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We have identified a novel gene, gtcA, involved in the decoration of cell wall teichoic acid of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b with galactose and glucose. Insertional inactivation of gtcA brought about loss of reactivity with the serotype 4b-specific monoclonal antibody c74.22 and was accompanied by a complete lack of galactose and a marked reduction in the amounts of glucose on teichoic acid. Interestingly, the composition of membrane-associated lipoteichoic acid was not affected. Complementation of the mutants with the cloned gtcA in trans restored galactose and glucose on teichoic acid to wild-type levels. The complemented strains also recovered reactivity with c74.22. Within L. monocytogenes, sequences homologous to gtcA were found in all serogroup 4 isolates but not in strains of any other serotypes. In serotype 4b, gtcA appears to be the first member of a bicistronic operon which includes a gene with homology to Bacillus subtilis rpmE, encoding ribosomal protein L31. In contrast to gtcA, the latter gene appears conserved among all screened serotypes of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Teichoic acid-associated N-acetylglucosamine and rhamnose have been shown to serve as phage receptors in Listeria monocytogenes serotype 1/2a. We generated and characterized two single-copy Tn916ΔE mutants which were resistant to phage A118 and several other serotype 1/2a-specific phages. In one mutant the insertion was immediately upstream of the recently identified ptsHI locus, which encodes two proteins of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent carbohydrate uptake system, whereas in the other the insertion was immediately upstream of an operon whose most distal gene was clpC, involved in stress responses and virulence. Transduction experiments confirmed the association of the phage-resistant phenotype of these mutants with the transposon insertion. Phage A118 resistance of the mutants could be attributed to inability of the phage to adsorb onto the mutant cells, and biochemical analysis of cell wall composition showed that the teichoic acids of both mutants were deficient in N-acetylglucosamine. Rhamnose and other teichoic acid and cell wall components were not affected.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat foods has been implicated in numerous outbreaks of food-borne listeriosis. However, the health hazards posed by L. monocytogenes detected in foods may vary, and speculations exist that strains actually implicated in illness may constitute only a fraction of those that contaminate foods. In this study, examination of 34 serogroup 4 (putative or confirmed serotype 4b) isolates of L. monocytogenes obtained from various foods and food-processing environments, without known implication in illness, revealed that many of these strains had methylation of cytosines at GATC sites in the genome, rendering their DNA resistant to digestion by the restriction endonuclease Sau3AI. These strains also harbored a gene cassette with putative restriction-modification system genes as well as other, genomically unlinked genetic markers characteristic of the major epidemic-associated lineage of L. monocytogenes (epidemic clone I), implicated in numerous outbreaks in Europe and North America. This may reflect a relatively high fitness of strains with these genetic markers in foods and food-related environments relative to other serotype 4b strains and may partially account for the repeated involvement of such strains in human food-borne listeriosis.  相似文献   

The majority of Listeria monocytogenes isolates recovered from foods and the environment are strains of serogroup 1/2, especially serotypes 1/2a and 1/2b. However, serotype 4b strains cause the majority of human listeriosis outbreaks. Our investigation of L. monocytogenes biofilms used a simulated food-processing system that consisted of repeated cycles of growth, sanitation treatment, and starvation to determine the competitive fitness of strains of serotypes 1/2a and 4b in pure and mixed-culture biofilms. Selective enumeration of strains of a certain serotype in mixed-culture biofilms on stainless steel coupons was accomplished by using serotype-specific quantitative PCR and propidium monoazide treatment to prevent amplification of extracellular DNA or DNA from dead cells. The results showed that the serotype 1/2a strains tested were generally more efficient at forming biofilms and predominated in the mixed-culture biofilms. The growth and survival of strains of one serotype were not inhibited by strains of the other serotype in mixed-culture biofilms. However, we found that a cocktail of serotype 4b strains survived and grew significantly better in mixed-culture biofilms containing a specific strain of serotype 1/2a (strain SK1387), with final cell densities averaging 