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位点特异性重组技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谷欣  黎燕 《生物技术通讯》2005,16(4):417-419
位点特异性重组技术是现代生命科学中研究基因敲除与靶向整合的工具。它的应用实现了外源基因可预测、可重复的高效表达;对于利用模型动物进行基因分析更是具有划时代的意义;在转基因植物中的运用价值同样不可忽视。  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and between species is based on recombination of DNA molecules. Recombination also plays a very important role in the repair of damaged DNA. Clarity about the mechanism by which recombination occurs is of profound interest not only to understand how this process assures the maintenance of genome integrity and at the same time is the driving force of evolution, but also for its application in biotechnology. The isolation of genes involved in recombination and the elucidation of the role of many of the corresponding gene products in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae has formed the basis for comparative analysis in other, more complex eukaryotic systems. The identification of homologous genes from different organisms, including plants, suggests a conservation of the general mechanisms of recombination. Transgenes introduced in an organism may be incorporated in the genome by either homologous or nonhomologous recombination (end joining). The preferred pathway differs strongly between organisms. In plants there is a preference for random integration of the introduced DNA by nonhomologous recombination, which might lead to the accidental inactivation of important genes and to variable and unpredictable expression of the transgene itself. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development and improvement of techniques for the directed integration of transgenes at specific locations in the genome. The integration of transgenes by homologous recombination would allow specific modification or disruption of endogenous genes, providing a tool for more detailed analysis of gene function. In combination with the recent introduction of site-specific recombination systems from E. coli or yeast into plants, this may lead to the development of versatile systems for modification of the plant genome.  相似文献   

To minimize expression variability amongst transgenic lines, we have utilized the strategy of Cre/lox-mediated site-specific gene integration. This method allows the precise integration of a transgene in a lox site previously placed in the genome. Using the biolistic method for DNA delivery, we have generated several site-specific integrant lines, derived from three different target lines. About 80% of the selected lines contain precise integration of the gusA reporter gene and fall into two categories: single-copy (SC) lines that contain site-specific integration without additional random integrations, and multicopy (MC) lines that contain random integrations in addition to the site-specific integration. The expression of the gusA gene was studied in callus cells and regenerated plants. The isogenic SC lines displayed significantly lower expression variation, whereas much higher expression variation was observed in MC lines. Furthermore, stable inheritance of the gusA gene was observed in T1 plants derived from a subset of SC lines. This demonstrates that consistent gene expression can be obtained in rice by Cre-mediated site-specific integration.  相似文献   

To create hybrid chromosomes, we tested the Cre-lox system to mediate recombination between Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum chromosomes. Protoplasts of the two plants were fused to allow site-specific recombination to join a promoter from tobacco to a hygromycin resistance coding-region from Arabidopsis. The expected recombination junction was detected in hygromycin-resistant calli. Analysis of one hybrid suspension cell line revealed the presence of markers corresponding to the north arm of Arabidopsis chromosome III, but not markers from other chromosome arms. However, these markers were not detected in regenerated plants. With a second hybrid cell line we obtained a single hygromycin-resistant progeny from approximately 18 000 self-fertilized seeds of one regenerated plant. Molecular analysis of this hybrid indicated that a small portion of the north arm of Arabidopsis chromosome V is present in the tobacco genome. However, neither the recombination junction nor Arabidopsis DNA was detected in tissue from the plant grown without selection or in the subsequent generation. Thus interspecies transfer of a chromosome arm between plant cells is possible, but maintenance of the hybrid chromosome in a plant is unlikely. The feasibility of site-specific recombination between genomes of different species offers new possibilities for engineering hybrid chromosomes that may be maintained in cell culture.  相似文献   

利用FLP/frt重组系统产生无选择标记的转基因烟草植株   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在植物转基因植株产生过程中,对转化细胞进行抗性筛选是通用程序,转化细胞的抗性一般是抗生素抗性或除草剂抗性,将赋予转化细胞抗性的选择标记基因删除是提高转基因植物生物安全性的重要措施。来自于啤酒酵母的FLP/frt位点特异性重组系统可有效删除同向定点重组位点frt之间的基因。通过多步骤重组,建立了可在植物中广泛应用的FLP/frt位点特异性重组系统。该系统包括含有frt位点的植物表达载体pCAMBIA1300-betA-frt-als-frt和含有由热诱导启动子hsp启动的FLP重组酶基因的植物表达载体pCAMBIA1300-hsp-FLP-hpt。利用二次转化的方式将二者先后转入烟草植株,热激处理后,热诱导型启动子hsp调控的重组酶FLP基因的表达催化位于选择标记基因als两侧同向frt位点间的重组反应,有效地删除了选择标记基因als。41%的经热激处理的二次转化植株发生了选择标记基因的删除,表明该系统在获得无选择标记基因的转基因植株中有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

