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A porcine cosmid library was screened with a human MHC class I cDNA. Four positive clones were isolated and mapped with different restriction endonucleases. Altogether nine SLA class I genes were identified and their positions located within restriction maps. Sizes of class I homologous DNA sequences varied between 3600 and 5800bp. The distances between these regions ranged from 11900 to 22200bp.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of an HLA-DP beta 1 gene and part of the adjacent DP alpha 1 gene, up to and including the signal sequence exon, were determined. The sequence of the DP beta 1 gene identified it as the DPw4 allele. The six exons of the DP beta 1 gene spanned over 11,000 bp of sequence. The arrangement of the gene was broadly analogous to genes of other class II beta chains. The beta 1 exon was flanked by introns of over 4 kb. Comparisons with published sequences of cDNA clones indicated that an alternative splice junction, at the 3' end of the gene, is used in at least one allele. Variation in choice of splice junction indicates an additional mechanism for allelic variation in class II genes. The sequence also indicated that the DP beta 1 and DP alpha 1 genes are separated by only 2 kb at their 5' ends. Comparison of the 5' ends of the DP alpha 1 and beta 1 genes with other class II sequences, including the DZ alpha gene, showed conservation of several blocks of sequences thought to be involved in control of expression. Some areas of the introns were partially conserved in the DQ beta gene, and several other intron sequences were homologous to sequences found in other unrelated genes.  相似文献   

T-cell recognition of bovine MHC (BoLA) class II antigens was investigated in relation to BoLA class II polymorphisms defined by one-dimensional isoelectric focusing (1D-IEF). One-way mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLRs), and allospecific cell lines and clones were used. In general, T-cell responses correlated with the 1D-IEF defined haplotypes (EDF types). However, with MLRs some responses appeared to be associated with BoLA class I differences. All combinations of responder-stimulator pairs produced alloreactive T-cell responses both in MLR and in generation of allolines/clones. Thus allospecific lines and clones were generated to all EDF types tested. Splits in the IEF typing were observed with EDF6 and EDF3, indicating that distinct BoLA class II haplotypes are not necessarily distinguished by 1D-IEF alone. Furthermore, the patterns of reactivity with EDF3 expressing cells were complex with the T-cell specificities splitting EDF3 into several distinct types. Also, in some cases it was clear that more than one T-cell specificity per EDF type was detectable. Thus, allospecific lines and clones provide complementary and additional information to the 1D-IEF typing for polymorphism of the BoLA class II complex. This extra information is particularly important in terms of the functional significance of the BoLA complex for antigen presentation and immune response gene effects.  相似文献   

G Erhardt 《Animal genetics》1986,17(4):343-352
Isoelectric focusing with carrier ampholytes in ultrathin polyacrylamide gels and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a discontinuous buffer system were used for the separation of sheep transferrin variants. For identification of the different iron-binding sites of transferrin a stepwise urea gradient, different degrees of iron saturation and double one-dimensional electrophoresis were used. Isoelectric focusing results in an increased resolution of the Fe0-transferrin, Fe1-transferrin and Fe2-transferrin region. At the level of Fe0-transferrin and Fe1-transferrin the variants I, A, G, B, C, D, M, E, Q, P can be identified. The method is especially suitable for genetic studies. For screening purposes up to 108 samples can be separated within one run in an ultrathin gel.  相似文献   

MHC class II molecules are pivotal for the adaptive immune system, because they guide the development and activation of CD4+ T helper cells. Fulfilling these functions requires that the genes encoding MHC class II molecules are transcribed according to a strict cell-type-specific and quantitatively modulated pattern. This complex gene-expression profile is controlled almost exclusively by a single master regulatory factor, which is known as the class II transactivator. As we discuss here, differential activation of the three independent promoters that drive expression of the gene encoding the class II transactivator ultimately determines the exquisitely regulated pattern of MHC class II gene expression.  相似文献   

