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Across vertebrates, the observation that lower-pitched vocalizations are typically associated with larger and/or higher quality males has lead to the widespread belief that inter- and intra-sexual selection will produce male calls with low fundamental frequencies (F0). Here we investigated the response of oestrous red deer hinds to playback of re-synthesized male roars characterized by either higher than average or lower than average F0. We found that hinds prefer higher rather than lower ‘pitched’ roars, providing, to our knowledge, the first evidence of such a bias in nonhuman mammals. Our findings can be interpreted in relation to previous observations that the minimum F0 of roars is positively correlated with male reproductive success in free-ranging red deer stags, and that across Cervids the F0 of male mating calls shows extreme variability. Females showing preferences for higher-pitched roars might derive genetic benefits through more competitive male offspring. Our results emphasize the need for further investigations of female preferences in mammals in order to better understand the extreme variation of F0 values observed in male sexual calls.  相似文献   

Formants are important phonetic elements of human speech that are also used by humans and non-human mammals to assess the body size of potential mates and rivals. As a consequence, it has been suggested that formant perception, which is crucial for speech perception, may have evolved through sexual selection. Somewhat surprisingly, though, no previous studies have examined whether sexes differ in their ability to use formants for size evaluation. Here, we investigated whether men and women differ in their ability to use the formant frequency spacing of synthetic vocal stimuli to make auditory size judgements over a wide range of fundamental frequencies (the main determinant of vocal pitch). Our results reveal that men are significantly better than women at comparing the apparent size of stimuli, and that lower pitch improves the ability of both men and women to perform these acoustic size judgements. These findings constitute the first demonstration of a sex difference in formant perception, and lend support to the idea that acoustic size normalization, a crucial prerequisite for speech perception, may have been sexually selected through male competition. We also provide the first evidence that vocalizations with relatively low pitch improve the perception of size-related formant information.  相似文献   

Although female mammal vocal behaviour is known to advertise fertility, to date, no non-human mammal study has shown that the acoustic structure of female calls varies significantly around their fertile period. Here, we used a combination of hormone measurements and acoustic analyses to determine whether female giant panda chirps have the potential to signal the caller''s precise oestrous stage (fertile versus pre-fertile). We then used playback experiments to examine the response of male giant pandas to female chirps produced during fertile versus pre-fertile phases of the caller''s reproductive cycle. Our results show that the acoustic structure of female giant panda chirps differs between fertile and pre-fertile callers and that male giant pandas can perceive differences in female chirps that allow them to determine the exact timing of the female''s fertile phase. These findings indicate that male giant pandas could use vocal cues to preferentially associate and copulate with females at the optimum time for insemination and reveal the likely importance of female vocal signals for coordinating reproductive efforts in this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

A permanently descended larynx is found in humans and several other species of mammals. In addition to this, the larynx of species such as fallow deer is mobile and in males it can be retracted during vocalization. The most likely explanation for the lowered retractable larynx in mammals is that it serves to exaggerate perceived body size (size exaggeration hypothesis) by decreasing the formant frequencies of calls. In this study, we quantified for the first time the elongation of the vocal tract in fallow bucks during vocalization. We also measured the effect of this vocal tract length (VTL) increase on formant frequencies (vocal tract resonances) and formant dispersion (spacing of formants). Our results show that fallow bucks increase their VTL on average by 52% during vocalization. This elongation resulted in strongly lowered formant frequencies and decreased formant dispersion. There were minimal changes to formants 1 and 2 (−0.91 and +1.9%, respectively) during vocal tract elongation, whereas formants 3, 4 and 5 decreased substantially: 18.9, 10.3 and 13.6%, respectively. Formant dispersion decreased by 12.4%. Formants are prominent in deer vocalizations and are used by males to gain information on the competitive abilities of signallers. It remains to be seen whether females also use the information that formants contain for assessing male quality before mating.  相似文献   

