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While fore‐ and hindlimbs are commonly assumed to be serially homologous, the serial homology of the pectoral and pelvic girdles is more ambiguous. We investigate the degree to which a common history, developmental program, and gene network are shared between the girdles relative to the rest of the appendicular skeleton. Paleontological data indicate that pectoral appendages arose millions of years before pelvic appendages. Recent embryological and genetic data suggest that the anatomical similarity between the fore‐ and hindlimbs arose through the sequential, derived deployment of similar developmental programs and gene networks, and is therefore not due to ancestral serial homology. Much less developmental work has however been published about the girdles. Here, we provide the first detailed review of the developmental programs and gene networks of the pectoral and pelvic girdles. Our review shows that, with respect to these programs and networks, there are fewer similarities between pelvic and pectoral girdles than there are between the limbs. The available data therefore support recent hypotheses that the anatomical similarities between the fore‐ and hindlimbs arose during the fin‐to‐limb transition through the derived co‐option of similar developmental mechanisms, while the phylogenetically older pectoral and pelvic girdles have remained more distinct since their evolutionary origin. 相似文献
The muscles and bones of the pectoral fin of Serrasalmus nattereri, the piranha, resemble those of generalized, lower teleosts with specializations related to a body shape adapted for high-speed carnivory; the pectoral fins being highly mobile with strong ligaments to the rays. The presence of two occipital nerves appears primitive, while the emergence of the subclavian artery within the branchial cavity, as in Gasteropelecus sternicla, appears specialized. The muscles and bones of the latter fish, a fresh-water flying fish, are specialized for self-propelled, aerial flight in the fusion of the right and left girdles greatly expanded for insertions of complex appendicular (flight) muscles, and in the consolidation of the rays and radials into one functional unit moving vertically in flight through contraction of vertical, massive ventral flight muscles. The bony pectoral anatomy of Electrophorus electricus, the electric eel, is specialized in having a mobile joint between the primary girdle and the cleithrum, the former being suspended vertically from the cleithrum by ligaments. The proximal radials and rays are very numerous and vertically aligned. The cleithrum is shaped to accommodate the extensive sternohyoid and pharyngocleithral muscles. The sheet-like appendicular muscles extend beyond the special joint and control its movement. The deeper muscles do not cross this joint. The arterial system is specialized in lacking a deep brachial artery. 相似文献
The pectoral myology and osteology of the cyprinoids Notemigonus crysoleucas, the golden shiner, and Catostomus commersonnii, the common white sucker, resemble those of generalized, lower teleosts in structure and function, except in features related to the manipulation of the massive fifth ceratobranchial of cyprinoids by muscles attaching on the girdle. Catostomus is more specialized in having unique intercostal muscles to the girdle, complex subclavian arteries and lack of a superficial trapezius muscle. The bony pectoral anatomy of the siluriform, Ictalurus nebulosus, the brown bullhead, is highly specialized in relation to the presence and locking of the massive pectoral spine which is formed of fused dorsal and ventral propterygial rays; there is consolidation of the girdle through fusion of bones, presence of unique stabilizing bony structures, firm symphyseal union of bilateral girdles and the presence of friction-surfaces of girdle and spine for locking. The movements of the spine are specialized in the greater guidance offered by the girdle. Myological specializations are related mainly to ventral appendicular muscles which lock the spine. The nervous and arterial systems are generalized. 相似文献
In both light and electron microscopes, head cartilage from the squid Loligo pealii strongly resembles vertebrate hyaline cartilage. The tissue is characterized by the presence of irregularly-shaped cells suspended in an abundant matrix. Cell and matrix contents stain metachromatically with cationic dyes such as toluidin blue. Each cell gives off extensions which ramify via a network of channels throughout the matrix. Thereby, a system of inter-connecting canaliculi is established, with many similarities to the intercanalicular systems seen in vertebrate bone and cartilage tissues. In the electron microscope, the squid cartilage cells are seen to have very abundant endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex material. Mitochondrial transformations involving loss of cristae, the appearance of filaments in the mitochondrial matrix, and figures suggesting budding, also occur. Nuclear pores are numerous and easily detected. The matrix is characterized by the presence of a system of decussating fibrils which form polygonal figures, with granules usually evident at the points of intersection of fibrils. By chemical analysis the tissue contains 3- and 4-hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. Preliminary wide single x-ray diffractions show a pattern characteristic for unoriented collagens, with 12 Å (intermolecular) and 2.86 Å (helix) reflections. 相似文献
1. Transducin subunits (T alpha and T beta gamma) were purified from freshly dissected frog (Rana catesbeiana) retinas. It was found that purified T beta gamma is composed of three components which can be separated from each other by an anion exchange column chromatography under nondenaturing conditions. 2. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses of these three components demonstrated that each contains T beta (mol. wt 35,000) and T gamma (mol. wt approximately 8000). 3. Only one of the three components retained an ability to enhance the binding of GppNHp to T alpha in the presence of a photobleaching intermediate of rhodopsin, while the others showed very low abilities to enhance the binding. 4. These observations, together with the similar findings on bovine T beta gamma, strongly suggest that the functional heterogeneity of T beta gamma is conserved in vertebrate photoreceptor cells. 相似文献
