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Abstract: Martin Canny's concepts of "tissue pressure" and its derivative "compensating pressure" are reviewed. Tissue pressure arises when the volume change of some living cells exerts a pressure on adjacent living or dead cells. Contrary to previous assertions, tissue pressure cannot cause a permanent change in pressure potential or water potential of adjacent cells. Tissue pressure induces only a transitory increase of pressure and water potential. After equilibrium is reestablished, the same or a more negative pressure or water potential results. The idea that tissue pressure can prevent or repair xylem embolism is without merit.  相似文献   

Balling and Zimmermann [Planta 182 (1990), 325–338] used a pressure probe to measure directly negative pressures in the xylem of transpiring plants. They obtained data that challenge the standard framework that plant physiologists use when thinking about plant water relations, and, most notably, found a substantial discrepancy between their measurements of xylem pressure and of leaf water potential measured with a Scholander pressure bomb. Their data are critically examined and it is shown that most of them can be accommodated within the established principles of plant water relations. In particular, there are several reasons, consistent with the established principles, why leaf water potential and xylem pressure may differ.  相似文献   

以自然状况下生长良好的耐旱树种刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)、元宝枫(Acer truncatum Bge)、沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides L.)、白榆(Ulmus pumila L.)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.)、白皮松(Pinus bungeana Zucc.ex Endl.)及中生树种女贞(Ligustrum lucidum Ait.)、柳树(Salix matsudana Koidz.f.pendula Schneid.)为研究对象,用压力室法测定木质部水势,用冲洗法测定木质部栓塞程度,研究不同生长季节木质部栓塞与水势间的火系。结果表明:针叶树油松、白皮松在各个季节水势均较高,水势变化幅度较小,木质部不易发生栓塞,这与其木质部由管胞构成,对木质部栓塞不敏感,在干旱时采用高水势延迟脱水的耐旱策略有关。阔叶树刺槐、元宝枫、沙棘、白榆、女贞和柳树的木质部栓塞现象是其在每天正常生长过程中不可避免的“平常事件”,是它们适应干旱的一种方式。它们的木质部栓塞程度与水势表现出了相反的变化趋势,即同一树种在同一季节内水势值越低,木质部栓塞程度越大,但在不同树种及同一树种的不同季节不存在这种关系。由此可见,植物木质部栓塞对水势的敏感程度(即木质部栓塞脆弱性)主要由树种的木质部结构决定,同时受到树种特性、树木生长发育时期、外界环境因子的影响,木质部栓塞的脆弱性也具有季节变化特征。  相似文献   

Extensibility of walls of frozen/thawed rye (Secale cereale) coleoptile segments as a function of the water potential of the incubation solution (Ψ0) was analyzed employing the creep test method. Negative Ψ0 exerts an inhibiting effect on extension of isolated walls. The lower the Ψ0 of polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG), the less the walls of frozen/thawed segments extended under load. This inhibiting effect of Ψ0 on wall creep was reversible and independent of the preincubation temperature of the segments. An increase in Ψ0 resulted in increased extension rate within 2–4 min, whereas a decrease in Ψ0 resulted in gradually decreasing extension rate after 8–12 min. This finding implies that wall extension changes during growth induced by changes of Ψ0 in vivo are not only due to changes of turgor pressure but also due to a direct influence by negative Ψ0 on physical wall properties. The results are discussed with respect to the regulation of extension growth during conditions of water stress.  相似文献   

