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Parathyroid hormone (PTH) significantly affects osteoblast function by altering gene expression. We have identified neuron-derived orphan receptor-1 (NOR-1) as a PTH-induced primary gene in osteoblastic cells. NOR-1, Nurr1, and Nur77 comprise the NGFI-B nuclear orphan receptor family and Nurr1 and Nur77 are PTH-induced primary osteoblastic genes. Ten nM PTH maximally induced NOR-1 mRNA at 2h in primary mouse osteoblasts and at 1h in mouse calvariae. Cycloheximide pretreatment did not inhibit PTH-induced NOR-1 mRNA. PTH activates cAMP-protein kinase A (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC), and calcium signaling. Forskolin (PKA activator) and PMA (PKC activator) mimicked PTH-induced NOR-1 mRNA. Ionomycin (calcium ionophore) and PTH(3-34), which do not activate PKA, failed to induce NOR-1 mRNA. PKA inhibition with H89 blocked PTH- and FSK-induced NOR-1 mRNA. PMA pretreatment to deplete PKC inhibited PMA-induced, but not PTH-induced, NOR-1 mRNA. We conclude that NOR-1 is a PTH-regulated primary osteoblastic gene that is induced mainly through cAMP-PKA signaling.  相似文献   

Small heterodimer partner (SHP; NR0B2) is an orphan nuclear receptor and acts as a repressor for wide variety of nuclear hormone receptors. We demonstrated here that mouse SHP mRNA showed a circadian expression pattern in the liver. Transient transfection of the mSHP promoter demonstrated that CLOCK-BMAL1, core circadian clock components, bound to E-box (CACGTG), and stimulated the promoter activity by 4-fold. Liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1; NR5A2) stimulated the mSHP promoter, and CLOCK-BMAL1 synergistically enhanced the LRH-1-mediated transactivation. Interestingly, SHP did not affect the CLOCK-BMAL1-mediated promoter activity, but strongly repressed the synergistic activation of CLOCK-BMAL1 and LRH-1. Furthermore, in vitro pull-down assays revealed the existence of direct protein-protein interaction between LRH-1 and CLOCK. In summary, this study shows that CLOCK-BMAL1, LRH-1 and SHP coordinately regulate the mSHP gene to generate the circadian oscillation. The cyclic expression of mSHP may affect daily activity of other nuclear receptors and contribute to circadian liver functions.  相似文献   

Gastrulation is a process involving cellular commitment and movements whereby the three fundamental germ layers are established in vertebrates embryos. Estrogen Receptor-Related (ERR) alpha is a nuclear receptor displaying high sequence identity to the Estrogen Receptors (ERs). However, ERRalpha is unable to bind and to be regulated by estrogens or any natural ligand to date. Whereas recent studies have suggested roles for ERRalpha in bone and adipose tissue metabolism in the mouse, little is known about its roles during embryonic development. In zebrafish embryos, ERRalpha is expressed from the beginning of gastrulation at the margin of the blastoderm that represents the presumptive mesendoderm. Using loss of function (morpholinos or a dominant-negative version of the protein) and gain of function (mRNA injection) strategies, we show here that ERRalpha is involved in epiboly and convergent-extension (CE) processes in the zebrafish. Altogether, these results propose ERRalpha as a new regulator of morphogenetic movement during gastrulation, independently of cell fate determination.  相似文献   

Sexual hormones, estrogens and androgens, determine biological response in a tissue- and gender-specific manner and have a pivotal role in endocrine-mediated tumorigenesis. In situ estrogen production by aromatase is a critical determinant for breast cancer growth and progression. On the contrary, clinical and in vitro studies indicate that androgens have a protective role in mammary carcinogenesis. Here, we demonstrated, in hormone-dependent breast cancer cells, the existence of a functional interplay between the androgen receptor (AR), the orphan nuclear receptor DAX-1 and the aromatase enzyme involved in the inhibition of the estrogen-dependent breast cancer cell proliferation exerted by androgen signaling. Indeed, our results revealed, in MCF-7 cells, that ligand-activated AR induces the expression of the orphan nuclear receptor DAX-1 by direct binding to a newly identified androgen-response-element within the DAX-1 proximal promoter. In turn, androgen-induced DAX-1 is recruited, in association with the corepressor N-CoR, within the SF-1/LRH-1 containing region of the aromatase promoter, thereby repressing aromatase expression and activity. In elucidating a novel mechanism by which androgens, through DAX-1, inhibit aromatase expression in breast cancer cell lines, these findings reinforce the theory of androgen- opposing estrogen-action, opening new avenues for therapeutic intervention in estrogen-dependent breast tumors.  相似文献   

