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Partial mortality or tissue necrosis was quantified in the massive scleractinian coral Porites at three sites in The Philippines (Bolinao, NW Luzon; Puerto Galera, Mindoro; and El Nido, N Palawan). Overall, 15 ± 1 (mean ± 1 standard error, 642 replicates) percent of colony area was dead, mean colony area was 1135 plusmn; 127 cm2, and lesion density was 1.7 ± 0.1 dm—2. Total live coral cover varied between 20 and 63% in belt transects, and Porites and Acropora cover were inversely correlated. ANOVA models incorporating effects of site, colony size, sedimentation rates, wave exposure and depth were highly significant but explained only a small proportion of the variation observed in lesion density and percent dead area (respectively 8 and 2%). Lesion density was found to vary significantly with site (contributed 29% to this explained variance), decrease with increasing colony area (33%), and increase with increasing sedimentation (23%) and wave exposure (14%). Colony size was significantly explained by the factor site (contributing 61% to the total 29% explained variance) and depth (34%), with the smallest colonies being observed in Bolinao and the largest in El Nido. Densities of lesions were highest in Bolinao, intermediate in Puerto Galera, and lowest in El Nido. This pattern is parallel to intensity of human reef exploitation and opposite to that in colony size, live coral cover and Acropora cover. Since only a small part of the observed variance in partial mortality estimators was explained by the ANOVAs, other factors not quantified here must have been more important (e.g. disease incidence, predation, human exploitation).  相似文献   

In social insect colonies, recognition of nestmates, kinship, caste and reproductive status is crucial both for individuals and for the colony. The recognition cues used are thought to be chemical, with the hydrocarbons found on the cuticle of insects often cited as being particularly important. However, in honeybees (Apis mellifera) the role of cuticular hydrocarbons in nestmate recognition is controversial. Here we use the proboscis extension response (PER) conditioning paradigm to determine how well honeybees learn long-chain linear alkanes and (Z)-alkenes present on the cuticle of worker bees, and also how well they can discriminate between them. We found large differences both in learning and discrimination abilities with the different cuticular hydrocarbons. Thus, the tested hydrocarbons could be classified into those which the bees learnt and discriminated well (mostly alkenes) and those which they did not (alkanes and some alkenes). These well-learnt alkenes may constitute important compounds used as cues in the social recognition processes.  相似文献   

This review highlights an emerging role for sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in many different types of fibrosis. Indeed, both LPA and S1P are involved in the multi-process pathogenesis of fibrosis, being implicated in promoting the well-established process of differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts and the more controversial epithelial–mesenchymal transition and homing of fibrocytes to fibrotic lesions. Therefore, targeting the production of these bioactive lysolipids or blocking their sites/mechanisms of action has therapeutic potential. Indeed, LPA receptor 1 (LPA1) selective antagonists are currently being developed for the treatment of fibrosis of the lung as well as a neutralising anti-S1P antibody that is currently in Phase 1 clinical trials for treatment of age related macular degeneration. Thus, LPA- and S1P-directed therapeutics may not be too far from the clinic. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in Lysophospholipid Research.  相似文献   

Proponents of controversial Complementary and Alternative Medicines, such as homeopathy, argue that these treatments can be used with great effect in addition to, and sometimes instead of, ‘conventional’ medicine. In doing so, they accept the idea that the scientific approach to the evaluation of treatment does not undermine use of and support for some of the more controversial CAM treatments. For those adhering to the scientific canon, however, such efficacy claims lack the requisite evidential basis from randomised controlled trials. It is not clear, however, whether such opposition characterises the views of the general public. In this paper we use data from the 2009 Wellcome Monitor survey to investigate public use of and beliefs about the efficacy of a prominent and controversial CAM within the United Kingdom, homeopathy. We proceed by using Latent Class Analysis to assess whether it is possible to identify a sub-group of the population who are at ease in combining support for science and conventional medicine with use of CAM treatments, and belief in the efficacy of homeopathy. Our results suggest that over 40% of the British public maintain positive evaluations of both homeopathy and conventional medicine simultaneously. Explanatory analyses reveal that simultaneous support for a controversial CAM treatment and conventional medicine is, in part, explained by a lack of scientific knowledge as well as concerns about the regulation of medical research.  相似文献   

