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Using gene order as a phylogenetic character has the potential to resolve previously unresolved species relationships. This character was used to resolve the evolutionary history within the genus Prochlorococcus, a group of marine cyanobacteria.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Orthologous gene sets and their genomic positions were identified from 12 species of Prochlorococcus and 1 outgroup species of Synechococcus. From this data, inversion and breakpoint distance-based phylogenetic trees were computed by GRAPPA and FastME. Statistical support of the resulting topology was obtained by application of a 50% jackknife resampling technique. The result was consistent and congruent with nucleotide sequence-based and gene-content based trees. Also, a previously unresolved clade was resolved, that of MIT9211 and SS120.


This is the first study to use gene order data to resolve a bacterial phylogeny at the genus level. It suggests that the technique is useful in resolving the Tree of Life.  相似文献   

A major challenge in coral biology is to find the most adequate and phylogenetically informative characters that allow for distinction of closely related coral species. Therefore, data on corallite morphology and genetic data are often combined to increase phylogenetic resolution. In this study, we address the question to which degree genetic data and quantitative information on overall coral colony morphologies identify similar groupings within closely related morphospecies of the Caribbean coral genus Madracis. Such comparison of phylogenies based on colony morphology and genetic data will also provide insight into the degree to which genotype and phenotype overlap. We have measured morphological features of three closely related Caribbean coral species of the genus Madracis (M. formosa, M. decactis and M. carmabi). Morphological differences were then compared with phylogenies of the same species based on two nuclear DNA markers, i.e. ATPSα and SRP54. Our analysis showed that phylogenetic trees based on (macroscopical) morphological properties and phylogenetic trees based on DNA markers ATPSα and SRP54 are partially similar indicating that morphological characteristics at the colony level provide another axis, in addition to commonly used features such as corallite morphology and ecological information, to delineate genetically different coral species. We discuss this new method that allows systematic quantitative comparison between morphological characteristics of entire colonies and genetic data.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships and species identification of pufferfishes of the genus Takifugu were examined by use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequencing of the amplified partial mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Amplifications with 200 ten-base primers under predetermined optimal reaction conditions yielded 1962 reproducible amplified fragments ranging from 200 to 3000 bp. Genetic distances between 5 species of Takifugu and Lagocephalus spadiceus as the outgroup were calculated from the presence or absence of the amplified fragments. Approximately 572 bp of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was amplified, using universal primers, and used to determine the genetic distance values. Topological phylogenic trees for the 5 species of Takifugu and outgroup were generated from neighbor-joining analysis based on the data set of RAPD analysis and sequences of mitochondrial 16S rDNA. The genetic distance between Takifugu rubripes and Takifugu pseudommus was almost the same as that between individuals within each species, but much smaller than that between T. rubripes, T. pseudommus, and the other species. The molecular data gathered from both analysis of mitochondria and nuclear DNA strongly indicated that T. rubripes and T. pseudommus should be regarded as the same species. A fragment of approximately 900 bp was amplified from the genome of all 26 T. pseudommus individuals examined and 4 individuals of intermediate varieties between T. rubripes and T. pseudommus. Of the 32 T. rubripes individuals, only 3 had the amplified fragment. These results suggest that this fragment may be useful in distinguishing between T. rubripes and T. pseudommus. Received September 29, 2000; accepted February 26, 2001.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum is a eukaryotic microbial model system for multicellular development, cell–cell signaling, and social behavior. Key models of social evolution require an understanding of genetic relationships between individuals across the genome or possibly at specific genes, but the nature of variation within D. discoideum is largely unknown. We re-sequenced 137 gene fragments in wild North American strains of D. discoideum and examined the levels and patterns of nucleotide variation in this social microbial species. We observe surprisingly low levels of nucleotide variation in D. discoideum across these strains, with a mean nucleotide diversity (π) of 0.08%, and no strong population stratification among North American strains. We also do not find any clear relationship between nucleotide divergence between strains and levels of social dominance and kin discrimination. Kin discrimination experiments, however, show that strains collected from the same location show greater ability to distinguish self from non-self than do strains from different geographic areas. This suggests that a greater ability to recognize self versus non-self may arise among strains that are more likely to encounter each other in nature, which would lead to preferential formation of fruiting bodies with clonemates and may prevent the evolution of cheating behaviors within D. discoideum populations. Finally, despite the fact that sex has rarely been observed in this species, we document a rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium between SNPs, the presence of recombinant genotypes among natural strains, and high estimates of the population recombination parameter ρ. The SNP data indicate that recombination is widespread within D. discoideum and that sex as a form of social interaction is likely to be an important aspect of the life cycle.  相似文献   

