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Membrane-associated protein kinase activities in developing apple fruit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fruit development is a process involving various signals and gene expression. Protein phosphorylation catalysed by protein kinases is known to play a key role in eukaryotic cell signalling and so may be involved in the regulation of fruit development. Using the method of exogenous substrate phosphorylation, the activity of calcium-dependent and calmodulin-independent protein kinase (CDPK) that was stimulated by phosphatidylserine, and the myelin basic protein (MBP)-phosphorylating activity that could be due to a calcium-independent mitogen-activated protein kinase-like (MAPK-like) activity in the developing apple fruits were identified. The CDPK activity was shown to be predominantly localized in the plasma membrane, whereas in the presence of phosphatidylserine, the high activity of CDPK was detected in both plasma membrane and endomembranes. The MAPK-like activity was predominantly associated with endomembranes. The assays of bivalent cation requirement showed that Mn2+ could replace Mg2+ in the incubation system for the protein kinase activities and stimulate CDPK activity more than Mg2+. Heat treatment abolished CDPK but stimulated MAPK-like activity. The activities of the phosphatidylserine-stimulated CDPK and of the MAPK-like were fruit developmental stage-specific with higher activities of both enzymes in the early and middle developmental stages in comparison with the late developmental stage. These data suggest that the detected protein kinases may play an important role in the fruit development.  相似文献   

Fruit development is a process involving various signals and gene expression. Protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases is known to play a key role in eukaryotic cell signalling and so may be involved in the regulation of fruit development. Using the method of exogenous substrate phosphorylation, we characterised the calcium-dependent and calmodulin-independent protein kinase (CDPK) activity and the myelin basic protein (MBP)-phosphoralating activity that could be due to a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-like activity in the developing mesocarp of grape berry. The CDPK activity was shown to be predominantly localised in the plasma membrane, while the MAPK-like activity was predominantly associated with endomembranes. The assays of bivalent cation requirement showed that Mn2+ could to a certain extent replace Mg2+ in the incubation system for the protein kinase activities. Both CDPK and MAPK-like activities were resistant to heat treatment. The activities of the two enzymes were fruit developmental stage-specific with the highest activities of both enzymes in the lag growth phase before the ripening stage, suggesting strongly the important roles of the detected CDPK and MAPK-like activities in the fruit development.  相似文献   

The relative rates of synthesis and degradation for liver pyruvate kinase have been determined in rats fed standard lab chow, fasted, and refed a high-carbohydrate-low-protein diet. Relative rates of synthesis and apparent rates of degradation were determined by pulse-labeling the enzyme in vivo with l-[4,5-3H]leucine and by measuring the incorporation of radioactivity into liver pyruvate kinase after quantitative precipitation of the enzyme with anti-liver pyruvate kinase immunoglobulin. The relative rate of synthesis decreased approximately 75% upon fasting and then increased 20- to 30-fold upon refeeding the high-carbohydrate diet. The apparent half-lives for liver pyruvate kinase in fasted, control, and refed animals are very similar (55, 59, and 47 h, respectively). Thus, the nutritional alterations in the levels of liver pyruvate kinase seem to result primarily from alterations in the rate of enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

Human liver pyruvate kinase is rapidly (within 2 min) inactivated by incubation of a human liver supernatant with cyclic AMP, when measured at suboptimal substrate concentrations. Half-maximal inactivation is reached with 0.04 μM cyclic AMP. The apparent K0.5 for phosphoenolpyruvate shifts from 0.5 mM to 1.1 mM by incubation with cyclic AMP. It is concluded that cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase may catalyze the phosphorylation of human liver pyruvate kinase in vivo.  相似文献   

Dexamethasone in the medium perfusin isolated rabbit livers caused a fast-acting and reversible effect on liver pyruvate kinase. The effect was to lower th assayable V activity (units/g tissue) without changing the concentration (nmol/g enzyme protein). In effect, glucocorticoid lowered the specific activity (units/nmol of enzyme) by direct action on liver. The effect on liver pyruvate kinase is mediated by a relatively stable alteration; 30 min after perfusate (with steroid) was replaced by perfusate (without steroid), the effect remained strongly evident.  相似文献   

The addition of glucagon (10?6 M) to an incubation mixture containing 32Pi and hepatocytes isolated from livers of rats fed ad libitum results in both a 3-fold increased incorporation of 32P into L-type pyruvate kinase and a decreased catalytic activity. The 32P incorporated into pyruvate kinase was covalently bound to the enzyme as evidenced by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. In addition, exogenous cyclic AMP (10?3 M) stimulated the phosphorylation and the suppression of catalytic activity to a similar extent. On the other hand, insulin (10?7 M) had essentially no effect on the incorporation of 32P into pyruvate kinase or on its catalytic activity under the conditions used in this study. These results suggest that phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase invivo is stimulated by glucagon via cyclic AMP and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and that the activity of the enzyme is, at least in part, regulated by a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation mechanism.  相似文献   