0.5 log10 CFU/cm2 higher than without the serotype 1/2a strain. The methodology used in this study contributed to our understanding of how environmental stresses and microbial competition influence the survival and growth of L. monocytogenes in pure and mixed-culture biofilms.A prominent food-borne pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes can cause severe infections in humans, primarily in high-risk populations, though the disease (listeriosis) is relatively rare (11, 30, 43). Outbreaks of listeriosis have resulted from the contamination of a variety of foods by L. monocytogenes, especially meat and dairy products (27). L. monocytogenes is ubiquitous in the environment, able to grow at refrigeration temperature, and tolerant of the low pHs (3 to 4) typical of acidified foods (28, 32, 44). The capacity to produce biofilms confers protection against stresses common in the food-processing environment (13, 33).Biofilms are characterized by dense clusters of bacterial cells embedded in extracellular polymeric substances which are secreted by cells to aid in adhesion to surfaces and to other cells (4, 5). Strains of L. monocytogenes have been known to persist for years in food-processing environments, presumably in biofilms. Of the 13 known serotypes of L. monocytogenes, three (1/2a, 1/2b, and 4b) account for >95% of the isolates from human illness (21). Serotype 1/2a accounts for >50% of the L. monocytogenes isolates recovered from foods and the environment, while most major outbreaks of human listeriosis have been caused by serotype 4b strains (1, 3, 14, 15, 17, 22, 29, 31, 41, 47, 49,). No correlation between L. monocytogenes strain fitness and serotype has been identified (16, 19). Some studies have reported that strains repeatedly isolated from food and environmental samples (defined as persistent strains) had a higher adherence capacity than strains that were sporadically isolated (2, 36), while this phenomenon was not observed by others (7). Serotype 4b strains exhibited a higher capacity for biofilm formation than did serotype 1/2a strains (36), whereas this was not observed by Di Bonaventura and colleagues (6). It has been suggested that serotype 1/2a strains could be more robust than serotype 4b strains in biofilm formation under a variety of environmental conditions. Furthermore, strains of these serotypes differ in terms of the medium that promotes biofilm formation. Biofilm formation by serotype 4b strains was higher in full-strength tryptic soy broth than in diluted medium, whereas the opposite was observed with serotype 1/2a strains, which produced more biofilm in diluted medium (12).There is limited information on microbial competition between strains of different serotypes in biofilms or on how the environmental stresses present in food-processing environments may affect the biofilm formation and survival of L. monocytogenes of different serotypes. In food-processing plants, the environmental stresses encountered by bacteria are more complex and variable than most laboratory systems used for microbial ecology and biofilm studies. A simulated food-processing (SFP) system has been developed to address this issue (38). The SFP system incorporates several stresses that may affect bacteria in biofilms in the food-processing environment, including exposure to sanitizing agents, dehydration, and starvation. When biofilms were subjected to the SFP regimen over a period of several weeks, the cell numbers of L. monocytogenes strains in the biofilms initially were reduced and then increased as the culture adapted (38). The development of resistance to sanitizing agents was specific to the biofilm-associated cells and was not apparent in the detached cells (38). This suggested that extracellular polymeric substances present in the biofilm matrix were responsible for the resistance to sanitizing agents. It was subsequently found that real-time PCR, in combination with propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment of samples prior to DNA isolation, was an effective method for enumerating viable cells in biofilms (37).The objective of this study was to determine if strains of serotype 1/2a or 4b have a selective advantage under stress conditions. We investigated and compared the initial attachment and biofilm formation capabilities of L. monocytogenes strains of these two serotypes and analyzed the survival and growth of bacteria of each serotype in mixed-serotype biofilms in the SFP system by using PMA with quantitative PCR.