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Cooke DE 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(18):3735-3736
Invasive species are, by definition, unwelcome and pathogenic ones, especially so. Tracing the origins and spread of Phytophthora ramorum, the devastating 'Sudden Oak Death' pathogen, in the forests and nurseries of Oregon has revealed differences between forest and nursery pathogen populations that suggest discrete sources of primary inoculum initiate each type of outbreak. New information on the ecology and evolution of this pathogen is presented that helps gauge the effectiveness of quarantine and eradication programmes.  相似文献   

The recently emerged plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum is responsible for causing the sudden oak death epidemic. This review documents the emergence of P. ramorum based on evolutionary and population genetic analyses. Currently infection by P. ramorum occurs only in Europe and North America and three clonal lineages are distinguished: EU1, NA1 and NA2. Ancient divergence of these lineages supports a scenario in which P. ramorum originated from reproductively isolated populations and underwent at least four global migration events. This recent work sheds new light on mechanisms of emergence of exotic pathogens and provides crucial insights into migration pathways.  相似文献   

We describe specific primers and conditions to amplify two dinucleotide and five trinucleotide microsatellite DNA loci isolated from the oomycete Phytophthora ramorum, the causal agent of sudden oak death. The primer sets were tested on 14–30 isolates from North America and Europe. Seven of 14 loci differentiated between A1 and A2 mating types. All seven loci successfully amplified DNA isolated from infected plant tissue. Four loci may be useful for the diagnosis of P. ramorum because they do not amplify closely related Phytophthora species.  相似文献   

The genus Phytophthora includes some of the most destructive plant pathogens affecting agricultural and native ecosystems and is responsible for a number of recent emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases of plants. Sudden oak death, caused by the exotic pathogen P. ramorum , has caused extensive mortality of oaks and tanoaks in Northern California, and has brought economic losses to US and European nurseries as well due to its infection of common ornamental plants. In its known range, P. ramorum occurs as three distinct clonal lineages. We inferred the evolutionary history of P. ramorum from nuclear sequence data using coalescent-based approaches. We found that the three lineages have been diverging for at least 11% of their history, an evolutionarily significant amount of time estimated to be on the order of 165 000 to 500 000 years. There was also strong evidence for historical recombination between the lineages, indicating that the ancestors of the P. ramorum lineages were members of a sexually reproducing population. Due to this recombination, the ages of the lineages varied within and between loci, but coalescent analyses suggested that the European lineage may be older than the North American lineages. The divergence of the three clonal lineages of P. ramorum supports a scenario in which the three lineages originated from different geographic locations that were sufficiently isolated from each other to allow independent evolution prior to introduction to North America and Europe. It is thus probable that the emergence of P. ramorum in North America and Europe was the result of three independent migration events.  相似文献   

Co-existence of both mating types A1 and A2 within the EU1 lineage of Phytophthora ramorum has only been observed in Belgium, which begs the question whether sexual reproduction is occurring. A collection of 411 Belgian P. ramorum isolates was established during a 7-year survey. Our main objectives were genetic characterization of this population to test for sexual reproduction, determination of population structure, evolution and spread, and evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of control measures. Novel, polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed after screening 149 candidate loci. Eighty isolates of P. ramorum, broadly representing the Belgian population, were analyzed using four previously described and three newly identified polymorphic microsatellite loci as well as amplified fragment length polymorphisms. SSR analysis was most informative and was used to screen the entire Belgian population. Thirty multilocus genotypes were identified, but 68% of the isolates belonged to the main genotype EU1MG1. Although accumulated mutation events were detected, the overall level of genetic diversity within the Belgian isolates of P. ramorum appears to be limited, indicating a relatively recent clonal expansion. Based on our SSR analysis there is no evidence of sexual recombination in the Belgian population of P. ramorum . Metalaxyl use decreased the genetic diversity of P. ramorum until 2005, when the majority of the isolates had become resistant. Most genotypes were site-specific and despite systematic removal of symptomatic and neighbouring plants, some genotypes were detected over a period of several years at a single site, sometimes discontinuously, indicating (latent) survival of the pathogen at those sites.  相似文献   

