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Atlantic Forest mammals are still poorly known and very few localities have been properly surveyed and/or studied. Protected reserves are of paramount importance for the conservation of native flora and fauna. Hereby we provide a survey of mammals captured and/or observed in Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, the largest lowland Atlantic Forest reserve in Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil. A total of 77 species were recorded, several of them endemics and/or listed as threatened either by IUCN's Red List, by the Brazilian Red List or by the regional Red List of Rio de Janeiro State. Mammals are threatened in several ways in this area: (1) habitat loss and fragmentation, (2) road mortality, (3) fires, (4) poaching, (5) cattle grazing, (6) pollution, (7) exotic species, and (8) feral populations of dogs Canis familiaris and cats Felis catus. Despite all threats, this is an important site for biodiversity conservation and scientific research. Better management and more investment would surely improve its effectiveness in protecting Atlantic Forest mammals.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is a highly threatened biodiversity hotspot that has been the subject of several complementary conservation assessments and priority-setting initiatives in the last 30 years. Results of these initiatives have relied on distinct types of distribution data for biodiversity features and differ in the objectivity and repeatability of their methodologies. Here we refine earlier priority-setting exercises using the key biodiversity areas (KBA) approach. We evaluate how well these KBAs are represented in the existing protected areas system, prioritize among them, and analyze critical aspects of the KBA methodology in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest context, such as its ability to guide specific conservation strategies. Building upon an extensive database with 1,636 species records and 122 previously identified Important Bird Areas, we demonstrate that conservation assessments in highly fragmented landscapes may be benefited by high resolution species data as is required by the KBA process. We identify 538 KBAs for 141 globally threatened vertebrate species. Prioritizing among these KBA, we highlight the 24 most irreplaceable sites for terrestrial vertebrate species conservation in the Atlantic Forest, based on existing data.  相似文献   

The bird fauna of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is exceptionally diverse and threatened, with high levels of endemism. Available lists of the endemic birds of the Atlantic Forest were generated before recent taxonomic revisions lumped or split species and before the recent increase in species occurrence records. Our objective, therefore, was to compile a new list of the endemic birds of the Atlantic Forest, characterize these species in terms of conservation status and natural history traits, and map remaining vegetation and protected areas. We combined GIS analysis with a literature search to compile a list of endemic species and, based on the phylogeny and distribution of these species, characterized areas in terms of species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and endemism. We identified 223 species of birds endemic to the Atlantic Forest, including 12 species not included in previous lists. In addition, 14 species included in previous lists were not considered endemic, either because they occur outside the Atlantic Forest biome or because they are not considered valid species. The typical Atlantic Forest endemic bird is a small forest‐dependent invertivore. Of the species on our list, 31% are considered threatened or extinct. Only ~ 34% of the spatial analysis units had > 10% forest cover, and protected area coverage was consistently low (< 1%). In addition, we found spatial incongruity among the different measures of biodiversity (species richness, relative phylogenetic diversity, restricted‐range species, and irreplaceability). Each of these measures provides information concerning different aspects of biological diversity. However, regardless of which aspect(s) of biodiversity might be considered most important, preservation of the remaining areas of remnant vegetation and further expansion of protected areas are essential if we are to conserve the many endemic species of birds in the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

Biodiversity corridors comprise a mosaic of land uses connecting fragments of natural forest across a landscape. Two such corridors have been established along the eastern coast of Brazil: the Serra do Mar and the Central da Mata Atlantica corridors, along which most of the coastal plains are restinga areas. In this study, we analyze the present status of the endemic and endangered terrestrial vertebrates of both corridors. We sampled 10 restingas in both corridors, recording species of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Some restingas harbor a relatively large number of endemic species,and two main regions of endemism can be identified along the restingas of both corridors: the coastal restingas from northern Espirito Santo State to southern Bahia State (between Linhares, ES, and Tarancoso, BA), and the coastal region between the restingas of Maricá and Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro State. Six species of terrestrial vertebrates considered threatened with extinction are found in the restingas of Serra do Mar and Central da Mata Atlantica biodiversity corridors (Liolaemus lutzae, Formicivora littoralis, Mimus gilvus, Schistochlamys melanopis, and Trinomys eliasi). The region located between the restinga of Maricá and that of Jurubatiba is of special relevance for the conservation of vertebrate species of the restingas of the corridors because a considerable number of threatened species of terrestrial vertebrates are found there. We strongly recommend efforts to develop checklists of threatened faunas for the States of Espirito Santo and Bahia.  相似文献   

