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Multicellular organization is determined by the balance of forces between cells as much as by the expression of genes. A recent study in Drosophila combines physical modeling with experimental measurements and mechanical perturbations to shed light on the processes that influence cell patterns in vivo.  相似文献   

Several different proton pumps were used to generate a proton motive force (delta p, proton motive force across the mitochondrial inner membrane) in isolated rat liver mitochondria, and the relationship between delta p and pump rate was investigated by titrating with various inhibitors of the pumps. It was found that this relationship was the same for mitochondria respiring on succinate irrespective of whether respiration was inhibited with malonate, antimycin or cyanide, indicating that the relationship was independent of the redox state of the respiratory chain. When delta p was generated by either the cytochrome bc1 complex, cytochrome oxidase, both together, or ATP hydrolysis (and transport), the reaction rates (in moles of electrons or ATP) were in the ratio of close to 3:1.5:1:1, respectively, at all accessible values of delta p. This suggests that the proton stoichiometries (H+/e and H+/ATP, where H+/e is the number of protons translocated vectorially across the inner membrane per electron transferred by the respiratory chain and H+/ATP is the number of protons translocated vectorially per ATP molecule hydrolyzed externally) were in the ratio of close to 1:2:3:3, respectively, at all values of delta p. Possible reasons for previous contradictory results are suggested.  相似文献   

Nisin depletes ATP and proton motive force in mycobacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study examined the inhibitory effect of nisin and its mode of action against Mycobacterium smegmatis, a non-pathogenic species of mycobacteria, and M. bovis-Bacill Carmette Guerin (BCG), a vaccine strain of pathogenic M. bovis. In agar diffusion assays, 2.5 mg ml(-1) nisin was required to inhibit M. bovis-BCG. Nisin caused a slow, gradual, time- and concentration-dependent decrease in internal ATP levels in M. bovis-BCG, but no ATP efflux was detected. In mycobacteria, nisin decreased both components of proton motive force (membrane potential, Delta Psi and Delta pH) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. However, mycobacteria maintained their intracellular ATP levels during the initial time period of Delta Psi and Delta pH dissipation. These data suggest that the mechanism of nisin in mycobacteria is similar to that in food-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

Oxygen taxis and proton motive force in Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The aerotactic response of Salmonella typhimurium SL3730 has been quantitatively correlated with a change in the proton motive force (delta p) as measured by a flow-dialysis technique. At pH 7.5, the membrane potential (delta psi) in S. typhimurium changed from -162 +/- 13 to -111 +/- 15 mV when cells grown aerobically were made anaerobic, and it returned to the original value when the cells were returned to aerobiosis. The delta pH across the membrane was zero. At pH 5.5, delta psi was -70 mV in aerobiosis and -20 mV in anaerobiosis, and delta pH was -118 and -56 mV for aerobic and anaerobic cells, respectively. A decrease in delta p resulted in increased tumbling, and an increase in delta p resulted in a smooth swimming response at either pH. Inhibition of aerotaxis at pH 7.5 by various concentrations of KCN correlated with a decreased delta p, due to a decreased delta psi in aerobiosis and little change in delta psi in anaerobiosis. At concentrations up to 100 mM, 2,4-dinitrophenol decreased delta psi, but did not inhibit aerotaxis because the difference between delta psi in aerobic and anaerobic cells remained constant. Considered as a whole, the results indicate that aerotaxis in S. typhimurium is mediated by delta p.  相似文献   

Changes in the atomic coordinate fluctuations contribute to the entropy of biomolecular processes such as complex formation. Characterizations of such changes in proteins reveal that the response may be dramatically different between the backbone and the side chains, and further resolve enthalpy-entropy compensation at the molecular level.  相似文献   