Task allocation is the process that adjusts the number of workers in each colony task in response to the environment. There is no central coordination of task allocation; instead workers use local cues from the environment and from other workers to decide which task to perform. We examine two aspects of task allocation: the sensitivity to the environment of task distribution, and the rate of response to environmental changes. We investigate how these two aspects are influenced by: (1) colony size, and (2) behavioral rules used by workers, i.e. how a worker uses cues from the environment and from social interactions with other workers in deciding which task to perform. We show that if workers use social cues in their choice of task, response time decreases with increasing colony size. Sensitivity of task distribution to the environment may decrease or not with colony size, depending on the behavioral rules used by workers. This produces a trade-off in task allocation: short response times can be achieved by increasing colony size, but at the cost of decreased sensitivity to the environment. We show that when a worker's response to social interactions depends on the local environment, sensitivity of task distribution to the environment is not affected by colony size and the trade-off is avoided.  相似文献   

A key step in the evolution of multicellular organisms is the formation of cooperative multicellular groups. It has been suggested that predation pressure may promote multicellular group formation in some algae and bacteria, with cells forming groups to lower their chance of being eaten. We use the green alga Chlorella vulgaris and the protist Tetrahymena thermophila to test whether predation pressure can initiate the formation of colonies. We found that: (1) either predators or just predator exoproducts promote colony formation; (2) higher predator densities cause more colonies to form; and (3) colony formation in this system is facultative, with populations returning to being unicellular when the predation pressure is removed. These results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that predation pressure promotes multicellular group formation. The speed of the reversion of populations to unicellularity suggests that this response is due to phenotypic plasticity and not evolutionary change.  相似文献   



Blood agar is used for the identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing of many bacterial pathogens. In the developing world, microbiologists use human blood agar because of the high cost and inhospitable conditions for raising wool sheep or horses to supply blood. Many pathogens either fail to grow entirely or exhibit morphologies and hemolytic patterns on human blood agar that confound colony recognition. Furthermore, human blood can be hazardous to handle due to HIV and hepatitis [1], [2]. This study investigated whether blood from hair sheep, a hardy, low-maintenance variety of sheep adapted for hot climates, was suitable for routine clinical microbiology studies.

Methods and Findings

Hair sheep blood obtained by jugular venipuncture was anticoagulated by either manual defibrination or collection in human blood bank bags containing citrate-phosphate-dextrose. Trypticase soy 5% blood agar was made from both forms of hair sheep blood and commercial defibrinated wool sheep blood. Growth characteristics, colony morphologies, and hemolytic patterns of selected human pathogens, including several streptococcal species, were evaluated. Specialized identification tests, including CAMP test, reverse CAMP test, and satellite colony formation with Haemophilus influenzae and Abiotrophia defectiva were also performed. Mueller-Hinton blood agar plates prepared from the three blood types were compared in antibiotic susceptibility tests by disk diffusion and E-test.


The results of all studies showed that blood agar prepared from citrated hair sheep blood is suitable for microbiological tests used in routine identification and susceptibility profiling of human pathogens. The validation of citrated hair sheep blood eliminates the labor-intensive and equipment-requiring process of manual defibrination. Use of hair sheep blood, in lieu of human blood currently used by many developing world laboratories and as an alternative to cost-prohibitive commercial sheep blood, offers the opportunity to dramatically improve the safety and accuracy of laboratory diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria in resource-poor countries.  相似文献   

Current high losses of honeybees seriously threaten crop pollination. Whereas parasite exposure is acknowledged as an important cause of these losses, the role of insecticides is controversial. Parasites and neonicotinoid insecticides reduce homing success of foragers (e.g. by reduced orientation), but it is unknown whether they negatively affect flight capacity. We investigated how exposing colonies to the parasitic mite Varroa destructor and the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid affect flight capacity of foragers. Flight distance, time and speed of foragers were measured in flight mills to assess the relative and interactive effects of high V. destructor load and a field-realistic, chronic sub-lethal dose of imidacloprid. Foragers from colonies exposed to high levels of V. destructor flew shorter distances, with a larger effect when also exposed to imidacloprid. Bee body mass partly explained our results as bees were heavier when exposed to these stressors, possibly due to an earlier onset of foraging. Our findings contribute to understanding of interacting stressors that can explain colony losses. Reduced flight capacity decreases the food-collecting ability of honeybees and may hamper the use of precocious foraging as a coping mechanism during colony (nutritional) stress. Ineffective coping mechanisms may lead to destructive cascading effects and subsequent colony collapse.  相似文献   

