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Details of the organization of reticular pathways transmitting motor cortical influences were studied in cats anesthetized with chloralose. Of all reticular neurons studied 33.3% were reticulospinal cells, 12.2% were neurons with descending-ascending projection of their axons, 15.4% were purely ascending neurons, and 39.1% were unidentified cells. Analysis of responses evoked by cortical stimulation showed that influences of both fast- and slowly-conducting corticofugal fibers are transmitted through reticulospinal cells, neurons with descending-ascending projections, and cells projecting into the hypothalamus. It was shown that 37% of reticulospinal and 66.7% of neurons with two-way projection that were studied form a group of cells transmitting rapidly into the spinal cord impulses from slowly-conducting fibers only. Reticular neurons with projections to the thalamus also transmit influences of slowly-conducting fibers only. The organization and role of reticular pathways transmitting corticogugal impulses are discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 491–499, September–October, 1981.  相似文献   

Animals can maintain a stable sense of direction even when they navigate in novel environments, but how the animal's brain interprets and encodes unfamiliar sensory information in its navigation system to maintain a stable sense of direction is a mystery. Recent studies have suggested that distinct brain structures of mammals and insects have evolved to solve this common problem with strategies that share computational principles; specifically, a network structure called a ring attractor maintains the sense of direction. Initially, in a novel environment, the animal's sense of direction relies on self-motion cues. Over time, the mapping from visual inputs to head direction cells, responsible for the sense of direction, is established via experience-dependent plasticity. Yet the mechanisms that facilitate acquiring a world-centered sense of direction, how many environments can be stored in memory, and what visual features are selected, all remain unknown. Thanks to recent advances in large scale physiological recording, genetic tools, and theory, these mechanisms may soon be revealed.  相似文献   

For understanding the computation and function of single neurons in sensory systems, one needs to investigate how sensory stimuli are related to a neuron’s response and which biological mechanisms underlie this relationship. Mathematical models of the stimulus–response relationship have proved very useful in approaching these issues in a systematic, quantitative way. A starting point for many such analyses has been provided by phenomenological “linear–nonlinear” (LN) models, which comprise a linear filter followed by a static nonlinear transformation. The linear filter is often associated with the neuron’s receptive field. However, the structure of the receptive field is generally a result of inputs from many presynaptic neurons, which may form parallel signal processing pathways. In the retina, for example, certain ganglion cells receive excitatory inputs from ON-type as well as OFF-type bipolar cells. Recent experiments have shown that the convergence of these pathways leads to intriguing response characteristics that cannot be captured by a single linear filter. One approach to adjust the LN model to the biological circuit structure is to use multiple parallel filters that capture ON and OFF bipolar inputs. Here, we review these new developments in modeling neuronal responses in the early visual system and provide details about one particular technique for obtaining the required sets of parallel filters from experimental data.  相似文献   

Central nervous system of freshwater pulmonate molluscs Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbarius corneus was stained using retrograde transport of neurobiotin in the optic tract fibers. In both species, perikarya and fibers of the stained neurons are found in all ganglia except the buccal ones. Afferent fibers of the optic nerve form dense sensory neuropil located in relatively small volume of cerebral ganglia. Typical neuronal groups sending their processes into the optic nerves of ipsilateral and contralateral body halves are described. Among them, neurons of visceral and parietal ganglia innervating both eyes concurrently as well as sending projections into peripheral nerves are revealed. These neurons, supposedly, have a function to integrate sensory signals, which may be a basis for regulation of light sensitivity of retina and functioning of peripheral organs. Bilateral links of the molluscan eye with the pedal ganglia cells and statocysts are found, which is, likely, a structural basis of certain known behavioral patterns related to stimulation of visual inputs in the studied gastropod molluscs.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors and neurons at various levels to cortex have been counted in mouse and rat. The ratios of neuron numbers (rat/mouse) are similar to the ratio of retinal areas or the squared ratio of eye sizes; so to a first approximation the two species have linearly scaled eyes, equal photoreceptor spacings (in m), and visual pathways scaled numerically by the number of photoreceptors. With supplementary data from the literature, some of the functional implications of the design can be evaluated level by level. Overall, there is structural and computational economy, or even parsimony.  相似文献   

The establishment of neuronal connections during embryonic development requires the precise guidance and targeting of the neuronal growth cone, an expanded cellular structure at the leading tip of a growing axon. The growth cone contains sophisticated signaling systems that allow the rapid communication between guidance receptors and the actin cytoskeleton in generating directed motility. Previous studies demonstrated a specific role for the Nck/Dock SH2/SH3 adapter protein in photoreceptor (R cell) axon guidance and target recognition in the Drosophila visual system, suggesting strongly that Nck/Dock is one of the long-sought missing links between cell surface receptors and the actin cytoskeleton. In this review, I discuss the recent progress on dissecting the Nck/Dock signaling pathways in R-cell growth cones. These studies have identified additional key components of the Nck/Dock signaling pathways for linking the receptor signaling to the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton in controlling growth-cone motility.  相似文献   