The Anatolian Biogeographical Region is unique in the Palearctic realm, with high plant and butterfly species richness and populations of globally threatened birds, mammals and herptiles (amphibians and reptiles). It is a place of diverse land-use practices, dating back to the earliest farming practices in the world. Among 10,930 species of vascular plants, birds, butterflies, mammals and herptiles distributed in Turkey, we identified 1130 living predominantly in steppic environments and being classified either as threatened, near-threatened or data deficient at the national level, if not globally. A total of 28 effective protected areas were present in the region, covering 1.5 % of the 391,597 km2 land area. Only 16.2 % of the threatened and near-threatened species (n = 809) were distributed within the protected area network, ranging from 94.1 % for birds to as low as 12.9 % for vascular plants. The total area of steppe and steppe forest vegetation has been reduced by at least 44 % of its former extent due to diverse habitat destructive activities. The most significant threats arise from unsustainable agricultural activities including overgrazing, conversion to croplands and afforestation. To maintain steppe diversity, we propose a “to-do list”, including mainstreaming biodiversity, effective implementation of Turkey’s Rangeland Act, conducting effective environmental impact assessments, establishing an effective site network for steppe biodiversity conservation and filling gaps in scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim To examine how the genetic diversity of selected taxa of forest‐dwelling small mammals is distributed between and within the major rain forest domains of Amazonia and Atlantic Forest and the intervening interior forests of Brazil, as inferred by the relationships between gene genealogies and geography. I also addressed the historical importance of the central Brazilian forests in connecting Amazon and Atlantic Forest populations of rodents and marsupials. Methods I evaluated variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to estimate the levels of sequence divergence between those taxa occurring throughout the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, and forests in the Cerrado and Caatinga regions. I inferred the hierarchical relationships between haplotypes, populations and formal taxa using the cladistic approach of maximum parsimony. I compared areas and the clades identified by superimposing cladograms on the geographical distribution of samples. The degree of concordance both in phylogeny and the depth of the nodes in these phylogenies, in addition to patterns of geographical distribution of clades, permitted me to make inferences on how, when and where the taxa differentiated. Results Sequence similarity is often greater between samples from the Atlantic Forest and either Amazon or central Brazilian forests than it is within each of the two rain forest domains. The Atlantic Forest clades are either not reciprocally monophyletic or are the sister group to all the other clades. There is some indication of northern and southern components in the Atlantic Forest. Given the geographical distribution of clades and the relatively deep levels of divergence, the central Brazilian area does not behave as a separate region but is complementary to either Amazon or Atlantic Forest. Patterns of area relationships differ across taxa, suggesting that different processes and/or historic events affected the diversification within each lineage. Main conclusions The Amazon and the Atlantic forests are not exclusive in terms of their small mammal faunas; both overlap broadly with taxa occurring in gallery forests and dry forests in central Brazil. Central Brazilian forests are an integral part of the evolutionary scenario of lowland small mammals, playing an important role as present and past habitats for rain forest species. Therefore, representatives from this area should always be included in analyses of the evolutionary history of lowland rain forest faunas. The incongruence of branching patterns among areas is in agreement with recent results presented for Neotropical passerine birds and indicates that a single hypothesis of Neotropical area relationships is unlikely. These findings reinforce the idea that speciation in the Neotropics will not be explained by any single model of vicariance or climatic changes.  相似文献   

