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记述采自云南省普洱地区卵翅蝗属1新种,即圆板卵翅蝗Caryanda cyclata sp.nov.,新种近似于方板卵翅蝗Caryanda quadrata Bi et Xia,1984,主要区别为:1)雄性肛上板盾形,后缘圆弧形;2)雌性下生殖板后缘具3齿;3)雌性前翅超过第1腹节背板后缘;4)雄性尾片及肛上板两侧缘非黑色;5)雄性尾须黑色;6)前翅黑色;7)后足股节端半部橙红色;8)后足胫节青兰色.模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

记述采自滇西南地区德宏的卵翅蝗属Caryanda 1新种:德宏卵翅蝗Caryanda dehongensis, sp. nov., 模式标本保存于大理学院生命科学与化学系。 德宏卵翅蝗Caryanda dehongensis,新种(图1~4) 本新种近似于方板卵翅蝗Caryanda quadrata Bi et Xia 和大尾片卵翅蝗C. macrofurcula Mao et Ou,但以以下特征区别于后二种:1)体较大,♂19.5~20.0 mm,♀22.5~25.5 mm;2)前胸背板沟前区长为沟后区长的2.4(♂)或2.8(♀)倍;3)雄性次末节背板后缘具三角形小尾片;4)雄性肛上板长盾形,后缘中央三角形突出;5)雌性下生殖板后缘接近平直。 正模:♂,云南德宏(24.7°N,98.2°E),2002-Ⅷ-20,李燕珍采;副模:2♂♂4♀♀,云南德宏(24.7°N,98.2°E),2002-Ⅹ-01,李燕珍、徐吉山、杨国辉采。  相似文献   

记述采自云南省的卵翅蝗属Caryanda 2新种:抱须卵翅蝗Caryanda amplexicerca sp.nov.和犁须卵翅蝗Caryanda cultricerca sp.nov..模式标本保存于西南林学院.抱须卵翅蝗,新种Caryanda amplexicerca sp.nov.(图1~4,9~12)新种近似方板卵翅蝗Caryanda quadrata Bi et Xia,1984.区别是:1)前翅明显超过第1腹节背板后缘;2)后足股节橙红色,胫节蓝绿色;3)雄性尾须片状,侧扁,顶端明显向内向下弯曲,呈抱握状;4)雌性下生殖板后缘中央圆弧形突出.词源:新种命名根据雄性具有抱握状的尾须.正模(♂),云南省个旧卡房(23°22'N,103°09'E),2100m,2006-09-03,柳青采集;副模20(♂)(♂),18♀♀,同正模.犁须卵翅蝗,新种Caryanda cultricerca sp.nov.(图5~8,13~16)新种近似三齿卵翅蝗Caryanda triodonta Fu et Zheng,1994.区别是:1)前翅长雄性2.5~3.6 mm,雌性3.0~3.8 mm;2)雄性尾须犁状;3)雌性下生殖板后缘具三突,中突钝角形,两侧突顶圆,翘起.词源:新种命名根据雄性具有犁状的尾须.正模(♂),云南省临沧永德(23°53'N,100°05'E),2060m,2006-08-17,柳青采集;副模17(♂)(♂),8♀♀,同正模.  相似文献   

记述卵翅蝗属Caryanda St(a)tl,1878 2新种,印氏卵翅蝗Caryanda yini Mao et Ren,sp.nov.和尾齿卵翅蝗Caryanda dentata Mao et Ou,sp.nov.;为便于比较补充记述了上述2种的近似种德宏卵翅蝗Caryanda dehongensis Mao,Xu et Yang,2003的雄性外生殖器.模式标本及本文使用的其它标本均保存于大理学院生命科学与化学学院.  相似文献   