Abstract An investigation was carried out into the water relations of CAM and C3 bromeliads in their natural habitat during the dry season in Trinidad. Measurements were made of xylem tension with the pressure chamber and of cell-sap osmotic pressure and titratable acidity on crushed leaf samples. A steady-state CO2 and H2O-vapour porometer was also used so that changes in leaf water relations during individual day-night cycles could be directly related to gas-exchange patterns in situ. Xylem tension changed in parallel with transpiration rate and in general reached its maximum value in CAM bromeliads at night and in C3 bromeliads during the day. In addition, large nocturnal increases in cell-sap osmotic pressure and titratable acidity (ΔH+) typically occurred in the CAM bromeliads. The C3-CAM intermediate Guzmania monostachia showed slight nocturnal acidification, but had higher values of xylem tension during the day. Very high values of AH+ were observed in the CAM species when the tanks of the epiphytic bromeliads contained water: Aechmea nudicaulis showed a mean maximum ΔH+ of 474 mol m?3, the highest value so far observed for CAM plants. On some nights dew formed on the leaf surfaces of the epiphytes, partially curtailing gas exchange and leading to a marked decrease in xylem tension in both C3 and CAM species. Between-site comparisons were also made for a wide range of habitats from arid coastal scrub to montane rain forest. Compared with values characteristic of other life-forms, xylem tension and cell-sap osmotic pressure were low for all bromeliads, and did not differ significantly in co-occurring CAM and C3 bromeliads. Mean maximum xylem tension (10 species in total) ranged from 0.29 M Pa at the montane sites to 0.67 MPa at the most arid site, and mean minimum osmotic pressure (17 species) from 0.51 to 0.97 MPa. At the arid sites the bromeliads were exclusively CAM species, two of which (Aechmea aquilega and Bromelia plumieri) grew terrestrially in the undergrowth of the coastal scrub. Xylem tension in these species was low enough to indicate that they must be functionally independent of the substratum during the dry season. In the wetter part of Trinidad, no between-site differences in leaf water relations were found along an altitudinal gradient in the Northern Mountain Range; seasonal differences in this area were also small. Overall, leaf water relations and gas exchange in the bromeliads were strongly affected both by short-term changes in water availability and by longer-term climatic differences in the various regions of the island.  相似文献   

Leaf age and salinity influence water relations of pepper leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant growth is reduced under saline conditions even when turgor in mature leaves is maintained by osmotic adjustment. The objective of this study was to determine if young leaves from salt-affected plants were also osmotically adjusted. Pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L. cv. California Wonder) were grown in several levels of solution osmotic potential and various components of the plants' water relations were measured to determine if young, rapidly growing leaves could accumulate solutes rapidly enough to maintain turgor for normal cell enlargement. Psychrometric measurements indicated that osmotic adjustment is similar for both young and mature leaves although osmotic potential is slightly lower for young leaves. Total water potential is also lower for young leaves, particularly at dawn for the saline treatments. The result is reduced turgor under saline conditions at dawn for young but not mature leaves. This reduced turgor at dawn, and presumably low night value, is possibly a cause of reduced growth under saline conditions. No differences in leaf turgor occur at midday. Porometer measurements indicated that young leaves at a given salinity level have a higher stomatal conductance than mature leaves, regardless of the time of day. The result of stomatal closure is a linear reduction of transpiration.  相似文献   

植物根系吸水过程中根系水流阻力的变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以植物根系吸水的人工模拟试验所测得的数据为依据,运用水流的电模拟原理,定理分析了不同土壤水分水平处理下植物根系吸水过程中根系水流阻力各主要分量的大小、变化规律及其相对重要性.结果表明,在同一水分水平处理中,植物根内木质部传导阻力(Rc)随生长时间的推移而减小,随土层深度的加深而增大,土根接触阻力(Rsr)、植物根系吸收阻力(Rr)随生长时间表现出先下降后上升阶段的动态变化特征;在不同水分水平处理中,Rc、Rsr、Rr均随土壤湿度减小而大幅度增大;在植物根系水流阻力各分量中,Rr占根系水流阻力的比例为55%~96%,Rsr约占根系水流阻力的4%~45%,而Rc仅占根系水流阻力的7×10-6,故Rr是决定植物根系吸水速率的重要因素  相似文献   

