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While ocean acidification is predicted to threaten marine biodiversity, the processes that directly impact species persistence are not well understood. For marine species, early life history stages are inherently vulnerable to predators and an innate ability to detect predators can be critical for survival. However, whether or not acidification inhibits predator detection is unknown. Here, we show that newly hatched larvae of the marine fish Amphiprion percula innately detect predators using olfactory cues and this ability is retained through to settlement. Aquarium-reared larvae, not previously exposed to predators, were able to distinguish between the olfactory cues of predatory and non-predatory species. However, when eggs and larvae were exposed to seawater simulating ocean acidification (pH 7.8 and 1000 p.p.m. CO2) settlement-stage larvae became strongly attracted to the smell of predators and the ability to discriminate between predators and non-predators was lost. Newly hatched larvae were unaffected by CO2 exposure and were still able to distinguish between predatory and non-predatory fish. If this impairment of olfactory preferences in settlement-stage larvae translates to higher mortality as a result of increased predation risk, there could be direct consequences for the replenishment and the sustainability of marine populations.
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 68–75  相似文献   

Foraging herbivores face twin threats of predation and parasite infection, but the risk of predation has received much more attention. We evaluated, experimentally, the role of olfactory cues in predator and parasite risk assessment on the foraging behaviour of a population of marked, free-ranging, red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus). The wallabies adjusted their behaviour according to these olfactory cues. They foraged less, were more vigilant and spent less time at feeders placed in the vicinity of faeces from dogs that had consumed wallaby or kangaroo meat compared with that of dogs feeding on sheep, rabbit or possum meat. Wallabies also showed a species-specific faecal aversion by consuming less food from feeders contaminated with wallaby faeces compared with sympatric kangaroo faeces, whose gastrointestinal parasite fauna differs from that of the wallabies. Combining both parasite and predation cues in a single field experiment revealed that these risks had an additive effect, rather than the wallabies compromising their response to one risk at the expense of the other.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Plasticity of resource use represents an important strategy for fish species living in unstable freshwater environments. Trophic polymorphism (i.e. variation in...  相似文献   

Mechanisms that determine the strength of trophic cascades from fish to benthic algae via algivorous invertebrates in stream communities have not been clarified. Using seven fish species, we tested the hypothesis that the interspecific variation of predatory behavior of fishes affects the strength of trophic cascades in experimental streams. One or two species of fish were introduced into flow-through pools of 2.5 m2 and the abundances of benthic invertebrates and algae were monitored. Pike gudgeon, a diurnal benthic feeder, triggered a strong trophic cascade but masu salmon, a diurnal drift feeder, did not have a cascading effect. Japanese dace, which is both a diurnal benthic and drift feeder, increased the algal biomass, but the nocturnal benthic feeder cut-tailed bullhead had little cascading effect. The diurnal benthic feeder silver crucian carp also had a cascading effect, but no trophic cascade was triggered either by Asian pond loach or by Japanese common catfish, both of which are nocturnal benthic feeders. Thus, diurnal benthic fish exerted a stronger cascading effect than diurnal drift feeders or nocturnal fish. The combination of two fish species enhanced the per-capita strength of trophic cascades, probably because one of the two species, the benthic feeder, preyed on more invertebrates than in the single-species pools.  相似文献   

Development of empirical feeding models for a benthic predator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feeding on Chironomus riparius, Glyptotendipes paripes (Chironomidae). and Daphnia magna by the predatory freshwater leech, Nephelopsis obscura , was investigated in the laboratory and predictive models developed to estimate prey capture rate in the field. Experimental arena (container) size significantly affected predation rates when arena diameter was less than twice the total body length of the predator. Both chironomid and Daphnia magna capture rates were influenced by predator size, temperature and prey density.  相似文献   

Diel variation in availability and vulnerability of fish to a survey trawl   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effect diel variation in availability and vulnerability has on the fish capture process of a groundfish survey trawl was examined from data collected during an experiment measuring fish escapement underneath the footgear. The survey trawl was significantly more efficient at night in capturing American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides, and yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea, but no difference was found in catches of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. This increase in capture efficiency at night is related to an increase in availability and vulnerability associated with diel variation in light intensity. No evidence of diel vertical migration was found and changes in availability were linked to visual dependent gear avoidance by the fish. Regardless of light conditions, the survey trawl had a very low capture efficiency for juveniles of the three species studied. Escapement of this size group was extremely high during both day and night periods due to a fast towing speed, use of large bobbin gear, and possible mesh selection.  相似文献   