DNA重组技术,即DNA克隆技术的研究和运用是现代生物学发展的一个重要分支,是分子生物学发展的突出领域。本文介绍了DNA重组的类型及相关的生物学概念;综述了目前已报道的传统的酶切-连接经典克隆方法、位点特异性重组克隆方法、以及同源重组克隆方法,重点阐述了各自的原理、步骤、特点及实际应用等方面;最后归纳总结了各种方法的优缺点和应用范围,并对该技术的科研成果进行了回顾和对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

为了应用Red重组工程技术实现外源基因在大肠杆菌染色体上的表达, 寻找染色体上外源蛋白的稳定高效表达位点, 使用Red重组工程系统和kan/sacB无痕迹修饰技术, 将易于定量分析的荧光素酶报告基因替换DY330染色体lac操纵子中的lacZ基因。检测该位点的表达效率结果显示: 大肠杆菌染色体上lac操纵子能够高效稳定表达外源基因, 初步证明了染色体可以作为外源蛋白或抗原的表达载体, 不会影响细菌的生长繁殖。  相似文献   

为了应用Red重组工程技术实现外源基因在大肠杆菌染色体上的表达, 寻找染色体上外源蛋白的稳定高效表达位点, 使用Red重组工程系统和kan/sacB无痕迹修饰技术, 将易于定量分析的荧光素酶报告基因替换DY330染色体lac操纵子中的lacZ基因。检测该位点的表达效率结果显示: 大肠杆菌染色体上lac操纵子能够高效稳定表达外源基因, 初步证明了染色体可以作为外源蛋白或抗原的表达载体, 不会影响细菌的生长繁殖。  相似文献   

The efficient production of stable transgenic plants is important for both crop improvement and functional genomics. Site-specific integration of foreign genes into a designated genomic position is an attractive tool for minimizing expression variability between transgenic lines. Here, we studied the utility of a Cre-mediated, site-specific integration approach, facilitated by particle bombardment, for streamlining the production of stable transgenic plants, using rice as a model species. Using this method, we generated 18 different transgenic lines containing a precise integration of a single copy of beta-glucuronidase gene (gusA) into a designated genomic location. Eleven of these lines contained no illegitimate integration in the background (single-copy lines), and seven contained illegitimate integrations in addition to the site-specific integration (multicopy lines). We monitored gusA expression in these lines up to three to four successive generations. Each of the single-copy lines expressed the gusA gene at consistent levels and nearly doubled the expression level in the homozygous state. In contrast, multicopy lines displayed expression variation and gene silencing. In about half of the multicopy lines, however, expression of the site-specific integration locus could be reactivated and stabilized on segregation of the illegitimate integrations, whereas, in the remaining half, expression could not be restored, as they contained genetically linked illegitimate integrations. This study demonstrates that biolistic-mediated, site-specific gene integration is an efficient and reliable tool for streamlining the production of stable transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Several DNA site-specific recombination systems have been shown to function in higher eukaryotic cells. These two-component systems consist of a single-polypeptide recombinase and a short recognition sequence of less than 35 bp. Strategic placement of the recognition sites into the plant genome has permitted the deletion, inversion, integration, and translocation of host and introduced DNA fragments. Recombinase-based strategies afford precise and predictable engineering of the plant genome.  相似文献   

用无启动子的GUS报告基因捕获水稻基因启动子   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
构建了嵌合质粒p13DGUTs,它是在Ds转座子中插入了无启动子的B.葡萄糖醛酸酶报告基因(GUS),用于分离水稻基因启动子。将p13DGUTs转化粳稻品种中花11的胚性愈伤组织,获得了496个转基因植株。抗性愈伤组织与转基因植株的GUS染色与PCR分析表明整合在水稻染色体上的Ds因子都发生了随机跳跃。转基因植株T0代与部分T1代的GUS染色结果表明,M92转基因植株中Ds转座子整合位置上游的水稻基因启动子指导GUS基因的表达及表达的特性是可遗传的。文章对此方法在分离水稻基因启动子与基因上的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

