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Staphylococcal protein A (SpA) domain B (the basis of affibody) has been widely used in affinity chromatography and found therapeutic applications against inflammatory diseases through targeting the Fc part of immunoglobulin G (IgG). We have performed extensive molecular dynamics simulation of 41 SpA mutants and compared their dynamics and conformations to wild type. The simulations revealed the molecular details of structural and dynamics changes that occurred due to introducing point mutations and helped to explain the SPR results. It was observed in some variants a point mutation caused extensive structural changes far from the mutation site, while an effect of some other mutations was limited to the site of the mutated residue. Also, the pattern of hydrogen bond networks and hydrophobic core arrangements were investigated. We figured out mutations that occurred at positions 128, 136, 150 and 153, affected two hydrophobic cores at the interface as well as mutations introduced at positions 129 and 154 interrupted two hydrogen bond networks of the interface, SPR data showed all of these mutations reduced binding affinity significantly. Overall, by scanning the SpA-Fc interface through the large numbers of introduced mutations, the new insights have been gained which would help to design high- affinity ligands of IgG.  相似文献   

Testicular function and structure harmed by ageing. Goal of this research was to assess preventive actions of soy isoflavone oral administration for 8 weeks on testes of old male albino rats, and potential mechanisms of action. Adult control (N = 10) and elderly control (N = 10) rats were fed usual diet, while aged treatment group (N = 10) gave oral 100 mg/kg soy isoflavone daily for 8 weeks. ELISA kits were used to measure testosterone levels and oxidative stress indicators [malonaldehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), and superoxide dismutase (SOD)] in serum. Aging produced functional and structural testicular changes and decreased ki67 proliferative marker immunoexpression versus adult control rats due to enhancement of oxidative stress. Soy isoflavone exerted protective effect on testicular function and structure as assessed by increase serum levels of testosterone and preserved histological structure and immune-expression features. These protected effects due to isoflavone antioxidant properties proved by decrease in serum values of MDA, while GSH and SOD were elevated after treatment. These data demonstrated protective effects of isoflavone against age changes in rat testes, by reducing oxidative stress and increasing antioxidants and testicular ki67 proliferative marker immunoexpression.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous UbiX-UbiD system is associated with a wide range of microbial (de)carboxylation reactions. Recent X-ray crystallographic studies have contributed to elucidating the enigmatic mechanism underpinning the conversion of α,β-unsaturated acids by this system. The UbiD component utilises a unique cofactor, prenylated flavin (prFMN), generated by the bespoke action of the associated UbiX flavin prenyltransferase. Structure determination of a range of UbiX/UbiD representatives has revealed a generic mode of action for both the flavin-to-prFMN metamorphosis and the (de)carboxylation. In contrast to the conserved UbiX, the UbiD superfamily is associated with a versatile substrate range. The latter is reflected in the considerable variety of UbiD quaternary structure, dynamic behaviour and active site architecture. Directed evolution of UbiD enzymes has taken advantage of this apparent malleability to generate new variants supporting in vivo hydrocarbon production. Other applications include coupling UbiD to carboxylic acid reductase to convert alkenes into α,β-unsaturated aldehydes via enzymatic CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

Beneficial effects of silicon (Si) on growth have been observed in some plant species, reportedly due to stoichiometric changes of C, N, and P. However, little is known about the effects on the stoichiometric relationships between C, N, and P when silicon is supplied via different modes in sorghum and sunflower plants under salt stress conditions. Therefore, the current study was performed to investigate the impact of differing modes of Si supply on shoot biomass production and C:N:P stoichiometry in sorghum and sunflower plants under salt stress. Two experiments were performed in a glass greenhouse using the strong Si-accumulator plant sorghum, as well as the intermediate type Si-accumulator sunflower, both of which were grown in pots filled with washed sand. Plant species were cultivated for 30 days in the absence or presence of salt stress (0 or 100 mM) and supplemented with one of four Si treatments: control plants (without Si), 28.6 mmol Si L−1 via foliar application, 2.0 mmol Si L−1 via nutrient solution, and combined application of foliar and nutrient solution, each group with five replications. The results revealed that supplied Si modified the C, N, and P concentrations, thereby enhancing the C:N:P stoichiometry and shoot dry matter of sorghum and sunflower plants under salt stress. Both application of Si via nutrient solution, as well as combined application via foliar and nutrient solution, increased the C:N ratio in both plant species under salt stress, but in sorghum plants decreased the C:P and N:P ratios and increased the shoot biomass production by 39%, while in sunflower plants increased the C:P and N:P ratios and increased the shoot biomass production by 24%. Our findings suggest that salt stress alleviation by Si impacts C:N:P stoichiometric relationships in a variable manner depending on the ability of the species to accumulate Si, as well as the route of Si administration.  相似文献   