Activation of liver pyruvate kinase by fructose 1,6-diphosphate.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

1. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and pyruvate carboxylase were measured in foetal, newborn and adult rat liver extracts by a radiochemical assay involving the fixation of [14C]bicarbonate. 2. Pyruvate-carboxylase activity in both foetal and adult liver occurs mainly in mitochondrial and nuclear fractions, with about 10% of the activity in the cytoplasm. 3. Similar studies of the intracellular distribution of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase show that more than 90% of the activity is in the cytoplasm. However, in the 17-day foetal liver about 90% of the activity is in mitochondria and nuclei. 4. Pyruvate-carboxylase activity in both particulate and soluble fractions is very low in the 17-day foetal liver and increases to near adult levels before birth. 5. Phosphoenolpyruvate-carboxykinase activity in the soluble cell fraction increases 25-fold in the first 2 days after birth. This same enzyme in the mitochondria has considerable activity in the foetal and adult liver and is lower in the newborn. 6. Kinetic and other studies on the properties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase have shown no differences between the soluble and mitochondrial enzymes. 7. It is suggested that the appearance of the soluble phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase at birth initiates the rapid increase in overall gluconeogenesis at this stage.  相似文献   

Understanding how each residue position contributes to protein function has been a long-standing goal in protein science. Substitution studies have historically focused on conserved protein positions. However, substitutions of nonconserved positions can also modify function. Indeed, we recently identified nonconserved positions that have large substitution effects in human liver pyruvate kinase (hLPYK), including altered allosteric coupling. To facilitate a comparison of which characteristics determine when a nonconserved position does vs does not contribute to function, the goal of the current work was to identify neutral positions in hLPYK. However, existing hLPYK data showed that three features commonly associated with neutral positions—high sequence entropy, high surface exposure, and alanine scanning—lacked the sensitivity needed to guide experimental studies. We used multiple evolutionary patterns identified in a sequence alignment of the PYK family to identify which positions were least patterned, reasoning that these were most likely to be neutral. Nine positions were tested with a total of 117 amino acid substitutions. Although exploring all potential functions is not feasible for any protein, five parameters associated with substrate/effector affinities and allosteric coupling were measured for hLPYK variants. For each position, the aggregate functional outcomes of all variants were used to quantify a “neutrality” score. Three positions showed perfect neutral scores for all five parameters. Furthermore, the nine positions showed larger neutral scores than 17 positions located near allosteric binding sites. Thus, our strategy successfully enriched the dataset for positions with neutral and modest substitutions.  相似文献   

De Luca V  Dennis DT 《Plant physiology》1978,61(6):1037-1039
Proplastids from developing castor bean (Ricinus communis) endosperm have a pyruvate kinase activity which is extremely unstable on isolation from the organelle. It can be stabilized by 20 mm 2-mercaptoethanol in 20% ethylene glycol. In contrast the soluble pyruvate kinase is stable at 60 C for 10 minutes. The two activities have different pH optima. The soluble and the proplastid activities are eluted from a diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex A-25 sievorptive column at different ionic strengths.  相似文献   

The subunit structure of rat liver pyruvate kinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amino acid composition for rat liver pyruvate kinase is reported. Thin layer peptide mapping of the tryptic digests yields 44 ninhydrin-reactive peptides, which is one-quarter the total number of lysyl and arginyl residues. No amino-terminal residue has been detected using the dansyl chloride procedure. Acid urea disc gel electrophoresis of the protein subunits yields only one protein band; yet, isoelectric focusing of the subunits in urea yields two protein bands. These results suggest that pyruvate kinase (L-type isozyme) consists of four subunits of similar primary structure, but with sufficient microheterogeniety to be able to resolve two types of subunits upon isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