Based on protein sequence homology searches, we found a conserved open reading frame within the genome of several human pathogenic bacteria showing a resemblance to the mammalian TIR domain. We cloned, expressed, and characterized the corresponding gene product from Paracoccus denitrificans using several biophysical techniques. The protein consists of two independently folded domains. As predicted from the amino acid sequence and experimentally confirmed here, the N-terminal domain consists of a alpha-helical coiled-coil. The NMR data indicates that the C-terminal TIR-like domain folds into a compact protein. Finally, using GST pull-down experiments, we show that the bacteria TIR-like domain binds to the mammalian receptor (TLR4) and adaptor (MyD88) TIR domains. We postulate that prokaryotic pathogens utilize the TIR-like proteins to interfere with the innate immune response of the mammalian host so that the bacterial infection can progress undetected.  相似文献   

The activated androgen receptor (AR) promotes prostate cancer (PCa) growth. AR antagonists repress the AR by recruitment of corepressors. Not much is known about the inactivation of AR by corepressors in the presence of agonists (androgens). Here we show that the corepressor LCoR acts as an androgen-dependent corepressor that represses human PCa growth in vivo. In line with this, progressive decrease of ligand-dependent corepressor expression was observed in the PCa TRAMP mouse model with increasing age. LCoR interacts with AR and is recruited to chromatin in an androgen-induced manner. Unexpectedly, the LXXLL motif of LCoR is dispensable for interaction with the AR. Rather, the data indicate that LCoR interacts with the AR DNA binding domain on DNA. Interestingly, the interaction of LCoR with AR is inhibited by signaling pathways that are associated with androgen-independent PCa. Here we also show that the Src kinase inactivates the corepressive function of LCoR. Interfering with endogenous Src function by a dominant negative Src mutant, the growth inhibitory activity of LCoR is enhanced in vivo in a xenograft mouse model system. Thus, our studies indicate a role of LCoR as an AR corepressor and a tumor suppressor. Further, the decreased expression or inactivation of LCoR is as an important step toward PCa carcinogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Stimulation of C3H10T1/2 cells by an adipogenic hormonal mixture (IDM) consisting of insulin (I), dexamethasone (D), and methylisobutylxanthine (M) substantially induces cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1B1 expression. This stimulation represents up to 40% of the level produced by maximum activation of the arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR) with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Dexamethasone and methylisobutylxanthine in combination produced near maximum elevation of CYP1B1 along with a subsequent decline in AhR that paralleled the rise in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorgamma1 (PPARgamma1). Inhibitors of AhR activity, which block TCDD induction, did not affect this increase of CYP1B1 expression, which was, therefore, independent of AhR activity. These responses were unaffected by inhibition of DNA synthesis, which was required for PPARgamma1 induction and terminal differentiation. Induction of CYP1B1 mRNA was paralleled by increased CYP1B1 promoter-luciferase reporter activity. The initial 0.8kb of promoter region, which was sufficient for 24h near maximum stimulation, did not contain either the key AhR-responsive elements that mediate the TCDD response or CREB and SF1 elements that mediate cAMP stimulation of rat CYP1B1 in steroidogenic cells. This reporter response to IDM stimulation, but not to TCDD, was maintained in AhR-null fibroblasts. CYP1B1 expression, unlike TCDD induction, was stimulated by IDM in only about half the cells. CYP1B1 expression partially overlapped with PPARgamma expression, which was also inversely related in clonal sub-lines. CYP1B1 expression may, therefore, represent an early stage of differentiation that requires factors associated with DNA synthesis to subsequently generate PPARgamma1.  相似文献   

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