The central nervous system of freshwater pulmonary molluscs Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbarins corneus was stained by the method of neurobiotin retrograde transport along optic nerve fibers. In the animals of both species, bodies and fibers of stained neurons are found in all ganglia except for the buccal ones. Afferent fibers of the optic nerve form a dense sensor neuropil located in a small volume of cerebral ganglia. Characteristic groups of neurons sending their processes into optic nerves both of ipsi- and of contralateral half of the body are described. Revealed among them are neurons of visceral and parietal ganglia, which simultaneously innervate both eyes as well as give projections into peripheral nerves. It is suggested that these neurons can perform function of integration of sensor signals and, on its base, regulate photosensitivity of retina as well as activity of peripheral organs. There is established the presence of bilateral connections of the mollusc eye with cells of pedal ganglia and statocysts, which seems to be the structural basis of manifestation of the known behavior forms associated with stimulation of visual inputs of the studied gastropod molluscs.  相似文献   

通过神经生物素在视神经上的逆行性传输对淡水蜗牛(Planorbarius corneus)视网膜及中央神经节的输入、输出神经元进行标记。由于没有发现突触联系,所以至少一部分光感受细胞的轴突可被视为直接参与形成视神经。这些神经元的轴突进入大脑神经节形成密集的细传入神经纤维束-视神经堆。传出神经元则存在于除颊部以外的所有神经节。一些上行轴突在大脑神经节处分叉,通过脑-脑联合,到达对侧眼并在眼杯处形成分枝。部分传出神经元的轴突也投射于不同的外周神经,如:n.n.intestinalis,pallialis dexter,pallialis sinister internus et externus。五羟色胺能纤维和FMRF-酰胺能纤维均存在于视神经上,且这些纤维隶属于只投射在同侧眼的中央神经元。它们形成了位于眼杯处的丰富曲张结构及视网膜核心层,并且可能有助于调节视网膜对光的敏感性。  相似文献   

The eye tissues and liver of the alligator contain vitamin A1 alone. The retina contains rhodopsin, typical in absorption spectrum (λmax 500 mµ); but synthesized in solution from neo-b retinene and opsin much more rapidly than are the frog, mammalian, or chicken rhodopsins previously examined. In this regard alligator rhodopsin resembles the rhodopsins and porphyropsins of fishes, all of which so far investigated are synthesized rapidly in solution. The rates of synthesis in vitro of frog and alligator rhodopsins are matched closely by the rates of rod dark adaptation in living frogs and alligators, measured electrophysiologically at the same temperature. Alligator rods dark-adapt, and alligator rhodopsin is synthesized in solution, at rates characteristically associated with cones and cone pigments in frogs, mammals, and birds.  相似文献   

Summary During sexual pursuit, male flies Sarcophaga bullata, stabilize the image of a pursued target on the dorso-frontal acute zone of their compound eyes. By retinotopic projection, this region is represented in the upper frontal part of the lobula where it is sampled by ensembles of male-specific motion- and flicker-sensitive interneurons. Intracellular recordings of descending neurons, followed by biocytin injection, demonstrate that male-specific neurons are dye-coupled to specific descending neurons and that the response characteristics of these descending neurons closely resemble those of male-specific lobula neurons. Such descending neurons are biocytin-coupled in the thoracic ganglia, revealing their connections with ipsilateral frontal nerve motor neurons supplying muscles that move the head and with contralateral basalar muscle motor neurons that control wing beat amplitude. Recordings from neck muscle motor neurons demonstrate that although they respond to movement of panoramic motion, they also selectively respond to movement of small targets presented to the male-specific acute zone. The present results are discussed with respect to anatomical and physiological studies of sex-specific interneurons and with respect to sex-specific visual behavior. The present study, and those of the two preceding papers, provide a revision of Land and Collett's hypothetical circuit underlying target localization and motor control in males pursuing females.  相似文献   

An ocellus of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, has been serially sectioned for light and electron microscopy, its sensory cells have been indexed, and the interconnections of a third of these traced. The ocellus contains 155 retinula cells and 26 arhabdomeric cells, which are secondary sensory neurons. Of these, 55 retinula cells constitute 7 quasi-ommatidial assemblages, each innervated by at least one and a total of 9 arhabdomeric cells. When known electrotonic coupling patterns are compared with gap-junctional connections, retinula cells sensitive to visible or ultraviolet light can be tentatively identified. Retinula cell axons contribute collaterals to a synaptic plexus, in which the arhabdomeric cells apparently do not participate.  相似文献   