A lethal graft-vs-host reaction (GVHR) was elicited by the injection into irradiated (700 rad) mice, reconstituted with T-depleted bone marrow cells (BM), of T lymphocytes incompatible for different loci of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The number of T cells needed to kill more than 50% of the recipients by day 40 was about 10(6) for GVHR elicited across the product of the K, D, or E locus, but about 10(5)--10--fold less-when the A locus was involved. The mortality was associated with a medullary aplasia in all strain combinations, but enteropathy was observed only in GVHR elicited by the products of class II, and not class I, loci. Mortality and medullary aplasia were diminished or absent in recipients reconstituted with BM cells from T cell donors instead of cells of the host genotype, which suggests a direct (cytolytic) T-hematopoietic cell interaction. Lymphoproliferation was evident within the host spleen and lymph node 5 days after injection of T lymphocytes incompatible for class II but not class I loci. Spleens from mice suffering from a lethal GVHR were examined by culture in limiting dilution to evaluate the frequency of anti-host T cells and to derive anti-host T cell clones and lines, whose properties were explored. In the GVHR elicited across the A or E region of the MHC, examined between days 7 and 19, a high frequency (10(-2] of anti-host cells was observed. The polyclonal cell lines isolated (16) all displayed MLR responsiveness, antigen-driven IL 2 production, and cytolysis for LPS blasts of the host genotype. However, among 13 clones isolated, two categories were observed: Lyt-2-, which were MLR responders and IL 2 producers (four of 13), and Lyt-2+, which were cytolytic but neither MLR responders nor IL 2 producers (nine of 13). In the GVHR elicited by the K or D region, examined between days 7 and 90, the frequency of anti-host cells was low (10(3) to 10(4], with a tendency to decrease during the progression of the disease. The lines (11) or clones (26) isolated from different mice were all Lyt-2+ and strongly cytolytic but proliferated poorly and produced no IL 2 in MLR. These findings suggest that the Lyt-2+ lymphocytes, recognizing the products of the class I loci, function in vivo without proliferation and without requiring helper T cells. Cell lines specific for class I or class II loci of the MHC produced interferon and colony-stimulating factors.  相似文献   

G. ERHARDT 《Animal genetics》1986,17(2):343-352
Summary. Isoelectric focusing with carrier ampholytes in ultrathin polyacrylamide gels and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a discontinuous buffer system were used for the separation of sheep transferrin variants. For identification of the different iron-binding sites of transferrin a stepwise urea gradient, different degrees of iron saturation and double one-dimensional electrophoresis were used. Isoelectric focusing results in an increased resolution of the Fe0-transferrin, Fe1-transferrin and Fe2-transferrin region. At the level of Fe0-transferrin and Fe1-transferrin the variants I, A, G, B, C, D, M, E, Q, P can be identified. The method is especially suitable for genetic studies. For screening purposes up to 108 samples can be separated within one run in an ultrathin gel.  相似文献   

Urine from persons with elevated excretion of β2-microglobulin was concentrated and the proteins were separated by molecular sieve chromatography and isoelectric focusing in a granulated gel. A preparation of high purity was obtained.  相似文献   

Ia antigens in rats are genetically associated with typical MHC-linked immune response (Ir) genes. One ratIr gene (IR-GLT) has recently been mapped to theRT1.D locus in a rat MHC recombinant, WRC. We have studied the expression of la antigenic determinants in WRC and its parental strains BN and WRA using a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Our results suggest that the inheritance of1R-GLTcorresponds with the inheritance of I-E-like, but not I-A-like, antigens in the WRC rat. These observations were confirmed when WRC I-E-like antigens were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. We propose thatRT1.D shares both functional and antigenic homologies with the mouseI-E subregion.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the domestic cat has been poorly characterized to date, primarily because of numerous difficulties in the preparation of allotypic sera. We present here a comparative analysis of class I and class II genes in domestic cat populations using molecular probes of the MHC from man and mouse. The cat possesses a minimum of 20 class I loci and 5 class II genes per haploid genome. Class I genes of the domestic cat expressed limited restriction fragment length polymorphism. The average percent difference of the size of DNA fragments between individual cats was 9.0 %, a value five times lower than the value for mice, but comparable to the human DNA polymorphism level. Class I and class II genes were both genetically mapped to feline chromosome B2 using a panel of rodent x cat somatic cell hybrids. Since feline chromosome B2 is syntenically homologous to human chromosome 6 and mouse chromosome 17, these results affirm the linkage conservation of the MHC-containing linkage group in the three mammalian orders.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that adult chick hemoglobins exist in four types separable by isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gels instead of the two hemoglobin types previously resolved by other methods. These are hemoglobin A1 (HbA1), hemoglobin A2 (HbA2), hemoglobin D1 (HbD1), and hemoglobin D2(HbD2). Their pI values are 7.53 +/- 0.02, 7.37 +/- 0.02, 6.92 +/- 0.04 and 6.72 +/- 0.05, respectively, constituting about 63, 14, 18 and 5% of the total hemoglobin from adult chick erythrocytes, respectively. HbA1 and HbA2 ar identical in size, as determined on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels and similar in their amino acid composition and tryptic peptides. The molecular weight and amino acid composition of HbD1 and HbD2 are also identical although there are differences in their tryptic peptides. Experiments were done to show that the existence of four hemoglobin types is not due to genetic heterogeneity of the experimental animal, nor to artifacts of oxidation of carboxyhemoglobin to methemoglobin tetramers. Care was exercised to eliminate deamination and modification of side chain amino groups by using freshly prepared hemolysates and to minimize the "plateau phenomenon" peculiar to isoelectric focusing by controlling the duration of electrophoresis. The use of cyanmet form of (thus liganded) hemoglobin in this study reduced the chance of heterotetramer formation. Furthermore, consideration was given to possible anomalies caused by ampholytes. In the face of negative evidence for artifacts, it is concluded that adult chicken has more than the two hemoglobin types previously reported.  相似文献   