Populus (Salicaceae) is one of the most economically and ecologically important genera of forest trees. The complex reticulate evolution and lack of highly variable orthologous single-copy DNA markers have posed difficulties in resolving the phylogeny of this genus. Based on a large data set of nuclear and plastid DNA sequences, we reconstructed robust phylogeny of Populus using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. The resulting phylogenetic trees showed better resolution at both inter- and intra-sectional level than previous studies. The results revealed that (1) the plastid-based phylogenetic tree resulted in two main clades, suggesting an early divergence of the maternal progenitors of Populus; (2) three advanced sections (Populus, Aigeiros and Tacamahaca) are of hybrid origin; (3) species of the section Tacamahaca could be divided into two major groups based on plastid and nuclear DNA data, suggesting a polyphyletic nature of the section; and (4) many species proved to be of hybrid origin based on the incongruence between plastid and nuclear DNA trees. Reticulate evolution may have played a significant role in the evolution history of Populus by facilitating rapid adaptive radiations into different environments.  相似文献   

The Pto gene from the wild tomato (Solanum pimpinellifolium Mill.) encodes a serine/threonine kinase that plays an important role in bacterial speck resistance in the cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.). In this paper, 10 classes of Pto-like genes are identified using degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and database mining in pepper. Sequences alignment reveals that many features of the gene family, such as subdomains, autophosphorylation sites, and important amino acid residues for tomato Pto, are well conserved in pepper. A phylogenetic tree of pepper Pto-like genes along with those of other plant species, including tomato Pto genes, suggests that these genes share a common evolutionary origin, and they may have evolved prior to the divergence of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. Expression analysis has revealed that nine selected Pto-like genes can be detected in at least one of the tissues grown under normal growth conditions; however, these genes are differentially expressed. In addition, some of these genes are regulated by at least one of the subjected treatments, including hormones, abiotic stress, and pathogen infection. These findings will contribute to expanding our knowledge of the roles of Pto-like genes in growth, development, and stress tolerance in pepper.  相似文献   

散白蚁属Reticulitermes隶属于等翅目鼻白蚁科Rhinotermitidae,是一类危害严重的重要社会性昆虫。文章回顾了近年来国内外散白蚁属系统发育和生物地理学研究进展,主要比较了传统方法和分子方法对散白蚁属系统发育的研究,包括对鼻白蚁科的进化关系研究,散白蚁属的分子系统发育现状,分子技术发展过程的总结。对散白蚁属的地理分布与其进化关系研究进行了阐述。线粒体、核基因标记和微卫星系统发育分析可以用于推测具有重要经济价值的散白蚁种类如北美散白蚁等的入侵路线和可能的入侵机制。文章最后展望了新兴测序技术、线粒体全基因组、转录组和宏基因组分析等可以用于散白蚁属系统发育分析。  相似文献   



The genus Polytremis, restricted to the continental part of the southeastern Palaearctic and northern Oriental regions, is one of the largest and most diverse lineages of the tribe Baorini. Previous studies on the genus were focused mainly on morphological classification and identification of new species. Due to the lack of effective and homologous traits of morphology, there were many challenges in the traditional classification. In this report, we reconstruct the phylogeny to provide a solid framework for these studies and to test the traditional limits and relationships of taxa.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We sequenced a mitochondrial and three nuclear gene fragments, coupled with an evaluation of traditional morphological characters, to determine the phylogenetic relationships for a total of 15 species representing all major species groups of the Polytremis genus in China, and to elucidate their taxonomic status.