Endive (Cichorium endivia L.) is a leafy vegetable in the Asteraceae family. Sesquiterpene lactones (STLs) in endive leaves bring a bitter taste that varies between varieties. Despite their importance in breeding varieties with unique flavours, sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis pathways in endive are poorly understood. We assembled a chromosome-scale endive genome of 641 Mb with a contig N50 of 5.16 Mb and annotated 46,711 protein-coding genes. Several gene families, especially terpene synthases (TPS) genes, expanded significantly in the C. endivia genome. STLs biosynthesis-related genes and TPS genes in more bitter varieties have shown a higher level of expression, which could be attributed to genomic variations. Our results penetrate the origin and diversity of bitter taste and facilitate the molecular breeding of endive varieties with unique bitter tastes. The high-quality endive assembly would provide a reference genome for studying the evolution and diversity of Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is considered as a risk factor for several complications, including cardiovascular and neurological disorders. A high methionine low folate (HMLF) diet chronically causes HHcy by accumulating homocysteine in the systemic circulation. Elevated Hcy level is also associated with the incidence of diabetes mellitus. However, very few studies focus on the impact of HMLF diet on glucose homeostasis, and that on gut microbiome profile. HHcy was induced by feeding C57BL/6 mice a HMLF diet for 8 weeks. The HMLF diet feeding resulted in a progressive body weight loss, and development of slight glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in HHcy mice. Notably, the HMLF diet alters the gut microbiome profile and increases the relative abundance of porphyromonadaceae family of bacteria in HHcy mice. These findings provide new insights into the roles of dysregulated glucose homeostasis and gut flora in the pathogenesis of HHcy-related complications.  相似文献   

This research was designed to evaluate the CNS depressant, anxiolytic, and analgesic action of aqueous and ethanol extract of Ganoderma applanatum, a valuable medicinal fungus used in multiple disorders belongs to Ganodermataceae family. Two extracts of G. applanatum were prepared using distilled water and ethanol as solvents and named AEGA and EEGA. Open field method, rotarod method, tail suspension method, and hole cross method were utilized for the CNS depressant action. In contrast, elevated plus-maze test and hole board method were utilized for the anxiolytic action. For determining the analgesic potential, acetic acid-induced writhing test, hot plate method, and tail immersion test were used. Besides, molecular docking has been implemented by using Discovery studio 2020, UCSF Chimera and PyRx autodock vina. At both doses (200 and 400 mg/kg) of AEGA and EEGA showed significant CNS depressant effect (p < 0.05 to 0.001) against all four tests used for CNS depressant activity. Both doses of AEGA and EEGA exhibited important anxiolytic activity effect (p < 0.05 to 0.001)against the EPM and hole board test. Both doses of AEGA and EEGA also exhibited a potential analgesic effect (p < 0.05 to 0.001) against all three tests used for analgesic action. In addition, in the molecular docking the compounds obtained the scores of ?5.2 to ?12.8 kcal/mol. Ganoapplanin, sphaeropsidin D and cytosporone C showed the best binding affinity to the selected recptors. It can be concluded that AEGA and EEGA have potential CNS depressant, anxiolytic, and analgesic action, which can be used as a natural antidepressant, anxiolytic, and analgesic source.  相似文献   

