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A field study was initiated in December 2000 in two selected soils of The Grande Terre (Kerguelen Archipelago) with the objective of determining the long-term effects of fertilizer addition on the biodegradation rate and the toxicity of oil residues under severe sub-Antarctic conditions. Two soils were selected. The first site supports an abundant vegetal cover; the second one was desert soil, devoid of plant material. These two soils were located in the vicinity of the permanent station of Port-aux-Français (69° 42E; 49° 19S). A series of five experimental plots (0.75 × 0.75 m) were settled firmly into each of the studied soils. Each plot received 500 mL of diesel or Arabian light crude oil, and some of them were treated with a bioremediation agent: slow-release fertilizer Inipol EAP-22 (Elf Atochem). All the plots were sampled on a regular basis over a 1 year period. Heterotrophic and hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms increased by two orders of magnitude during the first month of the experimentation in all treated enclosures, but differences appeared between the different plots. The microbial response was improved by bioremediation treatments. However, fertilizer addition had a greater impact on the desert soil when compared to the vegetated one. All chemical indices show a reduction of alkanes and light aromatics. Toxicity results show a high variability between treatments and environmental conditions. As a conclusion, it is clear that the microbial response was rapid and efficient in spite of the severe weather conditions, and the rate of degradation was improved by bioremediation treatments. However, after 1 year of treatment, the signal of a relatively high toxicity of oiled residues remained present in the two studied soils.  相似文献   

Nutrient enhancement of bioremediation with nitrogen, namely biostimulation, increases process performance. Selection of a proper nitrogen source is critical for bioremediation applications. In this study, the effects of different nitrogen sources on biodegradation of C10–C25 n-alkane compounds in diesel fuel-spiked soil were revealed, and the most appropriate nitrogen source for biodegradation of semi- and non-volatile n-alkanes was investigated. Bioremediation of diesel fuel contaminated soil was monitored in lab-scale reactors for 15 days. Ammonium sulfate, potassium nitrate and urea were used as nitrogen sources. Carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the reactors were recorded to monitor microbiological activity. Contaminant removal process was investigated by pH, heterotrophic plate count, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and C10–C25 n-alkane analyses. First-order kinetic constants were calculated via respirometric and contaminant concentration data. According to total C10–C25 n-alkane removal levels and degradation rate constants, ammonium sulfate addition resulted in the most efficient contaminant removal followed by potassium nitrate and urea. Simultaneous degradation of individual n-alkanes was observed for all of the nitrogen sources. Urea addition changed the distribution of individual n-alkane concentrations relative to the pre-experimental concentrations. Nitrogen source type had no differential effect on degradation rates of semi- (C10–C16) and non-volatile (C17–C25) fractions.  相似文献   

The effects of bioaugmentation with a pentachlorophenol (PCP)-adapted consortium and biostimulation with glucose as a carbon source on anaerobic bioremediation of PCP-contaminated soil were investigated in terms of the initial PCP removal rate and the extent of PCP dechlorination and mineralization. Samples from two PCP-contaminated sites were prepared, put into a series of Hungate tubes, inoculated, and fed under different conditions. Chlorophenols in the tubes were monitored over a 4-month period to measure PCP transformation in the soil. In less contaminated soil (10 mg PCP/kg soil), it was found that biostimulation with glucose at 1 g/kg soil or bioaugmentation at 0.14 g volatile suspended solids (VSS)/kg soil could greatly improve PCP degradation. The best PCP degradation was obtained when both bioaugmentation and biostimulation were applied, but higher levels of glucose (2 g/kg soil) or inoculum (0.56 g VSS/kg soil) had little additional effect. The highest initial PCP-removal rate reached 8.1 μmol/kg soil-d, which is almost 20 times greater than in the unamended controls. PCP was dechlorinated to lesser chlorinated phenols with 0.6 chlorine remaining on average, and the extent of mineralization approached 70% in 4 months. In highly PCP-contaminated soil (90 mg PCP/kg soil), PCP degradation was partially inhibited, but the relative effects of augmentation, stimulation, and combined treatments were the same as in the less contaminated soil.  相似文献   