A wide range of evidences indicate climate change as one the greatest threats to biodiversity in the 21st century. The impacts of these changes, which may have already resulted in several recent species extinction, are species-specific and produce shifts in species phenology, ecological interactions, and geographical distributions. Here we used cutting-edge methods of species distribution models combining thousands of model projections to generate a complete and comprehensive ensemble of forecasts that shows the likely impacts of climate change in the distribution of all 55 marsupial species that occur in Brazil. Consensus projections forecasted range shifts that culminate with high species richness in the southeast of Brazil, both for the current time and for 2050. Most species had a significant range contraction and lost climate space. Turnover rates were relatively high, but vary across the country. We also mapped sites retaining climatic suitability. They can be found in all Brazilian biomes, especially in the pampas region, in the southern part of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, in the north of the Cerrado and Caatinga, and in the northwest of the Amazon. Our results provide a general overview on the likely effects of global climate change on the distribution of marsupials in the country as well as in the patterns of species richness and turnover found in regional marsupial assemblages.  相似文献   

The Amazon and Atlantic Forest are considered the world's most biodiverse biomes. Human and climate change impacts are the principal drivers of species loss in both biomes, more severely in the Atlantic Forest. In response to species loss, the main conservation action is the creation of protected areas (PAs). Current knowledge and research on the PA network's conservation efficiency is scarce, and existing studies have mainly considered a past temporal view. In this study, we tested the efficiency of the current PA network to maintain climatically stable areas (CSAs) across the Amazon and Atlantic Forest. To this, we used an ecological niche modeling approach to biome and paleoclimatic simulations. We propose three categories of conservation priority areas for both biomes, considering CSAs, PAs and intact forest remnants. The biomes vary in their respective PA networks' protection efficiency. Regarding protect CSAs, the Amazon PA network is four times more efficient than the Atlantic Forest PA network. New conservation efforts in these two forest biomes require different approaches. We discussed the conservation actions that should be taken in each biome to increase the efficiency of the PA network, considering both the creation and expansion of PAs as well as restoration programs.  相似文献   

The knowledge on the geographical distribution of species is essential for building biogeographical and macroecological hypotheses. However, information on this regard is not distributed uniformly in space and usually come from biased sampling. The aim of this study is to quantify the influence of spatial distribution of sampling effort on the assessment of spider species richness in Brazil. We used a database of spider distribution records in Brazil, based on the taxonomic and biodiversity survey literature. The results show that the Atlantic Forest was better sampled and had the highest spider species richness among the Brazilian biomes. The Amazon, though having large collecting gaps and high concentration of records around major cities and rivers, showed the second highest number of species. The Pampa had a large number of records, but these are concentrated near a major city in the transition zone with the Atlantic Forest. The Cerrado, Caatinga and Pantanal had shown to be poorly sampled and, consequently, were among the lesser known biomes regarding the spider fauna. A linear regression analysis showed that the spider species richness in Brazil is strongly correlated to the number of records. However, we have identified areas potentially richest in species, which strongly deviate from the predicted by our analyses. Our results show that it is possible to access the spatial variation in species richness, as long as the variation in sampling effort is taken into account.  相似文献   

