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The principles by which cortical microtubules self-organize into a global template hold important implications for cell wall patterning. Microtubules move along bundles of microtubules, and neighboring bundles tend to form mobile domains that flow in a common direction. The bundles themselves move slowly and for longer than the individual microtubules, with domains describing slow rotary patterns. Despite this tendency for colinearity, microtubules have been seen to branch off extant microtubules at ∼45°. To examine this paradoxical behavior, we investigated whether some microtubules may be born on and grow along extant microtubule(s). The plus-end markers Arabidopsis thaliana end binding protein 1a, AtEB1a-GFP, and Arabidopsis SPIRAL1, SPR1-GFP, allowed microtubules of known polarity to be distinguished from underlying microtubules. This showed that the majority of microtubules do branch but in a direction heavily biased toward the plus end of the mother microtubule: few grow backward, consistent with the common polarity of domains. However, we also found that a significant proportion of emergent comets do follow the axes of extant microtubules, both at sites of apparent microtubule nucleation and at cross-over points. These phenomena help explain the persistence of bundles and counterbalance the tendency to branch.  相似文献   

Microtubules in neurons consist of highly dynamic regions as well as stable regions, some of which persist after bouts of severing as short mobile polymers. Concentrated at the plus ends of the highly dynamic regions are microtubule plus end tracking proteins called +TIPs that can interact with an array of other proteins and structures relevant to the plasticity of the neuron. It is also provocative to ponder that short mobile microtubules might similarly convey information with them as they transit within the neuron. Thus, beyond their known conventional functions in supporting neuronal architecture and organelle transport, microtubules may act as ‘information carriers’ in the neuron.


Populations of ants and other social insects self-organize and develop 'emergent' properties through stigmergy in which individual ants communicate with one another via chemical trails of pheromones that attract or repulse other ants. In this way, sophisticated properties and functions develop. Under appropriate conditions, in vitro microtubule preparations, initially comprised of only tubulin and GTP, behave in a similar manner. They self-organize and develop other higher-level emergent phenomena by a process where individual microtubules are coupled together by the chemical trails they produce by their own reactive growing and shrinking. This behaviour is described and compared with the behaviour of ant colonies. Viewing microtubules as populations of molecular ants may provide new insights as to how the cytoskeleton may spontaneously develop high-level functions. It is plausible that such processes occur during the early stages of embryogenesis and in cells.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the catch bond mechanism, where binding becomes stronger under tensile force, is a common property among non-covalent interactions between biological molecules that are exposed to mechanical force in vivo. Here, by using the multi-protein tip complex of the mannose-binding type 1 fimbriae of Escherichia coli, we show how the entire quaternary structure of the adhesive organella is adapted to facilitate binding under mechanically dynamic conditions induced by flow. The fimbrial tip mediates shear-dependent adhesion of bacteria to uroepithelial cells and demonstrates force-enhanced interaction with mannose in single molecule force spectroscopy experiments. The mannose-binding, lectin domain of the apex-positioned adhesive protein FimH is docked to the anchoring pilin domain in a distinct hooked manner. The hooked conformation is highly stable in molecular dynamics simulations under no force conditions but permits an easy separation of the domains upon application of an external tensile force, allowing the lectin domain to switch from a low- to a high-affinity state. The conformation between the FimH pilin domain and the following FimG subunit of the tip is open and stable even when tensile force is applied, providing an extended lever arm for the hook unhinging under shear. Finally, the conformation between FimG and FimF subunits is highly flexible even in the absence of tensile force, conferring to the FimH adhesin an exploratory function and high binding rates. The fimbrial tip of type 1 Escherichia coli is optimized to have a dual functionality: flexible exploration and force sensing. Comparison to other structures suggests that this property is common in unrelated bacterial and eukaryotic adhesive complexes that must function in dynamic conditions.  相似文献   