Mutations in PRKN cause the second most common genetic form of Parkinson's disease (PD)—a debilitating movement disorder that is on the rise due to population aging in the industrial world. PRKN codes for an E3 ubiquitin ligase that has been well established as a key regulator of mitophagy. Together with PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1), Parkin controls the lysosomal degradation of depolarized mitochondria. But Parkin's functions go well beyond mitochondrial clearance: the versatile protein is involved in mitochondria-derived vesicle formation, cellular metabolism, calcium homeostasis, mitochondrial DNA maintenance, mitochondrial biogenesis, and apoptosis induction. Moreover, Parkin can act as a modulator of different inflammatory pathways. In the current review, we summarize the latest literature concerning the diverse roles of Parkin in maintaining a healthy mitochondrial pool. Moreover, we discuss how these recent discoveries may translate into personalized therapeutic approaches not only for PRKN-PD patients but also for a subset of idiopathic cases.  相似文献   

Mangifera longipes and Quercus gomeziana both is an ethnomedicinally important Asian herb that has been known for numerous healing activity of tribal people. The present research aims to investigate the phytochemical analysis with in vitro, in vivo possibilities of the soluble ethanol extract of M. longipes root (EEMLR) and Q. gomeziana leaves (EEQGL) by an experimental approach. The plant extract of EEMLR and EEQGL was found secondary metabolites, notably steroids, glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, gums, and alkaloids. Additionally, the extract showed significant activity in antioxidant, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, membrane stabilization, cytotoxic, thrombolytic, and analgesic activities while no response in antibacterial activity. Our findings reveal that soluble ethanol extract of EEMLR and EEQGL is safe, which can be an effective source for exploring new medicinal products. This research's outcomes may provide potentials for mitigating pyrexia, inflammation, pain, cellular toxicity, and coagulation.  相似文献   

Neurons live a lifetime. Neuronal aging may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. How does neuronal membrane trafficking maintain synapse function during aging? In the normal aged brain, intraneuronal beta-amyloid (Aβ) accumulates without Alzheimer's disease mutations or risk variants. However, do changes with neuronal aging potentiate Aβ accumulation? We reviewed the membrane trafficking of the amyloid precursor protein in neurons and highlighted its importance in Aβ production. Importantly, we reviewed the evidence supporting the impact of aging on neuronal membrane trafficking, APP processing, and consequently Aβ production. Dissecting the molecular regulators of APP trafficking during neuronal aging is required to identify strategies to delay synaptic decline and protect from Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Membranes form the first line of defence of bacteria against potentially harmful molecules in the surrounding environment. Understanding the protective properties of these membranes represents an important step towards development of targeted anti-bacterial agents such as sanitizers. Use of propanol, isopropanol and chlorhexidine can significantly decrease the threat imposed by bacteria in the face of growing anti-bacterial resistance via mechanisms that include membrane disruption. Here we have employed molecular dynamics simulations and nuclear magnetic resonance to explore the impact of chlorhexidine and alcohol on the S. aureus cell membrane, as well as the E. coli inner and outer membranes. We identify how sanitizer components partition into these bacterial membranes, and show that chlorhexidine is instrumental in this process.  相似文献   