Leucoplast pyruvate kinase from endosperm of developing castor oil seeds (Ricinus communis L.; cv Baker) has been purified 1370-fold to a specific activity of 41.1 micromoles pyruvate produced per minute per milligram protein. Nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme resulted in a single protein staining band that co-migrated with pyruvate kinase activity. However, following sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide electrophoresis, two major protein staining bands of 57.5 and 44 kilodaltons, which occurred in an approximate 2:1 ratio, respectively, were observed. The native molecular mass was approximately 305 kilodaltons. Rabbit antiserum raised against the final enzyme preparation effectively immunoprecipitated leucoplast pyruvate kinase. The 57.5- and 44-kilodalton polypeptides are immunologically related as both proteins cross-reacted strongly on Western blots probed with the rabbit anti-(developing castor seed endosperm leucoplast pyruvate kinase) immunoglobulin that had been affinity-purified against the 57.5-kilodalton polypeptide. In contrast, pyruvate kinases from the following sources showed no immunological cross-reactivity with the same immunoglobulin: the cytosolic enzyme from developing or germinating castor bean endosperm; chloroplastic pyruvate kinase from expanding leaves of the castor oil plant; chloroplastic or cytosolic pyruvate kinase from the green alga, Selenastrum minutum; and mammalian or bacterial pyruvate kinases.  相似文献   

Liver pyruvate kinase was purified to homogeneity from rats fed a high carbohydrate, low protein diet (LPK-C) and from rats fasted for 84 h (LPK-F). Although the enzymes have similar electrophoretic mobilities in 7% polyacrylamide disc gels, the specific activity of LPK-C was two to three times the value of the specific activity of LPK-F. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of LPK-C yields a single protein band of 56,000 daltons. In contrast, LPK-F yields two bands of protein. Approximately one-third of the LPK-F has an electrophoretic mobility similar to the 56,000-dalton LPK-C peptide. The remaining two-thirds of the LPK-F protein migrates as a 51,000-dalton peptide. Cyanogen bromide was used to cleave LPK-C and LPK-F. Similar peptide patterns were obtained from LPK-C and LPK-F when the cyanogen bromide fragments were resolved by 12% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 7.5 m urea containing 6 mm Triton X-100 and 5% acetic acid. Separation of the two peptides from LPK-F was accomplished by selective immunologie absorption of the 56,000-dalton peptide with anti-LPK-C gammaglobulin immobilized on Sepharose 4B. Tryptic digests of LPK-C, LPK-F and the 51,000-dalton peptide yield similar peptide patterns when analyzed via sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. These results suggest that the 51,000-dalton peptide could be derived by a proteolytic cleavage or limited digestion of the 56,000-dalton subunit. Phosphorylation of LPK-C and LPK-F by [γ-32P]ATP in vitro with cyclic AMP-activated protein kinase results in covalent incorporation of 32P into only the 56,000-dalton subunit. These results suggest that anin vivo proteolytic modification that yields the 51,000-dalton subunit.  相似文献   

In isolated rat hepatocytes, it has previously been reported that a rise in the ATP content induces a proportional increase in cytosolic NAD+ concentration [Devin, A., Guérin, B. & Rigoulet, M. (1997) FEBS Lett. 410, 329-332]. This occurs under physiological conditions such as various substrates or different energetic states. To investigate the effect of a physiological rise in cytosolic [NAD+] per se on glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, an increase in [NAD+] induced by exogenous nicotinamide addition was obtained without a change in redox potential, ATP/ADP ratio and ATP concentration. Using dihydroxyacetone as substrate, we found that an increase in cytosolic [NAD+] decreases gluconeogenesis and enhances glycolysis without significant alteration of dihydroxyacetone consumption rate. These modifications are the consequence of an allosteric activation of pyruvate kinase via cytosolic NAD+ content. Thus, in addition to the well-known thermodynamic control of glycolysis by pyridine-nucleotide redox status, our study points to a new mechanism of glycolytic flux regulation by NAD+ concentration at the level of pyruvate kinase activity.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated phosphatidylinositol kinase (ATP:phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphotransferase, EC was partially purified 93-fold from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Activity was dependent on magnesium ions (10 mM) and the optimum pH was 8.5. The apparent Km values for ATP and phosphatidylinositol were 0.21 mM and 71 microM, respectively. Activity was stimulated by sodium cholate and inhibited by sodium, potassium, lithium, and fluoride ions.  相似文献   

After 5 h of treatment with glucagon, liver L-type pyruvate kinase (ATP: pyruvate 2-0-phosphotransferase; EC showed a significant decrease of K0.5 and the Hill coefficient (nH) in the absence of fructose 1,6-diphosphate. However, in the presence of fructose 1,6-diphosphate, liver enzymes from treated rats showed a slight decrease of K0.5 but nH remained unchanged. In both circumstances, no changes of Vmax were observed after treatment. These changes in the kinetic properties of liver L-type pyruvate kinase are consistent with the dephosphorylation of the enzyme caused by insulin release in response to treatment with glucagon.  相似文献   

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