Purified recombinant human B cell growth factor-1/IL-4 was evaluated, alone and in combination, with purified preparations of recombinant human (rhu) CSF or erythropoietin (Epo) for effects on colony formation by human bone marrow CFU-GM progenitor cells (GM) and burst forming unit-E progenitor cells. rhu IL-4 synergized with rhu G-CSF to enhance granulocyte colony formation, but had no effect on CFU-GM colony formation stimulated by rhu GM-CSF, rhu IL-3, or rhu CSF-1. Rhu IL-4 synergized with Epo to enhance BFU-E colony formation equal to that of Epo plus either rhu IL-3, rhu GM-CSF, or rhu G-CSF. Removal of adherent cells and T lymphocytes did not influence the synergistic activities of rhu IL-4. Rmu IL-4, synergized with rhu G-CSF, but not with rmu GM-CSF, rmu IL-3, or natural mu CSF-1, to enhance CFU-GM (mainly granulocyte) colony numbers by a greater than 90% pure preparation of murine CFU-GM. Also, rhu IL-4 at low concentrations enhanced release of CSF and at higher concentrations the release also of suppressor molecules from human monocytes and PHA-stimulated human T lymphocytes. Use of specific CSF antibodies suggested that rhu IL-4 was enhancing the release of G-CSF and CSF-1 from monocytes and the release of GM-CSF and possibly G-CSF from PHA-stimulated T lymphocytes. Use of antibodies for TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, or TNF-beta as well as measurement of TNF and IFN titers suggested that the suppressor molecule(s) released from monocytes were acting with TNF-alpha and those released from PHA-stimulated T lymphocytes were acting with IFN-gamma. These results implicate B cell growth factor-1/IL-4 as a synergistic activity for hematopoietic progenitors and suggest that the actions can be on both progenitor and accessory cells.  相似文献   

Willow cuttings were used in which u narrow, longitudinal strip of bark was removed commencing from the base of the leafy shoot. Aphid colonies of different sizes were then sited on the stem either side of the strip, 10 cm below the base of the shoot. The leaves were allowed to assimilate 14CO2, and the dry weight and total activity of the honeydew from each colony was measured over a given period of time. It was found that not only did the total activity from the large colony exceed that of the small colony, but that the specific activity of the honeydew from the large colony was higher than that from the small colony. This has been taken as evidence that neighbouring pierced sieve tubes do not act independently of each other; mutual interference occurs. Increasing the distance between pierced sieve elements by dispersing the members of the large colony over a greater area of stem, did not apparently reduce interference effects. The results are explained in relation to the magnitude of the contributory length (Peel and Wealherley 1962), of individual sieve tubes pierced by the large, as opposed to the small colony.  相似文献   

Foraging in honeybees--when does it pay to dance?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Honeybees are unique in that they are the only social insectsthat are known to recruit nest mates using the waggle dance.This waggle dance is used by successful foragers to convey informationabout both the direction and distance to food sources. Nestmates can use this spatial information, increasing their chancesof locating the food source. But how effective is the bees'dance communication? Previous work has shown that dancing doesnot benefit a honeybee colony under all foraging conditionsand that the benefits of dancing are small. We used an individual-basedsimulation model to investigate under which foraging conditionsit pays to dance. We compared the net nectar intake of 3 typesof colonies: 1) colonies that use dance communication; 2) coloniesthat did dance but could not use the dance's spatial information;and 3) colonies that did not dance. Our results show that dancingis beneficial when the probability of independent discoveryof food sources is low. Low independent discovery rates occurwhen patches are very small or very far away. Under these conditions,dancing is beneficial as only a single individual needs to finda patch for the whole colony to benefit. The main benefit ofthe honeybee's dance communication, however, seems to be thatit enables the colony to forage at the most profitable patchesonly, ignoring forage patches that are of low quality. Thus,dancing allows the colony to rapidly exploit high-quality patches,thereby preventing both intra- and interspecific competitorsfrom using that same patch.  相似文献   