记述了采自江苏泗阳县网翅蝗科1新属——苏蝗属Suacris gen.nov.及1新种——Suacris siyangensis sp.nov..该新属近似于牧草蝗属Omocestus I.Bol.,其主要区别特征为:前胸背板侧隆线微微弯曲,最宽处为最窄处的1.6~1.8倍;前翅肘脉域几乎等宽或略宽于中脉域;鼓膜器雄性宽卵形、雌性狭缝状.该新属也近似于拟草地蝗属Stenobothroides Xu et Zheng,其主要区别特征为:侧隆线明显且弯曲;雄性腹部末节无尾片;雄性下生殖板长锥形.新种模式标本保存于中国科学院西北高原生物研究所.1 苏蝗属,新属Suacris gen.nov. 模式种:泗阳苏蝗Suacris siyangensis sp.nov. 正模:1♂;副模:1♀,江苏泗阳,1957-Ⅸ-16,采集者未知. 体小型.头大而短,较短于前胸背板.头侧窝明显,呈长方形.颜面向后倾斜.中单眼较小于侧单眼.触角丝状,基部触角节宽大于长,向端部触角节渐渐变狭.前胸背板中隆线明显,侧隆线在沟前区微微弯曲,其最宽处约为最窄处的1.6~1.8倍;前胸背板后缘中央钝角形.前、后翅发达,超过后股节中部,前翅顶端圆形,无凹陷,前翅肘脉域几乎等宽或略宽于中脉域.中、后胸腹板侧叶全长均明显地分开.后足股节内侧具发音齿,可与前翅纵脉磨擦发音.后足胫节缺外端刺.鼓膜器:雄性宽卵形,雌性宽缝状.  相似文献   

记述了采自江苏泗阳县网翅蝗科1新属-苏蝗属Suacris gen.nov.及1新种-Suacris siyan-gensis sp.nov.。该新属近似于牧草蝗属Omocestus I.Bol.,其主要区别特征为:前胸背板侧隆线微微弯曲,最宽处为最窄处的1.6-1.8倍;前翅肘脉域几乎等宽或略宽于中脉域;鼓膜器雄性宽卵形、雌性狭缝状。该新属也近似于拟草地蝗属Stenobothroides Xu et Zheng,其主要区别特征为:侧隆线明显且弯曲;雄性腹部末节无尾片;雄性下生殖板长锥形。新种模式标本保存于中国科学院西北高原生物研究所。1 苏蝗属,新属Suacris gen.nov.模式种:泗阳苏蝗Suacris siyangensis sp.nov.正模:1♂;副模:1♀,江苏泗阳,1957-Ⅸ-16,采集者未知。体小型。头大而短,较短于前胸背板。头侧窝明显,呈长方形。颜面向后倾斜。中单眼较小于侧单眼。触角丝状,基部触角节宽大于长,向端部触角节渐渐变狭。前胸背板中隆线明显,侧隆线在沟前区微微弯曲,其最宽处约为最窄处的1.6-1.8倍;前胸背板后级中央钝角形。前、后翅发达,超过后股节中部,前翅顶端圆形,无凹陷,前翅肘脉域几乎等宽或略宽于中脉域。中、后胸腹板侧叶全长均明显地分开。后足股节内侧具发音齿,可与前翅纵脉磨擦发音。后足胫节缺外端刺。鼓膜器:雄性宽卵形,雌性宽缝状。  相似文献   

峨眉卵翅蝗雄性首次发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
峨眉卵翅蝗雌性是张光朔1939年发表的,标本采自四川峨眉山,雄性一直未曾发现。作者于1979年8月及1980年9月在四川蛾眉山先后采到4♂,1♀,现对雄性予以描述。此外,雌性发表时对体色未曾描述。今就雌性体色部分亦加以补充。 雄性:体绿黄褐色、具黑色纵条,颜面黄绿色,颊部褐黄色;  相似文献   

记述采自新疆地区网翅蝗科雏蝗属 Chorthippus 短翅亚属1新种,即果子沟雏蝗 Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) guozigouensis sp. nov.。新种近似于姜氏雏蝗Ch. charpini Chang, 1939 与积石山雏蝗 Ch. jishishanensis Zheng et Xie, 2000。与后两者的主要区别为:♂头侧窝长为宽的3.00倍;♂触角短,刚不到达后足股节基部;♂前翅到达第7节腹节背板后缘,其前缘脉域宽为中脉域宽0.67倍,前后肘脉合并,肘脉域消失;♂后翅到达第7节腹节背板中部;尾须顶端到达肛上板长的一半,膝部与后足胫节端部棕色,非黑色。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