Calcium signals in the nucleus elicit downstream effects that are distinct from those of cytosolic calcium signals. In the present work, we have evaluated the ability of plant nuclei to sense stimuli directly and to convert them into calcium changes. We show that individual mechanical stimulation of isolated nuclei elicits a single calcium transient at acidic pHs, whereas a series of stimulations leads to oscillations whose frequency reflects that of the stimuli. Conversely, at alkaline pHs, nuclei respond to temperature but not to stretch. The stretch- and the temperature-activated processes differ by their sensitivity to pharmacological drugs known to affect ion channel activities in animal cells. Our data demonstrate that isolated nuclei are able to gauge physical parameters of their environment. This might have a profound influence on the functioning of calcium-dependent processes known to control a large array of molecular events in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Filopodia are sensors on both excitable and non-excitable cells. The sensing function is well documented in neurons and blood vessels of adult animals and is obvious during dorsal closure in embryonic development. Nerve cells extend neurites in a bidirectional fashion with growth cones at the tips where filopodia are concentrated. Their sensing of environmental cues underpins the axon's ability to “guide,” bypassing non-target cells and moving toward the target to be innervated. This review focuses on the role of filopodia structure and dynamics in the detection of environmental cues, including both the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the surfaces of neighboring cells. Other protrusions including the stereocilia of the inner ear and epididymus, the invertebrate Type I mechanosensors, and the elongated processes connecting osteocytes, share certain principles of organization with the filopodia. Actin bundles, which may be inside or outside of the excitable cell, function to transduce stress from physical perturbations into ion signals. There are different ways of detecting such perturbations. Osteocyte processes contain an actin core and are physically anchored on an extracellular structure by integrins. Some Type I mechanosensors have bridge proteins that anchor microtubules to the membrane, but bundles of actin in accessory cells exert stress on this complex. Hair cells of the inner ear rely on attachments between the actin-based protrusions to activate ion channels, which then transduce signals to afferent neurons. In adherent filopodia, the focal contacts (FCs) integrated with ECM proteins through integrins may regulate integrin-coupled ion channels to achieve signal transduction. Issues that are not understood include the role of Ca2 + influx in filopodia dynamics and how integrins coordinate or gate signals arising from perturbation of channels by environmental cues.  相似文献   

This study describes a novel calibration method for six-degrees-of-freedom force/torque sensors (FTsensors) using a pre-calibrated force plate (FP) as a reference measuring device. In this calibration method, the FTsensor is rigidly connected to a FP and force/torque data are synchronously recorded while a dynamic functional loading procedure is applied by the researcher. Based on these data an accurate calibration matrix for the FTsensor can easily be obtained via least-squares optimization. Using this calibration method, this study further investigated what loading methods are appropriate for the calibration of FTsensors intended for ambulatory measurement of ground reaction forces (GRFs). Seven different loading methods were compared (e.g., walking, pushing while standing on the FTsensor). Calibration matrices were calculated based on the raw data from the seven loading methods individually and all loading methods combined. Performance of these calibration matrices was subsequently compared in an in situ trial. During the in situ trial, five common work tasks (e.g., walking, manual lifting, pushing) were performed by an experimenter, while standing on the FP wearing a "ForceShoe" with two calibrated FTsensors attached to its sole. Root-mean-square differences (RMSDs) between the FTsensor and FP outcomes were calculated over all tasks. Using the calibration matrices based on all loading methods combined resulted in small RMSDs (GRF: <8 N, center of pressure: <2 mm). Using the calibration matrices based on "pushing against manual resistance" resulted in similar RMSDs, proving it to be the best single loading method.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton is continuously remodeled through cycles of actin filament assembly and disassembly. Filaments are born through nucleation and shaped into supramolecular structures with various essential functions. These range from contractile and protrusive assemblies in muscle and non-muscle cells to actin filament comets propelling vesicles or pathogens through the cytosol. Although nucleation has been extensively studied using purified proteins in vitro, dissection of the process in cells is complicated by the abundance and molecular complexity of actin filament arrays. We here describe the ectopic nucleation of actin filaments on the surface of microtubules, free of endogenous actin and interfering membrane or lipid. All major mechanisms of actin filament nucleation were recapitulated, including filament assembly induced by Arp2/3 complex, formin and Spir. This novel approach allows systematic dissection of actin nucleation in the cytosol of live cells, its genetic re-engineering as well as screening for new modifiers of the process.  相似文献   