Coatis (genus Nasua ) occupy a large range of forested habitats. The aim of this study was to describe the use of habitat by Nasua nasua in a continuous pluvial tropical Atlantic forest area, the Carlos Botelho State Park (CBSP) in south-eastern Brazil. Use of space by N. nasua in the CBSP was characterized by an average home range area for one group of 445 ha by the minimum convex polygon method and 544 ha by the fixed kernel method, which was used across 2 months; the use of trees for foraging and travelling was superior to that reported for N. nasua and Nasua narica until now, being higher in the drier season. The home range of three coati groups shifted during the 3 years of this study; the home range of one habituated group changed by 91%. The proportion of ground foraging increased with the higher availability of soil invertebrates during the rainy season, but cannot be explained solely on the basis of resource availability.  相似文献   

In NW Patagonia, South America, natural shrublands and mixed forests of short Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forst.) Oerst. trees are currently being replaced by plantations with Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco. This land use change is controversial because the region is prone to drought, and replacement of native vegetation by planted forests may increase vegetation water use. The goal of this study was to examine the physiological differences, especially the response of water flux and canopy conductance to microclimate, that lead to greater water use by exotic trees compared to native trees. Meteorological variables and sapflow density of P. menziesii and four native woody species were measured in the growing season 2005–2006. Canopy conductance (gc) was estimated for both the exotic (monoculture) and native (multi-species) systems, including the individual contributions of each species of the native forest. Sapflow density, stand-level transpiration and gc were related to leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD). All native species had different magnitudes and diurnal patterns of sapflow density compared to P. menziesii, which could be explained by the different gc responses to VPD. Stomatal sensitivity to VPD suggested that all native species have a stronger stomatal control of leaf water potential and transpiration due to hydraulic limitations compared to P. menziesii. In conclusion, differences in water use between a P. menziesii plantation and a contiguous native mixed forest of similar basal area could be explained by different gc responses to VPD between species (higher sensitivity in the native species), in addition to particular characteristics of the native forest structure.  相似文献   

Ahn NS  Hu H  Park JS  Park JS  Kim JS  An S  Kong G  Aruoma OI  Lee YS  Kang KS 《Mutation research》2005,579(1-2):189-199
Although 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has a variety of carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic effects in experimental animals, its role in human carcinogenicity remain controversial. A simian virus 40-immortalized cell line from normal human breast epithelial cells with stem cells and luminal characteristics (M13SV1) was used to study whether TCDD can induce AIG positive colony formation and cause increased cell numbers in a inverted U-shaped dose–response manner. TCDD activated Akt, ERK2, and increased the expression of CYP1A1, PAI-2, IL-lb mRNA, and ERK2 protein levels. TCDD was able to increased phosphorylation and expression of ERK2 in same dose–response manner as AIG positive colony formation. Thus, TCDD induced tumorigenicity in M13SV1, possibly through the phosphorylation of ERK2 and/or Akt. Further, cDNA microarray with 7448 sequence-verified clones was used to profile various gene expression patterns after treatment of TCDD. Three clear patterns could be delineated: genes that were dose-dependently up-regulated, genes expressed in either U-shape and/or inverted U-shape. The fact that these genes are intrinsically related to breast epithelial cell proliferation and survival clearly suggests that they may be involved in the TCDD-induced breast tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

When aphids parasitize plants with extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and aphid colony size is small, ants frequently use EFNs but hardly tend aphids. However, as the aphid colony size increases, ants stop using EFNs and strengthen their associations with aphids. Although the shift in ant behavior is important for determining the dynamics of the ant–plant–aphid interaction, it is not known why this shift occurs. Here, we test two hypotheses to explain the mechanism responsible for this behavioral shift: (1) Extrafloral nectar secretion changes in response to aphid herbivory, or (2) plants do not change extrafloral nectar secretion, but the total reward to ants from aphids will exceed that from EFNs above a certain aphid colony size. To judge which mechanism is plausible, we investigated secretion patterns of extrafloral nectar produced by plants with and without aphids, compared the amount of sugar supplied by EFNs and aphids, and examined whether extrafloral nectar or honeydew was more attractive to ants. Our results show that there was no inducible extrafloral secretion in response to aphid herbivory, but the sugar concentration in extrafloral nectar was higher than in honeydew, and more ant workers were attracted to an artificial extrafloral nectar solution than to an artificial aphid honeydew solution. These results indicate that extrafloral nectar is a more attractive reward than aphid honeydew per unit volume. However, even an aphid colony containing only two individuals can supply a greater reward to ants than EFNs. This suggests that the ant behavioral shift may be explained by the second hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this work, a BHK21 clone producing a fusion protein consisting of a recombinant human IgG molecule with a cytokine tail, growing in a protein-free medium, was used to test several alternatives to avoid the use of serum for trypsin inactivation, currently used in cell dislodging. These included (1) trypsin inactivated with soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI); (2) cell dissociation solution instead of trypsin; (3) dispase instead of trypsin; (4) trypsin inactivated with fetal calf serum (positive control); (5) non-inactivated trypsin (negative control). Use of a centrifugation step was also tested for each alternative. Results indicate that the best method regarding cell growth, viability and adherent fraction is to use trypsin inactivated with STI followed by a centrifugation step. For all methods tested, the utilization of a centrifugation step always led to improved results. The optimal proportion for total trypsin inactivation is 1:1 trypsin (0.2% w/v) to STI (1 mg ml−1), equivalent to 2 mg trypsin to 1 mg STI. No toxic effect was observed for STI at the concentrations used. Long-term subculturing with this new, alternative dislodging method did not affect cell growth, viability and productivity. Received: 23 September 1996 / Received revision: 27 December 1996 / Accepted: 30 December 1996  相似文献   