记述了采自贵州的舟形蝗属l新种,模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.贵州舟形蝗,新种Lemba guizhouensis sp.nov.(图l~4)新种同叉尾舟形蝗Lemba bituberculata Yin et Liu,1987近似,区别特征为:前胸腹板突扁锥形,不向后弯曲;前胸背板沟前区长为沟后区长的1.7倍;前翅较短,仅达腹部第2节中部;肛上板长大于宽;下生殖板较短,其超出肛上板部分的长度短于肛上板;尾片褐色.新种也同云南舟形蝗Lemba yunnana Ma et Zheng,1994近似,区别特征为:前胸腹板突扁锥形,不向后弯曲;中胸腹板侧叶中隔长约为最狭处的3倍;尾须长度超过肛上板的后缘;肛上板顶端较尖;下生殖板顶端平.正模♂,贵州绥阳宽阔水(28° 17′N,107° ll′E;海拔800 m),2010-08-11,智永超采.词源:新种种名源自模式标本采集地地名.  相似文献   

记述采自贵州省小翅蝗属1新种,黑条小翅蝗Alulacris nigristriatis sp.nov..新种近似于石林小翅蝗Alulacris shilinensis(Cheng,1977),主要区别为:1)雄性尾须近端部明显收缩变细;2)雄性腹部末节背板具细条状小尾片;3)前翅超过(♂)或到达(♀)第2腹节背板后缘;4)具黑色眼后带;5)前翅中部具宽黑色纵条纹;6)后足胫节黑褐色.新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

Abstract Two new species of the genus Conophyma Zub. were reported from Southern Xinjiang. Conophyma mica sp. nov. is similar to C. zhaosuensis Huang, but differs from it in the following characters:1) rear angles of male supraanal plate obviously protruding, posterior margin of the supraanal plate acute-triangularly projecting medially; 2) hind tibia redish brown. Conophyma ru fitibia sp. nov. is similar to C. alajense Msthsenko, but can be differentiated from it in the characters:1) furcula of the last tergite in male distinctly larger; 2) male cerci longer, obviously extending beyond the posterior median process of the supraanal plate; and 3) female ovipositor without a very distinct tooth on the outer ventral margin of the ventral valves. The new species, C. rufitibia , is also similar to C. almasyi (Kuthy), but different in the following points:1) male supraanal plate nearly quadrate with a blunt tubercle at the middle of lateral margins; 2) male abdomen with 2 light longitudinal bands dorsally.  相似文献   

本文记述采自新疆南部的裸蝗属Conophyma Zub.二新种.新种“友谊裸蝗”Conophyma amica近似于昭苏裸蝗C.zhaosuensis Huang,以下列特征区别于后者:1)雄性肛上板两后角明显突出,后缘中央锐角形突出;2)后足胫节红褐色.新种“红胫裸蝗”C.rufitibia与C.alajense Misth.相似,其区别为:1)新种雄性尾片显著较大;2)雄性尾须较长,明显长过肛上板后缘中央的突起,3)雌性下产卵瓣下外缘缺一明显的大齿.红胫裸蝗亦近似于C.alamasyi(Kuthy),但可以下述特征区别之:1)雄性肛上板近方形,侧缘中部具一钝瘤状突起;2)雄性腹部背面具二条淡色纵带.模式标本均保存在新疆八一农学院植保系.  相似文献   

Gynandromorphism or intersexuality is a rare condition where the individual has male and female features. In this report we described two imagoes of Farrodes xingu Domínguez et al. (1996) from Brazil presenting intersex traits. We considered the arranged sexual characters as antero-posterior and bilateral. One individual has a male head, abdomen full of eggs and the subgenital plate with a malformed outset of penes (antero-posterior), while the other individual has half of the head with a male-like turbinate eye and the other half with a regular female-like one, and with malformed male genitalia (bilateral).  相似文献   

Five true hermaphrodite pigs and two male pseudohermaphrodite pigs were studied. A 38XX sex chromosome constitution was found in peripheral leucocytes of three true hermaphrodites and in one male pseudohermaphrodite; XX/XY mixoploidy was present in the leucocytes of the remaining male pseudohermaphrodite. The occurrence of C19 steroids, including 16-androstenes, in the testicular tissue and submaxillary gland of intersex pigs was of a similar pattern to that found previously in mature boars, and masculinization of the genital tract was related to the amount of testicular tissue present. It is postulated that in the absence of germ cells in the testicular tissue of intersex pigs the Sertoli cells may be involved in the metabolism of dehydroepiandrosterone to 5-androstenediol, a possible testosterone precursor in the pig. The high levels of 16-androstenes found in the submaxillary gland of intersex pigs indicates that these steroids are responsible for 'boar taint' in these animals. In contrast to the boar, no consistent relationship was found between the occurrence of C19 steroids and the degree of masculinization of the submaxillary gland; it is postulated that the predominantly female genetic constitution may have affected the response of the salivary gland to androgen.  相似文献   

