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Abnormal activity of the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) can affect intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and cause arrhythmias. The n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), however, may prevent arrhythmias. To test the effect of PUFAs on the cardiac NCX1 current (I(NCX1)), the canine NCX1 cDNA was expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK293t) cells. The average density of I(NCX1) was 10.9+/-2.6 pA/pF (n=44) in NCX1-transfected cells and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5n-3) significantly inhibited I(NCX1) The suppression of I(NCX1) by EPA was concentration-dependent with an IC50 of 0.82+/-0.27 microM. EPA had a similar effect on outward or inward I(NCX1). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n-3) and arachidonic acid (AA, C20:4n-6) also significantly inhibited I(NCX1), whereas the saturated fatty acid, stearic acid (SA, C18:0), did not. Our data demonstrate that the n-3 PUFAs significantly suppress cardiac I(NCX1), which is probably one of their protective effects against lethal arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) biosynthesis in proliferating and NGF-differentiated PC12 pheochromocytoma cells deficient in n − 3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA 22:6n − 3) was studied. A dose- and time-dependent increase in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n − 3), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5n − 3) and DHA in phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) and phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) glycerophospholipids (GPL) via the elongation/desaturation pathway following alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n − 3) supplements was observed. That was accompanied by a marked reduction of eicosatrienoic acid (Mead acid 20:3n − 9), an index of PUFA deficiency. EPA supplements were equally effective converted to 22:5n − 3 and 22:6n − 3. On the other hand, supplements of linoleic acid (LNA, 18:2n − 6) were not effectively converted into higher n − 6 PUFA intermediates nor did they impair elongation/desaturation of ALA. Co-supplements of DHA along with ALA did not interfere with 20:5n − 3 biosynthesis but reduced further elongation to 22-hydrocarbon PUFA intermediates. A marked decrease in the newly synthesized 22:5n − 3 and 22:6n − 3 following ALA or EPA supplements was observed after nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced differentiation. NGF also inhibited the last step in 22:5n − 6 formation from LNA. These results emphasize the importance of overcoming n − 3 PUFA deficiency and raise the possibility that growth factor regulation of the last step in PUFA biosynthesis may constitute an important feature of neuronal phenotype acquisition.  相似文献   

In the present paper we studied the involvement of the phosphatidylinositol-specific PLC (PI-PLC)/protein kinase C (PKC) pathway in (Na+ + K+)ATPase stimulation by heme in Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes. Heme stimulated the PKC-like activity with a concentration of 50 nM. Interestingly, the maximal stimulation of the PKC-like activity promoted by phorbol ester was of the same magnitude promoted by heme. However, the stimulatory effect of heme is completely abolished by ET-18-OCH3 and U73122, specific inhibitors of PI-PLC. (Na+ + K+)ATPase activity is increased in the presence of increased concentrations of heme, being maximally affected at 50 nM. This effect was completely reversed by 10 nM calphostin C, an inhibitor of PKC. Thus, the effect of 50 nM heme on (Na+ + K+)ATPase activity is completely abolished by ET-18-OCH3 and U73122. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the heme receptor mediates the stimulatory effect of heme on the (Na+ + K+)ATPase activity through a PI-PLC/PKC signaling pathway.  相似文献   