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive, food-borne pathogen of humans and animals. L. monocytogenes is considered to be a potential public health risk by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as this bacterium can easily contaminate ready-to-eat (RTE) foods and cause an invasive, life-threatening disease (listeriosis). Bacteria can adhere and grow on multiple surfaces and persist within biofilms in food processing plants, providing resistance to sanitizers and other antimicrobial agents. While whole genome sequencing has led to the identification of biofilm synthesis gene clusters in many bacterial species, bioinformatics has not identified the biofilm synthesis genes within the L. monocytogenes genome. To identify genes necessary for L. monocytogenes biofilm formation, we performed a transposon mutagenesis library screen using a recently constructed Himar1 mariner transposon. Approximately 10,000 transposon mutants within L. monocytogenes strain 10403S were screened for biofilm formation in 96-well polyvinyl chloride (PVC) microtiter plates with 70 Himar1 insertion mutants identified that produced significantly less biofilms. DNA sequencing of the transposon insertion sites within the isolated mutants revealed transposon insertions within 38 distinct genetic loci. The identification of mutants bearing insertions within several flagellar motility genes previously known to be required for the initial stages of biofilm formation validated the ability of the mutagenesis screen to identify L. monocytogenes biofilm-defective mutants. Two newly identified genetic loci, dltABCD and phoPR, were selected for deletion analysis and both ΔdltABCD and ΔphoPR bacterial strains displayed biofilm formation defects in the PVC microtiter plate assay, confirming these loci contribute to biofilm formation by L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Listeria-infecting phages are readily isolated from Listeria-containing environments, yet little is known about the selective forces they exert on their host. Here, we identified that two virulent phages, LP-048 and LP-125, adsorb to the surface of Listeria monocytogenes strain 10403S through different mechanisms. We isolated and sequenced, using whole-genome sequencing, 69 spontaneous mutant strains of 10403S that were resistant to either one or both phages. Mutations from 56 phage-resistant mutant strains with only a single mutation mapped to 10 genes representing five loci on the 10403S chromosome. An additional 12 mutant strains showed two mutations, and one mutant strain showed three mutations. Two of the loci, containing seven of the genes, accumulated the majority (n = 64) of the mutations. A representative mutant strain for each of the 10 genes was shown to resist phage infection through mechanisms of adsorption inhibition. Complementation of mutant strains with the associated wild-type allele was able to rescue phage susceptibility for 6 out of the 10 representative mutant strains. Wheat germ agglutinin, which specifically binds to N-acetylglucosamine, bound to 10403S and mutant strains resistant to LP-048 but did not bind to mutant strains resistant to only LP-125. We conclude that mutant strains resistant to only LP-125 lack terminal N-acetylglucosamine in their wall teichoic acid (WTA), whereas mutant strains resistant to both phages have disruptive mutations in their rhamnose biosynthesis operon but still possess N-acetylglucosamine in their WTA.  相似文献   

A novel genomic island (LGI1) was discovered in Listeria monocytogenes isolates responsible for the deadliest listeriosis outbreak in Canada, in 2008. To investigate the functional role of LGI1, the outbreak strain 08-5578 was exposed to food chain-relevant stresses, and the expression of 16 LGI1 genes was measured. LGI1 genes with putative efflux (L. monocytogenes emrE [emrELm]), regulatory (lmo1851), and adhesion (sel1) functions were deleted, and the mutants were exposed to acid (HCl), cold (4°C), salt (10 to 20% NaCl), and quaternary ammonium-based sanitizers (QACs). Deletion of lmo1851 had no effect on the L. monocytogenes stress response, and deletion of sel1 did not influence Caco-2 and HeLa cell adherence/invasion, whereas deletion of emrE resulted in increased susceptibility to QACs (P < 0.05) but had no effect on the MICs of gentamicin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline, acriflavine, and triclosan. In the presence of the QAC benzalkonium chloride (BAC; 5 μg/ml), 14/16 LGI1 genes were induced, and lmo1861 (putative repressor gene) was constitutively expressed at 4°C, 37°C, and 52°C and in the presence of UV exposure (0 to 30 min). Following 1 h of exposure to BAC (10 μg/ml), upregulation of emrE (49.6-fold), lmo1851 (2.3-fold), lmo1861 (82.4-fold), and sigB (4.1-fold) occurred. Reserpine visibly suppressed the growth of the ΔemrELm strain, indicating that QAC tolerance is due at least partially to efflux activity. These data suggest that a minimal function of LGI1 is to increase the tolerance of L. monocytogenes to QACs via emrELm. Since QACs are commonly used in the food industry, there is a concern that L. monocytogenes strains possessing emrE will have an increased ability to survive this stress and thus to persist in food processing environments.  相似文献   