采用压力室和冰点渗透压计测定了三角叶滨藜在不同浓度NaCl的根系环境溶液中根木质部的压力势和伤流液的渗透势,并利用原子吸收分光光度计测定了植株和伤流液以及环境溶液中Na 含量。结果表明:随着根环境溶液NaCl浓度的增加,三角叶滨藜植株和木质部伤流液中Na 含量虽呈上升趋势,但根系的过滤系数和体内Na 相对累积量逐渐降低,说明三角叶滨藜根细胞对盐分有很强的过滤作用;木质部伤流液的渗透势随着环境溶液渗透势的降低而降低,但根木质部溶液的水势则逐渐高出根外环境溶液的渗透势;表明三角叶滨藜能够利用较低的木质部负压来抵抗根外溶液的低渗透势而反渗透吸水,并利用根细胞对盐分的过滤作用来避免从环境摄取过量的盐分。  相似文献   

以自然状况下生长良好的耐旱树种刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)、元宝枫(Acer truncatum Bge.)、沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides L.)、白榆(Ulmus pumila L.)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.)、白皮松(Pinus bungeana Zucc.ex Endl.)及中生树种女贞(Ligustrum lucidum Ait.)、柳树(Salix matsudana Koidz. f. pendula Schneid.)为研究对象,用压力室法测定木质部水势,用冲洗法测定木质部栓塞程度,研究不同生长季节木质部栓塞与水势间的关系.结果表明针叶树油松、白皮松在各季节水势均较高,水势变化幅度较小,木质部不易发生栓塞,这与其木质部由管胞构成,对木质部栓塞不敏感,在干旱时采用高水势延迟脱水的耐旱策略有关.阔叶树刺槐、元宝枫、沙棘、白榆、女贞和柳树的木质部栓塞现象是其在每天正常生长过程中不可避免的 "平常事件",是它们适应干旱的一种方式.它们的木质部栓塞程度与水势表现出了相反的变化趋势,即同一树种在同一季节内水势值越低,木质部栓塞程度越大,但在不同树种及同一树种的不同季节不存在这种关系.由此可见,植物木质部栓塞对水势的敏感程度(即木质部栓塞脆弱性)主要由树种的木质部结构决定,同时受到树种特性、树木生长发育时期、外界环境因子的影响,木质部栓塞的脆弱性也具有季节变化特征.  相似文献   

Preconditions of phloem transport in conifers are relatively unknown. We studied the variation of needle and inner bark axial osmotic gradients and xylem water potential in Scots pine and Norway spruce by measuring needle and inner bark osmolality in saplings and mature trees over several periods within a growing season. The needle and inner bark osmolality was strongly related to xylem water potential in all studied trees. Sugar concentrations were measured in Scots pine, and they had similar dynamics to inner bark osmolality. The sucrose quantity remained fairly constant over time and position, whereas the other sugars exhibited a larger change with time and position. A small osmotic gradient existed from branch to stem base under pre‐dawn conditions, and the osmotic gradient between upper stem and stem base was close to zero. The turgor in branches was significantly driven by xylem water potential, and the turgor loss point in branches was relatively close to daily minimum needle water potentials typically reported for Scots pine. Our results imply that xylem water potential considerably impacts the turgor pressure gradient driving phloem transport and that gravitation has a relatively large role in phloem transport in the stems of mature Scots pine trees.  相似文献   