Microscopic examination of adults of the apple blossom weevil, Anthonomas pomorum L. reveals distinct differences between sexes in the last two (seventh and eighth) abdominal tergites. The last two abdominal tergites in males are clearly divided by a suture, whereas the division is not visible in females, in which these two tergites form a single triangular plate. In addition, the last (eighth) abdominal tergite of the male is covered with dense setae, and is about one-third of the size of the last abdominal plate of the females. These differences permit sex differentiation of adult apple blossom weevils with complete accuracy.  相似文献   

记述采自四川省西部地区原金蝗属1新种,兰原金蝗Eokingdonella cyanecula sp.nov.模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室及河北大学生命科学学院博物馆.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, abdominal tergite pigmentation and the appearance of a trident‐shaped thoracic pattern exhibit similar biogeographical variation and sensitivity to temperature. These pigmentation traits may be under common selection pressure in natural populations or may be genetically correlated. To investigate the nature of this interaction, replicated populations of D. melanogaster were selected for increased or decreased melanization of the abdominal tergites for 40 generations. Selection for abdominal tergite pigmentation leads to correlated changes in trident formation. Although selection was performed only on female flies, male pigmentation also responded to selection. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 287–294.  相似文献   

长足寄蝇属幼虫主要寄生于土壤中生活的金龟总科昆虫,分布于东洋区、非洲热带区和古北区,其幼虫尾节背部均具2根特征性长鬃,区别于长足寄蝇族其它属而为一单系群.记述了采自我国海南省的长足寄蝇属1新种:海南长足寄蝇Dexia hainanensis sp.nov.,与分布东洋区的异长足寄蝇Dexia divergens Walker近似,但胸部背板黑色内侧纵条较窄,雌、雄腹部第3背板均具完整的1列后缘鬃,肛尾叶较窄.新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

In specific genetic backgrounds, a mutation in the tuh-3 gene results in the homeotic transformation of head structures to either leg disc derivatives or structures normally found in the extreme posterior end of wild-type animals. The origins of the homeotic structures were mapped to defined positions in the eye-antennal imaginal disc by transplanting abnormal regions of discs isolated from tuh-3 mutants into host mwh;e4 larvae. These metamorphosed implants were removed and differentiated structures were identified. Of 211 successfully recovered implants, 157 gave rise to homeotic tissue: abdominal tergite, male or female external genitalia and/or leg tissue. Transformations to abdominal tergite occurred primarily in cells taken from the eye region of the compound disc. Male and female genitalia arose most often in implants taken from the antennal portion of the disc, although some tissue taken from the lateral region of the eye disc also gave rise to external genitalia. Leg structures came exclusively from implants from the antennal region of the imaginal disc. These results suggest that cells from within specific regions of the eye-antennal compound disc are constrained in their developmental potential. An obvious constraint observed with this mutation is a dorsal/ventral one: Cells from the eye disc, a dorsal structure, primarily gave rise to other dorsal structures, abdominal tergite tissue. Cells from the antennal disc, a ventrally derived structure, primarily gave rise to other ventral structures including genital tissue and distal leg.  相似文献   

Characters of 25 abdominal structures were analyzed in the fleas of 96 genera representing over 90% of the world fauna. It was shown that different flea taxa could be described based on 16 universal and 12 specific characters, whose 108 states reflect the entire known diversity of the flea abdominal morphology. Of them, 16 characters with 39 states are formulated based on universal terms. Five universal characters with 13 states describe the proportions of various structures, and also the proportions and shapes of their sclerites; 17 specific characters with 69 states describe the structure of the skeletal elements and the patterns of their junctions. Judging by the number of characters (14) and their states (69), the most evolutionarily flexible structures in fleas are the inner sclerites and anchoring structures of the aedeagus, sternite IX in males, and also the spermatheca and tergite I in females. The character states reflecting the possible phylogenetic closeness of taxa comprise 39%, while 61% of the abdominal character states are homoplasies.  相似文献   

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