The knowledge about the conservation status of species is an important data for conservation biology. Therefore, threatened species lists are a powerful tool for conservation planning and prioritization. Our objective is to compare the global, the national and state red lists of amphibians in Brazil. Threatened species were categorized according to their listing in one or several of these lists. We analyzed for true inconsistencies across lists in order to evaluate practical consequences of such incongruences on amphibian conservation in Brazil. We recorded a total of 61 threatened amphibian species in Brazil (across all red lists). Only one species, Phrynomedusa fimbriata, was listed as Extinct (both in IUCN, Brazil and S?o Paulo lists). A total of eleven endemic species are listed as threatened by the global red list, but do not appear in Brazil’s national red list, which represent an inconsistence among these lists. Besides that, the threat category of Thoropa lutzi and Thoropa petropolitana, two endemic species, differ among both lists, which also represents a problem between both lists. These mismatches may be due to several reasons such as different interpretation of the criteria; different methodologies used; different data availability on species; differences in the dates of assessments processes; the assessors’ attitudes to uncertainty; outdated red lists. Harmonization among red lists permits a better picture of threatened amphibian diversity across scales and to develop global, national and state plans to complement conservation actions in order to maximize the chance of success of these initiatives.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse and threatened ecosystems of the world, being thus classified as one of the most important biodiversity hotspots. However, habitat loss, overexploitation, alien species, disease and pollution are not the only threats faced by native fauna and flora. The lack of adequate taxonomic knowledge hinders conservation and management efforts of endemic species. This is true even for mammals, which is the most charismatic group of animals and traditionally receive a good deal of attention from scientists and the public in general. A few examples show how this gap in local fauna information can be demise for species conservation, even misguiding management strategies: molecular data reveal a hidden marsupial diversity; the lack of taxonomic studies at the species level seriously threatens rodent conservation; and the taxonomic rearrangement of the genusBrachyteles revealed a new species and had a great impact on management strategies. New species are discovered, described and taxonomically rearranged at an astounding rate. We can only be successful in biodiversity conservation if we have at least a minimum level of knowledge about what we are trying to preserve. That is true both for researchers and for the general public. Recent taxonomic revisions may represent the turning point in Neotropical fauna knowledge, which, coupled with a greater awareness of local people about the rich biodiversity that dot their backyards, can represent a better conservation prospect for the endemics of the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

Baltzer, M., Matthews, R., Howard, P., Kigenyi F. & Viskanic, P. 2000. Birds as biodiversity indicators in the planning of Forest Nature Reserves in Uganda. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 291.

In Uganda a policy decision has been taken to set aside 20% of the nation's 1.4 million hectare forest estate as Forest Nature Reserves, for the protection of biodiversity. The estate comprises 713 Forest Reserves, ranging in size from just a few hectares to well over 100 000 hectares, scattered all over the country. In order to select appropriate areas for designation as Nature Reserves, the Forest Department (with assistance from the European Community and Global Environmental Facility) has evaluated all the larger reserves for biodiversity, focusing on birds and four other biological indicator groups (woody plants, mammals, butterflies and moths). Building on earlier work, teams of departmental staff carried out detailed systematic biodiversity surveys of 65 major forests between May 1992 and March 1995. The work on birds involved 1 442 person-days of field observation and 1.2 million metre net-hours of mist-netting effort. Altogether 5 744 species-site records were made, involving 604 of Uganda's 1011 species: this brings the total number of species known from Uganda's forest reserves to 841 (83% of the country's birds). Several species not previously known from Uganda were recorded, especially in the north and east of the country where birds of the northern (Sudan/Guinea) savannas and Somali-Masai regions reach the extreme limits of their ranges. The bird data have been analysed alongside comparable data for the other four indicator taxa. Fortunately, areas of high species richness and levels of endemism for the five groups tend to coincide. Priority conservation sites have been identified and a national network of Forest Nature Reserves has been designed as part of a representative and efficient protected areas system for Uganda.  相似文献   

巴西植物遗传资源保护与对外交流管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
巴西拥有高等植物55000种,居世界第一。植被分为6个区系,即亚马逊雨林、塞拉多(Cerrado)稀树草原、卡廷加(Caatinga)旱生植被、大西洋雨林、南方森林草原和潘塔纳尔(Pantanal)湿地植被。已建立554个原生境保护区和126个基因库,保存植物遗传资源25万份。对外交流由巴西农业科学院(EMBRAPA)遗传资源与生物技术中心(CENARGEN)统一管理。  相似文献   