We studied the response of the sulfate-reducing prokaryote (SRP) communities to the experimental variation of salinity and tide in an outdoor mesocosm setup. Intact soil monoliths were collected at two areas of the Haringvliet lagoon (The Netherlands): one sampling location consisted of agricultural grassland, drained and fertilized for at least the last century; the other of a freshwater marshland with more recent sea influence. Two factors, i.e., “salinity” (freshwater/oligohaline) and “tide” (nontidal/tidal), were tested in a full-factorial design. Soil samples were collected after 5 months (June–October). Dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase β subunit-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dsrB-DGGE) analysis revealed that the SRP community composition in the agricultural grassland and in the freshwater marshland was represented mainly by microorganisms related to the Desulfobulbaceae and the Desulfobacteraceae, respectively. Desulfovibrio-related dsrB were detected only in the tidal treatments; Desulfomonile-related dsrB occurrence was related to the presence of oligohaline conditions. Treatments did have an effect on the overall SRP community composition of both soils, but not on the sulfate depletion rates in sulfate-amended anoxic slurry incubations. However, initiation of sulfate reduction upon sulfate addition was clearly different between the two soils.  相似文献   

为了明确具有极强抗虫特性的‘草原4号紫花苜蓿’(Medicago sativa L.‘Caoyuan No.4’) 营养器官的解剖特征,该研究选择具有抗蓟马特性较强的‘草原2号杂花苜蓿’(Medicago varia Martin.‘Caoyuan No.2’)为对照,采用显微镜观察比较两品种的根、茎、叶解剖结构特征,为揭示‘草原4号紫花苜蓿’ 抗蓟马特性提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)‘草原4号紫花苜蓿’根部解剖结构的皮层薄壁细胞厚度、内皮层厚度、形成层厚度、木质部厚度和木射线宽度等5个指标均极显著高于(P<0.01)‘草原2号杂花苜蓿’,其中木射线宽度(159.37 μm)是‘草原2号杂花苜蓿’的1.82倍。(2)‘草原4号紫花苜蓿’的茎部厚角组织厚度(21.4 μm)极显著高于‘草原2号杂花苜蓿’(P<0.01),而韧皮部宽度、髓直径却均极显著低于‘草原2号杂花苜蓿’(P<0.01)。(3)‘草原4号紫花苜蓿’叶片解剖构造的7个指标均极显著高于‘草原2号杂花苜蓿’(P<0.01),其中栅栏组织层数(2~3层)极明显地高于‘草原2号杂花苜蓿’(1~2层)。研究表明,‘草原4号紫花苜蓿’的组织结构特征具有明显的抗虫特征,且其组织的抗虫特征比‘草原2号杂花苜蓿’更为突出。  相似文献   

探讨了热带次生演替早期阶段短命先锋种山黄麻(Trema tomentosa)和长命先锋种中平树(Macaranga denticulata)在两种光照(4%和20%的全光照)和营养梯度(低肥和高肥)下,叶片和细根营养物质含量、非结构性碳水化合物含量、生物量分配模式以及形态结构特征的差异.结果表明:(1)两种先锋种叶片和细根氮、磷含量随着光照和营养的增强显著上升,并且山黄麻叶片和细根氮、磷含量要显著高于中平树.(2)山黄麻各器官淀粉和总非结构性碳水化合物(TNC)浓度在高光下低于中平树,但在低光下高于中平树.(3)山黄麻和中平树的叶片都是可溶性糖的主要存储器官,而淀粉和TNC则主要储存在根中,并且淀粉都是二者TNC库最主要的组成形态和成分.(4)山黄麻拥有更高的根生物量比、细根生物量比、根冠比、比叶面积、叶面积比、比细根长、比细根表面积及更小的细根直径等更强大的资源捕获能力的结构和生物量分配特征.总之,与长命先锋种中平树相比,短命先锋种山黄麻有着更适合快速生长的结构和生物量分配特征、更高的组织营养物质含量、更低的非结构性碳水化合物浓度,因而具有更高的生长速率,能够在次生演替的早期阶段占领统治地位,为以后的次生演替创造条件.  相似文献   

目的:对上颌肯氏I类牙列缺损可摘局部义齿戴用前后的临床语音适应效果做出客观评价。方法:对30例上颌肯氏I类牙列缺失患者在义齿初戴前、初戴时、初戴后的1、2、4、8用语音变化规律进行分析。结果:辅音/j/:在塑料组,在初戴后2.4、8周与初戴时F2有统计学差异(P〈0.05);在初戴时与初戴前相比F2也有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。初戴后1周也有统计学差异(P〈O.05);两组同一时间内比较,/j/的F2在初戴时有统计学差异(P〈0.01)。/sh/音:在初戴时与初戴后2、8周F1有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。/z/音:在塑料、铸造两组中,F1、F2在初戴前、后2、4、8周均有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。结论:可摘局部义齿基托厚度主要影响的发音部位是硬腭前部,在临床上,减少硬腭区基托厚度,对临床修复有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   