The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has risen exponentially worldwide over the past decade. A growing body of research indicates that AD is linked to diabetes mellitus (DM) and suggests that impaired insulin signaling acts as a crucial risk factor in determining the progression of this devastating disease. Many studies suggest people with diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, are at higher risk of eventually developing Alzheimer's dementia or other dementias. Despite nationwide efforts to increase awareness, the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has risen significantly in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region which might be due to rapid urbanization, lifestyle changes, lack of physical activity and rise in obesity. Growing body of evidence indicates that DM and AD are linked because both conditions involve impaired glucose homeostasis and altered brain function. Current theories and hypothesis clearly implicate that defective insulin signaling in the brain contributes to synaptic dysfunction and cognitive deficits in AD. In the periphery, low-grade chronic inflammation leads to insulin resistance followed by tissue deterioration. Thus insulin resistance acts as a bridge between DM and AD. There is pressing need to understand on how DM increases the risk of AD as well as the underlying mechanisms, due to the projected increase in age related disorders. Here we aim to review the incidence of AD and DM in the Middle East and the possible link between insulin signaling and ApoE carrier status on Aβ aggregation, tau hyperphosphorylation, inflammation, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in AD. We also critically reviewed mutation studies in Arab population which might influence DM induced AD. In addition, recent clinical trials and animal studies conducted to evaluate the efficiency of anti-diabetic drugs have been reviewed.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2022,28(10):1100-1106
ObjectiveSince January 2020, the highly contagious novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has caused a global pandemic. Severe COVID-19 leads to a massive release of proinflammatory mediators, leading to diffuse damage to the lung parenchyma, and the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Treatment with the highly potent glucocorticoid (GC) dexamethasone was found to be effective in reducing mortality in severely affected patients.MethodsTo review the effects of glucocorticoids in the context of COVID-19 we performed a literature search in the PubMed database using the terms COVID-19 and glucocorticoid treatment. We identified 1429 article publications related to COVID-19 and glucocorticoid published from 1.1.2020 to the present including 238 review articles and 36 Randomized Controlled Trials. From these studies, we retrieved 13 Randomized Controlled Trials and 86 review articles that were relevant to our review topics. We focused on the recent literature dealing with glucocorticoid metabolism in critically ill patients and investigating the effects of glucocorticoid therapy on the immune system in COVID-19 patients with severe lung injury.ResultsIn our review, we have discussed the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in patients with critical illness, selection of a specific GC for critical illness-related GC insufficiency, and recent studies that investigated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysfunction in patients with COVID-19. We have also addressed the specific activation of the immune system with chronic endogenous glucocorticoid excess, as seen in patients with Cushing syndrome, and, finally, we have discussed immune activation due to coronavirus infection and the possible mechanisms leading to improved outcomes in patients with COVID-19 treated with GCs.ConclusionFor clinical endocrinologists prescribing GCs for their patients, a precise understanding of both the molecular- and cellular-level mechanisms of endogenous and exogenous GCs is imperative, including timing of administration, dosage, duration of treatment, and specific formulations of GCs.  相似文献   

The incidence of pancreatic cancer is increasing in both developed and developing Nations. In recent years, various research evidence suggested that reprogrammed metabolism may play a key role in pancreatic cancer tumorigenesis and development. Therefore, it has great potential as a diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic target. Amino acid metabolism is deregulated in pancreatic cancer, and changes in amino acid metabolism can affect cancer cell status, systemic metabolism in malignant tumor patients and mistakenly involved in different biological processes including stemness, proliferation and growth, invasion and migration, redox state maintenance, autophagy, apoptosis and even tumor microenvironment interaction. Generally, the above effects are achieved through two pathways, energy metabolism and signal transduction. This review aims to highlight the current research progress on the abnormal alterations of amino acids metabolism in pancreatic cancer, how they affect tumorigenesis and development of pancreatic cancer and the application prospects of them as diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The retina and brain are separated from the systemic circulation by the anatomical barriers, which are permeable (the outer blood-retinal barrier) and impermeable (the blood-brain and inner blood-retina barriers) to cholesterol. Herein we investigated whether whole-body cholesterol maintenance affects cholesterol homeostasis in the retina and brain. We used hamsters, whose whole-body cholesterol handling is more similar to those in humans than in mice, and conducted separate administrations of deuterated water and deuterated cholesterol. We assessed the quantitative significance of the retinal and brain pathways of cholesterol input and compared the results with those from our previous studies in mice. The utility of the measurements in the plasma of deuterated 24-hydroxycholesterol, the major cholesterol elimination product from the brain, was investigated as well. We established that despite a sevenfold higher serum LDL to HDL ratio and other cholesterol-related differences, in situ biosynthesis remained the major source of cholesterol for hamster retina, although its quantitative significance was reduced to 53% as compared to 72%–78% in the mouse retina. In the brain, the principal pathway of cholesterol input was also the same, in situ biosynthesis, accounting for 94% of the total brain cholesterol input (96% in mice); the interspecies differences pertained to the absolute rates of the total cholesterol input and turnover. We documented the correlations between deuterium enrichments of the brain 24-hydroxycholesterol, brain cholesterol, and plasma 24-hydroxycholesterol, which suggested that deuterium enrichment of plasma 24-hydroxycholesteol could be an in vivo marker of cholesterol elimination and turnover in the brain.  相似文献   