When females anticipate a hazardous environment for their offspring, they can increase offspring survival by producing larger young. Early environmental experience determines egg size in different animal taxa. We predicted that a higher perceived predation risk by juveniles would cause an increase in the sizes of eggs that they produce as adults. To test this, we exposed juveniles of the mouthbrooding cichlid Eretmodus cyanostictus in a split-brood experiment either to cues of a natural predator or to a control situation. After maturation, females that had been confronted with predators produced heavier eggs, whereas clutch size itself was not affected by the treatment. This effect cannot be explained by a differential female body size because the predator treatment did not influence growth trajectories. The observed increase of egg mass is likely to be adaptive, as heavier eggs gave rise to larger young and in fish, juvenile predation risk drops sharply with increasing body size. This study provides the first evidence that predator cues perceived by females early in life positively affect egg mass, suggesting that these cues allow her to predict the predation risk for her offspring.  相似文献   

The relationship between diel variation in body carotenoid contentand feeding activity of zooplankton from Los Angeles Harbor.California, was investigated during two time series of 24h and32h, in August 1983 and May 1984. Carotenoid levels varied significantly(t-test. p<0.01) during each time series, with peak levelsoccurring around midnight. Feeding activity also exhibited anight time peak during each experiment. The regression of carotenoidcontent on feeding activity explained 87% and 82% of the variancein either parameter in the August and May experiments respectively.However, the regression equations varied from one experimentto the next. Between-experiment differences in the relationbetween carotenoid content and feeding activity and in the meancarotenoid levels over each time series may be related to differencesin phytoplankton concentration and composition during each experiment.  相似文献   

Although diel food habit studies have been undertaken on a number of individual species, few studies have examined diel variation in the diets of fish communities. We examined the diel diet variation and feeding periodicity of a fish community in the Juniata River, Pennsylvania. Nine species, totalling 1,098 fish, were collected at 4-h intervals over a 24-h period in October 1989, in numbers sufficient to describe their diel variation in diet composition. Diel variation in diet composition was evident in all species, as no single prey taxon was dominant in the diet of any species during any 4-h interval. Ephemeropterans were the most important prey taxa for four species of centrarchids, whereas chironomids were the main prey of banded killifish, mimic shiners, and spotfin shiners. Algae was the major component in the diet of spottail shiners, whereas bluntnose minnows contained mostly detritus. Feeding activities of rock bass, redbreast sunfish, and pumpkinseed occurred at low levels throughout the day; peak feeding occurred from 2000 to 0400 hours. Food consumption of smallmouth bass increased throughout the day with peak consumption occurring at 2000 hours. Non-centrarchids fed little during daylight hours and showed peak activity at 2000–2400 h. Construction of a 24-hour diet from six 4-h interval estimates and feeding periodicity data provided a comprehensive representation of the diel feeding ecology of all species collected.  相似文献   

Diel pattern of pelagic distribution and feeding in planktivorous fish   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Erik Bohl 《Oecologia》1979,44(3):368-375
Summary The spatial distribution of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus), rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalamus), bream (Abramis brama) and bleak (Alburnus alburnus) was registered by echosounding during two years in small Bavarian lakes. The gut contents of the fish were analysed in order to reconstruct their rhythmicity of food intake. Fish were found in the pelagic zone only during the night, feeding before midnight with maximal rate. The vertical position of the fish was dependent on the water transparency following a light intensity in the order of 10-3 Lux. The diel migration between littoral and pelagic zones was a mainly horizontal one with a vertical component. Both the speed of increase of fish density in the open water and of the vertical movement was correlated to the speed of change of light intensity. Shoals broke up into single fish during the offshore migration. The span of presence in the pelagic zone was identical with the duration of the dark period. During winter no diel migration nor periodical feeding took place.  相似文献   