Adrian S. Culf 《Biopolymers》2019,110(12):e23285
A review of molecular tools and sensors assembled on N-substituted glycine, or α-peptoid, oligomers between 2013 and November 2018 with the following sections: (a) Peptoids as crystal growth modifiers, (b) Peptoids as catalysts, (c) Ion and molecule sequestration and transport, (d) Peptoid sensors, (e) Macromolecule recognition, (f) Cellular transporters, (g) Medical imaging, (h) Future direction and (i) Summary and outlook. Peptoids are a promising class of peptide mimic making them an excellent platform for functional molecule preparation. Attributes of peptoid oligomers include: (a) the ease of precise sequence definition and mono-dispersity; (b) access to a vast chemical space within simple and repeating chemical preparative steps and (c) thermal, chemical and biological stability all lending support for their application in a number of areas, with some that have been realised to date. The peptoid tool and sensor examples selected have realised practical utility. They serve to illustrate the rapidity of new insight that can generate in many disparate areas of science and technology, enabling the quick assembly of design criteria for efficient peptoid molecular tools and sensors.  相似文献   

TRPV channels as temperature sensors   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The past year has seen a doubling in the number of heat-sensitive ion channels to six, and four of these channels are from the TRPV family. These channels characteristically have Q(10) values of >10 above the thermal threshold, very different from the Q(10) values of 1.5-2.0 seen in most ion channels. Cells expressing TRPV1 show similar temperature sensitivity to small capsaicin-sensitive nociceptor neurons, consistent with these neurons expressing homomers of TRPV1. A-delta fibres exhibit properties that may be explained by TRPV2 containing channels which is present in large diameter sensory neurons that do not express TRPV1. TRPV3 has a lower temperature threshold and may contribute to warm-sensitive channels together with TRPV1. Warm sensation may also be transduced by TRPV4 expressing sensory neurons and hypothalamic neurons. We can now look forward to further work defining the properties of the recombinant channels in more detail and a re-analysis of endogenous i(heat) currents in thermosensitive neurons and other cells. Data from the study of mice in which TRPV2, TRPV3 or TRPV4 have been deleted are also eagerly awaited.  相似文献   

A quantitative evaluation of 20 second-generation carbohydrate force fields was carried out using ab initio and density functional methods. Geometry-optimized structures (B3LYP/6-31G(d)) and relative energies using augmented correlation consistent basis sets were calculated in gas phase for monosaccharide carbohydrate benchmark systems. Selected results are: (i). The interaction energy of the alpha-d-glucopyranose.H(2)O heterodimer is estimated to be 4.9 kcal/mol, using a composite method including terms at highly correlated (CCSD(T)) level. Most molecular mechanics force fields are in error in this respect; (ii). The (3)E envelope (south) pseudorotational conformer of methyl 5-deoxy-beta-d-xylofuranoside is 0.66 kcal/mol more stable than the (3)E envelope (north) conformer and the alpha-anomer of methyl d-glucopyranoside is 0.82 kcal/mol more stable than the beta-anomer; (iii). The relative energies of the (gg, gt and tg) rotamers of methyl alpha-d-glucopyranoside and methyl alpha-d-galactopyranoside are (0.13, 0.00, 0.15) and (0.64, 0.00, 0.77) kcal/mol, respectively. The results of the quantum mechanical calculations are compared with the results of calculations using the 20 second-generation carbohydrate force fields. No single force field is consistently better than the others for all the test cases. A statistical assessment of the performance of the force fields indicates that CHEAT(95), CFF, certain versions of Amber and of MM3 have the best overall performance, for these gas phase monosaccharide systems.  相似文献   

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