Loud and frequent vocalizations play an important role in courtship behavior in Cervus species. European red deer (Cervus elaphus) produce low‐pitched calls, whereas North American elk (Cervus canadensis) produce high‐pitched calls, which is remarkable for one of the biggest land mammals. Both species engage their vocal organs in elaborate maneuvers but the precise mechanism is unknown. Vocal organs were compared by macroscopic and microscopic dissection. The larynx is sexually dimorphic in red deer but not in elk. The laryngeal lumen is more constricted in elk, and narrows further during ontogeny. Several elements of the hyoid skeleton and two of four vocal tract segments are longer in red deer than in elk allowing greater vocal tract expansion and elongation. We conclude that elk submit the larynx and vocal tract to much higher tension than red deer, whereby, enormously stressed vocal folds of reduced effective length create a high resistance glottal source. The narrow, high impedance laryngeal vestibulum matches glottal and vocal tract impedance allowing maximum power transfer. In red deer longer and relaxed vocal folds create a less resistant glottal source and a wider vestibulum matches the low glottal impedance to the vocal tract, thereby also ensuring maximum power transfer. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(6):362-368
Rutting behaviour of red deer stags (Cervus elaphus) includes an extensive repertoire of visual and acoustic signals directed either to rival males or to females. As in other mammals, olfactory communication is expected to play a central role in these rutting interactions too, but this has rarely been investigated. Only during the rutting season, red deer males show a conspicuous black spot area throughout most of their underbelly produced by the impregnation of substances with a strong scent. Here, we examined the origin of these compounds and their potential role as chemical signals. By using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), we identified 67 compounds in the hair from the belly black spot of red deer stags, mainly heterocyclic aromatic organic compounds, such as m-cresol, benzoic acid, cyclohexanecarboxylic acid and ethylphenol, but we also found steroids, such as cholesterol and androstane-3,17-dione, carboxylic acids and their esters between n-C6 and n-C22, alcohols, squalene and other minor compounds. Many of these compounds are found in the belly black spot but not in other hair areas, and may have originated from several sources, such as the urine or the sebaceous glands of the skin, which impregnated the belly. Moreover, we found differences in chemical profiles depending on age, with older males having higher proportions of benzoic acid and androstane-3,17-dione, but lower proportions of m-cresol. Because most of these compounds are strongly odoriferous, and appear related to male characteristics, our data indicate that scent from the hairs forming the black spot of the belly may be regarded as an overlooked new sexual chemical signal in red deer in the context of competition for mates during the rutting season.  相似文献   

田新民  宋雅祺  赵雨桐  靳勇超 《生态学报》2024,44(14):6383-6390
野外放归是维系濒危物种野生种群长期续存的重要途径,对放归成效的监测研究有利于濒危动物种群科学有效的管理。采用非损伤性标志重捕法评估了吉林省张广才岭南部黄泥河林区东北马鹿的种群数量与分布;利用粪便DNA信息,从亲权鉴定和遗传多样性方面对其放归成效进行了评估。结果显示:(1)黄泥河林区马鹿种群数量平均90(68-124)只,密度0.045(0.034-0.063)只/km2,主要分布于林区北部,呈现一定程度的地理隔离;(2)性别鉴定显示,野生种群的雌雄性比1.71 ∶ 1,放归后雌雄性比1.83 ∶ 1,放归提高了种群的可繁殖概率;(3)亲权鉴定检测到,放归个体(R3)与野生个体在野外成功繁殖,并产下子代;(4)野外放归向野生种群引入了平均2.9个"新"的等位基因,提高了其遗传多样性水平。在种群密度、可繁殖率、遗传多样性方面对马鹿放归的有效性进行了证实,但建议进一步在行为节律、家域和生境选择等方面开展研究,系统性评估马鹿种群的放归成效。  相似文献   

