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该研究报道了采自山东省泰安市泰山的铁角蕨科铁角蕨属一中国新记录植物——东方铁角蕨(Asplenium×akaishiense Otsuka),并对其形态特征进行了描述。该物种形态介于过山蕨(A. ruprechtii Sa. Kurata)与细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)之间,可能是二者的自然杂交种。  相似文献   

吴兆洪   《广西植物》1989,9(4):289-292
本种形体近似狭鳞巢蕨N.grevillei(Wall.)J.Sm,但根状茎上的鳞片卵状长圆形,叶柄两侧无翅,孢子囊群较短,不达叶片边缘,可资识别。  相似文献   

吴兆洪 《植物研究》1989,9(2):79-95
在编写中国植物志第四卷铁角蕨属的过程中,发现了一些新分类群,现经整理予以报道。本文发表了中国铁角蕨属的分类系统及15新种,1新变种。  相似文献   

报导了海南岛铁角蕨科一新分布种,即骨碎补铁角蕨(Asplenium ritoense Hayata)。在国内的植物志采用的学名是一不合法名称,即Asplenium davallioides Hook.。应给予纠正。  相似文献   

中国铁角蕨科资料(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴兆洪   《广西植物》1989,(4):289-292
<正> 本种形体近似狭鳞巢蕨N.grevillei(Wall.)J.Sm,但根状茎上的鳞片卵状长圆形,叶柄两侧无翅,孢子囊群较短,不达叶片边缘,可资识别。  相似文献   

卫矛科沟瓣属一新名称   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度支那植物志中有一个假卫矛属植物名称Microtropis poilanei。据其模式标本来看,该种显然不是假卫矛属Microtropis Wallich植物,而是沟瓣属Glyptopetalum Thwaites一新成员。由于种名Glyptope-talumpoilanei Tardieu已经合法发表,笔者根据其模式标本叶全缘的特点,提出新名称为全缘叶沟瓣Glypto-petalum integrifolium Q.W.Lin,Z.X.Zhang & Q.R.Liu。此外由于Microtro pispoilanei未合格发表,作者补充了新名称的拉丁描述。  相似文献   

中国蕨类植物孢子形态的研究V. 铁角蕨科   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用扫描电镜对国产铁角蕨科Aspleniaceae 8属59种植物的孢子形态进行了观察。铁角蕨科植物孢子为单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形、宽椭圆形或近圆形;赤道面观为肾形、半圆形、宽椭圆形、椭圆形或近圆形。极轴长17-41 μm,赤道轴长23-60 μm。外壁光滑。周壁较厚,由周壁形成孢子的表面纹饰。主要纹饰类型有6种: (1)窗孔状纹饰。铁角蕨属Asplenium的厚叶铁角蕨A. griffithianum、北京铁角蕨A. pekinense、肾羽铁角蕨A. humistratum属于此种类型。(2)脊状纹饰。铁角蕨属的假大羽铁角蕨A. pseudolaserpitiifolium、毛轴铁角蕨A. crinicaule等7种属于此种类型。(3)翅状纹饰。铁角蕨属有14种属于此种类型,如江南铁角蕨A. loxogrammioides、齿果铁角蕨A. cheilesorum等;细辛蕨Boniniella cardiophylla、过山蕨Camptosorus sibiricus、水鳖蕨Sinephropteris delavayi、对开蕨Phyllitis scolopendrium、疏脉苍山蕨Ceterachopsis paucivenosa和药蕨Ceterach officinarum也属于此种类型。(4)翅脊状纹饰。有铁角蕨属的21种和巢蕨属Neottopteris的6种属于此种类型。(5)角状纹饰。阔足巢蕨N. latibasis属此类型。(6)丝毛状纹饰。只有阔基苍山蕨Ceterachopsis latibasis属此类型。从孢粉学的角度对该科的分类和系统演化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