The growth of the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes can be controlled by nisin, an antimicrobial peptide. A spontaneous mutant of L. monocytogenes shows both resistance to nisin and increased acid sensitivity compared to the wild type. Changes in the cell membrane correlated with nisin resistance, but the mechanism for acid sensitivity appears unrelated. When hydrochloric or lactic acid is added to cultures, intracellular ATP levels drop significantly in the mutant (P < 0.01) compared to the results seen with the wild type. Characterization of the F0F1 ATPase, which hydrolyzes ATP to pump protons from the cell cytoplasm, shows that the enzyme is more active in the mutant than in the wild type. These data support a model in which the increased activity of the mutant ATPase upon acid addition depletes the cells' supply of ATP, resulting in cell death.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes is generally associated with its persistence in the food-processing environment. Serotype 1/2a strains make up more than 50% of the total isolates recovered from food and the environment, while serotype 4b strains are most often associated with major outbreaks of human listeriosis. Using a microplate assay with crystal violet staining, we examined biofilm formation by 18 strains of each serotype in tryptic soy broth with varying concentrations of glucose (from 0.25% to 10.0%, wt/vol), sodium chloride (from 0.5% to 7.0%, wt/vol) and ethanol (from 1% to 5.0%, vol/vol), and at different temperatures (22.5°C, 30°C, and 37°C). A synergistic effect on biofilm formation was observed for glucose, sodium chloride, and temperature. The serotype 1/2a strains generally formed higher-density biofilms than the 4b strains under most conditions tested. Interestingly, most serotype 4b strains had a higher growth rate than the 1/2a strains, suggesting that the growth rate may not be directly related to the capacity for biofilm formation. Crystal violet was found to stain both bacterial cells and biofilm matrix material. The enhancement in biofilm formation by environmental factors was apparently due to the production of extracellular polymeric substances instead of the accumulation of viable biofilm cells.Listeria monocytogenes, a Gram-positive bacterium, is capable of causing severe food-borne infections in both humans and animals. The organism is ubiquitous in the environment and can grow in a wide variety of foods, including those stored at refrigeration temperatures. It is particularly difficult to eliminate this bacterium from ready-to-eat foods and food-processing equipment (19). The ability to form biofilms protects the bacterium from stresses in food-processing environments (13, 25). Among the 13 different serotypes described, serotypes 1/2a, 1/2b, and 4b are involved in the majority of human cases of listeriosis. Serotype 4b strains have accounted for most human outbreaks, whereas the majority of L. monocytogenes strains isolated from foods or food-processing plants belong to serotype 1/2a (19).Comparative studies to link the phenotypic attributes of L. monocytogenes strains to serotypes have obtained variable results. Buncic et al. (4) have shown that serotype 1/2a isolates were more resistant to antilisterial bacteriocins than serotype 4b strains at 4°C. They also found that 4b isolates exhibited greater resistance to heat treatments at 60°C and were easier to recover than 1/2a strains immediately following cold storage. Bruhn et al. (3) observed that 1/2a strains (lineage II) grew faster than 4b and 1/2b (lineage I) strains in commonly used enrichment broth media (University of Vermont media I and II). However, other studies have indicated that similar differences could not be linked to a serotype (14), and sequencing results have shown a syntenic relationship between strains of the two serotypes (27).Some L. monocytogenes strains have consistently been isolated from food-processing plants over many years (1, 28). Although several studies have been carried out to identify differences in cell adherence and biofilm formation among different serotypes, conflicting results were obtained. Lineage I isolates (including serotypes 4b, 1/2b, 3c, and 3b) were found to produce higher-density biofilms than lineage II isolates (including serotypes 1/2a, 1/2c, and 3a) (8, 28). However, this conclusion was not supported by other studies (1, 7, 18). For serotype 4b strains, the capacity to form biofilms was reduced when the nutrient level in a medium decreased, while serotype 1/2a strains were not similarly affected (11).It has been suggested that the formation of a biofilm is a stress response by bacterial cells (15, 16). Biofilm research under laboratory conditions may not reflect biofilm formation in the environment. To investigate the behavior of L. monocytogenes in biofilms, a