropionate (MMPA) was 50% of the rate of MPA formation from DMSP. The presence of a large population of demethylating bacteria and the production of MPA from DMSP suggest that the demethylation pathway, in addition to cleavage, contributes significantly to DMSP consumption in coastal sediments.  相似文献   

Veratric acids 14C-labelled in carboxyl group, 3-OCH3, 4-OCH3, or aromatic ring together with unlabelled veratric acid were supplemented in the cultures of the white-rot fungus Phlebia radiata. The effect of various carbon sources on the release of 14CO2 was studied. Veratric acid was readily decarboxylated, maximally already on day 1 from the addition of [14COOH]-veratric acid. High amounts (4%) of glucose slightly repressed the decarboxylation. In medium supplemented with cellulose the methoxyl group in position 4 was much more readily mineralized to CO2 than the group in position 3. The maximum evolution was achieved on day 5, two days from the addition. Cellulose did not repress methanol oxidation but repression of methanol oxidation by glucose was detected in media supplemented with [O14CH3]-veratric acids and 14CH3OH. However, glucose did not repress oxidation of H14CHO. The apparent uptake of 14C by fungal mycelium, especially from methoxyl groups, but also from the aromatic ring, may partially be due to the strong slime formation observed in cellobiose medium. Also in cellobiose medium apparent uptake of 14C from 14C-labelled methoxyl groups was observed.  相似文献   

P53作为肿瘤抑制因子和转录调节因子在控制细胞周期、凋亡和DNA修复方面发挥重要作用。P53蛋白的稳定性和转录激活活性的调节主要依赖磷酸化、乙酰化、泛素化等多种翻译后修饰。最近研究发现一些组蛋白赖氨酸甲基转移酶和去甲基化酶可使P53蛋白C-端赖氨酸残基发生甲基化或去甲基化,调节P53蛋白的稳定性和转录激活活性。甲基化和去甲基化与其它翻译后修饰相互作用构成“P53密码”调节P53蛋白功能。  相似文献   

Methylation at the 5-position of DNA cytosine on the vertebrate genomes is accomplished by the combined catalytic actions of three DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), the de novo enzymes DNMT3A and DNMT3B and the maintenance enzyme DNMT1. Although several metabolic routes have been suggested for demethylation of the vertebrate DNA, whether active DNA demethylase(s) exist has remained elusive. Surprisingly, we have found that the mammalian DNMTs, and likely the vertebrates DNMTs in general, can also act as Ca2+ ion- and redox state-dependent active DNA demethylases. This finding suggests new directions for reinvestigation of the structures and functions of these DNMTs, in particular their roles in Ca2+ ion-dependent biological processes, including the genome-wide/local DNA demethylation during early embryogenesis, cell differentiation, neuronal activity-regulated gene expression, and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The demethylation of the algal osmolyte dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) to methylthiopropionate (MTPA) by (homo)acetogenic bacteria was studied. Five Eubacterium limosum strains (including the type strain), Sporomusa ovata DSM 2662T, Sporomusa sphaeroides DSM 2875T, and Acetobacterium woodii DSM 1030T were shown to demethylate DMSP stoichiometrically to MTPA. The (homo)acetogenic fermentation based on this demethylation did not result in any significant increase in biomass. The analogous demethylation of glycine betaine to dimethylglycine does support growth of acetogens. In batch cultures of E. limosum PM31 DMSP and glycine betaine were demethylated simultaneously. In mixed substrates experiments with fructose-DMSP or methanol-DMSP, DMSP was used rapidly but only after exhaustion of the fructose or the methanol. In steady-state fructose-limited chemostat cultures (at a dilution rate of 0.03 h−1) with DMSP as a second reservoir substrate, DMSP was biotransformed to MTPA but this did not result in higher biomass values than in cultures without DMSP; cells from such cultures demethylated DMSP at rates of approximately 50 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1, both after growth in the presence of DMSP and after growth in its absence. In cell extracts of glycine betaine-grown strain PM31, DMSP demethylation activities of 21 to 24 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1 were detected with tetrahydrofolate as a methyl acceptor; the activities seen with glycine betaine were approximately 10-fold lower. A speculative explanation for the demethylation of DMSP without an obvious benefit for the organism is that the DMSP-demethylating activity is catalyzed by the glycine betaine-demethylating enzyme and that a transport-related factor, in particular a higher energy demand for DMSP transport across the cytoplasmic membrane than for glycine betaine transport, may reduce the overall ATP yield of the fermentation to virtually zero.  相似文献   

Metabolism of nitrosamines was studied in a reconstituted monooxygenase system composed of cytochrome P-450 isozymes purified from liver microsomes of ethanol- and phenobarbital-treated rats. The ethanol-induced isozyme (P-450et) was efficient in catalyzing the demethylation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), with a Km of 2.4 mM and Vmax of 7.2 nmol min-1 nmol P-450(-1), but less active with N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine and N-nitrosomethylaniline. The phenobarbital-induced form (P-450b) was ineffective in NDMA metabolism but was active in catalyzing the demethylation of N-nitrosomethylaniline, with an estimated Km of 0.08 mM and a Vmax of 7.2 nmol min-1 nmol-1. P-450et also catalyzed the denitrosation of NDMA with a Km of 13.6 mM and a Vmax of 1.36 nmol min-1 nmol-1. With control liver microsomes, multiple Km values were observed for the demethylation and denitrosation of NDMA. Involvement of superoxide radicals in the metabolism of NDMA was suggested by the action of superoxide dismutase, which inhibited the denitrosation by 43 to 73% and the demethylation by 13 to 22% in different monooxygenase systems. The P-450et-dependent NDMA demethylation was strongly inhibited by 2-phenylethylamine and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole; these compounds were previously believed not to be inhibitors of P-450-dependent reactions but were found to inhibit microsomal NDMA demethylase. The present results establish the role of P-450 in nitrosamine metabolism and help to clarify some of the previous confusion in this area of research.  相似文献   

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