The long delayed maturation of the late metaxylem of maize ( Zea mays ) roots imposes a high-resistance barrier between the immature apices and the negative water potential of the leaves. These apices (20+ cm) bear strongly adhering soil sheaths to within 0.5 to 2 cm of the distal end. It was hypothesized that the sheathed immature apices should show less response to transpiration stress than bare regions. Measurements were made of the relative water content (RWC) of the sheathed and bare zones of the axile roots, both at different ages of the plant, and early and late in the day's transpiration. Sheathed roots maintained a steady RWC of about 83% irrespective of age or transpiration. Bare roots had RWCs of about 63% in the morning, but this fell to 55% in the afternoon. The first-order branches on the bare roots in the morning had still lower values of RWC, near 50%. Plots of RWC against water potential were indistinguishable for the three root types. It is concluded that the immature apices are indeed relatively isolated from the fluctuating tensions in the stem xylem, and that these tensions reduce the water content of bare roots and their branches to low values.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test the accuracy of the pressure-chamber technique as a method for estimating leaf-cell turgor pressures. To this end, pressure-probe measurements of cell turgor pressure (Pcell) were made on mesophyll cells of intact, attached leaves of Kalanchoë daigremontiana. Immediately following these measurements, leaves were excised and placed in a pressure chamber for the determination of balance pressure (Pbal). Cell-sap osmotic pressure (?cell) and xylem-sap osmotic pressure (?xyl) were also measured, and an average cell turgor pressure calculated as Pcell=?cell–?xylPbal. The apparent value of Pbal was positively correlated with the rate of increase of chamber pressure, and there was also a time-dependent increase associated with water loss. On expressing sap from the xylem, ?xyl fell to a plateau value that was positively correlated with ?cell. Correcting for these effects yielded estimates of Pbal and ?xyl at the time of leaf excision. On average, the values of Pcell obtained with the two techniques agreed to within ±002 MPa (errors are approximate 95% confidence limits). If ?xyl were ignored, however, the calculated turgor pressures would exceed the measured values by an average of 0.074 ± 0.012MPa, or 48% at the mean measured pressure of 0.155 MPa. We conclude that the pressure-chamber technique allows a good estimate to be made of turgor pressure in mesophyll cells of K. daigremontiana, provided that ?xyl is included in the determination. The 1:1 relationship between the measured and calculated turgor pressures also implies that the weighted-average reflection coefficient for the mesophyll cell membranes is close to unity.  相似文献   

王瑞庆  张莉  郭连金  朱海 《西北植物学报》2020,40(12):2157-2168
植物为适应陆地环境进化出木质部维管系统,通过水力学机制高效安全的向光合器官长距离运输水分,木质部水分运输对蒸腾、气孔运动、光合碳同化等生理过程有调控和协调作用,被称为植物生理学的支柱。植物水力学作为木质部水分运输的研究内容和手段,已成为整合植物与生态系统功能的中心枢纽。该文首先概述了植物水分运输的水力学机制、运输系统的局限性,以及木质部结构与功能之间的关系;其次,阐述了木质部栓塞的形成机制并详细介绍了栓塞的诱导方法和测试技术,分析了水分运输系统安全与效率之间的权衡关系,总结了植物对环境的响应和干旱致死的预测模型,讨论了测试技术问题及其引发的当前木质部逆压力修复和指数型木质部栓塞脆弱性曲线有效性的争议;最后,总结了目前植物木质部水力学研究的成果,提出了尚待解决的主要问题,探讨了研究机会与方向。  相似文献   

A new method of measuring water potential in tree stems by water injection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. A new method of measuring xylem water potential in the stems of trees is described. The flow rate of water injected into the xylem at two or more known pressures is measured. The xylem water potential is derived either graphically from the relationship between flow rate and applied pressure, or from the solution of simultaneous flow equations.  相似文献   

Changes in abscisic acid and its metabolites were followed through two drought cycles in Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco seedlings to determine the metabolic pathway of the hormone and its relationship to branch (stomatal) conductance. Three year-old, intact seedlings were water-stressed, watered, and restressed over a period of 30 days. Water potential was sampled with a pressure chamber and branch conductance with a steady-state porometer. Needle content of abscisic acid and 2- trans -abscisic acid and their saponifiable conjugates were quantified with gas-liquid chromatography. The typical water potential threshold in branch conductance, decreasing abruptly at -2.0 MPa, corresponded to an increase in abscisic acid content of 240 ng g−1. The relationship between abscisic acid and water potential was not definitive, though the general trend was an increase in the hormone with intensifying stress until water potential was -5.0 MPa, when concentration sharply declined. No adjustment to stress was observed in the relationships, but stress during the second cycle progressed more slowly. A linear relationship between abscisic acid and its conjugate indicated the importance of the interconversion of the two compounds for storage and supply of the free acid.  相似文献   

