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分离纯化了人胎盘纤连蛋白,经SDS-PAGE鉴定为一条带,纯化Fn仍保持其搞原性,得率为38.7%。根据植物凝集素识别专一糖链结构的原理,应用斑点印迹法。亲和层析法和Western转移电泳研究糖链结构,结果证实:1.人胎盘Fn分子中含有复杂N糖链(包括二天线和大于二天线的结构)以及高甘露糖型和/或杂合型N糖链;复杂型N糖糖链中含有平分型GlcNAc,糖链末端也可连有唾液酸;2.胰糜蛋白酶水解而获得  相似文献   

本文应用明胶、肝素亲和层析二步法首先纯化了人胚肺成纤维细胞培养液的纤连蛋白(Fibroneothe,Fn),经SDS-PAGE鉴定为一条带,然后用胰糜蛋白酶消化纯化的Fn所获得的酶解波,经分离分别得到明胶结合片段和肝素结合片段,再应用凝集素-HRP染色的Westen转移电泳法研究糖链结构,结果证实:1.Fn中明胶结合片段(44kd)中含有二天线和多天线复杂型糖链,并接有平分型glcNAc糖基、核心力Fuc。2肝素结合片段(30kd)只含有二天线复杂型糖链,不含平分型GlcNAc糖基及核心Fuc.  相似文献   

应用能阻断糖蛋白N-糖链合成的衣霉素(TM),研究了N-糖链缺失对HT1080细胞分泌纤连蛋白(Fn)以及纤连蛋白受体(FnR)与配体结合的影响。结果发现,1μg/ml的TM可抑制N-糖链的合成(此时,3H-甘露糖掺入下降63%),但细胞分泌Fn的量仅下降33%,这主要是由于蛋白合成受TM抑制(25%)而引起,因而,N-糖链缺失可能并不影响Fn的分泌。而在同样条件下,单个细胞结合125I-Fn的量显著下降,显示N-糖链的缺失可能导致了膜上FnR总量或其与配体结合的亲和力的改变。TM处理组的FnR的内吞率与对照组相比较无明显差异,提示受体分子中的N-糖链缺失不影响其内吞过程.  相似文献   

本文应用明胶、肝素亲和层析二步法首先纯化了人胚肺成纤维细胞培养液的纤连蛋白(Fibronectin,Fn),经SDS-PAGE鉴定为一条带,然后用胰糜蛋白酶消化纯化的Fn所获得的酶解液,经分离分别得到明胶结合片段和肝素结合片段,再应用凝集素-HRP染色的Western转移电泳法研究糖链结构,结果证实:1.Fn中明胶结合片段(44kd)中含有二天线和多天线复杂型糖链,并接有平分型GlcNAc糖基、核  相似文献   

应用能断糖蛋白N-糖链合成的衣霉素(TM),研究了N-糖链缺失对HT1080细胞分泌纤连蛋白(Fn)以及纤连蛋白受体(FnR)与配体结合的影响。结果表现,1μg/ml的TM可抑制N-糖链的合成(此时,3H-甘露糖掺入下降63%),但细胞分泌Fn的量仅下降3%,这主要是由于蛋白合成受TM抑制(25%)而引起。因而,N-糖链缺失可能并不影响Fn的分泌,而在同样条件下,单个细胞结合125I-Fn的量显著  相似文献   

糖链结构不同的纤连蛋白与HT1080细胞结合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

人血浆纤连蛋白(Fibronectin,Fn)与人胎盘纤连蛋白两者在肽链结构上基本相同,但人血浆Fn的N-糖链结构为二天线结构,而人胎盘Fn不仅N-糖链的数量增加,同时还含有多天线结构,分别用~(125)I标记这两种具有不同糖链结构的Fn,观察两者与HT1080细胞的饱和结合的亲和性,结果发现,在4℃,人血浆Fn与HT1080细胞的饱和结合为129ng/10~5细胞,解离常数为2.83×10~(-8)mol/L,人胎盘Fn与HT1080细胞的饱和结合为133ng/10~6细胞,解离常数为2.64×10~(-8)mol/L.因而,人血浆Fn与人胎盘Fn上N-糖链的不同并未影响其与受体的结合.  相似文献   