承认中国蕨科薄鳞蕨属的独立性,把喜马拉雅地区分布的Cheilanthes duthiei 新组合到了该属。  相似文献   

洪桦枫  常艳芬 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1290-1300
膜叶铁角蕨属隶属于铁角蕨科,全世界约有30种,我国分布有18种,是该属植物的分布中心之一。到目前为止,膜叶铁角蕨属的物种数目和物种分类还存在很大争议,一些物种的界限和定义还模糊不清,为了得到一个自然的膜叶铁角蕨属分类系统,还需要对膜叶铁角蕨属的物种分类做进一步研究。该文在前人研究的基础上,对膜叶铁角蕨属10种植物的形态特征,包括孢子形态特征、叶柄和根状茎上的鳞片形态特征、叶片形态、羽片形状以及叶脉特征等进行详细观察分析,探讨了各个形态特征间的关系以及膜叶铁角蕨属植物的物种分类。结果表明:膜叶铁角蕨属植物的叶片及羽片等形态特征存在很大区别,叶柄和根状茎上的鳞片以及孢子形态的种间差异虽然不大,但其在大小、形状、颜色等方面的细微差别仍可作为部分种类的鉴定依据。该研究结果为膜叶铁角蕨属植物的物种分类及进一步研究提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

运用分子系统发育分析的方法研究了江苏铁角蕨(Asplenium kiangsuense)的系统位置及其与庐山铁角蕨(Agulingense)的关系,并探讨了该类群可能的多倍体起源方式。结果显示:江苏铁角蕨与庐山铁角蕨可能为同源四倍体,是组成倒挂铁角蕨复合体(Anormale complex)的成员之一;二者在形态特征与基因序列方面均表现一致,接受英文版中国植物志的处理,即把庐山铁角蕨处理为江苏铁角蕨的异名。  相似文献   

Little is known about the mode of transmission of chloroplasts in ferns, despite the importance of such knowledge for molecular phylogenetic and biosystematic studies. Andersson-Kötto (1930, 1931) inferred from crossing experiments that chloroplasts are inherited biparentally in Asplenium scolopendrium L. Here we present evidence from artificial hybridisation that demonstrates maternal inheritance of chloroplast DNA in the genus Asplenium (Aspleniaceae, Pteridophyta) using length variation in a non-coding spacer (trnLUAA-trnFGAA) in the chloroplast DNA.  相似文献   

二倍体华中铁角蕨Asplenium sarelii Hook.的等位酶遗传变异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王可青  王中仁 《遗传学报》1998,25(5):454-463
通过等位酶分析,并和同属的两个二倍体种泸山铁角蕨A.lushanense和虎尾铁角蕨A.incisum比较,研究了二倍体华中铁角蕨A.sarelii的群体遗传结构。分析了9个酶系统共13个位点。华中铁角蕨的群体内遗传变异非常丰富:多态位点百分率P为61.5~69.2%;每个位点的平均等位基因数A为2.5~2.9;预期杂合度He为0.132~0.220。群体间的分化程度较低,群体间变异占总变异的11.2%;泸山铁角蕨和虎尾铁角蕨群体间的分化程度较高,群体间变异分别占总变异的21.0%和37.0%。3个种的种间遗传一致度为0.33~0.47,种内群体间的遗传一致度为0.93~0.99。固定指数F表明华中铁角蕨接近随机交配,而另外两个种为近交。  相似文献   

Length polymorphism in a non-coding spacer (trnLUAA-trnFGAA) in the chloroplast DNA was used in the investigation of the origin of the most common and conspicuous European fern hybrid, Asplenium x alternifolium (Aspleniaceae, Pteridophyta). The origins of A. x alternifolium, the hybrid between A. trichomanes s.l. and A. septentrionale s.l. was studied at three ploidy levels, diploid, triploid and tetraploid. The cpDNA technique allowed us to investigate the mode of hybrid formation between sexual species for the first time over a wide geographic range and with a large sample size. Morphological variation in this hybrid has previously been attributed to different reciprocal parental combinations, and to the influence of chloroplast genes on morphogenesis. Our results demonstrate that one parent, A. septentrionale s.l., acts predominantly as the female parent in these hybrids, with only one population of A. x alternifolium showing reciprocal hybridity. The discovery of predominantly unidirectional hybrid formation in this hybrid may be explained by the different breeding systems of the parental taxa. The role of gametophyte ecology is also assessed.  相似文献   

