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Prey distribution, patch size, and the presence of conspecifics are important factors influencing a predator’s feeding tactics, including the decision to feed individually or socially. Little is known about group behaviour in seabirds as they spend most of their lives in the marine environment where it is difficult to observe their foraging activities. In this study, we report on at-sea foraging associations of little penguins (Eudyptula minor) during the breeding season. Individuals could be categorised as (1) not associating; (2) associating when departing from and/or returning to the colony; or (3) at sea when travelling, diving or performing synchronised dives. Out of 84 separate foraging tracks, 58 (69.0%) involved associations with conspecifics. Furthermore, in a total of 39 (46.4%), individuals were found to dive during association and in 32 (38.1%), individuals were found to exhibit synchronous diving. These behaviours suggest little penguins forage in groups, could synchronise their underwater movements and potentially cooperate to concentrate their small schooling prey.  相似文献   

We present a model of predator and prey grouping strategies using game theory. As predators respond strategically to prey behavior and vice versa, the model is based on a co-evolution approach. Focusing on the "many eyes-many mouths" trade-off, this model considers the benefits and costs of being in a group for hunting predators and foraging prey: predators in a group have more hunting success than solitary predators but they have to share the prey captured; prey in a group face a lower risk of predation but greater competition for resources than lone prey. The analysis of the model shows that the intersections of four curves define distinct areas in the parameter space, corresponding to different strategies used by predators and prey at equilibrium. The model predictions are in accordance with empirical evidence that an open habitat encourages group living, and that low risks of predation favor lone prey. Under some conditions, continuous cycling of the relative frequencies of the different strategies may occur. In this situation, the proportions of grouped vs. solitary predators and prey oscillate over time.  相似文献   

Group predation promotes foraging efficiency because it increases the size of prey that can be killed and improves hunting success compared to solitary predation. However, group predation may increase competition among group members during feeding. Earlier studies have focused on the advantages of group predation, but little is known about the costs and benefits of group predation for individual members of the group. Here, we show that the costs and benefits of group predation for individuals of the predatory stink bug Andrallus spinidens vary with prey size in laboratory experiments. We found that when A. spinidens fed on small prey, group predation did not significantly increase foraging efficiency but did increase competition for food among group members. In contrast, when prey was large, group predation promoted foraging efficiency, and competition over food was not detected. Our results suggest that group predation by A. spinidens nymphs is advantageous for individual members because it enables each member to hunt larger prey that could not be hunted alone. However, when group size was large or prey size was small, group predation increased competition among group members.  相似文献   

An intriguing aspect of social foraging behaviour is that large groups are often no better at capturing prey than are small groups, a pattern that has been attributed to diminished cooperation (i.e., free riding) in large groups. Although this suggests the formation of large groups is unrelated to prey capture, little is known about cooperation in large groups that hunt hard-to-catch prey. Here, we used direct observations of Yellowstone wolves (Canis lupus) hunting their most formidable prey, bison (Bison bison), to test the hypothesis that large groups are more cooperative when hunting difficult prey. We quantified the relationship between capture success and wolf group size, and compared it to previously reported results for Yellowstone wolves hunting elk (Cervus elaphus), a prey that was, on average, 3 times easier to capture than bison. Whereas improvement in elk capture success levelled off at 2–6 wolves, bison capture success levelled off at 9–13 wolves with evidence that it continued to increase beyond 13 wolves. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that hunters in large groups are more cooperative when hunting more formidable prey. Improved ability to capture formidable prey could therefore promote the formation and maintenance of large predator groups, particularly among predators that specialize on such prey.  相似文献   