This work is an experimental and theoretical study of electrostatic and hydrodynamic properties of the surface of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane using particle electrophoresis. The essential structural components of SR membrane include a lipid matrix and a dense layer of Ca2 +-ATPases embedded in the matrix. The Ca2 +-ATPase layer both drives and impedes vesicle mobility. To analyze the experimental mobility data, obtained at pH 4.0, 4.7, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0 in 0.1 M monovalent (1:1) electrolyte, an analytical solution for the vesicle mobility and electroosmotic flow velocity distribution was obtained by solving the Poisson–Boltzmann and the Navier–Stokes–Brinkman equations. The electrophoretic mobility model includes two sets of charges that represent: (a) charged lipids of the lipid matrix of the vesicle core, and (b) charged amino acid residues of APN domains of Ca2 +-ATPases. APN domains are assumed to form a charged plane displaced from the surface of lipid matrix. The charged plane is embedded in a frictional layer that represents the surface layer of calcium pumps. Electrophoretic mobility is driven by the charged APN domain and by lipid matrix while the surface layer provides hydrodynamic friction. The charge of APN domain is determined by ionized amino acid residues obtained from the amino acid composition of SERCA1a Ca2 +-ATPase. Agreement between the measured and the predicted mobility is evaluated by the weighted sum of mobility deviation squared. This model reproduces the experimental dependence of mobility on pH and predicts that APN domains are located in the upper half of the SR vesicle surface layer.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of agents known to interfere with Ca2+ release processes of endoplasmic reticulum were investigated in bradykinin (BK)-stimulated bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAE cells), via the activation of Ca2+-activated potassium channels [K(Ca2+) channels]. In cell-attached patch experiments, the external application of caffeine (1 mm) caused a brief activation of K(Ca2+) channels in Ca2+-free and Ca2+-containing external solutions. The application of BK (10 nm) during cell stimulation by caffeine (1–20 mm) invariably led to a drastic channel activation which was maintained during a recording period longer than that observed in caffeine-free conditions. In addition, the cell exposure to caffeine (20 mm) during the BK stimulation enhanced systematically the channel activation process. Since a rapid inhibition of BK-evoked channel activity was also produced by removing caffeine from the bath medium, it is proposed that the sustained single-channel response recorded in the concomittant presence of both agents was due to their synergic action on internal stores and/or the external Ca2+ entry pathway resulting in an increased [Ca2+]i. In addition, the local anesthetic, procaine, depressed the initial BK-induced K(Ca2+) channel activity and completely blocked the secondary phase of the channel activation process related to the external Ca2+ influx into stimulated cells. In contrast, this blocking effect of procaine was not observed on the initial caffeine-elicited channel activity and could not suppress the external Ca2+-dependent phase of this channel activation process. Our results confirm the existence of at least two pharmacologically distinct types of Ca2+-release from internal stores in BAE cells: an inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3)-dependent and a caffeine-induced Ca2+-release process.The authors would like to thank Dr. A. Diarra for his contribution to the fluorescence measurements and Diane Vallerand for preparing cell cultures. These data were presented in part at the 14th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (Madrid, Spain, June 14–18, 1992), and have been published in abstract form in the Journal of Hypertension (1992). Dominique Thuringer is a fellow of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Rémy Sauvé is a senior fellow from the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec. This work was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Depletion of intracellular Ca2 + stores in mammalian cells results in Ca2 + entry across the plasma membrane mediated primarily by Ca2 + release-activated Ca2 + (CRAC) channels. Ca2 + influx through these channels is required for the maintenance of homeostasis and Ca2 + signaling in most cell types. One of the main features of native CRAC channels is fast Ca2 +-dependent inactivation (FCDI), where Ca2 + entering through the channel binds to a site near its intracellular mouth and causes a conformational change, closing the channel and limiting further Ca2 + entry. Early studies suggested that FCDI of CRAC channels was mediated by calmodulin. However, since the discovery of STIM1 and Orai1 proteins as the basic molecular components of the CRAC channel, it has become apparent that FCDI is a more complex phenomenon. Data obtained using heterologous overexpression of STIM1 and Orai1 suggest that, in addition to calmodulin, several cytoplasmic domains of STIM1 and Orai1 and the selectivity filter within the channel pore are required for FCDI. The stoichiometry of STIM1 binding to Orai1 also has emerged as an important determinant of FCDI. Consequently, STIM1 protein expression levels have the potential to be an endogenous regulator of CRAC channel Ca2 + influx. This review discusses the current understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing the FCDI of CRAC channels, including an evaluation of further experiments that may delineate whether STIM1 and/or Orai1 protein expression is endogenously regulated to modulate CRAC channel function, or may be dysregulated in some pathophysiological states.  相似文献   

Summary Basolateral plasma membranes from rat kidney cortex have been purified 40-fold by a combination of differential centrifugation, centrifugation in a discontinuous sucrose gradient followed by centrifugation in 8% percoll. The ratio of leaky membrane vesicles (L) versus right-side-out (RO) and inside-out (IO) resealed vesicles appeared to be LROIO=431. High-affinity Ca2+-ATPase, ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport and Na+/Ca2+ exchange have been studied with special emphasis on the relative transport capacities of the two Ca2+ transport systems. The kinetic parameters of Ca2+-ATPase activity in digitonin-treated membranes are:K m =0.11 m Ca2+ andV max=81±4 nmol Pi/min·mg protein at 37°C. ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport amounts to 4.3±0.2 and 7.4±0.3 nmol Ca2+/min·mg protein at 25 and 37°C, respectively, with an affinity for Ca2+ of 0.13 and 0.07 m at 25 and 37°C. After correction for the percentage of IO-resealed vesicles involved in ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport, a stoichiometry of 0.7 mol Ca2+ transported per mol ATP is found for the Ca2+-ATPase. In the presence of 75mm Na+ in the incubation medium ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake is inhibited 22%. When Na+ is present at 5mm an extra Ca2+ accumulation is observed which amounts to 15% of the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport rate. This extra Ca2+ accumulation induced by low Na+ is fully inhibited by preincubation of the vesicles with 1mm ouabain, which indicates that (Na+–K+)-ATPase generates a Na+ gradient favorable for Ca2+ accumulation via the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. In the absence of ATP, a Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake is measured which rate amounts to 5% of the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport capacity. The Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake is abolished by the ionophore monensin but not influenced by the presence of valinomycin. The affinity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange system for Ca2+ is between 0.1 and 0.2 m Ca2+, in the presence as well as in the absence of ATP. This affinity is surprisingly close to the affinity measured for the ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump. Based on these observations it is concluded that in isolated basolateral membranes from rat kidney cortex the Ca2+-ATPase system exceeds the capacity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger four- to fivefold and it is therefore unlikely that the latter system plays a primary role in the Ca2+ homeostasis of rat kidney cortex cells.  相似文献   