A total of 669 isolates of Phytophthora ramorum, the pathogen responsible for Sudden Oak Death, were collected from 34 Californian forests and from the ornamental plant-trade. Seven microsatellite markers revealed 82 multilocus genotypes (MGs) of which only three were abundant (>10%). Iteratively collapsing based upon minimum ΦST, yielded five meta-samples and five singleton populations. Populations in the same meta-sample were geographically contiguous, with one exception, possibly explained by the trade of infected plants from the same source into different locations. Multidimensional scaling corroborated this clustering and identified nursery populations as genetically most distant from the most recent outbreaks. A minimum-spanning network illustrated the evolutionary relationships among MGs, with common genotypes at the centre and singletons at the extremities; consistent with colonization by a few common genotypes followed by local evolution. Coalescent migration analyses used the original data set and a data set in which local genotypes were collapsed into common ancestral genotypes. Both analyses suggested that meta-samples 1 (Santa Cruz County) and 3 (Sonoma and Marin Counties), act as sources for most of the other forests. The untransformed data set best explains the first phases of the invasion, when the role of novel genotypes may have been minimal, whereas the second analysis best explains migration patterns in later phases of the invasion, when prevalence of novel genotypes was likely to have become more significant. Using this combined approach, we discuss possible migration routes based on our analyses, and compare them to historical and field observations from several case studies.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of altitude on the level and structure of genetic diversity, a genetic survey was conducted in 12 populations of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) located between 130 and 1660 m in two parallel valleys on the northern side of the Pyrenees Mountains. Genetic diversity was monitored at 16 nuclear microsatellite loci and 5 chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) markers. The cpDNA survey suggested that extant populations in both valleys shared the same source populations from the plain. There was no visible trend of nuclear genetic diversity along altitude, even if indirect estimates of effective population sizes revealed a consistent reduction at higher altitudes. Population differentiation, although low, was mostly present among populations of the same valleys and reached similar levels than differentiation across the range of distribution of sessile oak. Contribution to the overall differentiation in the valleys was mostly due to the genetic divergence of the highest populations and the altitudinal variation of allelic frequencies at a few loci. Bayesian inference of migration between groups of populations showed that gene flow is preferentially unidirectional from lower altitudes in one valley to other groups of populations. Finally, we found evidence of clonal reproduction in high altitude populations. The introgression of Quercus robur and Quercus pubescens was also more frequent at the altitudinal margin suggesting that this mechanism may have contributed to the present migration and adaptation of Q. petraea and may also facilitate its future upslope shift in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the clonally reproducing Sudden Oak Death (SOD) pathogen in California was investigated using seven variable microsatellites. A total of 35 multilocus genotypes were identified among 292 samples representative of populations from 14 forest sites and of the nursery trade. amova indicated significant genetic variability both within (44.34%) and among populations (55.66%). Spatial autocorrelation analyses indicated that Moran's index of similarity reached a minimum of 0.1 at 350 m, increased to 0.4 at 1500 m and then decreased to zero at 10 km. These results suggest a bimodal pattern of spread, with medium range dispersal (1500–10 000 m) putatively attributed to the presence of strong winds. Lack of genetic structure was identified for three groups of populations. One group notably included the nurseries' population and two forest populations, both linked to early reports of the pathogen. A neighbour-joining analysis based on pairwise ΦST values indicated that the clade inclusive of the nurseries' populations is basal to all California populations. A network analysis identified three common genotypes as the likely founders of the California infestation and proposes a stepwise model for local evolution of novel genotypes. This was supported by the identification in the same locations of novel genotypes and of their 1- or 2-step parents. We hypothesize that the few undifferentiated population groups indicate historical human spread of the pathogen, while the general presence of genetically structured populations indicates that new infestations are currently generated by rare medium or long-range natural movement of the pathogen, followed by local generation of new genotypes.  相似文献   