As systems biology approaches to virology have become more tractable, highly studied viruses such as HIV can now be analyzed in new unbiased ways, including spatial proteomics. We employed here a differential centrifugation protocol to fractionate Jurkat T cells for proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry; these cells contain inducible HIV-1 genomes, enabling us to look for changes in the spatial proteome induced by viral gene expression. Using these proteomics data, we evaluated the merits of several reported machine learning pipelines for classification of the spatial proteome and identification of protein translocations. From these analyses, we found that classifier performance in this system was organelle dependent, with Bayesian t-augmented Gaussian mixture modeling outperforming support vector machine learning for mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum proteins but underperforming on cytosolic, nuclear, and plasma membrane proteins by QSep analysis. We also observed a generally higher performance for protein translocation identification using a Bayesian model, Bayesian analysis of differential localization experiments, on row-normalized data. Comparative Bayesian analysis of differential localization experiment analysis of cells induced to express the WT viral genome versus cells induced to express a genome unable to express the accessory protein Nef identified known Nef-dependent interactors such as T-cell receptor signaling components and coatomer complex. Finally, we found that support vector machine classification showed higher consistency and was less sensitive to HIV-dependent noise. These findings illustrate important considerations for studies of the spatial proteome following viral infection or viral gene expression and provide a reference for future studies of HIV-gene-dropout viruses.  相似文献   

Tissue remodelling and organ shaping during morphogenesis are products of mechanical forces generated at the cellular level. These cell-scale forces can be coordinated across the tissue via information provided by biochemical and mechanical cues. Such coordination leads to the generation of complex tissue shape during morphogenesis. In this short review, we elaborate the role of cellular active stresses in vertebrate axis morphogenesis, primarily using examples from postgastrulation development of the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

The causative agent of crayfish plague, Aphanomyces astaci (Saprolegniales, Oomycota), is one of the 100 world’s worst invasive alien species and represents a major threat to freshwater crayfish species worldwide. A better understanding of the biology and epidemiology of A. astaci relies on the application of efficient tools to detect the pathogen and assess its genetic diversity. In this study, we validated the specificity of two recently developed PCR-based approaches used to detect A. astaci groups. The first relies on the analysis of mitochondrial ribosomal rnnS (small) and rnnL (large) subunit sequences and the second, of sequences obtained by using genotype-specific primers designed from A. astaci whole genome sequencing. For this purpose, we tested the specificity against 76 selected isolates, including other oomycete species and the recently described species Aphanomyces fennicus, which, when used in nrITS-based specific tests for A. astaci, is known to result in a false positive. Under both approaches, we were able to efficiently and accurately identify A. astaci and its genetic groups in both pure cultures and clinical samples. We report that sequence analysis of the rnnS region alone is sufficient for the identification of A. astaci and a partial characterization of haplogroups. In contrast, the rnnL region alone is not sufficiently informative for A. astaci identification as other oomycete species present sequences identical to those of A. astaci.  相似文献   

The ribosomal stalk protein plays a crucial role in functional interactions with translational GTPase factors. It has been shown that the archaeal stalk aP1 binds to both GDP- and GTP-bound conformations of aEF1A through its C-terminal region in two different modes. To obtain an insight into how the aP1•aEF1A binding mode changes during the process of nucleotide exchange from GDP to GTP on aEF1A, we have analyzed structural changes in aEF1A upon binding of the nucleotide exchange factor aEF1B. The isolated archaeal aEF1B has nucleotide exchange ability in the presence of aa-tRNA but not deacylated tRNA, and increases activity of polyphenylalanine synthesis 4-fold. The aEF1B mutation, R90A, results in loss of its original nucleotide exchange activity but retains a remarkable ability to enhance polyphenylalanine synthesis. These results suggest an additional functional role for aEF1B other than in nucleotide exchange. The crystal structure of the aEF1A•aEF1B complex, resolved at 2.0 Å resolution, shows marked rotational movement of domain 1 of aEF1A compared to the structure of aEF1A•GDP•aP1, and this conformational change results in disruption of the original aP1 binding site between domains 1 and 3 of aEF1A. The loss of aP1 binding to the aEF1A•aEF1B complex was confirmed by native gel analysis. The results suggest that aEF1B plays a role in switching off the interaction between aP1 and aEF1A•GDP, as well as in nucleotide exchange, and promote translation elongation.  相似文献   

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