The endoskeletal structure supporting the gill-books of Limulus polyphemus has been investigated by means of light and electron microscopy, chemical analysis and x-ray diffraction. This tissue is a cartilage which has significant correspondences with both vertebrate cartilage and plant tissues. Morphologically, the Limulus cartilage resembles certain cellular vertebrate cartilages with relatively scant matrix, and also certain plant parenchyme, collenchyme and sclerenchyme tissues. Of particular interest, was the observation that during cytoplasmic division, a phragmasome-like structure appears between the daughter cells of the dividing gill cartilage cells. This phragmasome-like structure appears to be a precursor of new matrix (cell-wall) formation between the young chondrocytes, in much the same fashion as its counterpart in plant tissues. Perichondrial cells and underlying chondrocytes contain lipid droplets, abundant glycogen and ribosomes, as do corresponding vertebrate cartilage cells. In some of the Limulus cells, glycogen and ribosomes appear to be admixed with lipid, forming aggregates in which all three materials are in intimate intraparticulate relationship. During molting, the number of ribosomes seen in chondrocytes increases. The tissue contains both hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, and gives a weak x-ray diffraction pattern. 相似文献
This article compares four models of amplitude fluctuations in postsynaptic potentials. The convolution of two binomial distributions and the beta model proved the best fit with experimentally obtained data (as compared with the binomial model). The beta model is based on the assumption that the probability of quantal transmitter release is a random variable with a beta distribution. Numbers of quantal generators as estimated by the beta model were found to resemble numbers of morphological identifiable synaptic boutons. Findings from research using this model showed that the binomial parameter n may be interpreted as the number of transmitter release sites functioning with a probability in excess of 0.2. The findings obtained confirm the postulated functional diversity of release sites at interneuronal synapses.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 780–788, November–December, 1989. 相似文献
Bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) are primarily benthic and use their relatively flexible pectoral and pelvic fins to rest on and move about the substrate. We examined the morphology of the pectoral fins and investigated their locomotory function to determine if pectoral fin function during both benthic station-holding and pelagic swimming differs from fin function described previously in leopard sharks, Triakis semifasciata. We used three-dimensional kinematics and digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) to quantify pectoral fin function in five white-spotted bamboo sharks, C. plagiosum, during four behaviors: holding station on the substrate, steady horizontal swimming, and rising and sinking during swimming. During benthic station-holding in current flow, bamboo sharks decrease body angle and adjust pectoral fin angle to shed a clockwise fluid vortex. This vortex generates negative lift more than eight times that produced during open water vertical maneuvering and also results in an upstream flow that pushes against the posterior surface of the pectoral fin to oppose drag. In contrast, there is no evidence of significant lift force in the wake of the pectoral fin during steady horizontal swimming. The pectoral fin is held concave downward and at a negative dihedral angle during steady horizontal swimming, promoting maneuverability rather than stability, although this negative dihedral angle is much less than that observed previously in sturgeon and leopard sharks. During sinking, the pectoral fins are held concave upward and shed a clockwise vortex with a negative lift force, while in rising the pectoral fin is held concave downward and sheds a counterclockwise vortex with a positive lift force. Bamboo sharks appear to sacrifice maneuverability for stability when locomoting in the water column and use their relatively flexible fins to generate strong negative lift forces when holding position on the substrate and to enhance stability when swimming in the water column. 相似文献
This article describes the growth of the anuran pectoral girdle of Rana pipiens and compares skeletal development of the shoulder to that of long bones. The pectoral girdle chondrifies as two halves, each adjacent to a developing humerus. In each, the scapula and coracoid form as single foci of condensed chondrocytes that fuse, creating a cartilaginous glenoid bridge articulating with the humerus. Based on histological sections, both the dermal clavicle and cleithrum begin to ossify at approximately the same time as the periosteum forms around the endochondral bones. The dermal and endochondral bones of the girdle form immobile joints with neighboring girdle elements; however, the cellular organization and growth pattern of the scapula and coracoid closely resemble those of a long bone. Similar to a long bone epiphysis, distal margins of both endochondral elements have zones of hyaline, stratified, and hypertrophic cartilages. As a result, fused elements of the girdle can grow without altering the glenoid articulation with the humerus. Comparisons of anuran long bone and pectoral girdle growth suggest that different bones can have similar histology and development regardless of adult morphology. 相似文献