Red deer (Cervus elaphus) have played a key role in human societies throughout history, with important cultural significance and as a source of food and materials. This relationship can be traced back to the earliest human cultures and continues to the present day. Humans are thought to be responsible for the movement of a considerable number of deer throughout history, although the majority of these movements are poorly described or understood. Studying such translocations allows us to better understand ancient human–wildlife interactions, and in the case of island colonizations, informs us about ancient human maritime practices. This study uses DNA sequences to characterise red deer genetic diversity across the Scottish islands (Inner and Outer Hebrides and Orkney) and mainland using ancient deer samples, and attempts to infer historical colonization events. We show that deer from the Outer Hebrides and Orkney are unlikely to have originated from mainland Scotland, implying that humans introduced red deer from a greater distance. Our results are also inconsistent with an origin from Ireland or Norway, suggesting long-distance maritime travel by Neolithic people to the outer Scottish Isles from an unknown source. Common haplotypes and low genetic differentiation between the Outer Hebrides and Orkney imply common ancestry and/or gene flow across these islands. Close genetic proximity between the Inner Hebrides and Ireland, however, corroborates previous studies identifying mainland Britain as a source for red deer introductions into Ireland. This study provides important information on the processes that led to the current distribution of the largest surviving indigenous land mammal in the British Isles.  相似文献   

The impressive roaring of adult male muskoxen most often occurs during rutting contests. Roaring in adult females is primarily relevant to mother–infant communication. Loud roars are produced by taking up a specific roaring posture. Acoustic recordings were made in a small herd of zoo muskoxen during three successive rutting seasons. Earlier recordings of a different herd were used for comparison. Head-and-neck specimens were subjected to vascular injection, macroscopic anatomical dissection, computer tomographic analysis and skeletonization. Isolated preserved larynges of young animals were dissected for ontogenetic comparison. Despite a pronounced sexual dimorphism of head mass, larynx size is almost identical in adult male and female muskoxen, as is the fundamental frequency of their roars. Remarkably, the larynges of both sexes of muskoxen are provided with an unpaired ventrorostral ventricle. Probably, this ventricle is inflated during the initial phase of a roar. The ventricle may have two functions: to increase the amplitude of roaring and to darken the timbre of the roars by acting as an additional resonance space. The vocal fold of adult female and young individuals has a sharp rostral edge and a vocal ligament is still present. During male ontogeny the vocal ligament becomes transformed into a large fat pad extending into the wall of the laryngeal vestibulum. Accordingly, the glottic region in the adult male lacks any sharp edges of the mucosa. In both sexes the thyroarytenoid muscle is divided into three portions. A single roar may comprise phases of different sound volume. The roars of both muskox sexes are characterized by a pulsed structure. We suggest that two oscillating systems are involved in the production of roars: one comprising only the medial portion of the vocal fold and one including its lateral portion.  相似文献   

Receptive females of the bushcricketRequena sp. 5 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) are attracted to male calls. In this experiment we investigate whether females discriminate between males on the basis of their calls. When virgin females were presented with two males of different size, they preferred the larger male. Larger males produce calls with a lower carrier frequency compared to smaller males, suggesting that females may use male carrier frequency as a predictor of male size. Furthermore, larger males produce heavier spermatophores. This suggests that females may prefer to mate with larger males to receive large nuptial gifts.  相似文献   