Conclusions and Significance

Analysis of mitochrondial and nuclear DNA showed considerable congruent phylogenetic signal in topology at the inter-species level. We found strong support for the monophyly of Polytremis and some clades were recognized with morphological data. Thus, the COI sequence in our study could be used as a DNA barcode to identify almost all members of the genus. However, incongruences of phylogenetic analyses occurred: in contrast to the phylogenetic trees of mitochondrial COI, it was not possible for nuclear rDNA to discriminate P. gotama from P. caerulescens, suggesting a possible recent separation of these two species. Additionally, P. theca was the only species with a greater intra-specific genetic distance compared to some inter-specific genetic distances in this study and some problems associated with the cryptic diversity of the species are discussed. The results of this study will helpful to reveal the causes of the high degree of diversity of butterflies, and possibly other groups of insects in China.  相似文献   

Although animal breeding was practiced long before the science of genetics and the relevant disciplines of population and quantitative genetics were known, breeding programs have mainly relied on simply selecting and mating the best individuals on their own or relatives’ performance. This is based on sound quantitative genetic principles, developed and expounded by Lush, who attributed much of his understanding to Wright, and formalized in Fisher’s infinitesimal model. Analysis at the level of individual loci and gene frequency distributions has had relatively little impact. Now with access to genomic data, a revolution in which molecular information is being used to enhance response with “genomic selection” is occurring. The predictions of breeding value still utilize multiple loci throughout the genome and, indeed, are largely compatible with additive and specifically infinitesimal model assumptions. I discuss some of the history and genetic issues as applied to the science of livestock improvement, which has had and continues to have major spin-offs into ideas and applications in other areas.THE success of breeders in effecting immense changes in domesticated animals and plants greatly influenced Darwin’s insight into the power of selection and implications to evolution by natural selection. Following the Mendelian rediscovery, attempts were soon made to accommodate within the particulate Mendelian framework the continuous nature of many traits and the observation by Galton (1889) of a linear regression of an individual’s height on that of a relative, with the slope dependent on degree of relationship. A polygenic Mendelian model was first proposed by Yule (1902) (see Provine 1971; Hill 1984). After input from Pearson, Yule again, and Weinberg (who developed the theory a long way but whose work was ignored), its first full exposition in modern terms was by Ronald A. Fisher (1918) (biography by Box 1978). His analysis of variance partitioned the genotypic variance into additive, dominance and epistatic components. Sewall Wright (biography by Provine 1986) had by then developed the path coefficient method and subsequently (Wright 1921) showed how to compute inbreeding and relationship coefficients and their consequent effects on genetic variation of additive traits. His approach to relationship in terms of the correlation of uniting gametes may be less intuitive at the individual locus level than Malécot’s (1948) subsequent treatment in terms of identity by descent, but it transfers directly to the correlation of relatives for quantitative traits with additive effects.From these basic findings, the science of animal breeding was largely developed and expounded by Jay L. Lush (1896–1982) (see also commentaries by Chapman 1987 and Ollivier 2008). He was from a farming family and became interested in genetics as an undergraduate at Kansas State. Although his master’s degree was in genetics, his subsequent Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin was in animal reproductive physiology. Following 8 years working in animal breeding at the University of Texas he went to Iowa State College (now University) in Ames in 1930. Wright was Lush’s hero: ‘I wish to acknowledge especially my indebtedness to Sewall Wright for many published and unpublished ideas upon which I have drawn, and for his friendly counsel” (Lush 1945, in the preface to his book Animal Breeding Plans). Lush commuted in 1931 to the University of Chicago to audit Sewall Wright’s course in statistical genetics and consult him. Speaking at the Poultry Breeders Roundtable in 1969: he said, “Those were by far the most fruitful 10 weeks I ever had.” (Chapman 1987, quoting A. E. Freeman). Lush was also exposed to and assimilated the work and ideas of R. A. Fisher, who lectured at Iowa State through the summers of 1931 and 1936 at the behest of G. W. Snedecor.Here I review Lush’s contributions and then discuss how animal breeding theory and methods have subsequently evolved. They have been based mainly on statistical methodology, supported to some extent by experiment and population genetic theory. Recently, the development of genomic methods and their integration into classical breeding theory has opened up ways to greatly enhance rates of genetic improvement. Lush focused on livestock improvement and spin-off into other areas was coincidental; but he had contact with corn breeders in Ames and beyond and made contributions to evolutionary biology and human genetics mainly through his developments in theory (e.g., Falconer 1965; Robertson 1966; Lande 1976, 1979; see also Hill and Kirkpatrick 2010). I make no attempt to be comprehensive, not least in choice of citations.  相似文献   