In natural variable environments, plants rapidly adjust photosynthesis for optimum balance between photochemistry and photoprotection. These adjustments mainly occur via changes in their proton motive force (pmf). Recent studies based on time resolved analysis of the Electro Chromic Signal (ECS) bandshift of photosynthetic pigments in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have suggested an active role of ion fluxes across the thylakoid membranes in the regulation of the pmf. Among the different channels and transporters possibly involved in this phenomenon, we previously identified the TPK3 potassium channel. Plants silenced for TPK3 expression displayed light stress signatures, with reduced Non Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) capacity and sustained anthocyanin accumulation, even at moderate intensities. In this work we re-examined the role of this protein in pmf regulation, starting from the observation that both TPK3 knock-down (TPK3 KD) and WT plants display enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in the light under certain growth conditions, especially in old leaves. We thus compared the pmf features of young “green” (without anthocyanins) and old “red” (with anthocyanins) leaves in both genotypes using a global fit analysis of the ECS. We found that the differences in the ECS profile measured between the two genotypes reflect not only differences in TPK3 expression level, but also a modified photosynthetic activity of stressed red leaves, which are present in a larger amounts in the TPK3 KD plants.  相似文献   

Oxygen taxis and proton motive force in Azospirillum brasilense.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The microaerophilic nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense formed a sharply defined band in a spatial gradient of oxygen. As a result of aerotaxis, the bacteria were attracted to a specific low concentration of oxygen (3 to 5 microM). Bacteria swimming away from the aerotactic band were repelled by the higher or lower concentration of oxygen that they encountered and returned to the band. This behavior was confirmed by using temporal gradients of oxygen. The cellular energy level in A. brasilense, monitored by measuring the proton motive force, was maximal at 3 to 5 microM oxygen. The proton motive force was lower at oxygen concentrations that were higher or lower than the preferred oxygen concentration. Bacteria swimming toward the aerotactic band would experience an increase in the proton motive force, and bacteria swimming away from the band would experience a decrease in the proton motive force. It is proposed that the change in the proton motive force is the signal that regulates positive and negative aerotaxis. The preferred oxygen concentration for aerotaxis was similar to the preferred oxygen concentration for nitrogen fixation. Aerotaxis is an important adaptive behavioral response that can guide these free-living diazotrophs to the optimal niche for nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Thiosulfate respiration in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is catalyzed by the membrane-bound enzyme thiosulfate reductase. Experiments with quinone biosynthesis mutants show that menaquinol is the sole electron donor to thiosulfate reductase. However, the reduction of thiosulfate by menaquinol is highly endergonic under standard conditions (ΔE°' = -328 mV). Thiosulfate reductase activity was found to depend on the proton motive force (PMF) across the cytoplasmic membrane. A structural model for thiosulfate reductase suggests that the PMF drives endergonic electron flow within the enzyme by a reverse loop mechanism. Thiosulfate reductase was able to catalyze the combined oxidation of sulfide and sulfite to thiosulfate in a reverse of the physiological reaction. In contrast to the forward reaction the exergonic thiosulfate-forming reaction was PMF independent. Electron transfer from formate to thiosulfate in whole cells occurs predominantly by intraspecies hydrogen transfer.  相似文献   

We have attempted direct observation of the light-driven rotation of a FoF(1)-ATP motor. The FoF(1)-ATP motor was co-reconstituted by the deletion-delta subunit of FoF(1)-ATP synthase with bacteriorhodopsins (BRs) into a liposome. The BR converts radiation energy into electrochemical gradient of proton to drive the FoF(1)-ATP motor. Therefore, the light-driven rotation of FoF(1)-ATP motor has been directly observed by a fluorescence microscopy using a fluorescent actin filament connected to beta-subunit as a marker of its orientation. The rotational torque value of the Fo motor was calculated as 27.93+/-1.88pNnm. The ATP motor is expected to be a promising rotary molecular motor in the development of nanodevices.  相似文献   

