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Crystal structure of the CSL-Notch-Mastermind ternary complex bound to DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wilson JJ  Kovall RA 《Cell》2006,124(5):985-996

Crystal structure of IRF-3 in complex with CBP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Crystal structure of the Msx-1 homeodomain/DNA complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hovde S  Abate-Shen C  Geiger JH 《Biochemistry》2001,40(40):12013-12021
The Msx-1 homeodomain protein plays a crucial role in craniofacial, limb, and nervous system development. Homeodomain DNA-binding domains are comprised of 60 amino acids that show a high degree of evolutionary conservation. We have determined the structure of the Msx-1 homeodomain complexed to DNA at 2.2 A resolution. The structure has an unusually well-ordered N-terminal arm with a unique trajectory across the minor groove of the DNA. DNA specificity conferred by bases flanking the core TAAT sequence is explained by well ordered water-mediated interactions at Q50. Most interactions seen at the TAAT sequence are typical of the interactions seen in other homeodomain structures. Comparison of the Msx-1-HD structure to all other high resolution HD-DNA complex structures indicate a remarkably well-conserved sphere of hydration between the DNA and protein in these complexes.  相似文献   

Yang  Jing  Li  Jiazhi  Wang  Jiuyu  Sheng  Gang  Wang  Min  Zhao  Hongtu  Yang  Yanhua  Wang  Yanli 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2020,63(4):516-528
Cas1 is a key component of the CRISPR adaptation complex, which captures and integrates foreign DNA into the CRISPR array,resulting in the generation of new spacers. We have determined crystal structures of Thermus thermophilus Cas1 involved in new spacer acquisition both in complex with branched DNA and in the free state. Cas1 forms an asymmetric dimer without DNA.Conversely, two asymmetrical dimers bound to two branched DNAs result in the formation of a DNA-mediated tetramer, dimer of structurally asymmetrical dimers, in which the two subunits markedly present different conformations. In the DNA binding complex, the N-terminal domain adopts different orientations with respect to the C-terminal domain in the two monomers that form the dimer. Substrate binding triggers a conformational change in the loop 164–177 segment. This loop is also involved in the 3′ fork arm and 5′ fork arm strand recognition in monomer A and B, respectively. This study provides important insights into the molecular mechanism of new spacer adaptation.  相似文献   

Krahn JM  Jackson MR  DeRose EF  Howell EE  London RE 《Biochemistry》2007,46(51):14878-14888
Type II dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a plasmid-encoded enzyme that confers resistance to bacterial DHFR-targeted antifolate drugs. It forms a symmetric homotetramer with a central pore which functions as the active site. Its unusual structure, which results in a promiscuous binding surface that accommodates either the dihydrofolate (DHF) substrate or the NADPH cofactor, has constituted a significant limitation to efforts to understand its substrate specificity and reaction mechanism. We describe here the first structure of a ternary R67 DHFR.DHF.NADP+ catalytic complex, resolved to 1.26 A. This structure provides the first clear picture of how this enzyme, which lacks the active site carboxyl residue that is ubiquitous in Type I DHFRs, is able to function. In the catalytic complex, the polar backbone atoms of two symmetry-related I68 residues provide recognition motifs that interact with the carboxamide on the nicotinamide ring, and the N3-O4 amide function on the pteridine ring. This set of interactions orients the aromatic rings of substrate and cofactor in a relative endo geometry in which the reactive centers are held in close proximity. Additionally, a central, hydrogen-bonded network consisting of two pairs of Y69-Q67-Q67'-Y69' residues provides an unusually tight interface, which appears to serve as a "molecular clamp" holding the substrates in place in an orientation conducive to hydride transfer. In addition to providing the first clear insight regarding how this extremely unusual enzyme is able to function, the structure of the ternary complex provides general insights into how a mutationally challenged enzyme, i.e., an enzyme whose evolution is restricted to four-residues-at-a-time active site mutations, overcomes this fundamental limitation.  相似文献   

The canonical Wnt pathway plays critical roles in embryonic development, stem cell growth, and tumorigenesis. Stimulation of the Wnt pathway leads to the association of beta-catenin with Tcf and BCL9 in the nucleus, resulting in the transactivation of Wnt target genes. We have determined the crystal structure of a beta-catenin/BCL9/Tcf-4 triple complex at 2.6 A resolution. Our studies reveal that the beta-catenin binding site of BCL9 is distinct from that of most other beta-catenin partners and forms a good target for developing drugs that block canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. The BCL9 beta-catenin binding domain (CBD) forms an alpha helix that binds to the first armadillo repeat of beta-catenin, which can be mutated to prevent beta-catenin binding to BCL9 without affecting cadherin or alpha-catenin binding. We also demonstrate that beta-catenin Y142 phosphorylation, which has been proposed to regulate BCL9-2 binding, does not directly affect the interaction of beta-catenin with either BCL9 or BCL9-2.  相似文献   