In anthropogenic landscapes, aerial insectivores are often confronted with variable habitat complexity, which may influence the distribution of prey. Yet, high mobility may allow aerial insectivores to adjust their foraging strategy to different prey distributions. We investigated whether aerial-hunting common noctules Nyctalus noctula adjust their foraging strategy to landscapes with different habitat complexity and assumingly different prey distribution. We hypothesized that the movement behaviour of hunting common noctules and changes of movement behaviour in reaction towards conspecifics would depend on whether they hunt in a structurally poor cropland dominated landscape or a structurally rich forest dominated landscape. We tracked flight paths of common noctules in northeastern Germany using GPS loggers equipped with an ultrasonic microphone that recorded foraging events and presence of conspecifics. Above cropland, common noctules hunted mainly during bouts of highly tortuous and area restricted movements (ARM). Bats switched from straight flight to ARM after encountering conspecifics. In the forested landscape, common noctules hunted both during ARM and during straight flights. The onset of ARM did not correlate with the presence of conspecifics. Common noctules showed a lower feeding rate and encountered more conspecifics above the forested than above the cropland dominated landscape. We conjecture that prey distribution above cropland was patchy and unpredictable, thus making eavesdropping on hunting conspecifics crucial for bats during search for prey patches. In contrast, small scale structural diversity of the forested landscape possibly led to a more homogeneous prey distribution at the landscape scale, thus enabling bats to find sufficient food independent of conspecific presence. This suggests that predators depending on ephemeral prey can increase their foraging success in structurally poor landscapes by using social information provided by conspecifics. Hence, a minimum population density might be obligatory to enable successful foraging in simplified landscapes.  相似文献   

Resource clumping (prey hotspots) and intraspecific competition may interact to influence predator foraging behaviour. Optimal foraging theory suggests that predators should concentrate most of their foraging activity on prey hotspots, but this prediction has received limited empirical support. On the other hand, if prey concentration at hotspots is high enough to allow its use by several individuals, increased competition may impose constraints on foraging decisions of conspecifics, resulting in a temporal segregation in the use of shared resources. We investigated how artificial prey hotspots influence foraging behaviour in the Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus, and examined variations in the use of prey hotspots by individuals with different competitive abilities. All lynx, irrespective of their position in the competitive hierarchy, focused their activity on prey hotspots. Supplemented lynx concentrated higher proportions of active time on 100 m circular areas around hotspots than non‐supplemented lynx did on any area of the same size. However, we found evidence for a dynamic temporal segregation, where inferior competitors may actively avoid the use of prey hotspots when dominants were present. Dynamic temporal segregation may operate in solitary and territorial predators as a mechanism to facilitate coexistence of conspecifics in the absence of opportunities for spatial segregation when they use extremely clumped resources.  相似文献   

Despite considerable study, mystery surrounds the use of signals that initiate cooperative hunting in animals. Using a labyrinth test chamber, we examined whether a lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra, would initiate cooperative hunts with piscine partners. We found that D. zebra uses a stereotyped flared fin display to alert conspecific and heterospecific lionfish species Pterois antennata to the presence of prey. Per capita success rate was significantly higher for cooperative hunters when compared with solitary ones, with hunt responders assisting hunt initiators in cornering the prey using their large extended pectoral fins. The initiators would most often take the first strike at the group of prey, but both hunters would then alternate striking at the remaining prey. Results suggest that the cooperative communication signal may be characteristic to the lionfish family, as interspecific hunters were equally coordinated and successful as intraspecific hunters. Our findings emphasize the complexity of collaborative foraging behaviours in lionfish; the turn-taking in strikes suggests that individuals do not solely try to maximize their own hunting success: instead they equally share the resources between themselves. Communicative group hunting has enabled Pteroine fish to function as highly efficient predators.  相似文献   

Although the impact of environmental changes on the demographic parameters of top predators is well established, the mechanisms by which populations are affected remain poorly understood. Here, we show that a reduction in the thermal stratification of coastal water masses between 2005 and 2006 was associated with reduced foraging and breeding success of little penguins Eudyptula minor, major bio-indicators of the Bass Strait ecosystem in southern Australia. The foraging patterns of the penguins suggest that their prey disperse widely in poorly stratified waters, leading to reduced foraging efficiency and poor breeding success. Mixed water regimes resulting from storms are currently unusual during the breeding period of these birds, but are expected to become more frequent due to climate change.  相似文献   

A tension between cooperation and conflict characterizes the behavioral dynamics of many social species. The foraging benefits of group living include increased efficiency and reduced need for vigilance, but social foraging can also encourage theft of captured prey from conspecifics. The payoffs of stealing prey from others (scrounging) versus capturing prey (producing) may depend not only on the frequency of each foraging strategy in the group but also on an individual’s ability to steal. By observing the foraging behavior of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), we found that, within a group, relatively smaller coho acted primarily as producers and took longer to handle prey, and were therefore more likely to be targeted by scroungers than relatively larger coho. Further, our observations suggest that the frequency of scrounging may be higher when groups contained individuals of different sizes. Based on these observations, we developed a model of phenotype-limited producer-scrounger dynamics, in which rates of stealing were structured by the relative size of producers and scroungers within the foraging group. Model simulations show that when the success of stealing is positively related to body size, relatively large predators should tend to be scroungers while smaller predators should be producers. Contrary to previous models, we also found that, under certain conditions, producer and scrounger strategies could coexist for both large and small phenotypes. Large scroungers tended to receive the highest payoff, suggesting that producer-scrounger dynamics may result in an uneven distribution of benefits among group members that—under the right conditions—could entrench social positions of dominance.  相似文献   

