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菌物分类学家通常根据形态学、解剖学和显微观察特征的分析把鸡油菌类真菌(cantharelloidfungi)置于非褶菌目Aphyllophorales中或在非褶菌目和其他真正的伞菌之间,但由于缺乏足够的科学证据,有关其进化历史及其在担子菌中的系统发育位置等方面的关系等的各种假设,一直都存在着激烈的争论。本文从分子系统学角度出发,对鸡油菌Cantharelluscibarius的255rDNA部分序列进行了测定,并与另外10目的13个担子菌代表种和一个接合菌代表种的255rDNA序列进行比较分析,以接合菌总状毛霉Mucorracemosus为外类群构建出这些担子菌的系统树图,探讨鸡油菌与其他担子菌的关系及其系统学上的意义。从所构建的100多个进化树图来看,鸡油菌几乎总是在树图中最远的分枝的末端,与同担子菌中的各类肉质的伞菌目Agaricales和牛肝菌目Boletales的类群(乳菇属Lactarius、褶孔菌属Phylloporus、鹅膏属Amanita和口蘑属Tricholoma)最接近,其次是同担子菌中的非褶菌目的类群(侧耳属Pleurotus和灵芝属Ganoderma),然后才是木耳Auricularia等有隔担子菌的类群。用于比较的鸡油菌DNA片段长度最长,有258个碱基,而其他类群则只有214至此241个碱基。本文认为鸡油菌与其他各肉质的伞菌类群的关系相对较密切,但它应该有其相?  相似文献   

<正>蜜环菌属Armillaria(Fr.:Fr.)Staude是担子菌亚门中一个经济价值很高的属。它是寄主范围广,致病能力强,世界性分布的重要病原菌(秦国夫等  相似文献   

吉林省担子菌补记(八)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
图力古尔 《菌物研究》2007,5(2):72-74,92
报道了6个吉林省新记录担子菌,即辅毛鬼伞[Coprinus radians(Desm.:Fr.)Fr.]、金黄拟蜡伞[Hy-grophoropsis aurantiaca(Wulf.:Fr.)Maire]、黄柄小菇[Mycena epipterygia(Scop.:Fr.)S.F.Gray]、黏柄小菇[Mycenarorida(Scop.:Fr.)Qu啨l.]、长齿白齿耳菌[Mycoleptodonoides aitchisonii(Berk.)Mass.]和大刷革[Xylobo-lus princeps(Jungh.)Boidin]。其中,黏柄小菇同时为中国新记录种,其他5种首次在我国东北地区发现,拟蜡伞属和白齿耳菌属为吉林省新记录属。标本保存于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

中国多孔菌名录   总被引:48,自引:29,他引:19  
戴玉成 《菌物学报》2009,28(3):315-327
本文中的多孔菌系指广义非褶菌目中具有孔状子实层体的种类,按照现代分类系统包括担子菌门中多孔菌目、锈革孔菌目、褐褶菌目、糙孢孔目、革菌目、糙孢革菌目和红菇目中孔状子实体的种类,还有伞菌目、阿太菌目、鸡油菌目和木耳目中个别属,如网孔菌属、胶孔菌属、榆孔菌属、牛排菌属和纵隔孔菌属等的种类。基于作者采集的1万余号标本和国内主要标本馆标本的研究,对中国多孔菌的种类进行了系统总结,目前有604种多孔菌发现于中国,多孔菌数量位居世界第一。对中国多孔菌的名称按新近研究成果和最新命名法规(维也纳法规)进行了订正。对121种新拟了汉语学名。  相似文献   

为调查不同动物粪便中真菌的多样性及不同真菌对动物粪便的偏好性,在云南昆明动物园采集了大额牛、羚牛、梅花鹿、角马、黇鹿、斑马、麋鹿、亚洲野驴、长颈鹿、野牦牛10种动物的粪便共100份。此次调查共鉴定出真菌57种,包括子囊菌31种,担子菌7种,接合菌13种,分类地位未定种类6种。其中,最常见的属为柄孢壳菌属Podospora Ces.,其次是鬼伞属Coprinus Pers及毛霉属Mucor P.Micheli ex Fr。最常见的种类为Mucor sp1,其次是Saccobolus saccoboloides Brumm和Doratomyces stemonitis(Pers.)F.J.Morton&G.Sm.。在报道的57种真菌中,有9种为中国新记录种,即Ascobolus aglaosporus Heimerl,A.behnitziensis Kirschst.,Ascodesmis sphaerospora Obrist,Coprinus hetemerus Lange&Smith,C.radiatus(Bolt.Ex Fr.)S.F.Gray,Podospora comata Milovtz.,Saccobolus dilutellus(Fuckel)Sacc.,S.saccoboloides Brumm.,Spornormiella minima(Auersw.)Ahmed&Cain.。分别研究了这10种动物粪便的真菌物种丰度及多样性,结果显示,反刍类动物粪便的真菌多样性高于非反刍类动物粪便真菌多样性。  相似文献   