1. The great silver water beetle Hydrophilus piceus is one of the largest aquatic insects in Europe. In Britain it is rare and endangered, and confined to a small number of low-lying marshes. Very little is known about the beetle populations in any of these areas, or the connectivity between them.
2. To investigate the population structure of H. piceus in Britain, four polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified and characterized. The genome of this beetle seems to have few microsatellites but contains a high proportion of a larger repeated sequence.
3. All six of the main British populations (Somerset, Lewes, Pevensey, Romney, North Kent and Norfolk) showed substantial genetic diversity at the microsatellite loci. However, estimates of effective population size at one site (Pevensey) were remarkably low, at <10 adults for the period 2004–05.
4. Most of the genetic diversity was partitioned within rather than among the populations, although there was, nevertheless, significant genetic sub-structuring. Almost all population pairwise F st estimates were significantly different from zero, and there was a clear isolation-by-distance effect. Assignment tests and cluster analyses demonstrated interpopulation relationships largely consistent with their geographical separations.
5. Hydrophilus disperses by flight, and records from moth traps indicated that there was no month in which the beetles never flew, but that flight activity was highest in the spring.
6. The genetic data highlight the need to maintain or regenerate habitat connectivity within flying distance for H. piceus , and to sustain large areas of suitable breeding marshes.  相似文献   

Understanding the migration patterns of invasive organisms is of paramount importance to predict and prevent their further spread. Previous attempts at reconstructing the entire history of the sudden oak death (SOD) epidemic in California were limited by: (1) incomplete sampling; (2) the inability to include infestations caused by a single genotype of the pathogen; (3) collapsing of non-spatially contiguous yet genetically similar samples into large meta-samples that confounded the coalescent analyses. Here, we employ an intensive sampling coverage of 832 isolates of Phytopthora ramorum (the causative agent of SOD) from 60 California forests, genotyped at nine microsatellite loci, to reconstruct its invasion. By using age of infestation as a constraint on coalescent analyses, by dividing genetically indistinguishable meta-populations into highly-resolved sets of spatially contiguous populations, and by using Bruvo genetic distances for most analyses, we reconstruct the entire history of the epidemic and convincingly show infected nursery plants are the original source for the entire California epidemic. Results indicate that multiple human-mediated introductions occurred in most counties and that further disease sources were represented by large wild infestations. The study also identifies minor introductions, some of them relatively recent, linked to infected ornamental plants. Finally, using archival isolates collected soon after the discovery of the pathogen in California, we corroborate that the epidemic is likely to have resulted form 3 to 4 core founder individuals evolved from a single genotype. This is probably the most complete reconstruction ever completed for an invasion by an exotic forest pathogen, and the approach here described may be useful for the reconstruction of invasions by any clonally reproducing organism with a relatively limited natural dispersal range.  相似文献   

The Big Sur ecoregion in coastal California is a botanically and ecologically diverse area that has recently experienced substantial mortality of oak (Quercus spp.) and tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) trees due to the emerging forest disease sudden oak death, caused by the invasive pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. In response to the urgent need to examine environmental impacts and create management response strategies, we quantified the impact of P. ramorum invasion on tree mortality across the Big Sur ecoregion using high-resolution aircraft imagery and field data. Using the imagery, we mapped all detectable oak and tanoak trees possibly killed by P. ramorum infection within redwood-tanoak forests and mixed oak woodlands. To validate and improve our remote assessment, we quantified the number, size, and infection status of host trees in 77 field plots (0.25 ha). The field data showed that our remote assessment underestimated mortality due to the occurrence of dead trees in the forest understory. For each forest type, we developed regression models that adjusted our remote assessments of tree mortality in relation to field observations of mortality and local habitat variables. The models significantly improved remote assessment of oak mortality, but relationships were stronger for mixed oak woodlands (r 2 = 0.77) than redwood-tanoak forests (r 2 = 0.66). Using the field data, we also modeled the amount of dead tree basal area (m2) in relation to the density of mapped dead trees in mixed oak woodlands (r 2 = 0.73) and redwood-tanoak forests (r 2 = 0.54). Application of the regression models in a GIS estimated 235,678 standing dead trees in 2005 and 12,650 m2 of tree basal area removed from the ecoregion, with 63% of mortality occurring in redwood-tanoak forests and 37% in mixed oak woodlands. Integration of the remote assessment with population estimates of host abundance, obtained from an independent network of 175 field plots (0.05 ha each), indicated similar prevalence of mortality in redwood-tanoak forests (20.0%) and mixed oak woodlands (20.5%) at this time. This is the first study to quantify a realistic number of dead trees impacted by P. ramorum over a defined ecological region. Ecosystem impacts of such widespread mortality will likely be significant.
R. K. MeentemeyerEmail:

The genus Rhinanthus L. is complex, containing many taxonomically unresolved taxa. In this paper we studied genetic variation and species relationships in 15 populations of six Rhinanthus species from three sections. For this purpose, we developed new microsatellite primers for R. osiliensis and used them to investigate genetic variation in two narrow endemics (R. osiliensis, R. javorkae) and in four widespread species (R. rumelicus R. wagneri, R. angustifolius and R. minor). Species‐specific private alleles were found in all species except R. osiliensis and R. angustifolius. The Bulgarian endemic R. javorkae showed the lowest genetic variation, followed by widespread R. minor and Estonian endemic R. osiliensis. Rhinanthus javorkae and R. minor were genetically most differentiated. Section Cleistolemus is weakly structured genetically, indicating close affinity between R. osiliensis, R. rumelicus, R. wagneri and R. angustifolius.  相似文献   

Alpine species may be losing habitat because of global warming. Setting management priorities for such species is thus urgent and cannot be achieved without data on population structure. We studied the structure of rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) populations in the Pyrenees, Alps and Norway, using six microsatellites. We found that rock ptarmigan in the Pyrenees were genetically impoverished compared with those in the Alps and Norway, and displayed a greater divergence (Pyrenees vs. Alps or Norway: theta(ST) = 0.16, Alps vs. Norway, theta(ST) = 0.04). In the Alps, despite a weak genetic differentiation between localities up to 200 km apart (theta(ST) = 0.011), a significant isolation-by-distance (IBD) effect was detected. When computed for each sex separately this IBD effect was significant for males but not for females, suggesting that males are highly philopatric.  相似文献   

J Guo  Y Liu  Y Wang  J Chen  Y Li  H Huang  L Qiu  Y Wang 《Annals of botany》2012,110(4):777-785
Background and Aims Wild soybean (Glycine soja), a native species of East Asia, is the closest wild relative of the cultivated soybean (G. max) and supplies valuable genetic resources for cultivar breeding. Analyses of the genetic variation and population structure of wild soybean are fundamental for effective conservation studies and utilization of this valuable genetic resource. Methods In this study, 40 wild soybean populations from China were genotyped with 20 microsatellites to investigate the natural population structure and genetic diversity. These results were integrated with previous microsatellite analyses for 231 representative individuals from East Asia to investigate the genetic relationships of wild soybeans from China. Key Results Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that 43·92 % of the molecular variance occurred within populations, although relatively low genetic diversity was detected for natural wild soybean populations. Most of the populations exhibited significant effects of a genetic bottleneck. Principal co-ordinate analysis, construction of a Neighbor-Joining tree and Bayesian clustering indicated two main genotypic clusters of wild soybean from China. The wild soybean populations, which are distributed in north-east and south China, separated by the Huang-Huai Valley, displayed similar genotypes, whereas those populations from the Huang-Huai Valley were different. Conclusions The previously unknown population structure of the natural populations of wild soybean distributed throughout China was determined. Two evolutionarily significant units were defined and further analysed by combining genetic diversity and structure analyses from Chinese populations with representative samples from Eastern Asia. The study suggests that during the glacial period there may have been an expansion route between south-east and north-east China, via the temperate forests in the East China Sea Land Bridge, which resulted in similar genotypes of wild soybean populations from these regions. Genetic diversity and bottleneck analysis supports that both extensive collection of germplasm resources and habitat management strategies should be undertaken for effective conservation studies of these important wild soybean resources.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 10 microsatellite loci in the long-fingered bat Miniopterus fuliginosus. These loci were tested on 48 individuals from Anhui Province of China, and all loci were highly polymorphic. The mean number of observed alleles per locus was 13.6 (range from six to 27). Observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.364 to 0.957, and from 0.676 to 0.951, respectively. After Bonferroni correction, four loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No pairs of loci were in linkage disequilibrium. These polymorphic markers will be used to examine population structure and genetic diversity in this species.  相似文献   