Summary The lateral optic nerve of Limulus polyphemus, the horseshoe crab, contains 4 types of axons, which originate from eccentric cells, retinula cells, rudimentary eye cells, and from unidentified cells in the brain that give rise to the efferent fibers. Though small in diameter in a young animal, the eccentric cell axons in the adult grow to the same size as the rudimentary eye axons, which are originally the largest fibers in the nerve of the small Limulus. Cytoplasmic content, particularly the orderly distribution of microtubules, is identical in the three types of visual fibers. The segregation of rudimentary eye axons into a separate grouping within the optic nerve in small animals gives way to a homogeneous distribution in the adult. Interrupting the optic nerve leads to a proximal pile-up of secretory granules in a few fibers. The identity of these granules with those in the synaptoid terminations of photoreceptors establishes these fibers as efferent. The same operation leads to a conspicuous hypertrophy of subsurface cisternae within retinula cell axons.This study constitutes Publication No. 483 from the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, supported by Grants FR00163 and EY 00392 from the National Institutes of Health and by a Bob Hope Grant-in-Aid by Fight-for-Sight, Inc., New York City.The author wishes to thank Mrs. Audrey Griffin for patient and excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary The lateral rudimentary eye of Limulus polyphemus, the horseshoe crab, is located beneath the posterior border of the compound eye. It consists of a bipartite mass of guanophores and about 100 associated photoreceptor cells. These neurons, up to 150 in diameter, have standard attributes of arthropod retinula cells and send large, uninterrupted axons to the brain. Their cytoplasm contains conspicuous clumps of residual bodies and variable, but usually extensive, masses of glycogen and glycoprotein. Hence, these neurons are not neurosecretory in the strict sense, notwithstanding axonal transport of glycogen masses toward the brain. Efferent axons to the rudimentary eye terminate in synaptoid fashion on the axon hillock of sensory cells. Since the rudimentary eye does not transmit impulses to the brain, but is photosensitive, its function may reside in a metabolic responsiveness to long-term changes in illumination.This study constitutes publication No. 430 from the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, supported by Grants FR00163 and EY00392 from the National Institutes of Health and by a Bop Hope Grant-in-Aid from Fight-for-Sight, Inc.The author wishes to thank Mrs. Audrey Griffin for patient and excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

We have used electron-microscopic studies, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and antibody labeling to characterize the development of the Drosophila larval photoreceptor (or Bolwig's) organ and the optic lobe, and have investigated the role of Notch in the development of both. The optic lobe and Bolwig's organ develop by invagination from the posterior procephalic region. After cells in this region undergo four postblastoderm divisions, a total of approximately 85 cells invaginate. The optic lobe invagination loses contact with the outer surface of the embryo and forms an epithelial vesicle attached to the brain. Bolwig's organ arises from the ventralmost portion of the optic lobe invagination, but does not become incorporated in the optic lobe; instead, its 12 cells remain in the head epidermis until late in embryogenesis when they move in conjunction with head involution to reach their final position alongside the pharynx. Early, before head involution, the cells of Bolwig's organ form a superficial group of 7 cells arranged in a rosette pattern and a deep group of 5 cells. Later, all neurons move out of the surface epithelium. Unlike adult photoreceptors, they do not form rhabdomeres; instead, they produce multiple, branched processes, which presumably carry the photopigment. Notch is essential for two aspects of the early development of the visual system. First, it delimits the number of cells incorporated into Bolwig's organ. Second, it is required for the maintenance of the epithelial character of the optic lobe cells during and after its invagination.  相似文献   

Because bees fly around, visit flowers and chase mates, we conclude intuitively that they see things as we do. But their vision is unexpectedly different, so we say it is anti-intuitive. Detailed tests have demonstrated separate detectors for modulation of blue and green receptors, edge orientation (green only), and areas of black. The edge detectors are about 3° across, independent, and not re-assembled to make lines, shapes or textures. Instead, the detectors of each type are summed quantitatively to form cues in each local region with an order of preference for learning the cues. Trained bees remember the positions of the total modulation (preferred), the average edge orientation, areas of black or colour, and positions of hubs of radial and circular edges in each local region, but not the original responses, so the pattern is lost. When presented with a yellow spot on a blue background with no UV reflected, the preferred cue is not the colour, but a measure of the modulation detected by the green and separately by the blue receptors.  相似文献   

Cortical nonpyramidal cells, the GABA-containing interneurons, originate mostly in the medial ganglionic eminence of the ventral telencephalon and follow tangential migratory routes to reach the dorsal telencephalon. Although several genes that play a role in this migration have been identified, the underlying cellular and molecular cues are not fully understood. We provide evidence that the neural cell adhesion molecule TAG-1 mediates the migration of cortical interneurons. We show that the migration of these neurons occurs along the TAG-1-expressing axons of the developing corticofugal system. The spatial and temporal pattern of expression of TAG-1 on corticofugal fibers coincides with the order of appearance of GABAergic cells in the developing cortex. Blocking the function of TAG-1, but not of L1, another adhesion molecule and binding partner of TAG-1, results in a marked reduction of GABAergic neurons in the cortex. These observations reveal a mechanism by which the adhesion molecule TAG-1, known to be involved in axonal pathfinding, also takes part in neuronal migration.  相似文献   

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