PRDM9(PR domain containing 9)是一种可催化组蛋白H3的4位赖氨酸(H3K4)发生三甲基化修饰的甲基转移酶,还拥有转录因子活性.PRDM9主要在生殖细胞的减数分裂初期表达,它的功能异常可导致不育的发生.哺乳动物PRDM9在C端的锌指结构具有进化快速的特征,而这个特征与基因重组热点的多样性相对应,一系列证据表明,PRDM9参与了基因重组热点的结合和重组的起始.这些进展对深入理解物种进化和基因重组机制具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

启动子诱捕在棉花基因组中的功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用根癌农杆菌介导的遗传转化,将启动子诱捕(Promoter trapping)元件插入到棉花基因组,获得141个独立的转化子,其中97%的转化子经PCR扩增为阳性。不同组织中GUS基因的表达频率为:根部48%,茎的微管组织9.2%,叶5.2%,花51%;同时检测了不同植株中GUS基因的表达模式,发现GUS基因在不同株系的植株间的表达模式呈现较大的差异,有些植株中GUS基因是组织特异表达,有些则是器官特异表达,有些则在多个器官中均有表达。所建立的启动子诱捕系统中的GUS基因高频率、多模式和时空特异性表达为分离基因及其调节序列、开展功能基因组研究奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

The introduction of genetic modifications in specific genes by homologous recombination provides a powerful tool for elucidation of structure-function relationships of proteins of biological interest. Presently, there are several alternative methods of homologous recombination that permit the introduction of small genetic modifications in specific loci. Two of the most widely used methods are the tag-and-exchange, based on the use of positive--negative selection markers, and the Cre-loxP system, based on the use of a site-specific recombinase. The efficiency of detection of targeting events at different loci using the two systems was compared. Additionally, we analysed how the distance between two gene markers placed within the region of homology of a targeting vector affects the rate at which both markers are introduced into the locus during the homologous recombination event. Our results indicate that the method based on the use of positive--negative selection markers was les s efficient than the Cre-loxP based system, irrespective of locus or type of positive--negative selection. It was also determined that as the distance between the selectable marker and the genetic modification being introduced increases, there is a progressive reduction in the efficiency of detecting events with the desired genetic modification  相似文献   

利用套叠PCR技术进行基因突变和拼接   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
利用套叠PCR技术(又称重叠区扩增基因拼接法)对hGM-CSF基因内第28位氨基酸处的糖基化位点进行突变和进行人促性腺激素基因,腺苷酸激酶短肽与胰岛素样生长因子-基因三者之间的拼接,结果表明采用该技术能在体外实行有效的基因重组和定点突变,其成功率为100%,这一技术不需要内切酶消化和连接酶处理,技术操作员简单易行,在基因拼接,基因内部突变方面具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Selectable marker genes that usually encode antibiotic or herbicide resistances are widely used for the selection of transgenic plants, but they become unnecessary and undesirable after transformation selection. An important strategy to improve the transgenic plants' biosafety is to eliminate the marker genes after successful selection. In the FLP/frt site-specific system of 2-μm plasmid from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the FLP enzyme efficiently catalyzes recombination between two directly repeated FLP recombination target (frt) sites, eliminating the sequence between them. By controlled expression of the FLP recombinase and specific allocation of the frt sites within transgenic constructs, the system can be applied to eliminate the marker genes after selection. Through a series of procedures, the plant FLP/frt site-specific recombination system was constructed, which included the frt-containing vector pCAMBIA1300-betA-frt-als-frt and the FLP expression vector pCAMBIA1300-hsp-FLP-hpt. The FLP recombinase gene was introduced into transgenic (betA-frt-als-frt) tobacco plants by re-transformation. In re-transgenic plants, after heat-shock treatment, the marker gene als flanked by two identical orientation frt sites could be excised by the inducible expression of FLP recombinase under the control of hsp promoter. Excision of the als gene was found in 41 % re-transgenic tobacco plants, which indicated that this system could make a great contribution obtaining the marker-free transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Ruth M. Hall  H. W. Stokes 《Genetica》1993,90(2-3):115-132
Integrons are unusual DNA elements which include a gene encoding a site-specific DNA recombinase, a DNA integrase, and an adjacent site at which a wide variety of antibiotic resistance and other genes are found as inserts. One or more genes can be found in the insert region, but each gene is part of an independent gene cassette. The inserted genes are expressed from a promoter in the conserved sequences located 5 to the genes, and integrons are thus natural expression vectors. A model for gene insertion in which circular gene cassettes are inserted individually via a single site-specific recombination event has been proposed and verified experimentally. The gene cassettes include a gene coding region and, at the 3 end of the gene an imperfect inverted repeat, a 59-base element. The 59-base elements are a diverse family of elements which function as sites recognized by the DNA integrase. Site-specific insertion of individual genes thus represents a further mechanism which contributes to the evolution of the genomes of Gram-negative bacteria and their plasmids and transposons.Members of the most studied class of integrons, which include thesulI gene in the conserved sequences, are believed to be mobile DNA elements on the basis that they are found in many independent locations, and a discrete boundary is found at the outer end of the 5-conserved segment. However, the length of the 3-conserved segment is variable in the integrons examined to date, and it is likely that this variability has arisen as the result of insertion and deletion events. Though the true extent of the 3-conserved segment remains to be determined, it seems likely that these integrons are mobile DNA elements. The second known class of integrons comprises members of the Tn7 transposon family.  相似文献   