引起蜘蛛流行病的紫色野村菌种群异质性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用ISSR分子标记对安徽琅琊山自然保护区和牯牛降自然风景区引起蜘蛛流行病的紫色野村菌Nomuraea atypicola遗传多样性进行了研究。筛出的9个ISSR引物共扩增出117条带,多态性比率高达94%。ISSR扩增结果显示:22株紫色野村菌之间的遗传分化较大,Jaccard遗传相似系数为0.48-0.88,平均为0.71。UPGMA方法构建的系统树表明,在遗传相似系数0.60处,22株紫色野村菌按照两个自然保护区明显分为2大类群。第一大类是分离自琅琊山不同蜘蛛的10株菌株,其种群内平均遗传相似系数为0.74。第二大类是采自牯牛降不同蜘蛛的12株菌株,其种群内平均遗传相似系数为0.76。种群内的遗传相似性虽高于种群间的遗传相似性,但未见两株菌株的ISSR指纹图谱相同或高度相似。这表明,不管是在琅琊山还是在牯牛降,紫色野村菌的两个种群均无优势的流行菌株。两地的蜘蛛流行病都是由高度异质的紫色野村菌种群造成的。紫色野村菌的菌株遗传相似性和地理来源相关而和寄主无关。  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)5个群体的遗传多样性   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
虾夷扇贝为20世纪80年代初从日本引入我国并逐渐开展养殖的双壳贝类,目前已在我国北方地区大面积养殖。实验采用微卫星分子遗传标记技术对大连獐子岛底播增殖放流群体(CC)、黄海北部海区采集的野生群体(HQ)、日本青森养殖群体(JX)、俄罗斯远东日本海沿岸养殖群体(RX)及大连大长山岛养殖上壳白化群体(ZB)等5个虾夷扇贝群体的遗传多样性进行研究。其中HQ群体为本课题组2005年在黄海北部采集的野生群体,本研究筛选出一个该群体的特异性遗传标记。用8个微卫星位点进行扩增,共获得45个等位基因,每个位点的等位基因数处于3—9之间,大小为100—340bp,平均有效等位基因数为3.1535,基因型数为3—21个,PIC(PolymorphismInformationContent)值处于0.0322-0.5944之间。5个群体的平均观测杂合度分别为0.3292、0.3048、0.3167、0.2708、0.3042,平均期望杂合度分别为0.4595、0.4002、0.3838、0.3620、0.3885,群体间的多态性差异不显著。根据群体间遗传相似性系数、遗传距离及UPGMA聚类分析发现,CC和HQ群体亲缘关系最近,JX和RX群体的亲缘关系较近,ZB群体与JX和RX群体的亲缘关系较近。通过Hardy—Weinberg平衡及F-检验发现,5个群体都不同程度的偏离平衡,表明各群体基因频率和基因型频率的稳定性较低,且5个群体均处于不同程度的杂合子缺失状态,群体间的遗传分化程度较高,但遗传变异主要来自群体内的个体间。  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 10 microsatellite loci in the western long-fingered bat, Miniopterus magnater. These loci were tested on 48 individuals from Anhui Province of China, and all loci were highly polymorphic. The mean number of observed alleles per locus was 13.6 (range from six to 27). Observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.364 to 0.957, and from 0.676 to 0.951, respectively. After Bonferroni correction, four loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No pairs of loci were in linkage disequilibrium. These polymorphic markers will be used to examine population structure and genetic diversity in this species.  相似文献   

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