For over a century, inbred mice have been used in many areas of genetics research to gain insight into the genetic variation underlying traits of interest. The generalizability of any genetic research study in inbred mice is dependent upon all individual mice being genetically identical, which in turn is dependent on the breeding designs of companies that supply inbred mice to researchers. Here, we compare whole-genome sequences from individuals of four commonly used inbred strains that were procured from either the colony nucleus or from a production colony (which can be as many as ten generations removed from the nucleus) of a large commercial breeder, in order to investigate the extent and nature of genetic variation within and between individuals. We found that individuals within strains are not isogenic, and there are differences in the levels of genetic variation that are explained by differences in the genetic distance from the colony nucleus. In addition, we employ a novel approach to mutation rate estimation based on the observed genetic variation and the expected site frequency spectrum at equilibrium, given a fully inbred breeding design. We find that it provides a reasonable per nucleotide mutation rate estimate when mice come from the colony nucleus (~7.9 × 10−9 in C3H/HeN), but substantially inflated estimates when mice come from production colonies.Subject terms: Evolutionary genetics, Evolutionary biology, Inbreeding, Genetic variation, Mutation  相似文献   

Although 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has a variety of carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic effects in experimental animals, its role in human carcinogenicity remain controversial. A simian virus 40-immortalized cell line from normal human breast epithelial cells with stem cells and luminal characteristics (M13SV1) was used to study whether TCDD can induce AIG positive colony formation and cause increased cell numbers in a inverted U-shaped dose–response manner. TCDD activated Akt, ERK2, and increased the expression of CYP1A1, PAI-2, IL-lb mRNA, and ERK2 protein levels. TCDD was able to increased phosphorylation and expression of ERK2 in same dose–response manner as AIG positive colony formation. Thus, TCDD induced tumorigenicity in M13SV1, possibly through the phosphorylation of ERK2 and/or Akt. Further, cDNA microarray with 7448 sequence-verified clones was used to profile various gene expression patterns after treatment of TCDD. Three clear patterns could be delineated: genes that were dose-dependently up-regulated, genes expressed in either U-shape and/or inverted U-shape. The fact that these genes are intrinsically related to breast epithelial cell proliferation and survival clearly suggests that they may be involved in the TCDD-induced breast tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

A principal use of flow cytometers is for the measurement of fluorescence distributions of cells stained with DNA specific dyes. A large amount of effort has been and is being expended currently in the analysis of these distributions for the fractions of cells in the G1, S, and G2 + M phases. Several methods of analysis have been proposed and are being used; new methods continue to be introduced. Many, if not most, of these methods differ only in the mathematical function used to represent the phases of the cell cycle and represent attempts to fit exactly distributions with known phase fractions or unusual shapes. In this paper we show that these refinements probably are not necessary because of cell staining and sampling variability. This hypothesis was tested by measuring fluorescence distributions for Chinese hamster ovary and KHT mouse sarcoma cells stained with Hoechst-33258, chromomycin A3, propidium iodide, and acriflavine. Our results show that: a) single measurements can result in phase fraction estimates that are in error by as much as 40% for G2 + M phase and 15-20% for G1 and S phases; b) different dyes can yield phase fraction estimates that differ by as much as 40% due to differences in DNA specificity; c) the shapes of fluorescence distributions and their interpretation are very dependent on the dye being used and on its binding mechanism.  相似文献   

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