In mammals, 5,8,11-eicosatrienoic acid (Mead acid, 20:3n − 9) is synthesized from oleic acid during a state of essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD). Mead acid is thought to be produced by the same enzymes that synthesize arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, but the genes and the pathways involved in the conversion of oleic acid to Mead acid have not been fully elucidated. The levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cultured cells are generally very low compared to those in mammalian tissues. In this study, we found that cultured cells, such as NIH3T3 and Hepa1–6 cells, have significant levels of Mead acid, indicating that cells in culture are in an EFAD state under normal culture conditions. We then examined the effect of siRNA-mediated knockdown of fatty acid desaturases and elongases on the level of Mead acid, and found that knockdown of Elovl5, Fads1, or Fads2 decreased the level of Mead acid. This and the measured levels of possible intermediate products for the synthesis of Mead acid such as 18:2n − 9, 20:1n − 9 and 20:2n − 9 in the knocked down cells indicate two pathways for the synthesis of Mead acid: pathway 1) 18:1n − 9 → (Fads2) → 18:2n − 9 → (Elovl5) → 20:2n − 9 → (Fads1) → 20:3n − 9 and pathway 2) 18:1n − 9 → (Elovl5) → 20:1n − 9 → (Fads2) → 20:2n − 9 → (Fads1) → 20:3n − 9.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) with an initial mass of 86 g were reared in 12 °C seawater for 8 weeks to a final average mass of 250 g. The fish were fed fish meal and fish oil-based diet supplemented with either 0%, 0.3% or 0.6% of tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA), a 3-thia fatty acid. The specific growth rate (SGR) decreased with increasing dietary dose of TTA. The SGR of the group fed 0% of TTA (Control) was 1.8; that of the group fed 0.3% of TTA (TTA-L) was 1.7, and that of the group fed 0.6% of TTA (TTA-H) was 1.5. The mortality increased with increased dietary dose of TTA. The mitochondrial β-oxidation capacity in the liver of fish fed the TTA diets was 1.5 to 2 times higher than that of the Control fish. TTA supplementation caused substantial changes in the fatty acid compositions of the phospholipids (PL), triacylglycerols (TAG) and free fatty acids (FFA) of gills, heart and liver. The percentages of n−3 fatty acids, particularly 22:6 n−3, increased in fish fed diets containing TTA, while the percentage of the saturated FAs 14:0 and 16:0 in the PL fractions of the gills and heart decreased. The sum of monounsaturated FAs in the PL and TAG fractions from liver was significantly higher in fish fed diets containing TTA. TTA itself was primarily incorporated into PL. Two catabolic products of TTA (sulphoxides of TTA) were identified, and these products were particularly abundant in the kidney. TTA supplementation had no significant effect on the activity of the membrane-bound enzyme Na+,K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Both beta1 and beta2 auxiliary subunits of the BK-type K(+) channel family profoundly regulate the apparent Ca(2)+ sensitivity of BK-type Ca(2)+-activated K(+) channels. Each produces a pronounced leftward shift in the voltage of half-activation (V(0.5)) at a given Ca(2)+ concentration, particularly at Ca(2)+ above 1 microM. In contrast, the rapidly inactivating beta3b auxiliary produces a leftward shift in activation at Ca(2)+ below 1 microM. In the companion work (Lingle, C.J., X.-H. Zeng, J.-P. Ding, and X.-M. Xia. 2001. J. Gen. Physiol. 117:583-605, this issue), we have shown that some of the apparent beta3b-mediated shift in activation at low Ca(2)+ arises from rapid unblocking of inactivated channels, unlike the actions of the beta1 and beta2 subunits. Here, we compare effects of the beta3b subunit that arise from inactivation, per se, versus those that may arise from other functional effects of the subunit. In particular, we examine gating properties of the beta3b subunit and compare it to beta3b constructs lacking either the NH(2)- or COOH terminus or both. The results demonstrate that, although the NH(2) terminus appears to be the primary determinant of the beta3b-mediated shift in V(0.5) at low Ca(2)+, removal of the NH(2) terminus reveals two other interesting aspects of the action of the beta3b subunit. First, the conductance-voltage curves for activation of channels containing the beta3b subunit are best described by a double Boltzmann shape, which is proposed to arise from two independent voltage-dependent activation steps. Second, the presence of the beta3b subunit results in channels that exhibit an anomalous instantaneous outward current rectification that is correlated with a voltage dependence in the time-averaged single-channel current. The two effects appear to be unrelated, but indicative of the variety of ways that interactions between beta and alpha subunits can affect BK channel function. The COOH terminus of the beta3b subunit produces no discernible functional effects.  相似文献   