The Cape cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis is unusual among cormorants in using aerial searching to locate patchily distributed pelagic schooling fish. It feeds up to 80 km offshore, often roosts at sea during the day and retains more air in its plumage and is more buoyant than most other cormorants. Despite these adaptations to its pelagic lifestyle, little is known of its foraging ecology. We measured the activity budget and diving ecology of breeding Cape cormorants. All foraging took place during the day, with 3.6 ± 1.3 foraging trips per day, each lasting 85 ± 60 min and comprising 61 ± 53 dives. Dives lasted 21.2 ± 13.9 s (maximum 70 s), attaining an average depth of 10.2 ± 6.7 m (maximum 34 m), but variability in dive depth both within and between foraging trips was considerable. The within-bout variation in dive depth was greater when making shallow dives, suggesting that pelagic prey were targeted mainly when diving to <10 m. Diving ecology and total foraging time were similar to other cormorants, but the time spent flying (122 ± 51 min day−1, 14% of daylight) was greater and more variable than other species. Searching flights lasted up to 1 h, and birds made numerous short flights during foraging bouts, presumably following fast-moving schools of pelagic prey. Compared with the other main seabird predators of pelagic fish in the Benguela region, Cape gannets Morus capensis and African penguins Spheniscus demersus , Cape cormorants made shorter, more frequent foraging trips. Their foraging range while feeding small chicks was 7 ± 6 km (maximum 40 km), similar to penguins (10–20 km), but less than gannets (50–200 km). Successful breeding by large colonies depends on the reliable occurrence of pelagic fish schools within this foraging range.  相似文献   

The links between weather and animal behaviour in population processes have received relatively little attention. I studied the effect of weather conditions on foraging and breeding performance of a medium-sized raptor, the black kite, Milvus migrans. The frequency of prey capture attempts and their likelihood of success increased with temperature and declined with rainfall. Kites used flight styles involving a higher energy expenditure in less favourable weather. Nestling provisioning rates declined during rain spells. More kites hunted during periods of favourable weather and after periods with a high frequency of successful prey capture attempts by conspecifics; this result suggested that individuals may fine-tune their foraging effort to the expected foraging reward. Such compensatory behavioural adjustments may increase species resilience to climate change. The behaviourally mediated effects of weather on prey availability translated into population effects. Yearly weather conditions during the last stage of the prelaying period affected population-level productivity, probably through an effect on female body condition mediated by male provisioning capability and hunting yield. The predicted effects of climate change on kites may already be occurring, with progressively earlier laying and northward range expansion. These results confirm the need to pay greater attention to behaviourally mediated effects of climate on populations, particularly when individuals make compensatory adjustments that may enhance resilience to climate change. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Food acquisition is an important modulator of animal behavior and habitat selection that can affect fitness. Optimal foraging theory predicts that predators should select habitat patches to maximize their foraging success and net energy gain, likely achieved by targeting areas with high prey availability. However, it is debated whether prey availability drives fine‐scale habitat selection for predators. We assessed whether an ambush predator, the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), exhibits optimal foraging site selection based on the spatial distribution and availability of prey. We used passive infrared camera trap detections of potential small mammal prey (Peromyscus spp., Tamias striatus, and Sciurus spp.) to generate variables of prey availability across the study area and used whether a snake was observed in a foraging location or not to model optimal foraging in timber rattlesnakes. Our models of small mammal spatial distributions broadly predicted that prey availability was greatest in mature deciduous forests, but T. striatus and Sciurus spp. exhibited greater spatial heterogeneity compared with Peromyscus spp. We found the spatial distribution of cumulative small mammal encounters (i.e., overall prey availability), rather than the distribution of any one species, to be highly predictive of snake foraging. Timber rattlesnakes appear to forage where the probability of encountering prey is greatest. Our study provides evidence for fine‐scale optimal foraging in a low‐energy, ambush predator and offers new insights into drivers of snake foraging and habitat selection.  相似文献   