Lei Chu  Yu Zhang  Long Qian  Dandan Zhu  Haijun Sun 《Phyton》2020,89(4):1035-1042
Biochar may affect the root morphology and nitrogen (N) use efficiency(NUE) of rice at seedling stage, which has not been clearly verified until now. Toclarify it, we conducted a pot experiment regarding to two soil types (HydragricAnthrosol and Haplic Acrisol), two biochar application rates (0.5 wt% and 1.5 wt%) and two rice varieties (common rice var. Xiushui134 and hybrid super rice var.Zhongkejiayou12-6) meanwhile. Seedling NUE of common rice Xiuhui134 wassignificantly increased (p < 0.05) by 78.2% in Hydragric Anthrosol and by91.4% in Haplic Acrisol following biochar addition with 1.5 wt%. However, biochar addition exerted no influence on seedling NUE of super rice Zhongkejiayou12-6 in both soils. Overall, 0.09–0.10 units higher soil pH and 105–116% higher soil NH4+-N were observed in Xiushui134 growing two soils with1.5 wt% biochar. In addition, improved root morphology (including longer rootlength, larger root surface area, bigger root volume, and more root tips) contributed to the higher seedling NUE of Xiushui134 in two soils. The soil pH andNH4+-N content, also the root morphology were influenced by biochar, whichthough could not thoroughly explained the NUE of Zhongkejiayou12-6. In conclusion, biochar application to paddy soil changed soil pH and NH4+-N content,root growth, and the consequent seedling NUE of rice, which effects are relativewith rice cultivar, biochar addition rate, and soil type.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight C4 species including both mono- and dicotyledonswere surveyed for light-enhanced pyruvate uptake into mesophyllchloroplasts and tested whether this enhancement could be mimickedby either a "sodium jump" or a "proton jump" of the medium inthe dark. The majority of species responded to a sodium jump,while only species of the Andropogoneae and the Arundinelleaefrom the Gramineae responded to a proton jump. (Received April 17, 1992; Accepted June 18, 1992)  相似文献   

In this study we used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, sequencing analysis, and analytical flow cytometry to monitor the dynamics and genetic richness of Emiliania huxleyi isolates and cooccurring viruses during two mesocosm experiments in a Norwegian fjord in 2000 and 2003. We exploited variations in a gene encoding a protein with calcium-binding motifs (GPA) and in the major capsid protein (MCP) gene to assess allelic and genotypic richness within E. huxleyi and E. huxleyi-specific viruses (EhVs), respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first report that shows the effectiveness of the GPA gene for analysis of natural communities of E. huxleyi. Our results revealed the existence of a genetically rich, yet stable E. huxleyi and EhV community in the fjordic environment. Incredibly, the same virus and host genotypes dominated in separate studies conducted 3 years apart. Both E. huxleyi-dominated blooms contained the same six E. huxleyi alleles. In addition, despite the presence of at least six and four EhV genotypes at the start of the blooms in 2000 and 2003, respectively, the same two virus genotypes dominated the naturally occurring infections during the exponential and termination phases of the blooms in both years.  相似文献   

2种土壤上羊草生长动态和主要矿物质含量的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以4叶龄羊草实生苗为实验材料,将其移栽到不同pH的黑土和盐碱土上,观察土壤盐碱胁迫对移栽羊草幼苗生长动态和主要矿物质含量的影响.结果表明,在盐碱土上,羊草幼苗生长速率较在黑土上显著降低,分蘖能力显著下降,其株高、叶片数和分蘖数分别降至黑土上的93.1%、94.4%和78.1%;羊草在盐碱土上地上部和地下部干重分别是黑土上的91.8%和92.1%,但地下部根茎较为发达,其数量和长度分别比黑土上显著增加48.9%和22.5%;盐碱土上羊草植株钠离子含量显著高于黑土,全磷和钾离子含量显著低于黑土,全氮含量与黑土上没有显著差异.研究发现,羊草在盐碱土上具有发达的根茎且能维持较高含水量,从而表现出较强的耐盐碱能力.  相似文献   

T. A. Ban  K. McGinnis 《CMAJ》1962,87(15):816-817
The comparative sleep-inducing and sleep-sustaining effects of glutethimide, 0.5 g., and ethchlorvynol, 0.5 g., were studied in 20 patients hospitalized for a considerable time (average: 21 years; minimum nine years and maximum 32 years) and not receiving psychotropic agents. Assessment of sleep and para-sleep parameters (pre-sleep tension; frequency of awakening at night; post-sleep activity) revealed that patients fell asleep faster (P>.001) and slept for a longer time with ethchlorvynol than with glutethimide.  相似文献   