Cardiac ryanodine receptors (RYR2s) infrequently exhibit coupled gating that is manifested by synchronous opening and closing. To better characterize this phenomenon, we investigated the regulation of coupled RYR2 channels by luminal Ca2 + focusing on effects that are likely mediated by the true luminal activation mechanism. By reconstituting an ion channel into a planar lipid bilayer and using substantially lower concentration of luminal Ba2 + (8 mM, the virtual absence of Ca2 +) and luminal Ca2 + (8 mM), we show that response of coupled RYR2 channels to caffeine at a diastolic cytosolic Ca2 + (90 nM) was affected by luminal Ca2 + in a similar manner as for the single RYR2 channel except the gating behavior. Whereas, the single RYR2 channel responded to luminal Ca2 + by prolongation in open and closed times, coupled RYR2 channels seemed to be resistant in this respect. In summary, we conclude that the class of Ca2 + sites located on the luminal face of coupled RYR2 channels that is responsible for the channel potentiation by luminal Ca2 + is functional and not structurally hindered by the channel coupling. Thus, the idea about non-functional luminal Ca2 + sites as a source of the apparent gating resistance of coupled RYR2 channels to luminal Ca2 + appears to be ruled out.  相似文献   

Huang MH  So EC  Liu YC  Wu SN 《Steroids》2006,71(2):129-140
The effects of glucocorticoids on ion currents were investigated in pituitary GH3 and AtT-20 cells. In whole-cell configuration, dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, reversibly increased the density of Ca2+ -activated K+ current (IK(Ca)) with an EC50 value of 21 +/- 5 microM. Dexamethasone-induced increase in IK(Ca) density was suppressed by paxilline (1 microM), yet not by glibenclamide (10 microM), pandinotoxin-Kalpha (1 microM) or mifepristone (10 microM). Paxilline is a blocker of large-conductance Ca2+ -activated K+ (BKCa) channels, while glibenclamide and pandinotoxin-Kalpha are blockers of ATP-sensitive and A-type K+ channels, respectively. Mifepristone can block cytosolic glucocorticoid receptors. In inside-out configuration, the application of dexamethasone (30 microM) into the intracellular surface caused no change in single-channel conductance; however, it did increase BKCa -channel activity. Its effect was associated with a negative shift of the activation curve. However, no Ca2+ -sensitiviy of these channels was altered by dexamethasone. Dexamethasone-stimulated channel activity involves an increase in mean open time and a decrease in mean closed time. Under current-clamp configuration, dexamethasone decreased the firing frequency of action potentials. In pituitary AtT-20 cells, dexamethasone (30 microM) also increased BKCa -channel activity. Dexamethasone-mediated stimulation of IK(Ca) presented here that is likely pharmacological, seems to be not linked to a genomic mechanism. The non-genomic, channel-stimulating properties of dexamethasone may partly contribute to the underlying mechanisms by which glucocorticoids affect neuroendocrine function.  相似文献   