simulated food-processing (SFP) system including several stresses was designed (30). The SFP system was used to study 1/2a and 4b strains in mixed-culture biofilms (31). Bacterial cells from a 1/2a cocktail predominated over 4b strains when exposed to the SFP system for 4 weeks, but no competitive inhibition was observed. Environmental factors, including temperature, sugar, salt, pH, and nutrients that are common in foods and food-processing environments, have been demonstrated to have impacts on L. monocytogenes adhesion and biofilm formation (25). The objectives of this study were to investigate and compare biofilm formation between L. monocytogenes serotype 1/2a strains and serotype 4b strains under a variety of environmental conditions, including different temperatures and varying concentrations of salt, sugar, and ethanol, and to examine the synergistic effects of these factors on biofilm formation by both serotypes.  相似文献   

In culture supernatants of both Listeria ivanovii and Listeria monocytogenes Sv4b, for the first time a hemolysin of molecular weight 58 kDa was identified, which had all the characteristics of an SH-activated cytolysin, and which was therefore identified as listeriolysin O (LLO). In the case of L. ivanovii a second major supernatant protein of molecular weight 24 kDa co-purified with LLO. However, the function of this protein has to be determined. In culture supernatants of L. ivanovii a sphingomyelinase and a lecithinase activity could be detected, both enzymatic activities together contributing to the pronounced hemolysis caused by L. ivanovii. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of LLO and the 24 kDa from L. ivanovii are shown.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes can cause severe food-borne disease (listeriosis). Numerous outbreaks have involved three serotype 4b epidemic clones (ECs): ECI, ECII, and ECIa. However, little is known about the population structure of L. monocytogenes serotype 4b from sporadic listeriosis in the United States, even though most cases of human listeriosis are in fact sporadic. Here we analyzed 136 serotype 4b isolates from sporadic cases in the United States, 2003 to 2008, utilizing multiple tools including multilocus genotyping, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and sequence analysis of the inlAB locus. ECI, ECII, and ECIa were frequently encountered (32, 17, and 7%, respectively). However, annually 30 to 68% of isolates were outside these ECs, and several novel clonal groups were identified. An estimated 33 and 17% of the isolates, mostly among the ECs, were resistant to cadmium and arsenic, respectively, but resistance to benzalkonium chloride was uncommon (3%) among the sporadic isolates. The frequency of clonal groups fluctuated within the 6-year study period, without consistent trends. However, on several occasions, temporal clusters of isolates with indistinguishable genotypes were detected, suggesting the possibility of hidden multistate outbreaks. Our analysis suggests a complex population structure of serotype 4b L. monocytogenes from sporadic disease, with important contributions by ECs and several novel clonal groups. Continuous monitoring will be needed to assess long-term trends in clonality patterns and population structure of L. monocytogenes from sporadic listeriosis.  相似文献   

A small number of closely related strains of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b, designated epidemic clone I (ECI), have been implicated in numerous outbreaks of food-borne listeriosis described during the past two decades in Europe and North America. In 1998 to 1999, a multistate outbreak traced to contaminated hot dogs involved a different strain type of serotype 4b, with genetic fingerprints rarely encountered before. In spite of the profound economic and public health impact of this outbreak, the implicated bacteria (designated epidemic clone II [ECII]) have remained poorly characterized genetically, and nucleotide sequences specific for these strains have not been reported. Using genome sequence information, PCR, and Southern blots, we identified DNA fragments which appeared to be either absent or markedly divergent in the hot dog outbreak strains but conserved among other serotype 4b strains. PCR with primers derived from these fragments as well as Southern blots with the amplicons as probes readily differentiated ECII from other serotype 4b strains. The serotype 4b-specific region harboring these fragments was adjacent to inlA, which encodes a well-characterized virulence determinant. The findings suggest that ECII strains have undergone divergence in portions of a serotype-specific region that is conserved in other serotype 4b strains. Although the mechanisms that drive this divergence remain to be identified, DNA-based tools from this region can facilitate the detection and further characterization of strains belonging to this lineage.  相似文献   