Interactions between predators foraging in the same patch may strongly influence patch use and functional response. In particular, there is continued interest in how the magnitude of mutual interference shapes predator–prey interactions. Studies commonly focus on either patch use or the functional response without attempting to link these important components of the foraging puzzle. Predictions from both theoretical frameworks suggest that predators should modify foraging efforts in response to changes in feeding rate, but this prediction has received little empirical attention. We study the linkage between patch departure rates and food consumption by the hunting spider, Pardosa milvina, using field enclosures in which prey and predator densities were manipulated. Additionally, the most appropriate functional response model was identified by fitting alternative functional response models to laboratory foraging data. Our results show that although prey availability was the most important determinant of patch departure rates, a greater proportion of predators left enclosures containing elevated predator abundance. Functional response parameter estimation revealed significant levels of interference among predators leading to lower feeding rates even when the area allocated for each predator was kept constant. These results suggest that feeding rates determine patch movement dynamics, where interference induces predators to search for foraging sites that balance the frequency of agonistic interactions with prey encounter rates.  相似文献   

The effects of the expected predation rate on population dynamics have been studied intensively, but little is known about the effects of predation rate variability (i.e., predator individuals having variable foraging success) on population dynamics. In this study, variation in foraging success among predators was quantified by observing the predation of the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata on the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus in the laboratory. A population model was then developed, and the effect of foraging variability on predator–prey dynamics was examined by incorporating levels of variation comparable to those quantified in the experiment. The variability in the foraging success among spiders was greater than would be expected by chance (i.e., the random allocation of prey to predators). The foraging variation was density‐dependent; it became higher as the predator density increased. A population model that incorporates foraging variation shows that the variation influences population dynamics by affecting the numerical response of predators. In particular, the variation induces negative density‐dependent effects among predators and stabilizes predator–prey dynamics.  相似文献   

Four piscine predator species were observed repeatedly attacking large (> 100,000) schools of flat-iron herring, Harengula thrissina. The predators could be categorized into two groups. Stalking predators (two species) were slow-moving, predominantly solitary hunters attacking from positions beneath the school. Attacks were directed at individual prey and the sequence of events was orient-approach-strike. Although the stalking species were seen most often and were responsible for the majority of the attacks, capture success was low. The remaining two species were fast-moving, pelagic hunters regularly occurring in groups of up to 8 individuals. These predators were extremely proficient at capturing prey, either by orienting on individuals (stragglers) or accelerating into the school and ramming their prey (impact attacks). Group size was positively associated with capture success, but not significantly so. Because stalking predators orient towards individual prey, they may suffer from the effect of confusion when attacking schooling prey. Use of the impact strategy, by comparison, may allow predators to overcome the confusion effect either by attacking prey already separated from the school, or by orienting towards aggregated prey rather than particular individuals.  相似文献   

Several conceptual models describing patterns of prey selection by predators have been proposed, but such models rarely have been tested empirically, particularly with terrestrial carnivores. We examined patterns of prey selection by sympatric wolves ( Canis lupus ) and cougars ( Puma concolor ) to determine i) if both predators selected disadvantaged prey disproportionately from the prey population, and ii) if the specific nature and intensity of prey selection differed according to disparity in hunting behavior between predator species. We documented prey characteristics and kill site attributes of predator kills during winters 1999–2001 in Idaho, and located 120 wolf-killed and 98 cougar-killed ungulates on our study site. Elk ( Cervus elephus ) were the primary prey for both predators, followed by mule deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ). Both predators preyed disproportionately on elk calves and old individuals; among mule deer, wolves appeared to select for fawns, whereas cougars killed primarily adults. Nutritional status of prey, as determined by percent femur marrow fat, was consistently poorer in wolf-killed prey. We found that wolf kills occurred in habitat that was more reflective of the entire study area than cougar kills, suggesting that the coursing hunting behavior of wolves likely operated on a larger spatial scale than did the ambush hunting strategy of cougars. We concluded that the disparity in prey selection and hunting habitat between predators probably was a function of predator-specific hunting behavior and capture success, where the longer prey chases and lower capture success of wolf packs mandated a stronger selection for disadvantaged prey. For cougars, prey selection seemed to be limited primarily by prey size, which could be a function of the solitary hunting behavior of this species and the risks associated with capturing prime-aged prey.  相似文献   