We present here for the first time the crystal structure of an AT-hook domain. We show the structure of an AT-hook of the ubiquitous nuclear protein HMGA1, combined with the oligonucleotide d(CGAATTAATTCG)(2), which has two potential AATT interacting groups. Interaction with only one of them is found. The structure presents analogies and significant differences with previous NMR studies: the AT-hook forms hydrogen bonds between main-chain NH groups and thymines in the minor groove, DNA is bent and the minor groove is widened.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of phosphodiesterase 4D and inhibitor complex(1)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lee ME  Markowitz J  Lee JO  Lee H 《FEBS letters》2002,530(1-3):53-58
Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) regulate physiological processes by degrading intracellular second messengers, adenosine-3′,5′-cyclic phosphate or guanosine-3′,5′-cyclic phosphate. The first crystal structure of PDE4D catalytic domain and a bound inhibitor, zardaverine, was determined. Zardaverine binds to a highly conserved pocket that includes the catalytic metal binding site. Zardaverine fills only a portion of the active site pocket. More selective PDE4 inhibitors including rolipram, cilomilast and roflumilast have additional functional groups that can utilize the remaining empty space for increased binding energy and selectivity. In the crystal structure, the catalytic domain of PDE4D possesses an extensive dimerization interface containing residues that are highly conserved in PDE1, 3, 4, 8 and 9. Mutations of R358D or D322R among these interface residues prohibit dimerization of the PDE4D catalytic domain in solution.  相似文献   

A complex of two proteins, Xrcc4 and DNA ligase IV, plays a fundamental role in DNA non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), a cellular function required for double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination. Here we report the crystal structure of human Xrcc4 bound to a polypeptide that corresponds to the DNA ligase IV sequence linking its two BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) domains. In the complex, a single ligase chain binds asymmetrically to an Xrcc4 dimer. The helical tails of Xrcc4 undergo a substantial conformational change relative to the uncomplexed protein, forming a coiled coil that unwinds upon ligase binding, leading to a flat interaction surface. A buried network of charged hydrogen bonds surrounded by extensive hydrophobic contacts explains the observed tightness of the interaction. The strong conservation of residues at the interface between the two proteins provides evidence that the observed mode of interaction has been maintained in NHEJ throughout evolution.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a ternary complex of the alcohol dehydrogenase from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (SsADH) has been determined at 2.3 A. The asymmetric unit contains a dimer with a NADH and a 2-ethoxyethanol molecule bound to each subunit. The comparison with the apo structure of the enzyme reveals that this medium chain ADH undergoes a substantial conformational change in the apo-holo transition, accompanied by loop movements at the domain interface. The extent of domain closure is similar to that observed for the classical horse liver ADH, although some differences are found which can be related to the different oligomeric states of the enzymes. Compared to its apo form, the SsADH ternary complex shows a change in the ligation state of the active site zinc ion which is no longer bound to Glu69, providing additional evidence of the dynamic role played by the conserved glutamate residue in ADHs. In addition, the structure presented here allows the identification of the substrate site and hence of the residues that are important in the binding of both the substrate and the coenzyme.  相似文献   

'Superantigens' (SAgs) trigger the massive activation of T cells by simultaneous interactions with MHC and TCR receptors, leading to human diseases. Here we present the first crystal structure, at 2.5-A resolution, of a complete ternary complex between a SAg and its two receptors, HLA-DR1/HA and TCR. The most striking finding is that the SAg Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen, unlike others, has direct contacts not only with TCR Vbeta but with TCR Valpha.  相似文献   

The bacterial mismatch-specific uracil-DNA glycosylase (MUG) and eukaryotic thymine-DNA glycosylase (TDG) enzymes form a homologous family of DNA glycosylases that initiate base-excision repair of G:U/T mismatches. Despite low sequence homology, the MUG/TDG enzymes are structurally related to the uracil-DNA glycosylase enzymes, but have a very different mechanism for substrate recognition. We have now determined the crystal structure of the Escherichia coli MUG enzyme complexed with an oligonucleotide containing a non-hydrolysable deoxyuridine analogue mismatched with guanine, providing the first structure of an intact substrate-nucleotide productively bound to a hydrolytic DNA glycosylase. The structure of this complex explains the preference for G:U over G:T mispairs, and reveals an essentially non-specific pyrimidine-binding pocket that allows MUG/TDG enzymes to excise the alkylated base, 3, N(4)-ethenocytosine. Together with structures for the free enzyme and for an abasic-DNA product complex, the MUG-substrate analogue complex reveals the conformational changes accompanying the catalytic cycle of substrate binding, base excision and product release.  相似文献   

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