The chloroplast atpB-rbcL spacer was sequenced for 115 speciesof Ilex and forNemopanthus mucronatus (Aquifoliaceae). In addition,rbcL sequences were obtained for 47 selected species. Takentogether with fossil records in the literature, the data indicatethat: (1) the lineage Ilex was already cosmopolitan long beforethe end of the Cretaceous. A relative test of the rate of nucleotidesubstitution indicates that extant species do not representthe entire lineage because of the extinction of its basal branches.The common ancestor of the extant species probably appearedat the upper Tertiary. (2) Several Asian/North American disjunctionsare observed, as well as North American/South American relationships.The directions of these relationships are yet to be determined.The African species Ilex mitis is closely related to Asian species.Ilex anomala (Hawaii and Tahiti) is related to American species.Ilex perado and Ilex canariensis (both in Macaronesia) havetotally different relationships, the former being related toEurasian species, while relationships of the latter remain obscure.(3) Gene trees substantially contradict the systematics of Loesener.Nemopanthus,closely related to Ilex amelanchier, is nested in the genusIlex. The family Aquifoliaceae is organized in four groups,each of them having a geographic or ecological peculiarity.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Aquifoliaceae, chloroplast DNA, fossil record, historical biogeography, Ilex (holly tree), molecular phylogeny.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori are Gram-negative, spiral-shaped microaerophilic bacteria etiologically related to gastric cancer. Lactate utilization has been implicated although no corresponding genes have been identified in the H. pylori genome. Here, we report that gene products of hp0137–0139 (lldEFG), hp0140–0141 (lctP), and hp1222 (dld) contribute to D- and L-lactate utilization in H. pylori. The three-gene unit hp0137–0139 in H. pylori 26695 encodes L-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) that catalyzes the conversion of lactate to pyruvate in an NAD-dependent manner. Isogenic mutants of these genes were unable to grow on L-lactate-dependent medium. The hp1222 gene product functions as an NAD-independent D-LDH and also contributes to the oxidation of L-lactate; the isogenic mutant of this gene failed to grow on D-lactate-dependent medium. The parallel genes hp0140–0141 encode two nearly identical lactate permeases (LctP) that promote uptake of both D- and L-lactate. Interestingly an alternate route must also exist for lactate transport as the knockout of genes did not completely prevent growth on D- or L-lactate. Gene expression levels of hp0137–0139 and hp1222 were not enhanced by lactate as the carbon source. Expression of hp0140–0141 was slightly suppressed in the presence of L-lactate but not D-lactate. This study identified the genes contributing to the lactate utilization and demonstrated the ability of H. pylori to utilize both D- and L-lactate.  相似文献   



Zinc is an essential trace element in organisms, which serves as a cofactor for hundreds of enzymes that are involved in many pivotal biological processes including growth, development, reproduction and immunity. Therefore, the homeostasis of zinc in the cell is fundamental. The zinc transporter gene family is a large gene family that encodes proteins which regulate the movement of zinc across cellular and intracellular membranes. However, studies on teleost zinc transporters are mainly limited to model species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We identified a set of 37 zinc transporters in common carp genome, including 17 from SLC30 family (ZnT), and 20 from SLC39 family (ZIP). Phylogenetic and syntenic analysis revealed that most of the zinc transporters are highly conserved, though recent gene duplication and gene losses do exist. Through examining the copy number of zinc transporter genes across several vertebrate genomes, thirteen zinc transporters in common carp are found to have undergone the gene duplications, including SLC30A1, SLC30A2, SLC30A5, SLC30A7, SLC30A9, SLC30A10, SLC39A1, SLC39A3, SLC39A4, SLC39A5, SLC39A6, SLC39A7 and SLC39A9. The expression patterns of all zinc transporters were established in various tissues, including blood, brain, gill, heart, intestine, liver, muscle, skin, spleen and kidney, and showed that most of the zinc transporters were ubiquitously expressed, indicating the critical role of zinc transporters in common carp.