位点特异重组系统由重组酶和相应的重组酶识别位点组成,通过两者间的相互作用,实现外源基因精确整合与切除等一系列遗传操作.主要可分为Cre/lox系统、FLP/frt系统、R/RS系统和Gin/gix系统.目前,研究最充分应用最广泛的位点特异重组系统为Cre/lox系统.此系统为位点特异重组系统家族中的一员,由38.5kDCre重组酶和34bplox位点组成,最早被应用于动物转基因研究,包括基因敲除、基因激活、基因易位等.近年来,随着研究的深入,Cre/lox系统被逐步应用到植物研究中,并在诸多领域取得重大进展.本文总结归纳了Cre/lox系统在定点整合、定点切除以及叶绿体转化等方面的最新研究成果,旨在为利用Cre/lox系统构建环境安全和高效表达的植物遗传转化体系提供参考.  相似文献   

不同启动子对于牛催乳素表达的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁志良  曾凡一 《生物工程学报》2008,24(10):1776-1782
在细胞水平上比较不同启动子对于牛催乳素(bPRL)表达的调控作用.分别构建了以CMV启动子、牛催乳素基因启动子和山羊β-酪蛋白基因启动子作为调控元件的bPRL真核细胞表达载体,分别命名为pCMV、pPRLP和pP1A3.将3种载体分别转染小鼠垂体瘤细胞和小鼠乳腺上皮细胞,使用RT-PCR和定量RT-PCR分析3种启动子启动bPRL在2种细胞系中的表达效果.pCMV在2种细胞中有效表达bPRL;pPRLP在2种细胞中的表达效果与pCMV接近:pP1A3不在垂体细胞中表达,在乳腺细胞中表达.pPlA3具有乳腺表达特异性;pPRLP能够在垂体和乳腺中高表达,在其他组织的表达特异性有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

利用Cre/lox重组系统中的Cre重组酶能特异性识别并介导两个同向lox位点之间DNA序列发生重组删除的特点,将TA29驱动下的反义豌豆卷须肌动蛋白基因置于两个同向lox位点之间并与Bar基因连锁,转化烟草Wisconsin 38后获得抗除草剂Basta的转基因植株.将Cre基因导入烟草Wisconsin 38建立雄性不育工程恢复系.反义Actin转基因植株与Cre转基因植株杂交获得F1,通过Cre重组酶将F1中的反义肌动蛋白基因表达盒删除实现育性的恢复.结果显示:来自豌豆卷须的肌动蛋白基因在Wisconsin 38烟草绒毡层中反义表达但未能导致明显的雄性不育,转基因植株在花器官形态、花粉形状、活力、结实、结籽等方面与野生型植株间无明显的差异.而获得的烟草Cre转基因工程恢复系除少量植株出现叶片褪绿、结果少等异常外,绝大多数植株形态结构及开花结果习性与野生型一致;其中3个Cre转基因工程恢复系与Actin反义肌动蛋白转基因植株TAA-3杂交后,杂交后代中的绝大多数反义肌动蛋白基因表达盒均被精确删除,表明将Cre/lox重组系统用于建立基于反义基因工程雄性不育的恢复系是可行的.  相似文献   

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