吉林省担子菌补记(六)   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
报道了6个吉林省新记录担子菌,即青绿湿伞[Hygrocybepsittacina(Schaeff.:Fr.)W櫣nsche],梭柄金钱菌[Collybiafusipes (Bull.:Fr.)Qu啨l.],黄褐盔孢菌[Galerinahelvoliceps(Berk .etCurt.)Sing .],内鬼笔(EndophallusyunnanensisZangetPetersen) ,粉托鬼笔[Phallushadriani(Vent.)Pers.]和蓖齿地星(GeastrumpectinatumPers .)。其中,内鬼笔属为吉林省新记录属,青绿湿伞、梭柄金钱菌、内鬼笔和篦齿地星为首次在我国东北地区发现。标本存放在吉林农业大学标本馆(HMJAU)内。  相似文献   

<正>橘黄裸伞Gymnopilus spectabilis(Fr.)Singer,是神经致幻型毒菌的一种,别名"红环锈伞"、"大笑菌",隶属于担子菌门Basidiomycota,伞菌目Agaricales,丝膜菌科Cortinariaceae,裸伞属  相似文献   

报道齿裂菌属的2个新种:生于青冈Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst.及绵石栎 Lithocarpushenryi (Seem.)Rehd. etWils.上的黄山齿裂菌Coccomyces huangshanensis Y.R. Lin & Z. Z. Li sp. nov.和生于青冈上的大齿裂菌 C. magnus Y. R. Lin & Z. Z. Li sp. nov.;2个中国新记录种:小齿裂菌 C. leptideus (Fr. : Fr.) Erikss. 和显缘齿裂菌 C. limitatus (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc.。对新种作了拉丁文及汉文描述和图解。模式标本存于安徽农业大学森林保护教研室 (AAUFP)。  相似文献   

报道齿裂菌属的2个新种生于青冈Cyclobalanopsisglauca(Thunb.)Oerst.及绵石栎Lithocarpushenryi(Seem.)Rehd.etWils.上的黄山齿裂菌CoccomyceshuangshanensisY.R.Lin&Z.Z.Lisp.nov.和生于青冈上的大齿裂菌C.magnusY.R.Lin&Z.Z.Lisp.nov.;2个中国新记录种小齿裂菌C.leptideus(Fr.Fr.)Erikss.和显缘齿裂菌C.limitatus(Berk.&Curt.)Sacc.。对新种作了拉丁文及汉文描述和图解。模式标本存于安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。  相似文献   

培菌白蚁起源于非洲,蚁巢内具有复杂的社会分工.培菌白蚁依靠独特的蚁巢结构维持内部稳态和气体循环.菌圃是白蚁培育鸡枞菌的场所.鸡枞菌隶属于担子菌亚门,但其传播方式和生活史具有区别于其它担子菌的特点.鸡枞菌协助白蚁进行植物纤维的消化,白蚁则为鸡枞菌提供合适的生长环境,并控制鸡枞菌的遗传结构.培菌白蚁和鸡枞菌形成紧密的共生关...  相似文献   