To some extent, examination of gene families with detailed phylogenetic or orthology analysis could verify the authenticity and accuracy of assembly and annotation of the recently published common carp whole genome sequences. The gene families are also considered as a unique source for evolutionary studies. Moreover, the whole set of common carp zinc transporters provides an important genomic resource for future biochemical, toxicological and physiological studies of zinc in teleost.  相似文献   

Vesicular trafficking plays a crucial role in protein localization and movement, signal transduction, and multiple developmental processes in eukaryotic cells. Vesicle fusion is the final and key step in vesicle-mediated trafficking and mainly relies on SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors), the regulators including SM (Sec1/Munc18) family proteins, Rab GTPases and exocyst subunits. Verticillium dahliae is a widespread soil fungus that causes disruptive vascular diseases on a wide range of plants. To date, no genes involved in vesicular fusion process have been identified and characterized in V. dahliae. The recent publication of the draft genome sequence of V. dahliae allowed us to conduct a genome-wide identification, phylogeny and expression profile of genes encoding vesicular fusion components. Using compared genomics and phylogenetic methods, we identified 44 genes encoding vesicle fusion components in the V. dahliae genome. According to the structural features of their encoded proteins, the 44 V. dahliae genes were classified into 22 SNAREs (6 Qa-, 4 Qb-, 6 Qc-, 1 Qbc- and 5 R-types), 4 SM family proteins, 10 Rab GTPases and 8 exocyst proteins. Based on phylogeny and motif constitution analysis, orthologs of vesicle fusion component in filamentous fungi were generally clustered together into the same subclasses with well-supported bootstrap values. Analysis of the expression profiles of these genes indicated that many of them are significantly differentially expressed during vegetative growth and microsclerotia formation in V. dahliae. The analysis show that many components of vesicle fusion are well conserved in filamentous fungi and indicate that vesicle fusion plays a critical role in microsclerotia formation of smoke tree wilt fungus V. dahliae. The genome-wide identification and expression analysis of components involved in vesicle fusion should facilitate research in this gene family and give new insights toward elucidating their functions in growth, development and pathogenesis of V. dahliae.  相似文献   



The small ermine moth genus Yponomeuta (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) contains 76 species that are specialist feeders on hosts from Celastraceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and several other plant families. The genus is a model for studies in the evolution of phytophagous insects and their host-plant associations. Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny to provide a solid framework for these studies, and to obtain insight into the history of host-plant use and the biogeography of the genus.

Methodology/Principal Findings

DNA sequences from an internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-1) and from the 16S rDNA (16S) and cytochrome oxidase (COII) mitochondrial genes were collected from 20–23 (depending on gene) species and two outgroup taxa to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Palaearctic members of this genus. Sequences were analysed using three different phylogenetic methods (parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian inference).


Roughly the same patterns are retrieved irrespective of the method used, and they are similar among the three genes. Monophyly is well supported for a clade consisting of the Japanese (but not the Dutch) population of Yponomeuta sedellus and Y. yanagawanus, a Y. kanaiellus–polystictus clade, and a Rosaceae-feeding, western Palaearctic clade (Y. cagnagellus–irrorellus clade). Within these clades, relationships are less well supported, and the patterns between the different gene trees are not so similar. The position of the remaining taxa is also variable among the gene trees and rather weakly supported. The phylogenetic information was used to elucidate patterns of biogeography and resource use. In the Palaearctic, the genus most likely originated in the Far East, feeding on Celastraceae, dispersing to the West concomitant with a shift to Rosaceae and further to Salicaceae. The association of Y. cagnagellus with Euonymus europaeus (Celastraceae), however, is a reversal. The only oligophagous species, Y. padellus, belongs to the derived western Palaearctic clade, evidence that specialisation is reversible.  相似文献   

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