The combination of species distributions with abiotic and landscape variables using Geographic Information Systems can prioritize areas for biodiversity protection by identifying areas of high richness, although the number of variables and complexity of the relationships between them can prove difficult for traditional statistical methods. The use of these methods, which commonly assume linearity and low correlation between independent variables, can obscure even strong relationships and patterns. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) is a heuristic statistical tool based on machine learning methods that can be used to explore patterns in large, complex datasets for linear and nonlinear patterns. Here we use SOM to visualize broad patterns in species richness by taxonomic group (birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians) and 78 habitat, landscape and environmental variables using data from the Gap analysis project for West Virginia, USA. Soil and habitat variables demonstrated clear relationships with species richness; areas with high species richness occurred in areas with high soil richness. Landscape metrics were less important, although habitat diversity and evenness indices were positively related to species richness in some taxonomic groups. Current coverage of protected areas (e.g., National Forests and state parks) appeared to be insufficient to cover most of the areas of high species richness, especially for reptiles; many of the polygons with the highest richness were not covered by these areas. The identification of polygons with high richness and low protection can be used to focus conservation efforts in those areas.  相似文献   

Aim The size of the climatic niche of a species is a major factor determining its distribution and evolution. In particular, it has been proposed that niche width should be associated with the rate of species diversification. Here, we test whether species niche width affects the speciation and extinction rates of three main clades of vertebrates: amphibians, mammals and birds. Location Global. Methods We obtained the time‐calibrated phylogenies, IUCN conservation status, species distribution maps and climatic data for 2340 species of amphibians, 4563 species of mammals and 9823 species of birds. We computed the niche width for each species as the mean annual temperature across the species range. We estimated speciation, extinction and transition rates associated with lineages with either narrow (specialist) or wide (generalist) niches using phylogeny‐based birth–death models. We also tested if current conservation status was correlated with the niche width of species. Results We found higher net diversification rates in specialist species than in generalist species. This result was explained by both higher speciation rates (for the three taxonomic groups) and lower extinction rates (for mammals and birds only) in specialist than in generalist species. In contrast, current specialist species tended to be more threatened than generalist species. Main conclusions Our diversification analysis shows that the width of the climatic niche is strongly associated with diversification rates and may thus be a crucial factor for understanding the emergence of diversity patterns in vertebrates. The striking difference between our diversification results and current conservation status suggests that the current extinction process may be different from extinction rates estimated from the whole history of the group.  相似文献   

中国大陆鸟类和兽类物种多样性的空间变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性科学的研究重心之一是大尺度生物多样性空间分布规律及其形成机制。中国是世界上物种特丰富国家之一,了解我国物种多样性在空间上的变异情况,对于进一步认识大尺度上的生物多样性有重要意义。我们收集了全国205个自然保护区的鸟类和兽类物种分布信息,以G-F指数作为物种多样性的测度指标,利用地统计学方法分析了大陆鸟类和兽类物种多样性的空间变异特征。G-F指数是一种基于香农-威纳指数的信息测度,测度了研究地区环境分化程度和实际利用这种生态环境分化的生物类群多样性, 是一种对共同起源,相似生境需求的物种类群多样性的标准化多样性测度。结果发现,在东部季风区、西北干旱区和青藏高寒区内我国大陆鸟类多样性变异大部分都是由随机因素所引起的。兽类多样性的分布,在东部季风区和西北干旱区内是由随机因素所产生的,而在青藏高寒区,兽类多样性的总变异中99.9%是由空间依赖性所引起的,主要表现在71,492~1,020,000m空间尺度上,其分布表现出了强空间相关性。据此,大尺度上的物种多样性空间分布具有特定的规律,在生物多样性的保护行动中应加以考虑。  相似文献   

《PloS one》2014,9(8)


An understanding of the conservation status of Madagascar''s endemic reptile species is needed to underpin conservation planning and priority setting in this global biodiversity hotspot, and to complement existing information on the island''s mammals, birds and amphibians. We report here on the first systematic assessment of the extinction risk of endemic and native non-marine Malagasy snakes, lizards, turtles and tortoises.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Species range maps from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species were analysed to determine patterns in the distribution of threatened reptile species. These data, in addition to information on threats, were used to identify priority areas and actions for conservation. Thirty-nine percent of the data-sufficient Malagasy reptiles in our analyses are threatened with extinction. Areas in the north, west and south-east were identified as having more threatened species than expected and are therefore conservation priorities. Habitat degradation caused by wood harvesting and non-timber crops was the most pervasive threat. The direct removal of reptiles for international trade and human consumption threatened relatively few species, but were the primary threats for tortoises. Nine threatened reptile species are endemic to recently created protected areas.