During exposure to certain stresses, bacteria dimerize pairs of 70S ribosomes into translationally silent 100S particles in a process called ribosome hibernation. Although the biological roles of ribosome hibernation are not completely understood, this process appears to represent a conserved and adaptive response that contributes to optimal survival during stress and post-exponential-phase growth. Hibernating ribosomes are formed by the activity of one or more highly conserved proteins; gammaproteobacteria produce two relevant proteins, ribosome modulation factor (RMF) and hibernation promoting factor (HPF), while most Gram-positive bacteria produce a single, longer HPF protein. Here, we report the formation of 100S ribosomes by an HPF homolog in Listeria monocytogenes. L. monocytogenes 100S ribosomes were observed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation of bacterial extracts during mid-logarithmic phase, peaked at the transition to stationary phase, and persisted at lower levels during post-exponential-phase growth. 100S ribosomes were undetectable in bacteria carrying an hpf::Himar1 transposon insertion, indicating that HPF is required for ribosome hibernation in L. monocytogenes. Additionally, epitope-tagged HPF cosedimented with 100S ribosomes, supporting its previously described direct role in 100S formation. We examined hpf mRNA by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and identified several conditions that upregulated its expression, including carbon starvation, heat shock, and exposure to high concentrations of salt or ethanol. Survival of HPF-deficient bacteria was impaired under certain conditions both in vitro and during animal infection, providing evidence for the biological relevance of 100S ribosome formation.  相似文献   

Toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) is an important pattern recognition receptor with the ability to drive potent innate immune responses and also to modulate adaptive immune responses needed for long term protection. Activation of TLR4 by its ligands is mediated by engagement of the adapter proteins MyD88 (myeloid differentiation factor 88) and TRIF (Toll-interleukin 1 receptor domain-containing adapter inducing interferon-beta). Previously, we showed that TRIF, but not MyD88, plays an important role in allowing TLR4 agonists to adjuvant early T cell responses. In this study, we investigated the T cell priming events that are regulated specifically by the TRIF signaling branch of TLR4. We found that TRIF deficiency prevented the TLR4 agonist lipid A from enhancing T cell proliferation and survival in an adoptive transfer model of T cell priming. TRIF deficient DC showed defective maturation as evidenced by their failure to upregulate co-stimulatory molecules in response to lipid A stimulation. Importantly, TRIF alone caused CD86 and CD40 upregulation on splenic DC, but both TRIF and MyD88 were required for CD80 upregulation. The impairment of T cell adjuvant effects and defective DC maturation in TRIF lps/lps mice after TLR4 stimulation was mainly due to loss of type I IFN production, indicating that type I interferons are central to TLR4''s adjuvant effects. These results are useful for the continued development of TLR4 based vaccine adjuvants that avoid inflammatory risks while retaining beneficial immune response.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes of serotype 4b has been implicated in numerous outbreaks of food-borne listeriosis and in ca. 40% of sporadic cases. Strains of this serotype appear to be relatively homogeneous genetically, and molecular markers specific for distinct serotype 4b lineages have not been frequently identified. Here we show that DNA fragments derived from the putative mannitol permease locus of Listeria monocytogenes had an unexpectedly high potential to differentiate among different strains of serotype 4b when used as probes in Southern blotting of EcoRI-digested genomic DNA, yielding four distinct restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns. Strains of two epidemic-associated lineages, including the major epidemic clone implicated in several outbreaks in Europe and North America, had distinct RFLPs which differed from those of all other serotype 4b strains that we screened but which were encountered among strains of serotypes 1/2b and 3b. In addition, three serogroup 4 lineages were found to have unique RFLPs that were not encountered among any other L. monocytogenes strains. One was an unusual lineage of serotype 4b, and the other two were members of the serotype 4a and 4c group. The observed polymorphisms may reflect evolutionary relationships among lineages of L. monocytogenes and may facilitate detection and population genetic analysis of specific lineages.  相似文献   

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