红曲霉葡萄糖淀粉酶N—连接糖链的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

参与细胞与细胞,细胞与基质相互作用的细胞粘附分子均为含N─糖链的糖蛋白,N─糖链在细胞的识别、粘附过程中起一定的作用。本文就纤连蛋白、层粘连蛋白、整合蛋白、选择蛋白和凝集素受体等分子中N─糖链与细胞识别和粘附关系加以讨论。  相似文献   

人妊娠5-8周的胎盘绒毛经匀浆后,用2mo1/Lurea-PBS提取,通过Heparin-Sepharose4B亲和柱层析,再经SepharoseCL-6B凝胶过滤层析,得到人早期胎盘纤维连接蛋白(earlyplacentafibronectin,epFN)。经还原及非还原SDS-PAGE和免疫印迹电泳分析,epFN分子量约500kD,是由两个250kD亚基组成,与人足月胎盘纤维连接蛋白(termplacentafibronectin,简称tpFN)相似,而大于人血浆纤维连接蛋白(plasmafibronectin,pFN)。epFN与抗人pFN抗体及抗人羊水纤维连接蛋白(amnioticfluidfibronectin,简称amFN)的三个主要功能区单抗均可发生反应。与五种植物凝集素结合力实验表明,epFN在糖基组成上与pFN和tpFN均不相同。  相似文献   

维生素A类化合物对糖蛋白N-连接型糖链(简称N-糖链)结构的影响,近年来在研究其作用机制中颇受重视。本文研究视黄酸(RA)对大鼠皮肤上皮基底培养细胞表面膜糖蛋白糖链结构作用,发现RA促进N-糖链合成,使~3H-甘露糖掺入糖链量增加43.5%,RA可改变N-糖链的类型,促进复杂型N-糖链合成,表现为增加三、四天线复杂型N-糖链合成而不是二天线;RA还使含分叉性GIeNAc和核心Fuc的百分比上升。本文还用细胞电泳方法研究膜表面唾液酸相对量,发现RA可引起唾液酸含量下降。结果提示RA对N-糖链结构的影响,是其多种生物学作用的可能途径之一。  相似文献   

Glycopeptides containing the N-linked oligosaccharide from human serum IgA1 were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS). Two glycopeptides, GP1 and GP2, prepared from the endoproteinase Asp-N digest of the IgA1 heavy chain, were derived from the CH2 domain (N-glycan site at Asn263) and the tailpiece portion (N-glycan site at Asn459), respectively. The structure of the attached sugar chain was deduced from the mass number of the glycopeptide and confirmed by a two-dimensional mapping technique for a pyridylaminated oligosaccharide. GP1 was composed of two major components having a fully galactosylated bianntena sugar chain with or without a bisecting N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residue. On the other hand, the GP2 fraction corresponded to the glycopeptides having a fully galactosylated and fucosylated bianntena sugar chain partly bearing a bisecting GlcNAc residue. Thus, the site-specific fucosylation of the N-linked oligosaccharide on the tailpiece of the 1 chain became evident for normal human serum IgA1.  相似文献   