Fulgensia Massal. & De Not. is a widespread genus with considerable morphological and ecological heterogeneity across species. For this reason, the taxonomic delimitation of this genus has been controversial. Relationships among species of Fulgensia, Caloplaca Th. Fr., and Xanthoria (Fr.) Th. Fr. (Lecanorales) were investigated based on a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of 62 DNA sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region using maximum parsimony (MP) and likelihood (ML). Ambiguously aligned (INAASE coded characters) and unambiguous regions were analyzed separately and combined when using MP as the optimization criterion. All our analyses confirm the polyphyly of this genus as three distinct lineages: Fulgensia sensu stricto, F. australis, and F. schistidii. We report here that Caloplaca, Fulgensia, and Xanthoria together form two main sister lineages. One lineage includes Fulgensia schistidii (part of the C. saxicola group), Xanthoria, and most of the lobed Caloplaca species belonging to the Gasparrinia group. A second main lineage comprises the remaining Caloplaca species, Fulgensia sensu stricto, and F. australis. Therefore, the traditional generic level classification schemes for the family Teloschistaceae appear to be highly artificial. All three genera were found to be nonmonophyletic. We demonstrate here that the ITS is appropriate to resolve relationships across the Teloschistaceae. However, a combination of an MP analysis, in which ambiguously aligned regions are accommodated using INAASE, with an ML analysis, in which phylogenetic confidence is estimated using a Bayesian approach, is needed.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the fungal pathogens on Chenopodium album L., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Delphinium consolida L., Portulaca oleracea L., Rumex crispus L., Solanum nigrum L., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. and Xanthium strumarium L. which were common weed species of agricultural areas. Surveys were conducted in May-June and August-September in 2004-2005 growing seasons. During the surveys density and frequency of the above mentioned weed species were also determined and number of infected plants was counted in each sampling area. Infected weed samples were collected from each sampling point and brought to the laboratory in polyethylene bags and the pathogens were identified at genus or species level. As a result of two year surveys, ten fungal pathogens were determined on eight weed species. The most important fungal pathogens determined on common weed species were as follow; Peronospora farinosa (Fr.) Fr. on C. album, and Septoria convolvuli DC., Erysiphe convolvuli DC., and Puccinia punctiformis (Strauss) Roehrl. on C. arvensis. These fungal diseases were observed mainly on the weeds located at the borders of fields. Infection rates of these pathogens reached up to 21.2% in some of the survey areas. Further studies should be conducted to evaluate the efficacy of these pathogen under in vitro and in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

该文采用形态解剖、化学及生态等传统分类方法,以及显色反应(CT)、薄层层析(TLC)等生物化学方法,对新疆天山南麓巴音布鲁克山区和天山中部米泉哈熊沟泡鳞衣属地衣进行了分类学研究,并鉴定采样区泡鳞衣属的地衣种类。结果表明:共鉴定出似皮革泡鳞衣Toninia alutacea(Anzi)Jatta、兰黑泡鳞衣T.caeruleonigricans(Lightf.)Th.Fr.、白泡鳞衣T.candida(Weber)Th.Fr.、泡状泡鳞衣T.physaroides(Opiz)Zahlbr.、暗色泡鳞衣中亚亚种T.tristis subsp.asiae-centralis(H.Magn.)Timdal等5个种,其中2个为中国新记录种:似皮革泡鳞衣T.alutacea和泡状泡鳞衣T.physaroides;同时描述了5个种的形态解剖特征、化学特征及其生境,并提供了相关彩色图片和新疆泡鳞衣属地衣检索表。研究结果可为新疆地衣的研究提供实验数据,为中国泡鳞衣属研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对新疆喀纳斯自然保护区和巴音布鲁克草原的地衣进行了分类学研究,发现一个中国新记录属(木刻衣属Xylographa(Fr.)Fr.)及属下新记录种(平行木刻衣Xylographa parallela(Ach.)Fr.),详细描述了该新记录地衣种的形态解剖、化学特征和生境,并提供了相关彩色图片。  相似文献   

对肉座菌属的系统分类史进行了回顾,并对3个菌生种进行了报道;其中硫磺肉座菌(新拟)Hypocrea sulphurea(Schwein.)Sacc.为中国新记录种,拟层孔肉座菌H.fomitopsisP.G.Liuet  相似文献   

As part of a revision of the genus Crambe based on the morphological study of herbaria and cultivated material, the systematics of sect. Leptocrombe DC. is presented here. Section Leptocrambe is considered to comprise five species: C. kilimandscharica O. E. Schulz, C. sinuatodentata Hochst. ex Petri, C. hispanica L., C. filiformis Jacq. and C. kralikii Coss. C. hispanica includes three subspecies, subsp. hispanica , subsp. glabrata (DC.) Cout. and subsp. abyssnica (Hochst. ex R. E. Fr.) stat. nov. which includes var. dyssinica and var. meyeri (O. E. Schulz) comb. nov. C. kralikii includes two subspecies, subsp. kralikii and subsp. garamas (Maire) Podlech.  相似文献   