Animals commonly approach (i.e. 'inspect') potential predators. Glowlight tetras, Hemigrammus erythrozonus, have previously been shown to inspect the combined chemical and visual cues originating from novel predators and to modify their inspection (approach) behaviour depending upon the predator's diet. We conducted two experiments to determine whether tetras would inspect the chemical cues of injured prey or the dietary cues of a novel predator in the absence of any visual cues. Shoals of glowlight tetras were exposed to either distilled water (control) or the skin extract of swordtail (lacking ostariophysan alarm pheromones) or the skin extract of tetra (with alarm pheromones). There was no significant difference in the frequency of predator inspection behaviour towards swordtail or tetra skin extract compared to the distilled water controls. In the second experiment, we exposed shoals of tetras to either distilled water or the odour of Jack Dempsey cichlids, Cichlasoma octofasciatum, which had been food deprived, or fed a diet of swordtails or tetras. There was no significant difference in the frequency of predator inspection behaviour towards the odour of the starved cichlids and the odour of the fed cichlids in either of the two diet treatments. However, when tetras were exposed to the odour of cichlids fed tetras, they took significantly longer to initiate an inspection visit, remained further from the source of the chemical cues and inspected in smaller groups, compared with the odour of a starved cichlid or a cichlid fed swordtails. These data strongly suggest that tetras will inspect chemical cues alone, but only if the cue contains information about the predator. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The diel variations in feeding behaviour and vertical distribution were determined for ten species of a tropical fish community in a shallow SE Sri Lankan reservoir. The fish community consisted of two introduced exotic tilapias and eight indigenous riverine species including five cyprinids, one clarid, one hemiramphid and one gobid. Multi-mesh gillnets dividing the water column in six depth strata were set with a six-hour interval throughout four 24-hour periods. The study of the diel variation in feeding behaviour was based on analysis of catch data, gut contents and gut fullness per setting time. The diel variation in vertical distribution was determined per species for each of the six depth-strata. Feeding behaviour and vertical distribution differed significantly among species and for most species throughout the 24-hour period. Feeding behaviour and vertical distribution were correlated. The status of whether or not a fish is feeding determines if the trophic and spatial resource dimensions are interrelated. Resource partitioning along the spatial dimension may reduce exploitative competition at the time of feeding, whereas it may limit interference competition or predation during non-feeding periods. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Diel activity ofJesogammarus spinopalpus was monitored by an actograph using infra-red beams. The overall level and diel pattern of activity differed between males and females, and between the single and precopula phases. Single males were more active during the dark period (night) (153 intercepts/h) than during the light period (daytime) (50 intercepts/h), showing a clearly nocturnal habit, whereas the activity of single females was very low both at night (18 intercepts/h) and in the daytime (8 intercepts/h). The activity pattern of precopula pairs was nocturnal, but the level of activity was lower than that of single males (48 intercepts/h at night and 6 intercepts/h in the daytime). The sexual difference in activity level may reflect behavioral tactics during reproduction.  相似文献   

The benthic fish communities of 161 Swedish lakes, sampled with multi-mesh gillnets, were examined by direct gradient analyses with ten environmental factors. A geographic gradient, correlated with climatic factors and productivity, was most important for ordination of species optima. By contrast, the distribution of biomass in different size-classes and trophic groups, was influenced more directly by local factors such as water quality (pH) and lake morphometry (area and maximum depth). The communities are not only structured at the species level, but also by size-related allocation of resources, within and between coexisting species. This national survey confirmed patterns observed in previous local field studies, as well as experiments designed for testing mechanisms acting on size-structured populations. However, it highlighted the need for more extensive studies on if and how large-scale environmental variation affects the cues for size-related ontogenetic niche shifts in facultative piscivores, because species such as perch Perca fluviatilis , brown trout Salmo trutta , and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus often dominate the benthic fish community.  相似文献   

Olfactory signals constitute an important mechanism in interspecific interactions, but little is known regarding their role in communication between predator species. We analyzed the behavioral responses of a mesopredator, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), to an olfactory cue (scat) of an apex predator, the lynx (Lynx lynx) in Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest, Poland, using video camera traps. Red fox visited sites with scats more often than expected and the duration of their visits was longer at scat sites than at control sites (no scat added). Vigilant behavior, sniffing and scent marking (including over-marking) occurred more often at scat sites compared to control sites, where foxes mainly passed by. Vigilance was most pronounced during the first days of the recordings. Red fox behavior was also influenced by foxes previously visiting scat sites. They sniffed and scent marked (multiple over-marking) more frequently when the lynx scat had been over-marked previously by red fox. Fox visits to lynx scats may be seen as a trade-off between obtaining information on a potential food source (prey killed by lynx) and the potential risk of predation by an apex predator.  相似文献   

Shape variation in a benthic stream fish across flow regimes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolution of fish body shapes in flowing and non-flowing waters have been examined for several species. Flowing water can select for fish body shapes that increase steady swimming efficiency, whereas non-flowing water can favor shapes that increase unsteady swimming efficiency. Benthic stream fishes often use areas near the substrate that exhibit reduced or turbulent flow, thus it is unclear which swimming forms would be favored in such environments, and how shape might change across flow regimes. To test the relationship between fish body shape and flow regime in a benthic stream fish, we used geometric morphometric techniques to characterize lateral body shape in mountain sucker (Catostomus platyrhynchus) across flow rates, using stream gradient as an indicator of stream flow. Mountain suckers from low-flow environments were more streamlined, consistent with steady swimming body shapes, whereas mountain suckers from high flows had deeper bodies, consistent with unsteady swimming body shapes. In addition, smaller individuals tended to have more robust body shapes. These patterns are opposite to those predicted for stream fishes in the mid-water column. The benthic stream environment represents a distinct selective environment for fish shape that does not appear to conform to the simple dichotomy of flowing versus non-flowing water.  相似文献   

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