GM3 ganglioside interacts specifically with complex-type N-linked glycans having multivalent GlcNAc termini, as shown for (1) and (2) below. (1) Oligosaccharides (OS) isolated from ConA-non-binding N-linked glycans of ovalbumin, whose structures were identified as penta-antennary complex-type with bisecting GlcNAc, having five or six GlcNAc termini (OS B1, B2), or bi-antennary complex-type having two GlcNAc termini (OS I). OS I is a structure not previously described. (2) Multi-antennary complex-type N-linked OS isolated from fetuin, treated by sialidase followed by β-galactosidase, having three or four GlcNAc termini exposed. These OS, conjugated to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), showed clear interaction with 3H-labeled liposomes containing GM3, when various doses of OS-PE conjugate were adhered by drying to multi-well polystyrene plates. Interaction was clearly observed only with liposomes containing GM3, but not LacCer, Gb4, or GalNAcα1-3Gb4 (Forssman antigen). GM3 interaction with PE conjugate of OS B1 or B2 was stronger than that with PE conjugate of OS I. GM3 interacted clearly with PE conjugate of N-linked OS from desialylated and degalactosylated fetuin, but not native fetuin. No binding was observed to cellobiose-PE conjugate, or to OS-PE conjugate lacking GlcNAc terminus. Thus, GM3, but not other GSL liposomes, interacts with various N-linked OS having multiple GlcNAc termini, in general. These findings suggest that the concept of carbohydrate-to-carbohydrate interaction can be extended to interaction of specific types of N-linked glycans with specific GSLs. Natural occurrence of such interaction to define cell biological phenomena is under investigation. All solvent ratios are by volume. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In approximately 80% of patients, ovarian cancer is diagnosed when the patient is already in the advanced stages of the disease. CA125 is currently used as the marker for ovarian cancer; however, it lacks specificity and sensitivity for detecting early stage disease. There is a critical unmet need for sensitive and specific routine screening tests for early diagnosis that can reduce ovarian cancer lethality by reliably detecting the disease at its earliest and treatable stages. Results: In this study, we investigated the N-linked sialylated glycopeptides in serum samples from healthy and ovarian cancer patients using Lectin-directed Tandem Labeling (LTL) and iTRAQ quantitative proteomics methods. We identified 45 N-linked sialylated glycopeptides containing 46 glycosylation sites. Among those, ten sialylated glycopeptides were significantly up-regulated in ovarian cancer patients' serum samples. LC-MS/MS analysis of the non-glycosylated peptides from the same samples, western blot data using lectin enriched glycoproteins of various ovarian cancer type samples, and PNGase F (+/-) treatment confirmed the sialylation changes in the ovarian cancer samples. Conclusion: Herein, we demonstrated that several proteins are aberrantly sialylated in N-linked glycopeptides in ovarian cancer and detection of glycopeptides with abnormal sialylation changes may have the potential to serve as biomarkers for ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

用麦胚凝集素(WGA)将人血清肝型和骨型碱性磷酸酶(ALP)分离,再将肝型ALP通过蔓陀萝凝集素(DSA)亲和层析柱作醋酸梯度洗脱,发现正常人、急性肝炎、慢性肝炎、肝硬化和原发性肝癌各组各自的混合血清ALP的层析行为有明显差异。正常人只有不结合组分,而各种良性肝病出现数目不同(2—3个)的弱结合组分,肝癌则还出现3个強结合组分,各组分ALP在不同肝病血清中的出峰时间基本恒定。这种ALP洗脱峰的不均一性在单个病人血清中依然存在,是ALP糖链结构不同而引起的。由此推测肝病时ALP上N糖链的天线数增加,肝病越发展成慢性或恶性,血清ALP和DSA的亲和力也越強。这些结果有可能在临床上鉴别各类不同的肝病。  相似文献   

We have identified and disrupted the gene coding for α-glucosidase II in Dictyostelium discoideum. This enzyme is responsible for removing two α1,3-linked glucose residues from N-linked oligosaccharides on newly synthesized glycoproteins. Mutagenesis by restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) generated a clone, DG1033, which grows well but forms abnormal fruiting bodies with short, thick stalks. The strain lacks α-glucosidase II activity and makes incompletely processed N-linked oligosaccharides that are abnormally large and have fewer sulfate and phosphate esters. The morphological, enzymatic, and oligosaccharide profile phenotypes of the disruption mutant are all recapitulated by a targeted disruption of the normal gene. Furthermore, all of these defects are corrected in cells transformed with a normal, full-length copy of the gene. The phenotypic characteristics of DG1033 as well as chromosomal mapping of the disrupted gene indicate that it is the site of the previously characterized modA mutation. The Dictyostelium gene is highly homologous to α-glucosidase II genes in the human and the pig, C. elegans, and yeast. Although various cell lines have been reported to be defective in α-glucosidase II activity, disruption of the Dictyostelium gene gives the first example of a clear developmental phenotype associated with loss of this enzyme. Dev. Genet. 21:177–186, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

应用系列凝集素柱层析法(伴刀豆球蛋白,小扁豆凝集素,欧曼陀罗凝集素)分别从正常人血清及孕妇血清中提纯含有二天线无核心岩藻糖复杂型糖链的运铁蛋白及含有多天线无核心岩藻糖复杂型糖链的运铁蛋白。与正常的含有二天线糖链的运铁蛋白相比,含有多天线糖链的运铁蛋白与SMMC-7721细胞膜表面的运铁蛋白受体的亲和力下降,但最大结合量不变,此外,其在内吞过程中于细胞膜上的停留时间延长。结果表明糖链结构改变对运铁蛋白的功能有影响。  相似文献   

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