Modulation of gene expression by the MHC class II transactivator   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The class II transactivator (CIITA) is a master regulator of MHC class II expression. CIITA also modulates the expression of MHC class I genes, suggesting that it may have a more global role in gene expression. To determine whether CIITA regulates genes other than the MHC class II and I family, DNA microarray analysis was used to compare the expression profiles of the CIITA expressing B cell line Raji and its CIITA-negative counterpart RJ2.2.5. The comparison identified a wide variety of genes whose expression was modulated by CIITA. Real time RT-PCR from Raji, RJ2.2.5, an RJ2.2.5 cell line complemented with CIITA, was performed to confirm the results and to further identify CIITA-regulated genes. CIITA-regulated genes were found to have diverse functions, which could impact Ag processing, signaling, and proliferation. Of note was the identification of a set of genes localized to chromosome 1p34-35. The global modulation of genes in a local region suggests that this region may share some regulatory control with the MHC.  相似文献   

The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are amongst the most variable in vertebrates and represent some of the best candidates to study processes of adaptive evolution. However, despite the number of studies available, most of the information on the structure and function of these genes come from studies in mammals and birds in which the MHC class I and II genes are tightly linked and class II alpha exhibits low variability in many cases. Teleost fishes are among the most primitive vertebrates with MHC and represent good organisms for the study of MHC evolution because their class I and class II loci are not physically linked, allowing for independent evolution of both classes of genes. We have compared the diversity and molecular mechanisms of evolution of classical MH class II α and class II β loci in farm populations of three salmonid species: Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo salar. We found single classical class II loci and high polymorphism at both class II α and β genes in the three species. Mechanisms of evolution were common for both class II genes, with recombination and point mutation involved in generating diversity and positive selection acting on the peptide-binding residues. These results suggest that the maintenance of variability at the class IIα gene could be a mechanism to increase diversity in the MHC class II in salmonids in order to compensate for the expression of one single classical locus and to respond to a wider array of parasites.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) genes are only constitutively expressed in certain immune response cells such as B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and other antigen presenting cells. This cell specific expression pattern and the presence of conserved regions such as the X-, X2-, Y-, and W-boxes make the MHCII promoters especially interesting as vector constructs. We tested whether the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) MHCII promoters can function in cell lines from other organisms. We found that the salmon MHCII alpha and MHCII beta promoters could drive expression of a LacZ reporter gene in adherent lymphoblast cell lines from dog (DH82) and rabbit (HybL-L). This paper shows that the promoters of Atlantic salmon MHCII alpha and beta genes can function in mammalian cell lines.  相似文献   

We have isolated major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II beta loci from the little greenbul (Andropadus virens), an African songbird. We utilized preexisting information about conserved regions of the avian MHC to design primers to amplify a pool of sequences representing multiple loci. From this pool, a unique locus spanning 1109 bp that we designate as Anvi-DAB1 was cloned and sequenced. We designed locus-specific primers based on this sequence information and amplified six alleles from seven individuals. Compared to other A. virens MHC sequences obtained from genomic DNA or cDNA, the variability of sequences from Anvi-DAB1 was low and the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution was much less than one, suggesting that Anvi-DAB1 may either be a pseudogene or a nonclassical MHC locus. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Anvi-DAB1 locus was highly divergent when compared with other passerine or A. virens genomic or transcribed MHC sequences. The use of conserved MHC primers followed by analysis of cloned sequences allows rapid isolation of MHC loci from exotic species and avoids laborious large-scale cloning and sequencing.  相似文献   

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