Adenylate concentrations were measured in intact chloroplasts under a variety of conditions. Energy charge was significant in the dark and increased in the light, but remained far below values expected from observed phosphorylation potentials in broken chloroplasts, which were 80 000 M?1 or more in the light. With nitrite as electron acceptor, phosphorylation potentials in intact chloroplasts were about 80 M?1 in the dark and only 300 M?1 in the light. Similar phosphorylation potentials were observed, when oxaloacetate, phosphoglycerate or bicarbonate were used as substrates. ΔGATP was ?42 kJ/mol in darkened intact chloroplasts, ?46 kJ/mol in illuminated intact chloroplasts and ?60 kJ/mol in illuminated broken chloroplasts. Uncoupling by NH4Cl, which stimulated electron transport to nitrite or oxaloacetate and decreased the proton gradient, failed to decrease the phosphorylation potential of intact chloroplasts. Also, it did not increase the quantum requirement of CO2 reduction. It is concluded that the proton motive force as conventionally measured and phosphorylation potentials are far from equilibrium in intact chloroplasts. The insensitivity of CO2 reduction and of the phosphorylation potential to a decrease in the proton motive force suggests that intact chloroplasts are over-energized even under low intensity illumination. However, such a conclusion is at variance with available data on the magnitude of the proton motive force.  相似文献   

The secretion of protein directly into the extracellular medium by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, a gram-positive bacterium, was shown to be dependent on proton motive force. When the electrochemical membrane potential gradient of protons was dissipated either by uncouplers or by valinomycin in combination with K+, a precursor form of alpha-amylase accumulated on the cellular membrane. The proton motive force could be dissipated without altering the intracellular level of ATP, indicating that the observed inhibition of export was not the result of decreased ATP concentration.  相似文献   

In chloroplast, proton motive force (pmf) is critical for ATP synthesis and photoprotection. To prevent photoinhibition of photosynthetic apparatus, proton gradient (ΔpH) across the thylakoid membranes needs to be built up to minimize the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in thylakoid membranes. However, the regulation of thylakoid pmf in immature leaves is little known. In this study, we compared photosynthetic electron sinks, P700 redox state, non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), and electrochromic shift (ECS) signal in immature and mature leaves of a cultivar of Camellia. The immature leaves displayed lower linear electron flow and cyclic electron flow, but higher levels of NPQ and P700 oxidation ratio under high light. Meanwhile, we found that pmf and ΔpH were higher in the immature leaves. Furthermore, the immature leaves showed significantly lower thylakoid proton conductivity than mature leaves. These results strongly indicated that immature leaves can build up enough ΔpH by modulating proton efflux from the lumenal side to the stromal side of thylakoid membranes, which is essential to prevent photoinhibition via thermal energy dissipation and photosynthetic control of electron transfer. This study highlights that the activity of chloroplast ATP synthase is a key safety valve for photoprotection in immature leaves.  相似文献   

The effects of various metabolic inhibitors on the motility of Spirochaeta aurantia were investigated. After 15 min in sodium arsenate buffer, 90% of cells remained motile even though adenosine triphosphate levels dropped from 5.6 to 0.1 nmol/mg (dry weight) of cells. After 70 min in sodium arsenate, 5% of cells were motile. Addition of phenazine methosulfate plus ascorbate at this time resulted in motility of 95% of cells, but adenosine triphosphate levels remained at 0.1 nmol/mg of cell dry weight. Carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone rapidly (within 1 min) and completely inhibited motility of metabolizing cells in potassium phosphate buffer. However, after 15 min in the presence of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone the cellular adenosine triphosphate level was 3.4 nmol/mg (dry weight) of cells, and the rate of oxygen uptake was 44% of the rate measured in the absence of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone. Cells remained motile under conditions where either the electrical potential or the pH gradient across the membrane of S. aurantia was dissipated. However, if both gradients were simultaneously dissipated, motility was rapidly inhibited. This study indicates that a proton motive force, in the form of either a transmembrane electrical potential or a transmembrane pH gradient, is required for motility in S. aurantia. Adenosine triphosphate does not appear to directly activate the motility system in this spirochete.  相似文献   

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