Factors affecting individual diet specialization in generalist populations and the relationship between diet and foraging success remain poorly studied, particularly in terrestrial wide-ranging predators. We studied whether individual variations in diet in Montagu's harrier males (determined through a combination of direct foraging observations and pellet analysis) were associated with patterns of foraging habitat selection and foraging success of 12 radiotracked males during the breeding period. We found important differences in diet composition and breadth between individuals. Diet diversity was negatively related to hunting success: the most efficient individuals in terms of hunting success had the most specialized diet. This study also suggests an important role of individual foraging habitat selection in explaining individual diet, as the proportion of different prey types in the diet was associated with habitat composition within the home range, with higher proportion of those habitats that held higher abundances of their more frequent prey. This study thus provides evidence of individual diet specialization having a knock-on effect on foraging efficiency in a wide-ranging raptor and highlights the role of individual behaviour as a driving force of intra-population niche variation.  相似文献   

Contrary to a generalisation arising from many studies, a larger body size is not always the key to competitive superiority amongst animals. An analysis of competition between pairs of Hydra oligactis, Hydra vulgaris and Hydra circumcincta, that simultaneously encountered a single prey item, showed that competitive success in these sessile predators depended on species and clone in inter- and intraspecific competition, respectively. H. oligactis appeared to be competitively superior, even to the larger H. vulgaris individuals. Phenotypic traits important for prey capture, such as the fraction of the nematocyst that penetrates the prey (penetrants), were positively related to success in intraspecific competition. Body size appeared to be a positive key factor in determining foraging success in the competition between pairs of conspecifics from single or different clones. In contrast to the results of the intraspecific competition, body size was not significantly related to the foraging success of competing heterospecifics.  相似文献   

The impacts of predators on bee foraging behavior are varied, but have been suggested to depend on both the type of predator (namely their hunting strategy) and also risk assessment by the prey (i.e., ability to perceive predators and learn to avoid them). However, nearly all studies have explored these impacts using social bees, despite the fact that solitary bees are extremely diverse, often specialized in their floral interactions, and may exhibit different behaviors in response to flower-occupying predators. In this study, we examined foraging behaviors of wild solitary long-horned bees (Melissodes spp.) in response to a cryptic predator, the ambush bug (Phymata americana) on the bees’ primary floral host, the prairie sunflower (Helianthus petiolaris). We found sex-specific differences in foraging behaviors of bees, but little evidence that ambush bugs affected either pre-landing or post-landing foraging behaviors. Male bees visited flowers three times more often than females but female bees were five times more likely to land than males. Ambush bugs did not reduce visitation in either sex. Spectral analysis through a bee vision model indicated that ambush bug dorsal coloration was indistinguishable from the disc flowers of sunflowers, suggesting that ambush bugs are indeed cryptic and likely rarely detected by solitary bees. We discuss the implications of these findings for the perceived risk of predation in solitary bees and compare them to other studies of social bees.  相似文献   

Large-bodied, top- and apex predators (e.g., crocodilians, sharks, wolves, killer whales) can exert strong top-down effects within ecological communities through their interactions with prey. Due to inherent difficulties while studying the behavior of these often dangerous predatory species, relatively little is known regarding their feeding behaviors and activity patterns, information that is essential to understanding their role in regulating food web dynamics and ecological processes. Here we use animal-borne imaging systems (Crittercam) to study the foraging behavior and activity patterns of a cryptic, large-bodied predator, the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in two estuaries of coastal Florida, USA. Using retrieved video data we examine the variation in foraging behaviors and activity patterns due to abiotic factors. We found the frequency of prey-attacks (mean = 0.49 prey attacks/hour) as well as the probability of prey-capture success (mean = 0.52 per attack) were significantly affected by time of day. Alligators attempted to capture prey most frequently during the night. Probability of prey-capture success per attack was highest during morning hours and sequentially lower during day, night, and sunset, respectively. Position in the water column also significantly affected prey-capture success, as individuals’ experienced two-fold greater success when attacking prey while submerged. These estimates are the first for wild adult American alligators and one of the few examples for any crocodilian species worldwide. More broadly, these results reveal that our understandings of crocodilian foraging behaviors are biased due to previous studies containing limited observations of cryptic and nocturnal foraging interactions. Our results can be used to inform greater understanding regarding the top-down effects of American alligators in estuarine food webs. Additionally, our results highlight the importance and power of using animal-borne imaging when studying the behavior of elusive large-bodied, apex predators, as it provides critical insights into their trophic and behavioral interactions.  相似文献   

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