Early events in NaCl-induced root ion and water transport were investigated in maize (Zea mays L) roots using a range of microelectrode and imaging techniques. Addition of 100 mm NaCl to the bath resulted in an exponential drop in root xylem pressure, rapid depolarization of trans-root potential and a transient drop in xylem K(+) activity (A(K+) ) within ~1 min after stress onset. At this time, no detectable amounts of Na(+) were released into the xylem vessels. The observed drop in A(K+) was unexpected, given the fact that application of the physiologically relevant concentrations of Na(+) to isolated stele has caused rapid plasma membrane depolarization and a subsequent K(+) efflux from the stelar tissues. This controversy was explained by the difference in kinetics of NaCl-induced depolarization between cortical and stelar cells. As root cortical cells are first to be depolarized and lose K(+) to the environment, this is associated with some K(+) shift from the stelar symplast to the cortex, resulting in K(+) being transiently removed from the xylem. Once Na(+) is loaded into the xylem (between 1 and 5 min of root exposure to NaCl), stelar cells become more depolarized, and a gradual recovery in A(K+) occurs.  相似文献   

It was recently reported that cutting artefacts occur in some species when branches under tension are cut, even under water. We used non‐destructive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate the change in xylem water distribution at the cellular level in Vitis coignetiae standing stems before and after relaxing tension. Less than 3% of vessels were cavitated when stems under tension were cut under water at a position shorter than the maximum vessel length (MVL) from the MRI point, in three of four plants. The vessel contents remained at their original status, and cutting artefact vessel cavitation declined to <1% when stems were cut at a position farther than the MVL from the MRI point. Water infiltration into the originally cavitated vessels after cutting the stem, i.e. vessel refilling, was found in <1% of vessels independent of cutting position on three of nine plants. The results indicate that both vessel cavitation and refilling occur in xylem tissue under tension following stem cutting, but its frequency is quite small, and artefacts can be minimized altogether if the distance between the monitoring position and the cutting point is longer than the MVL.  相似文献   

高粱抗旱品种3197B比不抗旱品种三尺三在水分胁迫条件下ψ_S下降低。在相同ψ_S时,3197B相对含水量高于三尺三。水分胁迫期间,3197B能始终维持比三尺三较高的ψ_P。在中度和严重水分胁迫时,3197B几种渗透物质积累均高于三尺三,其中可溶性糖和K~ 对渗透调节贡献最大。水分胁迫下,3197B正展开叶渗透调节能力较强,ψ_P维持较高,临界膨压低,叶片扩张性能小、故生长速率随ψ_W下降较慢。  相似文献   

Two upland rice varieties (IRAT109, IAPAR9) and one lowland rice variety (Zhenshan 97B) were planted in summer and treated with both normal (full water) and drought stress in the reproductive stage. Panicle water potential (PWP) and leaf water potential (LWP) were measured every 1.0-1.5 h over 24 h on sunny days. Both PWP and LWP of upland varieties started to decrease later, maintained a higher level and recovered more quickly than that of the lowland variety. The results show that PWP can be used as an indicator of plant water status based on the parallel daily changes, and the high correlation between PWP and LWP. Similar correlations were also observed between PWP, LWP and eight traits related to plant growth and grain yield formation. PWP seemed to be more effective for distinguishing the upland rice varieties with different drought-tolerant ability. Differences in PWP and LWP between upland and lowland rice varieties were also observed at noon even under normal water conditions, implying the incorporation of the drought-tolerant mechanism to improve the photosynthesis and yield of traditional paddy rice.  相似文献   

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