中国的球盖菇科(一)鳞伞属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中科院微生物研究所真菌与地衣开放实验室标本馆(HMAS)、昆明植物研究所隐花植物标本馆(HKAS)、广东微生物研究所标本馆(HMIGD)和吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)的443份标本的宏观形态和微观结构的观察,报道了中国鳞伞属真菌31种和2变种,其中包括1新变种,即白小圈齿鳞伞凸顶变种[Pholiota albocrenulata(Pk.)Sacc.var.conicaTolgor];1中国新记录种,即黄褶鳞伞[Pholiota luteofolia(Pk.)Sacc.]和10省级新记录种,即多脂鳞伞[Pholiota adiposa(Fr.)Kumm.](广东)、白小圈齿鳞伞[Pholiota albocrenulata(Pk.)Sacc.](黑龙江)、少鳞黄鳞伞[Pholiota alnicola(Fr.)Sing.](黑龙江)、黄褐鳞伞[Pholiota fulvella(Pk.)Smithet Hesl.](内蒙古)、地生鳞伞[Pholiota highlandensis(Pk.)Smith et Hesl.](云南)、黏皮鳞伞[Pholiota lubrica(Fr.)Sing.](四川)、毛腿鳞伞[Pholiota mutabilis(Fr.)Kumm.](四川)、多脂翘鳞伞(Pholiota squarroso-adiposaLange)(黑龙江)、亚苦鳞伞[Pholiota subamaraSmith et Hesl.)(广东)、地毛柄鳞伞[Pholiota terrigena(Fr.)Karst.](内蒙古)。对每个种进行了详尽的形态学描述并提供显微线条图,编写了中国鳞伞属分亚属和分种检索表。将库恩菇属(KuehneromycesSing.et Smith)和火菇属[Flammula(Fr.)Kumm.]并入鳞伞属中。将Gymnopilus luteofolius(Pk.)Sing.和刺毛暗皮伞[Phaeomarasmius erinaceellus(Pk.)Sing.]放入鳞伞属中进行讨论;认为应将金毛鳞伞[Pholiotaaurivella(Fr.)Kumm.]、多脂翘鳞伞和地毛柄鳞伞作为独立的种处理;将Pholiota malicola(Kauff.)Smith作为Pholiota alnicola(Fr.)Sing.的同物异名;将皱盖鳞伞[Pholiota rugosa(Pk.)sing.]划入微鳞伞属(PholiotinaFayod)属中。并讨论了鳞伞属与相关的属之间形态学差异,列出了存疑种的名录。  相似文献   

The typification of the genus Omphalina Quél, is discussed. There is conclusive evidence to prove that the type should be Omphalina umbellifera (L. ex Fr.) Quél. = O. ericetorum (Fr. ex Fr.) M. Lange and not a species now referred to as O. pseudoandrosacea (Bull, ex St.–Amans) Mos. = O. grisella (Weinm.) Mos. A neotype for O. ericetorum is selected. The recent classifications of Omphalina and related genera are not convincing, and a rearrangement of Gerronema, Phaeotellus, Ric–kenella , and Haasiella inside genus Omphalina is proposed. A series of corresponding new combinations are made or validated.  相似文献   

Several isolates, belonging to two new species of the same novel genus of gamma-proteobacteria, were recovered from drilled well (borehole) and spa water at S?o Gemil in central Portugal. These organisms are phylogenetically most closely related to the strictly intracellular uncultured species of the genus Rickettsiella, which cause disease in arthropods, and to the facultatively intracellular species of the genus Legionella, some of which cause Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever. The S?o Gemil strains grew only on media containing charcoal, as is also true of the species of the genus LEGIONELLA: Unlike the vast majority of Legionella isolates, the new isolates did not require L-cysteine or ferric pyrophosphate for growth but like the legionellae had an absolute requirement for alpha-ketoglutarate. Strains SGT-39(T) and SGT-56 grew consistently between 30 and 43 degrees C, while strains SGT-108(T) and SGT-109 grew between 30 and 40 degrees C. The pH ranges for growth of these organisms were surprisingly narrow: strains SGT-39(T) and SGT-56 grew between pH 6.3 and 7.3, while strains SGT-108(T) and SGT-109 grew between pH 6.3 and 7.0. Both organisms proliferated in the amoeba Hartmannella vermiformis but did not grow in U937 human cells. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and physiological, biochemical, and chemical analysis we describe two new species of one novel genus; one species is represented by strain SGT-39(T), for which we propose the name Aquicella lusitana, while strain SGT-108(T) represents a second species of the same genus, for which we propose the name Aquicella siphonis.  相似文献   

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