Calcium transients play an essential role in cardiomyocytes and electromagnetic fields (EMF) and affect intracellular calcium levels in many types of cells. Effects of EMF on intracellular calcium transients in cardiomyocytes are not well studied. The aim of this study was to assess whether extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) could affect intracellular calcium transients in cardiomyocytes. Cardiomyocytes isolated from neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to rectangular-wave pulsed ELF-EMF at four different frequencies (15?Hz, 50?Hz, 75?Hz and 100?Hz) and at a flux density of 2?mT. Intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured using Fura-2/AM and spectrofluorometry. Perfusion of cardiomyocytes with a high concentration of caffeine (10?mM) was carried out to verify the function of the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and the activity of sarco(endo)-plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2a). The results showed that ELF-EMF enhanced the activities of NCX and SERCA2a, increased [Ca2+]i baseline level and frequency of calcium transients in cardiomyocytes and decreased the amplitude of calcium transients and calcium level in sarcoplasmic reticulum. These results indicated that ELF-EMF can regulate calcium-associated activities in cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The inhibition of Ca2–-ATPase, (Na++K+)-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchange by Cd2+ was studied in fish intestinal basolateral plasma membrane preparations. ATP driven 45Ca2+ uptake into inside-out membrane vesicles displayed a K m for Ca2+ of 88±17 nm, and was extremely sensitive to Cd2+ with an IC50 of 8.2±3.0 pM Cd2+, indicating an inhibition via the Ca2+ site. (Na++K+)-ATPase activity was half-maximally inhibited by micromolar amounts of Cd2+, displaying an IC50 of 2.6±0.6 m Cd2+. Cd2+ ions apparently compete for the Mg2+ site of the (Na +K+)-ATPase. The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger was inhibited by Cd2+ with an IC50 of 73±11 nm. Cd2+ is a competitive inhibitor of the exchanger via an interaction with the Ca2+ site (K i = 11 nm). Bepridil, a Na+ site specific inhibitor of Na+/Ca2+ exchange, induced an additional inhibition, but did not change the K i of Cd2+. Also, Cd2+ is exchanged against Ca2+, albeit to a lesser extent than Ca2+. The exchanger is only partly blocked by the binding of Cd2+. In vivo cadmium that has entered the enterocyte may be shuttled across the basolateral plasma membrane by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. We conclude that intracellular Cd2+ ions will inhibit plasma membrane proteins predominantly via a specific interaction with divalent metal ion sites.We would like to thank Dr. D. Fackre (University of Alberta, Canada) for stimulating discussions and Mr. F.A.T. Spanings (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands) for excellent fish husbandry. The fura-2 measurements of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations in tilapia enterocytes were carried out in the Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H7, Canada. Th.J.M. Schoenmakers and G. Flik were supported by travel grants from the Foundation for Fundamental Biological Research (BION) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).  相似文献   

Treatment of bovine pulmonary smooth muscle cells with U46619 inhibited the Na+/K+ ATPase activity in two parallel pathways: one of which is mediated via glutathionylation of the pump and the other by augmenting the inhibitory activity of the 70 kDa inhibitor protein of Na+/K+ ATPase. Although phospholemman deglutathionylates the pump leading to its activation, the inhibitor is responsible for irreversible inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase in an isoform specific manner during treatment of the cells with U46619.  相似文献   

During perifusion with medium deprived of Ca2+, addition of glucose or omission of Na+ resulted in prompt and quantitatively similar inhibitions of 45Ca efflux from β-cell rich pancreatic islets microdissected from ob / ob mice. Glucose had no additional inhibitory effect when Na+ was isoosmotically replaced by sucrose or choline+. When K+ was used as a substitute for Na+, the inhibitory effect of Na+ removal on 45Ca efflux became additive to that of glucose. The observation that glucose can be equally effective in inhibiting 45Ca efflux in the presence or absence of Na+ is difficult to reconcile with the postulate that the Na+-Ca2+ countertransport mechanism is a primary site of action for glucose.  相似文献   

In the epithelium of rat distal colon the acetylcholine analogue carbachol induces a transient increase of short-circuit current (Isc) via stimulation of cellular K+ conductances. Inhibition of the turnover of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) by LiCl significantly reduced both the amplitude and the duration of this response. When the apical membrane was permeabilized with nystatin, LiCl nearly abolished the carbachol-induced activation of basolateral K+ conductances. In contrast, in epithelia, in which the basolateral membrane was bypassed by a basolateral depolarization, carbachol induced a biphasic increase in the K+ current across the apical membrane consisting of an early component carried by charybdotoxin- and tetraethylammonium-sensitive K+ channels followed by a sustained plateau carried by channels insensitive against these blockers. Only the latter was sensitive against LiCl or inhibition of protein kinases. In contrast, the stimulation of the early apical K+ conductance by carbachol proved to be resistant against inhibition of phospholipase C or protein kinases. However, apical dichlorobenzamil, an inhibitor of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, or a Ca2+-free mucosal buffer solution significantly reduced the early component of the carbachol-induced apical K+ current. The presence of an apically localized Na+/Ca2+-exchanger was proven immunohistochemically. Taken together these experiments reveal divergent regulatory mechanisms for the stimulation of apical Ca2+-dependent K+ channels in this secretory epithelium, part of them being activated by an inflow of Ca2+ across the apical membrane.
G. SchultheissEmail:

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