徐嘉  暴旭  刘振生  高惠  赵唱  孙玉姣  王继飞  滕丽微 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3705-3711
对贺兰山同域分布的高山麝和阿拉善马鹿秋季的粪便进行采集,利用粪便显微分析法对二者秋季食性进行了研究。分别采集高山麝和阿拉善马鹿活动区域内粪样和植物样本,分别获得两种动物40个复合粪便样本,采用频率转换法对数据处理计算,得到贺兰山同域分布的高山麝和阿拉善马鹿秋季的食性组成及组成比例。结果显示,高山麝秋季共取食植物20科30种(属),其中蓝锭果忍冬(11.96%)、秦氏黄芪(10.17%)、密齿柳(8.32%)、折枝绣线菊(6.82%)、内蒙野丁香(6.18%)组成了高山麝的主要食物;阿拉善马鹿秋季共取食植物12科29种(属),其中针茅(22.15%)、灰榆(21.14%)、早熟禾(16.90%)、小叶金露梅(11.62%)、山杨(10.00%)为阿拉善马鹿秋季的主要食物。高山麝和阿拉善马鹿共有9种食物重叠,生态位重叠指数为83.75%。秋季高山麝取食的Shannon-Wiener指数、Pieou均匀性指数、食物生态位宽度指数和最大的物种多样性指数均高于阿拉善马鹿。  相似文献   

The evolution of the giant deer, Megaloceros giganteus (Blumenbach)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The giant deer, Megaloceros giganteus , is best known from its fossil occurrences in Ireland around 11 000 years ago, but has a history across Europe and Western Asia spanning 300 000–400 000 years. This paper reports a biometric study of variation and evolution in the giant deer through its history. Most early populations were as large in body size as the Irish sample, but some were distincdy smaller and others had markedly shorter limbs. Thickened skull and mandibular bones, especially marked in males, are constant throughout die species' history. Some earlier populations had anders which were relatively smaller, more upright and differing in other details from the celebrated Irish specimens. Observed variation in body and antler form is discussed in terms of changing palaeoenvironments. Interpretation of the fighting or display roles of M. giganteus antlers needs to take account of their differing forms through time.  相似文献   

Red and roe deer are the most numerous cervids in Europe, and they occur in sympatry in most regions. Roe deer were considered to be an inferior competitor in studies in which they co‐occurred with fallow deer or muntjac. Despite the remarkable overlap of their ranges, there are few studies on the competition between the red and roe deer. Since interspecific interactions among ungulates are often related to their mutual densities, the current study focused on the effects of high red deer density on the roe deer numbers and spatial distribution in the unhunted Słowiński National Park (SNP) in northern Poland and forest districts open to hunting bordering the park. Using fecal pellet group counts, it was found that in the forest districts (where red deer densities were 2–3 times lower than in the SNP), roe deer densities were significantly higher than in the park. The red‐to‐roe deer density ratio was 10.8 and 2.7, in the SNP and the surrounding forest districts, respectively. Moreover, in the SNP, the roe deer distribution was negatively affected by the red deer habitat use, while in the hunting areas, such an effect was not recorded. The negative influence of the red deer on the roe deer population in the park was most probably due to the red deer impact on food availability. The biomass of the plant groups forming the staple food of the roe deer (Rubus spp., forbs, dwarf shrubs) was significantly higher in the fenced plots than in the unfenced ones. Lack of hunting in the protected areas may benefit only some species in ungulate assemblages which, in turn, may contradict one of their objectives—to maintain viable and ecologically functional populations.  相似文献   

Males of Dawson’s burrowing bees (Amegilla dawsoni) search for virgin females at three locations: (1) open clay patches where females are emerging from underground brood cells, (2) the vegetated peripheral zone adjacent to emergence areas (through which females pass after emerging), and (3) clusters of flowering plants, which are often some distance from emergence areas. Males of Dawson’s burrowing bees exhibit a size dimorphism with large major and small minors. Major males patrol only the open emergence sites, whereas minor males may be found in all three locations. Although most females are mounted and presumably mated immediately upon emergence, some are not, and these females make up a pool of potential mates for the small males patrolling the peripheral zone and flower patches. The density of males at emergence sites and the probability of male-male aggression change over the course of a day and over the entire flight season. When the level of competition is low, some minor males hunt for mates at emergence areas, where potential mates are relatively numerous. But when the presence of many large rivals makes it unlikely that a small male can avoid being displaced from emerging females, minors make the best of a bad job by shifting to areas where majors are absent.  相似文献   

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