The Asplenium pekinense complex mainly comprises one diploid, A. sarelii Hook. (rare), one autotetraploid, A. pekinense Hance (best known and very common), and shares two allotetraploids, A. anogrammoides Christ (common but often misidentified) and A. altajense (Komarov) Grubov (rare and endemic) with the A. varians complex. The latter is further constituted by two diploids, A. tenuicaule Hayata (widespread) and A. semivarians Viane & Reichstein (rare), as well as other three tetraploids, A. kansuense Ching (barely known), A. varians Wallich ex Hooker & Greville (well‐known, relatively common, and morphologically variable), and A. kukkonenii Viane & Reichstein (rare and often misidentified). These two species complexes are notorious for their taxonomic difficulty based on general morphology, which is mainly caused by their history of reticulate evolution. Here, we collected most species within the two complexes, and obtained ploidy information by spore size measurement and flow cytometry investigation. Phylogenetic analyses using DNA markers representing maternally inherited chloroplast and biparentally inherited nuclear genomes helped to reconstruct the reticulate evolution history. The present results support previous hypotheses that A. sarelii is the ancestor of both A. pekinense and A. anogrammoides, as well as that A. tenuicaule is the common progenitor of A. anogrammoides, A. varians, and A. kukkonenii. We also unraveled the autotetraploid origin of A. kansuense from A. tenuicaule for the first time, and found that A. altajense shares essentially identical genomes with A. anogrammoides.  相似文献   

索伦沙参Adenophora suolunensis P. F. Tu &; X. F. Zhao与小花沙参A. micrantha D. Y. Hong为同一种植物, 故将前者处理为后者的异名; 坛盘沙参A. urceolata Y. Z. Zhao是壶花沙参A. urceolata C. Y. Wu的晚出同名, 另提出新名库伦沙参A. kulunensis Y. Z. Zhao。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2010,30(3):287-289
描述了自甘肃南部发现的葡萄属一新种,文县蘡薁Vitis wenxianensis W.T.Wang。此新种与特产浙江的三出蘡薁V.bryoniifolia Bunge var.ternata(W.T.Wang)C.L.Li有很近的亲缘关系,二者可能是由蘡薁V.bryoniifolia Bunge衍生而出的一对姊妹群。基于上述认识,将三出蘡薁由变种提升至种的等级,但由于存在一个于1871年发表的种名V.ternata Baker,因此,必须为三出蘡薁拟定一新名。  相似文献   

Flavonoid profiles of 132 populations (472 individuals) ofAsplenium normale, and related species,A. boreale, A. shimurae, andA. oligophlebium var.oligophlebium and var.iezimaense in Japan were surveyed by HPLC and 2D-PC. Of the five taxa, each ofAsplenium boreale, A. shimurae andA. oligophlebium including var.iezimaense had consistent flavonoid composition: apigenin 7, 4′-di-O-rhamnoside (9) inAsplenium boreale, 7-O-glucosyirhamnosides of apigenin and luteolin (6 and 7) inA. shimurae and genkwanin 4′-O-glucosyl-rhamnoside (5) in twoA. oligophlebium varieties. On the other hand,Asplenium normale was divided into seven chemotypes A-G: A-type has 7-O-dirhamnosides of apigenin and luteolin (1 and 2) and genkwanin 4′-O-glucosylrhamnoside (5); B-type, 5 alone; C-type, apigenin 7-O-rhamnoside-4′-O-glucosylrhamnoside (8); D-type, 1 and 2; E-type, 1,2 and 8; F-type, 1, 2, 5 and 8; and G-type, 5 and 8. Among them, the most frequent types were A, B and C, and A-type was mainly distributed in inland of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, while B- and C-types extended their distribution areas southwards in general and occur along the Pacific coast with several exception. Chemical and evolutionary relationships amongAsplenium boreale, A. shimurae, A. oligophlebium, and the chemotypes ofA. normale were discussed on the basis of general biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Asplenium basiscopicum is described, illustrated, and compared to the most similar species,A. purpurascens.  相似文献   

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