Li  Yan  Chang  Yihong  Lu  Jiuxing  Wang  Rui  He  Dan  Yang  Qiusheng  Li  Yonghua 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2019,38(4):1287-1299
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Grafting is an important way to improve crop growth, stress resistance and yield. However, the molecular mechanism of grafting affecting flowering is not clear....  相似文献   

A comparative study of two strains of Lactobacillus plantarum (REB1 and MLBPL1) grown in commercial medium (MRS broth), cucumber juice, and liquid pig feed was performed to explore changes to the metabolic pathways of these bacteria, using a proteomics approach (two-dimensional electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry) combined with analyses of fermentable sugars and fermentation end products. The protein expression showed that even with an excess of glucose in all media, both strains could metabolize different carbohydrates simultaneously and that hexoses could also be used via a phosphoketolase pathway with preferential expression in liquid feed. Sugar analyses showed that the fermentation of sugars was homolactic for all media, with some heterolactic activity in liquid feed, as shown by the production of acetate. Cucumber juice (the medium with the highest glucose content) showed the lowest hexose consumption (10%), followed by liquid feed (33%) and MRS broth (50%). However, bacterial growth was significantly higher in cucumber juice and liquid feed than in MRS broth. This discrepancy was due to the growth benefit obtained from the utilization of the malate present in cucumber juice and liquid feed. Despite different growth conditions, the synthesis of essential cellular components and the stress response of the bacteria were unaffected. This study has improved our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the growth performance of an appropriate lactic acid bacterium strain to be used for food and feed fermentation, information that is of crucial importance to obtain a high-quality fermented product.  相似文献   

The Kunming (KM) mouse is a closed colony mouse strain widely used in Chinese pharmacology, toxicology, and microbiology research laboratories. However, few studies have examined human flora-associated (HFA) microbial communities in KM mice. In this study, HFA models were built from germ-free KM and C57BL/6J mouse strains, and gut microbial diversity was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and DNA sequencing. We found that the two strains of HFA mice were significantly different based on the UPGMA dendrogram and the Richness index, but dice similarity coefficients of mouse replicates were not significantly different between HFA-KM and HFA-C57BL/6J. Most of the dominant phyla of human gut microflora could be transferred into the guts of the two mouse strains. However, the predominant genus that formed in HFA-KM was Clostridium sp. and that in HFA-C57BL/6J was Blautia sp. These results imply that genotypes difference between the two mice strains is a critical factor in shaping the intestinal microflora. However, genetic differences of individuals within KM mouse populations failed to lead to individual difference in microflora. Successful generation of HFA-KM mice will facilitate studies examining how diet affects gut microbial structure, and will enable comparative studies for uncovering genetic factors that shape gut microbial communities.  相似文献   

The lytic activities of 310 cultures from the Collection of Actinomycetes of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, were studied; 18% of these strains appeared capable of lysing yeast cell wall. The active producer of the enzyme was selected. This culture was isolated from chestnut soil in Gardabani raion (Central Georgia). Its cultural–morphological, biochemical, and antagonistic properties allowed the culture to be ascribed to the species Geodermatophilus obseurusLuedemann, 1968. The maximal lytic activity under submerged cultivation conditions, exceeding the activity of Actinomyces griseinusby twofold, was observed during the logarithmic growth phase.  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles have been used for numerous therapeutic purposes because of their increased biodegradability and bioavailability, yet their toxicity remains questionable as they are known to interact easily with biological systems because of their small size. This study aimed to investigate and compare the effect of silver nanoparticles’ particle size in terms of their potential hazard, as well as their potential protective effect in an LPS-induced hepatotoxicity model. Liver slices were obtained from Sprague Dawley adult male rats, and the thickness of the slices was optimized to 150 μm. Under regulated physiological circumstances, freshly cut liver slices were divided into six different groups; GP1: normal, GP2: LPS (control), GP3: LPS + AgNpL (positive control), GP4: LPS + silymarin (standard treatment), GP5: LPS + AgNpS + silymarin (treatment I), GP6: LPS + AgNpL + silymarin (treatment II). After 24 h of incubation, the plates were gently removed, and the supernatant and tissue homogenate were all collected and then subjected to the following biochemical parameters: Cox2, NO, IL-6, and TNF-α. The LPS elicited marked hepatic tissue injury manifested by elevated cytokines and proinflammatory markers. Both small silver nanoparticles and large silver nanoparticles efficiently attenuated LPS hepatotoxicity, mainly via preserving the cytokines’ level and diminishing the inflammatory pathways. In conclusion, large silver nanoparticles exhibited effective hepatoprotective capabilities over small silver nanoparticles.  相似文献   

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