With a few alarming exceptions, the threatened endemic reptiles of Madagascar occur within the national network of protected areas, including some taxa that are only found in new protected areas. Threats to these species, however, operate inside and outside protected area boundaries. This analysis has identified priority sites for reptile conservation and completes the conservation assessment of terrestrial vertebrates in Madagascar which will facilitate conservation planning, monitoring and wise-decision making. In sharp contrast with the amphibians, there is significant reptile diversity and regional endemism in the southern and western regions of Madagascar and this study highlights the importance of these arid regions to conserving the island''s biodiversity.  相似文献   

Exotic woody plants are often used by native organisms, but may also be targets of expensive control justified by nature conservation. We determine the use of a weed of national significance, Gorse (Ulex europaeus L.), by native mammals, birds, reptiles and vascular plants in pastoral areas in an Australian biodiversity hotspot. Large numbers of fauna species were observed using Gorse within our 43 × 1 ha sample sites in riparian, woodland and pasture vegetation. Gorse cover and/or height positively influenced: the detection of mammals as a whole in an interaction with visibility at 50–75 cm above ground, but not their species richness or individual species abundances; bird abundance, but not richness; and, reptile richness but not abundance. In terms of flora, Gorse cover and/or height positively affected: non‐native plant species richness and the height and fecundity, but not the richness, of native grasses and forbs—but Gorse cover negatively influenced the height of native herbs. The only species of conservation significance using Gorse were three mammals, only one of which, the Tasmanian Pademelon (Thylogale billardieri), was sufficiently common to analyse. Its abundance had no relationship with Gorse cover or height. Even in the wider context of complementary work, there is no strong threatened species conservation justification for retaining Gorse thickets in the Northern Midlands pastoral landscape. Equally, expending scarce conservation resources to remove Gorse, as is taking place, is unlikely to achieve any threatened species conservation outcome but may help reduce long‐term loss of native animal and plant species.  相似文献   

Many studies have tested the performance of terrestrial vertebrates as surrogates for overall species diversity, because these are commonly used in priority‐setting conservation appraisals. Using a database of 3663 vertebrate species in 38 Brazilian ecoregions, we evaluated the effectiveness of various subsets for representing diversity of the entire vertebrate assemblage. Because ecoregions are established incorporating information on biotic assemblages, they are potentially more amenable to regional comparison than are national or state lists. We used 10 potential indicator groups (all species; all mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians; all endemic species; and endemic species within each class) to find priority sets of ecoregions that best represent the entire terrestrial vertebrate fauna. This is the first time such tests are employed to assess the effectiveness of indicator groups at the ecoregion level in Brazil. We show that patterns of species richness are highly correlated among mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ecoregion sets selected according to endemic species richness captured more vertebrate species per unit area than sets based on overall vertebrate richness itself, or than those selected at random. Ecoregion sets based on endemic bird, endemic reptile, or endemic amphibian richness also performed well, capturing more species overall than random sets, or than those selected based on species richness of one or all vertebrate classes within ecoregions. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating biodiversity concordance and the use of indicator groups as well as aggregate species richness. We conclude that priority sets based on indicator groups provide a basis for a first assessment of priorities for conservation at an infracontinental scale. Areas with high endemism have long been highlighted for conservation of species. Our findings provide evidence that endemism is not only a worthwhile conservation goal, but also an effective surrogate for the conservation of all terrestrial vertebrates in Brazil.  相似文献   

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