We utilize a novel, transgenic cell-labeling system to assess the embryonic derivation of cartilages in the post-metamorphic skull of anuran amphibians. Many of these cartilages form de novo at metamorphosis and have no obvious precursors within the larval skeleton. Most adult cartilages are derived from mandibular- or hyoid-stream neural crest, either individually or in combination; branchial-stream neural crest makes a modest contribution. Each stream also contributes to at least one cartilage in the middle ear or external ear. Four cartilages are composite elements; each is derived from at least two distinct cell populations. Many boundaries between adjacent neural-crest territories are cryptic insofar as they do not coincide with anatomical boundaries. The system of adult cranial segmentation revealed by these fate-mapping results differs in important respects from both the segmentation of the ontogenetically earlier larval skull and the cranial segmentation in amniotes. Most striking is the rostral "inversion" of neural-crest-derived cartilages in Xenopus, such that mandibular stream-derived elements are deployed caudal to those derived from the hyoid stream, which predominate anteriorly. This novel pattern of rostral segmentation may be a consequence of the complex, biphasic life history that is characteristic of most species of living amphibians, and especially anurans, in which cranial architecture is significantly reconfigured at metamorphosis. Neural-crest derivation of the vertebrate skull is not invariant; instead, embryonic derivation of individual components of the cranial skeleton may vary widely among species. 相似文献
BackgroundAnnual hibernation is an adaptation that helps many animals conserve energy during food shortage in winter. This natural cycle is also accompanied by a remodeling of the intestinal immune system, which is an aspect of host biology that is both influenced by, and can itself influence, the microbiota. In amphibians, the bacteria in the intestinal tract show a drop in bacterial counts. The proportion of pathogenic bacteria is greater in hibernating frogs than that found in nonhibernating frogs. This suggests that some intestinal gut microbes in amphibians can be maintained and may contribute to the functions in this closed ecosystem during hibernation. However, these results were derived from culture-based approaches that only covered a small portion of bacteria in the intestinal tract. MethodsIn this study, we use a more comprehensive analysis, including bacterial appearance and functional prediction, to reveal the global changes in gut microbiota during artificial hibernation via high-throughput sequencing technology. ResultsOur results suggest that artificial hibernation in the brown tree frog (Polypedates megacephalus) could reduce microbial diversity, and artificially hibernating frogs tend to harbor core operational taxonomic units that are rarely distributed among nonhibernating frogs. In addition, artificial hibernation increased significantly the relative abundance of the red-leg syndrome-related pathogenic genus Citrobacter. Furthermore, functional predictions via PICRUSt and Tax4Fun suggested that artificial hibernation has effects on metabolism, disease, signal transduction, bacterial infection, and primary immunodeficiency. ConclusionsWe infer that artificial hibernation may impose potential effects on primary immunodeficiency and increase the risk of bacterial infections in the brown tree frog. 相似文献
The relative contents of chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfates in cartilages of different human bones are reported. Articular and vertebral body cartilages contain almost exclusively chondroitin 6-sulfate, whereas growth and subarticular cartilages contain nearly equal amounts of chondroitin 4-sulfate and chondroitin 6-sulfate. Adult cartilages, where the calcification process is complete, contain only chondroitin 6-sulfate. These results that chondroitin 4-sulfate may be an important component for the calcification process, whereas chondroitin 6-sulfate seems to be related to the integrity of the articular surfaces. A chemical defect of chondroitin 6-sulfate in a new mucopolysaccharidosis, characterized by platyspondyly and irregularities of articular surfaces, is in agreement with these results. 相似文献
In amphibian urinary bladder epithelium, vasopressin increases passive urea permeability, concomitant with the appearance of a facilitated urea transport. Amphibian oocytes from Xenopus laevis and Rana esculenta were microinjected with total or fractionated poly(A+) RNA isolated from frog urinary bladder epithelial cells. After several (3-5) days at 18 degrees C, the urea flux was assayed by measuring the uptake and efflux of [14C]urea in water-injected and mRNA-injected oocytes. A 2 to 3-fold increase of urea transport was detected in oocytes injected either with total mRNA or with a 6-10 kilobase mRNA fraction, when compared with water-injected oocytes. This expression of urea channels was inhibited by 0.1 mM phloretin (50% inhibition) and 0.1 mM nitrophenylthiourea (up to 70% inhibition). On the contrary, no expression was detected in brain mRNA-injected oocytes. These results show the specific functional expression of the phloretin- and NPTU-sensitive urea channel (or carrier) from frog urinary bladder epithelial cells, providing an approach for the expression cloning of these urea channels. 相似文献
An electronic device for recording optokinetic head nystagmus is described. By feeding a point-like mass (radiator) with an alternating current generator, alternating voltage can be measured on a large flat plate (receptor), which depends on the distance of the radiator from the receptor. The radiator was fixed on the head of the frog, and could move between a pair of receptors. Voltage changes during head motions can be recorded in the form of nystagmogram. The head nystagmogram of the frog proved to be similar to that of mammals. Rotation of the optokinetic drum to one direction for several minutes resulted in habituation (decrease of frequency or stopping of head motions). Based on the frequency and amplitude pattern several types of optokinetic head nystagmus could be identified. 相似文献